The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 20, 1928, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MONDAY, FEB. 20, 192S.
Wot plattsmouth journal
Lr4 at PMtoClc. Plattamouth. Neb., a coal-claa mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Self love is the only kind that is
without a rival.
Gossip is a deadly gas that if often
Iatal to friendship.
Laziness is the one thins that
knock's pencil, has no point to it.
It's awfully hard for a nif -ss ligfr
boy to pet the run of his business.
It looks as if it were going to he
the worst year yet for the horse-fly.
Who is Governor McMuIlen for
Lowden, Norris, or in reality for
No man has to serve an apprentice
fhip in order to learn how to make
The farmers are still wearing a
broad grin over the prospect of a big
wheat crop.
The trouble with declaration of
many candidates these days is that
they are wringing wet.
How do you suppose the pionefrs
ever managed to blaze a trail through
all these hot dog strands?
Insanity is getting to be an
popular defense for murder, so far as
good citizens are concerned.
The house's idea of tariff legisla
tion should suggest to the senate the
futility of adopting revsolutions.
The statue of Liberty in New York
harbor is to have its first bath. After
42 years, even a statue deserves a
French savants foresee
the moon possible in three and
;ree and a
half hours
11 r u i jiiuri jiui ie win ii-
That girl who is going to marry
the man she shot in Paris last fall, it
sems to us, got the cart before the
Colonel Stewart, the oil man,
started life as a poor reporter, .says
a headline. Children, correct that
The author who says nature pro
vides weapons only for animals that
face the enemy doesn't know much
about mules.
The moon is out nearly every night
now, and we all could be enjoying
bobsled parties if we had some snow
and some sleds.
A new German ocean liner car
ries a plane to take passengers on
rides during cruises. The dream of
every doughboy who went to France
is now realized you can get off the
U V rrns.
-ii -.eV I
3 i JH
first in the Dough -7Aei in the Oven
tn using
AV flelMfPPP
Also Finer Texture and Larqsr
Volume in Your Bakings. Use
less than of higher priced brands
Sanae PWce for Over 31 Years
25 ounces for 25$
I Millions of Pounds Used By Our Government
to be ciitic;!
Submarine slogan: Join the Navy
and p"e tit' next world.
: o : -.
Why duisii't that de on 1 ri I for
sheep-killing plead hydrophobia?
: o :
For yule: A piano in good con
dition, f;ir particulars phone 174.
You do.i't to be Mi phisto in
"Faust" to phty the devil as a sing'.
: o :
Iloover i-. st-pping on Willis toes
in Ohio, and lie is .--cored by Willis
: o :
And when it comes to ".nomencla
ture, what lias tiie Pullman car on
the chorus girl?
Indianapolis has ousted another
mayor. Did you notice what corn
was sellir.a: at jvrterday?
: o :
c never -ml !::hi emt what a
bootlegger has to do to get convicted
of something in Ci::ci::uati.
: o
Everybody Charley Bryan
made a s:tf- and s;ud gowrnor. and
:f nominated can be ele cteu.
: o :
Most of us are earning to b--'li ve
un-Mjiat the-sc killers are sane and th;
it's the juries which are crazy.
: o :
American women spent ?S7.00'
000 on cos::iitic- last yar. Th ir
faces are somebody's fortune.
: o :
The uiiy is censing win!) th- world
will b tx;hh-i' Siivs a sci' nti".
.-bbe he has n studying hi v.-.
: o :
Marin" officers believe Saldino's
officers have fled to Hondu ri'S. It
i - , i ... : 1 1 .... ,
I can i ite a in i
-:o :-
A fish that walks has been dis
covered in Montana. Probably he
never has been to an automobile
Judging from the acrimony dis
played at the hearings on th- Uculd-r
Dam bill, the next big war will be
fought in the vicinity of tin Colo
rado river.
Pome G. O.
P. 1-
s thir.i: it
s- th -is
to disc".:?:
might be good p
iff as the 192S isi!-. t
the r.ectsriy ei" havin
an-" thing that
.itiybnd y understands.
: o :
The rfce between the present ir
cumbent and Attorney General Spill
man for I". S. Sein tor, will be a hot
one. Spiilman is a hustb'r. and he
will give Howell the race ot his life.
: o :
We hep Congressman Mor- head
will reeon--i:er hi declaration for a
ye-nomination for the pe.sition he is
so well fitted. He is actually the
most pr-pular for the place in the
first district.
-a Fe i - ;-.- i'-e-'
It is much easier
than to be correct.
: o :
Mussolini has sent over a 'min-l
Ister to Chicago." Well, something;
had to bo done about that town.
I Tlie deaf New Jersey minister who
disappeared took along the family
bank roll of ?1"0. Deaf, but not
A i-ios Ange les man reports he was
bitten by a zebra. We thought Mr.
Volstead had chased all those beasts
Does anyone down in Ohio happen
to have a carbon copy around of
Senator Willis' call to the presi
dency? :o:
Hon. John II. Morehead is not
pleased at all with the primary laws.
And there are hundreds of others in
the same box.
People used to think the world
was flat. Then it was found to be
round. Put it's still just a little
crooked in spots.
We were a little fearful when
Lindbergh ftartd this Southern
flight, but we guess his Paris trip
played out the poets.
An Ohio bank embezzler said he
had to have the finest radio on the
maiki-t. The radio simply is going
to ruin lots of people.
The college freshman who thought
Lindbergh was a Swedish prime min
ister isn't in the wrong place to get
whet he r.eed.s anyway.
The Enclish may be plow, but
they are profound in discernment.
The London Graphic says Mayor Dig
U ill Thompson is a fool.
Scientists claim that man's cycle of
l:f- will so.-.n be increased to 100
yea's, which will be a great boon to
tlv installment fiusincss.
:o:,. tax blanks compel a citi
zen to writ as small as possible
while setting down the largest re
turns that can be called for.
: o :
M.!ud Il.'ycUn reports finding in
Am' rica "hunger for things of the
.pirit." Sometimes we wonder
whether it's hunger or thirst.
: o :
The ivxt United States Senator
from Nebraska shot; Id be a democrat
and can be if the democrats nomin
ate sn. h a mar. as John II. Morehead.
We welcome Charlej Graves to
Plattsmouth as a citizen and attor
ney- I'-1 i- an attorney, we nave j
known him for at leat twentv-fivei
y ars an-'i tesr.e;k tor him success i
i:i business! Shake Charley.
: o :
( 1
Rob i t W. Stewart of Standard
Indiana tie ties the Senate and
Oi ' !
tah.s i
uge in the sam old, long-
Irawii lejral course te make that de
fiance stick. Once more we have the
i'.K : 1 ion : Who is bigger., the Gov
ernment of the United States or the
oil bn rents?
Col. Stewart chose not to tell the
Senate what In- knew about the dis
position ot Laberty Bonds bought
with the profits of the Continental.10 see now SUCI1 u s'(itl j-
Trading C. .. the ilk-itimate concern I could h( approved at a ses.ion ot
that has figured in the Teapot Dome Congress which, at the same time.jn
case. That is just what the Senate p"m,d do anytn"S 1pss than rrovide
hrd empowered its committee to find
out. so the :.-.sue is cle-arly drawn.
If the Senate cannot gather infor
mation upon which tc shape its
course, it cannot function. Stew
art has said in effect, as Harry Sin
clair said in an earlier investigation
and as Mr. Insull said for a time,
that the representatives of the peo
ple have no right to know what has
been done affecting the public and
the public's business.
To be sure. Col. Sewart puts it on
a little different ground. He said
he has been summoned in the next
Fall-Sinclair conspiracy case and he
wants to tell his story there. He
thinks that is fairer. Well, who is
Col. Stewart, anyway, that he is to
choose the time and the place when
raid where he -will tell what he
knows? Have our oil barons waxed
so powerful as all that?
Nearly all trades are participating
in the boom in Germany. Apparent
ly that country is fast recovering the
foreign markets it lost during the
year, and is giving stiff competition
to England. Italy and France, es
pecially in textile products. Nearly
all the German rayon mills are run-iis keP constantly busy because mo
iling at caDaeitv. Thev ar .-itri to torists reco?nize it as the best and
be sold up ahead for some months most reliable repair shop for every examine all claims against said es
up aneaci tor some nuntlis.i A-mtt. Cft, cn wo-.iH' I tate. with a view to their adjustment
German rayon is offering competi-1 kmd . damage a car can possibly. The time limited for
tion to the domestic products here in
the United States. It is understood
that the Paterson. N. J., silk trade is
taking considerable German rayon
for silK mixtures and for all-rayon
goods manufactured on silk looms.
Producers of summer silks and cot-
ton are using more rayon than pre-
7 . A. -
Always Stiff and
Too Often This Warns of
Sluggish Kidney Action.
LAME? Stiff? Achy? Sure your
kidnrys are working right? Slug
gish kidneys allow wa.?t2 poisons to
remain in the blood and make one
languid, tired and ac;iy, with often
dull headaches, dizziness and nagging
backache. A common warning is
scanty or burning secretions.
Doan's Pills, a stimulant diuretic,
increase the secretion oi the !:idneys
and thus aid in the c!:r:rialkn of
bodily waste. User3 everywhere en
dorse Doan's. Asli your'.sar!
Iustcr-Mi'.burn Co. Mfg Chem.Buflalo.NY
If Secretary Wilbur of the navy is
supported in his proposal that the
nation spend $725.00V 'iy in a war
ship construction program, our coun
try will before long ha v.- a navy liv
ing up to the terms of the
ratio set by the Washington confer
ence. The above amount would permit
the construction of twer.ty-five 10,-
000-ton cruisers, five
tiers, nine destroyer
thirty-two submarines,
of an enlarged navy ha
of President Coolidge.
Great Britain will ol
aircralt car -
1 :-.'!, i s, and
Tite program
the approval
ft and show
resentment if such a progran
e' li
acted. She knows that in an arma
ment race fche could ea.-.!ly he dis
tanced by this country. We have the
money to btfll'l. She could follow
our pace only by overcoming strenu
ous objections from hjr liberal and
labor parties, and by taxing hr
treasury to the utmost.
Yet it is England's fault that the
larger American navy is deemed nec
essary at this time. England re
fused to meet half way the America!:
plan for tonnage-reduction presented
at the Geneva conference. She pre
ferred to follow a course of clipl '
latic negotiation in the hope that
adept statesmanship would hold t.U
!,.- niM-i r.ii-!..if - . I-;----
new developments aiiecting her .sup-
i,m-,w nf ti.w o..n.-
Tlie U-m:irilw of tti- A tr.e-rican
delegation at Geneva were reas.on-
able, and England was in -rror in
net contenanemg them. T hat sne
should he made t
by seeing the- An
pay for her f n or
"icau ravy maik
edlv increased, in unfortunate frc-m t
Cue standpoint of world disarmament,
but so far as England is concerne-d, !
she is getting no more than is Per
due. '
However, Secretary Wilbur's pro-
gram will probably be cut bj- Con -
cress. For one thing, it is difficult
full Federal payment of the costs ot
Mississippi valley flood control. !.?.
If the national government can.J
! afford a much enlarge d navy, it c :n
I n fT.-vrl in nrrfw-l tile lntt'er V.'llleV
from the rushing armies tf overfiow.
Dartmouth stud'-rts wno cnmtx u
a mountain and had their froz
en probably were only fiyfng te
make the poker term.
j;gjA!gjA';GjEi M
Our Repair
'8astaxn. -ana, oeing uracucai men ui,fne presentation of claims against
ln varied experience, all OUT said estate is three months from the
repair work is excellently and thor-.nd day of March. A. D. 19 2 s. and
OUghly done, without unnecessary oTT davof
lay and at reasonable Charge. March, 192S.
m j r Witness my hard and the seal of
rraQV S 2T3. Cour'ty Curt this 24tL (lay oi
J j January. 19. . DUXBURY,
J Phone 55 j(Seal) j30-4w County Judge.
Dr. Nicholas Murray
s own notion of who
Butler has
IS the most.
iirpoTwiu M,ii.nci oi i:.e j,,,h. ,..
philosophy of Thomas Jefferson just
at piestnt. Well, is it Heed, Smith
or Ritchie? Marvelously, it happens
to be none of this triumvirate, but
(Calvin Coolidge. He merits the dis
tinction,' says Dr. Butler, because he
has lauded self-government and op
posed putting the Federal Govern
ment into new fields.
A Jefi'ersonian, then, in Dr. But
ler's opinion, is just a standpatter.
He is a negative force. He js in favor
of things as they are. Admitting
the soundness of such a (b finition,
the President, to be sur, qualifies
in all respe- tK. Bit is the d finition
valid? Isn't if just possible that a
.T ffersonian can be a positive force
it" restoring government to the
i ::L;MMied by the saae of
T.Tot: .: !b. ;:s v.- II well a-- a io rra-
jt,V" f in preventing those tun
' da mentals from being further dis
j M'uard' :!-.'
I We think so. And we think an
jexcelh-nf way to test the Jeffersonian
faith of a? ybody would be to exam
ine their stand toward the thing
which, has admitt'dl- cinistd more
disregard ot Jefferson.? tenets than
, anything else, namijy prohibition.
lt has caused th-- Bill of Rights to
j be kr.ot ked into a cocked h;it daily,
(and it hn made Ferb rt.Iism an inti
! mate and highlv expensive- curse. A
good ,.':!it-r(.nia!i. tl; ere tore, couin
have only one opinion ef what ought
to be done about prohibition.
Judged by this test, how docs the
President rn r.k as a J-fforsrmiai: ?
j Alas: But if. em the other hand.
we v. e j e a?l:ed te n n-e some one in
the T're sidetit- own ,a-tv who miali-
fi,... aP ;. ji;!-v'e
I .Ief;', rso;:i;-. ;i laith.
-vote- of the
sl:oi:ld have
t t.ane Dr.
no tre-til !-. Wo
Butler himself.
Tlie quick, sure
d ja-t ve rdict to re-ec-
ion the Hickman c;r-
tahlish eor.flleiiCe in ou r judicial
These v.i,
"U , Ve
the press e-f the rnitej state
fail to Irive notic-d the iv.-.Tior.-wid'-
attacks upon the dir'ne :--.-1 use ef
the- insanity pb a. r.p-"i ?T,e- paid
aietiist and upon th- whule habit
of pleading mental upset an ex
cuse for ciime. Had the j;:ry l:eht
Hickman insane, it N difficu'.l u
imagine h,w t-sr the tt . .-1 would
i -icv ?or:"- C;-''--
-i.iwt liare eie;i, ur.. s e.i sori 'y. t ...iii r-
v i; i ( l'ro'':'' ' s--'u s-rvice
s bv li' r conrT--. Ja-i' ;j was w 11
1 serv. (.
Tort my
Riv. -s. Wi-.. rs
Wal.-:h. who s, a b-.v of jr..
' tl.i home town's street lamps.
Rive;--, X. ?,!. ft remember
s tlie S rat or who ljght'-d the
on Dome.
' him
j 4
: i
Am booking sales for this
fall and winter. Service
guaranteed. For dates and
rates phone at my expense.
Telephone No. 6
t ; ; . . . .
i l ..on. e is ii: yi nv ivcn inai uiiuer
! ar. .! by virtu" of a ware house man's
(lie:, low due- H. H. Pecker for stor
' t. sv or. r i-e Ford Tv.o Door Sedan.
Motor No. 1 (!.7.':tl.r.2.". at the rate of
Fiv( ( ) Dollars p..-r month from the
19th day of November, l!;2(i. to the
19th day i f January. 192S. and on
v, hu h there is due $70.00, the
undersigned will sell said automobile
on the 2.".th day of February, 192S,
at ten o' lo k in the forenoon at the
Becker Garage in Union, Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, to satisfy said lien.
Said sale will be by auction to the
highest bidder for cash.
Dated this 9th day of February,
Lien holder.
The State of Nebraska, Ca?s coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the Matter of the Estate of Earl
R. Travis, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I
will sit at the County Court Room in
Plattsmouth. in said county, on the
2nd day of March. 192, and on the
4th day of June, 1928. at ten o'clock
a. m., of each day, to receive and
; Section 82.C9 of the Complied Sta-
fi,i..,. , r v,.i.....ti-., .
'""-'" iiuiimrn.
TIi;T re'-Mt rn 1 iiiTi r,ii rtnpu'nU 1r!
! I in.,11 n t on February 1st. each year
except in c ounties having a popula-j
tion of over S0,ooo in which regis-1
tration is delinquent March 1st. In
view of the section quoted above the'
owner of a car can transfer owner
ship of same to a dealer on n 1927
certificate until February 1st after
which he will be required to register
for 192S and transfer ownership on
the reverse side of his 1928 certificate
of registration attached to a properly
notaried transfer form. A car cannot
be transferred to a dealer or individ
ual on a delinquent certificate ef
Cass Co. Treasurer.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Urban 1'. Rcuse, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified that I will
sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth, in said county, on the
ICth day of March, 192S. and on
the- ISth day of June, 1928, at 10
o'clock a. m. of each day, to receive
and examine all claims against said
estate, with a view to their adjust
ment and allowance. The time lim
ited for the presentation of claims
against said estate is three months
Trom th ICth day of March. A. D.
192S. and the time limited for pay
ment of debts is one year from said
ICth day of March. 192S.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 10th day of
Februarv, 192S.
fSeal) fl.3-4w County Judge.
The State of Nebraska. Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Isaac
S. Hall, deceased.
Tc the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I
will sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth. in said county, on the
9th day of March, 1928, and on the
11th day of June. 1928, at 10 o'clor-k
a. m. of each day to receive and ex
amine all claims against said estate,
with a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The time limited for the
presentation of claims against said
estate is three months from the 9th
day of March. A. D. 192S, and the
time limited for payment of debts is
one year from said 9th day of
March. 192S.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court this 3rd day of
Februarv, i92S.
(Seal) ftl-4w County Judge.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
C'org" D. Pearson, dec-eased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are here-by notified, that I
v-il! sit at the County Court room in
'Matismoulh, in said county, cn the
!Cth day of March. 192S. and on the
ISth day of June. 192S. at 10 o'clock
a. m.. of each day, to receive and
examine -all claims against said es
tate, with a view to their adjustment
and allowance. The time limited for
the presentation of claims against
said estate is three months from the
16th day of March, A. D. 1928. and
the time limited for payment of debts
is one year from said 16th day of
March, 192S.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court this 10th day of
February, 1928.
.(Seal) fl3-4w County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska
Matt H- Petersen.
George Reichart et al, I
To the defendants, the heirs, de
visees, legatees, and personal repre
sentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estates of Martin
Reichart. deceased, and of Mrs.
Abram Edwards, deceased, real names
unknown, Mrs. Abram Edwards, real
name unknown. Catherine Reichart
and all persons having or claiming
any interest in the NW4 of Section
.., lownsnip iiange r.asi oi
the Gth P. M., Cass County. Nebraska,
except that part taken and used by
the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy
Railroad Company for right of way,
real names unknown.
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 11th day of Feb
ruary, 192S, the plaintiff filed suit in
the District Court of Cass County, Ne
braska, the object and purpose of
which is to establish, quiet and con
firm the plaintiff's title in and to the
above described land, and to enjoin
each and all of you from having or
claiming to have any right, title,
estate, lien or interest, either legal
or equitable in or to said real estate
or any part thereof, and to enjoin you
and each of you from in any manner
interfering with plaintiff's posses
sion or enjoyment of said premises,
and for equitable relief.
This notice is given pursuant to
an order of the court.
You are hereby required to answer
said Petition on or before Monday
March 2C, 1928, and falling so to do,
your default will be entered and i
judgment taken upon the plaintiff's
By A. L. TIDD,
His Attorney fl3-4wj
on T'etition for Appointment of
Tim Clintn rT ',.l,ritli f'.'i--
' ty. ss.
In the County Court,
In the matter of the Estate of
Frederick Jaeob Fornoff. iIc--aed.
On reading and filing the petition
ef Veronica Fornoff. praying that ad
ministration of said estate may be
granteel to Philip Thieroir, as Ad
ministrator; Ordered, that March 5th. A. I).
1!2S, at ten o'clock a. m is assigned
for hearing said jie-titieui. when all
persons interested in said matte r may
appear at a County Court i be held
in and for said county, find show
e-ause why the prayer of the petition
er should not be gran led; and that
notice of the pe-nde-my of said peti
tion and the hearing thereof be giv
en to all persons interested in said
matter by publishing a copy if this
order in the Phi t tsmout h Journal, u
semi-weekly newspaper printed in
said county, for thre e sur essi ,
wee-ks prior to said day if he-aring.
Daied February H'th. 192V
(Seal) fl3-Uv County Judge.
on Petition for Appointment of
The State of Nebraska. Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
William Gilmour. deceased.
On reading and filing the petition
of James Gilmour praying that ad
ministration of said estate may be
granted to James Gilmour and Sam
uel T. Gilmour, as Administrators;
Ordered, that March 2nd. A. D.
1928, at ten o'clock a. m., is assign
ed for hearing said petition, when
all persons interested in said matter
may appear at a County Court to be
held in and for said county, and
show cause why the prayer of peti
tioner should not be granted; and
that notice of the pendency of said
petition and the hearing thereof lie
given to all persons interested in
said matter, by publishing a copy of
this order in the Plattsmouth Jour
nal, a semi-weekly newspaper print
ed in said county fcr three sue
ive weeks prior to said day of hear
ing. Dated February 3. 1928.
(Seal) f6-3w County Judge.
Please take notice that unless your
personal taxs are paid during the
month of February, 192. Distres"
Warrants will be issued as provider,
in Section 60lo Complied Statutes of
Nebraska, which provide.-:
Unless same is p lid by Febru
ary 1st, Distress Warrants will
be issued therefor. Tlie treas
urer shall, on and after tlie f;t-t
day of February next after the
personal taxes for the last pre
ceding year have become delin
quent, collect the same toto-tlor
with interest and costs of col
lection, by distress warrants at. 1
sale of personal property belong
ing to the person against whom
levied in the manner provided by
Ievied in the manner provided
personal property an evecu'hui.
Distress Warrant- shall be issued
against all persons having de
linquent personal tax for each
year, and each such warrant
shall include all delinquent per
sonal taxes of the person against
whom issued.
The issuing of Distress Warrant?
for delinquent personal taxes is not
optional with the county treasurer
but is mandatory. It is the purpose
of this notice to thus furnish the
proper Information as to what our
statutes provide.
Cass Co. Treasure-.
To Wellman Arthur, non-resident
Notice is hereby given that en
January 18. 1D28, Occidental Build
ing and Loan Association of Omaha.
Nebraska, plaintiff, filed its petition
and commenced an action in the Dis
trict Court of Cass county, Nebraska.
against the above named defendant,
impleaded with others, defendants in
said action, the object and prayer of
which is to foreclose a certain 1450.00
mortgage upon Lot 6. Block 22, in
the Original Town of Elm wood, as
surveyed, platted and recorded in
Cass county. Nebraska, together with
all the apurtenances thereunto be
longing, which was executed arid
dated August 7, 1925. by John E. Sa
ville and Liilie M. Saville, his wife, as
mortgagors, to said Occidental Buil.i-
ing and Loan Association as mortga
gee, filed for record August lo, 1925,
in the office of the Register of Deeds
in and for Cass county, Nebraska,
and recorded in Book 55 of Mort
gages at page 175, to secure payment
of said promissory note dated August
7, 1925, and indebtedness clue said
Association, and plaintiff alleges that
there is now due plaintiff on said note
and indebtedness the sum of J4C1..11,
with interest thereon from January
18, 1928. at the rate of ten per cent
per annum, and plaintiff prays that
in default of payment of the amount
found due plaintiff on the note and
indebtedness secured by said mort
gage, that said premises may be sold
according to law to satisfy the same
and that said defendants and al! per
sons claiming by, through and
them, or any of them, be excluded
from and foreclosed of all interest,
rights, titles, liens and equity of re
demption in, to and upon said mort
gaged premises.
You and each of you are required
to answer Baid petition on or before
the 27th day of February. 192.
of Omaha, NefrrSfku,
Its Attorney.