THURSDAY, DSC. 1, 1927. THE TIIIRD TEEM ISSUE TZhe piattsmoutb 3ourrssil PUBLISHED SEMT-WEEKLY AT PLATTKEOUTII, EEEEASEA trd at PoatoSlc. Plttmouth. Nb. mm ood-cla mall matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SHBSCXIPTIQS PRICE $2.00 Act on your own lights, borrow too much. Don't Do not expect favors if your na ture is such none are given. -:o: A Japan-Australian Society has JuBt been organized at Tokyo. :o: Suburban railroads of Sydney, Australia, are to be electrified. :o: It is well to get ahead, but don't ' unfairly push others out of place. :o: It is well to repent of mistakes, but in doing so, don't repeat them. :o: Taxing at the source is a better collector than voluntary tax payers. :o: Courtesy Is not taught as might be. Self culture is the teacher usual ly. :o: This is the kind of weather when t the finest Eight in the world is a load of coal. :o: The state treasury is manfully re sponding to all demands, and is full j of fortitude. :o: The average man likes to point j to the good traits In his children , as a heritage from himself. :o: I It Is easier for a person to bear , all the misfortunes of his neighbor , than one single one of his own. j -:o: Coolidge ought to be a good whit-j tier, all right. Ask anybody in Wash- ( ington who ever tried to get a bud- get across. -tot- "New Tomb Found in Egypt" J headline. That Is the first report we ever heard of anything new being found In Egypt. -:o: in The dictator in this country is At a banker's convention at Hous bureaucracy. It's growth continues, ton, Texas, 4,000 delegates discussed with centralization ever increasing politics with as much vim as they Its grip on all In sight. :o:- General Gomez had a large funeral ; at which thousands marched. The Mexican government showed its lib erality by not interfering. :o:- The measure of success has no le- gal standard. It can be made as desire to go as a delegate to tie :ia small or as large as may be desired, tional party convention. Anyhow, it Everyone is his own judge. :o: If you hear strange noise3 now. large and small, don't get excited too quick. There is a lot of boom ing of presidential candidates. Emanuel Quezon, president of the ( The work of rearranging the tax Philippine senate, is in this country ation system of California is to be desirous of securing a definite ruling conducted by a commission made up as fo' our policy in the islands. There of some of the best minds of the will be no trouble in finding out that state. The work will require a cou we are going to get out Just right pie of years and there is no interim away. nonsense about it. Another Carload of Purina Feed Now Rolling! Unloading at Murray about Friday and Saturday this Pig how 011 By taking your feeding requirements off the car you can get a substantial reduction in price. W. IF. KFOLTS, Plattsmouth Phone 3614 Mynard FEB YEAR EN ADVANCE Fretting weakness. is but a confession of :o:- Unkind words leave stings much worse than bees and wasps. -rot- The one who fails honestly trying deserves pity and not criticism. : o : Telephone messages are replacing telegrams in popularity in England. :nr The man who is driven to desper ation usually assists in the driving. :o:- Ready-made suits may be bought for $S.OO in the Netherlands this season. :o: Young people of the netherlands are taking to American styles of clothing. :o: Prohibition agents say that Christ mas liquor will be worse than it was last year. It couldn't be. -:o:- "When a man gives his satauical majesty his due, it is usually at the expense of his other creditors. :or Everybody is crazy to see the new Ford. In a year everybody will be crazy to find a road where there aren't any. ;o: Thrift is judicious spending from one's earnings. Thrift does not mean parsimony, but intelligent use of the buying power. The only consolation we poor folks get out of the unconscionable sums paid to prize folks is that the pugs won't have it long. :o: French wine makers are reported advancing prices and thus aidine prohibition. If grain growers would follow maybe another step. : did banking. It is in the air. I :o: Reports state that state authorities are after tax dodgers. These should blow the bugle as to law enforce ment. This ought to fetch tr.i -:o:- One must have a puil if he 3.,.i 'looks as if things were being fixed. :o: It is reported the book of Lind bergh is a good seller, and that h has already received $95,000 in roy alties. He has certainly earned it all. -: o : - week. horj hickesi howde I? Nebraska TTVVV VVVT7 VW p. The set that you've been vaitingfor The New RCA Radiola 16 $69.50 A compact, attractive and stur Jy set that is amazingly sensitive and selective. Its unparalleled performance will be a revela tion to you. Hear it vi:h the new RCA Loudspeaker 100 A. You'll be surprised: Let us Jtm- Gamer Electric Co. Plattsmouth, Ncbr. TTTV77TVTTTVVT A JOB FOX THEODORE Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., announc es that the election in New York was not an Al Smith victory. The voters passed enthusiastically the eight amendments which Al fuvored .and they defeated by 400.000 the one which he opposed. But Theodore Jr., is, nevertheless, able to figure that it was not an Al Smith victory. The boy grows more wonderful as time passes. Some years ago he fig ured that the war whose end we celebrate today was won exclusively Republicans, so that Armistice day should by rights be a strictly Repub lican holiday. That was marvelous, but figuring that Al Smith's didn't win is even more so. Such talent should not be permit ted to go unused. Give young Theo dore a pad, a pencil and 13 minutes and he will figure for you how the British lost the battles of WaTerloo md Trafalgar, how the Indian Se poys won and the Spanish Armada was completely successful. To such o rmn it lTi'iV-I r t.!cr frt yirnvo t h n T Long Isiand and Elaclensburg were :rreat American victories. apparently do nrt even annoy, much 'ess obstruct him. Teddy Jr.. is wasted in New York politics, but there i a great task waiting for him elsewhere. He i. obviously the very m:T. to write "Big Bill" Thompson's history of the United States. :o: SUCK IS FAME A story and it's a good one, too i s going the rounds to the effect that a few years ago Harvey S. Fire stone, Henry Ford, Thomas A. EJi son and John Burroughs were tour ing through West Virginia. A light on their car went bad and they stop- ped at a little crossroads store in the Buckingham section. Mr. Ford went into the store to ninke the purchase. "What kind of automobile glibes io you have?" " A lison," replied the merchant. "I'll take one." said Ford, "and ycu may be interested to know that Mr. Edison is out in my car." "So?" said the merchant. When the light was put in it wns found that a new tire was needed, so Ford went back to the store and asked what kind of tires the mer chant had. "Firestone," was the reply. "By the way, you may be interest ed to know that Mr. Firestone is out in my car, and that I am Mr. Ford Henry Ford." "So?" said the merchant, and let drive a long squirt of tobacco against the wall. While the merchant was putting on the tire, Burrough, who had white whiskers, leaned out of the car and said. "Good morning, sir." The merchant looked up at him with a grin of sarcasm, and said "If you try to tell me that you are Santa Claus, I'll be damned if I don't crown you with this wrench." :o: The next Pan-American confer- ence convenes at Havana in Janu ary. The United States will be rep resented by a strong delegation, with possibly Charles Evans Hughs at the Eead. -:o:- FOR SALE 4 fi A number of Duroc bores. Philip W. Kinzie, Trustee, Box 558, Ster Hirz, Plattsmouth. n28-2tw ling, Colorado. At the time President Coolidge made his announcement that he did "not choose to run in 192S," plans were in preparation for a revival of the fight against a third term in the presidency. While many were skep tical as to the President's sincerity, and assumed that he was merely re sorting to a politician's trick, the statement was generally accepted as an hontest expression of a fixed de termination. When Senator Fess be gan his meanderings about the coun try insisting that the President would run despite his statement to the contrary, the skeptics multiplied; and when the President was reported to have rebuked the Senator some of these became believers again but not all. Now comes the report that with the President out of the race there will be a serious difficulty because of the conflicting aspirations of Charles Evans Hughes of New York and Mr. Hoover of California and Europe, and that the President must be drafted. Meanwhile the prospective candi dates are manifesting a strange tim idity about their own intentions; and the impression is now prevalent that the President is a candidate and will be a candidate when the convention mets. If he means that he was supposed to have said in his Black Hills state ment he can easily put the skeptics to rout by using such plain, blunt speech as that of Mr. McAdoo when he took himself out of the race for the Democratic nomination. A few words can do that effectively and finally: "I am not a candidate and will not accept the nomination if of fered." In the absence of any such state ment, the time has come for further discussions of the third-term idea. In 1S75. as near the convention of 1S76 as we are now to that of 1928, President Grant was occupying the same mysterious position as that of President Coolidge today. Men then, as now, were insisting that he should be nominated for a third term, and, if necessary, drafted. Many of his movement indicated a design upon the nomination . Other men with ambitions were holding back await- ii. definite announcement from Mr. Grar.t. This was not forthcom ing. It was charged at the time that the plan of the President and his sup porters was to permit things to drift in the hope that in this way public sentiment would not be stirred by discussions of the two-term tradi- 1 11011 i Tlell was thut a resolution was introduced in Congress setting forth for i'a.tslthe two-term tradition and it'3 wi3- dom. It was adopted by an over whelming majority, albeit James G. Eiain then one of the hopeful, dodged the cloakroom to escape the roll call; and Grant's angry com ment that Blrine was "in no one's wi:y" rather justified the resolution. The time? for the public to soberly reflect upon the significance of break ing the tradition of Washington. Jefferson, Madison and Jackson is now; not afier the convention. The resolution adopted to meet the case of Grant should be presented pre cisely as it was passed in 1875 for the action of Congress in December. If the President refuses to make his position clear there is all the more reason why the public should have j no room to doubt its attitude Louis Post-Dispatch. St. -:o:- Go to the friends for advice, a stranger for charity, and to a rela tive for nothing. NEBRASKA CITY Where Crops Never Fail Drive down and look the town and country over before buying that city home or farm. This section of the country has many advantages over other locations. Just come and see. We will show you better values for your money. Good farms at ?90 to $165 per acre. Address J. M. LIVINGSTON CO. Real Estate. Nebraska City, Nebr. MR. LOWE, Salesman. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Notice is hereby given mat tne undersigned trustee for the Estate of Marion S. Davis, bankrupt, will re ceive sealed bids for his interest as such trustee in and to the following real estate, to-wit: The east half of the southwest quarter (E SWU) of Section twenty-one (21), Township eleven (11), north. Range thir teen (13) east of the 6th p. m. in Cass County, Nebraska Said bids will be received up to and includinc December 1, 1927. All Dids to be accompanied by certified 'check for 25 of the amount of the ! bid. Sale to be subject to confirm ation of Raymond M. Sandnouse, Referee in Bankruptcy at Sterling, Colorado. All bids should be sent to Clark The cigarette that knows how to tKhe itself" There is no "pose" about CameL It's just a good honest cigarette the best ever and it doesn't try to 1 927, R. J. Reynold Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem. N. C Many earnest men and women, dis- j appointed over the failure of the Leasrue of Nations as an instrument, forwoild peace, are still anxious that their country help in seme way , toward doing away with war as a ' means of settling international dis- putes. 1 ORDER OF HEARING and Notice on Petition ol Set- tlement of Account. In the County Court of Cass Coun- ty, Nebraska. ne c: Nebraska, Cass County, To all persons interested in the estate of Roscoe C. Harshman, de cerned: On reading the petition of Elmer Ha'ltrom praving a final settlement and allowance of his account filed in this Court on the 2Cth dav cf .-,..-,,V...,- 1Q17 ir,rt fnr fikfll"rpp Of administratoVr It is hereby ordered onri oil nor-enn irtcrpctpH in "said matter may, and do, appear at the County Court to be held in and for said county, on the 5th day of December. A. D. 1927, at 10 o'clock a. m., to show cause, if any there be. why the prayer of the peti- tioner should not be crranted. and that notice of the nendency of said! petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter bv nublishine: a cony of this order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a 'Jacob Buechler, deceased, semi-weekly newspaper printed in i To the creditors of said estate: said county, for one week prior to j You are hereby notified that I will said day of hearing. jsit at the County Court room in In witness whereof, I have here- : Plattsmouth, in said county, on the unto set my hand and the seal ofth day of December, 1927, and on said Court, this 26th day of Novem-he 9th day of March, 1928, at ten ber, 1927. o'clock a. m., of each of said days, to A. H. DUXBURY, 'receive and examine all claims n23-lw (Seal) County Judge. ; against said estate, with a view to '' their adjustment and allowance. The NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT AND;time limited for the presentation of UNKNOWN DEFENDANTS -j daims against said estate is three , . months from the Sth day of Decem- Notice is hereby given that Wil- , A D 102- and the time limited nam t . uaugnim, nas wtu ins pei- tion in the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, on the 12th day of November. 1927, against Thos. F. Kerrihard and wife Eva M. Kerri hard, John L. Weathers and wife Weathers, first and real name unknown, William H. Tannehill, un married, their heirs and devises, le gatees and personal representatives and all persons claiming by through or under them, and N. H. Meeker, first real name unknown and wife Nettie T. Meeker, Benjamin F. Laughlin; and all persons having or claiming any interest in Lots 59 and 60, except 14 feet off the north side of Lot 59, in the village of Green wood, Cass County, Nebraska, real names unknown, defendants, the ob- 'ject and prayer of which is to reform : certain deeds to conform to the true correct and legal description intend ed by the parties thereto and to quiet ; the title to the above described real estate in the name of William j. Laughlin the plaintiff herein and forever enjoining the above name defendants and each of them and all persons claiming by through or un der them adverse to the plaintiff herein, and for such other and fur ther relief as may be Just and equit able. The defendants and each of them are required to answer said peti tion on or before the 26th day of December, 1927, or the allegation therein will be taken as true, i WILLIAM F. LAUGHLIN. Plaintiff, J. C. BRYANT. nl4-4w Plaintiff's Attorney. (IiL tei. Jigs be anything els It's better to be lucky than to be superstitious about luck. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Thg gtate o Nebraka Ca3 Coun. ty g. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Wat- son Lonz. deceased. j To the creditors of said estate: ' You are hereby notified, that I will I sit at the County Court Room in ! Plattsmouth. in said County, on the 30th day of December, A. D. 1927 and on tne 3ist nay o: iarcn. a. u. ; 1 9 2 s , at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of each day respectively to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to ti.oir nriinstmpr.t and allowance. The time limited tor tne presentation oi claims against said estate is three months from the 30th day of Decern- her, A. D. 1927 and the time limited IOT uavment OI UcDES IS Ulie ) rol 1IUU1 said 30th day of IVrember, 1927. Witne?s mr hc".:.d and the seal of Paid Cru::ty Court this 2 6th day of .-overaber, 192.. i n2S-4w H. DUX BURY, (Seal) County Judge. i NOTICE TO CREDITORS I The State of Nebraska, Cass coun-1 ty, ss. j In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of , navniPTlt nf . is onp vear from said Sth day of December, 1927 Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this 4th day of November. 1927. A. H. DU7BURY, (Seal) Countv Judee. CHAS. E. MARTIN. n7-4w Attorney. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss By virtue of an Order of Sale issued the north 65 feet of the east half of by Golda Noble Beal. Clerk of the Lot six (6) and the vacated alley, in District Court, within and for Cass Block 29 described as follows: Be county, Nebraska, and to me direct- ginning at the northeast corner of ed, I will on the 19th day of De- Lot 6 Block 29, Young and Hayes cember, A. D. 1927, at 10 o'clock a. addition running thence south 65 m., of said day, at the south front Ieet, thence east 14 feet to the west door of the court house in the City ne cf Lot 7, thence north along of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, in said the west line of Lot seven (7), 65 county, sell at public auction to the feet to the northwest corner of Jot. highest bidder for cash the following thence west 14 feet to the place of real estate, to-wit: beginning, all in Block twenty-nine Lots four (4), five (5) and j (29) in Young and Hayes addition six (6), in Block twelve (12). j to the City of Plattsmouth. as sur in Young and Hayes Addition to veyed, platted and recorded. Cass the City of Plattsmouth, Cass ' County, Nebraska, the same being county, Nebraska levied upon and taken as the prop- the same being levied upon and taken erty of Carrie E. Christ, et al., de as the property of James McCulloch, fendants, to satisfy a Judgment oZ defendant, to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by The Stand said court, recovered by Henry ard Savings & Loan Association of Brown, plaintiff against said defend- Omaha, Nebr., plaintiff, against said ant. defendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, November Plattsmouth. Nebraska, November 16, A. O. 1927. ;12th, A. D. 1927. BERT REED. BERT REED. Sheriff Cass County, Sheriff Cass Ocuntr, Nebraska. i KbLSka. If all cigarettes tvere as good as Camel yon wouldn't hear anything about special treat ments to make cigarettes good for the throat. Nothing takes the placz of choice, tobaccos Industry is born in laziness is acquired. a man, but NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun ty S3. Tn the Countv Court. In the matter of the estate or Wil , liam H. Wynn, deceased. 1 To the creditors of said estate: ! You are hereby -notified, that 1 will : sit at the County Court Room in Plaitsmouth. :n said county, on tne 30th day of December. A. D. 1927 and on the 31st day of March. A. D. at the hour of t-n o'cleek in the fr.renoon of each day to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjust- ment and allowance. The time limit- ea ior me piui.uu .7 against said estate is three raoAnt3 from the 30th day of December A. D. 192, and the time limited for pay- uinil .i uewi 10 jvu.. ..w... 'Oth dav of December 19: Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court this 2Sth day of j November, 1927, A. H. DUXBURY. County Judge. n2S-4w (Seal) SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska, County of Caas ss. Bv virtue of an order of sale issued by Golda Noble Beal, Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me direct ed, I will on the 17th day of De cember, A. D. 1927, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south front door of the court house, in the city of Plattsmouth in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bid der for cash the following r al es tate to-wit: South 4 8 feet of Lots one (1) and two (2) Block thirty six (36) original city of Platts mouth, Nebraska, also that part of Lots six (6) seven (7) and eight (8), in Block twenty-nine (29) in Young and Hayes addition to the city of Plattsmouth. described as fol lows: Commencing at the northeast corner of Lot eight (8) in 6aid Block twenty-nine (29) Young and Hayes addition, running thence west along the south line of the alley passing through said block east and west 170 feet and 3 inches, thence south 6 feet, thence east parallel with the south line of said block to the east line of Block twenty-nine (29). thence north 65 feet to place of be ginning, being the north 65 feet of I T.nts spven (71 and eicht (8) and