The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 01, 1927, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    THURSDAY, DEC. 1, 1927.
Nehawka v Department!
Prepared in the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially
for the Journal Readers.
stitution operated by the Mayo Bro
thers. There were there for the oc
casion besides the hostess and their
guests of honor, Albert Wolfe and
wife and their daughter, Miss Gladys.
Gold Meda!
Wuuderlieh were visiting with
friends and abo doing some shopping
in Nebraska City on last Monday
i afternoon.
Joseph Weft and family of Crete
were visiting in Xehawka cn last
i f." i.l.iv staving until Sunday, and
jw.r.- guests at the liome of Mr. and
A car load of this excellent Flour, Mr. I), c. West.
v ;n r.f in' James W. Magney was a visitor in
new in car or at the mill Get it in Ilattsmouth on Monday of this week.
Lots at a very attractive price. where he was oaned to act as a wit
Eventually you will u:e this Flour ntss in an important case which came
Place Marker for Soldiers
By order of the county commis
sioners, markers were placed at the
graves of all the soldiers of the Civil
war, which rest in the United Breth
ren church some four miles north of
Nehawka, Kebr.
was very badly damaged, and he was Nehawka.
tut about the face very badly with
with, broken glars. lie however fehn Will Have Community Tree,
thankful that the collision did not The varied interests of Nehawka
occur, else there might have been nnt community surrounding the
much danger of loss of fife. busy city conceived the idea of hav-
J ing a Community Christmas Tree.
Stopped for a Visit : and are making preparations fcr the
The riattsmouth Legion boys stop- event which is to delight every cue
ped here Wednesday evening of last old nnd young, good looking or hand
week, and serenaded their fellow- much preparatory work had already
Letrionnaires. who were holding one been done. The various woman
njiii i in ' n -i T ii nf - -
W. Burton wa;
liMjkin after
of their peppy meetings in the audi-
before the court. itorium here. The Nehawka post rose
Robert Troop of north of Nehaw-'to the occasion, invited them in and
ka, was a visitor at Stella on last showed them around the fine build
Saturday, where he has some cattle in this community is proud to pos
and land interests and was looking sess The Plattsmouth visitors were
?me bu.-ili' s r.::-tiers !' l
mouth on Friday of last week.
Mr.-. Alb rt Wolfe ai. 1 daughter.
Miss GL.dy.-. vieitl.ig with
irifiid. in N-bre..-'ka f::y on Tucr-day
afu-rnojn i th! Wfct.
Miss Julia Troop, who was a visi
tor ir. Omaha last Saturday and was
accompanied by Robert Troop and
wife, they driving over in the car.
Frr.r!-: M. U nor. : nil t::- P :"d
v. if wer visit irig and at the sanv eoming spring
after his business there.
Albert Anderson and R. C. Pollard
were in Plattsmouth on last Monday, .
they being called to act in the ca
pacity of members of the petit jury,
which is convening again this week. ;
Will O. Troop, of north of town.
and C. R. Troop, of riattsmouth, ;
I were looking after some business
in South Omaha on Monday of this
jweek. they driving over to the big
(city in their car.
Ben Martin, who has been making
his home on one of the farms of Z.
W. Shrader and farming the place
for a number of years past, has rent
led the G. W. Cheney farm near
i Union and will move to the place the
out advertising their carnival, which
was scheduled to close tonight (Dec.
1st) but due to inability of farmers
to get in during the week, have ar
ranged to continue it over two clays,
winding up Saturday night. Several
from here were up Tuesday night,
while on Wednesday night others mo
tored to the county seat and patroniz
ed the carnival.
club1; of the cry ant1 surrounding
the town, and at. the same time inter
esting the ehurores. as well ns the
various lodges, with the American
I.gio:-., a!il in the end touching al
most every body living in a: d i:
; i:U near me city, iiie irt-i- i. i-- t-'
.-veiipy the center ".f the ir.treet- W
on ot tne street- n ir.p v,e.ur". i.-
!it and if not it will be inside tne!
; uditer?t'ri. The eommt; t"e h;- in?
the matter in hand are Raymond C.
I'oP.ard, Gle.i Rut'ctro. Nichol".;
'luver Kturre vnDtmin. .1. V.
Murdoch and the other member our
informant could not think of.
Valuable Poor Frizes!
apifaS Award 1823 Ghevrolst Seaeh
tin' Inr.I.iiig alter
Nebraska City on
this w t k.
Mesdames D. C.
West and W. J
at Miss Julia Troop, who is in at
of tendance at the state university, was
a visitor at the home of her parents
: for the interval between Thanksgiv
ing day and the following Monday
'and enjoyed the occasion very pleas
antlv at the home of her parents.
Attend Wedding of Friend
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wunde
parted about the middle of last week
for Hastings, where U'cy were join-;
ed by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stone, ,
they all going to Holdrege. where
they were guests at a wedding in i
which a friend. Miss Margaret Rog-'
ers, was the bride. A very pleasant
time was had. Following the wed-
Sfchde-i Reception Here
-! Hi ii"iirfirM-iifc-1 Ami,m "i i'-i i i
for New Ford on
Mr. and Mrs. Wunderlich re-1 Plattsmouth Motor Company Will
Friday, Dec. 2nd Feature Heard
by Thousands
announced in the carnival ad appear
ing in tomorrow's issue.
washing and drying hiee curtains in
stalled in Holdrege Laundry.
j recently.
-Main street here rfaved
turned to Hastings, where they were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stone
until Saturday, when they returned
Held Open House in Honor of
Nevlv Perfected Car.
Haxing taken the agency for
the Aermotor Windmill and re
pair for Murray and Xehawka.
would appreciate your call for
anything in windmills or re
pairs. Also oil for windmills.
H. M. Smith
Nehavika -:- Nebraska
Rout 1 Box 65
co mine:
Rich Smith, of Union, was a bus
iness visitor in Nehawka last Monday,
jlooking after the sale of automobiles
'and the purchase of cattle, which
makes a very good combination for
the man who buys a car must needs
have something else to sell, in order
to break even.
' "Well, until the machinery is all
put in repair so that when the time
comes for resuming of the drilling of
the oil well, and the casing, which
has been delayed arrives, Herman
Smith is standing guard over the site
! during the night and Nicholas
Klaurens looks after the plant dur
ing the day.
Thomas E. Fulton and the good
wife were visiting for a short time
last Sunday with their friends, Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Dill and spent some
time with Mr. Dill, who has been
; confined at his home for several
vnrlin cpiCnn ic nnV months by illness, and the visit very
laQlO eabOn lb nOVV ateriallv cheerpd the patient and
Oil. Be ready ! j was a bright spot in the hours of his
There was some rejoicing at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. George Lan-
to Lincoln, where they stopped for' Kt( rii ,v.c
a visit with Dr. and Mrs. J. W. . Th), frll stow of t
Thomas, and arrived home late Sat
urday evening.
But Loudspeaker at Home More Pop-
1 ular Than a Place in Crowd
lie new Ford at the Auditorium.
described by Henry Ford;
!r:s !eir.g "superior in design and per-j Fmrn Tnesfinv's ri!i"
rnvr.nre to any now avauaoie in mei countless peopie nearu
L.ibor savirK machinery has brot i
iilC-i:. greater prorlu.' tio... shorter!
!irurr; and bitter pay for worker-!
with result nr.t in-rease in buying
power, which again has f timulateJ 1
production. !
Brunswick "Brunr-wick Enter
prise" new paper being published
ehascd f:.
-New fire truck to be pUr
this place- shortly.
NeJigl-. Bell .Telephone Company
rel;ui!cli:ig toll line between this place Eiiii.
the one-
last night
Have Iice Display how price, light car field." will be hour program broadcast
The Sheldon store is presenting a ;r,ld first ip plattsmouth next Friday, from the carnival room in the new
very fine display at this time, with December 2. according to announce- Legion community building, but the
the first invoices of the Christmas n.r.t today by loi p.l dealers. vast majority preferred receiving the
goods which this store will offer to public retention is to be held program thru their own loud speak
the people of Nehawka and vicinity A re s:rr.iiIta:ieou,-ly with similar ers to being jostled about in the un
during the month of December. Any- ( r -a borings at every Ford dealer in usually big crowd this feature was
one wanting seasonable goods forthe;;ii' United States, thus constituting expected to attract, and as a result
a pnrt of the greatest automobile the boys lost money on this project.
i-.bow in tne ni -rory oi tne innustry. However, tne aavertismg tne carnival
hnve j"t
Axtei' Western I'unlic service
Company building tr.msici sioii line
from this place to Minderi.
Melrose Corn busking under
in this locality.
Hastings ?90,000 new rte:;m tur
bine rexr.t'.y ir.stnlU d at llr.siiiig
electric plant.
Chadror. Silo and granary con
structed by tuuiioiing hillside at
Grar.tiium farm near here.
Christmas season and the holidays
will find what they want and more
in lines which will be both in the
nature of gifts and goods which make
for everyday service. Look over the
store before you go elsewhere and j frorr its lu'adqunrt-rs in Detroit, has
when you have done this, you will nounced that the new Ford car
see the best service in all lines that U ill be as far in advance of present
can be found anywhere. 'public demand for speed, flexibility.
J'ontrrl in traffic, and economy of
Henry R0S5 a Shriner - j operation as the famous Model T was
Late last week, Henry Ross.'one of i'i advanre of public demand, when it
tho verv pvcpllent citizens of north- i was introduced in 10'KS.
L ct u p C i t y Ni' Electric
Power Company making e:c.e::nivc
Nvv. II. Curlcy shipped
carload of hog.-, ou recent day from
here to Omaha.
no derailed descriptions received over the air is expected toi"41-
b"en given out by local offset the loss.
the Ford Motor company, Less than S00 people were present,
a smaller crowd than the opening
night Saturday. The telephone com
pany got their lines installed by mid
afternoon and conducted several tests
between the auditorium and the sta
tion at Lincoln and everything was
in readiness to take the air prompt
lv at 9:43. "Gloomy Gus" opened
Nobraok.'.'s corn yield estimated at
Gretna Nebraska Pcwer ! 33 bu. hels an acre average for state.
'-t eking for pei mi.-'sior. to increase (
voltage on it.-, Gretna line. j Ue.hiing Work under way cn new
; u-.vitch track rnd stockyards here.
dm Otoe rountv. was raised in Ma-'
sonry to the degree of a Shriner. at'ns to the prices at which the new
the cor.sistorv which was held in Lin-I Ford lino v. ill sell, but definite as-
eoln recentlv. There were there of I sura nee has com" from Detroit
Dealers have not yet been advised the program with several piano selec-
Do Away with Your
rSattery irOUDieS iham. when early last Monday morn- h; friends to enjoy the work which i the prices will be entirely in accori
m A i- t . x iu:. l A . i. i . , t : x i i. i it.-,,.
Everv cne who buys a Eadio Outfit ,ns ine lorK "rous"1 l" tl""r ''T was given as well as the excellent . Aim ie im , .w
Viotfai-rr n-ill "" oanquel tnai was served, mums i ui- i .-
lard. John G
oi us, a storage uaiiery, wm whIch ls to be their very own. The
have the battery kept fully charged mother and the little miss is doing
by us for six months free of charge, very nicely and little brother and
little brother and father are feeling
LIGHT BULBS Jvery fine, thank you.
All under 50 Watts 23c each' 'V(,r,i "vas received that v.hi'.o Ci:i. -.
50 and 60 Watt sizes 25c each k.; aff Vn''L
All ram Light Plant Eulbs !;', ', ijiri','.' '. -
! which was traveling at a very dang-
! err.ur. rate ar.d in order to avoiu
tions and vocal numbers, giving the
outside listeners a visible picture of
the canrnival room. Among those in
side little of what he was saying
could be heard due to noise among
the crowd, and efforts to secure ab-
Wunderlich. Carl Cal- automobile at
the lowest possible solute silence proved futile. George
v.,. r,ron0 x-nt-FTrifiT. w nr Tt n v- i or! i o. fr . uovcy, tne ai joison oi l iatis-
mnnli P PnllTrd in(1 ATarion Tuck- Elaborate arrangements are being mouth, was introduced and sang two
Visit in Kansas
A party composed of Thomas
Ir.iade for the public reception here, numbers, which went over the air in
City officials and prominent business splendid manner, although in the
:mn of Plattsmouth and vicinity auditorium the crowd was unable to
have been invited and preparations hear him clearly. In talking into the
have been made to give every caller microphone, to secure best results,
P-ange from 28a to 32c
Nshawka, Kebr.
Fulton and the good wife. Harold , at tjie silow a thorough understand- one must stand close and not raise
Kemlon and the family and Edgar ij f this car which is exnectde to their voice above the ordinary pitch,
so it was impossible for the singers
Glaze and family Of Nebraska City, 1 ln9i-P a new rhanter in automobile
tone tarr ed .nit to i "r',a,l:" . - ; " ;
: olli:-do:i. Mr
sn;e of the roa.l and :-.l-ried in-
'ditch villi the result that his
thev going to the home of Mr. and 1
Mrs. James Lemon, who reside near 'r0iJE NON-ITALIAN
Delia. Kansas, wnere iney spent me
Thanksgiving holiday and remained
until Saturday evening, when they
, v. ofQ, h,vinff oninvP,i I Kome, Nov. 2 1) . Piospectiv.
the visit and the trip very much
Nov. 2!). Prospective crea
tion of four non-Italian cardinals,
announced Monday, shows the in
tention of Pone Pius to eive Dienond-
Will Teach Temperance erance to foreign elements in the
The Nehawka schools will teach sacred college perhaps in view of
scientific temperance, as a portion of J further developments of the "Roman
the studies, which will be a showing j Question," a? the conflict between the
in a scientific way of the effects of j church and the Italian state is call-
taking alcoholic beverages into tne; en.
The store throughout is in Christmas
readiness. Come, get an early start this
year on your gift list. Hundreds of ar
ticles await your inspection.
system, and tell of its effects on tne
body and mind. This is to make the
student understand, as well as the
parent, the effect which alcohol has
on the system.
r 3 Pf' i?;!A T fl
Entertain for Friends
On last Thursday at their home
north of Nehawka. Mr. and Mrs. W.
The four new cardinals will be
Monsiguor Raymond K. M. Rouleau,
to concentrate on making themselves
heard by the crowd without spoiling
the broadcast.
Dancing started about 10:10, with
the peppy Euick Master Six orches
tra playing and "Gloomy Gus" con
tinuing to announce between num
bers, up to the time of going off the
air at 10:45.
Just before signing off, the ama
teur announcers' contest was held,
and as better silence prevailed among
the crowd, most of this could be
heard by everyone. Five contestants
appeared before the microphone and
read short announcements of future
attractions and radio listeners state
archbishop of Quebec; Monsignor ine announcements came in good.
Pedro Segura y Saenz, archbishop of Mrs- K- H- Wescott was picked by
Toledo; Monsignor Charles Joseph Gloomy Gus as the prize winning an-
Dinet. archbishop of Kesancon. and nouncer, this being in line with her
Monsignor Alessio Lepicier, titular prior success, when she was one of
bishop of Tarsus, who will replace the leading runners-up in the state
Cardinal Billot as French cardinal contest at the Omaha radio show
of the curia. early in September.
The new appointments are note-1 Dancing continued after the time
O. Troop entertained for a number
of their relatives and friends for the j worthy in that the twjnew French of signing off, until 1 a. m.. with a
Thanksgiving day. The day was; cardinals are known to be opposed to goodly crowd present and calling for
n lij
most pleasantly enjoyed by host, hos
tess and the guests. There were
present for the occasion, Robert
Troop and wife, of riattsmouth: Miss
' Mary Troop, of Beatrice; Robert
it Troon and family, of Mynard; Earl
y. Troop and wife of Murray, and Mr.
ft and Mrs. William Gorder, of Platts
U ( mouth.
-Contract let for gravel- ,
No. 20 east and vest'--
r.utto Anokr I!utte Lumber Com;
pi.iy building deuble lumber ar.d eel: P'ainvii w
shed in its yard here. i i'.g highway
: . fit ni herj
Curtis Curtis L. S. S. Association . ' - , ,i
shipped mixed car of stock from here! Ewing Work progressing rapidly
recently. j on 2 new stato-aid road bridges -near
1 here.
Herman New fixtures installed)
fcr enlarged quarters of local pottj DIair Old Home Theatre building
oilice. ftt corner of W.-vhingtca Street, and .
i V. .."iker Aveir.i - being remodeled for
l)e Witt F. W. Schumiiher relin -; Chrysler ::a!es and service station.
ishing interior of his .stoic. i ;-
-Interior of
b.eing docoiv.t
Anselmo New school building un-r
Plethoaist dor cor.otruction here being rapidly
- d. j cemnletcd.
Loup City New electric canceling, Madrid Bullock fz Bullock erect
machine to be installed at post oihee ir - ncw Lrick buijding on vacant let
(adjoining their present location.
De Witt
Church here
Pilger Work being rushed to com-
pletion on Sunshine
of here.
;J:npscn shipped a
Highway south ccrloat! of mules recently to Asia.
tilt here.
-Corn hutliing in full
Alliantc Gver S.20,00 obtained
froi:t potato roy on 1C0 ac re.? of IJ.x
Butte Countj l.:r.d this year.
Bridgeport Down
here being improved.
Nebraska ranks th ir. percentage
of incrnie fpent on education: $-"?.,-000.000
s;pent annualiy on schools..'
Crofton Meridian Highway gra
veled to Zurcher Filling Station in
southwest corner of Crofton.
II o 1 d r e g e New
, Fre:,a cow. Call Murray phone;"
appliance fcr 3303. Mark Furlong.' dl-ltdntMT
One of the greatest Christmas displays in
Cass county. Bring the little folks to en
joy the merry making of Toyland during
the first big week.
U !
Home from Hospital
: Mrs Wm nice who has been in 'serving and tor win
Omaha for some time nast. where she 1 of the club were mist
! underwent an operation for the res-i Others who contributed to the pro
itoration of her health, was so far im-;Kam of the evening but whose offer
nroved last week that she was able'inps were unfortunately omitted
ti return to the home of her sister,
Mrs. Oscar Shrader, where the is
staying until she is stronger. The
many friends of this excellent woman
are hoping that she will soon be in
her former good health. Mrs. Jessie
i Rice, mother of Wm. Rice is looking
j after the household during the time
'Mr. Rice is picking his corn, doing
j the cooking and housework for the
L'Action Francaise, the French royal- "More, More." The dancers were all
ist paper, which was recently placed agreed that the Master Six orches
on the index expurgatorius. jtra was one of the best ever booked
j here. I
ASSISTED IN BIG EVENT I The Radiola 20 went to Mrs. E. 1
; II. Douglas, who was well pleased
At the community meeting at the 'with her award.
Fairview school, rear Louisville, the The various features took up con-
members of the jolly pTirty bid the siderable time and cut down on play
pleasure of having
and Dan Terryberry
Early Ohio
Seed rotat
Henry Ileil, Jr.
lock after the
ch the members
Telephone No. 14 Nehawka, Nebr.
Where Customers Feel at Home
Entertained For Dinner
i .nr. ana airs, urovcr Hotiatk en
jtertained for dinner at their beauti
ful home in Nehawka on last Sun
day, in honor of Dr. and Mr.i. A. R.l
Kictner, who are this week ro depart
for Rochester Minn., where Dr. Kin-
at the various booths, with the ex
ception of Bingo, which went over
the top of Saturday night's high
mark in nice shape, and many car
ried away valuable articles from the
old reliable "Cash and Carry" hardware.
from the account of the event were Continued entertainment is In
Mrr. Albert Murrrv with a reading store for carnival crowds during the V
Mrs. Joe Rhodes. in giving "The remaining days. Tonight the Black
Fairview Gazette" and Henry Heil Bottom contest and Chicken Calling j
in several very fine accordian num- contest will be held with cash prizes t;
to the w-inners: George Dovey win fi
atrain be "heard" (not lust seen) in Pi
a black-face comedy skit and mono- '
logue, and dance music will be fur
nished by Tilly's Bon Ton Serenaders,
an Omaha orchestra frequently heard
over WAAW. i
Tomorrow night's big feature will
of the aueen. al-
on Burlington Track, Friday A. M.
The pupils of the Lewiston school
i Dist. No. 7 will give a box and plate
! supper at the Lewiston church Fri-
;day, Dec. 2, at 8:00 sharp. Every- hfl the eTovniJL
n30-2td-ltw Teacher.
tner, beccaics one of the
jjgS3& Physicians specializing at
force of
that 'in-
. A pure blood
Call Tele. 522-J.
though the husband calling contest
should run it a close second. And for
dancing and incidental entertainment
the 7-piece Orioles will be back.
! Thursday night is the closing nite
. and with -t ,:oms tbft award of the
Poland China boar, fine "Chevrolet coach, as well as nn-(J
di-2tw merous entertainment teatures to pe
Bring Your Sacks
This is a great chance to secure
Potatoes at these low prices.
Extra Fine Celery 6c a stock
Medium size Grape Fruit 5c..each
Fancy Roman Beauty Apples . . $2.65 bushel
Ex. fancy Sweet Potatoes. ..... .5 lbs., 25c
Fancy Grapes ."J .... 10c per lb.