i 1 IN T2TUB6DAT, OCT. 30, FAGS EIGHT City Loses on Appeal of Brady Damage Suit USEBSBCWXZ il Banquet at the Hotel Perkins t is i f it Plattsmouth's New Economy Center 1 otatoes White Cobblers, peck. .29c 31.15 Bushel SUGAR 10 lbs. Granulated. Dairy Maid Butter, per ib Bob While Soap, 10 bars P and G Soap, 10 bars Karo Corn Syrup, l-ga!. pail. . Omar Flour Old wheat. 4S-lb. Sack for only - - $1.98 John Frazeur of Omaha, Special Agent of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co., Host. .65c .47c .29c 37c 50 pkg. LARD White Rose, 1-Ib. Pest Tcasties, 2 lg. packages . . Keller's Corn Flakes, large . . . Swans Down Cake Flour, pkg. . Kamo P. C. Flour, 4-ib. pkg. . . I6V2C . .25c . .11c . .34c . .23c Fascv ciiality Tokay Grases, per pound - - 9c FAIRY SOAP 10 bars fcr SHOE F0IISK 3 bottles for KRISPY CRACKERS 2Va-lb. caddy GSAKAI-I CRACKERS Crescent, 2-lb. FIG EARS Fresh stock. 2 lbs. for GIXGER SNA HUE Fresh lily. 2 lbs. for lot of cren .49c .10c .37c .25c .25c -25c quart. ENG. V7ALNUTS Soft shell, per lb PR TOE: New stock, large. 2 lbs. for. FRESH DATES Per package SALI'IOF Happy Vale, 2 tall cans PCP.K ArJD BEANS Van Camps, 6 cans. large size can for PEAEEPRY COFFEE Per pound 25c : .15c .35c .54c .10c .39c From Wednesday s Jially Last evening the Hotel Perkins was the scene of a very delightful .social gathering of the policyholders of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Milwaukee, who resi le in this vicinity, the occasion. being arranged by John Frazeur, special agent of the comnanv and Franklin Mann, tin general agent in this territory. There were rovers laid for somr twenty in the dining room of the hotel ard the room and tables mad verv bright and attractive in th Hallowe'en decorations of orange and black and with the beautiful fal' flowers adding a very pleasing touch to the general decorative plan of tin banquet. The repast was served by the staf J'of the hotel in their usual pleasirir manner and the menu was one that would tempt, the appetite of the nios' discriminating and served to make til' evening one of the rarest enjoy ment to all of the members of the banquet parly. The guests of the evening spent the time not only in the enjoyment of the fine meal that was arranger for then but also in the opportunity that thev had of meeting eaeh otlni in the informal social way that added to their pleasures. ZZ779 its "In c: o: meoium rS r.rk and Write Loliee is Dittcr, i new Hobnrt Electric Cortee AIi!I r.ns, mctke it. The chalt is removed hy a special ar.d White co Ire 2 viih the chart removed. is be ause it is freshly ground on . .1 or coarse to suit tne way vacuum process. Try our r! 'It' Dmerent and hett BLACK AND WHITE COFFEE None better, per lb 49c Bore m'rjrsrrgrr Eg RADIO EXTENSION V0RK Libby Pumplsirj, No. 212 (0 :e cau. vill vzki Lie by ex. icy. Libby ex. fey. Peaches, size can, 5 Piec) tzll can. Pineapple, No. 2l2 No. 22 - .22c ,33c .29c Licby Plum Pudding, can. . . . Litby Fruit S2?ad, No. 1 size . . Li'uby White Cherries, No. 2V2 Licby E2.rtlett Pc-rs, Nc. 2l2 LiLby Spinach, Ko. 2.l2 .32c .26c .39c g -22c m rrr. f fey fcj if . Mr. :c Xj LLf LJ iS CJ Lincoln. Neb.. Oct. 1ft. 19 27. The radio has come to the aid of exten sion education of the nivcrsitv ot Nebraska, and one of the most im poitant features of this year's pro irir r.i fnr education bv extension cor- r spe.ndence is a combine,! radio and cfirresnc.ini nee course in business Englisii and I-etter Writing. lectures lej:in November 1 and cor.timie v. eekiy. for twenty weeks. Th "students" will sit at home in their shirt sb eves, twist the radie dial, and luten in on the lecture by Prof. Maurice II. Weseen of t'ne Col lege of Husiness Administration. Then with the assistance of correspondence suggestions and advice. they will write their weekly lessons. LODGE HOLDS CONVENTION H WHERE YOU SAVE ON EVERY PURCHASE! g l2Li'!iiil...i.li!;.i-.iUii.:it;.it.:.;iL.-.i.t; .!.. u. ...... i. . .! -....! , . Former Pro gre issive 1 Tl n:r v ii !.:: :u higliv. iave Jire ; in rui t i i'ec ; ba.s ta. s ur-:' !.; ,.- c. vn to t .i:e we.;;!, net o:ij. I:'pl. t ion u a state ys bit ii would al.-: it nt r.i-.-ii'-y from the gas -;f t-r .:! fixes to re al, d r. fl".:d cr "lit ( airri- ;!:' e -! rib'.i ' iimen of v 1 b;.i;ir, iiruking b.'aM.-i di- e people' on a 3 per teat Sokaon of Roman Question; Hastings. Neb., Oct. IS. The thir ty-first j onver.t ion of Roy;' 1 N-igh bors of the fifth and .sixth district wa.s held here today with 24 2 d--le gates in attendance from twenty-si of the thirty-two cetunties of the dis tricts. Welcome addresses were girer. by Mayor W. M. Nelson for the city r.nd bv Mrs. iLiai.ia Pielsti-.k fo: fjjCamr) No. ",59. Response was by Mrs bs.il Hiuuia R(.s-. Crand Island. 2 The meti!iics were presided ove; ii by Mr. Allies Meddles. Oneen 'it.'. J camp. II.i.- !i!.g-. and Mrs. Klla Ht h' o y. ;i-trict en ae'e, ood Hive r Other state and' district, officers pres ei:t were Mrs. Henriitta Owens, stat supervisor. (:;-..ih.i ; Mrs. Re be-cc-CI-rient. ditriet supervisor, and Mrs Jennie J nes, i!i.-tri t supervisor, arc Mrs:. Jennie Jones, district depu'y Oxford. A c!:i s adoption for four teen candidates was had as a part of Vhe day's ceremonies. Predicts Full State Ticket of Progres sive Republicans Pitted Against Present State Oncers. Agreement Between Church and State Declared to "Es Eased or. Three Substantial Points. CLENDALE CLUE T.IEETS CAED OP THANKS Roy ii. Il'irrop of Omaha rival of Arthur J. Weaver, can candidate for governor. tlK- c:.pitf:l on buslnes-, Fri avowed r-pub!i- 'iiie'; at ivy. He ; uhere.-. to liis former state.n'-r-t that !u- will file a:, a republican candidate He takes no stock ir hi.-; filing may be e'aal- Olendi.Ie V.' t ini'i-ui-; of '!av aftem lsv : Her.n luring the : Ilenning:; ; inen's chib the winter f on at the ::-.gs. who wn iteriunn by held eries Uitil-'' s ar--.Mis. nd Tdrs. Oeorge fr ire)ernf)r reports that leaped on the ground that he was a candidate for governor last year or. thr progressive party Ticket, a party now eut ef letial existence. "I am registered as a republi.-an in Omaha." he said. "If the secre tary of state refuses my filing I v.-Ill go into the courts and get e,n th 1 alio;. No one can prevent m. I 'in .-r-y also that there will be a fa!! ticket of progressive reaiblicav e;;r,did.ites to r it ii on tne r.-.e ba! ! ! with me. Weaver is a st:rvl pn- r a ;:d represent t-.tive i;f the n;iti'nal bank interes ts whose : r.I. purpose : : fo 'o away with the bank guaranty iw. In th" primaries I intend t .'upport. the Norris delegate: to the r pritdic;'.n national convention. wh.." . ver they may be." Financing stale government. r "ucirc tr:fs. placing agri'iiliuie or. : paying basi-- aiol financier !ii-rh v. ay cemstrnct ion in Nebraska wit":' : ; fxty million dollar warrant is.-ue f !e retired solely from th ga?rdin-' and motor vehicle tax. was suggest i I by Harron. Hi; suggestion for ; warrant issue for road building v.a expressed in a lenirthy. formal state ment, whir h he railed a new b-: l:ir- t; the hrsl (.:: Tin ef Mrs 1 i,-ed l-.ilip I iiv ti. A !'te.- the shr,rt bu-Miess sessioa of tl.e ilnb the ni'.-etiiig was turned over to the delegate:: e.f the d-i-'gatts of the c!u?. Miss Beulaii Warren and Mrs. I'hilip Ilennings. who have been given the outli?:e of the fall and win ter program of the dub work and v.'hh h will be along the ilnes ,i the advaiued sewing. Tli" next meeting of the club will be bo'd with Mrs. CI race Meisinger n November l.jib anl who will be a .-l. red by Mrs. Nick Hennings and y.'l.a .-:t:(ljin and i he occasion wiil be lu k (I l'iii'v;.n! to with a great deal ,f inter st. PLANNING TEACEEE3 T.IEET Lincoln, Neb., Ho.semati's of; ice Oct. IS. Secretary lias lu-en busy for a v. id:, mailing out membership badges, buttons and certificates fer the 10.0(t teachers belonging to the state association. More than 7,000 of ear. h will be rerjuired in the first dis trict, whc.si: convention takes place Novembrr to a at Lincoln. Buttons are in different ctdors for 'ach dis- ifrict. No. 1 being black and white. Home, Oct. 1 G. It is indeed probable, that an between the church and the tdat? for th. solving of the "Roman question" will be based on three substantial points, says I'opolo di Iloma, '.vhicii is one of the leading fascist organs in Rome. The first point is, no conces sion coming from the Italian state withemt a previous understanding with the holy see as to acceptance; otherwise there would be a repetition of the law of guarantees passed by the Italian state in 1871, which the atican never accepted. Second, no solution is possible without previous acknowledgement' of papal territorial sovereignty, no matter how small the territory may be. Third, no foreign interference in the solution of the Roman question. Roth sides, says the paper, are in pe rfect accord em the last point of not having any foreign government in tervene in the negotiations. The greatest difficulty to overcome row in connection with the desire of the Vatican for territorial sovereign ty, according to Popolo di Roma, is who will represent the papcy on one side and the government on the other looking to negotiations. All the rest is a question of time and is almeist. of secondary importance. "Indeed." continues the paper, "it is not difficult to change the phrase in the law of guarantees which says that the pope has 'enjoyment' of i We wish to thank the many friend for their assistance and help in tin time of the Jast illness of enir lover' possi ;ie, j eine as well as til" uoyai .eignnors lgre-ement Merry Worker.-; club, Cottonwoew' Threshing Co.. the Aid society of th V. 15. ehnreh of Mynard and the many friends and neighbors who sent tin beautiful floral remembrances at tin funeral services. Mrs. R. W. Lon? and Children. olD-ltd&v. FOR SALE Several White Rock cockrels. R. . Cuthrell, Plattsmouth. phone 3911. ol9-ltd-ltw Journal Want Ads bring" results. KirS 'C-F-V.. - IS - S 1 T - ; tion of irdep ndr-nce. The present gasoline tax of 2 cent? j the association. Secretary Ilosman r. gallon is sufficient. Harrop declar has worked out a new design which e-1. for retiring a sixty million dol-1 embodies a little red schoolhouse and ir warrant issue in twer.tv years! the legend, "Kstablisbed 1807." I'rs- ssion ot one ol these ce rtificates m- nristolic nabices and ncttml miris- Attached to every registration card ,ic5al possession of them similarly, mailed out will be a poster of modest ;th(. (Huy of Italy will not be com size, c. rtitying that the teacher j prom,8t,d jf the Vatican garden be .. nose i:.iiiii; ii urais is a menioei oi i When only .-roI ! esides carrying interest charges ard the proposer! increase in the gaso line tax of from two to four cents !-. prepo.-terous. He said th" present pay as you gr rdan of building roads in Nebraskr lias flopned. It has given the motor ists only a series e;f discon rr cted ro.irl fragments beginning nowhere and ending nowhere- in wet w at':e- the motorist is annoyed by mud hole and in dry weather he is choked and Minded with dust. Ninety per cent of the travel in Nebraska Is hy motor pay for them, A sixty million dol-j popular i dicates, in tin- language of the sec retary, "a teacher who has enough pep to know that the job i some thing besides putting in time and drawing salary." The number in the first district leached 6,975 the mid dle of the week, with several hun dred more anticipated. garden widened, nor the equilibrum ef the Mediterranean be disturbed if sym bolic of the boat of St. Peter. Fa.scis jta Italy is young and will live many years, while the church has the super j natural gift of never getting old." I State Journal. 3ess Streeter AlMch's nswest story, "The Cutters" is now on salo at the Ectes Book & Gift Shop, Call early and secure your copy of thi- noveL KATHLEEN KEY SUFFERS ACCIDENT IN AUTO CRASH Check up on your Insurance now and take no Chances Are You Protected? Hollywood, Cal., Oct. 1C. Kath leen Key, film actress, nursed a bad ly bruised shoulder here Saturday following an automobile accident. Miss Key's car collideel with a ma chine driven by Mrs. W". O. Brown, of Santa Monica, the force of the crash throwing the actress heavily against the steering wheel. For Insurance See Seari S. Davis Farm Loans Investments Insurance Judgement Rendered in the District Court Here Is Affirmed by the State Supreme Court. From Wednesday's rniiv The case of the Jess Brady vs. the City of Plattsmouth. in which the plaintiff was given a verdict for dam age here in the trial before a jury in the distri'-t court has been af'itr.' ed by the .state supreme court com mission that heard the case, the e.piu ion being given by Commissioner John C. Martin and to ophini.ei con curred in by Commissioners Tibbett. and Neighbors. This ca.-e was filed by the plaintiff Mr. Rrndy following a heavy rain and storm of June- 11'. 1 ft 2-1 and at whieh time- his residence property on Lo- lllst vvr ing of tin St of the orrn Kith c-wer , cust street, street, open was flooded. It was charged by the plaintiff that the defendant city was liable for damage of the faulty construction of the sewer and al.-o for the- seldil iona! fact that, the waterways had been clog;" d by large stumps and part: of trees that bad. filled the mouth o!" the ewer arid called the wa.ter te back up on the premises of tin- plain tiff. In the trial here the plaintiff w;is given rlamages amounting to J:2" ;ind from which findings the defend ant city appealed to the stTe supreme ourt where the case has been affirm ed. The court hold-- that the presencr of the .-tumps in the watrconrs w.i: 'f a contributing cause to the over flow of the premises of the plaintiff regard b'-s of th" amount, of rai'ifal1 hat rniaht iave oc. i-.'-red and which was r l.iirned by the rb f r.lnnt city as iti act of Cod and fo- whieh th ould not be he'd liable. The citv will nrobat.dv tile a i' ti for r lnari:ig of the case In the state supreme court. TWO THUMB KITTENS Double or single palm, knit elastic wrist. Heavily napped eastern Canton flannel. Felly sized. Saturday special, 31.59 doz. GLOVES Two thumb busker gloves, made of heavy weight long nap Canton llan:iel. Roomy and well sewed. Double knit blue v.iist. A $2.25 value. Saturday special, SI. 85 doz. WELT EEAJI HUSKER MITTENS Two double faced thumbs. Extra heavy long napped Canton flannel. Single palm. Extra service. Welt seam sewed, at less than today's wholesale price. Saturday special, SI. 85 doz. C and tin:1 GLOVES flncer tins i double knit wxist. Heavy fleeced jersey gloves with palm, thumb ced with strong split cowhide leather. Snug fit- A 60c value. Saturday special, 39c pah CTIILDS' IIITTENS Heavy jersey cloth, wgrm fleeced lined, brown, blue ard gray colors. An excellent school mitten for little folks. Pair, 10c LJtfxn TZ TV 'f rZ. ? 4 ?sT4 The Store of Great Values 1LANY LOCK OVER BARGAINS Pf,,ys Autumn Days a mo- J are Glorious in Nebraska Now '"nun V.'e.'nes v"s T -.-illy The specially arranged bargain festival that the merchants of the city 'nd arranged for today, attracted a rrreat many of the residents of the putlyinsr d"istri(t-? as well as the thrifty noteholders of the city who were out carlv to visit the various October Time of the Greatest Beauty in This Part cf Nebraska as Harvest Here, -daces of business hat tht y sought and acerlv uken advantai -hoppers with were ante to f real snap- that carried lines which were of by the the result that tb v ser'.ire a lnrce nur Thr r:e:chan1s ot "iiy have placed thrir lines at the very lowest prices consistent with good merchandising and which the "areful shoppeis have t:ikn ntivan 'age of in making their purchases for the fall f-asnn in t!ie line of riothir.g is well as in the lines of groceries and ther lines that are good at any sea v.n of tl.e year. The prices quoted hav i), en real features and which he careful shopper could not over-b-;(.k. Krom Wit A few stand ing in thi.--. -i the bluff: VISIT DAUGHTER HERE n e siiay s I :i i 1 y days ago a stranger was at the I.urlington station ty and wa.; contemplating ; "and hills that lie south ;a::d east of the station near the Bur jlirgton bridge and the beauty ofj these hills, bred as they are by th' ! lb-rush of Jack Frost into a myridj i coriug of red. browns, yellows and. ' varying shades of green made a real : Ipiv-'.ure. they moving the stronger tc ' remark that he had visited many lo-; oaMti.s but none that were more' '"rem Wednesday's Dally Tn'r. and Mrs. J. A. Danielson of Oakland. Nebraska, who have been lure visiting with their daughter, Miss Dessie Danielson, accountant in the oilier of Fred IJuerstetta, receiver of the First National bank, departed for lied, Oak, Iowa, where they will i-pend a few days. Mr. Danielson is one of the veteran station agents of th 1'arlington. having served at Oakland for a period of several years and lias taken the advantage of a well deserved vacation to visit with the friends in this part of Nebraska and we-tern Iowa. PAINTING UP STORE HEAT IN NEW AUDITORIUM From Wednes.i.-iys ra!lv-- Iast evening one of the new fur laces which was donated to the Am erican Legion, was placed in service 'n the building, the furnace being io ated in the .south furnace room of the building by Andy Kror filer, the i.uir r. The new furnace gives ample heat v.Pen neerle.'i anil win ne aueijiiiii-- Uiiill tne conier wt-axiur 01 me win ter romes when the first unit will be supported by the second furnace jn the north portion of the muMing. The furnace will probably be in rvice this evening at the d. nee when the Leo Heck orchestra is here to entertain the dancing public and the spectators and dancers can rest .ssured that they will find the build ing most comiortanie even wmi a .udden change in the weather. vicinity the year came on and clo.-e cf an abundant 0:1 the beauty of the I MRS. McGLASSON ELECTED beautiful than this city am a-, tie' fall oi nature at tin 5-. u miner took fast, declining year. The persons who have had the op-1 port unity of driving out on r the ter-1 ritory near this city rati find a wp"- (eri;;l (harm 111 tne scenes mat an revealed to the eve. the hills glorious i in the fire of many colors, the. field: 'of corn awaiting the coming of th' ! killing frosts that they may be bar ivr.-u-d and the golden treasure laid away in the cribs, the last of th garden vegetation and the vines and Khnilis already in the last touches cf autumn beauty at the end of theii product iveness. Here in the great garden spot o' the nation where each year an abund- aaterop yields itself to the hand of the producer, there is a satisfaction in the fall when the products of thr farm and orchards are gathered in ami the householder contemplates thr well filled stocks of foodstuffs that the fertile soil of Cass county har given and which will serve to help feed the world until another year when again nature will give the resi-d.-n-- of this locality ample return for their effort. From Wednesday's Daily The grocery store of A. G. Bach on lower Main street is being given a thorough repainting anil cleaning and placed in fine condition for the com ing winter season. Tiie ceilings and all are being painted in a light color that will add to the room and is in keeping with the improvement pro gram that Mr. Bach has had at his store for the past summer. The ex terior of the building has been new ly stucco-d and the building is now one of the nicest in that pait of the city. SPOTTED P0LAN CHINA BOARS I have three very fine Spotted To la nd China boars ready for service. These are excellent animals. Geo. E. Nickles at the Lumber Yard, Murray. LOST Endgate for wagon, lost on Cedar Creek road Saturday. Call phone 2515 or notify Ed Steppatt. ol7-2tw FARM LOANS I have some funds to loan on good farms at 5Cc interest. No commission will be asked. Write or call Phono 91 if interested. JOHN M. LEYDA, Plattsmouth Mrs. C. E. McGlasson. Lincoln, j prominent in atlairs or tiie Air.cr- ; lean l-egion auxiliary ana a p:";i 11a- tional vice president of the organiza- ; tion was named national chaplain at a meeting of returning Auxiliary delegates in New York Tuesday, ac cording to word received here from Mrs. II. Ii. Hall. ! Mrs. McGlasson was state presi dent in 112! and has taken an im portant part in state work since her entrance in the organization. Dur ing the Paris convention, which she t tended, her name wa.s presented in the presidential caucus. ;ut she liter, asked that her name be withdrawn. 1 iVi'm"!G!-llr'-'-,m'iC 4 .i h: Xifc -- - If you are planning any social function for the Hallows en season your task in selecting favors and de corations can be made easy by in specting the line at the Bates Eook ft Gift Shop. J VISIT OVER COUNTY A'JVW ! From V.'frtnn.crtav's Tin 11 v This morning an auto party com posed of Judge A. II. Duxbury. Coun ty Attorney V. G. Kieck. Sheriff Bert Heed and Attorney A. L. Tidd departed for a visit at various points over the county where each of the officials had business, the sheriff and county attorney to look after the var ious rases that might demand their attention, the county judge to look over various details of probate and mother pension cases and Mr., Tidd to generally act as balance for the vai-ious officials and to see that they arrived safe and sound back home. YOUR new Overcoat is here. Exactly the color and pattern you have in mind. Your size, your price. Our quality, our guarantee. Come in now! itSrSse the Ten Dollar Coats our east window! in . ' Advertise yvnr wants m the Jour nal Estate naJ Want A(j Sept., lor results. at t ii 1 .4 1 1 ' 1 (: ii is v