THURSDAY, OCT. 20, 1937. PlATTMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURHAL FAGE SZZ NOTICE OF DE LINQUENT TAXES OF CASSCOUNTY Notice is hereby given that I. John E. Turner. Treasurer of C"ass tounty, in the State of Nebraska: will on the first Monday, being the 7th day of No vember. 1927. as required by law. com mence selling at the oflice of the County Treasurer of said count), in the City of riattsmouth. at public auc tion, so much of the following tracts of lands and town lots as shall be nec essary to pay the taxes, together with Interest and costs that may haye ac crued thereon that day. being the de linquent taxes for the year 19-6 ana prior years, as appears from the tax lists for said years. Said sale will be held between the hours of nine o'clock a. m.. and four o clock p. m.. of said date, and w iU continue from day to day between aid hour until all of said property upon which delinquent taxes remain unpaia, shall be sold or offered for sale. Dated at riattsmouth. Cass tount. Nebraska, this 7th day cf October. A. U' 1927' JOHN K. TURNER. County Treasurer. ,N SWU K'A neu, .17 ..36 91.92 68.74 JIT. PLEiSAXT PRECINCT Tvrp. 11, I4nit- Description N't: NWU sv u NEU N4SEU SK'i W NEU S-s N1 NWU N S'? SAVU ..... Lot 3 and 7 or (ttii NEU EVj NWU Sec. 4 8 17 18 21 '.'.'.2S 28 .23 W i 34 .....34 Amt. $ 79.83 161.12 171.07 82.91 214.23 224.52 98.98 46.50 46.50 55.76 113.39 Lots 1 and 2 8 MAXLEV VILLAGE Description Blk. Lot 2 1 Lot 3 Lots 6 and 7 5 Ml It KAY Description Lot 5 Lots 4 and 5 Lots 1 and 2 village Blk. 3 4 6 1.20 Amt. $ .55 1.20 .93 Amt. 3 5.40 14.52 40.59 Latta'a Flrat Addition to ibe Vllluge ul Murray KIGIIT MII.E CHOVE PRECIXCT i'mu. 12. Range i- "ec 15 and 16, NWU 15. Description NEU NWU SW't SEU yu. Lot 4 of SWU NWU Sub. Lot 1 of swu Snvlps' Island Lot Lot 2. SEU W'u seu XE'i Lot 2 and 3, W'i SW li NEU NWU SWU NWU NWU SEU 8 5 . 6 . 7 .12 .13 .18 .20 .20 .31 .32 Twp. Description SEU 13. Hang 1- Sec. 34 I. A I S TIPTO l'HECIXCT Twp. 10, Range V Description SEU NEU NMs SEU SK'i NKV NEU NWU XKU WVi SEU Lot 2. NW'i NEU NVi NEU Sec. . . 4 . . 4 . .21 . .28 . . 28 . .30 . .31 . .32 Amt. 3 34.22 170.77 332.37 64.84 64. 84 140.25 45. OS 323.26 CBEEXWIIOU IMlEflXCT r u. n. Hancr V Tlarrint ion rt. of SWU (N and Del. Creek) SEU WVz SEU S- SWU NEU SH SWU si- swu S" SEU V'-. NEU Sec. of . .19 . .20 . .21 . .23 .23 .24 . .30 Amt. $ 4.45 150.74 61.45 58.23 275.76 61.68 141.43 109.56 60.68 L1DEHTV PHKCIXCT Twp 10. Range 13 Description Sec. SWU SWU 1 Wli NEU 12 Sub. Lot 1 of 10 SWU SWU " NWU SWU Lot 6. NWU N E U Lot 5. NWU NEU 26 I't. of NEU SWU OV of W. W. Creek) 26 nwu swu . : SWU SWU 6 Lot 3. SEU NEU 34 lO. and 24) SI.T CUE Twp. 1 Description NWU NEU SWU NEU SEU NWU NEU NWU NWU SEU W NEU NWU NWU NEU SW U SWU S E U S SEU SWU NEU SU SEU N'- SEU sC NWU nC swu Lot 8 SWU SEU Lot 5. SWU NW n '- seu NWU NWU .- N'? rt- S N ' EK PKECIXCI 2, Range U Sec. ......... 17 25 . . .26 . . .26 . . . 26 ...26 . .26 . . .27 .31 .31 .31 .32 3 2 .36 Amt. 3 4 5.35 54. 38 45.35 44.12 45.35 681 SI. 28 4S.71 62.57 81.97 9 5. S3 86.13 76.43 38.3 b 76.43 S3. 36 130.42 150.07 7.02 61.62 297.49 14.06 Twp Description Ki NEU W'- NEU NEU SEU ... Lot 3. or t23 NEU NEU SV, Lot 5. NWU NEU Lo't 1 to 3. NWU NEU Lot 4 to 9. SWU NEU Lot 10. SWU NEU - E4 SWU E ' S W U XE'i NWU SU NEU X--2 NWU S"-'. NWU N' SWU N1- SEU W'. SWU NEU NWU NWU NWU W4 NWU Lot 4 Range 14 Sec. 5 . . 6 . . 6 .. 6 .. 6 . . 7 .. 8 . .17 . .20 . .20 . .20 . .20 . .20 . .29 . .30 . .30 . .32 .33 Amt. $131.24 96.02 128.46 101.75 .90 1.20 1.20 3.69 S7.16 162.06 8.70 34.22 40.17 161.79 132.07 Amt. $ 36.23 Amt. 3 30.91 71.29 105 39.17 4.20 .72 6.86 38.87 65.54 21.93 Amt. 3 33.15 46.56 16.29 7. So 4.79 5.56 21.66 8.29 81.44 27.02 10.93 47.72 40.05 76.85 63.81 58.34 120.05 34.59 30.65 108.44 .59 Blk. 7 8 and all of , 16 16 Amt. 9 3.62 2.28 31.44 13.22 WEST HOCK HUFFS PRECINCT Twp Description j.- i ............. Lot22 "and" 23 "n'4 SEU N NWU WVs NEU 11, Range 13 Sec. .10 .11 .IS .31 Amt. $16S.57 35.21 S3. 32 134. S6 STOVE CREEK PRECINCT Twp. lO. Range lO Description Sec, ... . O NEU NWU vi. swt, K1- NWU and SW' NW U E 10 Acres. NWU NWU W 30 Acres. NWU NWU NWU NE'i NEU SWU NWU SWU S4 SWU . 2 . 8 .17 .17 .17 .19 KIMWOOIl PRECINCT Twp. 11. Ranee lO Description Sec. NWU NEU 11 NEU NEU and SEU NEU 11 E NEU 21 Lot S. SWU NWU 31 Lot 11. SWU NWU S3 SEU SWU 35 SWU SEU 35 Amt. 9 26.66 29. 68 9S.79 160.00 1S.00 36.69 39.84 43.93 60.89 86.77 Amt. $ 60.6S 1S4.32 127. SS 3.10 5.03 34.97 34.63 EAST ROCK niLl KFS PRECINCT Twp. 11. Range 14 bee. .. 7 .. 8 . .17 . .18 . .IS of . .21 Description SEU SEU SWU SWU W- NWU NEU NEU Lot 5. SEU NEU Sub Lot 1 of 20 road. SWU NEU Lot. 20. IE oJ KoaJ) SWVi NEU and E of Lot W Amt. $ 19.35 26.71 71.25 19.15 1.00 1.26 SWUNEU W., of Lot Lot 27. SWU NEU Lot 23. SEU NEU Lot 10. NEU NWU Lot 1. NEU NWU -Lot 30, NWU NWU Lot IS. NEU NWU . Lot 24. SEU NWU Lot 19. SEU NWs Lot 21. SEU NWU 21 3 SWU NEU 21 ' 1 ' 1 !!."."ii 2 1 .21 21 17. NEU SEU. 19. nwuseu .21 :i iOI"TH BFAH PRECINCT Twp. 12. Range lO Description Sec. Amt. Lot 3. NEU NEU 6 ) 14.75 SEU NEU 6 15.44 NEU SE', 6 20.99 NWU SEU and Lot 8, SWU SEU 7 60.49 E', SEU 20 78.40 NWU SWU and SWU SWU 21 67.23 NEU SWU 21 46.48 NWU SEU 21 27.73 Lot 7. 9 and Lot r- r. r.'t Lot 1. NWU. Lot 2. NE'i SWU. Lot 13. NWU SWU SWU SWU. Lot 1 4 SEU SWU 22 Lot 11. 12. 13. 14 NWU--27 NEU NEU 28 S'i NEU 28 Lot 1. SEU SEU and 2. 6 and 20. NWU SK'i SWU SEU-SEU SEU 28 Lot 13. SWU NEU 29 NWU 29 W'i SEU 29 W'-z SEU 32 Lot 9. W' SWU and SWU SWU 32 SEU SEU 32 W'-j SWU 33 10.80 7.62 3 27.77 2.32 9.74 13.04 6.56 4.44 2.32 22. 90 21.91 64.35 79.11 34.74 47.57 73.21 12.04 43.62 41.65 31.78 28.26 23.88 36.21 WEEPING WATER PRECINCT Twp. lO, Range 11 I Description S-c. Amt. t Lot 50. SEU NWU 1 $ 1.95 S I't. Lot 11, SEU NWU-. 1 14.22 E' SWU 6 76.7 1 NWU SWU 6 42.72 SWU SW', 6 55.48 NEU NWU 8 3S.00 W4 N W U 8 84.20 SEU NWU 8 38.00 NEU 13 50.18 PLATTSMOt'TH PRECINCT Twp. fi. Range 13 CENTER PRECINCT Twp. 11. Range 11 Description Sec. Lot 3. NWU NEU, also Sub. Lot 4. SWU NE'i.. 5 SEU 5 W4 NEU Eife NWU E-i of Sub. Lot 2 of SWU NEU N'i NEU S-2 NWU W'4 SWU W 50 Arces SWU S4 SEU NEU EU Wi, WU NEU 29 NWU SWU 35 Lot 12. SWU SWU 35 . 8 . 8 9 .15 .20 .21 .21 .26 .27 .28 .28 Amt. $ 42.14 137.64 80.52 80.52 8.SS 82.95 88.15 74.00 112.42 177.30 161.76 336.87 30.76 65.07 C5.80 Description Sec. Lot S4, NWU NEU 12 Lot 86. NW'i NEU 12 Lot S2, SEU NWU 12 Lot 97. NE'i SEU 12 SWU SWU 16 Lot 7. SWU NEU 24 Lots 24 and 26. SWU NEV, 24 Lot S. NWU SEU 24 Twp. 13, Range 13 Description Sec. Sub Lot 1 of 14 and 6. W SEU 31 I't. of Lot 4, WVje NW'i ..35 Lot 12 (W of II. II.), SWU SWU 35 Lot 13 (S of I:. It.), SEU SWU 35 LOIISVILI.E PRECINCT Twp. IS. Range 11 Description Sec. W14 NEU 13 E SEU r 13 Lot 9. NWU SWU 15 K 69 ft. of Lot 10. NWU SWU 15 Lot 3, NWU SEU. Lot 4 and 5. N SWU. and S4 SWU and SVfc SEU.. 19 Pt. of Lot 1 (S of R. R.) NEU NEU 21 Pt. of Lot 1 and 2. NEU NWU S of It. Tt.). Lot and 7. NE'i NWU 22 Lot 74. 8 and 9. SEU NWU 22 K 30 Arres of NWU SE"4.23 St4 SEU 23 NEU NEU 24 Lot 6. S'i SWU 26 SEU 29 K SEU 34 Lot 6. NEU NWU 35 NWU NWU 35 SEU NWU 35 AVOCA PRECINCT Twp. 10. Range 12 Description Sec. NEU NWU and Lot 7, NWU NWU 4 Lot 6, SWU NWU 4 Lot 5. SEU NWU 4 IZhi NWU and W NWU and NEU SWU 5 SEU SWU f N SEU 6 SEU Amt. $ 80.52 141.95 19.10 .99 121.68 29.18 27.76 15.95 47.45 110.45 63.20 r..ll 304.52 79.58 24.89 37.24 22.25 Amt. I 35.16 10.30 13.40 110.53 24.77 39.05 37.S8 51 SI .93 7 . 7 . 7 .18 .18 .18 .19 .19 136. 19 19 SEU .19 Twp. 12, Range 14 Description Sec. I't. of Lots 5. 8. 9. 12 SWU rsw of rt. p.. 6 Lot 28, NEU NWU 7 NWU NWU (fiov. Lot2). 7 SWU NWU fSub Lot 1 of tiov. Lot 3) Lot 66 E',4 Lot 67 Lot 177 Lot 178 Lot 179 Lot 26. NEU NEU . Lot 115. NE'i NEU . Lots 126, 127, 128 SWU NE'i Lot 120. SEU NEU . bub. Lot 1 of 121, NEU N 3 r,o Acres of Lot 5 SWU SWU 19 S 5 Acres of Lot 5. SWU SW'i .19 Lot 129. SEU SEU 19 Lot 135, SEVi SEU 19 Lot 100. SEU SEU 19 Lot 17. SV4 SEU 20 Lot 2. NEU 29 Lot 5, NEU 29 Lot 11. NEU 29 Lot 12, NEU 29 Lot 17. SEU 29 Lot 18. SEU 29 Lot 1. NEU NEU 30 Lot 6. NEU NEU 32 NE corner of Lot 16, NEU NE'i 32 Lot 10. NWU NEU 32 Lot 19. NWU SEU 32 Lot 4 and 5, SEU SEU ..32 S Of Lot 4 , Lot 14 ,.33 .33 Amt. $ 7.38 8.18 19.35 2.00 28.92 5.38 17.06 70.22 Amt. 12.72 4.98 67.95 29.09 Amt. I 32.12 .60 8.18 3.39 13.16 5.39 29.05 2.79 5.38 19.65 11.87 78.00 24.83 26.13 1.72 2.63 .57 .44 2.94 .80 2.02 6.89 2.02 5.68 9.33 3.24 3.24 3.24 .33 4.46 14.81 16.03 2.63 2.02 T o v LOTS CEDAR CREEK VILLAGE Description Lot 1 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lots 9 and 10 Lots 1 and 2 . Lota 4 to 4 Lot 6 ,nfl 4 ..- S Lt and f ' T Blk. 2 2 2 2 4 Description Lot 7 Lots 8 and 9 . . W'2 of Lot 2 Lot 3 S?a of Lot 17 Lattn'M Snupil Addition to the Village of .Murray Description m. Amt;r Lot 4 I" " Ida IOn(' Addition to the village of Sljuaru Description Lots 1 and 2 Lots 3 and 4 Lots 10 and 11 Ixts 12 and 13 Lots 14 and 15 Amt. I 4.24 2.77 1.25 .48 .48 WAR ASH VILLAGE DescriDtion B1K. Amt. S .70 . 8.18 9.10 31.62 T.29 81.01 219 1 8.18 T-ots 1 to Lots 11 and 12 Lots 5 to 7 Lots 9 and 10 Lots 11 to 13 Lots 14 to 16 Lots 17 to 20 Lots 11 to 18 Lots 20, 21 and W of C 1 :2. 9 Amt. $ 4.80 3.98 10.16 4.79 .96 .68 .81 6.72 1.32 Ilorton'a Addition to the Village of WauaHn Descrlpt ion Lots 3 to 5 Lot 6 KVi of Lot 7. S to 10 W'i of Lot 7 . Lot 1 and 2 . . Lots 3, 4 and Lot 6 Lot 7 Lots 6 and 7 . Lots 8 to 10 . Lots 6 and 7 . Blk. all of Lots 2 2 ! 6 . 6 . 7 . 7 .10 .10 .11 Amt. I 5.33 .26 1.40 .17 4.24 2.80 .53 .85 10.08 1.24 .50 Lot 10 Lots 1 and 2 Lot 3 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 SM of Lots 1 and 2 ... Lot 4 Lot 6 Lots 1 and EVi of Lot 2 Lots 5 and 6 Lot 5 i lMta 11 and 12 S of Lot 7 N Pt. of Lots 7. 8. and 9 W', of Lots 1 and 2 .... Lots 1 to 3 Lots 4 to 6 E 4 ft. of Lot 9 and all Lots 10 to 12 Lots 7 to 9 Lot 10 All of Block Lot 8 and W6 Lot 9 . Lot 12 Lots 3 and 4 E 40 ft. of Lot S. all Lot 9 Lots 7 and 8 N 96 ft. of Lot 11, 12 . Lots 1 and 2 Lots 9 and 10 Lots 11 and 12 ". Lots 9 to 12 Lots 1 to 3 Ixt 4 Lot 1 Lot 10. Lots 8 to 11 I't. of Lot 6 Lot 7 Lots 1 and 2 Lots 3 and 4 Lot 4 Ixt 5 Lot 6 Lots 13 and 14 1, 2, and 3 13 and 14 t to 6 7 to 12 5 and 6 Ixts Lots Lots Ix)ts i.o;s Undivided of Lot 8 . ..54 ..55 . .55 . .55 ..55 . .55 ..56 ..56 . .56 ..59 , . .59 ..61 ...61 ..62 . .63 . .65 ...73 ..75 Of ..75 . . .SS , . .89 ,. .90 , . .93 ..93 ,. .94 Of ..94 . .95 ...95 , . .96 . .96 .. .96 .110 . .111 , .123 .134 .149 .151 .164 . .167 . .169 . .169 . .171 ..171 . .171 . .172 . .173 ..173 , .222 . .222 . .223 .224 White' Addition to Plattaniouth t My Description Lots 1 and 2 Lots 1, 2 and 3 . S 39 ft. Lots 1 to 12 Lots 1 to 4 Lots 1 and 2 Blk. 1 4 5 6 7 ROCK II LI Description Lots 1 to 12 Lots 1 to 12 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lots 4 to 6 ...... Lots 7 and 8 . . . . lAits 1 to 10 Lots 1 to 10 in and Lots 1 and Lots 1 to 8 Lots 1 to 8 Lot 1 Lots 2 and 3 Lot 4 Lots 5 Lot S Lots 7 Lot 8 Lot 1 I3t 1 Lots 1 Lots Lots Lots Lots Lots FFS VILLAGE Blk. 2E 8 3E 4E 4E 4E 4E 4B 1N2E 1N2E and 6 and' s" to 12 . to 12 . 1. 2 and 4 to 12 1 to 12 1 to 12 . . 1 to 10 . .1N4E . . .2N2E . . .2N3E . . .2N4K . . .2N4E . . .2N4E . . .2N4E . . .3N5E . . .2N4E . . .4N5E . .5S1W .1S2&3E . . .1S4E . ..2S2E . . .2S2E . . .2S4E . . .2S3E . . .9S1E Amt. 1.16 1.78 .66 .66 .66 .66 .66 1.05 1.51 3.81 1.58 .65 1.31 .65 .65 .65 .65 .65 .20 4.65 .51 .52 .74 .52 .52 .84 Smith's Addition to Plattanionta City Description Lot 28 (except 40 ft. off S side) S 40 ft. of Lot 28 15.77 15.12 29.71 136.95 42.48 38.12 36.06 46.68 S1.22 97.44 109.34 41.33 6.25 36.48 20.41 96.53 10.31 164.97 24.21 4.65 157.61 14.35 3.03 28.39 52.75 36.13 8.28 425.62 68.72 160.00 83.07 44.62 16.99 12.22 89.10 36.67 83.58 19.02 40.52 58.74 4.65 2.13 16.27 38.29 50.73 7.39 44.66 12.32 89. 83 5.05 1.30 Amt. $ 18.38 112.03 360.2S 10.30 4.24 Amt. 3 32.44 .95 MlrkJewalta Addition I'lattamouth City Description Blk. 3 Lots 1 to 8 a Lots 1 to 4 to Amt 8 10.31 5.85 Town urn I'a Addition to Plattanionta City Description Blk. Lots 11 and 12 6 Lot 1 and N 10 ft of Lot 2. .16 Lots 1 and 2 17 Lots 3 and 4 17 Amt 3 26.4S 33.34 21.34 21.35 PLATTSMOITH OCT LOTS Twp. 12, Range 13 Description Sec. Amt. S'. Lot 7. all Lots 8 and 9. Sub Lot 1 or 10 iNVU SEU 12 Lots 28 to 32 NE'iSW'i . .12 Lots 64, 63 and 77, SV U SWU Lot 54. SEU SEU Lot 60. SEU SEU N3 Lot 62. NWUSEU. Lot 80, NWUSEU ixts 9 to 12. SEU NWU Lot 13. SEU NWU Lot 1. SEUNW'U Lot 28. SW USE U Lot 33, SWUSEU Lot 60. SWU SEU Lot 54. NEU SEU NWPt. of Lot 46, SEVi SEU Sub. Lot 1 of Sub Lot 2 of Lot 46. SEU SEU 13 Sub. Lot 2 of Sub. Lot 2 of Lot 46. SEU SEU 13 Sub. Lot 1 Of Lot 46. SEU SEU Lot 4. SEU NEU . Lot 40. NEU SEU -Lot 46. SEU NEU N 140 ft., of Lot 11 NWU Lot 136. SW'i NWU 19 Lot 111. SW'i NWU 19 Lot 112. SWUNWU 19 E 57 ft. of W of Lot 17.18 Lots 55 and 56. SEUSW'i.18 Lot 12, SWU SWU 18 Lot 3. NEU SWU 7 Lot 16. NW'i SWU 7 Lot 52, SEU SWU 7 Lot 4, W-i SWU " It 6. W'M SWU 7 Its 15 and 17. W'i SWU. 7 Lot 18. W V4 SWU 7 .12 1 ' 1 0 1' . 1 2 .13 .13 .13 .13 .13 .13 .13 .13 .13 24 , 24 , 24 NWU 19 Lot 36, WV2 SWU 7 14.34 48.71 28.50 261.55 4.24 36.58 26.64 46.43 24.24 16.37 20.41 3.78 1.81 38.61 139.17 .60 32.79 512.54 39.65 43.81 32.54 28.50 38.09 3.04 61.36 72.96 48.71 2.48 20.41 4.24 1.36 60.83 49.07 20.36 8.28 7.47 Ynmc mill Maya Addition Plattamoath City Description Blk. T nfu 7 nnll X 8 Lots 3 and 4 9 Lots 5 and 6 9 Lots 3 12 Lot 4 13 Lots 1 and 2 1 Lots 7 and 8 1 , Lots 1 to 4 20 I nla S o rwl C 27 Lots 6 and 7 27 N'i of Lots 1 and 2 29 I.ots 3 to 6 22 SVi of Lots 1. 2 and 3 29 N 65 ft of EVi of Lot 6 and N 65 ft. of Lot 7 and 8.. 29 Lots 1 and 2 30 lAita 1 and 2 . , tf 31 Lot 1 : 3J T.ot 3 and 4 33 Lot 7 38 Lot 4 9 Lots 7 and 8 ,.45 Dnke'a Addition to Plattamoath City Description Blk. Lot 5 3 Lots 9 to 11 3 Lot 12 3 Lot 19 4 Lots 20 to 22 4 Lots 1 and 2 8 Lot 2 and EU Lot 3 11 Lots 5 and 6 (Except R. R.) 11 :Lots 8 to 11 1! Lot 7 Lots 1 to 3 Lot 4 Lots 5 and 6 Lots 10 to 12 Lots 1 to 4 .15 .18 .18 .18 .18 .19 to Amt 8 64.88 68.9 278.33 20 31 10. 168.96 6. 32.54 157.19 8.46 100.93 32 137.58 72.96 121.47 132.72 80.4 158.87 30.13 48.42 81.0 Amt. 3 20.31 28.49 2.52 2.11 114.48 10.31 65.46 21.22 29.09 52.45 36.58 28. 9S 17.58 7.47 158.03 Orchard Hill Addition Plattamoath City Description Blk. Lots 1 and 2 4 3 7 7 8 8 to Lot Lot 5 Lot 1 Lot 2 Amt. 3 4.2 1.99 1.99 2.82 4.45 Rlehey Place Addition to Plattamoath City Description Blk. Amt. Lots 3 to 8 2 3 24.45 : Lots 20 to 24 3 3.43 PLATTSMOCTH CITY Description Blk. Lots 7 to 9 1 Lots 10. 11 and 12 1 Lots 1 to 6 2 Lots 7 and 8 2 Lot 10 4 Lot 11 5 Lot 2 6 Lots 4. 5 and 6 6 Lots 1 and E 4 ft. of Lot 2. 7 Lots 7, 8 and 9 7 Lots 1 and 2 8 Lots 4, 5, and 6 9 Pt. of Lot 8 N of Ave. ... 9 Lots 5 and 6 10 Lots 7 to 12 10 Lot 8 11 Lots 9 and 10 11 NV6 of Lots 11 and 12 ...11 Lots 1 and 2 12 Lots 7 to 10. W Vfe 11 13 NVi of Lots 1 and 2 17 Lots 4. 5 and 6 17 Lots 7 and 8 17 N 69 ft. of Lot 12 18 Lots 2 and 3 19 SV4 of Lots 5 and 6 20 Lots 7 and 8 20 Lot 9 -.20 Lots 10. 11 and 12 20 Lot 1 21 S Pt. of Lots 4. 5. and 6.. 21 Iots 9 and 10 S of Ave. ... 21 Lots 7 and 8 22 N 50 ft. of Lots 1 and 2 . .27 N 75 ft. of Lot 5 28 EVi of Lot 9 30 Lot 12 30 NVi of WVi of Lot 10 and all Lots 11 and 12 and S 3Vi ft. of Lot 13 31 Lot 5 33 Lots 7 and 8 33 Lots 9 and 10 33 EVi Lot 4 ...34 EVi Lot 3 35 S 50 ft. of N 73 Vi ft. of Lot 7 35 EVi of Lot 11 and 12 35 S 48 ft. of Lots 1 and 2 ..36 Lot 4 36 W 3 ft. of S 40 ft. of E 14 ft. of Lot 10 36 Lots 7. 8. and 9. w 30 ft. of Lot 10 (except 5 ft., 7 In. of S 40 ft., 8 In. of w 30 ft. of 10), W 3 ft of the N 99 Vi ft. of E 14 ft. of Lot 10 36 SVi of Lot 11 36 Lots 4, 5, and 6 40 I.ots 5 and 6 42 Lots 7 and 8 N and W of Ave 42 Lot 9 43 Pt. of Lot 1 49 Lot 14 49 Lot 8 B0 Lots 8 anfl 4 , 88 S 62 t of JjotS T. to ff ...;M K TS ft. of Lots T tt 9 ....84 Amt. 3169.98 74.38 528.23 306.42 38.53 36.58 20.41 278.77 86.70 193.52 109.21 66.83 28.85 122.64 285.43 167.88 196.55 70.54 34.56 338.36 44.65 121.47 252.27 80.56 161.90 330.32 230.31 59.53 144.23 60.73 108.62 10.31 4.24 165.84 157.75 115.62 1,107.25 109.45 400.96 564.54 208.18 95.89 257.18 48.61 172.73 137.54 266.98 Stadelman'a Addition to Plattamoath City Description Blk. Lots 1 to 4 1 Lots 10 to 12 1 Lot 18 2 C. 42 ft. of Lots 19 to 21 . . 2 W 42 ft. of Lots 19 to 21 . . 2 Lots 11 and 12 3 E Vi of Lots 15 and 16 ... 3 Pt. Lots 1 to 4. Pt. Lots 5 to 7 4 Fltzgeralda Addition to Plattamoath City Description Blk. Lots 5 and 6 3 N4 Lot 7 3 SVi Lot 7 and all of Lot 8. . 3 Amt 3 52.75 56.49 40.68 48.31 27.47 125.36 66.28 47.50 Amt 3122.16 21.53 95.19 A. I. Wlaa Addition Plattamoath City Description Lots 31. 33 to 46 to Clnrka Addition to Plattamoath City Description Lot 4 Stllea Addition to Plattamouth City Description Lot 4 Amt 3 50.32 Amt. 3 37.29 Amt. 3 18.28 Thompaon'a Addition Plattamouth City to 3.33 202.30 133.50 278.12 95.28 Description Blk. Amt. Lots 1 to 7 2 3 8.68 Lots 11 to 14 2 35.37 Lot 2 and NVi Lot 3 4 1.81 SVi of Lot 3 and N 36.85 ft. Lot 4 4 16.37 Lots 8 to 10 4 2.62 Lot 2 6 36.89 Lot 3 -. 6 51.03 Lot 7 6 26.78 Lots 11 and 12 7 116.98 Lots 8 to 10 8 41.54 NVi Lot 13, ail of 14 8 14.35 Lots 1 and 2 10 17.98 Palmer'a Addition to Plattamoath City Description Blk. SVi 1 Lots 1 to 6 7 Lots 17 and 18 9 Lots 1 to 3 10 ! Lots 15 and 16 10 Lot 1 " Lots 11 and 12 23 Lots 4 to 6 2; Lots 7 to 9 25 Lots 1 to 6 28 Lots 7 to 9 -'8 Lots 10 to 12 28 Lots 1 to 10 33 Lots 11 and 12 33 Egenberger Addition to Plattamouth City Description lik. Lots 1 to 5 3 Wlnea Addition to I'lattamouth Clty Description Lots 36 to 39 IC'-i Lot 46 and W 11 ft. of Lot 47 Lots 50 and 61 Lots 62 to 65 Lots 92 to 96 46.68 E 20 ft. of Lot 447 1.41 42.61 Lot 456 44.72 3.43 Lots 458 and 459 71.07 20.41 Lots 475 to 477 31.70 24.45 Lot 484 19.01 5.05 Lot 490 30.07 2.62 Lot 552 4.03 2.62 Lots 712 to 714 8 07 11.51 Lot 715 6 !. 10 2.21 Lot 729 2.72 Undivided Vi of E 20ft. of Lots 736 to 738 1.77 Porter Place Addition Plattamouth City Description Sub. Lot 2 of 3 WVi of KVi of Lot 5 Lot 8 and Sub. Lot 3 of 9. Sub. Lot 2 of 9. all of Lot 10 Lot 12 Sub. Lot 1 of 12 Sub. Lot 1 and 2 of 14... Sub. Lot 5 of 14 Sub. Lot 6 of 14 and N Pt. of Sub. Lot 7 of 14 .... Sub. Lot 2 of 25 O'N'eU'N Addition to Plattamouth City Description Blk. Lots 7 to 12 2 Lots 8 and 9 3 Lots 1 to 12 4 Lots 1 to 12 6 Lot 9 8 Dove' Addition to I'lattamouth City Description Lot 3 Amt. 3 16.37 Amt. 3 34.56 28.49 11.51 32.54 62.93 Amt. 3 17.98 4.24 67.08 56.79 28.39 28.39 26.48 9.S0 12.32 32.44 Amt. 3 12.32 37.79 17.17 24.45 23.84 Amt. 3 12.22 Munger'a Flrat Addition to Alio Village Description Blk. Lot 1 I Lots 6 and 7 1 Lot 8 1 SOL'TII REND VILLAGE Description Blk. S U of Lot 8. all of 9 to 11. 3 Lot 23 to 6 Lots 1 Lot 7 Lots 1 and 2 Lot 1 SVi of Lot 3 Sub. Lot 1 of 22 13-12-10 (I't. of No. 1) : SWSW Reserve 3 4 4 8 .10 .10 Amt. 3 3. 55 1.92 1.92 1.92 1.11 6.58 .42 OCT LOTS TO NEIIWVKA VII. Twp. 1. Range 13 Description Sec. Sub Lot 2 of Lot 14 SW'i SWU 1 Sub. Lot 3 of Lot 14 SWU SWU 1" S I't. of Sub Lot 1 of 10 SWU SWU 17 W Pt. of Lot ?., SW4 SWU 17 E Pt. of Lot 13 SWU SWU 17 Pt. of Lot 6, NEU NEU.. 19 Amt. 3 5.83 29.9.". 7.26 L.(,E Amt. 3 2.35 4.r,o 13.11 10 9? 19.57 2iJ.Uo GREEN WOOD VILLAG Description WV- of Lot 15, all Lots 16 to 20 to 178 to 185 E Lots 173 Lots 179 Lot 222 Lot 270 Lot 2S3 Lots 303 Lots 318 Lot 354 Lot 356 Lots 374 It.) .. Lots 413 Lots 475 Lots 4 82 Lot 55S Lot 659 Lots to to 305 323 to 377 (except R. to to to 414 479 4S6 to 573 Sooth Park Addition Plattamoath City Description Blk. Lot 1 4 7 ...... 8 8 19 19 17.31 46.45 19.90 48.61 18.28 18.30 8S.24 fS.2f Lots 12 t 14 10 Lots 3 to 5 Lots 1 to 4 Lot 14 .... Lots 6 to 8 Lots 1 to 4 1 1 Lota T to U Amt. 3 12.72 62.95 1.81 18.79 Amt. 3 15.17 30.11 8.89 3.89 49.64 T3.42 S2L54 5.05 streltwelaaer'a Addition Plattamouth City Description -Am - Lot 1 Lot 2 3' 3? NE 14 U tt. of Lot 3 .... 2.80 Lot 4 28 "9 OITLOTS TO W EEPINU WATER CITY Tfn. IO. Range 11. Description Sec. Amt- Lot 32. NEU NWU 1 8 46.82 SVi Lots 611 to 613 Amt. 3101.78 12.48 25.24 1.99 4.01 53.02 41.30 14.37 5.4 2 104.08 17.68 37.00 9.65 9.65 10.02 6.24 41.78 24.72 N I'll AW K A mi.i, ;i: Description P.Ik. , Lot 4 : Lots 20 and 21 9 Lots 5 to 9 10 Lot 2 13 Lots 12 and 13 ! :: I Lot 4 anil N'.-i Lot 5 ....14 IvImireiiN' AdiMllon to Nehunku i!luge Descript io n Lots 4 to 8 Lot 9 Amt. 3 1 I'll 2;.o3 fil.M-, :m." 1 i2.1.1 Amt. $ 11 -5 5.9 :: WEST GREENWOOD VILLAGE Description" Amt. Lots 14 and 15 3 47.4 5 Lot 22 and Sub Lots 2, 3. and 4 of Lot 23 56.90 Lot 24 9 55 .lonea' Addition to ('rrrnwood Village Description Blk. Lot 23 Lots 32 and 33 SWEEPING WATER CITY Description Blk. Lot 4 34 Lot 5 35 Lots 1 and 2 4a Lots 5 and 6 45 Lots 5 and 6 46 Lot 1 48 O. St. between Blks. 48 and 62 S 70 ft. of Lot 5 50 70 ft. of Lot 6 50 Lot 5 60 Lot 1 62 Lot 2 and EVi Lot 3 62 WVi of Lot 3, all of Lot 4.62 Lots 6 and 7 62 C. i of Lot 7 63 W 3 of Lot 7 63 E '3 of Lot 7. all of Lot 8.63 Amt. 3 .87 18.33 6.14 9.25 26.04 25.96 Ryder' Addition to (reenwood lllaice Description Blk. Lots 1 and 2 6 Lots 1 and 2 9 Lots 3 and 4 Lots 5, 6. 7 and S 27 of Lot 8 N 17 ft. of Lot 8. all of 9 to 11 Lot 12 Amt. 3 31.84 27.03 Amt. eeping Water Has an Epidemic of Petty Thieving Several Business Houses There Brok en Into In the Past Week But Little Is Taken. ft. The town of Wee pins Water seems to be the stamping ground of som party or parties engaged in petty thieving-, according to the reports that have reached this city. In the past week there haw been 3 16.36 five of the places of business in that 13 95 P,ace hroken into but the partie. (who have committed the burglaries 2.65 1 have taken nothing but small sums OCT LOTS TO E1GLE VILLAGE Twp. IO. Range O Description Sec Lot "8. NEU SEU 20 97.47 Lot 29. NEU SEU 20 27.45 Lot 33 or Sub Lot 2 of 30 361 'SW"'i 81:14 20 12.25 1 EAGLE VILLAGE Amt. 8.41 Chaaea .Sub. Lota to Weeping Water City Description Blk. Lot G 64 Lot II 64 S 28 ft. of N 60 ft. of W 44 ft. of Lot 5 64 E'-i of Lot 7 64 K'j of Lot 8 64 ' CU of Lot 8 64 C-s of Lot 3 69 S'H of Lot 3 69 Lot 4 69 Lot 5 and 6 (except R. B.).69 Lots 3 and 4 72 '.ots 13. 14 and 15 (except B. U.) 72 SVi of Lot 2. all of Lot 3.73 Lots 13 and 14 73 Lot 4 74 Lots 3 to 6 76 Lots 7 and 8 81 N'Vi of Lots 7 and 8 82 Lot 7 S7 Lots 1 and 2 89 Lots 1 and 2 99 Lot 2 100 Lots 1 and 2 101 Lot 3 101 Lots 1 and 2 103 Lots 3 and 4 103 Lots 1 and 2 106 3.24 Description 42.75 Lot 3 33.63 Lots 7 to 12 29.27 iots 17 and 18 174.13 s 25 ft. of Lots 1 to 5 fO.lO , Lots 6 and 7 Lots 1 and 2 Lots 3 and 4 I Lots 15 and 16 Amt. I Lots 2 to 4 I 1.05 Lots 5 and 6 105 Lot 9 Lot 4 Lots 7 and 8 Lot 10 S-. of Lot 8 and all 9 11 Lots 7 to 10 16.81 39.61 115.61 79.13 4.65 4.65 118.64 9.23 24.46 2.62 2.02 25.07 30.59 2.02 15.29 100.41 3.84 51.91 42.65 1.72 3.50 4 2.75 27.55 6.14 Blk. . . 5 . . 6 . . 7 . .14 . .14 . .17 . .18 . .18 . .19 . .19 . .19 o o . 22 !23 to . .27 . .28 oc. of money that they might find in ,7 ine various places 01 uusmess aim 111 none of the places have the nurglarr tampered with the safes in the var- 1 ioup business nouses and nave con- 3 26.37 tented themselves witn taking just 16 98 what they might find secreted in cash registers of other places. The Ambler Bros, general store the George H. Olive confectionary the hardware store of Chris Klgaard Chrir. Rasmussen's grocery and the 2461 Art Jones barber shop have been the 26.66 places visited and the sums that were ; secured were hardly sufficient to re 2694 pav the person who pulled off the 176!72 job. It is thought that the thieving is 24!oo the result of the visitation of some 14.19 young bovs and who have not real- 9H2. ized a great deal through their ef- forts in crime but are laying me groundwork for a great deal of trou ble for themselves. Amt. 3 62.94 17.52 6.92 31.78 42.31 OCT LOTS TO ELM WOOD VILLAGE Twp IO, Range IO Description Sec. Amt. Lot 2, NEU SEU 9 53.75 Cart era' Addition to Weeping Water City ELM WOOD VILLAGE Description Blk. Lots 8 and 9 10 Lot 10 10 Lot 11 10 Lots 12 to 14 10 Lots 12 to 14 13 Lots 19 and 20 13 Lots 4 to 7 14 EVi of Lot 10 15 W 67 ft. of Lot 8 and all of Lot 9 16 Lot 1 17 Lots 2 to 4 17 Lots 5 to 7 17 Lots 10. 11. WVi 12 20 Amt. 3 40.36 8.13 8.13 10.81 47.06 17.59 51.07 20.18 4. &Hrll"l"llll-lrt-imm& 4- FARM BUREAU NOTES Copy for this Department furnifhed by County Agent f Lot 1 8 Lots 11 to 19 19.86 1 NVi Lot 13, all Lot 14 Fleming and Raee'a Addition to Weeping Water City Description Blk. Amt. Lots 1 to 4 2 3 9.33 Lot 8 2 16.81 E of Lot 11 2 1 ?2 Lot 12 2 33.f.4 Lots 18 to 20 2 Lots 1 and 2 7 Lot 7 7 N 10 ft. of Lot 5 and S"i of Lot 6, and S of Lot 7 L'4S.U LOt 0 22.99 12.25 SVi of Lot 8 9 Rector' a Addition to Weeplug Water City Description Blk. Lots 8 and 9 4 County Extension Agent's Meeting The Annual Conference of Nebras-L-a'a rniinlv as-pnts will be held be- 60.45 1 . . . o A o tv,nt jfi -jfi ginning me ween, ui uti. - 823 you may understand what benefit the 28.32 agents receive from this conference Lots 10. 11, -ttVi 12 20 2b.c j win explain it for this year. On Lot 14 ' . '. '. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.23 2LR2 Monday and Tuesday we meet in 33.93 Omaha at the Livestock r.xcnanse 4S-39 1 building and have classes in regard to livestock. Since it is believed tnai livestock is the most profitable part of agricultural farming, 2 days will be spent studying different clases of livestock which will be valuable in- 2.10 formation to the agents. The next 5.80 ; 3 davs will be sppnt in Lincoln where we will be given results of all experiments which have been com pleted by the experiment station of .H? the College of Agriculture. AVOCA VILLAGE Description Blk Lots 5 and 6 7 Wi of Lot 4 18 W-j of Lot 2 19 V.Vi, of Lot 3 19 Lots 8 and 9 21 Carter'a Addition to Avoca Village Description Blk. 2.63 Lot 1 1 13.78 Lots 3 and 4 6 Lot 1 11 Amt. 3 66.71 2.10 3.32 3.3 Amt Treat'a Addition to Weeping Water City Description Blk. Lot 3 3 Lot 10 3 Lots 11 and 12 3 Amt. I 16.91 Amt. 3 1.04 1.05 3.21 Reed 'a Addition to Weeping Water City Description Blk. Lots 5 to 8 4 All of Block 6 Lots 1 to 4 7 Lot 7 7 Lots 5 to 8 8 All of Block 9 Lots 5 and 6 10 Lot 7 10 Lots 1 to 8 11 Lots 2 and 3 13 Amt. $ 8.41 3.21 8.41 16.81 5.06 33.53 10.22 9.32 12.1: OCT LOTS TO Twi Description l.MO.V VILLAGE Sec. Lot 35. SWVi SEU 23 W 8 ft. of nef. Lot 5. W'M SEVi 23 Lot 4 (E of Tt. It.) NE'i NWU 26 Sub. Lot of Lot 4. NEU NWU 26 Amt. 3 9.22 .74 VILLAGE Blk. 1 I'XIOX Description Lot 3 Lot 5 1 E 30 ft. of Lot 6 1 W rt. of Lot 6 1 W rt. of Lot 7 1 Lots 5 to 7 2 3.84 iN 69 ft. of Lot 8, all of 3.24 Lot 9 2 Lot 16 2 Lot 1 3 Lots 4 to 6 3 Lots 3 and 4 4 Ilalveratadt'a Addition to Weeping Water City Description bik Lots 1 to 7 1 Lota 1 to 8 2 Amt. 3 33.64 3.34 Rlreralde Addition to Weeping Water City Description Blk. Lots 1 to 3 2 Lots 7 and 8 2 Lots 7 and 8 4 Lot 1 and Sub. Lot A. of Lot 2 Sub. Lot D and K of Lot 3 o Sub. Lot F and G of Lot 3 Park Addition to Weeping Water City Description Blk. Lot 7 3 Lots 10 to 29 4 Lots 3 to 20 5 Lots 1 to 32 and W rt. of 33 to 38 b Amt. 3 13.88 13.88 12.35 48.73 30.49 2.83 Amt. I 3.14 9.31 8.41 13.88 I.ynn'a Addition to I'nlon Vlllaiee Description Blk. Lots 14 and 15 5 Lot 16 5 Lot 16 6 Club Teams in National Contest Nebraska boys and girls who are the outstanding dairy calf club mem bers of the state this year are in competition at the National Dairy show this week. Joe King, Jesse Bil- 7 63 veau. and uussen itugnes 01 aiuwh, I coached by their Smith-Hughes in 214 j strutor, C. C. Girardot, are on the judging team. Ivan and Doris Griess, Amt. I brother and sister, of Hampton are 3 27.30 the demonstrators who will tell about 21 and show the improvement that has l fir! been made in methods of separating 40.6 cream from milk. They will also show 24.30 now important it is to have the sep c, 58 arator properly adjusted to save all ir,;hn the butterfat. The two teams are en 11.29 tering the largest contest ever held 11 at the national show. Twenty-eight " ' teams are entered in the judging con test and 23 teams in the demonstra tion. Medal and the honor of being AT? 7, ' national champions are the rewards ' they seek. Nebraska boys and girls 2.69 , have promised to uo meir uesi. SOCTII VXIOV Description Blk. Lots 13 and 14 2 Amt. 3 77.69 Ilannlne'a Addition to I nlon Vlllncre Description WVi ot Lat 8 Blk. Walnnt Hill Addition to Weeping Water City Description Blk. Amt. Lots 7 and 8 1 3 1-42 All of Block 4 32.65 LOUISVILLE VILLAGE Description Lot 9 Lots 99 to 101 Lot 177 : Lot 124 and S 20 ft. of Lot 125 Lots 228 to 230 Lots 303 to 308 Lots 318 to 319 Lot 342 to 844 Lot 419 Lota 422 tft 424 Amt. 3 62.82 4.13 23.72 Ml'RDOCK VILLAGE Description Blk. Lots 21 to 24 1 Lots 7 to 10 12 Lot 22 12 Lot 4 13 Lot 5 13 Lot 1 and N 15 ft Lot 2 . . 1 8 Lots 7 and 8 20 Lot 9 20 Flrat Addition to Murdoek Village Description Blk. Lot 8 15 Choose Baby Beeves Wisely Baby beef club boys and girls who are now selecting their calves to feed fiiirine the coming year have been asked by their state club leaders to Amt. 'pay particular attention to one para 0 1.93 graph in their club lessons which j says: "The most important single i event of your entire calf club ex I'o'g.Pa, perience comes at the very beginning. 3.K6 it is the selectioh of the calf you are I!) going to feed. If you begin with an 11 J.:? animal that will not develop, it puts lor 84 you under a handicap which no 16.85 amount of effort on your part can 12.68 ever overcome. No matter how well j you feed or care for such a calf, it OCT LOTS TO AI.VO VILLAGE Twp. 11, Range O Description Sec. Lot 23. SWU SWVi 35 Amt. ner for you. The best calf that you 3 28.35 can obtain within a range of reason able price limits is none too good to use in your project. It is well, how ever, not to bid too far above cur- 6.14 rent market prices in making your selection. Amt. ALVO VILLAGE 63.12 1 Description Blk. 73.70 Lot 8 2 19.35 Lot 13 -2 2.82 Lots 9 and 10 3 16.8B Lota 1 apd 2 4 S.0S 1 S 1 ft. ef Lot 8. all Lot 4. . 4 48.T6 ' Lots IS to IS 4 . . . .11111. 1 t. . , . 3 5.62 uex your scnooi snppues at the Bates Book and Stationery Store, 27:si where you will find the complete line M at all times. ' ' i