THURSDAY. OCT. 0. 1?37. WHAT, ANOTHER HOLIDAY I- A TREE 770HTK A DOLLAR? X hff piattsirsouth louroal r-lX-ibHi riE2H-V7EE.5XY AT - ' -'-'iK'lH. Pla.itanioutn. hhscsiption peice $200 You must admit most of the girls' art n't so bad as they're Tainted. :o: Household Hints: When baby drinks the ink write with a pencil. ' :0: Cheer up! If you swallow your col-; lar button, at least you know where it is. 1 :o: in While fishia; the North Sea recently a trawler landed a big Ger- man mine. -:o:- The bachelor's: idea relative to the divorce evil that prevention is bet- ter than cure. .n. There isn't any wild west any more, so just where is the young man supposed to go : :o: of the Anotner need of the times is at least one more month between vaca- tion and coal bills. j Most men would be triad to nav a' large income tax for the sake of hav- ing that kind of income. One of the principal troubles with the fast young man is that he isn't going in the right direction. :o: Rhode Island leads all the other states in density of population. It has 5C6 persons to the sauare mile. ! I Believe, if thou wilt, that noun- tains change their places, but be- lieve not that man changes his na-; ture. Mohammed. j :or -i Spooning in public in Chicago "must be reasonably clandestine is tViA iir-t r. f t ii (i ittr'c 'i 1 1 Arn r.v n?tr-V Watson, the dictionarv! ! -:c:- The Constitution, the famous bat tleship known as " Old Ironsides, is still preserved by the iavy. It. is in the Charleston navy yard at Boston. . ;o:- "That wasn't no lady," the British bobby might have said of the young woman who told him to dash for hades the other dav, "that was a countess. :o:- On the other hand, some say Mr. Coolidge was little affected by the V(-st and still retains the old fac- ultv of ending the conversation be fore it bec-inc :o: Scientists invented a mechanism that will photograph man's thoughts. Probably nothing will come of it though, there being laws against in fernal machines. :o: Congress is getting ready to con vene and probably the first thing they'll do is attack Coolidge's for eign policy. We hardly can wait to find out what It is. :o: Here's Dora again! She's so dumb rhe thinks the sugar restriction biil that the Cuban senate passed the other day La; something to do with the butter and egg men. to: What is the matter with the authorities that they can't make the property holders of those empty buildings on Main street keep the glass in the front windows? :o. Says D-an Inge, "Government of, bv and for the people is claptrap." Let us thn shorten and revise the Gettysburg address. It now reads: "Claptrap shall not p:rish from the earth." :n: It has been said that farmers in Georgia are planning to carry and rtore the peanut crcp over to spring and better prices. This is a current example of an attempt to exercise some sort cf control over the price of a product. -:a:-- en4or Heflin, of Alabama, de mands that all the speeches in the sr.ate be broadcast during the next session of congress. Have radio fans nothing to pay on that subject in this free country? May a m-rciful God pare us from being afflicted with He f- lin tpeeches. now and forevermore. :o: Senator Reed's candidacy is likely to start things. It will represent the ........... formidable alternative put iorwara t Smith, and as such the campaign launched bv the Missouri Democrats i taken in Washington as significant ' . , , c- -.t, a i rnd important. Smith had and still has one advantage over every othr asnirant a strong nucleus of support in nearly every state from coast to tunM. PLATTS1I0UTH, UEB2ASSA Nt.. - coad-clat mall manor BATES, PublUher pes yeas en adyakcs "Puss" is an old Irish or Gaelic name for a cat. :o: An old rubber heel nailed to the flour makes a uoisless doorstep ; o friend for A man seldom goes to a loan if lie really reeds the money : o : Don't be ashamed to wear your old clothes until you are ableto pay for; new ones. i -:o:- Michigan has no sped except the trees, telephone pop's and bridge abutments. i i :o: I Lots of us didn't choose- ;o conic back from our vacatic n. but we came just the same. Consider the tack and the auto- meddle tire and don't go around blow- -rig yourself up. :o: Oil is reported to have been found in Chine, in which country was known to exist before. ;n; Every woman is likely to be in the wrong until she begins to cry then she is in the right. i Afterthought: The crushing retort you think of when the other driver is already a block away. :o: If Gene Tunuey iroes into t lie movies we can suggest a title for his first picture "Pay, Brother. Pay." :o: 11 s intimated that the American Federation of Labor is still "playing with" the idea of a five day working week. . :o: Maybe one of the rersons you don't ; s . women knitting these days is I i cause wool catches fire from thei tiniest spark. :o: The "Harvard football team enter tained the Vermont eleven at tea af- ter their game. The Crimson seems to be getting just a little pink, :o: According to that Admiral whose literary labors on the side are being i looked into, our navy organization- has more organization than navy, lr 1ne P71 Tf fho T-.c-i i. miiti.r t.'taat lip-tiCKs are piaying navoc v.un sword, those surplus typewriters to which Admiral Magruder objects are possibly the guns of a paper cruiser. 'dt ''untr'- The iscons.n pr;'- . . I pri-tors declare that the "kiss-proof" Cur idea of a superfluous ente r-' linrtick stays on a table napkin r s tainment is a husband-calling con-1 veil as e n lips, and when the laun test. A wife-calling con 'est might be- eirh s try, conscier.ticusly. to take out a terrible flop, but t would be- th stain, the cloth comes, too. and news. j the napkin is in shreds. Towels are :o: i:i:ewie used by the girls for make- The government of Russia bar up cL-thes. Stmethn-s the t'wfis are fired Lean Trotzky aain. We can'; s" badlv sme-aitd with rof.sre and remember the day. but understand that Trotzky usually gets fired on Saturday night. ; :o: The American people spend ten timer, as much money for sugar as for books, some statistician has an- nounced. The pantry is mightier than the library. :o: The- head of the prohibition forces in Washington says intelligence agents have been assign d to inves tieate at r-veral Iut ccdl'.-?' s. Woii der what thy're hurting f;: liquar jr intelligence ? :o:- Recnt purchase of New Yr : Stork Exchange memberships ' r been at prices around ? 2 35,0 00. Tl is a big price. It has been sugr-esT that the New York Stock Excl n will some day be an interr.ati;; market of great scope. :o: In l-fC4 Pope Paul II prescribed t' red skull-cap as the regular h'adg r fcr cardinals who had been secui -r priests. Later the "red hat" bocr :e the headgear of all cardinals. Ti.e red symbolizes their willingness to sl-d their blood for the Savior. :o: At present, a well-known auto r.-- ccssory manufacturer is spending goc I money in a courageous effort to persuade people away from the fad for ornamental radiator caps. when he ought to be adapting his de-vice to fit in with the popular fancy. . .o. Former night p-diceman, Jackson, who is a Missourian. was down in that state Sunday, and brought home o c.,v r T m.i-r..,, c ,1 i, Q f , a sacK of papas. and he favored us with a bakers dozen thirteen, which we enjoyed very much, coming as they did from our old ""home state, -r,o,i- t,i-c - , A.i. v (.uu. j With Mothc-i'c Day, Father's Day, .and all the rest, it requires a good deal of temerity to suggest another holiday. Ytt I make bold to propose Grand father's Day. to be celebrated in the following manner: Each citizen to provide him self with a packknife, a pine board and a corncob pipe, and spend the dav in whittling and IX THOUGHT. It is impossible to exaggerate the goc d that might come from such a day, faithfully observed around the world. Look at the front page of the morn- ,' ing paper; what a feverish panorama I jit unfolds! We rush into conferences :nd rush out again; we legislate; we j ;.t r ike; we resi Ke and dt'iK iiLPe; ve w.v Till petfeitly sure that ve war.t ' 1 s: -.nothing, but what v. t want '.it ,;jVt. I)y clvar jd...t1 because we lave ne ver stopped long er.ourh to thii Some years ago an eminent Hi I doo visited c ur sho-.--.-s. Said lie: "I ; do not fee how it is possible for I y hi to live as you do. without u single moment of your day deliborato- 1 ly given to tranquillity and ni'-iuta- j !ti''n. It is an inevitable rait of our Hindoo Iile to rctir lor at bast ka:i an hour daily into silence, to relax our muscles, govern our brea'hing and meditate on eternal thinas." The Hi; (iocs may r.ct have pro gressed met hanieally so fast as we. but they have fome perspective on , life, some inner sense of what it is all about. In that respect our men of I fctumps: neie- n.e .u-. -vision have resembled them. jthe blackened butts of eigars strewn oive such men tun credit to r,- t-T- ... - I , eM ha,d wn,i;. energy and all the ie-st there rtiil remains a deeper, more subtle source of power. Some-whe-re. in.-ide themselves, they have a secret place to which thev can re tire, there to take stock of their re- I sources, revis their aims, relocate ir goaN and correct the ir point of i : ; view e-n me n and eve nts. Such a s rvice of revisions ar.d cor Jrcctions Grandfather's Day might do ; for us; it would e:erri-e us at least Jcnce a year in the wholesome e xperi Ienw of doing a little silent thinking ! en cmr own account. St. Ftanois of Assisi, buried in Ithoueht. walked all dav along the i tr ! -de : rs of a beautiful lake-. As his corr.par.ioT.s were conversing that night, he heard one of them mention the lake. "Wh?t laker" tncjuirrd St. Francis. Every' -?' "-vas Gran Jf.ithe r s Day to him. Which is one of the reasons whv he was St. Francis. Bruce B;r- ton. :o:- LIPSTICKS AND LAUNDRY I'laints of Milwaukee hotel-reTi and lvstraurai.t linen. will doubtless find echo in hote ls through- make-up that no cleaning will make them white a -rain. process : nd t hy possible ; are thrown awav. The- only ! solution is for the botei people to provide ma,;r-up clothe. a some of th-m now do shoe polishing ch-thes and fp:ial cloths for wiping razor blades clean. Of course, there won't be a substitute- for i Ti the dining rooms,, so the managers who don't want to ii.-k heart faiiure will havo to stay away from the rooms where they're likely t Fee girls rub bing in fresh lip. tick after a me ii. :o: CHICAGO'S NEW 5I0VE 0?T CR3IE Tlie police of Chicago, advancing on the crir.-.e wave, lately have un dertaken tb mental examination of leaders of the underworld. A g.'.ag b rder is r-msrht. bo -roe to tbe lios- pil l where thy look into his ABC's. The re is tbis mnrb nbr.m iT,iib-: lication of the results of these testr. bats in considerable number. Imagine. tl s.:i" le cling or a member or tne Gas- ho!';;e Gang, for instance, upon read ir:? that Tufty M.-Luaid has been dis c -ve red lacking in the mentality very :.i::e-y ear-odd schoolboy has v. (. n't this siightly jar Tuffy's pres tig - with the boys? These gang leaders are supposed to be bright feilo.vs, smart en.iugh to make their way th rough the world without a great deal of effort, except the overworking of the trig- ger linger. With the notions of their smartness cast to the winds, their g ings no longer will look up to them for help and advice. it is a good move to undermine the thu presti-e " " :o: Th- faithful old actors of the true blue, s.oeai to have been civen 'he co- by, but are not forgotten Many of t. . ... .... lurjii naic icit a lasuu i t-pueaii- .'i Up at Franconia Notch, in the Yv'hite Mountains of New Hampshire, a strange new voice fills the air and the Old Man of the Mountains is wor ried. It is the voice of the ax ring ing out its threat to the forest. The Great Stone Face, immortal ized by Nathaniel Hawthorne, fears the loss of his friends, his friends that have stood there with hlui for centuries. Men's tloive for a few more board feet of limber is the motif. Not a fnp'ist goes into New Eng land rut visits F:i.-c;.nsa Notch to see the Okl Man. in his beautiful surround! rips. There is Prolile Lake and the Flume that lr-.e been carved by the torrents of ages washing against the solid rod; f the hil's. E-.ho Lake sit like a jewel on a na tu:::i er.rpet cf beautiful n xture, :.nd there an the Mirroring Basin ar.d The To... Ca' in. .ci'hbr Moun tain is Lonesome Lui.e. Ove r ail thi? the- Great Stone Tac- has looked for ac.'s, and ii all 'nave i en beautiful i.Te.l good. Now the song cf tV" ax on the vi r.drtone cfhots up through the weeded wib-y. The (-id Man of the Mountain looks down upon his scenic Pa-.idise and hears the harsh song with horror. They aie pbout to siay the Old Man's friends, the trees ! where the sw-tt birds sing, the tree s th: hold the water. cP.;be the bill- sides and provide lire-wood for the bleak night. T . l ,..1.1 1,,. ll rf-. uir.m a priceless ui i .hfu i uu. To help the society lor the- protec tion of Nw Hamprhiie for-r-ts, the American Nature Aa ;so( hit ion. with headquarte rs at Washingtor. D. C, has started a campai-n t have the public buy the Notch. You can buy association a rial -.cull be a tree r senmu- ioe dollar. No b tter nit chosen. A SOUND PLATFORM In addition to his assault? or. tne Republican administration, most of which is a matter of public record. Senator Reed frankly out lint i his own platform. Declaring thai we should have an American pol-"cy in foreign affairs which would put the inn rest of the United States above ;.ll other interests, he summed up his own platform as follow: Let us reassert the truth of the d 'ctrir.e th:;t if this people is t re main fre local -elfgov-e rt;r:ent and Hie sovt-rignty of the ..tnte -: must lie rri:e:ved. The f-d.-Tl power withi.i the sh"u!d be e Lmus not o.t ii.h-o with- onl v oT i he b t ter in the spirit of the C' r,.-t it ut mn. The inarch of centralization must b arrested. Government by boards; and bureaucracies must cease. T t rs demand The he ne st administration of government ; The swift and sure punirh tner.t of public plunderers, bribe-mong' r? and other inale factors ; The equalization of the bur den of taxation; The repeal of all laws creating spe'ijil urivih'ges: The ('ismissal of an army of sTiO'.'Pf rs. si.e-alis and in f or me rs : The liberation of honest busi ness from oppressive interference by povernnu ntal agents; The prosecution and punish ment of those who by trust, combination ar.d restrains of trade make war on honest busi ness and despoil the people. This platform in the main is a re arsertion of the Bill of Rights and the principles embodied in the Con stitution, on which the republic is found- cl. It is a sound platform. Y"hatevr may happen, it is evi dent that Senator Reed will not be a deadhead in t!i" presidential earn- . 1 1- t . - . pairn. Ii- lias siarie'u a ngat, wn n r.ll hi vl fightirg (jualities working ii'ii'er high pressure. Mix finely chopped corl: with liquid ?-l"''M to fill hole; in linoleum. ' ORDER OF HEARING On Petition for Appointment of Administratrix The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun- i. ss. In the County t ourt. I?i the matter of the estate of Mat th E. Young, deceased. On reading crd filing the petition -f Walter W. Palrier and Ralph G. Palmcr praying that administration c f said estate may be granted to Cina Godwin as administratrix Orde-ed. That November 11th, A. D. 1927, at ten o'clock a. m. is assigned for hearing said petition, whn all persons interested in said matter mav appear at a county court : to be he Id in and for said countv. and show cause why the prayer erf peti- tenors should not l- granted; and that notice of the Pendencv of said Ttjt: 11,1. v..-nrino- ihf k give n to all persons interested in Kli niatter by publishing a copy of tllis order in the rlattsi-out h Jour- rial, a semi-weekly newspaper print- eJ ,n said cminty, for tni49 fl:cces. sive weeks prior to said day of hear- -P- - Dated October 11th, 1927. A. H. DUXBURY, J (Seal)ol7-Sw County Judge. ' Th cigarette place by le It27. R- J. Bffvnotd Tot-acco Company, V."iastor-S;lcni. N. C What about Plattsmouth? Oh. all rieht! phe's ORDER OF HEARING on Petition for Appointment of Administratrix The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun - ty. ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Ja- cob Buechler. deceas-d. On reading and filing the petition r-f Fred Buechler praying that admin irt ration of said estate may be grant ed to Bertha A. Buechler as admin istratrix Ordered. That November 4th. A. D. HI2T. at ten o'clock a. m. is as signed for hearinr said petition, wh-n all persons interested ia said matter may appear at a county court to be held in and for said county, and show cause why the prayer t;f niit it ir.-rier chni.t.l Tiot be printed' and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to ail persons interested in saul matter bv publishing a copv of this order "in the Plattsmouth Jcurnal. a senii-weeklv newspaper r,,.; -,t. te f.-.r thvec sn.-. cesrive wetks prior to said day of hearing. Dated October Sth. 1927. A. H. DUXBURY, (Sean CI1AS. E. MARTIN. County Jud .'. Attorney for Petitioner. oll-3w LEGAL NOTICE In the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska Charles A. Murray et al. Plaintiffs, vs. Dora Murray et al. 1 J- NOTICE I Defendants. To the defendants, Dora Murray; Elmer E. Murray, a minor: Bernice Murray, a minor; Gladys Murray, a minor; Clarence Wayne Murray, a T o lotte Murray: Lee Steven Murray ; Lucy Murray; Beulah Padgett; Alva pade-ett; Euna V. Murray; Nellie I 1 : T . .- . . . T . . T 1 I. j -iii:e .uuiiaj, a. i-niioi , joini iaijoi ; Murray, a minor; Ruth I. Murray, a minor; George W. Murray, a minor; Mary R. Murray, a minor; Paul W. Murray and Manila Murray, all non residents: You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 6th day of Oc tober. 1927. the plaintiffs. Charles A. Murray; Clinnie Murray; Isabel Yost; James Yost; Laura J. Span ti ler; Frank Spangler; Leonard C. Murray; Rose Murray; David Mur ray; David Murray; Flora Murray; Florence Spangler; Philip Spansler; EJwird Murray; Ada Murray; Chris C. Murray; Nannie Murray; Guy Murray; Mearl Murray; Albert Mur- ; ray, and Mabel Murray filed their petition in the District (ourt of Cass,Golca Nobie Ileal. clerK ol.tlie Uis- county. Nebraska, against you and j trict Court within and for Cass Coun- each of you for the partition of the j ty. Nebraska, and to nie directed, I Yk'est Haif of Lot 4 and all of Lot 42 will on the 2ath day of October, A. in Block 6S, in the Village of Weep- D. 1927, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said ing Water, Cass county. Nebraska, day at the South Front Door of the netting forth the interest of them-1 Court House in riattsmouth, Ne- selves and each of you in said prop- eity, and praying for a partition thereof, or if the same cannot be equitably divided, that said property be sold and the proceeds thereof di- vided. and for eauitable relief. Vmi nnri enrh of von nr further notified that you are required to an- swer said petition on or before the 2Sth day of November. 1927, or the allegations of the plaintiffs petition be taken as true and judgment in partition entered in accordance with the prayer of said petition. ! CHARLES A. MURRAY et al, . G. KIECK. Plaintiffs. Atorney for Plaintiffs. oll-4w cf u 1 l t-i thai earned, its goodness The greatest endorsement ever given to a cigarette is revealed by the fact that Government figures show that more Camels are being smoked today than ever before An endorsement by the many not the few r v "tf 'rr ... J, WMii.B't pre tend to kr.ow any? hing r.bour.v (neu'c stylo.", but arc ;'ai:.?t hig.i be els, when w.-n -vini m-xie: dreses. They are leftovers of the mauve decade, and would fit in nicely ' with gilt furnitu e, bustle?, picture : hats, Gibson girls, and hors.-s and 'buggies. Knees and high heels jun r- don t oelong sn tue same picture. I., e - Iia!-v, !-!( (Uiinlin it"I. Ilnnlv. Omi-liii. t.ra-.K.ii ' NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE ' Notice is hereby given that on th"7 Slst day of October, 1927. at 10 o'clock a. m.. at the Plattsmouth Motor Company. Plattsmouth, Cass County. Nebraska, th-.- undersigned will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash one 1926 Ford Roadster. Motor No. 14.9.. 09, covered by chattel mortgage in favor of Plattsmouth Me.tor Company, signed by A. S. Christ and assigned to American Credit Corporation, said mortgage being dated October ath, 1926. and having been filed in the office of the County Clerk of Cass County, Nebraska, on the 15th day of October. 192C. ! Said sale will be for the purpose of tore-closing sail mortgage ar.u ior ,the purpose of satisfying the amount 1 now due thereon, to-wit: 5 loVao. I AMERICAN CREDIT CORP. L. C. Hawky, Attorney. oll-Cw NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the Henry Oelkers, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, that I jwiil sit at the County Court room in U-ember 4. 1927. and February 6. i ' ..... ...... . ' i . ' . .. ,An-,' teive ciimi Kr.ct i n i ;i e an i inini us"it said estate, with a view to their ad- justment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 4th clay of November, A. D! 1927, and the time limited for pay ment of debts is one year from said 4th day of November, 1927. Witness my hand anl the seal of said County Court this 29th day of September, 1927. A. II. DUXBURY, (Seal) oS-4w County Judge, i SHERIFF'S SALI State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. Ev virtue of an Execution issued by I braska, in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate, towit: Section Two (2) Township Twelve (12), Range Twelve (12). The nmo ein lpvifH ti unH tsion as the property of J. V. Maynes. de- fendant to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by J. D. Cranny (by assignment cf A. L. Osier) plaintiff against said defendant. Plattsmouth. Nebraska, September 17th, A. D. 1927, BERT REED Sheriff of Cass County, Nebraska. , r'? "i jirsi 1 all cigarettes were cs good as Camel you wouldn't hear anything about special treat' tr.ev.ts to make cigarettes good for the ihroat. Nothing takes the placs cf cloicc tobaccos. ! You can always te ll when it's time to pull out the old overcoat and F-e if it'll pass another winter. That's when the argument starts as to whether this is autumn, fall, or In- dian summer. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska, County of Cas SS. By virtue of an execution issued by Gclda Noble Beal, Clerk of the District Couit within and for Cass county, Nebraska, ard to m- diirct ed. I will on the 22:: J '.;.y cl (). tober. A. D. 1927. at 10 o'clock a. ra.. of said ciay. at the south front door of the court house at Plattsmouth. in faid county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, to-wit: Lots one (1), two (2), three ?.), Block thirty (3(it. Original Town of Plattsmouth, Cass coun ty, Nebraska The same being levied upon and taken as the property of W. Roy Strine and Sara Strine, Defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by Mabel M. Bloom. Plain tiff against said Defendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. September 17th. A. D. 1927. BERT REED. Sheriff Cass County, ' Nebraska. slS-aw. SHERIFF'S SALE The State of Nebraska, County of Cass. ss. 1 By virtue of an Order issued by estate of C-edda Noble Beal, Clerk of the Dis trict Court within ar.d for Cass coun ty, Nebraska, and to me directed, I wiil on th 25th day of October, A. D. 1927. at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the south front door of the court house in Plattsmouth, Ne braska, in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described prop erty situate in Cass county, Nebras ka, to-wit: Lot numbered 21 in the north east quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 2 4 in Town ship 12, North, in Ranqe 13. East, described as follows Commencing at a point 211 feet north of the southeast cor ner of the said northeast quar ter of the Southeast quar ter of Section 24. Township 12. North, Range 13 East of the Cth P. M., thence running north on the east line of said tract S2 feet; thence west parallel with the south line of said tract, 511.70 feet, more or less, to the centre of the public road; theme sout'i 00 46' CO" west, along the centre of said road. S9.92 feet to a point 211 feet distant from the south line of said tract, measured at right, angles thereto; thence east, parallel with said south line f49.1 feet, more or l-.-ss, to the place of be ginning, containing 43, 451. S square feet, more or less The same being levied upon and taken aa the property of Orval A. Newton and Maud Newton, defend ants, to satisfy a judgment of said Court, recovered by The Plattsmouth Loan and Building Association, a corporation, plaintiff against said de- fendants. Plattsmouth. Nebraska, September 17th, 1927 BERT REED. Sheriff of Cass County, Nebraska. or