The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 20, 1927, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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THURSDAY, OCT. 00, 1927.
Nehawka Department!
Prepared in the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially
for the Journal Reader.
Robert Taylor was a visitor in
Omaha for the day on last Monday
going for a truck load of feed and
motor oil. both of which is handled
at the Nehawka mills.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wolfe, accom
panied by their daughter. Misr
Gladys, were visiting and looking af
ter some business in Nebraska City
Gold Medal Flour!
Eventually Why Not Now?
I an handling this celebrated Flour.
None better. Also Feeds of all kinds !
lor yonr stoclc. tall tfce mill lor.on iast Monday, they making the trip
your needs in this line. Prices right! via their auto.
C. K. Heebner and wile ana xne
children as well as J. W. Murdoch
and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Wessell were all guests for the day
last Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mr.;. Henry Wessell.
Among those building cribs on
their farm for the excellent crop of
corn which has grown this summer
despite the adverse conditions, are
R. H. Ruby of Lincoln is spending j f,eo Switzer. L. G. Plybon, John
the week at the home of Mr. andjKnabe and Eugene Nutzman.
Mrs. T. K. Fulton in Nehawka. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. King of Oma-
W. O. Troop north of Nehawka re- j ha accompanied by John O. Yeiscr
ctived a car loud of feeding catt!t j0f that place also were guests for
which he is placing on feed at hi. ( the dav on last Sunday at the hom?
of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Sturm where
all enjoyed the day most pleasantly.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ross entertain-
Phone No. 9
C. D. St. John
Nehawka Mill
W. O. Troop was a business visi
tor in Plattsmouth on last Monday
driving over in his car to look after Ud at their home last Sunday and
sumo business matters for the day. J jiad for their guests Dan Anderson
Louis Ross is having constructed and family and Albert Anderson and the farther ride of the mule, the clod,
at his home in the country a double family. They enjoyed the day nicely took Mr. Flaisehman along the side.
brothers and two sisters of Mr. Nor
ris. Messrs. Gustus and Charles, Nor-
ris and Misses Alice and Ethel Nor
ris. they spending two weerks there
enjoying the time most pleasantly :
and "returned home on Wednesday of
last week. 1
A new minister for the United ,
Brethren church at Nehawka and the
church north of Nehawka arrived last
week, the former one having thrown ;
up his situation, and departed hence
The latter arrival was duly welcom- ,
ed by the congregation and it is hop- '
ed the church and its auxiliaries win
prosper under the leadership of the
new minister. 1
Morris Pollard has been quite ill
at his home in Nehawka for some
days past and has been looked after
by Mrs. Malcolm Pollard, who is car
ing for the patient. However, it is
reported that Mr. Pollard is at this
time showing much improvement ;
and it is the hope of his friends thai
he may soon be able to be out again
and able to care for himself. !
While Clyde Flaisehman was shy
ing a clod at an obstreperous mule
which was determined to go where he
was not wanted, the mule ducked and
as Clvde's father happened to be on
TAKE YOUR CAR just as it is. Fill the
tank with Red Crown Ethyl Gasoline
and head for the steepest hill you can
climb in "high."
Note the new vigor of your motor. The
added acceleration the increased hill
climbing power more power than you
ever before could get under the most
favorable conditions.
This improved motor performance is
the reason why the Standard Oil Company
of Nebraska recommends Red Crowr
crib for the containing of the corn
which he is so:n to have harvested j
Mrs. Joseph Hathaway of Murray j
was a vi.-itor in Nehawka on l?st
and also the dinner which was ser
ved. Mrs. W. O. Troop was a delegate
to the state W. C. T. V. which is
Mnnuav. she coming down to visit meeting in Omaha this week, and
with their family physician. Dr. A : accompanied the other delegates
i: Kirtrt-r ! which attended from Plattsmouth
Eun- Fitch received a c ir load j Mr- Troop having her membership
cf cattle which he is placing on fred Ma the county seat.
nt hi-4 h-ome r.orth of Nehawka. for! John Opp is showing a public spirit
rutting in condition for returning tcjin the construction of a new pave-
market later. I nient in the front of his business
i . i . . . , . i, ,...
Jr rh H. Burton of Murray wa? i P"" 'B "
a ii;or in
f t -.v days a
. Hurff.r. of Murray wa? v - t-.-.
n N-r wka for the patiRota tne walk antl the gutter is be
ida s'uVst at the home of j InR continued to the intersettin?
his sin. Mark
and decorator.
Burton, the painter
0 1
The radio season is now
coming' on. Be ready!
Do Avay with Your
Battery Troubles
Every one vho buys a P.adio Outfit
of cs, with a storage battery, will
have the battery kept fully charged
by us for sis months free of charge.
Nehawka, Nebr.
;ewer on tne street west
John O. Wunderlich. reprsenting
th subordinate lodge of I. O. O. F.
of Nehawka and Mrs. Nelson Berger
delegate from the Daughters of Re
bekah. are attending the meeting of
the grand lodge, and the grand as
sembly at Scottsbluff this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ruby, and Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Julsuia and their
little son. Tommy, all of Lincoln am
Harold Kimlon and family from near
Murray, were visiting for the day
on last Sunday at the home of Mr
and Mrs. T. K. Fulton, they being
accompanied by the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Kimlon.
Charles Chappell who was injured
Feveral weeks since while he wa?
hauling hay was laid up for som
time was able to return to hi? work
on last Monday and went out to the
home of Henry Wessell. with Mr
We.-sell. and began working on the
farm. This is the first he has been
able to do since the injury.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Norris whe
departed on October 1st. for Bruns '
wick, there they visited with twe
of his head, inflicting a very severe
wound and bruise. The injury war
taken care of and Clarence is getting
along nicely.
Glen Rutlege and family were over
to Lincoln for the week end, they
jrointr on last Fridav evening, am'
i remained until Sunday evening. They
visited at the home of Mr. Thomp
son while in Ilavelock. and also stop
ped for a short time r.t Alvo when
they visited with Art Hinges an'1
wife. They were in attendance a'
the football game which was stager" ,
in Lincoln on last Saturday.
Mr. M. C. Trumble, the invento- !
of the Doodle Bug. which locate: ;
with a certainty the deposits of oil ;
in the earth who was here and lo
cated the spot for the oil well whu r '
is just being commenced, arrived ir ;
town again last week, and has been :
doing some investigation sTnce, with
the view of locating the mother pool ;
they only finding one of the lesser
pools the first time, but which it If ;
hoped will yield abundant supply of :
Ethyl Gasoline for constant use in every
age, make and type of motor.
It can't injure any motor It will im
prove performance and give fuel economy
and extra power whether your motor is
partly worn out and carbon-choked cr a
brand new high compression motor. It
"knocks out the knock" reduces motor
wear and tear.
It is quick-starting Red Crown Gaso
line with Ethyl Brand of An ti-Knock Com
pound added. This combination enables
your motor to use more of the power that
is in Red Crown. There is no better fuel
for winter driving.
Be sure you get the genuine. All dyed gaso
lines are not Red Croicn Ethyl Gasoline.
The color has nothing to do zvith extra power
end economy. Sold only where you see the
Red Crown Ethyl Gasoline sign by refutable
dealers and service stations everywhere in
Standard Oil Company of Nebraska
'A Ntbroiha Institution"
i W.'lilWHTflW!
Attend Sunday School Convention, i
There were from Nehawka repvr t
senting the United Brethern church
or rather its Bible school, .1. W
Murdock and wife at the meeting oi .
the Cass County Sunday School As-;
scciation which convened last. weeV ,
at the Callahan church building n";ii J
Murdock on last Thursday and Fri-
day. representing the United Bnth :
ren Bible school and Mrs. YV. S. Nor-
l&3cs out the I&tockf -turns carbon into pcr.csH
ris representing the Methodist school i no'irs 1(,OMnK V1 :ne me OI
They report a most enthusiastic meet- j and visiting with friends,
ing. I Attorney and Mrs. Ralph A. Van
LOCAL NEWS! Work of Dig
ging Oil Well is
Under Way
Dr. Eeineman, Dentist, Hotel Main
Bldg., Phone 527.
p'r-m Monrtiiy's lullv
Frank Finkle and son, John, of
Union, were here Sunday for a few
Orsdal and son. of Omaha, were here
! ye. terday to enjoy the day visiting at
(the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Davis
, and family.
was spudded I n(1 AIr t-r. il Prnnjn nn.l
" ,llfl ..?;1,UI,,5t' lllH .,s ,,ltJ '"'S"n children of Omaha were here
Spudded in Last Saturday.
The new oil well which is sure to
strike sooner or later.
Large Numbers at Nehawka Satur
day and Sunday to Witness
Drilling Operations.
The actual drilling work on the
proposed Nehawka test oil well is
now being rushed and the Pollard
From Wednesday's La:iv
The Automatic Washing Machine
Co., of Newton, Iowa, has been stag
ing a series of programs of a half
hour duration from radio station
WHO at Des Moines and in which
they requested those who listened iu
to write in letters and suggestions as
to the machines and other comments
and the letters were then numbered
nd the prize was awarded last even
ing, Mrs. L. W. Niel of this city be
ing the winner of the first prize. Mrs.
Veterans Will
Hold Reunion
Members of Company B 355th In
fantry Gather at Lincoln on
November 14.
The second annual reunion of the
members of Co. B 355th Infantry,
known in the World war as "Ne-
.v , : '""V . ' ""'"" children of Omaha were here yes- orchard iust south of Nehawka on
the drilling of the oil well, and on ,,r.hv to m.mI nt ,.m(1ir "ard. just soutn ot rsenawka on
Sund-iv hiri P-nn ,iwm fr,,-tl ! - 1 J nom ; the newly graveled "O street road,
hunda had gone down about fo t of Mr an(, Mrs M s nriSBS parents is the scene of a irreat deal of activ-
feet. On Monday on account of b- of M Franzen and eniovinu the ' ? f 6
inc in need of some materials. th jv outinl' tfic ,ty rht now.
drill was not going but it was ex- " " OUUI The formal starting of the actual
I i" i it-n iiuii iiit-y won 111 iip duck ar ! prorn TiH'sday's P.aily
jthe work ajraln in earnest about thej ' A?rs Kiiima Shrove of KImwood is
! middle of the week. The undertak h,.rp to spend a few davs. visitins at
jing is being started with a very wr- ,hc home of Sheriff and Mrs. Bert
tain prospert that it will end in thr , iiee(j
I sinning or on.
Munsingw-ear is one of the oldest and best known makes
of Underwear in the country and always gives satisfac
tion. Whenever you see the Munsingwear trade mark
on an undergarment you can know it is of good quality.
For winter wear, you will find here a
splendid assortment of underwear for Men,
Women, Children and Infants. October is
here and frosty weather naturally suggests
warmer underwear.
Goodrich Ov.ershoes, Rubbers and Zippers.
A fresh stock now ready for your approval.
The well that was sunk a fev
yearn ago showed no likelihood of
oil when the "Doodle Bug" was ap
plied on the present site dors show
much encouraging features. There i
also many other places which show
good indications. On last Sunda-.
there was hundreds of people from all
directors which were there to viev
the plant for sinking the well and
the project is causing much interest
and giving this portion of the state
and county much advertising.
drilling commenced on Saturday at
(the orchard and a large number of
.persons from all parts of Cass and
Otoe counties were present to wit-
ness the starting of the drilling
i The oil well had reached a depth
of twenty-five feet by Sunday an4
the giant drilling machines operate
night and day in the sinking of the
shaft that it is hoped will produce a
Langhorst of KImwood war i real gusher of an oil well or a good
Niel will receive the handsoma No i braska s own" will be held in Lin-
20 Automatic washer and which will coin, two days beginning November
be found a great addition to the , 14. according to Nathan Grossman,
household equipment and is a gift : general chairman in charge of ar
that Mrs. Niel feels very proud of rangements. James L. Brown is the
receiving. other member of the committee in
t Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. John Scheel. Sr., of
near Murdock. were in the city today
for a few hours and while here were
calb is at the Journal for a pleasant
social visit.
L. F.
25 F n EE?
5 Tele
M j
phone No. 14 Nehawka, Nebr.
Where Customers Feel at Home
From Wednesday's Dnily
The members of the W. C. T. U.
held a very fine meeting of the
union on Monday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Fred G. Morgan, the
two ladies having arranged a most
delightful time for the very largr
number of the ladies who were in
Miss Olive Gass and Mrs. John F.
Gorder gave a very entertaining dia
logue "Hold Fast and Go Forward."
while Mrs. J. K. Wiles and Mrs
George Weaver of Mynard favored
the ladies with a dialogue. "Bar
Room Fame No More." while Mrs
W. T. Richardson of Mynard spoke
on "The Dry Cannot J5e Fooled."
miss lovisa Albert gave two
clever readings that re
Kieaiesi crenu on tne young
uiey being. "Out Where the West
Begins" and "The Mustard Plaster."
The hostesses served very dainty
and delicious refreshments at th
close of the afternoon that were en
joyed to the utmost by the members
of the party and brought to the close
an afternoon of the rarest enjoyment.
in the city yesterday afternoon for a -natural gas supply.
few hours where he was called to! The evident confidence of the oro-
The Social Circle club of near Mur
ray held their regular meeting on
Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Ezra Albin and which was in the na
ture of a social gathering.
There was a very large number of
persons present at the meeting and
the time was spent in games of all
kinds that made the occasion one of
the rarest pleasure.
The Social Circle club has also
Joined the federated Women's clubs
r i-. owin juaiiT o jl uuni 11 v-tc; ( 1I1UIU1 ill UltT pusnl UI lilies OI 11 IlCr twuI"J c iwunu 111 g q q q
and visiting with friends. ;oiI or gas in the Nehawka dome, is'the carrying out of the club work j and
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rainev and , spreading to the residents of the with the others of the county. J . thpat
nine cnnu departed thin morning for vicmuy 01 ine wen ana iney are ..iio uct-iuu iu first Tft
Captain Edmund Rogers of Den
ver president of the Co. B society,
was in Lincoln Thursday and while
here named Mr. Grossman and Mr.
Brown to complete plans for the gath
ering. Lieut. Dorias Allen of Colo
rado Springs, Colo., is secretary.
Tentative plans for the reunion
call for sessions in the morning and
afternoon of both days, at the Lin
coln hotel, where headquarters will
be stationed. There will be a lunch
eon at noon on the firpt day, prob
ably at the chamber of commerce
and the meeting will close with elec-
fficers followed by a ban
dance at the Lincoln,
er party for the ladies the
ernoon is to be arranged and
The 355th Infantry was one of the
units of the Eighty-ninth division
umana wnere they will spend the day . waicning eacn day tne steady pro-l "u' '"""'J' u .m" all visitors will be guests of one of
in tnai cny visiting with friends and ; ress or me urin uown toward tne " c ,r . the theaters that niKht
looKing alter some matters of busi- oepins oi ine earth, wnere it is . a """ lu,:,c
ness. I honed to touch the oil snnnlv that i be a Great array of the good things
Mrs. Jess Atteberry was a visitor ,or has marked the Nehawka dome. !? Prepared as only the ladies of,when it went oversea8 and was mad
in Omaha today where she will spend Robert Druesdow, who has had the Social Circle club know how to j up alm08t entirely of Nebraskans.
a few hours in that city looking af- ms e'e on lne keeping Water val- ''""r- 1L ""uu'u .1 'Heavy casualties, however, changed
ter Koine matters of business and also le' as a Possible source of oil for --v. ' the complexion of the personnel am
visiting with her little daughter at lwo 'ears was enthusiastic over the
the hospital
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Smith of len
ver. who have been visiting in the
cast stopped here yesterday afternoon
for a few days visit here at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Douglas,
Mr. Smith and Mr. Douglas being
outlook. He said the Underwriters
syndicate is in charge of the enter
prise. The manager is R. S. Chap
man, who has had experience in
Texas Oil operations. They pin their
faith on this locality largely because
of the evidence given by the M. C.
.Trumbull oil affinity seismograph.
1 This is n tfMpat oliwt rin 1 ami -Vt rm
Mrs Stephen Davis of Lincoln and 1(.al apparatus which, on being at
daughters. Margaret and Alice and tacliort in two Rti in
Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Darrow and
,1 a. C T t-
I. ,S'V 1 't,ncoin . . e ,nor" ovrr amount of the oil beneath the surface
r;i i li rii;i v evening ti viqii n ii Triitifia
i earth a foot or two apart, records the
and also its dpth. Trusting to this
Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.
English service at 10:30 a. m.
Luther League at 7:30 p. m.
The ladies aid society will meet on
Wednesday afternoon at the base
ment of the church with Mesdamer
George Stoehr and Mrs. Jeff Salsburg
as the hostesses.
fiect'ed 'Tbf ?0,,,S ?" fto.,bka C"y S"a- apparatus, which'was broken when
oung ladv I a Shrt YI8It- ?n attempt was made to demonstrate
Oak dining table, $1S; six chairs
to match, $15; oak library table, $5;
oak dresser, $8; oak commode, $J.
Calll phone 6.
From Wednesdays rally I
Mrs. Charles Troop and Miss Eliza-!
beth Spangler departed this morning
for Omaha where they will attend
the state convention of the W. C.
T. U. that is being held there this
Mrs. W. L. Propst. Mrs. V. T. Arn
Mrs. S. A. and Mrs. J. E Wiles and
Mrs R H. Hayes were in Omaha yes
terday where they were in attend
ance at the state convention of the
W. C. T. U. being held at that place.
George Lohnes or Cedar-Creek was
hero Tuesday afternoon to spend a
few hours attending to some matters
of business and while here was a
caller at the Journal office to renew
Caps, horns, Hallowe'en masks
p77 V his subscription to the semi-weekly
goes to the observance of the Hal- edition
loween season, now 03 tale at the
j Bates Book & Oift shop.
Journal Want Ads brinj resulta.
it on Sunday afternoon, the syndi
cate has leased about ten thousand
acres of land in a strip about seven
miles long and from a quarter of a
mile to two miles wide.
It is hoped to strike oil at a depth
of about 2,300 feet. In order to "have
all the hole they need," as Mr. Chap
man put it, they are starting with a
casing twenty inches in diameter.
This will become smalled as the well
goes down and the casing is installed.
Many Plattsmouth people are be
ing attracted to the scene of drilling
operations and as the work progresses
more and more people will visit Ne
hawka, as was the case a few years
ago when a former test hole was
sunk there.
The Fairview community club will
hold a meeting on Friday evening
at S o'clock at the Fairview school
house. All members and friends are
urged to be in attendance at thk
at the close of the war many men
from Colorado, the Dakotas and New
Mexico were listed on the rosters of
the companies.
The regiment was in France from
May 9. 1918, until May 9. 1919. Most
of this time was spent on the front
line. It took part in three major en
gagements. The Co. B society was organized
a year ago at North Platte where
the first reunion was held. Seventy
five attended.
Invitations to the reunion already
have been mailed by the secretary
Any member of the 355th is eligible
and it is expected that more than
300 will be present for the two days
The Rev. Paul Calhoun, pastor of
the First Presbyterian church of
Council Bluffs, who was one of the
speakers here for the Happy Hundred
suppers in the last winter season, has
accepted a call to the First Presbyter
ian church of Lincoln. Rev. Calhoun
Need help T Ton can get it quicklj
by placing year ad in the JounuJL
For license to operate a Pool and
Billiard Hall.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned will on the 1st day of No-;
vember, 1927, at 10 o'clock a. m.. at was one of the most entertaining
ine court nouse in i-iaiiruuuiu, v.n?o cjjt-ainri b mai was neara nere In the
county. Nebraska, make application series of talks and while ha .
to the Board of County Commission-: here the members of the Happy Hun
ers of Baid county for license to op- dred had the pleasure also of having
erate a pool and biliard hall in the Captain Ruthledge of the 17th infan
building on lot Five (5), Block (3), try here as a vocal soloist and th
In the Village of Manley, Cass coun- minister was so delighted with thl
ty. Nebraska. wonderful voice of faa
Dated this 6th day cf October, A. . ledge that he ecure4 th vouV Am
f. 1927. j cf r to b soloist at th Council nffl:
- waYi4.0
JOHN GRUBER. church.