MONDAY, OCT. 17, 1927 PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLI JOU3U7AL PAGE1TVE OFFICIAL PROCEED INGS OF THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Office of COIXTT COMMISSIONERS ul Cm County Plattsmouth. Nebr. October 4, 1927. The Board met in regular session. as provided by law. Present C. F. Harris, C. D. Spangler and Fred K Gorder, County Commissioners. Geo. R. Sayles, County Clerk. ! Minutes of last session approved and the following business was trans- VAaJ.o,J., r.U 1Q acted in regular form: Poultry Vanted Plattsmouth, Nebraska be delivered at the Peoples Produce Station. Plattsmouth, WEDNESDAY October 19. one day only, for which we will pay the following CASH PRICES Quarterly Reports Quarterly reports for the third quarter. 1927. were filed by the fol t t..,. a tt . County Officers: . "rJ" .Z. Z6?, clerk of the District Court$S57.S 0 County Judge 823.6 5 Register of Deeds 527.65 County Clerk County Sheriff 173.00 Mothers' Pension Orders I Mothers Tension orders bv the . . True, road work, RD 11 Hens. T)er lb 17c Cr.nntv Jndire for Mrs. Xellie Garcia. Plattsmouth City, road mon . Mrs. Cora Hirz. Mrs. Will Hindman "' RD No. 17 springs, per lb ItC and Mrs Deta Eurke were approved C. Stoehr, road work, RD Cloidt Lumber Co., coal, poor 34.60 Golda Noble Beal, insane case, Stanley Hall 5.25 Dr. J. H. Hall, same, physi cian 8.00 A. J. Beeson, same, commis sioner 3.00 Bert Reed, same, sheriff 22.40 Dr. J. H. Hall, same, mileage 2.10 Bert Reed, sheriff, meals to prisoners 160.25 Farmers State Bank, provis ion orders to Wright 16.00 DRAG FUND O. W. Fischer, dragging roads in RD No. 16 ? Clifford Doran, same, RD 16 J. C. Spangler, same, RD 3 Lloyd Murphy, same, RD 9 L. R. Wiseman, same. RD 14 C. W. Stoehr, same, RD 1 G. L. Althouse, same, RD 16 ROAD FUND P. B. Cruise Grain Co.. ma terial, RD 16 $ O. W. Fischer, road work in RD No. 16 15.75 Wheeling Corrug. Co., cul verts. RD 16 32.86 Wheeling Corrug. Co., cul vert. RD No. 4 IS !)(! 196.6Sjonn Nottleman. material. RD No. 5 A. F. Sturm, material. RD 12 12.00 9.00 7.50 8.25 34.12 15.60 8.43 39.11 10.00 2S.17 37.50 2000.00 Board. Claims Allowed , Martha Haddon. same Will Hindman, same Deta F. Btrrke. same Four monev is guaranteed, for Birdie Chancellor, same.... rry an account with The Farm- J ?rPlP"' sa,me ...1 t,..,. r,T4 .!,.., Minnie Edwards, same 10.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 Cox, per lb. 10c the Tlnl-e Tint- IV. 1 Cn I "- claims as listed on the various Geese per lb 12c funds were allowed by the Board ' ' MOTHERS PENSION FUND Leghorn Poultry, 5 lb. Less Edith Hitt, Mother's Pension ... ', for October $ 12.00 farmers, Notice! You are assured of a square deal when you bring your produce to us, and you we ca ers State Bank of Plattsmouth, where your checks will be honored at once. Peoples Produce Company 145 South 6th St., Plattsmouth, Neb. EZNEY HUNGER, Mgr. HOLD DISTRICT MEETING No. l A. F. Sturm, material, RD 9 J. C. Niday. road work. RD No. 11 A. A. Scboeman, same, RD 3 Anton Auerswald. labor and material, RD No. S BRIDGE FUND A. F. Sturm, bridge lumber.S 41.04 Dinger umber Co.. matl 111.70 Searle & Chapin Lumber Co., 6.60 3.60 106.00 48.60 15.90 West Rock Bluffs Precinct Fred Beverage, J. R. Gerking, F. W. Mei singer. East Rock Bluffs Precinct R. M. Wiles, P. J. Wheeler. Plattsmouth Precinct Raymond Cook. Luke L. Wiles, J. F. Wehrbein Eight Mile Grove Precinct J. C. Meisinger, Louis Friedrich and B. H Speckk. Plattsmouth, City, 1st Ward Bert Coleman, E. C. Harris. Plattsmouth, City, 2nd Ward Wm G. Meisinger, Henry Jasper and Roy Taylor. Plattsmouth, City. 3rd Ward Os car Hoffman, John Bajeck, Fred Sydebotham, E. H. We6cott. Plattsmouth, City, 4th Ward P A. McCrary, H. G. Klinger and Fred Kissling. Plattsmouth. City, 5th Ward D. T. Haley, L. E. Elliott. Claims Allowed Claims as listed on tne various funds were allowed by the Board GENERAL FUND Mrs. Pearl Van Winkle, pro visions to poor $ Frye Mfg. Co., supplies Milburn & Scott Co.. supplies Lincoln Telephone Co., Sept. tolls, Oct. rent 66. SO W. L. Hobson, part burial expense, Jos. W. Wart Hammond & Stephens, sup plies Klopp rtg. Co., record book H. E. Sorter, 6 cords wood E. Sturzcnegger, provisions to poor 12.00 Mrs. Dora Fleischman, care of blind brother 30.00 Plattsmouth Journal, print ing, supplies Sinclair RefCo., gas to coun ty farm J. W. Holmes. P. M.. stamps to County Superintendent 10.00 2.6S 21.32 50.00 4.14 53.00 39.00 96.70 r.oi 12.50 material 320.92 . Bothwell Grocery, provisions Minnie Mason, same Anna ZiZtka, same 20.00 10.00 15.00 Josephine Janda, same Nellie Garcia, same Anna Bezdek, same 15.00 Catherine Ash, same Esther Converse, same Marcia Hise. same Lela Rung, same DolLie Duffield, same Zella Conley, same 20.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 7.50 7.50 82.22 47.00 Golda Odell, same 20.00 25.00 From Saturday s Iaiiy On Oct. 14th the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of Omaha District held the Annual District convention at Hurst Memeorial church. Omaha. It was well attended, several ladies going from Plattsmouth. Mesdames Sortor, Barkus, Hayes, Roman and Misses Kennedy and Mapes. It was a noticeable fact of the pres ence of many of the district pastors, including the district superintendant. Dr. Wilson. The honored guests and ppeakers were Miss Jean Rothwell. formerly of First M. E. church of Omaha, but for the past. five years a missionary in Moradabad, India, and Miss Ethel Householder, also a Ne braska girl, from Tzechow, West China. Cora Hirz, same ' GENERAL FUND Will T. Adams, salary $104.17 Golda Noble Beal, fees S4.10 Chris Rasmussen, provisions to poor 5.00 Elmwood Leader-Echo, print ing 14.00 I Paxton fe Yierline. steel for 15.00 eiirht bridges 514G.49 10.0') I rrH Vcrioorv fr.!,rH n sand 63.95 Lyman-Richey Co., two cars of sand John L. Tidball, lumber P. B. Cruise Grain Co., for gravel and cement 59 John L. Tidball. Jr., lumber. Vance H. Harris, for painting bridge 15.00 COMMISSIONER'S FUND 1st District Ofe Oil Co., supplies $ 8.50 J. D. Adams & Co., blades 15.95 J. D. Adams & Co., grader re- to poor 16.00 George Stander, one cow to county farm 6 DRAG FUND Sinclair Ref. Co., supplies, RD No. 1 $ J. E. Lancaster, dragging in RD No. 10 Ed Fitzgerald, same, RD 10 53.00 ji. j. Livingston, same. RD S Albert Kraft, same. RD S John Mockenhaupt, same, RD No. 8 Ed Fitzgerald, same, RD 1 J. E. Lancaster, same, RD 27 Sinclair Ref. Co., supplies for RD No. 1 6.20 23.25 22.50 10.50 6.00 25.60 4.50 30.00 36.00 Golda Noble Beal. salary 183.34 H. L. Kruger, merchandise to court house L. R. Stanley, provisions to poor Geo. R. Sayles, salary and expense 170.06 I. J. Fuller, provisions to poor 10.00 L. B. Egenberger, merchan dise to county farm 44.65 II. M. Soenniehsen, provisions to poor '6.50 39.00 In the evening was held the an nual young peoples' banquet and the Fred H. Gorder, telephone Plattsmouth company of Standard calls, express Bfarers was well represented, the Fred II. Gorder, salary and delegation going in cars after school, mileage The young people are the future of im. Deaconess Inst., care of Christian work and we are especially Emelias Helm 68.25 3.79 15.00 proud of our own group since they j x. Elliott, salarv 110.00 pairs 22.39 COMMISSIONER'S FUND 2nd District Vance H. Harris, for grading work $ Anton Auerswald, labor and material 1.85 Omaha Road Equip. Co., trac tor repairs 25.65 Nebr. Culv. Mfg. Co., blade bit and express 13.64 COMMISSIONER'S FUND 3rd District Monarch Tractor Corp., for tractor repairs $ Anton Auerswald, labor and material Neb. Culv. Mfg. Co., grader repairs COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Binger Lumber Co., matl $ 6.65 Frank E. Coleman, salary and storage 8 5. SO Henry W. Christensen, salary I Christie Stohlman, dragging roads. RD No. 8 Jl. Otto Schaefer, same. RD 9 W. II. Haith. same, RD 9 L. J. Erhart. same. RD S Harold Schliefert, same, RD No. 8 Walter Stroy, same. RD 7 Henry Obernolte, same, RD No. 7 Louis Schmidt, same. RD 7 Frank Hemke, same.RD 7 Gerald Reber, sarue.-R-D- 15i. R. L. Reeder, same, RD 15 W. A. Umland, same. RD 16 ; Jess Stock, same, RD 7 5.75 , Wm. Long, same, RD 15 9.25 1.2; carried come witn tnem tne loving cup presented to the district by Mrs. Mary Hyde, former correspondant j p Perrv barber work for 1 Peter Mann, salary. RD 11 Wm. Kitzel. dragging. RD 6 Ivan Althouse, same. RD 6 A. J. Neitzel. same. RD 7 Wm. Richards, same. RD 4 Howard Lohnes. same. RD 2 Ralph Meisinger, same, RD 2 Kenneth Ferris, same. RD 2 S. S. Chase, meat to county farm Fecretarv. to be given to tne com pany having the most class "A" mem bers each year. The cup is beautiful ly engraved. Those Standard Bearers going from here to the banquet were. Isabel Mar shall. Gladys Bushnell. Treva Edtrer ton. Mildred Hall, Bernice and Mar jorie Arn. Francis Ghrist, Dorothy Elliot. Fonda Trively, Jean Hayes, Vivian Lightbody. Doras and Gladys Young, Germaine Mason, Alice Funk. Those driving cars were Messrs. Hayes, Lightbody, Barkus and Lillie. Splt-ndid programs were given dur ing the day and evening which gave all present a new inspiration to be gin another year. Mrs. Bothwell gave a heart to heart talk to the girls in the evening after the Candle Light service during which the new mem bers were introduced. county farm Miles M. Allen, shoes to the county farm , F. G. Fricke, supplies to the county farm W. F. Diers. provisions, poor. John E. Turner, box rent and help 92.30 Oscar E. Dowler, salary 90.00 LeRov Meisinger, same. RD 2 12.60 Leo Switzer, gasoline 26.24 Geo. Lopp. same, RD 12 Elmer J. Rummel, salary SO. 00 j. M. Kintner, same, RD 13 Kenneth Rhoades, labor 5.10 Jim Edwards, same. RD 12. 1.05 i 4.00 6.00 10.00 Delbert Switzer, salary and express Plattsmouth Motor Co., for 85.: A. J. Ross, same, RD 12 Wm. Jorgensen, same. RD 12 G. L. Heneger. same. RD 13. supplies 29. S6 i John Richardson, same. RD 1 CASS-SARPY BRIDGE FUND W. A. Wheeler, same, RD 10. Albert Cotner, salary $ 9 5.00 w. A. Wheeler, same, RD 27. and envelopes 49.88 Joe Wooster, salary 9.00 3.00 3S.50 100.75 91.36 ... 264.39 BEEGMANN JURY GIVES UP The jury that went out in federal court at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon came in at 3 o'clock Friday with the information that it was impossible tc reach a verdict. The case was brought by Fred Buerstetta. receiver for the First National bank of Plattsmouth to collect an assessment of $5,00 0 on bank stock held by Mr. Bergmann. The jury couldn't agree as to whether Mr. Bergmann wanted his stock can celed after he saw that the bank was in deep water, or whether he made application a month bsfore that time and before the period in which he would have been liable as a stock holder. State Journal. GUESTS AT SHENANDOAH Wm. Atchison, son. William, and daughter, Ella, and L. B. Cunning hnm were truest at Shenandoah on Monday, and visited at the Henry Rihn 105.70 32.00 19.45 Greenwood State Bank, pro vision orders to Swacker J. C. Brittain. work at court house E. A. Wurl, provisions, poor. Geo. R. Sayles, fees, third quarter, 1927 Rex Young, salary, mileage. L. R. Snipes, County Farm Bureau expense C. E. Ledgway, salary M. U. Thomas, M. D., services Co. medical advisor Louisville Courier, printing. L. B. Egenberger, provisions to poor 66.25 John L. Tidball, for coal to county farm Sam GiverUer, provisions to poor Plattsmouth Steam Laundry, laundry to jail C. H. Lewis, hauling garbage Iowa-Nebr. Light and Power Co., service and ice D. Saxton. provisions, poor.. C. D. Spangler, salary and mileage 123.90 Mumm Bakery, bread to the county farm 9.80 Alpha C. Peterson, salary, expense 184.10 Anna E. Leach, salary 55.00 H. Sievers, salary, laundry 10550 Theo. Harms, provisions to poor A. G. Bach, provisions, poor. & Greene, provisions 95.00 95.00 50.00 John J. Svoboda, salary Wm. McCreary. salary Plattsmouth Motor Co., sup plies 6.75 Searl S. Davis, compensation policy 33.70 John L. Tidball, Jr., coal 51.15 King of Trails Bridge Co., pay on contract 3370.62 The Board adjourned to meet on 91.66 Wednesday, October 5. 1927. GEO. R. SAYLES,' County Clerk. 4.30 8.40 12.40 15.27 24.00 12.00 5.S5 15. 3S 31.20 12.00 10.11 34.20 24.75 12.75 5.50 40.00 6.75 11.25 6.00 74.80 7.20 11.60 21.37 14.40 5.43 5.20 13.12 6.50 9.10 23.20 11.20 2.60 2.40 9.20 7.S0 60.00 Ofl'ie of t'UtXTV (OMXISSIOXEUS of (am County 9.00 14.14 .75 49.06 riattsmouth. Nebr., October 5. 1927. The Board met as per adjournment. Present, C. F. Harris, C. D. Spangler and Fred H. Gorder, County Commis sioners; Geo. R. Sayles, Clerk. The following business was trans- 18.00 lac-tad in regular form: Jury The following 60 names were se lected by the Board from which to draw the jury for the November term of the District Court: Tipton Precinct Fred Manners, Emery Clemans, Clark J. Gonzales. Wood, C. C. Barnard, same. RD 27. Herman Bose, same. RD 14 Jacob Witt, same, RD 5 Standard Oil Co.. supplies. RD No. 11 59.09 ROAD FUND W. A. Wheeler, road work in Road District No. 27 $ 7.10 Andy Snyder, Jr., same, RD No. 1 1350 R. Ketelhut, same. RD 12 249.70 J. E. Lancaster, same, RD 27 59. S5 Morris Mendenhall. same, RD No. 15 11.70 Will Harley, same. RD 15 97.95 Arthur Skinner, same, RD 6 55.50 Wm. Long, same, RD 15 57.75 Crane, Curyea &- Murtey, for material. RD No. 8 33.73 Wm. Richards, road work in RD No. 4 129.35 Arthur Skinner, same, RD 6. 122.25 L. Linder, same, RD 15 County Roy Boyles. same. RD 15 Louis Schmidt, same, RD ( A. J. Schaefer. same. RD 9. Eli Keckler, same, RD 9 Ernest Mann, same. RD 9 Crane, Curyea & Murtey, for material, RD 9 G. L. Heneger, road work in RD No. 13 Green Piereott. same, RD 10. 15.00 13.50 55.10 53.25 102.00 103.00 60.00 16.50 5.00 55.00 Field and Mav Radio stations. Mr. I poor a.uu Cunningham savs that there was a Clara M. Wickman, salary 32.50 tremendous crowd there, but they w - o. iviecK, saiary, expense meyer, H all had a good time, and enjoyed the C. F. Harris, salary, mileage 130.50 xickel. Greenwood Precinct John August Johnson. Salt Creek Precinct J. C. Lemon, C. A. Buckmaster. H. W. Boiler. Stove Creek Precinct Aulden Turk, John A. Box, Paul Bornemeier. Elmwood Precinct H. C. Back- F. Schweppe, George P. day very much. Mr. Cunningham C. F. Harris, telephone calls, visited with Mr. Van Houten. world A. L. Becker, provisions to .50 traveler, who talks over the May Radio station, and says the visit with Mr. Van Houten was of great inter eft to him. Elmwood Leader-Echo. SCHOOL SUPPLIES Buy your school supplies at the Bates Book and Stationery Store, where you will find the big line at the right price. Everything that you will need for the school year will be found here We have placed in an exceptionally large line this year and we are in a position to please you in anything that you, may vant. poor 10.00 A. H. Duxbury, salary 183.33 Emil Walters, repairing jail chimney Farmers State Bank, provis ions to poor Michael Hild, clerical work A. H. Duxbury, county court fees '8.00 9.00 '3.50 South Bend Precinct J. H. Welch, Roy Bricker. Weeping Water Precinct Philip Spangler, Merle McKay. Weeping Water City, 1st Ward F. A. Burch. Weeping Water City, 2nd Ward Earl Towle, H. A. Crozier. Liberty Precinct J. C. Snavely, j Ralph Piersley, W. Earl Wolfe. 24.25' Kehawta Precinrilhort Anrior- Bert Reed, same 13.80 8on, R. c. Pollard. Tom Svoboda, same 21.15 Dr. R. P. Westover, same, witness 1.10 MrSi Ernest Porter, same, witness 1.10 Bert Reed, 6heriff, salary and mileage 205.53 Avoca Precinct G. L. Heneger and R. E. Norris. Center Precinct H. C. Gaebel and Clarence Pool. ,Chas. C. Barnard, same, RD 1 109.80 Ralph Meisinger, same, KD 2 11J.50 Geo. E. Nickles, material, RD No. 10 17.28 Geo. E. Nickles, material, RD No. 27 S. S. Peterson, labor, RD 5. Green Piggott, road work in RD No. 10 Fred Lorensen, same, RD 8. Louis Schmidt, same, RD 7. Fred McCleery, concrete work, RD No. 16 Fred McCleery, same, RD 15 Fred McCleery, same. RD 14 Jacob Witt, road work, RD 5 Standard Oil Co., supplies, RD No. 6 17.02 Trunkenbolz Oil Co., supplies to RD No. 6 73.70 BRIDGE FUND Chas. C. Barnard,, for bridge work. $ M. L. Evans, same 72.31 M. L. Evans, same . 70.43 j M. L. Evans, same 92.75 M. L. Evans, same 69.79 Crane, Curyea & Murtey, for j material 40.60 R. Ketelhut, bridge work 60.50 J. W. Banning, material 197.70 Louis Schmidt, bridge work 8.45 Fred McCleery, concrete i work 100.85 Fred McCleery, same 304.07 , Fred McCleery, same 58.60 Frans Bros. Lmbr. Co. mat'l.. 568.75 H. A. Funke, lumber 82.10 H. A. Risk Pipe Const. Co. I bridge work 1058.29 Jacob Witt, same 16.20 j COMMISSIONERS FUND 1st. District I John Richardson, team work$ 8.40 ' Bud Nickels, road grading 120.15' Alvin Bartlett, same 117.00 Standard Oil Co., gasoline 164.77 COMMISSIONERS FUND 2nd District K. A. Rish Pipe Const. Co. bridge work, mat'l. $725.00 F. A. Burch, oils 100.50 Standard Oil Co.. Oils 26.46 Miller & Gruber, culvert work 190.51 Cass Co. Treasurer, delinq. Pers. Tax. Miller COMMISSIONERS FUND 3rd District Harry Schaefer, graderman. HG 4 $ Fred Rueter, engineman. HG 4 A. A. Wallinger, graderman HG 3 Harley Hayes, engineman, HG 3 COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Sinclair Refining Co., sup plies $ Peter Mann, salarv S. S. Peterson, labor & mdse. F. A. Burch. oil Crane, Curyea & Murtey. material R. M. Coatman. merchandise. R. M. Coatman, salary and helper 90.50 Int. Harvester Co. repairs Ed. Kelly, road work Jacob Witt, drag work Standard Oil Co.. oil and gas. 106.19 The board adjourned to meet on l Tuesday, November 1st. 1927. GEO. R. SAYLES. County Clerk 69.23 83.05 82.50 88.00 88.00 27.12 50.00 10.05 60.75 3.72 46.11 7.40 27.01 6.40 t n ml n&ci a te g$ms& The Store that Put Gain in Bargain Wednesday Huge Savings in Ladies' Coats Largest assortment ever shown, stylish, yet practical, developed of an excellent quality of all wool Buckskin Suede Velour. Effectively fur trimmed with select Mandel Fur, Colors Grackle Blue, Bust and Maroon and Deer. Truly wonderful values. Price, $10.95 A Fine Group of Junior Coats Ages 12, 14 and 16 Years Girls' stylish, yet practical, school coats, developed of fine quality smooth faced heavy weight velour, trimmed with select grad of Mandel Fur. Colors Kew Blue. Llaroon, Beer, Bust and EDsewood. Values in this group that you simply cannot overlook. $5.95 to S8.75 Cute Kiddies Coats Ages 3, 4, 5 and 6 Made of excellent quality of fine smooth faced wool velour. Fr:nt and sleeves are effectively trimmed. Kas mushroom effect cellar, with selected grade of Mandel Fur. Lined with an excellent quality of sateen lining. Colors Blue, Maroon, Bust and Deer. $4.75 and $5.75 We have just unpacked fresh from the manufacturer 250 new models in Ladies' Satin Crepe Dresses large assortment of shades and styles. We say to you, see this wonderful collection, to realize the style and value priced in one single group for $13.75 Misses and Junior Jersey Dresses Ages 14, 16 and 18 Years These dresses are handsomely trimmed and make wonderful school dresses for the Miss. And we are offering Wednesday Your choice, $4.45 TEACHEBS CONVENTION NOVEMBER 2ND-5TH The annual district convention for Nebraska Teachers will be held thi vear on November 2-5 at Scottebluff Lincoln. Norfolk. Holdrege and Oma ha. The list of speakers according tc uperintendent of schools points to ? program of especial high quality an according: to Secretary E. M. Hosmar the State Teachers Association i me of the best that the teachers hav en able to assemble in many years More than thirty different speakers of national reputation from nearly a' many different Ftates have been se "ured for this years convention. In cluded in the list are such well known figures in the educational field ar Dr. Harry Kitson. Vocational Guid ance Expert of New York City; Pay nn Smith. State Supt. of Mass.; Kate Woffard. County Superintendent Lawrence County. S. Carolina; Lewi? Rrown. writer. New York; Frank Slutz. Dayton. Ohio, who has achievec national reputation in making th- school a finding place for boys. Gov ernor JlcJlullen and State superin tendent Taylor both have issued spec ial messages urging the cooperatior of the school officers in making it pos sible for teachers to attend these con ventions so that the schools of the state will have the benefit of thf exchange of ideas from other schoolr both in and out of the state. SUFFERS WASHDAY MISHAP Mrs. C. D. Nave, who lives about six miles northwest or Crete. eD., had her leg broken in several places and received painful several cuts and bruises about 12:25 p. m. Wed nesday when she was dragged into the pulley of a gasoline-propelled washing machine which she was en deavoring to repair. The power belt leading from the engine to the wash ing machine had slipped from its pul ley and Mrs. Nave attempted to ad just it while the engine was in mo tion. The result was that as soon as she had thrown the belt baek in place parts of her clothing caught and she was dragged into the pulley. Castle, Roper and Matthews' am bulance was called and Mrs. Nave was brought to Lincoln where her injuries are being treated at the St. Elizabeth hospital by Dr. J. Stanley Welch. Lincoln, and Doctor Gordon, of Crete. Hospital authorities reported on Wednesday that Mrs. Nave was rest ing comfortably. Mrs. Nave is a cousin of C. H. Nave living north of this city. CHAIB LIST TOTALS 375 When the "Buy-a-Chair" drive ends Saturday night, the number of con tributors will exceed 400, according ! to present indications. Twenty more names are being added to the list to day, making the total now 375, 'and with two more days to go a goodly number will doubtless be added. The final chair order is being held up until the rinse of the drive, as the 81.55 committee will purchase a chair for each $1 contributed, on the back of which will be painted the donoF's name. The ISO previously received have now all been lettered and Sign Painter Holly is only awaiting the arrival of the rest to complete the job. Remember, the chair drive ende Saturday .night, so if you .want in on it, hand your dollar to one of the Legion boys whose names are pub 4.15 lished at the bottom of the Hst of to- VEBY QUIET WEDDING enjoy a short honeymoon and on their return will be at home t tbeir , 4 1Ho friends at the home of the groom on One Tuesday afternoon at the . Jhe farm mar Grtt,nwoo(j t church west of Louisville Rev hride dauphter cf Herman Theodore Hartman. the pastor of the , ,t.u-..j i church joined the lives and hearts of . - two of the well known residents of the county. Miss Laura Mann of near Manley and Mr. Howard Brunkow of near Greenwood. The wedding was very quiet, the only attendants being Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mann, the former a brother of the bride. Immediately after the wedding Mr. and Mrs. Brunkow departed by auto for Madison' county where they will many friends in the community where she has made her home. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Brunkow of near Gm-nwood and is a young man who is held in the highest esteem and respect by a very large circle of friends in his home community. Phone as the nrwsT 6.48 7.75 98.25 70.75 66.00 40.55 71.55 51.35 Meisr Drue Co fmalgeTnre.., 5-00 ton, r. Ross, Cias. Kret.' Mt Pleasant Precinct H. T. En- M. L. Evans, taking out a gelkemeier, Cyrus Livingston. bridge 32.40 Louisville Precinct Harry Hen- II. L. Evans, building bridge 73,.7 Herman Bcse, bridge work 4.50 day contributor s-, Geo. E. Nickles, matl 203".20 Fred Lorensen,. bridge work- 25s. 03 Chicago is not New York and New York is- not Chicago. The character of the citiea ia revealed is- tbe ckar- 105SO acter of t&eir xatycsx, BACH'S STOR BARGAIN iDNESDAY SPECIALS 3 lbs. fancy Santos Peaberry Coffee. .$1.00 4 bars Hardwater Castile Soap 25 Large bottles of Catsup 20 Rumford Baking Powder, per can 29 48-lb. sack Omar Flour l.&S 48-lb. sack A. G B. Flour 1.S0 48-lb. sack Little Hatchet Flour 1.85 ' A. G. BACH