MONDAY, OCT. 17, 1927. page FOira, PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOTTBNAL G reenwood Department! Prepared in ihe Interest of the People of Greenwood and Surrounding Vicinity Louis Herman and P. A. Sanborn! Mi. and Mrs. Rex Peters enjoyed were looking after some business att'-ndinji the Nebraska Grain Deal matters in Eagle on Tuesday of last , ers association which was convened week in Omaa hlast week, and sure had a Louis Herman and P. A. Sanborn fine time wnwe mere, were looking nfier some business mat- i Mrs. George rSolin, living tar-c in f -.o-u. r. Timinv nf 1:1 t ' soi 1 1 h we? t er n nortion o week. I was suddenly stricken with paral- Mij Vai-.tto r.ilfw was visitine ! lysis one day last week and still re- gig j a jjglApTj in the Greenwood was during the pas-t week at the old home town. Unadilla. the guest of her many friends there. Fred Wolfe, the painter is work ing this week at the home of Earl j P.eanett ober near Alvo on a farm! belonging to the John Murtey estate.. Wm. Franks received two carload?, cf cattle which were purchase.l in South Omaha, last week and will put them on fel at the farm south of Greenwood. Frank Starkey. wife am: their twe ' daughter? were visiting In Green- j wr.od during tn past w ck and were' mains in very seriom condition. Carl Johnson of northwest of Greenwood was hauling lumber tc the farm for the rebuilding of cattle sheds and the repairing of some of the buildings on the farm, on last Wednesday. John Livingston and the family were visiting with relatives and II I I (II - .VV1 Ui 11 Judge Raper Decides Bank Stock Case Hold That Defendants Glen Boedeker. Byron Clark and W. A. Rob I ertson, Not Liable. gue.-ts at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Slather. Mr. J. F. Calfee or Lincoln was r visitor in Greenwood on last Wednes day and was the guest of her son C K. C'r.lfee and family for dinnei and a short visit. O. F. Yo-ing and wife and their dught'T. .Miss Judith and Karl Hog;! vi re guest.-- at the home of Mi. and Mrs. C. W. Routher for a few davs last week. ii te I ml if friends ot Plattsmouth and vicinity on last Saturday, they being guest ; at the. home of Benton u. Living ston and family during the time. ! The Rev. T. W. hephard was 'called to Bennett one day last weel : to officiate at a funeral of Mrs. John U. Goclfonour, one of the members of the church there anil to whom Kev Shenhard had formerly ministered. Dudley Clause who has been with the crew of road builders who were here some time since renewing tht gravel on the I). L. I), out of Green wood, returned last week, he having been working with the crew unti' now. On last Tuesday ever.rr.g the crib bage fans of Greenwood were ovei to Ashland where they engaged the dev. t. s of this fascinating game in r tournament in which the Greenwood term "-as the victor by the score of 11 to r,7. J. C. Lemon and Win. Ilartsook were nctn sneiiing ar.u delivering corn fo the Farmers Elevator eom pary last work, and getting the cribr cle ir -d for th1 coming crop which will in a few weks be ready to gath .T - ml cii'i. I'ol.. rt Mathews has been negotip.t ing i'r-r a hrrie in Greenwood, anr' li":- !i.-r:i waiting for the making of an rV.-trat on th oM time hom f 11. 1-. L:!"ghlii. rnd which will make a grod home for this gentleman ai:d his god wife. Mr. O. F. Peters va- a viitr at F.i lis City for a short time Inst Sat urday and r.m:nnii--g until Sunday virlting r.t the heme of l:is (laugh !T also bringing Mrs. Pet err Our Repair Garage is kept constantly busy because mo torists recognize it as the best and most reliable repair shop for every kind of damage a car can possibly sustain. And, being practical men of long and varied experience, all our repair work is excellently and thor oughly done, without unnecessary de lay and at reasonable charge. Frady's Garage Phone 58 From Friday's Dally This morning the decision of Judge John B. Raper of Pawnee City ir the ease of E. J. Dempster, receiver of the Bank of CasH County vs. Myrtle P. Atwood, et al., was hand ed down after having had the case under advisement for several weeks. The court finds for the defendants Glen Boedeker, W. A. Robertson and Byron Clark, who were named a? defendant stockholders of the closed bank and releases them from any ob ligation in connection with the ban!: stock. The other defendants in the case had made no defense and their lia bility at the former hearing of th case here and the present decision clears up the matter of the stock holders liability in the Bank of Case county case. Lea Beck's Big 10-Piece Band to Play for Legion Dance in the New Community Building Wednesday, Oct. 19th ho::' .-.tin Guv with him. :; lh re Franks wr, she hav!'g ben ;i week or so. o hns been mr.hing ;f Liiicoln for some tunc During this interval tTiese excel lent American citizens have worker" with a will, to make the state one of the best in the I'nli.n and they have with the other bar ly pioneers suc( - (led in doing so. Their many fri. rids in Greenwood and the sur rounding community, called today : :ul this evening extending congrat ulations. th' friendly handshaka and good wi.-lu's for the days which are To come, wishing thit they may I e fl:e happiest of their lives, which have beer, most joyful in the realiza tion that they hove did all possible to make the !nni in which they have i-ibred the better, and the peopb with . horn they have lived most hap-ry. LOST Endgate for wagon, lost on Cedar Creek road Saturday. Call phone 2515 or notify Kd Steppatt. ol7-2tw NOTICE OF APPLICATION H ) lb A hfhi HtS tti M tC'JfJhA o t For license to operate a Pool and Billiard Hall. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned wilf on the 1st day of No vember, 1927, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the court house in Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, make application to the Board of County Commission ers of said county for license to op erate a pool and biliard hall in the building on lot Five (5), Block (3). in the Village of Manley, Cass coun ty. Nebraska. Dated this 6th day of October, A. D. 1927. olO-isw JOHN G RUBER. POPULAR YOUNG COUPLE MARRIED IN OMAHA Hi Another 3ig Mid-Week Feature AT NEW Legion Community Auditorium Plattsmouth Wsdnesd October 19 eo Beck's 3m Band 1C- Ili-pc Tance to Linccln'3 Teadirg or chestra (Capitol Eeach favor ites) on the finest 5.000 square feet of dance ilocr in Nebraska. Bacciug from 9 p. m. to 1 a. m. ADMISSION Genti. $1.00 Ladies, Free Spectators, 35c Danes Every Saturday Night 1 Wh ".? m f i n na . arrivd in Cn-enwood and bar moved on the L. M. Mow-ry phi'-r and will r.ick corn for him as r;j the mrn if drv cnouzti to crib I du "nil Illost c-njojMble time with (uy will farm m this communitv tu Methodists Enjoy Rally Day. One wf'f k since the Methodist lurch of (5 roe n wood enjoyed a rally The wedding of Mis Lucille John son and James K. Akeson, of Omaha, wan solemnized at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. G. O. Lines, 12",S Pierce St., Omaha. Saturday, October 8th, 1927, at 8:00 r;.!ock, in the presence of about fifty relatives and near friends. The simple rinj? cere mony was pel formed by Kev. B" t Stroy, of the Methodist church of South Omaha. Tho bride's neice, Joan Lines, as llower girl, was the only attendant. The bride was charmingly gowned in a creation of Rose Tan georgette with a corsage j of ros-s and lillies of the valley. The Ki'ooiii was inodir-hly attired in the . usual dark. I Miss Irene Pbilpot, of Omaha, had charge of the gift room, and following th- coremoiiy light r fieshments were served by Anna Ma l ie and Lcnora U.usand Cladys McNurlin. The bride is the youngest daugh ter of Mrs. D. M. Johnson, formerly of .Veeping Water. Both of these yi.ung people weie reared in and near this community, and are well and popularly known in this vicin ity where they have a host of warm i i i ads to wish theia Godspeed. They me now at home to th' ir friends in an anartment in Drake Court, Omaha. The following people from Weeping Water attended the wedding: Mr. and .Mrs. Pert Jameson. Mrs. Julia Jameson. Thomas. 1- raneis and Ellen Akescn, Mr. and Mrn. Clarence Ake son. Mrs. Mattis Breckenridge. Mrs. J. L. Breckenridge. Dr. and Mrs. A. O. Spocht. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiles, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hubbard, Gladys McNurlin, Eugene Day and the Misses Lenora and Anna Marie Kruse. Weeping Water Rt publican. John Scheel. Jr., of Murdock wa? in the city I'rid.iy afternoon for a few bours ar.d while in the city was a caller at the Journal ofTice to re new his subscription. will coming summer. K. L. McDonald is in love wit? the Wbipp't ear, which he recently p'.:rcimsd from the Jirdine Motor T.,nvt prri v. liich be hn; tlven ex liPiisiiv use. with the result that ho b".l Ir.d the very b-s .'ervi.'- from to r.,.1-.- v.-fM-nn. which Ii" confidently declarer, will sro r.nv place. Tb- bojv- of the I. O. O. F. one! evening last week getting together! r h r. r. r' ' tre pi.o frm tti b"P w'nere thy firip-r!y ri . ro t;-:e Tie-.- oi;e of the verv sible. There wa attendance cent best programs pos a larger crowd in than at any time in re and all enjoying the day and eking all possible to boost the church and Bible r.chool. There were tiddrerses. -peejal song1--, .solos. di;;(us sio;i.: and readings which were sure ly enjoyed by the very Targe nr.'1 greitly interested audience pre.-ent They were considering this one of the very be. t days which the church has Ind. and a great advertisement t" r the chur'-h and its auxiliaries. same time p'lec' . .".Pi is a I hob .1 r;ne. nd n I the stover: as well, f.d rre nov situated at the new place which very cozy place to meet, and th"ir o her gatherings. Many of tl::- members or the En campmcnt of ihr I..O. O V. of Ash land live in Greenwood : 1 011 last Wfdne.-iday evening we:.: over to Ashland, to t':e meeting of ! there b"ing special interess wa;; a scribe to be elect ecT the place which was r.iartV the death of tbir member ie led as there to take LC.'irt by rnd bro ther J. IJ. LaChappell, feme weeks sin-e. ! Ti e close.I Crdumbus d':y. place en er rt 1: Am ri'-a. The a gathering of Lockr. Gcod for Grerrcod. One of the citizens, of Greenwood told the repo-tey thit one year ago there were eleven ouli3es ir th" city, and that today, there ir not v vacant plate, rind in many in stances tbere are two families, living in one licis". and still there has been many residenee-, ertcd during the interval. This IooIih g.'-od for the town anc! nil the business men are doing nicely. Make Greenwood even a better town. It is up to you. banks on last of Greenwood were Insliiv, it beirg rnd when the greafes to liv was discovered day was celebrated by the banks of the coun ty at Union, where they were guest: of the Bank of Union and it.s officials, ancl where nil enjoyed a most pleas ant afternoon and evening, they be ing banqueted by the ladies of the two church;-.'; of that hustling city. Will Return Home Soon. Mr. and ?.Ir.;. B' n Howard wh -have been visiting in Greenwood and vicinity for some time with friend: from their home at Los Angeles, will expect to depart for their home in the west in about ten- days. Mrs Howard who is a member of the Daughters of Rebekah, on lest Tues day entertained at the Tiome of Mrs. J. C. Dyer, the mother, the members of the Rebekah Kensingron of Green wood, and where a most enjoyable time was had. rmi m j "rt 1 1 1 1 1 1 Celebrate Fifty Years. At the h.:ni" f Mr. and Mrs. Clar- nee Mat his, who have resided among the perpl.. of Greenwood a;id vicin ity for many long years and who were very instrumental in the mait ong of this town and community, the excellent place in which it is to live on today, Monday. October 17th. are celebrating the passing of the fiftieth aniversary of their wedding day winch occurred back in the fall of 1877, when Nebraska was a new state ?nd out west was but a short distance west of Greenwood. 1 3cbr. City Headquarters FOR yalloon ire Repairing Money Back Guarantee! Tire Bl Vuic. Co, TELEPHONE Nebraska City 13 SERVICE CAR Exclusive Dealt 1 Loses One Finger. At the hospital at Lincoln early last week Mr. John V. Stradley suf fered the loss of one of his lingers which was, injured some time since in an accident when bis car ran into a ditch, and nr. he was seeking to protect himself from the overturning of his car. the hand was injured, and has, continually remnined in bad. and it was, very badly affected, the mem ber bad to be renrvecT. He i? still at the hospital in Lincoln and is getting along as, well as, could be expected from the nature of the in jury, and the very r.eriousness cf the injury and affectation. His many friends are hoping that the hand will now soon be in its normal condition again. FoTind Cold Weather. A. letter from Orr.nt Peter:; who wiih Glen, Earl and Edward Stradley and w'no nre in the upper parts of Wyoming, writes that one day last week they had a blizzard there which (covered the country wit a four inciter of snow, ancl the wheat) shocks which they were thrashing were covered with f"tr inches of snow. This is in very great cortrast with the thrash ing here, which is generally done in the heated weather and one is look ing for som place to get cool rather Ithan some place to get warm. 1 : Mrs. Otto Lutz waa a visitor ia , Omaha? today where- she was called to look after some raatrera cf busi- Wfaat Yu E mm- rfr t' vit&v mtw ' 'TC 'I M" f T t T T You expect your Grocer to be a pure food expert, with a knowledge of values and desire to sell you only such goods as he himself would serve on his own table. For more than 37 years, we have catered to Cass county people who are capable oi idling our ability to serve as their "Pure Food Grocer." Each fall we place our contra' s for Canned Fruits, Vegetables, etc., and to enable every family to stock their pantry at the lowest possible cost, we conduct a sale of ten day3 or two weeks' duration. This year it will be held from Wednesday, October I9th to Saturday, November 5th faB?y of A TP.' V f V T f Y f T T t f t f T f f t T T T m mi a mm l i DEL MONTE CANNED FRUITS Del Monte Peaches, 3Te!ba Srammcth or Yellow Cling, No. 2 cans 23c per can $3.00 per dozen Del ironte Peaches. IIo. 1 size cans. 2c each, 5 cans for $1.00 Del Monte Apricots, No. 2l2 size. 38c per can; 3 cans for. Del Monte Peeled Apricots. No. 2 size, 43c can; 3 forJl. Del Monte Peeled Apricots. No. 1, 25c can ; 3 for Del Monte Bartlett Pears, No. 2y2 sie, 38c can; 3 for Del Mcnte Mammoth Pears. No. Zl2, 43c can; 3 fcr Del Monte Bartlett Pears, No. 1 size can, 23c each ; 3 for Del Monte Eartlett Pears, No. 2 size can. 29c each; 3 for Del Monte Fruit for Salad, No. 2y2. 53c each; 3 cans Del Monte Fruit for Salad, Na. 2, 42c each; 3 cans for Del Monte Fruit for Salad, No. 1, 29e each; 3 cans for Del Monte Pineapple, No. 2y2. 34c per can; 3 for cans for 1.10 1.25 .70 1.10 1.25 .65 .85 1.55 1.25 .85 .85 .C5 1.25 1.00 .85 t y T GIANT Aluminum Twin Chicken Roaster This is the first time this won derful Giant Twin Chicken Bcaster has ever been placed before the American public. Will roa3t two delicious 6-lb. chickens and brown them to a king's taste for holidays or any occasion when the family is large. This roaster is made of pure hard aluminum and a limited number of them will be sold at this price to secure quick dis tribution. This is the most popular item we have ever sold and it seems almost incredible that it can be offered at this price. All the best Chefs in the country cook in aluminum. Del Monte Pineapple, No. 1 size, 23o can; Del Monte Eoyal Ann Cherries, No. 2y2. 43c each; 3 for. Del Monte Royal Ann Cherries, No. 2, 35c; 3 for Del Monte Boyal Ann Cherries, No. 1, 29c; 3 for SELECT PACK VEGETABLES Norlhern Wisconsin Whole Green Eeans. G2c can: 3 cans 95c Northern Wisconsin Whole Wax Beans, 32c can; 3 cans 95c Northern Wise. Tiny Early June Peas, 32c can; 3 cans 90c Northern Wise. Peas, extra sifted, 23c can; 3 cans 65c Northern Wise, Sifted Sweet Wrinkled Peas, 20c can; 3 cans 55c Northern Wise. Cut Beans, 16c per can; 6 cans for 95c Eureka Com, Minnesota Early Crosby, 2 cans for 35c Eureka Cut Beans, No. 1, 2 cans for 25c; 6 for 70c lakeside Whole Beans, Wax or Green, 23c can; 4 cans 85c Lakeside Peas, sifted, sweet wrinkled, 20c can; 3 cans 55c lakeside Kidney Beans, 15c per can; 3 cans for 40c King Bird Peas, 2 cans for 25c; 6 fcr 70c Bel Mcnte Pumpkin, No. 2y2 size can, 15c; 3 cans for 42c Del Monte Pumpkin, IIo. 1 size can, 2 for 25c Del Monte Spinach, No. 1 can, 17c; 3 cans for 50c Del Monte Spinach. No. 2 can, 20c; 3 for 57c Del Monte Spinach, No. 2y& size can, 23c ; 2 cans for 45c Del Monte AspaTag-us Tips, No. 1 size can, 23c ; 2 for 45c Del Monte Asparagus Tips, large square cans, each 43c STAPLE GROCERY ITEMS FLOUPk Little Hatchet or Cream, per 4S-lb. sack $1.95 STAND AP.D PACK CORN Nc. 2 size cans, each-, .10 GTCE PORK AND BEANS The large No. 2y2 size, per can .15 PEACHES Heavy syrup. No. Zy2 size, 2 cans, 45c; 4 for .85 FIG BARS Strictly fresh. 2 pounds for .25 CALUMET BAKING POWDER 10-lb. tin for only 1.95 PINK SALMON Choice quality, 2 tall cans for .35 sJi'i.',:-. ti!''".?.i Hss-isu if mm WW -T7-roT ..ati- 4 2 -ffiVJ'f'i.','-. S mm FiMSt Hard Pari Alumloun OVAL ROASTERS Probably the most talked of i!em cf household circles, these Giant Aluminum 18-inch Tur key Roasters supply a kitchen need in practically every home. Thousands and thousands sold this year, the country over. And right now, just before the Holidays, offered at a price which only a lucky buy makes possible. This never-to-be-forgotten opportunity will be a red letter day for every house wife. While our supply is limited, we hope to fill every demand for this splendid roaster. If you would avoid delay, however, we advise you to come early. SHUCKING MITTENS The cotton market is high we own our mittens on the low market and have priced them accordingly see cur stock before buying. "51 mm yjCeax of Service We deliver Phone mm. .4 f f T f T T f f T T f T T T f f f T T f T T f r T f t AM A. A. i nesa in city. nn