THURSDAY, OCT. 13. 1927. PIATTSMOUTH ST.TiTT - WEEKLY JOUWfAX PAGE FOUB TT T? 9 LVi F- . JGl n n IS YOUR MONEY BURIED OR PLANTED WHERE IT GROWS? Getting money makes you work save some and make it work for you. One dollar starts a savings account. Regular savings will establish a fund. That fund will produce an income. This strong bank pays interest and furnishes recommended investments. THE BANK OF UNION W. B. Banning, Cashier Union, Nebr. Cou nicry reduce I am here to serve you with the highest prices for Poultry, Eggs, and Cream. Courteous treatment. Clarence Dukes Union, Nebr. Mrs. A. L. Backer was a visitor in O.-r.uha on inupcaj oi u she was the gust of .Mrs. . L. Tavlct , and remained for over r.Vlit : Faven Pig Jleal. containing 27 per cent protein, and one of the nest wr-.f-1 f(t 1 vmro. r-aS at iCi-dt.lul Heas lor JCUi-g pgs, ax C. G. McCarthy Elevator. : La.-t Friday and Saturday Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Prop.-t of Tecu.n.seh were niinvirit' :i viif r, t the firi!:,.i of Mr. s,nd Mr. K U Lt-sich. and where thev ill enjoyed the visit very much. ri:av!'- Finkle and Kay Blainblot w.:c isitir.g with friends as u H as in'.i.i:::: after some business n:-..t-tets in I iattsm'itth on last Saturday, they driving over to the county m a in their car. The fact that after the starting of three veils for th-.? Union water works no site has been found, to he what is deM?d, there is much inves tigation as to just where it is best to try agxiin. On account of the appearing of scarietina in the district of S iota, the board of education had Dr. G. II. The Service Store We are here to serve you the best, and snpply yon with the best goods at the lowest price. Oar endeavors in 1927 will be concentrated on giving you such efficient service you will become a regular walking adver tisement, speaking only good words for our store. St c. Lsrocery Unicn, Nebraska ewole For Economical Transportation The ma?t reliable and beautiful low priced car. Ask for a demonstration. ! ucm.r.i.p Trr T'tyn or. ' Eemerr We Do Battery Charging. ana i:q;erT; Automooile itepainng! t m r 9 GARAGE UNI0IT - - - NEBRASKA P The Oh Through an error in our c.d of Sept. 2Cth issue, we wish to rnke a correction relative to feed, as follows, to-wit: Wo do not handle Purina Laying Mash and Pig Chow, but we DO handle Nutrina Pig Mash and Egg Mash. We also have the Goodrich line of Rubber Goods. Prices right! Quality unexcelled! Phone No. 29 Prepared Exclusively for The Journal Sooia M. W. A. HALL Union, Nebr. Saturday Night OCTOBER 15, 1927 Music by John Beld- ins: Radio Orchestra! Come! Have a Good Time OSCAR NAILOR, Mgr. Gilmore come down and vaccinate ! ti, el,tire number of pupils, which ; 1'"' ....,. ..,,,1.. I iipj-"t."iru "! ;irs. w. L. Taylor, widow of the late W. L Taylor of Omaha Is re-j P"IUd 35 hvlng 111 Ver' Pr health , . in Omaha. Her many iri,nds here are hoping that flic may 1 o00n De in her usual health again. Vr:d Nutzman of south of Ne - n twl ic . n cvfnoirA ft - ri - - ,.f ,-,ttl0 hiuin visitor1 Ior y short time in Union and also went on to Plattsmouth where he has son''' hu.-iness matters to look after. M:s. Alice Wnrd. of New York city, and Herfha Fer.n of Salina. '." ii 11 It .i l..i ii iifiirtviti ir j f l C l t l" ' " " at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Mcnt ' Robb. Both the visitors and the host 1 and hostess enjoyed the visit very '!:. !!:. i The Union contingent at the state university, which consists of Miss Sarah T'pton and Messrs. Luces n ' , Ranninfi. Melvin Todd. Patrick Rod-' iy, and George Garrison, were all home and enjoying the week end i with their parents and friends. ! Miss Beulah Clarke, who was so i ill with the ahected wound some 1 time since and who last week was again very sick with an attack of j tpnfilitt s. has recovered so rapidly ; thst Fhe was able to enter school ' aaiti on last Monday afternoon, j Ffn'o Senator W. H. Panning was over to Lincoln last week and while ; thc.e made the prchae of a vprv (pe Hur.Tiiobile sodan which he drove home and which he is liking very ' v.-r-H for his traveling, as the car is one of the very best on the roads to-Idav. Dance! Haven Pig Meal, containing 27 per!aiitl fry a weeks visit here, cent protein, and one of the most'. Hf' .X?i.!or' ?'h ?T Zn .wonderful feeds for your-Pf pegs, at I C. G. McCarthy Elevator, G-?rrett Tavlor. of Orrahn. nnd wife v itli thrir kiddie,?, drove down to Union last Sunday and e joyed a How is Your Roof? Do Your Rcofs Protect Your Grain and Stock We have in stock galvanized corru- !jruted st,el roofing ready to apply. ' itul?ber01cI Lea.k proof Roop& Sves cnne protection at minimum cost, T pafi;n Qpnnn . is nere J ansiing Union, Nebraska Union, Neb. j REPORT OF THE CONDITION OP THE BANK OF UNION of Union, Nebraska. ; .Tliarter Xo. 1002 in the State of Ne braska at tlie Close of Business September SO, 1927 RESOURCES Loans ami discounts . . . .1S4, 753.55 none Overdrafts Bonds, M-curities. judnments anil claims (exclusive of cash reserve Hanking lious-e, furniture and fixtures Other real estate Hankers conservation fund.. Lue from National and State Hanks.. $ 43,040.37 Checks and items of exchange .... 95.29 Cash in bank 2,2S.07 L. S. bonds in cash reserve 5.ST.O.00 Receivers certificates SS9.32 5.000.00 20.8&0.17 626.03 51.S13.93 I 5,000.00 ! TOTAL. $209,063.06 LIABILITIES Capital stock iaid in . . . f 15.000.00 11. 000. on 4.4J3.01 !urilus fund I'ndivided profits (Net) .... ln.livi.huil deposits subject to heck. .5119,1... .t j Time certificates of deposit 1 0 . ,' 1 .u. Savings deposits . . t,404.0. Cashier's checks i in t s 1 m nri i n ir 955.04 ?ti.0)S.4S 2.2S0.00 none none none 271.57 ,Vrreoaxuor"na banks Ke-disc'junt Hills payable Oeposilor's guaranty fund.. TOTAL. .$209,063.06 State of Nebraska County of Cass J T w Hanninp. Cashier of the ai,.ve named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is a true anu correct ropy of the report made to tiie iuepartment of Trade a tin commerce. j w. 15. banning. Attest : r)iroctor. Cas,uer- YvM I . JAMKS. director. 1 Subscribed and sworn to before me I this 1,)u' day Clifton "ii SMITH ifg, ai) "Notary Public '. (My commission expires Jan. 19. 1931.) vicif with relatives here for a short time as v.ell as ring to the cemetery where their father. V. L. Taylor, was i.nried to look after some care of the erav 111 I'erman C. Ross, who, during tne slack time following the doing of the , fall plowing, and the beginning of 'the gathering of corn, of which he has an excellent crop, is painting the buildings on the farm and has the , woik about completed, he having.the hou-e and barn and two cribs to em ; hellish. ' Mrs. Rue II. Frans entertained at i her home on last Saturday afternoon jthe Wyoming Auxiliary of the Epis copal church, and at which time there was a good gathering of the real workers of the church, and all i enjoyed the day. besides the work I which was done for the cause of the ! church. Frank and Anna Bauer were visit- inr tor tne day last Sunday at the immo rt ir ond Tra tiarnid Virh- ols, and family at Greenwood, where a most pleasant day was enjoyed by all. and on the return of Frank and Anna, the little kiddies Ruth and Dorothy Nichols returned with them Union has bf.en conducting an eating house on upper main street in connection with a confectionery, late last week pur- chased the business of R. C. Wright. of Murray and on Monday morning had a truck come from Murray and move his effects to that place, where he will engage in the confectionery and cafe business. Have Excellent Attendance The attendance at the Bible school and the church meeting at the Bap tist church of Union on last Sunday was very encouraging, and also very Kr atifying to the superintendent and ..?r! J'l,1!!. church, as well as the officers and j earnest workers of both Bible school .and church, and has given them re- j newMl ze3, in thrir work Now let all get behind the work and make it go along just like it should. We all want a good earnest working church and Bible school and can only have it by working ourselves. Now let'a go, and make the thing a success. Entertain Cass Co. Bankers This year on Columbus day, the Cass county bankers association met at Union and were the guests of the Bank of Union and the city of Union. A most worth while gathering, which numbers about one hundred, the number being made up of the bank ers and the workers in the bank, and their wives. Excellent speakers, who are in close touch with the world's finan cial condition were present and de livered very able discourses on the mission of the banks and the needs of tho day. Thel adies of the two Union churches, the Methodist and the Bap tist, entertained the visitors, feeding them at the basement of the Baptist 1 a cnurcn wfiicn is a very pleasant place for the purpose. The bankers, on leaving, expressed themselves as be ing very highly pleased with the wel come and the kindly treatment which was so cordially extended to them. FOR SALE Purebred Single Comb White Minorra Cockerals, $1.25 each. Mrs. Earl Wolfe, Union, Nebraska o6-2tU Legal blanks of all kinds for sale at the Journal office. AND lyster Supper at the Eight Mile Grcvs Lutheran Church Friday Evening October 14 Serving starts at 6:30. Sandwiches, Pie and Coffee for those who do not care for oysters. Everyone Cordially Invited CALL FOB SUPREME COURT The supreme court issued a cal? Saturday for a session beginning Oct 47. It includes three criminal cases One is that of Thomas Salisbury convicted in Pierce county of man slaughter in carelessly causing the death of another in an automobile smashup. Victor Vara, convicted in Saline county of larcency, and Al phonso Julian, will have their ap pealt heard. The court advanced for hearing on the first day the mandamus suit brought by the Liberty high school district of Sioux county -recently against the auditor to force the regis tration of bonds he says are sough' to be issued in excess of the legal limit. The re-argument allowed in the in heritance tax case in Wayne county against the Carl Bronzynski estate is to be argued on Wednesday. It in volves the question of when a per sop can deed away property to avoid the tas. The law says this cannot be done iti contemplation of death, but ?hc court is to decide if this mean? when a person is actually confront ed with death or that period in v m?n'r life when ho is induced tc make r. will in the natural anticipa tion of his de mise. The court will also hear the argu ments in a case brought by the Aetn? Casu Ity company ttwrecover money it paid on the Thomas county treas urer's bond to make good checks he drew for hi:: personal account. The ompany says the guaranty fund is liable because the banker knew the checks were for personal debts. FOR SALE Barred Plymouth Rock cockrels. R. T. Cuthrell, Plattsmouth. Neb Phone No 3911. oll-2sw RECOVERING NICELY From Tuescia v's Dally T. H. Pollock, president of the Farmers State bank, who was taken ill very suddenly yesterday morning while en route to Omaha in his auto. has so far recovered that he was able to be down town this afternoon for a part of the time, looking after some work at the bank. Mr. Pollock is feeling very much better and has ap parently suffered but little from his attack that was quite serious for some little time. The many friends were busily engaged in greeting Mr. Pollock on his recovery and trusting that he may now be able to resume his usual activities without any ser ious after-effects of the illness. YOUNG LAD IMPROVING From W"lnsda v'u Pally Fred Hull, who is at the hospital at Omaha recovering from the effects of his broken leg. is doing nicely. the reports from that place state and he will be soon on the highway to recovery as the broken bone will knit fast as he is young. The leg is still swollen a little but this is fast going down and it is thought that all trace of the outward effects of the break will soon have disappear ed. Tho boy. however, will have a stay of several weeks at the hospital. FOR SALE I have a few excellent big type Poland China boars left. John Scheel Murdock, Neb. o!0-2tw APPLES FOR SALE Grimes Golden and other varieties of apples for sale at our home. A. A. YOUNG. Blank books at the Journal office. NOTICE OF APPLICATION For license to operate a Pool and Billiard Hall. Notice is hereby Riven that the un dersigned will on the 1st day of No vember, 1927, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the court house in Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, make application to the Board of County Commission er8 of said county for license to op- erate a pool and biliard hall in the building on lot Five (5), Block (3). ,n the villaEe of Manley, Cass coun-J ty, xseDrasKa. Dated this 6th day of October, A. n is 27 ol0 - 4sw JOHN ORUBER. LOCAL NEWS Dr. Heineman, Dentist, Hotel Main Bldg., Phone 527. From Monday's Dally I'er Fitzer of Edison, Nebraska, who was here to visit with his daugh ter. Mrs. C. E. Hitt and family. ! Dr. A. D. Caldwell of Oma .a who wat. here over Sunday for a vir-it with his family, returned iUis morn ing to Omaha. j Howard C. Burke of Greenwood was among the visitors in the city today to spend a few hours attending , to some matters of business. I I)t Vniinp t! nnrtinneer. is , - -- ' " - ! spending a few days in Chare county where he was called to rook after his land interests in that section. j L. W. Gregory of near Imperial, i Nebraska, was here today for a lew hours visiting with friends and was accompanied by his brother-in-law, (Glen Rhoden. Attorney C. E. Tefft and J. M. Tee garden, will known real estate man of Weeping Water, were here today for a few hours attending to some matters of business. ' Patrick Eagan and wife of Edge mont. South Dakota, were here today for a visit with relatives and friends; and departed this afternoon for Union for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Conboy! and Mrs. Harry Miller and Mrs j Fleet Parson of Omaha were here! over Sunday as guests at the home' of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Sitzman. E. C. Miller of Lincoln, former Plattsmouth boy, was here over Sun day to visit here with old time friends and returning yesterday to his home Mr. Miller is engaged with the Grainger wholesale fruit house in Lincoln. George E. Rebal .who is now lo cated at Omaha with Piggly-Wiggly chain stores, was here Sunday for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Rebal. Mr. Rebal has just re turned to Omaha from Milwaukee, where he was engaged with a force of checkers for the company that he is employed by. From Tuesday's Dallv Attorney C. L. Graves of Union was here today for a, few hours look ing after some matters at the ccurt house. William Starkjohn departed thk- morning for Gothenberg, Nebraska where he was called to look after some matters in connection with hl farm at that place. Mrs. F. R. Cunningham of Nehaw- ka, is here to enjoy the week in this city visiting with her mother, Mrs. J. R. Vallery and family as well as the many friends in this locality. C. D. Quinton, former sheriff, war here today from Lincoln for a few hours visiting with friends and look ing after some matters of business making the trip via the auto route. M. Fanger and V. Zuckor, of Oma ha, former business men here but lo cated in Omaha for several years. were here yesterday to spent a few hours looking after some matters of business. Emil Walters, the contractor de parted this morning for Omaha where he was called on some matters in connection with the starting of the construction of two new brick store buildings at Murray. City Attorney and Mrs. J. A. Can- well were at Lincoln today where they were called to attend the fun eral of the father of Mrs. Pearl Cap well of Elmwood. which was held to day in the capitol city. William Rice and son, Henry, were visitors over the week end at Storm Lake, Iowa, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mathison and on their re turn home, were accompanied by Mrs. Mathison, who will visit here with the parents over the week. From Wednesday's Dally Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Gilmore of Murray were here yesterday after noon for a short time visiting with friends. Mr. and Mrs. George Snyder, Jr.. who are now located on a farm near Fremont, were here yesterday and last evening visiting with the rela tives and friends. Mrs. C. S. Purdy of Livingston, Montann and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Leo Purdy of Alliance, are here to en joy a visit at tne home of Mrs. Fran ces Purdy for a few days. Mrs. A. Hiatt of Arcadia, Nebras ka, who has been here for a short time visiting at the home of her sis ter, Mrs. Esper McClery, departed this morning for her home. Mr3. William Rice. Sr., and daugh ter, Mrs. Carl Mathison of Storrr jake, Iowa, who is here visiting at the Rice home, were in Omaha today to enjoy a few hours outing. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Parkening and Mr. and Mrs. William Haffke of Omaha were here today attending tc some matters of business and visit ing with the old time friends here. Mrs. Haffke being a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Parkening. MYNARD U. B. CHURCH Sunday school at 10 a. ni. Sermon at 10'a. m. There will be services at night be ginning at 8 p. m. Board meeting at the church Fri day night at 8 p. m. It is hoped ail will be out to this meeting. G. B. WEAVER. Pastor. PEACHES P0R SALE I have peaches for sale, which will ripen early in September Will those wanting them phone me at either Murray phone 54 or 1S03. Mrs. Sadie Oldham. a25-tfsw . naTp vnn a-niTrntr r.n sllt Tell the world about it through the Jour nal's Want Ad department. j fM fj k 1$ P i '. r. ; K The best cooks uan- Aluminum N i i more loni nours in do the things you have ping visiting church cn Sunday when you get back home your dinner is ready. Saves one-third on your fuel bill too, ana, best of all, it gives you those valuable mineral salts and vitamines that are so essen tial to the health of your family. This heavy aluminum waterless cooker can be nsed on any stove gas, oil, ekctrio. wcod or ccal. Cheaper cuts cf meat are delicious. CoeJ'.s a whole meal at cne tine, ever OiJE flame. Recipe Beak Free villi Each Cooler ASK US HOW TC GET THIS tW 37 t We deliver Plattsmouth, Nebraska Lady Norfolk Exceeds Austral ian Hen's Mark Nebraska Hen Officially Wins Wcr!! Title for Consecutive Laying With Ess No. 166. Lady Norfolk became the unchal lenged world chanpion egg layer Tuesday morning when she deposited her 1 6 t h egg in 1C6 consecutive j days of laying, in her nest at thei American Milling company plant ! Red Cloud, Neb. Twenty years Twenty-ninth and 15 streets. Omaha, ago the first day of this month, C. S. Monday she had tied the prtviour Ludiov of Red Cloud began his duties world record of 1C3, held by an as United Srates voluntary weather Australian hen. j observer and during this time has George A. Danforth gave Lady Nor- 'missed only once furnishing the daily folk a careful examination. fier she report on weather conditions requir hr.d set the new record, and pro-,ed by the government, flounced her in good rbysknl condl-j During this time he has pent 1.S0O tion, with excellent prospects of pro-: telegrams to the department, l.sno ducing an egs a day for another daily post cards, 1,0 -to weekly post week, (cards and 240 monthly reports. Hun Though Lady Norfolk has outdis-j dreds of thousands of telephone calls tanced all other hens in consecutive j hav been answered by him and his egg-laying, two other hens have her j family, inquiring abrtit rainfall, min beaten so far for the total number ofjimum and maximum temperatures, egg-- laid during the current contest, j etc. Lady Norfolk has laid 2:'.3 eggs since He has pervert entirely without re the contest began November 1. 120. i numeration other the satisfac and since April 29 ha? laid an egg tion of giving the public the bene every day. Two Rhode island Red fit of the service a:ul has received hens owned by W. A. Robinson of hut one letter of appreciation from Omaha have laid 24T and 230 eggs! the department during the entire 20 respectively. Their lead is due tc j years. lllll (73 fcna ml i lift trA Miztet w u$?w&&m mm Oar annual Fall sale will be held on the icrm, 2 miles east and 2 miles south of Dunbar, Nebraska, on Wednesday, October 19 Commencing at 1 :30 0'Clock 35 Spring Boars, 10 Spring Gilts We will conduct our Annual Sale the same as we did last year, that is, we are dispensing with the aid of field men and holding the sale on the farm. By so doing, we think we can save our customers some money ar.d give them better service. Most of the offering are sired by Sunny Cigaretts. by Cigarette, whose get was one of the heaviest winners at the Missouri State lair. Sunny Cigaretts has sired a great crop of piga for US( an,i we have some real herd boar prospects in this sae. and lots of big. rugged boars for our farmer customers. For our old customers, we will have boars that they can use. AVe will be pleased to have all of our friends and customers have dinner with us that day, get a free chance on winning a boar, see our offering and meet your friends and fellow breeders, and we will try and make your visit pleasant. Send for Catalogue Wm. J. Dunbar, REX YOUNG, Auctioneer Improved Waterless Cooker !t saves ell ihc natural flavor; and hsalik-lzilding vitalizes. Start your entire meal in this cooker, ahlch requires no further attention zntil ready to be server. Complete with insert pan for vcgeialles. l l 7. : t U You can now a nut khuicu always wanted to do shop COOKER AT FACTORY COST! 3 Years of Service Phoned LZ!!. SiSSS JZZZZt JX5JU!f Lady Norfolk'. start. but She ! may y?l overtake them. j V.. A. Robins'.-n's pen aha lcar'..-- : tho contest with 1. '):?; whii" Lady I Norfolk and her j laid l.a".r. I Tiie eo, i test r;. ;':r pen mates have s until October 23. Tin r- ' td env. one fully packed in a j'l-.vcl or.'v va; srnt by air mail T;:f-i.?!.iy iver:i,:ir to Fi-f-.siuent Cool- e. A tc legran: anncunciiiK its ar rival, an:i aslrin;.' the president tr have the served f r his breakfast Tiiumu.y morning, has been sent by the company. WEATHER MAN SERVES 20 YEARS WITHOUT PA'S &a y 11 Nebraska A. WEILER, Clerk WIRTH i 'i. t i -(.-. t t.': V: v. U n B u H I 'V.