The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 13, 1927, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    TETJESDAY. OCT. 12. 1527.
plaftsmoytb joyrna
it J i
H . A. . DATES, Publisher
It's better to smile
ind be
villain than never to have smiled at
When a man pets a chance to dis
pose of his troubles he always heaps
up the measure.
An American company is con
structing: many asphalt streets in
Alexandria, Egypt.
: o:
The author cf "Sweet
says a news item, is alive,
in hiding, no doubt.
: o :
But still
A diplomat is a visitor to the Mus
solini household who discovers that
the baby resembles its father.
o :
The ominous silence in Indiana
rignifies either that all is over or that '
the courts are trying to catch up. i
Castlehill Colliery, at Carluke. Ire
land. 'is to close down after being op
erated for more than 100 years.
Mr. Coolidge says congress is go
ing to stop the Mississippi f.ood?.
"Why not? Did not Joshua stop the
There is no scientific foundation
for the popular belief that the deep
er the water the easier it is to swim
in it.
Old Neptune has no respect of per
son. A flying princess is just as fair
game for him as a flying school
"Pall frocks," says a fashion page
item, "have many colored tiers." That
is no sign that the scenery for fall
is going to fee any less enhancing
than it has been during the summer.
You have no idea how small and
row a tier a good modiste can make.
at the
American Legion
Saturday Night
Angelo Lupo and His
Carter Lake Club
The Omaha Eaxcntcmc Kirer -who has
teesceara Dyiuiiauuvci ia''
nanus taKen up Drcaacaiu..S c .m
4 1 . . -.1 Jat - t vnin TV ,p w
in me tuiij, Laj v. iau.u.
chestra has just completed a success
ful season at Carter Lake pavilion.
5, GOO Square Feet Finest
Dance Floor in Nebraska. -
Gents, $1 Ladies Free
Spectators, 35c
Fatwre Bookings
0M -
mm i
Wed., Oct 19 Leo Beck, Lincoln street English and the president of
Sat., Oct. 22 11-pc Goldenrods Mexico -was speaking in socialist
Sat., Oct. 29--Marshall's Little Band Spanish. Fine chance for an under
Wed., Nov. 2Pat Eroh's Melody Boys standing wasn't it?
Alimony slays
: o :
Insurance is rot
a vital topic to
the central public.
City jrovv. rnment in Indianapolis
appears to be a relative question.
Double-cross in a slang term
meaning: to betray one person to an
other. ;
Charity 'eaves enough sins uncov
ered to prevent gossips from getting
the lockjaw.
I Put Siephcnson and the maskadaro
that debauched Indiana are . not
among our afflictions.
i wo million laws in tne lar.u: adu
Y- '" -'an keep them all just be
being reasonably decent.
As v.e see it, miles an hour
' i. ,-,,...-..1. . ;
too darn fast for a funeral .
Having survived the poetry Lind-
bergh may be said to be safe for the
allotted span of life for a flyer. j
to: i
If a girl is unable to secure a man's
wages in an office she might succeed
in getting them by marrying him.
When a Mexican candidate is
outdistanced, it m're-ly means he did
not run fast enough and soon enough.
Having rtad somewhere that there
i- no inspiration for some of the
modern symphonies must lie else
where. tot
When a boy gets through the high
Fchoed he goes to work, and when he
completes college he has to accept a
q a j; ei ::iiieui i uu ururi umn
A musician says the white races the people who control it, and there-)
must ban jazz to keep up their pies- fore the people have just such a gov
tige. Syncopation must be affecting ernment as they deserve,
their standing. to:
Scotchmen give better tips thrn
visitors from England, according to
a taxi driver testifying in a court at
I.elfast, Ireland.
You can't tell by lo, king at a man
these days whether he's p'-rspiring
or has just finish'-J dryinu. his face
cn a paper towel.
During the last of our p -ndering
moments, we wonde'red to whom a
Chinese general turns in his resigna
tion when he resigns.
The- point r i : I-it cf movie criti
C'sm. if ve set it straight, is this:
American fiin: are so bad that all
the world wants them.
A girl atheist wants to convert
New York to disbelief in God. A
harder j--l micht b? to e nvert Go.l
t(; belief in New York.
It is noticeable that cf all the
humorists who are getting off wise
cracks at the expense of Mussolini,
not one lives in Italy.
A historian finds that the averarc
age of kings at death, In medieval
times, was 31 vears Tlie fnrnnn::r.c(
cause is asserted to have been throat
The most worthwhile girl of the
present day is the simple, ur.afT' ct d
ature who has learned to : t' i i
r charming naturalness Uirei li
ars of practice.
New Ycrk, which may hj said
set the. widespread American fash!
cf tumbs down on public owners h.;
is to have a publicly owned and op-,
ated transit system.
The prohibition adminhit rati
e fforts to stop student drinking, : o
cur pro?l!!rptjon is that the reported
decline occurs durinc the vacation
A long rainy season has cause-d
such an epidemic of flies, it is re
ported that farmers are putting pants
on their horse?. Here's more work
for the poor farmer's wife keeping
creeses in those pants.
When Mr. Coolidge and Gen.
Calles greeted each other by
phone they used different languages.
That is. Mr. Coolidge was using Wall
1 A popular government is a thous
and times better than a monarchy. .
but it would net be if the kins and:
his counselors were always honest
and patriotic, wise and good, j
There can be no perfect govern-
me-it for the reason that there are
no perfect men. J
"We are told that "In a multitude I
c.f cour.Si-1 there is wisdom." The ex-I
tent of the wisdom, of course, de-1
ponds r.s much upon the capacity cf
the ecumsclors as upon their number (
very much more; and still more
upon thir honesty and integrity. In-:
tellignt crooks will destroy a gov-,
ernn.rnt sooner than honest incr-t
amuses. j
Very iittle wisdom would result;
from the deliberations of a thousand,'
fools, and rone at all from a million!
idirts. Emptv buckets always come
up empty out of dry wells. i
It is not that there were not wise
men amors: them, but because there!
were m
re who were rot wise th:n
t! gso who were, and this was supple-j
mented by the fact that the masse? ;
do not give th" attention to their
own affair that they should do not
study the country's need, even many
who have the capacity to do so.
Even in our own state, the patrio
tism of whose citizens is excelled by
Ihose cf no other, thousands of our
tiect rM t ! 7 f ' r. ; t'iveil nwnv frnm the
polls ru-eause xacy czc not care to en-
t , r t: f lirifo )ut w ti rK'-U'p r-fcnflf-
dr. tec. wiule tliouiands or illegal
votes were cast for these self same
It is deplorable that it requires a
campaign for offices wherein person-
alities, crimination, and recrimina
tion are indulged to bring the voting
strength of the state to the poo's.
Civilization itself is not a stable
thing, but the principles upon which
it ir based are. Civilizations come and
go. but thse principles go on forever.
Governments do not disintegrate
and disappear because' c.f the princi
ples on which they are founded but
b-ci-use ef lack cf principle on the
part of those who are entrusted with
the administrat ion of their affairs.
No government would fail did it not
violate the very principles upon
which it is established.
It can be accepted as axiomatic
A British traveler says that
cently, when in the dominion of
South .Africa, a very oid and ve ry
Unci: Kaffir thief asked him:
i:e iii; l- :
vhv he take my mcny?" I
, r old chap
the eternal ouostior.. Since m,
fi-st '
began t set up forms of government,
man has h- n ashing that one thing.
We have all been su-e tht nothing
is certain in thic worl.l but death
and tax s. Ti e tax- ater we have
continually with us. Ail cur political
squabbles, ail our political p:irtis,
::11 our political battles are more or
le"s based open taxes.
The "in" want to continue to levy
the tax..?; an(j g;itnd them. Ti:e "out'
want to get in to do the same thing. !
And half ihe time the plain citizen i
wants to know what is done with all i
the moncv. And often he gets no ,
verv good answer.
! amendment itself, "each may settle
In 1923 the United States ranked it in acconjanee with the convictions
fourth amonc the countries in export- j and conscience of its own people,
ing of eggs, when they were 30.(159.- j thrs0 communities that want Ycl
000 dozen. In 1 927 the United State s i steaclism being free to have it. but
1;(!d r.iU p. ace, the expo. is liai.i.&
oroppet! to i(i,f.J4.yU dozen. !
ureal iskcs o-i j"r eeni cn
the world's exports of eggs and Ge-r- j
many about 3 0 pf'r cent. j
Farmers of the costal region cf 1
South Carolina could produce mil-;
Eons ef dozen of eggs. Not yet nave i
lw:l! weevil- rt tacked chickens. j
In one of the counties of this state
sc. me years aao four or five gentle-
men happened to be at the house of j
a friend who had a thousand acres!
and yet no eggs to sell. Even if w e ,
do have plenty of corn for exporting
whv not oxnort ersr 1nt as well,
v,r,. i
-: o:-
by the papers that Mr.
foes are going to attack
t'lidge s
his foreign policy in congress. Which
is where Cal has the merry ha ha
on said foes, 'cause he hasn't got any
more foreign policy than a rabbit
ClcS 11 Oi US. I
to h
said the
"Oh. you go
Countess of Kinnoul to the man she
run over with her auto A.nd she
would probably have said much more
u"t was barred by the fact that she
was a countess and also a lady.
ros SALE
Home grown potatoes $1.25 per
bushel. Telephone 3211. Joe Shera.
I Paralysis of the nation's indstries,
i once a power held within the coal
J miners' hands, is gradual'y becoming
less and less possible, and one of the
reuM-n- i? coal itself. Formerly tLe
;eru;urys mc.t important luel. it
! rapidlv loing its dominance.
Railroads have cut their coal con
.ad-; have- cut then
sumption treme-nde ulv in the h!St
tf.catje jie cleciease in coal use the
country over has been something like
twenty per cent. Fifteen y ars ago
coal furnished almost nine ty p- r cei t
cf -ur heat and power.
Oil has made a huge pain, as has
pas. both natural and artificial.
Water power, too. has cut into King
Coal. Oil funaces in homes and flat
buildings are one phase of the lessen-
' ed coal demand.
:o:- --
Gov. Ritchie is convinced that the ;
prohibition law cannot be enforced
in the states that don't war.t prohibi-
Hon. Who that is willing to face the!
facts is net
also convinced? He
would therefore turn the question
back to the states, so that, pending
a possible change in the eighteenth
those that resent it being no longer :
foT-oert In- ntber states into taking it
An armjr officer says commercial
fivinsr schools are' turning out iucom-
patent pilots.
This situation can be
rpmeaiated in the early fall.
on Petition for Appointment
of Administratrix
The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun
ty. ss.
In the Countv Court.
In the matter of the estate of Ja-
cob Buechler. deceas'-d.
On reading and filing the petition
; of Fred Buec hler praying that admin-
istration of said estate may be grant-
ed to Bertha A. Buechler as admin-
istratrix j
Ordered, mat rsovemDer 4tn, a.
T) 1Q'7 nt tn o'clock a, m. is as-
signed for hearing said petition,
when all persons interested in said
matter may appear at a county court
to be held in and for said county,
, . ... . r
I ana snow cause v ny cue prayer oi
petitioner should not be granted; and
that notice of the pendency of said
petition and the hearing thereof be
Siven to all persons interested In
said matter by publishing a copy of
this OJ(jer jn the Plattsmouth
Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper
printed in said county, for three sue-
cessive weeks prior to said day of
hearing. j
Dated October Sth, 1927.
County Judge, i
Attorney for Petitioner.
" - - urn- w m - - m ' at bum sn '" n
pfe? .
& s c&- k m wr: gr pet i r
"VT 7"HEN a careless driver darts out of a
t V side street, you need the extra power
of Red Crown Ethyl Gasoline to jump yfcur
car out of danger.
This improved motor fuel eld reliable
Red Grown Gasoline combined with Ethyl
Brand cf Anti-Knock Compound makes
motoring mere satisfactory in every way,
and more economical.
Your motor starts quickly, has more
power, handles more easily, goes further
on a gallon. It runs more smoothly with no
the tw 'rnd.
1 ..ft,
the ftrMmC
ssi 'Sftzeks out the Snacks -
I Alter forcing Chiang Kai Sgek to
retire from Nanking, the Chinese na
tionalist party has driven the com
munists out of their government,
thus meeting his demand. But will
they stay out? They are not?d for
penistence in penetrating where they
. are not wanted.
An English scientist hopes to ob-
tain heat for the world by boring a
hole 30 miles deep in the earth. Countv. Nebraska, the undersigned highest bidder for cash the following
Should he find no heat there, he can will sVll at public auction to the Ascribed r'111 thrw.
. t.t i,,-; ,i,.r fnr (.at,h orf. TWd Lots erne (1), two ). tnree
still ke ep himself warm quae p(" Roadster. M.- tor No. 14297709. - n ). Block thirty ( 30 ). Original
while by shoveling the hole full CoVt.r,.fi ,y chr-ttt 1 mortrage ir. favor Town of I'lattsmouth, Cass coun
acain. ! ef Biattsmouth Motor Cor.ipany. ty, Nebraska
:o. j signed by A. S. Christ and assigned The same being levied upon and
I have an excellent Roan Durham
bull for sale a year and a half old
Nehawka, Nebr.
Journal Want Ads Dricg results.
In the District Court of
Cass County, Nebraska
Charles A. Murray et al.
Dora Murray et al.
Defendants. J
To the defendants, Dora Murray;
timer Aiurray, a miuui , dci unr
Murray a ir,innr: Gladvs JIuri'ST. a'
miner: Clarence Wayne Murray, a
Earl Anthony Murray; Char-
. t. ,,,... T S((irn Mnrrav:
l.i.rv Mnrmv Keulali Pnr!rett: Alva
r.'dtretf Euna V. Murray: Nellie
Aline Murray, a minor; John Ralph
MH1T2V. a Elinor: Itutli 1. iSlurrav. a
minor; George W. Murray, a minor;
Mgrv R. Murrav. a minor: Paul W.
Murray and Manila Murray, all non- ;
! residents:
You and each of you are hereby
.notified that on the Cth day of Oc-
tober. 1927, the plaintiffs, Charles I
A. Murray; Clinnie Murray; Isabel
Yost; James Yost; Laura J. Spang-
ler; Frank Spangler; Leonard C. j
Murray; Rose Murray: David Mur-,
Florence Spangler; Philip Spangler; j
Edward Murray; Ada Murray; Chris
c. Murray; Nannie Murray; Guy
Murrav; Mearl Murray; Albert Mur- 1
rav, and Mrbrd Murrav, filed their,
petition in the District Court of Cass
county. Nebraska, against you and
each of you tor the partition 01 tne
"VVect Half nf Ivit A and all of It 4li
in Block CS, in the Yillage of Weep-
ing Water, Cass county. Nelfraska,
setting forth the interest of them-
selves and each of vou in said prop-
. . . , - . , . . I
erty, and praying ior a partiuou .
thereof, or if the same cannot be
equitably divided, that said property j
be sold and the proceeds thereof di
vided. and for equitable relief. I
You and each of you are further
notified that vou are required to an-
rwer said petition on or before the
2th day of November, 1927, or the
allegations of the plnintiffs petition
will be taken as true and judgment
in partition entered in accordance
with the prayer of. said petition.
;W. G. KIECK. Plaintiffs.
Atorney for Plaintiffs. oll-4w,
vibration from fuel "knocks" even on the
steepest hills or in theheaviestmudor sand.
There's less wear and tear on your
motor. Your repair bills are smaller and
your motor lasts longer. Carbon in your
motor should never be removed. It increases
compression and enables Red Crown Ethyl
Gasoline to develop more power.
Red Crown Gasoline won't hurt any
motor. It gives the new, high compression
motors fuel economy and extra power
makes every motor do better work.
Fill up with Red Crown Ethyl Gasoline
and head for your hardest hill. Your motor
will show new life better acceleration;
more hill-climbing power and never a
Be sure you get the genuine. It is sold
only where you see the Red Crown Ethyl
Gasoline sign.
Standard Oil Company of Nebraska
"A S'cbraita Institution
ti&Tzs carbon into pstpet
A species of crane is used in Yene-
zuela to guard sheep and is said to do
its work as conscientiously as a dog. !
1.. Uanlry, 'J4U Omnha al"I.
Otnaliit. rlraka
Notice is hereby given that on th-
,il ' , ' , mh
o clock a. m.. at the Flattsmoutli
: to American Credit Corporation, said
! mortgage being dated October 5th,
1926, and having been filed in the
office of the County Clerk of Cass
Ccvntv. Nebraska, on the loth day
of October. 1920.
Said sale will be for the purpose
i of foreclosing said mortgage and fr
: the purpose of satisfying the amount
now due thereon, to-wit: flSS.r.3. i
IL. C. Ilawley, Attorney. oll-3w
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Henry Oelkers. deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I
will sit at the County Court room in
i'lattsmout n. m sain county, on
vember 4, 192
ana i-eoruary ,
192S. at 10 o clock each day. to re-
ceive and examine all claims against
said estate, with a view to their ad-
tustment anci allowance. i ue time
limited for the presentatioruof claims
against said estate is threie months
f rom the 4th day of November, A. D.
(1927, and the time limited for pay-
ment of debts is one year from said
4th day of November, 1927.
Witness my hand anl the seal of
Siijd County Court this 29th day of
September, 1927.
(sPai) o3-4w County Judge.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
Bv virtue of an Execution issued by i
Golda Noble Beal, clerk of the Dis-i
trict Court within and for Cass Coun- '
ty, .NebrasKa, ana to me directed, i .
or the "rith d.-'V of October. A. i
D. 1S27. at 10 o'clock a. m. of said j
day r.t the South Front Door of the'
Court House in Plattsmouth, Ne- .
braska, in said county, sell at public I
. . . . , , . , .. ..... .
auction to tne ingiiesi Diuuer lor i
cash the following real estate, towit:
Section Two (2) Township
Twelve (12), Range Twelve
The same being levied upon and taken
as the property of J. V. Maynes. de-
fendant to satisfy a judgment of said
court recovered by J. D. Cranny (by
assignment of A. L. Osier) plaintiff .
against said defe ndant.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, September
(17th, A. D. 1927,
Sheriff of Cass County,
State of Nebraska. County of Cass,
By virtue of an execution issued
by holda Noble Beal. Clerk of the
: District Court within and for Casa
county, Nebraska, and to me direct
ed. I will on the 22nd day of O. t .her.
A. D. 1927. at 10 o'clock a. m., of said
day. at the south front door of the
court house at I'lattsmouth. in said
county, seil at public auction to the
taken as the property or . a:oy
Strine and Sara Strine. Defendants,
to satisty a judgment el said . ourt
recovered by Mabel M. Bloom, Blain-
tin against said Delenuants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska. September
17th. A. D. 1927.
Sheriff Cass County,
j Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska. County of
Cass, ss.
By virtue of an Order issued by
Golda Noble Beal, Clerk of the Dis
trict Court Within and for Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, and to me directed. I
will on the 25th day of October. A.
D. 1927, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said
day, at the south front door of the
court house in Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, in said count-, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for
cash the following described prop-
erty j.jtuate in Cass county, Nehras
ka, to-wit:
Lot numbered 21 in the north
east quarter of the southeast
quarter of Section 2 4 in Town
ship 12, North, in Range 13,
East, described as follows
Commencing at a point 211
feet north of the southeast cor
mr of the said northeast quar
ter of the Southeast quar
ter of Section 24. Township 12.
North, Range 13 East of the 6th
P. M., thence running north on
the east line of said tract 82
fee't; thence west parallel with
the south line of said tract,
511.70 feet, more or less, to the
centre of the public road; thence
south 65 46' 30" west, along
the centre of said road. 89.92
feet to a point 211 feet distant
from the south line of said
tract, measured at right angles
thereto: thence east, parallel
with said south line 54 9.1 feet,
more or less, to the place of be
ginning, containing 43,451.8
square feet, more or less
The same being levied upon and
(taken as the property of Orval A.
Newton and Maud Newton, defend-
ants, to satisfy a Judgment of said
Court, recovered by The I'lattsmouth
Loan and Bunding Association, a
corporation, piamtin against said ae-
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, September
17th. 1927.
Shriff of Cass County,