The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 13, 1927, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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THURSDAY, OCT. 13, 1927.
Sheriff Captures
Escaped Convict
Man Arrested on Suspicion Is Ber
nard Smith, Under Sentence for
Murder in New Mexico.
Nehawka Department!
Prepared in ths Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially
for the Journal Readers.
Gold Medal Flour!
Eventually Why Not Now?
I am handling this celebrated Flour.
None better. Also Feeds of all kinds
for your stock. Call the mill for
your needs in this line. Prices right !
Phone No. 9
C. D. St. John
Nehawka Mill
i since on the "O" street road. Mr.
&t I Ann mnnrrc t V t 'nn i t i ( Ti t f liis ci J-
i ter was in a very serious condition,
i V. O. TrooD ar.d the family were
much. visiting for the day last Sunday at
Frank M. Lemon and Albert one the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
were enjoying a visit in Omaha on Troop nf piattsiuouth, when they en
last Sunday and during the afternoon t j0yed the time and were joined at
were enjoving a visit last Sunday
the home of the parents of Mr. Kint
ncr at Weeping Water where all en
joyed the visit very
The Farmers Elevator of Nehaw
ka shipped a cur each of corn on last
Saturday and Monday.
T. J. Lrendel of Murray was a
visitor in Ntluwka on last Monday
looking after some business matters
for a short time.
thev visited the movies where tne
t Tunnty-Pempsey fight was shown on
i the screen.
Jonn upp aim me iamuy visit at
visiting in umana lasi sunaay, wuere;- Q.
thev sure had a line time ana on tneir
return Uncle Peter Opp. father of Mr.
jjohn Opp returned with them for a
j visit here this week.
J Edward Wa'ntraub cf Platts
! mouth was a visitor in Nehawka and
! was also inspecting the machinery
at the new oil well on last Monday
; and expressed himself as pronouncing
ithe equipment as Teing first class.
1 Miss Kathleen Troop of Platts
I mouth was a visitor home from the
state university, where she is a stu
. dent, on last Sunday, making the
! trip with Col. C. S. Sherman and
hospitable home by Mr. ana ,
C. S. Sherman of the State Jour-'
come tc;
at Lincoln, who had
the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Troop. Miss Julia Troop.
with them who is a student at the
state university.
Poultry for Profit.
Keep the best layers, the
Minoracs. they sure are fine,
rels of this celebrated strain
producers as long as they last
A. O. Cisney, Nehawka.
were visiting here for the
Mrs. W. O. Troop was a visitor in
I'lattsmouth on last Friday where she j Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Wunderlich
was attending the county convention . were enjoying a visit in Plattsmoutl
of the Woman's club. for the day Sunday, they driving over
J. II. El ii:ic.i worth of Lincoln was to the county seat where they vieit
a visitor f"r the day last Sunday at ; ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
tb. !"in" of Mr and Mrs. C. D. St. ,' Rosencrans. Mrs. Ilosencrans neing a
John and Robert Taylor.
Roy Col- of Weeping Water
is with the Lincoln Telegraph
! daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wunder-
who !
Teltphor.e company and was doing
s-me expert work on the lines.
Rob it Troop r. ceived two cr.r
loads cf feeders and will put the cat-
tie on feed in his lots In-re and pi
them to an early finish and baby
Henry V.'ess II and wife were en
joying the day last Sunday visiting
at thf home of Frank Freis ar.d wife
wh -.' they all had a most pleasant
Dr. A. R. Kintner and the wife
Edward Murrav and family were
enjoying a visit last Sunday at t lie
i home of fluy Murray ar.d family who
reside near the state line, and alsc
! near Summerfield. Kansas. Mr. Mr-
Irnv fin 'I th frnnilv rlrnv nvpr to the
- day morning,
i Stewart Rough and wife were
Celebrated 82nd Birthday.
On last Sunday at the home cf
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Reynolds when
Uncle Henry Behrns makes his home
a celebration, of the passing of the
eighty-second milestone was duly
celebrated, and all the large crow;'
enjoyed the occasion very much, tin
many friends of this aged pionre:
sure showed the Octogenarian, z
most pleasant day. and with its clos
ing they all extended the wish for
many more such happy birthdays
Those present from away wire Job?
H. R. Rhuge and family. Richard
Xutzmar. ar.d family. O. I IV.jger
riff and family of Avoca. I.on Roya'
and family. Willis Van Ackren am'
family of Palmyra.
The radio season is now
coming' on. Be ready!
Do Away with Your
Battery Troubles
Every cne who buys a Radio Outfit
cf us. with a storage battery, will
have the battery kept fully charged
by us for sis months free of charge.
Nehawka, Nebr.
visiting in Lincoln on last Sunday
whre they were the guests at the
home of Mr. Rough's brother. Mr.
Rough reported the traffic on the "O"
street highway as being very heavy
they meeting nearly three hundrec
cars between Lincoln and home.
Ralph Miller of Roitvar, Mo., and
family arrived in Nehawka last Sat
urday, and were visiting for a few
days at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Griffin. Mrs. Miller being a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. CTriffin. Mr.
Miller has accepted a position with
A. A. McReynolds where he will as
sist with the farm work.
One of the operators of the Weep
ing Water exchange was in Nehawka
for a time last Monday where she
was assisting in the instituting of
the peg system for the day as a test
rf what business the exenange was
doing. The plan being to mark for
each connection made on the switcr
board, and which showed many con
nections for the day.
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Opp, were
over to Avoca on last Sunday where
they went to visit Mrs. Philamenia
Nutzman. who is in a very serious
condition following her injuries when
the? wreck on her car occurred in ?
collosion with another car some time
Many Visit the Oil Well.
On last Sunday it is conservative
ly estimated by those who reside her
and were able to see the visitors a'
the site of the new oil well, tiat then
were ten thousand there during th
day on last Sunday. The work fo;
the beginning of the real work e
sinking the well is rapidly progres
sing and it is expected that the worl
will begin during the latter portior
of this week.
Guernsey Bull Calf for Sale
I have a fine three months old
Guernsey bull calf for sale, with very
good parentage, the dam is an extra
fine cow. while the grand dam has
record of over 700 pounds of butter
fat. Do you want an extra good bull
cald. R. B. Stone, Nehawka. Neb.
A man giving his name as L. E.
Wilson, who was apprehended on
Thursday by Sheriff Andy Carter of
York county at Waco, was found to
be Bernard Young Smith, who escap
ed from the state penitentiary of
New Mexico at Santa Fe on July 24.
Smith was serving a forty-five year
sentence for the murder of a railroad
brakeman. He had served four years
at the time of his escape, which was in the warden's car.
Sheiiff Carter arrested the man at
Waco after his suspicions . were
aroused by the finding of a loaded .3S
caliber Colt automatic revolver, a
flash light and a glass cutter in his
possession. The state sheriff's office
was notified and D puty Sheriff Wey
gint went to York and returned the
man to Lincoln.
Smith claimed that he had never
been finger priited nor any record
made of him. Within fifteen minutes
alter he was brought to Lincoln it
was discovered that he was the es
caped convict and he made a full con
fession to Shet ill'.Condit Friday.
In a statement obtained by the
sheriff Fiiday he says he pulhd post
ol'iice jobs at A!da and at Phillips.
Neb. He tol dthe sheriff that he had
a suit case at the Anieri.Mi Express
OiTice under the name of Wilson. The
suit case was found to contain $105
worth of fountain pens alleged to
have been stolen from the McCIery
drug More at Doniphan. The burg
lary occurred Sept. 30. It also con
tained six stamped monr-y orde rs for
I TOO eacl; which aie believed to have
b en tak"ii from the Alda. Neb., post
office Oct. 1, and merchandise thot
t have hem taken from a general
store at Phillips. Neb., Sept. 27. He
admitted, according to the sheriff, to
entering the posu-ffire and a' grain
i'!t vatnr the same night.
His record showed that he served
f.-ur months for a postoffice robbery
;-t Muskogee, 0la.
We are putting in a line of Clothing, Dress Goods and Shoes and
must have the room, so we are making these unusual sacrifices!
Take Advantage of This Sale!
SUGAR Very best granulated, 15 Pounds for .$1.00
WHITE SEAL FLOUR Per 48-lb. sack " 1.79
POTATOES Fine large Nebraska grown, per bushel 1.25
Salmon - Sardines
. 12k
Pink Salmon
3 tall cans
Mustard or Tomato
pack Sardines, per can
Off fcr the South.
A. C. Munn and Israel Freis. aftt
having fixed their car for a horn
making a house on the big car, 'wit!
all arrangements for cooking am
housekeeping, they started on las
Monday morning for the south a".;
will spend the winter in Flori.I-i
They have a radio, and wheneve:
they stop for the night or for an
other reason they will be aide to keep
in touch with the remainder of the
world. They are surely expecting tr
enjoy their trip anil will remain al
Will Make Home in West.
On last Monday Earl Chappell. :'
companied bv Mr. Joseph Moimk
who has been receiving treatment ir
a hospital at Lincoln, departed for
California, they traveling on the
train. Mr. Mounk will make his horn
in the west with his sister. Mr. Al
bert Alford is looking after the home
end doing the work on the farm dur
ing the time Mr. Earl Chapprll i
'Speed' Sleeps,
Walks and Talks
After Hard Test
'Bradford Functions Again After His
3,924 Auto Drive Without
! Sleen
r r. ' X m n a
Munsingvear is one of the oldest and best known makes
of Underwear in the country and always gives satisfac
tion. Whenever ycu see the Munsingwear trade mark
on an undergarment you can know it is of good quality.
For winter wear, you will find here a
splendid asortment of underwear for Men,
Women, Children and Infants. October is
here snd frosty weather naturally suggests
warmer underwear.
Goodrich Overshoes, Rubbers and Zippers.
A fresh stock now ready for your approval.
t a
id a
Telephone No. 14 Nehawka, Nebr.
Where Customers Feel at Home
"Speed" Bradford, ace of automo
bile drivers, was on his feet accept
ing congratulations from many
friends Monday after his 3, 924-mile
no-rest drive which ended Saturday
night. His sleep in the display win
dow (jf an Omaha motor company,
concluded at 4 p. m. Sunday, 19 hours
after his trip wag ended.
i "Speed" was allowed to sleep only
i one hour at a time. Every hour his
nurse, Mrs. Mathilda Knott, awoke
him and talked to him for a few min-
! utes in order not to allow him to
j sleep too soundly.
I Once, after a previous race. Speed
i was allowed to stay asleep and he
j was "dead" to the world for 72 hours,
I and sick for nearly two weeks after
ward, he said.
I'p and around Monday, Speed waa
telling friends of the hardships of the
race, his characteristic smile beam
ing from his round face.
The race against time lasted 88
hours and 23 minutes, actual driving
time. His average speed was 4 4.4
miles per hour and his maximum
speed was 72 miles an hour. His
elapsed time was 103 hours.
Speed used the collegiate model
Whippet roadster, MonaMotor oil and
Fisk tires.
The race of "Speed" attracted a
great deal of attention here and
where he made his stops at the Bauer
garage on each lap of his endurance
nre rreven
tion Week in
This Citv l
Fire Chief 0. Sandin Urges All Ef
forts to Remove Fire Dangers
and Make Clean Eecord.
Canned Fruits
No. 2V2 Sixe
Peaches Apricots Pineapple Pears
Blackberries (No. 2) Red Plums
6 cans, $1.35
Gallon Fruits
Peaches, sliced
Bartlett Pears
Pineapple . . .
Nucoa Butter
Nucoa is one of the leading nut
butters on the market and one that
is alays sweet and
fresh. 1-lb. carton
Canned Milk
Carnation or Wilson Brand
Six Tall Cans for
Ginger Ale
Silver King leading brand
Per Bottle Only
12 k
H'l-a.t-u. ictlahl' J?ffSnra wtnrn tararafl
This is tire prevention week all
-ver the Tinted Sntes and Fire Chief 1 1"
ir. iiuiuii I i in i in- liri.-iii.iii. ill 11.
:g that the I hittsmouth people see-
that th
in;-- for
iti th"
-y do all possible to remove
causes f;:r fires and in mak
v greater and better record
nunbt-r of fires in 192-::S
they had in 1926-27.
:e city n.:a u great record
year i;i the number of tires
i ( ry small numluT of
I danger-jej,
xist over ft,;
ic end cf ! l
.v. re suiLiiii' 1 and which si. large
ly th- result of the persistent efforts
of the chief of the fire department the memb' is in seeing that there
was cleanups made in the spring and
c ar!y fall of all debris and
on.-: conditions that mignt exi
tin- city but this is not the
the unrelenting struggle against fire
that great d stroer of life and prop
erty. There is at this time of the -;ar
n great need of the repairing of
chimneys and a careful examination
:f the (lues and chimneys. Chef San
din states, as a great d-al of the fire1
th:.t have oec-.n red here are frm this
nu-e an;I the responsibility for
which is directly due to the property
own r not seem a: that the flues are
placed in the best of shape before the
season of the year arrives frr the
starting of furnaces and heating
It is a matter of the welfare of
Lf-h individual property owner and
tixen to see that every effort i.
mad" to save the- homes; from tires
and the mtnae of lire danger that
may wipe out the home or place of
business and cause a loss of life per
The fire chief urges, everyone to.
ret into the spirit of fire prevention
weeK a. rid do their part in trying tc
make the coming year one without
any tires that will bring sorrow and
loss to the residents of the commun
ity. ISe a so'idier in the ranks and
c- that your plae of business e
dwelling is given every attention tc
insure against lire.
Grape Juice
Pints, per bottle 23c
Quarts, per bottle 45c
Canned Vegetables
Corn Tomatoes Hominy Pumpkin
Six Cans for only
rmi'jmu j, y i. Mir.'B'r' 1 z '-
Cereal Specials
Quaker Oats, large pkg 25c
Puffed Wheat, per pkg 14c S
Shredded Wheat, pkg lZy2c
All Brands, 2 for 25c
White, per gallon 53c
Dark, per gallon 49c I
L .iWI
From Weil nes fin v p iiailv
Thomas Svoboda. Jr.. is confined
to his home since Mondav as the re
sult of an attack of appendicitis, the
third of which attacks the young
man has suifered in the last few
years. The chronic appendicitis is
such that it is thought best to have
in operation performed this time tr
give the young man any measure of
permanent relief from his suffering
which has interfered with his school
activities ami kept him confined tr
his home on several different occa
Modem $4x-rooai fccuge ca paving,
Hrai4n J. Hough, 715 Xcrtb istfe
street. Fwutmouth.
" Buy your school supplies at the
Bates Book and Stationery Store,
where ycu will find the big line at
the right price. Everything that you
will need for the school year will be
found here.. We have placed ia an
exceptionally large line this year and
we are in a position to please you in
anything that you. may want.
Your ad in the Journal will be read
From WVanPsoay s lallv
Yesterday one of the well known
residents of this state removed from
the long time home at Lincoln to
the state of Wisconsin, when Mr.
Harry C. Lindsay departed for L.odi.
Wisconsin, the boyhood home of Mr.
Lindsay and where he will engage
in the practice of law. Mr. Lindsay
was for almost twenty-five years
clerk of the Nebraska supreme court
and state librarian and is known to
practically every attorney in the
state and in his long career in this
sL'te was very prominent in the re
publican political circles.
Mrs. Lindsay will leave shortly tc
join her husband in Wisconsin and
where the family home will be es
tablished in the future.
The family came to Lincoln from
Pawnee City, where they had locatet1
on first coming to Nebraska and the
political activities of Mr. Lindsay
making it necessary for his presence
in the state capitol the greater part
of the time and the family removed
Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay are the par
ents of Miss Ruth Lindsay, the effi
cient music supervisor of the Piatts
iuouth city schools and since the com
ing of the daughter here to teach in
the local school the parents have
visited here on several occasions.
August 2S, when John Shada, of Lex-i the trio.
iugton, died from the effects of a
bullet wound received.
Jim Dennison is being held, charg
ed with murder, in connection with Good
the killing of Shada. Victor Nutter Address
and Ernest Noble are also iif jail
facing charses of aiding and abet
ting murder. Bail haa been denied
farm cook desires position.
Box 74 2. Plattsmouth.
Journal Want Ads bring results.
Spotted Poland
Boar Sale
Stock cows, heifers and calves.
Martin & Pollock, Murray. NeD.,
rhone 3103 Murray. o7-3d2sw
ol3-lmw by 75 per rent cf the buying public.
Kearney. Neb., Oct. 11 Otis Niles.'
pleading guilty to a charge of incit
ing riot, drew a 10-day jail sentence
and fine of $100 in county court.
Nilcs is the first of a group of young
men to f$ce similar charge, in con
nection with the riot of Sunday
150 Head of Slock Kogs also Sell
Sale in Nehawka, Nebr.