The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 22, 1927, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    THURSDAY, SEPT. 22, 1927.
Nehawka v Department!
Prepared in the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially
for the Journal Readers.
Mrs. Nicholas Klaurens were gather- fc-y
Hipv en loved (hp dav vcrv nleasant-
lv (iml folclipritnl 4io niissin!- nf the tVi
1 : - 1. ,1 . : i? eletor nf '
Ull UllllIVL'iSai "A cun-i w i
M.s. Klaurens. A most pleasant
afternoon was had and all enjoyed the
occasion very much.
, m mm mvmmm j
n 8
;2 n is
t-ivi era 5
3 l&JfelE
I have a car load of the famous GOLD MEDAL Flour,
the wonder flour, now cn track. If you have not used
thi3 celebrated fiour, you will eventually use it why
net now? This flour, which is absolutely the very best
flour manufactured, will be sold from the car at a better
figure than cm otherwise be obtained. Let us know
your needs and the amount you want, that we may
save it icr you, to be delivered from the car. We can
save ycu money. Call the Mill Telephone No. 9.
. D. St John, the Miller
Nehawka, Nebraska
Walter J. YVunderlich was a visitor j
in NMiraika City on last Monday!
t'f' rr.'irii '. !.!' he was culled to look ;
aft --r so:u business. J
Frank B. Lfmon and wife were en- i
joyinr a visit with friends at Xe- J
l il.-ka City en last Sunday, they ,
driving ever to the big city in their '
A!t i-rt Hathaway and wife of ne?r
t'i; were visiting in Nehawka on 1
last Monday, they coming to inter- ,
vi-w their physician. Dr. A. R. Kint
ner. M:-. and Mrs. Bert Willis were
i -i'iap i:sst Svnilay for the day at the
l.oi ;e of Mr. and Mrs. Robert- .Willis.
wh re all enjoyed the occasion very .
A B f !
The radio season is now
coming on. ie reaay:
Do Away with Your
Battery Troubles
Every xne v;hx buys a Hadio Outfit
of us. with a storage battery, will
hare the battery kept fully charged
by us for six months free of charge.
Nehawka, Nebr.
Misses Dorothy Pturm and Helen
Palmer, who are students in the state
university, were spending1 last Sun
day at the hemp of their parents at
and nar Nehawka.
It. 13. Stone and son. Chester, as
sisted by Charles Hanson, have been
very busy in the construction of a
ery worthwhile cow barn on the
place near Nehawka.
Albert Wolfe and wife accompanied
by their daughter. Miss Gladys, were
vteitiug with friends and relatives in
Omaha on last Sunday, they driving
oV'-r in tht-ir auto for the occasion. Rcbert D. Stone and J.
M. Stone were visiting with friends in
Omaha on Monday of this week, they
driving over to the big city in their
M. K. Teal, a land man from Ogal
lala, was looking after some business
matters in Nehawka and vicinity on
last Monday, he disposing of a quan
tity of wheat lands to some of the
people of this vicinity.
Dr. A. It. Kintner reports a little
girl baby as having arrived at the
hunc of George Martin and wife, east
of Murray. Also a girl baby arrived
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Bauer, north of Murray.
Mrs. A. R. Kintner, who under
went an operation in a hospital "at
Omaha some time since for appendici
tis, is reported as getting along nice
ly and it is hoped she will be able
to return home this week.
Mrs. T. E. Fulton, who has been
visiting at Wayside which is fn the
northwestern portion of Nebraska
and where she enjoyed a ry pleas
ant visit re turned to her home in Ne
hawka cn last Saturday evening.
The Nehawka Mi'l3 received a car
load of tankage last Monday which
Messrs. C. D. St. John and Robert
- - mr nr. 'mih i
Wm Mi
For a School Dress for daughter, what else so
practical or satisfactory as a Gingham or a
Print? ... A new assortment of bright,
sunny dresses has just arrived. All ready to
wear, for only
Taylor unloaded in the warehouse,
and are now ready for the people,
who have been wanting the feed for
some time.
Robert the ten-year-old son of Mr.
and Mh-s. Omar Schlictemeier has
some very fine Hampshires at the
Cass county fair and should win rec
ognition, as they surely are very fine,
pigs for their age. Look at them when
you attend the fair.
George Lindsay, who, from an in
jury which he. received some time
since, developed blood poisoning and
was compelled to have treatment for
the same is reported as getting along
nicely and Dr. A. R. Kintner has the
matter well in hand.
C. C. Baldwin and M. R. Feed of
Weeping Water were visiting in Ne
hawka on last Monday, they each
having a new car to demonstrate, one
being a Willys-Knight and the other
a Whippet, which they were showing
to some prospective purchasers.
Mrs. Edwin Shumaker, wiio has
been in quite poor health for several
months past was takn to Nebraska
City on Monday of this week where
she underwent an operation for the
restoration of her health, and is re
ported as getting along nicely since.
E.rt Jamison of Weeping Water,
wp.s a visitor in Nehawka last Monday
with the Buick. and was demonstrat
ing this excellent car to some pros
pective buyers. Bert knows he has
one of the very best cars, and is will
ing to demonstrate the s.ime to any
on. Grover Hohnck and the family were
over to Nebraska City on last Sun
day where they witnessed the ball
game which was played there between
the team of Nebraska City and that
of Humboldt, which resulted in a
very close score with Nebraska City
jotting one score and Humboldt
John Bagley. who was injured in
an auto race in Iowa, a short time
since, was able to attend the birthday
party which was held at the home cf
Xiehp!a5 Kh'urons rm lr-st Sunday,
and was accompanied also by Mrs.
Emnm Burdick. a sister of Mr. flou
ry C.rubr ?r.d Mrs. Klaurens, thry
driving down from Omaha in their
car. Mr. Bagley while rraklig good
progress is stiil feeling the affects of
the accident.
W. O. Troop and son, Robert and
wife and W. R. Young departed early
last Monday morning for Grand
Inland where they ptfended a cattle
sale, after which Messrs. Troop re
turned home while Mr. Young went
west where he was to conduct a cat
tle sale. Mrs. Robert Troop contin
ued to Grant where she is visiting
for the week with her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. J. J. Lohnes. who are farm
ing near that place.
Miller and Gruber have been
qvite busy with concrete work, and
having just completed a contract for
w,-;lk?. they have bgun the construc
tion of a concrete culvert on the road
between the home of August Ost and
the home of W. T. Schlictemeier,
and had which been needed for some
time and with th1 completion of the
culvert this will allow an opportunity
for the improving of the road which
has been none to good.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Stewart of St.
Joseph. J!"., who have been visiting
with relatives at Plattsmouth. Mrs.
Stewart being a sister of Mrs. Frrirk
ffcrpp of I'lattsmouth, and accom
panied by Mrs. Shcpp were visiting ir
Nehawka and guests at the homo of
Mr. and Mrs. .T. W. Magney for Iast
Sunday. The gathering was made
nrre pleasant. by the presence of Mr.
and Mr. V.". S. Xorris. In farmer days
all wettn eighbors together on the
farms northeast of Nehawka.
Dr. Heineman, Dentist, Hotel Main
Bldg., Phone 527.
Krom Monday's laJy
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Fossler of Mil
lard and daughter. Miss Vyrl, were
here yesterday to enjoy the day here
visiting with" the friends of Miss
E. M. Kill and daughter, Catherine
and son, Albeit of Fremont, were
h re over Sunday visiting with Mr.
and Ms. Robert Hill and the A. R.
Noble family.
Mr. and Mis. E. P. Stewart of
Furnam. Nebraska, arrived here this
morning to spend the day here visit
ing with friends and from here will
go to Beatrice, Nebraska, where they
will visit for a short time.
Sweet Tooth-48
Lb. Sack
3 1
Only 100 Sacks
This Price
C. and H. Car.c
100 Lbs. for
Pounds Sugar
for $1.00.
Hill Bros, in Mb
Sealed Tin3
Kappy Hollow Coffee,
49c per Lb.
Hundreds have taken advantage cf the great Money-Saving Sale
at our store. Buy your winter stock now at the Peoples Market!
Ku n; Tik s l;iy's ;..vllv k53
John. Gaur, son and daughter, of
Louisville, were here today for a few yy
hoursl ooking alter some matters of j
business. ' rV
C. G. Mayfield of Louisville was in Kl
the city today for a short lime, at
tending to some matters of business i-fj
and visiting with friends. : & J
O. C. Hinds, cashier of the Fir;-:
National bank of Weeping Water was fcl
here today for a few hours attending
to some matters at the court house.
J. II. Tames of Omaha was here jJj
yesterday to look after some matters
at his farm .six.ul! of the eity and re- 1
turning this morning to hishome in fcl
the metropolis. f!
Frank E. Schlater of Denver, who '$A
have bi-en visiting here for the past fcrs
few days, looking after some busi-
nets allaus. tie-parted tnis aiternoon
for his home in the west.
E. 11. Dougkw county highway en
gineer, returned home yesterday from
Cleeland. Ohio, where he has attend
ed the national rifle shoot at Camp
Perry, being one of the representees
of Nebraska.
James K. Pollock is enjoying a va
cation trip to the north and is stay
ing for a short time at Minneapolis
whee his sister is residing and
where he will enjoy the many points
of interest in that locality.
We have jutt purchased a large quantity of No.
3 size Sifted Peas of a grade that sell everywhere
fcr 25c per cxji. While they B
la.t, they go at, per can AfatC
Eke Bunny brand Green Beans. One of the
Icadirg' brands on the market and 10
a regular 20c seller. THREE cans "X JC
Gold Eand brand, per tr.n
Stoue Peaches, per sallon.
Icvt Pears, per eallon
loar.beiries, per gallon
Apiicot3. per gallon
Black Pitted Cherries, per gallon
Best mits in the World for Pies
E.01TEY ITcvv Comb, pev comb 142
E20C3'.S A cla-idv good parlor broom C9c
CA1 SUP Nornis, large zizt battle for 17c
I.'.USTARD Quart jar prepared 19c
VIE EG A?. Pure cider, per j.-allon 29c
LULL PICKLES Special, per quart 233
PICKLES Fanning's Bread-Eutter 23c
PltfX SALMON 3 large cans for 49c
SAHBII7ES Tomato or Mustard Sat.se12V'"C
IwATCKrS Ohio Eed Tips, per box 3c
JAR. LIES Per dozen . . 27c
JAR RUBBERS New, ire&h stock, pkg.7V'oC
ALL SPICES Reduction price, per pkg. 7X2C
6 -CAN FFwUIT DEAL One can 2yz Pineapple; one can Peaches, heavy syrup; two cans
Apricots, one can Pears, one can Elackberries, all heavy syrup paok. SIX cans for.
Carnrit'n, Wilscn, Value
6 Cans for
Eagle Brand Milk,
21c per can
I'r im W.-iJn--sday's T'aily
S. S. Chase and wife w ho have just
ivturnjl from their farm in Colorado,
.Vc-re ;n Auburn yesterday where they
spent the day with relatives in that
William Starkjohn was among the
visitors in Omaha today for a few
hours wiiere he was called to look
after some matters of business in that
Mrs. Mary S-pc-thman, of near
Gretna, who hi., been here visitin
aL the heme of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. F. Knoflicek, departed this
m.. ruing on the early Burlington
tr:;n for her home.
Carrol D. Quiuton and wife of Lin
eol;i were here today for a few hours
veiling with old friends and looking
iift.-r aiBic business affairs while en
routo to Nehawka and vicinity for a
vi it with relatives.
Mr. :tnd Mrs. W. A. Robertson and
son. William, Jr.. and Mr. and Mrs.
W. F. Evera and little daughter were
at Weeping Water today where the
ehi'dren were entered in the county at thrt place.
Block Salt
Look, Fi
iv, farmers:
Our Price only
100 lb. sack Salt
for Only 98c
Good Cookers at
per Peck
$1.15 per Bushel for
These Fine Snuds
Vv'e must conduct this sale for cash only. Come select
vhat you want and we will deliver all orders to your home free.
The Real Economy Center in Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Light Pole
Falls asid Dam
ages Automobile
One never has too many House Dresses and
what crisp, practical House Dresses can be
had here for
$1.00 or $1.50
Telephone No. 14 Nehawka, Nebr.
Where Customers Feel at Home
Fni-sv Pleasant Day
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anderson, en
tertainer! for a number of friends and
relatives, anel in honor of Miss Mar
garet Rteffens. a sister of Mrs. Ander
son, who has been visiting here for
sno:re time and was departing for
her home, and for Mr. and Mrs. B. G.
Dittmer. and two daughters. Misses
Anna and Emily, who have been
visiting for some time at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. D. Steflens and who
also were to return home soon. There
were there for the occasion, D. Stef
fens and family, J. II. Steffens and
family. Miss Margaret Steffens, B. G.
Steffens and family. Frank Iforst
man and family of Dunbar, and Mr.
and Mrs. S. C. Steffens of Lorton.
W. Coat'-s. Jr. of Kansas City,
s now traveling for the plate
gl-.:s company of which his fnther
is the her.d, came in. to spend a few
h-MMs looking after his trade. Mr.
Cc.-Ao while hero was a guest at the
. hetf 1 for a number of years.
; Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Stillger, who
I have been visiting here and other
,; in this locality, have return
led to their lirme in the west. Mr.
Stinger has been engaged for several
we-ks in visiting in Oklahoma and
Text's while Mrs. Stillger has been
here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. II. u wis.
John Chambers
Injury in Accident cf Elm
Street Saturday.
Guernsey Bull Calf for Sale
I have a fine three months old
Guernsey bull calf for sale, with very
good parentage, the dam is an extra
fine cow. while the grand dam'has a
record of over 700 pounds of butter
fat. Do you want an extra good bull
cald. It. B. Stone, Nehawka. Neb.
Spending Week in Nehawka
Mr. and Mrs. D. II. Wilson and
their little daughter. Catherine, of
Crete, accompanied by Dawson Gil
bert, of Crete, who is a bookkeeper
in the mills of that nlace and of
I which Mr. Wilson is a foreman, ar-
rived In Nehawka on last Saturday
during tne rain which came so sud
denly, and on the following day
Messrs. "Wilson and Gilbert went to
Fioux City, Iowa, where they were
looking after some business matters,
after which Mr. Wilson returned to
Nehawka and Mr. Gilbert to Crete.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and the little
daughter, Catherine, will visit for
the week at the home cf the parents
of Mrs. W'ilson. Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
Rough. Following their visit here
they will depart for Holdrege, where
tbey will also spend a week with the
parents of Mr. Wilson, before re
turning to their home at Crete.
Celebrate Passing of Birthday
A largo number of the frieccb and
relatives of the family of Mr. and
Herbert Hoover proposes a ques
tion very pertinent to the time, when
he fays: "I often wonder why it is
that insurance must be secured by
It is a peculiar fact that, with
the exception of fire insurance, prac
tically everyone has to be "sold" by
tb.e ability and tenacity of the agent,
rather than by their own wish to
purchase an indispensable commod
ity. Yet the hazards of death, acci
dent, liability, and the rest are every
bit as imminent as the chance of fire,
perhaps more so. This idiosyncracy of
entire races of people, to "dodge"
the insurance seller, is groundless
and foolish. It has gone to the ex
tent where insurance selling is the
bash- for numberless jokes. But the
humor quickly reacts on the joker
when he die-; leaving a penniless fam
ily, or is injured, or has his business
wiped out by court judgment.
Persons will eventually realize
that they should give every assist
ance toward furthering anything so
entirely for their own safety and
benefit. And when that comes to
pass; more people will come to the
insurance dealer's ocice. instead of
trying to avoid him in theirs.
1 the stop of the tourning car, burying
i Mr. Chambers beneath the wreckage
I and from which he was finally ex
tricated by persons passing along the
street a short time after the accident,
i Mr. Chambers received a few minor
J cuts from the flying glass of the
Has Close Call From i broke windshield but is feeling
i:;oht leu tuuate inui tue uixiueiii wa
no worse and that he was able to
escape with his life from the accident.
F-.-om Monday's rniiiy The car was taken to the Frail y
Saturday evening shortly before ; garage w here it is awaiting repair
7 o'clock when the heavy wind storm and will require considerable work
came up, John Chambers had a very ' on the top to place it in service
close call from serious injury wnen i again
his car was badly wrecked in the
crash of an electric light pole near
the Heisel mill.
The car of Mr. Chambers was pass
ing along Elm street near the vicin
ity of the mill when the storm arose
and without warning a large pole
was blown over, striking the front
portion of the car and missing the
driver only by a margin of inches,
and which is most fortunate as the
driver would probably have been in
stantly killed had he received the
full force of the falling pole.
The pole tore off the windshield j ranged with the colorful asters and
from the car, smashed the steering other of the fall flowers and made a
wheel and tore off the entire front of i mtst charming background for the
, aengnts ot tne evening.
Tijere were six tables of bridge
and in the piajing Mrs. L. W. Egen-
berger won the first prize, Mrs.
Frank Bestor the second prize and
j .Mrs. E. C. Harris the consolation
! prize.
j The occasion was one that all mem
, bers of the party will remember with
from Wennesaay's Dally
Last evening Mrs. F. R. Gobelman
and Miss Laura Meisinger entertain
ed very delightfully at the Gobelman
home at a G:30 bridge tea that was
one of the most delightful events cf
the early fall season and which was
enjoyed to the utmost by the group
of ladies attending.
The home was very prettily ar-
From Wednesdays laily
Jack Campbell, nineteen-year-old
boy, who was taken up here with
Raymond Grauf, several days ago and
later rekased from custody is now
a member cf the naval forces of
I'nele Sam. having been accepted and
started yesterday on the way to the
training station at San Diego, Cal
ifornia. Jack was a very bright and
pleasant boy and while here was a
guest of Sheriff and Mrs. Reed until
time for him to go on to the naval
Journal Want Ads bring results.
i able
Many Appropriate Gifts Well Worth More Money,
and You will Appreciate Tlieir Value
fa 11
1 OaJ
Come in and look them over, many of these articles, consisting of Box Stationery
selling for $1.25 and SI. 50, Vases, Vases, Vanity Cases, Incense Burners, Foun-
tain Pens, etc. These prices will be good ircm Wednesday, Sept. 1 to Saturday,
September 24. Four days and any article on the table for only. . .
O i. ? 2 ff 5 5!
IX S vi H
. a a a e s '
Euy your school supplies at the
Bates Book and Stationery Store,
where you will find the fcig line at
the right price. Everything that you
will need for the school year will be
found here.. We have placed in an
exceptionally laree line this year and
v a " r.
ti7A ova in i TftcifiAri nitric vnn in EVA
anything that you may want. EJ- :,-i
a a w ri-
Qtnm e
Corner Fifth and Main Sts. Plattsmouth
5Jly is