The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 05, 1927, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    M 0X1 DAY, SEPT. 5, 1927.
7!tZ TWO
Grave! Pit Will
Operate Near
Advo Department
': i
r K.,r .., v. .;.- .i v.iii'r ii. !
V.' ...'..:.--. ay bki::;.
b'..-:n ..- to." th- V. V..
IjIi: J :.,!!
vVi.l W. Co..!n.;.j'. v lW
v.-.,..,! f,:;. ., .-..t c. hoa.e of i'j'.;
.,!.,! ;.!,. . .1 i: .;:.:. Alvo for i
U, !., :...: .S.;j.,... j vtiy e.njoj able reception in honor of
','.'. I', v.-..;.. - i ib ,H. .1 la-A w.-h j ,U;lj r. Verb-, on Wt-d-f.
r 1.:,.. .,1) .:. ( h- 'A !' t fascia! ; i;, i....ning of lii- week, in
t. v o ;.' lh- ):' :.': of 3.1.4 Lioth- ,,i,:h tiny were j.-iot.d by a lar-e
ii. l-"i.,,,t-. V."..; -j.' r : m! I' .Liily. j i.ui,ib..r of the viiy cio.e t'rhjad.s of j
I I.. ;.l:i;. i .-....-a i.a.iiM :..- .tll..r ' t,; p ,niib;r couple, who were re-',
f,;i ,. 1. i '.Yi i:..--!.i ii.orn-' , , ,.t : united in u.arriage at IU41A - j
:.c I.;,.., . ti i. '.I. j. r, 'ill.- n-uii w...-: pb a.snnt-j
f. 1 1. i- !: a"- r . m- ba - iy .,(, j,t ;t,.d all in 'XU.-i.iUuk j
t.j. (j. !..( wbl.ts for tin- newly inar-
1. 1 i.o.t.i
ll.' 1
I ';..)' : .
C.-a'taali I.f ah '1
t -V i. :' '
i i ' u- v. ' niur. v ..'!
;.. v..'.! -iU.s 3 i.- ".!- iu;.!.
. :; f. r !:. j- ; r i- - iuoti u-'Lor i
.j- i ' ASi.u.,,. ;.i.4T vsiii .!--!
1 . : in;n--- 1 b l---o '
. ' J-:- i- i" - in-l-i'a.i-.i. J
J i
I;. J- i,:..:. . t l.u '!; v...h oov. i.
; , v. . . ' I i - I ! . 1 1 ' 1 M 5 1 v-i 1." i. j
.:.!:.. . -Mi - i. ; ..ii.- :i 1 1.' !
. . , .. ! 5 ' ! I t! ii-i. I I .-..iiM ill 1
( .""j I
"' 1 "'" 1 ' " i
V. ! .-' ! 1 i 1 ' : i- ' i
, " ,'r',V ' J'". V' !' , i
. ., . . i .... I
i . . ; ' i t . 1 ." j - - j . i ..... v .
, ;, 1 ; I. Ii'. i.'ei i WO! i.
. . i! . .i . i .;! .i I. -i! ..
'),. .. KI-;. ii i' v. .!.-(!. i.' tl.i
j ; . i... ! . ill il.- Alio liifrii m !.-ol hi.-'
., r. . .! !io 1.; .- 1 i ii in I lii.r-'
,it , i.; U i tl ii-ai. i-- t -
t'. . : j..- ; I : I J ..! V I .-i'j . S il ll ll
, j . i t:.-. ..i.-.l ilii-- f.-.H-
;.J : . ic -jj-it. M ui. r a i.d M ' -
.1 , i V f . i.-l 1 1 .'
I. i .. j f I ! : ..:r. Ii ( j i - ' il 1 Ii -
. t i : l
,.!... . . ... Ii,. ... i V . It V K 1
! , ,; u lit ...I.J I.. Jill to li' j iOl liiOll- lUHiixiliiHUi.
: . ,j i,. I ,-. I.l.i. tl'. i' ulni.3j- i
F.ujoytd tLe Gatlinng.
t i , jj V. .. ; i.t r wilt- ttiiiil j( V. . da. .-day tciiiii" I ho iboii
tl ir .j..i.l.t: r a...J V. if V.. 1 1, i r J (,- ;., tliu.iL-t i Lurch of Alvo t-n-
,,...(. v . .....i ii;..-- with V. ll-'ibf L.-inc of AJr. and ihi. . K. Slcllc
'..iii..; ii Alvo. .. Li. ii.. .f ('. 11 vsb-.ii tliy not for the purpo.-c i
V'.. ,il . .i f ti.ij. 'i..n. AJ1 i h joj i d j j , i t ;.; 1 i.f tin- run;;; wbi.b tbey
1 1..- 1.1 1 ; !.. h
'j l.t J...M A hi t iii I y if ihs.
a : - 11 . 1 . i. i.iih i hi a eJLi -.f at
ll. .ioilih i I latl t Ui .J. y
. . t ah ... ..n-1 n--i v. ith.iiij dir., tin.
t 11 .! ii
1I..1 w.j l-r li.nilvtiy pha.-aatly t n I ei I allied by Mi
; .1 1 . 1 1 . .J ...a-, i ilL.iialo Iwi'
t 1. O ... till:- . I0..1 h
J,. lh. l-.:ii Wili.h .Muii it..
Al'.o ji.Ol.l sitk btii'it. hi-t ..I
Al..i o ii- hj. ul ltijah.-. liie It
.-;Ji- i i;., i-t i.t'.ii'i' Alvo . iih thi
.. il ;' In 7. A It till 11 iiaUK Wws
ll.,,;-tl ! .' hul.iL.j bit sSv ale l.ol ill
I . . i ll. of the li;-ullc.
Mi. 11... i f'.il.) ji t Ii. who jj a :lo
Ur i Mis i'L..i'1-o liuilh y and ssho
!..-.- i i t a vi iti.:. 1. 1 1 l- ft-r c.iiijc lime
p. 1.1. it p.. -it i 1 r i.t i' In no.- ne.i:
i ... l'i( ii ..a I. ..-I V. J.ji.mIjj. cl,t
hi.,, a'.i hi Mr and ill j.
.. ,U y v. h-.v I". 1. h r i.i lb, ii' car
.ii. -1 .tl.. I it- -1 i 1 a time ia low...
Mi .. M..;j .h M,.iiiitirf. (hiiihtii
1 :.h .... i M.;; J :a. - M Mum., 1.,
-- I.-' ,-la h...ll .i ll 1:1 lilt A I t. l.hll
.-.i.. i h.-.i .- p.i.. iib siit li hih
1 1 ..O! ' h, ! t l I il-- ..tale lil.i :-r
.ll .'.lii. Ii.' 'i.i.l if the .1 jiliil
I it. I, 1 !. .... I W; ... 1 I'M .il. .the Will
I :, i. .. II 1 . 1 lb. i. t l iiill 1, t 111 1 hii ill -.
I i I 1. 1 I ' 1 ! 1 f 1 .1 . Ul,H-
I;., ,i.l i ihii.k it. i nt h i...
I. .-i.i:i..-i i ! i tt 1.1, i.i 1 i ii j i,.i
.tbiiiiy i ; tii 't ,1 i.t ,,-.hi with a
lillb h. Sp 1- all-. lt eUllilil.d a
j..- I 1 . i 1 a ia :h . pt a a a I t ai. ii
li.f I liiil . r. phlit.i
him iii , .r- in the wlioltiw ..l tht
( ' 1.. i i.i.i ii il.iiti, .ii. e. v. ht 1 1; h.
w .1 pat 1..; .ii I t I aiiaiia
iii... VS liiuiiii,,, ai.,1 .ll. svh..
I - a - i 1 ! . .. . i,k in 1 in livii I i.
w. t vi ii h. ahi at .Sn.uait
nib I i i : 1:1 I i.r lull I: v. 1 .,1
P-i-i.1., -.r vi it ai Aii..ts-i.ih 1 c
tai 1 . 1 1 1 1 v 1 1. i hui i ii h..a
a - i- 1 Ii I tup a., .1 . . , 1 a 9 niits h lu.s
till. ,11; ..I. .la hint t "op.-, of all
hit- I: lb. r.i,.i:i a. a t;o-;ti
i- 'ft ..,1 l tin' ,iii: I:, fi.. - .lU.l h'tli.l C
hi., ii v.. .l', 1 i pa.. I . .ml liUtlli'i. a
. " ,i I . P
Arc Viahiay; Thia Wctk.
i-i i li ,i'l ..a i ii.-- 1 ,anl .
a il t U ... i.i h- 1' OU I he '.pub-l
1 i -I . ;. i b.. . a huh l ha -. hiu h
1 I ., i- lh I ,. 1 t lo hi -i-. ! t hi ,
l -a'. I li I O ., 1 ; :; i'iiif . r .1 ph,..
i 1 i ill- li.- ( ...1 P. .f ih-' hit
!' i-i 1 ' l . I -V I.i, .,.'1 U, ,t .......i
t '. i tb n i ! i, . i t la w . a I-1 It s a
lh I, a'..-.;.. '. . ' l lh W11 k
Iockra to the Vutuic
Vl till ' tie: tl.,-, ul, V. alUi UUvl lh
'.'.h,i i '. A. U. Stio.u-.i io
ll-lli.V, i,l s.j ,.i ll...e will; tut; c- U
i v i U'. I- -il -i .0. iitit-.) bt. 1) alitl t-..i
an. I puilitii l.i c aiitc car iu ihv hv-.
1 ..tiiih ii I'l'i- lh-. c.i.uia-, vviat-.v. li.
I.:;.- lh-.- i- p uai tody uliuut tuiu-
hlan a Betier Opportunity q UaUp
Better Crop the Coming Season
Sea us tor your phyws, e-itlajr pawer d,vawu or iLWs dra-u. rs
caa aiipplv youv wani tox all Frmus; Macliittsxy, Hsadwat or
'rac.j.iug of Stoci ta uraxket. Calk ou u. fox piOiajt wxvice.
Goaiman Hardware
jl. - t - i ai.d v.-a .painting lli wayoii j
w !.:.n ih. writer iw in Alvo la-d j
vitfi, and w c can u amy J.e n- K'i .
to liavt- a comfortable car when done.
Will Kake Eoaie in West. !
-,-r. ..,. Mrs. Huy Clarke ave i'j
i 1. 1! i.tU'l' in t.h-ir in w home an
r.ia .iJ'. svhi.ic -Vlj'. K',.- -now i;a.- a
v. i . c, If no.-dtion awaiting tit
t.he l..ot .suj-ai" laciory. iit- nam., m j
rh.uc tUv t-lt.i.tJ'ii;al work tor tht.- j
fictd Rye. For Sale.
,;,.,,,( oJO Wll ;tlu t-i,..ui. 41. CO
4 if r ,u r t,Uul.,. Alvo. N-
l,ja.-ka. -L. il. AiuI. iaan. hwal
Schools la Session.
Tl.:- Al-.o h.i kool.s oiit-iit-ti with a
lair al.ti-miaiict- i.ul I'ur tla- !
vui U y iln ir K s.-oiis aud a tliin
. .. i 1.1.,.. I 1 , 11.. .v. ..II tit
I'.u uliy for liu.ii jiuidain.- and in-
rui I :'!'. bt y .-l.i.uUi Uiak- Koi'U
ii.i'..'..i ' a ll.f ai i u i. inn ol ki.otv-
i. J,.,! tj.i.- jt .'i'.
On Htr Way Home.
.Mr. Sia:oii lU-liixui' lta.- itn-ivit!
wold of 11m dtiuii tur of Miv. JUi. -
ii. ji r wl.i. i.- vioMiii-: for tin- i-.uai-i..,
r in tiii old touiitiy, for l.oii.f
.-I t- 1 ui; siild for lioojf oa Auk
u.-i 2'.tb. ;...d will bo due to ;.irivt
lmiiu about tin Jtjtl) of pt .i.U r.
j;.( till i.f Mi.. Itb.iaiji-r fu-l-ii!4
'juiif a bit biittr. and it- liopin;
wire to tin,: the jVllow iiiK Sunday
The prtparath.ii for the coiaiuj; mi
vhid Wile lijjiic ami I In U followed
a. ii.i.iul hour ia wbiih all eiij.iyi d
the ot.a-.-o-n viry i.i'cii. aiol were
il.J Jlic. .--Ink alnl the I'uUiily.
Forced to Hi git.
An aii plane hailing I'ruiu j-oiav
jh;i, in Ohio, au.l di-liacd for
..lii v,..o ful'icd to lij-bl in the alfalfa
In 1,1 of fail J, -hi;.-, 01 1.11 lust Mon
day, and as the pioptller Wua tilht
ly -lainaiJ it wao taken to
by 1'olLlnall. wlitlC- the re
pair;. Wele la a ii,;. The pilot W Uo ill III;
vay injun .1
Picuickcd at Home.
A- a tan Will icctption ami pi.nii.'
wbiih the iriiiiihi of Mr.s. la,-o.
I'uinpbt il. . l.-ltr of Mi.s I'liaiitb lit, il-ht-y.
vsho ba;i hi 1 11 vi:lliilt4 In ic for
.-,.iiii: lime, a.-i .sin. waa ihii.utiiiK for
htr lii-an in low a suuli. tlnle wa.-i 1.1
a.u.iz,,! a piini.-. whi.b w.t.s to have
lin ii l.t hi 1,11 Saturday, but ow
iii 1,1 I he very ini.-,t' w t.ailn r. it
1 . 11 i.i ii,.t he lo id in the opt 11 and
vva.T bt hi at the holllt; f Ml. and
Mi.-i lio.lbiy vvlii it- ail enjoyed tb.
01 1 a. loll Vtiy lit Hi ll . Tllel't: Wile I hi It;
i.)l tile I Vt lliliH. Ml'.S hi:de ('illlipllell
f,.ii . I of honor. John l. tkinut r and
tviie. ll It Frit mi and wife. Mr. and
Mi.-,. K. i-.h linktiauii and family
,hi no.-, hi h ml. all of Alvo. ami Mr
and .Mi.-, l-hhli..- t'raio uud uoii. Jaih.
t,i I illiulii.
rroin Priilay'a I tally
Tilt: annolliii 1 lUellt llil.i bet U 1:
t ivid licit: by Ilea latUilnlri of the
Sue tana family of the aiiival t,f a
vac hlih. at the luaue of Mr. and
Mi., ht.ut-i ria.ttauu at St. l.ouis. oi,
Tutiihiy. AuiliI anth. The uadhn
an ! lulle tute iilv: iluiu tiict ly and
tin ithtlive.-i hei"t; have been ynatly
ph u."t tl t; v 1 1" tht: fact of the advent
t-i ilo litth: oiie. Mr. Louis Siuehuu
i, k. .-..,11 vi Mr. and Mrs. AUio
Min lana oi tliia i ity.
I rma iSuluriiay a iullv
1 lank Wicjii oi the U tl. jiaium-,
has hail a, lil) ;,Ut 1 1 sal'al si.i.vil in
I he huuilii;-; of the Na..ii uutouui-
hiha uutl cluieS thai tht: .MU'lt-.-vS that
thi. oil La.i Ulaile lias tieell Vealis'
Ui ,li. than be. epi iletl H 111 11 he U'S'k
ovtr tu aamy . ill. Kieici ha sold
u 1-.1.-.C uuuiber iu the laot l vv wetkr
and tile Xa-sli is setting uuiou the
popular ia the city.
launul Want JUs bviug reulti
TMjjliYfitfil-Ti T
Its Appreciated
Whether you start your ac
count with a small or a Lu&e
amount your business is
ajiprcciatcd here.
Tht man behind the window
who handles your transac
tions the officer with whom
jou diicuss some business or
financial problem, will, you
will find, take an interest in
your atfairs in a wav that
conserves your time and in a ;
ir;anuer that buge:-t-i our ap- !
preciation of your patioiiage.
Maktf Our Bank Your Eaak
PlaUsinoutli, Ivfebr.
T. H. Pollock, President
Ko Compensation
for Agriculture
Ii. G. Keeney Tells Picnic Group Thai
the PJig-ht of the Farmer
Is iUute.
1'yvvlf.i, Neb., S. pt . J. "Thi it j
a leal agricultural l-rchU 111 at1 indi
i.iled by i'rci-idinl Voii,li-'e when h.
taiil 'ti e Aiiii riiuii f iun-.r mu-ri it -.eivc
in Ani' iiiuii piiie f- r what he
-c-ihs if he is to pay a 11 Aiaeiit.
price f'r what he buy,-.'" 1 chuci
If. h lo 1 ney. president oi tl.- Wtl,-
tt r county farinii:-' union, addi,.--
ina a Joint farm bureau ami uiih,i
pi, nil hi re- Wednc-day. I.Jr. Keiie
wiio aiciyUipaiih d "Set. 1 1. 1 a ry i.i Ari
, ulllih,.- Jardil.e 011 a sv. fr. '.5 tlip 1 1. 1 1
the .-,Ulll. .luted that .. V el Vs 1... 1'..- Mr.
Jaliiiiie- iii- l.e lie ojn uly 1 i jiuit'i
the ai lite li f.v of the fa 1111 ,-illlaliiW!.
Jt hs f.ilh-l! . Mr. Ilo.'.'.,), to,.' and tlrt.-d ways of ti,;iioUij
nt co-opi.rali. 11 or of pool.-,, and '
I.i I tu ri,.j-i,W. that iin Inopfiaiivi
l.iini law ),IJ.Jlt,d I i; J 1.)
li ri..-t!j to ab.-orh tbe hi iielils ii ih. .-
in acr cotiiuni. a. without oi.feri iaj.
mi) 1 onipi.n.-.iiiiit' advantai.- to tin
Mr. ileiiied that prices of
farm prodiu t.; Wi lt: . jiara bb- with of other i on.l.aalil h He Ion!
b..i u 0111 iu Kiiuli.ill ami I'l.ikfin
.oiinlitb Frojil the lei.eipts of ll.eii
v. l.t at n op fcuhl iit iin. vvai pro 1 .
fai nii.r.s were puyinK their rest
and iaxi .s. for il.iir new ai.. 1. 1 i i t
-i.iry "coiiibinei." an.l iryinK i! '
d.iii: their inh bli dio .-s.
r. li. St, war, 1. .-: rc-laiy of the Nt-bra.-tka
farm buiiiiu. who alo .-,ohe
is. ii.1 that lin,,: Ibe win Id win at-,i
lii'lilial pi , ,,li,, 1.-' have aliiiiuk thir
Aiii biili.uia of dwllaiB in pi ii, a and f .11 111 hilidi ihpitiialtd nineteen
blllion.S tlollalb. I'iihI' lo tht W'.tl' 2
per cent of tin: value of piodllila of
Aiaciha wile ai i, nil ii.'al and now
it js hut 7'- pt 1" 1:1 lit. hi: .said.
Ht .u hiiiK uiuh r hi.s wn keil eat ,
ost, tut mil in a dilcli. as llanus w, it
c.retpiii .sh-wly through it, Aillau
M.tiiiu. of l'tiMa, la., tliitattl his
1 4-innnlho-iihl baby gill to alcty
Suud.iy uifeht. ou the Hi vt i -lo-Hivi r
load, li, a I' biiihiwuod. hi.
Mr. and Mas. Maitiu and .Mi. and
Mi.s. Slit hhtii Cltapiii.iu and tin ir baby
were it tuiuiiio home front (lie. tUnii
ulna ooiiu tiling went w roiii; wilh the
httt iiim appiuatiis aad the car laud
ed iu the diuh None of the. p.ttty
Wins .-.ei iuiutly hut t.
The car vviia totally dtstroyetl b
the tire.
I'loir tiuliilituv's liaiiv--
Thio laoiutu; Mr. and Mt. Uulph
Uilt and ihihlu-u ami .hditi li
hoha..,. tht l.uhtr of Mrs. Hilt, de
parted for I'lUVer while ihey wili
t-uioy a vi.-ii of a bhoil lilac wilh
Mr. au.l Mis. Klaier K. Oh.uabt I lain
aad family in that tdace and iu ea
.h'via.; the point-, of iiilci'esl in the
('oh,ivii.lo v iiy uud the uciiihy mouu
laiu country. Mis. Chatubt ih.ia u.i
accoiapany her lather bask ho'-ue t-s
a i-il hele wilh the hauu
tieovo h. lU-irAf arrived tlii' fir it
of tUo week fioui Ui-i homo i.t t'uli
toiuia on a visit with hij many
iritiiu't here. Viv iufovms us that thi. a
h hii eveuth trip. While hele he
will visit a,t Jwoui-,viUe and Omaha
with relatives; ad the latter
with IvU daughter. Mr. Kh Za.h
ery. Mr. Ufviir say-- that he mad-.'
tht) tvi;v buck to. huve u j-ood tiuiv
uud V'Uit bu vicudi. Ho yvvdictt.'.
that wo wilt huvc a corn, crop iu Xv
hraka aul soiuc wavui weather tc
U.lp uijkko it and wi helicvo he U
viiskt, fvoui, tho kvki ot tbw weather
this wvk. illiawooa Leadvi-ilciiix
Vor Salt? io tin purvbrtjd Cbt.-v.tev
Wliu wws. Will Unow .iu t?ary
Ci-li2-.v Vtxioa, Nob.
r ? Kit F&
me natte over
! r.uiie! K. Keiritt and Sons of Lin
coln Piuciuiie TIurty'-Eifjht
i Acres for Pit.
fr: Din ii.itm ..iy'f.
Kollov.iiiK tht- iiiverttiKation and
tt.-U- mad.- aioi.kf tin i'iaUc riv-r
i.ortli of this City it! the vicinity of
tl.c auto b'iUis t.i gravid, wliicli
b.tVC b(ll! Oi; A, I' ijOillf littlf liiUf, will be a laiKc K'av:l pit placi.d
in opfratiou ia it vt;-y short tiiiif.
Tht- in a; of li.init l H. Mnri itt t
Souc of l.iia.o'.ii. l.ii;t- coutractoiis
.Miliplo-.i of b.iildiaK aial i at! taatft -i,:l
ai the .ui i baut:! h of th- tiiii ty-i-iKlit Uact of b-.nd iiniia-diatidy
' of the auto britlftt.-b wiiicii
I f..i-i. rly inn.ul l.y T. H. Pollock of
t iiirf :i;y ;, ud vs hu ian di-ipotjt.-tl of
; l.c laud to the lai.coiu Coiaiiauy tor
t ia- ail 11: o! Jf I U.oou.
it io the iatt i-.: i..r of the -i.i-w own-i-.if
to hturt in a si is hhoi'l l.iii.f uvs
to dfSfloi) tin- u vs iui chabi- autl
lo.ikt it ;i 1.1,1 pit that will i-upply
ii hih t'uality .-iiivc! to tbi.s tt; tioii
ui t Ii. Matt iiuii from tilt in vt-ht xu.
tioiio that tlay bav tnado' t.he lu-W
t.wuti ;.ie v.t-1! piea&ed witli tia
i;i.a!iy of t hi- uivel w liit'li itf to
V- ell adapted to their line of Wvfi .
'J'he COIi;. 1 act i..'; tf ti'it-t I iifJ-1
h..(iiioi to the 1:. vs. a rsi v t-1 oil will
t e ft a i 1 1 d i a i v t rv
-f'.rt time it in
: ted i. lid Will be
i" I ) Ve Opel U ' ioll of
follow by the
the pt iil'-d the
, ... ot tll- uuvt-1
I. n:a lid of I 1 t- on
in ssupylyiij t he
lie i:r,l ahMjreii a
hiitfe i'lid
1 oi 1 1 c
I'l iict it ally uiiliniit.t d tup-I'l.'Vt-l
f,.it 'l,ib piiit of the
-t ate.
A n in iiuei of
!..-li Ui.covtlt'i
t,,i- tiiy 1 t,l tl.
Lii, .l luivt
a I peiint.j, houtli of
.- i.- ..iu- of the v-ry
ij i,.'u-!:t'i ii -id of a
bt .-1 that lab bt -u
l i b 'ju.'lity of i-'i ,o l uud with the
l. t 1 it io l .,t i:it d clone t- rail lints; ii.i ktfi it inut b easier to
.'sand.'v in hi 1 - e v. ua n ti I ieS fvr tbip-
U M.
Ki.,111 S.. I,;iiju;. 'i Jai:
'i ). eoorl bou.-e iia.s b.-t one ot
111.- b) la 1 diua rlstj lliat Lave t-tiWi
Jbi'.aiKh the eddrf i.i lyutiy wililels
Ji:l lb, r. 1. bin-' b- :t .if t-UDillU f -b-ing
the tuitain-i that liiivt
f.ii .-o bii.t- Ihf wil.doW'e in
ll.e otiiie nt the .oiii. ty bUpt-l illtt lid-
i.l. '!"!.' Old t ii.ilaitfr wi it plueed in
tin- od 1 e in l:.'17 by .Mi.-,.- l-ldna Mai
iL,ardt, ih'ii ii.unty Mjp-rinteiidt-iit
ai d have Jnole llial, ,-trv.d tlitir li.t-fiili.'.-.-.s
and fur tl,,. pt'tt several
nioitihrf Mi.-.s Alpha it-ix-u.-, tin.
f j r - 0 t foiinly tup, rinttudent ha.-
btili ailuljli.U Ibe Mi j,pl j I, of iieV,'
, Uiliiiiic and at )ai-l iier efforts have
htt 11 alec trt-l ul a 11 .1 the new curtains
iojd .-nap i) lb .-ouiiiwt s-t corner of
tile cotill house. The t-lt pel i I: It 11 dell t
an now ft, 1 iiiuic- comfortable that
the fa. -I decayiiiK old it Mi s of pat-l
rt.-(-inn s have h, , n leniovtd and Hit
nt vv and snappy curtain-i replacing
1 In 1,1.
l-i-ini S.i 1 uril.i y n Itullv
hi in kali it,. la,-. Hud
(ii Promise
No. 'i of ibis 1 ii wa- nii-fly nter
laiittd last evtniiiK by a prog lit in
jiiviu hy ouiiit: of our yiilin ieople.
lh h ii riojiiiu and Vt-tt lla Uobt itcon
i i.ltilcl ,.,1 piallo ft.l,,.-, I he A 1 11 t-intel d
,:av.: t-tvelal iniiiiil read i lis a mi the
iiobf 1 l.-,nii ll In , .-Ii H,i, Janit .s tind
U..lhtl -bOllf..S an, I dallieci. All tllfbi
nui.ihi.ra wile vs,l rtuihred and
mil. h tnjo t d h I he im lnbt r-j.
This t veiiii,K I tie follow ing iiu-iu-bi-
Yn ii i-t- pbinnin,- t,i nioi,,r to Wet-pin:,'
Watef- - Mei-nln. Muiniii and lluteti
Micbiiiitb .Milium ami Coleman, and
tlit; Allcr,.-, Kallilllal.n, I'eltlsull and
i-t.i.h The Ui-jiite of Chivalry will
i; biijtowe.i upon Mio. Mary Mtuuni
and a delegate. ii,.m Auburn ami
Wet -ping Water.
The regular 2 li bushel, btuiiilard
Id 04. cotton btaiuhso hag, pel'
ihiiSeU. $ I. fill.
We are buyeio i.f all kiiuld of
faim &ei, Is, biitonit your bauiph-s for
oil l' hid.
If you have Sweet Clover that
liettio to he huHtd, tllihed ami
ch-autd. ht us ilo this woik for you.
ah', clean and yiade U.d Clover
Set d. other fit i iii jsveds and &ratn.
ltii chuvvs aie le-VSouable aud we
give irpeciul attvnliou to this kind of
woi U.
l ets do uii-i t- tiadiug together.
Eslvvat'il Bavtliug- Seed Co.
Nebraska City, Neb.
fc'toia sutursluy' Wdv
O-i Thuvsd:iy afternoon Mrs. J. C.
McMaketi and Mrs. Kobe rt Hill
ititainvd very pUasiutly at the Mo
Mukett houie at a bridge- ia couipli
m.nt of Miss H-.-k'U Ik-t'swi who de
Ptvud on Vriaav altei noo'i for her
fatuie hoiue iu Culiioruia. The rooiu-j
oiv tfcc hi'Dae were very prettily ar
ranged with the fall Howei'd aud tuddc
very pleasant settius to the Ue
Hhttul occas-lon.
Iu th-3 phiving Mii Helea Ve-cott
was awarded, the ft rat priae while tfee
co'!so2'i.T..:o:i priit; vv,u awarded to
Mia,. Hilt, Mivtiu while Mrs. hiee.v-w,i-i
yrtiacuted with a wry tino isueot
There were some twenty-live of fie
la-iiea rnt aad th -tternoci was
:iru;;.ily closed hy tJ i-jrviij. 01
ciaiiity 3d delicious rtre.sbD-ttat. by
tad hoatea.sea.
When Buick imp zvves upon Buick
"the standard for the year is set
Buick for 1928 introdaces a higher standard of
beauty and luxury than the world has ever known.
Buick interiors are as modish as exquisite drawing
rooms as harmoniously colored and as comfort
able. Buick's new Fisher bodies are low-swung with
out any loss of head-room or road-clearance.
And so, down to the smallest detail of construction,
wherever refinements could be made, Buick made
diem. Again Buick has improved upon Buick. Again
the standard for the year is set.
liUICK MOTOR COMPANY, FLINT, MICHIGAN, DivUmm of Gemtrat Maton Cerjxmttkm
Sedans 1195 to 1995 "Coupes 1195 to 1850
Sport Models 1195 to 1525
All priets f. o. b. I liml, Mttb., government tax be aJded. The 1.M. A. C financing plan, tht most
tltUruiiU, is aixttfubl. 'll miodtl tlluitraltJ mbovt it th Fift-Pattcnger Sedan, Stnet xao, $1495.
The Wonieii'-i He li f Corps of thi.-)
city are. urrangiiiK lo make a per
rHpnmt 11it lo-it- to the nu n of
Co. A, of the Kir.-t N hrat-ku, the first
company in the lirst regiment raised
iu this territory for mi vice in the
civil win'.
The ladies have h iir d a hue
twtnty-live foot Mag pole that they
tire having erected 011 the dle on
Wiiibtt isit en ilill where iu lMil tha
thi;' was presented to Co. A, hy the
w (mien of I'lat tsinoiit h. Tin; pole haH
bt-t 11 photd 11 inl (lot ladies will hold
the di diealion cei t liioiiit s 011 Mon
thly niorniiiK, September R I It tit S::itl
at the hinall park nt the foot of Wtn
teisteeu hill and where uppropriale
t-eivice.s will he hebl to murk the
patriotic bt-rvirea of tint day.
A huge Hag has been hecuietl and
will he unfurled to the top of the
bluff in honor of the men of Co. A,
and the women of the city who pre
sented them with the flag that they
bore with honor In the civil war.
Kioui Saturitay's Vall
Councilman Fred Kfeiiherger of
the becond ward is wearing his right
arm iu a hling as the result of an
accident that occurred at his home
ve.stci'day afternoon. Mr. Kgenhei-
t;er was engagett in watering the '
lawn an.l iu doing si he was pulling
the hose over the lawn and as he )
stepped backward collided with the'
-small platform of a cistern and fell, i
htiiking his hand and forearm in?
bitch a maimer that he injured the j
ligaments of the forerm and which;
necessitated the services of a phy-1 to dress ami make tne tnjuiy
as ctunfortahle as possible.
From Satursta.y"ii Ia!v
In the ortice of the clerk of the dis
trut court today was tiled two ac
tions, one by Mrs. Mary Cook, guard
ian of Mis. Catherine Hawksworth
against ll. N. lKvey for the collection
of a note of $1,000 made on July 7.
li2i. and one by Mrs. Cook agamst
fc K. SehUter and G. O.
the collection t a note
lovev for
wf $1,00 0
made on Juiie 27, l$2$. by tbe
fenda,ut Schlater and endor-ied to
plaintiff, by the defendant. G.
the O.
Standard bred white Wyandotte
cockerels, Martins. Regal V-orcas and
Fiijbvls. Es-A-lay.. straiaa. $3.0 0
each.-r-Lola Qldham Kt. t. Mynarvh
Nubr. s5-4tsw
5wrs lviy reo4 ti .jarixil Wat
AJ aa.i 5033? meAade places twr
w.ill gt rtilt.
Wahoo, Mr.
Canadian Wheat
Pool Pays Large
Returns in Cash
Returns Amounting to $27,000,000
Is Distributed to the Members
of the Organization.
Winnipeg, Man. Sept. 1. Dividend
diet ka totaling $27,000,000 arc being
cashed hy members of the Canadian
Wheat I'ool, the fanners' co-operative
inaikttiiig association of the.
prairie province. The payment rep
resents a Hiirplus left over from last
year" operations.
"Wheat pool members are using
Ibe dividend to meet current harvest
lug CApe Uses." HUltl 10. li. KaillSey,
tiecietary of the Ion's sell
ing agency. 'Saskatchewan farinhers
drew $t7.S-2K.OOO. those in Alberta
$('..500,000, and Manitoba $2.6tfi.
700. Proilucers receive most of the
payment for their wheat when they
deliver It to the elevatora. The re
mainder is paid at regular intervals?
"More than 200.000.000 bushels of
wheat from the lt27 crop of Western
Canada will he marketed hy the pool;
this fall. Sixteen million acre, of the
li,240. 4 73 acres sown to wheat in
Manitoba. Saskatchewan, and Alber
ts ate uuder contract to the pool.
Kapid development of the co-opera
tive movement is indicated by the
tact that the wheat pool has grown
from a haudful f farmers to a mem
bership of 110.000 within four years.
"Marketing machinery is now tu
the hands of the farmers themselve-
Kli ruination of the middleman means
that members of the pool receive
higher prices for their wheat because
tht organisation take no pro lit it-
self, tut cbatges produeeis
handling and selling cost."'
Minv ilakini Sweets.
Chicago. S.'pt. I. Kwrv 4iSt!
persou you meet ou the street is cou
ueeted with the niauvfaetu'.v or sale
of coufecti'-'iiery.
Two huudred aad fifty thousand
iueu ausl women are directly e:ui:o
ed iu the candy ii-dui!, a-Widiux
tc Walter C- Hughes, -jcctvlavy of
the Nitioual Couteetioueis' .-a.-cia-tiou.
"More liaes of business t?)tu !i
out tbe world are aifeeted by the
Americaa cd?Jy iudu-stry tiian a!iy
other food industry in v.iatonov. d--
clared Mr. Hughes. "Pvp!e iu evei
part of t'e globo take Vl" l' har-
vestias. pifpariUct. shipiii. aa.J do- j
liveriuj liie uiateria! that, eitvr ltto'
coin ctioary. j
"Ca4-y- u:caciuis;'s i.'.:i
u 8aiihoa giitit oi Bi;kt
Oi'siani. aad outtar troai lariHo:, 1
f 1
Utdj by tuber
mends and filberts from Spain and
Italy; walnuts from France; cocoa-
iuu from the West Indies and South
&eas; urazu nurs irom urazn; ugs
and dates from Turkey, Arabia,
Tunis, Algiers and Morocco; cherries
from France; pineapples and sugar
from Cuba, Hawaii, and Porto Rico.
Ih-et sugar and scores of fruits from
the United States are included.
"Candy is erroneously considered
In terms of its principal ingredient,
sugar, which is but one of the many
nutritious foods that go into the
manufacture of the nation's sweets."
A few of the Cass county maps
showing every man's farm are left.
You can get one at the Journal office
for 50c. Hurry, before they're pone.
we- "L 0 j i" v. ' -.. 1
ll 11 r e QUkk
i.;t.itvv J.,
. Fall
Hot otf the
. vis. - A A
JV X ,