PIATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEiESLT- JOUHKAX THUB8DAY. SEPTEMBER 1. 1927. Insane Hearing Draws a Large SH!l!HH!IliiHiniI3niSIin!!!c!IHI!ISS!inS!iII3L !;!!!! FEATURING If You Really Vant to Save -Trade at Mens 2-Trouser Suits PAGE SIX Number Here!! Complaint Filed Against James Topp i Pt i m n This is the outstanding value of the season. The United National Clothiers our buying organization has made a contract for thousands of these high class suits to be featured by their member stores at $35, with two pants. They are the last word in style come in the new Cop per Beaches, Powdered Greys and Date Browns of motor twist materials and all the new black and motif patterns. They are cold water shrunk guaranteed to retain their shape and style. Be sure and see them! feseot-tg dncffto Monkey Business Parpo Laundr3' Bags for Students 32.25 each FEIED CHICKEN SUPPER ; v H-W--I-I-i-I-r-I-M-W' f" Th- Mynard aid society will give a friend chicken supper " Friday himi- j ing. Sopumbtr 2nd at the church basement. Serving starts at C p. m. 1 Program during the supper hour. Thr public is cordially invited. Journal Want Acis bring results. ftm BUREAU NOTES Copy (or this Department -j. furnished by County Agent 4- .4. 1 I "Eagle ; we.k : ; swine I .vin flub i! '.ent he College of Agriculture did tne judging. rJacn ciuo was rcpresemeu Community Fair.' fallowing clubs surrounding held their annual fair this Sewing, dairy, baby beef, , coin and pct?to. The Gardner cup was awarded to the swine for making the best advance rf anv club. Mr. Derrick of Its Appreciated Whether you start your ac count with a snail cr a large amount ycur business appreciated here. is The man behind the window who handles your transac tions the officer with whom you discuss some business or financial problem, will, you will find, take an interest in your affairs in a way that conserves your time and in a manner that suggests our ap preciation of your patronage. Make Our Bank Your Bank THE FARMERS STATE BANK Plattsmouth, Nebr. T. H. Pollock, President State Fair During the week beginning Sept. 4th v. c v-ill be in Lincoln at the State Fair with our boys and girls in a parade by a float, also Spark Plug'- colt was seen in the parade. One cf the Sunday schools had a float and the entire town and country co operatfd in this fair by having the lust of dinners. There was 1C pigs. 5 dairy calves, S entries of corn, and S cf potatoes. Next year the business rata arc going in with the clubs and make this a real community fair, and their exhibits. Be sure to visit the club building at the fair grounds cr you will miss one of the biggest paits of the fair. Dut very little field work can be done during that week. .Clothing Club Mrs. Elmer Johnson of South Bend ! held her achievement day during the ; v eek. The articles exhibit?d and 'judged were exceedingly good. Foultry Achievement Day. I Achievement day of both clubs at !the home of Hay Smith. Clifford Do mingo and Milford Smith gave the demonstration which they will give in n presenting Cass county at the State Fair. f f Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Bo 7W V W Von are n the last lap of ymr vacation, doubt yon need some school thinrs." If mother has not mentioned this, you better mention it to mother. Come in and see our Shirts and Blouses '"Tom Sawyer" brand. See the new Longies and Knickers and Belts and Caps and Ties the things you need to start the new school year right. Suits with two knickers .... $3.75 Suits with Two Longies Suits with 1 Long or 1 Short $11.50 to $12.50 pJhiencrllL f Y Y Y f Y Y t f Y Y Y t Y Y t f f Y Y t Y Y Y f Y f Y Y Y x o Home Equipment. At the home of J. II. Weiehel near Alvo a septic tank was installed thru the assistance of Mr. Oberliu of the Extension Service, College of Agri culture and Mr. J. II. Young of the Portland Cement Associaion. Those attending this demonstration were wel pleased with the work done by these two men. CANNING CLU3 EXHIBIT The first 4-H Canning club exhibit ever held in Cass county was put on by the Sunshine club, of Alvo, last Wednesday afternoon in the M. E. church basement. None of the nine members have had any training in home economics. Most of them having completed the Sth grade last May. The girls ex hibited 146 pints of fruits, jelly, pickles, relishes and vegetables. It was all canned in uniform pint jars. Bouquets of garden flowers added to the attractiveness. The girls have certainly been busy the past few weeks. The collection included grapes, peaches, plums, apples, crab apples, cherry plum-., cherries, black berries, raspberries, strawberries rhubarb and mulberries. The vegetables canned were sweet potatoes, Kohl rabi, Swiss chard, as paragus, cabbage, greens, herns, peas, beets, tomatoes, carrots, onions and corn. Mrs. John Skinner and Mrs. Carl Ganz served as judges. They select ed the best of the exhibit and this exhibit completed, will be shown at the state fair. A gay poster with the pictures of some of the club members will ac company the exhibit so all friends can easily find the Sunshine Club'r exhibit in the 4-II building. County Agent L. R. Snipe-? attend ed the exhibit and gave a talk on 4-II club work and state fair exhibit ing. He said here was lots to learn, to be a successful exhibitor. A short business session was held. Edith Robertson gave her achieve ment story in verse, using the differ ent canned products to illustrate her ideas. Frances Ann Edwards wrote on "Why I Recommend 4-II Club Work." Clara Reuter chose "My Ex periences as a Club Member," for her story. Irene Reuter told of some of the difficulties the club had met with and how they overcame them. Mrs. Arthur Skinner gave a talk on "How the Club is Helping My Daugh ter." In response to the invitation from the Sunshine club the Butterfly Can ning club put on the demonstration they have prepared to give at the state fair. Helen Hardnock and Iva Bird are their demonstrating team They canned peaches by the cold pack method. The girls of the Sunshine club ser ved punch and wafers. The local leader, Mrs. O. Robertson, announc ed the decisioiis of the judges, then asked the judges to tell the girls why their rejected products failed to score Mrs. John Skinner explained various defects so that the grils learned how To complete their quota with 100 products. Mrs. Robertson has just had this club a few weeks, yet feels the girls have done well and will have a credit able exhibit at the county fair. The club members are: Marvel Genevieve Daugherty, Doris Kinney, Edith Robertson, Frances Ann Ed wards. Clara Reuter, Irene Reuter Rose Beth Clark, Maxine Eidenmiller. DEPARTS FOE CANADA This morning Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Kreager departed on a very ex tensive auto trip that will take them over a large area and give them the opportunity of viewing the rugged mountain scenes of the northwest as well as the milder and semi-tropic country of southern California. They go first to Arrowhead, Al berta, Canada, where they will visit at the home of Mrs. C. II. Baker, sis ter of Mrs. Kreager and view the many interesting sights in the great wheat growing part of Canada. From there they go to Santa Ana, Califor nia, for a visit with the family of Mrs. Louis Heese, another sister of Mrs. Kreager and from there they will make their way back to this locality where they are to make their heme in the future on the farm near this city. Journal Want Ads cost but little, and they sure do get results. .Brings Many From tne Vi cinity of Murray. From Wednesday's Daily : The hearing of the complaint filed 1:2 against James Topp. a resident of southwest of Murray, charging him rjwi with being insane, occupied the chief yJ place in the court hou.-e proceedings and drew a very large crowd of the uz; residents of that portion of the coun-jrir ty 10 near tne evidence ouercu. The complaint was filed by a young man named Hale, residing in the same locality as Mr. Topp and tne complaintants are represented in the hearing by Judge Paul Jessen of Ne braska City and Attorney W. A. Rob ertson of this citv. Mr. Topp is rep- Large, solid Iceberg Heads, priced at lo ii SATURDAY t 1 FANCY CURED PiCI IG HAifiS, FECIAL OH CHOICE 99c resented in the hearing by Attorney; IX O. Dwver. 5 The morning was taken up with.rss the testimony offered by Mr. Hale and other witnesses who were called to the stand to testify as to the ac tions of Mr. Topp and his alleged I! outbreaks and it was net until the:E noon hour that an adjournment was ji The n f ttrrtr.rii v.i devoted to the TZZ completion of the testimony against ; Mr. lopp and the presentation ot ttie.: defense of the case and there were ; some nineteen witnesses calld to testify in behalf of Mr. Topp. j2 Some ten days ago a complaint ?; was filed in the county court here by . rl parties residing in the same par ot'i; the county as Mr. Topp claiming tluitj;; he had threatened them, and on thc; hearing of this complaint he wa.-' irs discharged and which has since be:i followed by the filing of the insanity j vj charge. The hearing is before the oommi:--!5 sion compose! of Attorney C. A . ' SSil Rawls, Ir. J. S. Livingston and Demit v Clerk of the District Court f 1". T..ilirfu-:iv ' & CbSfrPsV.'Z" Mdftfll Large Loaf - Q 0 5 J T NORTON'S IODIZED, OflL I Per package 10 c Tekay mil Efialay & Grapes, per lb. 3 iiLi!LJ IVz lb. Caddy for.. Graham Crackers, 2-lb. Caddy, 30c ENTERTAINS FOR BKIDE TO BE rz m iPLM VICTOR, per S U mM 48-lb.scck - I From Wednesday's l"aily One of the very pheasant pre-nup-tial social events that have been given in honor of Miss Kt-rmit Wiles, one of the brides of the early fall, occurrid at the home of Mrs. (Hen Vallery, north of this city where th members of the party enjoyed to the utmost a dish towel shower in honor of the bride to be. The home was decorate 1 in the autumn Mowers that carried out the color scheme of yellow and white, this being carried out in ail of the rooms of the home as well as in the luncheon, flaskets of the fall flowers were artistically placed throughout the rooms. In the guessing contest Mi;-s Merna Wolff received the first prize while Miss Anna Snyder received the sec ond prize. At an appropriate hour little Rich ard Cole and Pcgy Jane Wiles en tered the p. triors, wearing yellow eaps and carrying a dishpan. decorated in yellow rnd which contained the packages of beautiful towels for th' bride. The luncheon was served by Mrs Vallery assisted by her daughters and which brought to the (lose a very pleasant evening. UdM 10 lbs. mh i ITOD BEECHNUT large size bottle for only. 20c 1 i A H fl A 9 TrpicaIy KiPen- ;hllrU ii!U sd. Per dozen H P ? W P Z Q SWEET, JUICY. Ui)f3SUL0 Pick 'era out, doz. 5 Kf ll Q Irge size." Pull of LLsIUiO Juice. Per dozen fS KILLS EROS, cr l5li3 ii L jiaxwell house, lb 30c 30c 40c 53c fhto PandG Ws tWwiW 10 Bars ATURDAY SPECIA1 m s SUITERS INDISPOSITION From TuoCay's Daily Frank Destor, cf the firm of Ues tor & Swatek. was back on the job at the store this morning bright and early after having been laid up yes terday as the result of having par taken of something in the eating lin Sunday that did not work so good ami caused the genial hardware man to remain in the shelter of the home anil taking o course of treatment for his trouble Sunday night and all day Monday. Th1 other members of the family were affected by the sarin affliction but not so severely as Frank and for a time it was thought that he might have an attack of ap pendicitis but this fortunately was not the case and he is again able to be on the job. nt Coffee, per lb. 47c 13, KoEiogg Products at a Saving Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit 10c per package y Corn Flakes, large size 11c per package H fSSP? I ftr IWhite S Plattsmouth's New Economy Center WHERE YOU SAVE ON EVERY PURCHASE! There is no slack baslhiess period for the merchant who advertises hia ?oods the year 'ronci. What Is The 1 1 Question after a Building Burns? ANSWER Was It Don't Take a Chance SEE ME Searl S. Davis Farm Loans Investments Insurance Real Estate Si!!!i!!!!!i!Era k on Fill for 15ih Street Culvert Bone; i Modern Construction Company Makes Quick Work of Fill for the New Structure. From Wednesdays D.Uiv The Mo'lom Construction Co., of this city, who have carried out a great many large contracts in paving and moving dirt and grading, have their work down to a point where they can give the greatest efficiency and speed in handling the job. which is reflected in the fill that they are making on North J5!h street near Oak. This fill is being made at the new concrete culvert that is replacing the old time bridge over the creek on 15th street and which Is a wonder ful piece of work in making for the betterment of the street. The Modern Construction Co., had the contract for the erection of the culvert that was built by the county to replace the bridge and now gives a permanent means of crossing the creek that will defy time and be a safe means of travel and handling the surface water that may sweer down the creek. Since the completion of the cul vert the Modern Construction corn ier of the park but which is now be i.nr cut down to a very small part of what, it formerly represented. The dirt mov rs have made a driveway through the f-r.iall hill and over til'1 top of thi.-" have erected a novel dirt d vice that will in a few sec onds a truck of dirt and have it on us way. I ne loauer operates uy means of a lever, the teams hauling th' dirt onto the trap in slips and when the required number of load--of dirt are in the trap the lever i; pulliV and the trap opens, the din I falling into the truck that is waiting below. Through this method a round trip is made from the tourist park with a load of dirt and hack in nine minutes, and this is kept up for the entire day as the teams are busy loading up the trap as the truck leaves for the scne of the fill and have it all ready when the trucks returns. With the usual Mc.viaKen foresight J. II. McMaken has plenty of teams on the job and is seeing that it is pushed right along. The job of making the fill should be completed today and the road ready for travel in a few days alt ho there will be some smoothing and grading of the block of road leading to t he culvert necessary. RECEIVES HIGH H0N0H GAME IS DISPUTED From Monday's Daily Yesterday afternoon the Modern Woodmen ball team journeyed out to Manley and met the team of that place in a real battle that terminat ed in the ninth frame when a dis- nntf nvpr tlie decision or tne umpire pany have had a bunch at work on j camo up an,i the Manley team decid making llie fill for the new piece of e(1 ratner than play the game over or work and which part of the job if j to po on with the, struggle under the being handled by the city, who in adverse decision they would forfeit From Tuesday's Prily Willi the closing of the C. M. T. C. at Fort Crook, wh re some 670 young men of the seventh corps area parti cipated in the month of exercise and drill and general instruction in the lines of military science as a part of the national defense program, one of the' Plattsmouth representatives re ceived a very high honor. Carl Keil, who has completed his fourth year of C. M. T. C. camp was selected at the opening of the camp by the officers in charge, to be cap tain of Co. C, of the training bat talion and served as the student com manding officer for the camp period. Mr. Keil has now been selected as the best drill master of the entire camp and his services in the line of drilling the various units has result ed in his being selected for this honor from a number of very efficient drill masters among the students. recognition of the county putting in the large culvert agreed to make the necessary fill of some 1,400 yards of dirt that is necessary to make the roadway what it should be and to protect the culvert. To facilitate the handling of the dirt, the company have installed a very interesting device tat the tour- ithe battle, the score at the time be , ing 9 to 8 for the Woodmen. It is , reported that the decision that caus ed the dispute was the calling of a fly hit into the outfield a foul. The j chief figure in the game was Joe Fiuttery who annexed two three bag gers, two doubles and a single in five ' times at bat. making his hitting rec- t i i nirk . V, n .. ,1 ,h,'h OJU Ul x.vuu lui Lilt: ilitz aim n ui.u cured, being removed from the large ; materially aided hia team in secur hill that formerly stood in the cen-; ing the lead AGED GENTLEMAN HEEE From Wednesday's Dally This morning George Ray of near Murray motored up from his home and brought with him his father, W. C. Ray of Rethany, Missouri, who is here for a short visit with the rela tives in this locality. Mr. Ray is eighty-seven years of age and has just been over in Iowa for a visit with relatives whom he has not seen for a number of years. Despite his very advanced years Mr. Ray is active and travels along with the greatest of ease and enjoys to the utmost the opportunity of being able to be up and around and viewing the country. While in the city the elder Mr. Ray was a very pleasant social caller at the Journal office for a short time. HORNING CEMETERY NOTICE To all parties interested in the Horning cemetery There will be a meeting of all interested lot owners held at the Horning school house on Monday, Sept. 5th, at two o'clock p. m. General business and provisions to be made for care of the cemeterv. a22-4sw BY THE COMMITTEE.