The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 01, 1927, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Prepared Excltuhrely for The Journal.
From Saving Comes Having
An account in our bank is easily converted in
to a horn of plenty, as even small amounts de
posited regularly soon count up and will in time
work wonders.
Kvery dollar you deposit makes it easier to
get another, as money begets money, and oppor
tunity waits on him who has money. The rich
est man in the world began by saving his pen
nies. Deposit more and have more, and make
your bank a stepping stone to greater prosperity.
The Bank of Union
W. B. BANNING, Cashier
Friday, Sept. 2
Marshall and His Band
Playing All the Newest
Red Hot Tunes
land of A. L. Becker and proceeded
to cut it down and reported that they
had secured a barrel of honey.
Carl Ankerson, Jr., of Weeping
Water, was visiting in Union and
also looking after some business mat
ters on Wednesday of last week.
Westley Copenhaver and Clyde
Porter were visiting in Plattsmouth
late lart week wheret hey were look
ing after some business matters.
"Billie" W. E. Patterson of Lin
coln and representing the state Jour
nal, was looking after some business
matters in Union on Tuesday of this
j week.
Last Saturday A. L. Becker had
j seventy head of shoats vaccinated
;and on Monday Roy Becker had
. . .... . .. j ; ninety-eight given the same treat-
Pubhc is Cordially Invned ment.
I Mrs- c- F- "arris- wno s visiting
! '-- j with her sister, Mrs. Ella Daniels,
Joseph McClaflin of Colerige was ! at Woodstock, writes she is having
a visitor with hi sister, Mrs. Frank ; a fine time in her visit with the
Boggs for a short time last week. sister.
Mr. Claude Krodall of Nebraska j Thomas Moore of Walthill has
Citr. the band teacher, was a visitor . been visiting in Union with friends
in i'ion for a short time one day last j for several days and was in town
C. S. Johnson of riattsmouth was
a visitor in Union one day last week
and wr.3 looking after some proper;:"
which he has here.
Little Dorothy Tigner was a visi
tor with her friend. Miss Elizabeth
Robb, where the little folks will en
joy the visit greatly.
Charles Greene and wife have been
visiting for a number of days at In
land, where the parents of Mr.
Greene make their home.
Stanley Mueller of Fullerton and
several times meeting hi 6 old ac
Philip Rihn, who has been feeling
pretty tough since the operation, is
showing some improvement, and lie
is hoping he will be entirely well in
a short time.
Lucean Banning, Stacey Niday and
Hallas Banning, who were touring
the west last week returned home
late in the week after having enjoy-
i ed the trip greatly.
j Believing in the good effects of
alfalfa on the soil, as well as its be
ing here for some time pastw ith rel
atives and friends on Monday of this
week departed for their home In the
south, and will visit with relativea
and friends on their way home
Joe Banning, the hardware man,
and who canot rest unless he Is at
something to bring in a little money
to assist in paying current expenses,
wa3 making hay while the sun shone
on Tuesday of this wek, and getting
ready for the winter days that are
to come
Sam Hathaway of Poplar Bluffs,
Mo., who has been visiting here for
some time, with relatives and friends.
departed during this week for his
home in the south where he has to
hasten to see about the putting up
of his hay crop which he hears is
C. G. McCarthy, while times are
rather quiet, and before the rush be
gins, is getting the elevator fixed up
so as to be ready for the coming corn
crop. He is also having the building
painted. John Irvin i3 doing the
work and is making the place look
much better.
Dr. and Mrs. Spirl, the latter be
ing the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Homer White, they residing in Chi
cago, drove over to Union where they
were visiting with their many friends
and while here were guests at the
hospitable homes of W. G. James
and Mont Robb and families. lauto wreck in Lincoln, is reported
Since the going over of the store a3 makine satisfactory improvement
of Rhin and Green by the painter I though still far from well and is still
One of the Pleasing Events
of the Season
Saturday Night
Sept. 3rd
Admission - 25 - 50c
W. H. HOMAN and
end the re-arrangement of the stock
to some extent, they have the place
looking much better. This firm and
the store of R. D. Stine, both have
emproved refrigeration for the hand
ling of meats, and this enables both
to carry an excellent line of this ne
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lyman of
Masuefiown. Pa., Mrs. Lyman being
a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton
Lloyd, and formerly living here,
drove from their home to Union and
were visiting with relatives and
friends here being the guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. James T. Reyn
kept to the hospital, but is expected
to be out soon.
For Sale
I have six brood sows for sale.
weighing around 400 pounds, to far
row in September. E. M. Smitn,
Union, Nebraska, Phone No. 4920.
Celebrates Her Birthday
Little Cleora Fletcher, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Fletcher ol
Union, celebrated her tenth birthday
anniversary at which, a large number
Someone found a bee tree on the
son, William, of Los Angeles, were ms ,JIJe Iur slot' "arris
visiting with their many friends inh;tarted seeding ten acres of this hay
Union during the past week. during the past week.
.hi. oidii iuntr nils caiieu ujiuii
to look after some business matters
in Weeping Water as constable, and
was serving some legal papers while
there on Wednesday of last week.
am Porter were
ay in Omaha,
guests of Mr.
and Mrs. W. L. Taylor, who has not
been in good health for some time.
The Union band was expected to
play at the Henry Field bulb farm,
but on account of some misunder
standing they did not all have the
right date and therefore no concert
was held there last Sunday.
Aiteberry Garase !m,,J."T,s
f ,wh-rp they v. ere the
Sales and Service
A One Ton 1924 Ford Truck in
Good Condition for Sale
The Service Store
We are here to serve you
the best, and supply you
with the best goods at
the lowest price.
Our endeavors in 1927
will be concentrated on
giving you such efficient
service you will become a
regular walking adver
tisement, speaking only
good words for our store.
of her friends wereD resent and
oius wnne nere as wen as visiting i enjoyed the occasion very much
wiui oiuer menus in ims vicinity.
Miller and Gruber, the enterprising
contracting firm of Nehawka, were
in Union for a number of days dur
ing the early portion of the week
and were putting in some concrete
work, a crossing and a walk along
the Union park, which will be other
wise greatly improved as well. The
city dads of Union certainly did a
good Job when they selected this
capable firm to do the work.
Harry Delaney of Florida, son of
Mrs. Joseph Bauer, accompanied by
the family, who have been visiting
in California and in fact the entire
Pacific coast from lower California to
the Canadian line and then back
through the northern portion of the
United States, arrived in Union late
last week and was visiting friends
and relatives here for a few days.
and enjoyed the visit very much.
The dance which was given at the
M. W. A. hall on Fridajr of last week
was well attended and where every
one enjoyed themselves. The music
was furnished by the Nehawka dance
orchestra, which is composed of
Chester Waldo. Mrs. Henry Feltes,
Corge Paulos and Lester Waldo. The
music was excellent and they will
furnish music for the dance which
will be given this Friday night, Sept.
2nd, come and have a good time.
Henry. Decker has bc""i making
some repairs on the school house at
District Ten. which is known as the
Irwin school andw hich is north and
west of Union. Mr. Becker has been
putting a foundation under the build
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Wvler
'and William Berckley and son. Hen
Jacob Dye Dies at Omaha.
Mr. Jacob Dye, a brother of Isaac
Dye of near Union, who has been in
poor health for some time, succumb-
je l to the malady which has been giv
ing this gentleman trouble for some
time and passed away on last Tues
day. Mr. Isac Dye and wife were
over to Omaha to render all the aid
possible at the time of illness, and
Sealed proposals will be received
by the Village Clerk of the Village
of Union, Nebraska at his office
until 1 o'clock p. m., on the 12th day
of September, 1927, for the furnish
ing of necessary labor and materials
required to construct a municipal
waterworks system for said Village.
Bids will be receive on:
Section 1. One 40,000 gal tank on
tower 90' high to bottom of tank.
Alt. A. One 50,000 gal. tank on
tower 90' high to bottom of tank.
Section 2. 108' S" Class "B" Cast
Iron Pipe; 1.680' 6" Class "B"
Cast Iron Pipe; 5,076' 4" Class
"B" Cast Iron Pipe; Approximately
24 Tons Cast Iron specials, f. o. b.
Union, Nebraska.
Alt. A. 108' 8" McWane open
bell cast iron pipe; 1,680' 6" Mc
Wane open bell cast iron pipe;
5,076' 4" McWane open bell cast
Iron pipe; Approximately 2 Tons
cast iron specials, f. o. b. Union,
Alt. B. 10S' 8" DeLavaud Class
"150" cast iron pipe; 1,680' 6"
DeLavaud Class "150" cast iron
pipe; 5,076' 4" DeLavaud Class
"150" cast iron pipe; Approxi
mately tVz Tons cast iron specials,
f. o. b. Union, Nebraska.
Alt. C 108' 8" Mono-Cast Iron
Class "150" pipe; 1,680' 6" Mono
Cast iron Class "150" pipe; 5,076'
4" Mono-Cast iron Class "150"
pipe; Approx. 2 tons cast iron
specials, f. a. b. Union, Nebraska.
Section 3. 1,300' 2" cast iron pipe;
1 quantity of fittings.
Alt. A 1,300' 2" Galvanized pipe,
1 quantity of fittings.
Will Give Concert.
The Union band will give one of
their excellent concerts on the streets
of Union on the coming Saturday
evening. September 3rd, at eight
o'clock sharp, and all lovers of music
had better be on hand for the occa
sion for if they do not they surely
will lose.
Makes Purchase of Good Farm
Carter Albin, through the land
agency of John B. Roddy, purchased
from Homer H. Shrader a quarter
section of a farm one mile north and
one half miles west of Murray, and
an excellent place, for the sum of
$20,000 and which is certainly well
worth the price paid.
Will Have Nice Home.
B. B. Everett, who has been mak
ing some important improvements
on his farm home east of Union, has
added two rooms to the house which
will provide much neded room, and
materially enhance the value of the
place, is at this time about getting
the wo rk completed.
Thinks Land Will Go Higher
Mjr. M. R. Overton of Auburn,
while in conversation with A. L.
Becker, both extensive holders and
traders in lands, was prompted to re
mark that if thef rost did not come
to quickly for the corn and this crop
ripened properly, that they would
greatly advance the price of land..
Is. V. HAWl.KV.
240 Omaba National Hank IIutldiiiK
Omaha, XrbronkR.
Notice is hereby given that on the
20th day of September, 1927, at 10
o'clock a. m., at the A. W. Propst
place of business. Union, Nebraska,
Cass County, the undersigned will
sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash one 1925 Fordson
Tractor. Motor No. 502834 covered
by chattel mortgage in favor of A.
W. Propst, signed by Henry Milton
Shepherd and assigned to American
Credit Corporation, said mortgage
being dated September 3, 1925, and
having been filed in the office of the
County Clerk of Cass County, Ne
braska on the 11th day of Septem
ber, 1925.
Said sale will be for the purpose
of foreclosing said mortgage and for
the purpose of satisfying the amount
now due thereon, to-wit: $162.22.
C. HAWLEY, Attorney at Law.
Dr. Heineman, Dentist, Hotel Main
Bldg., Phone 527.
From Monday's Daily
Misses Erma and Inez Shellhorn of
Louisville are here enjoying a visit
at the home of Sheriff and Mrs. Bert
Reed and family.
W. G. Boedeker, the Murray bank
er, was in the city today for a few
hours to look after some matters of
business and visit with friends.
Henry A. Tool, one of the genial
and popular residents of Murdock,
was in the city today for a few hours
attending to some matters of busi
ness at the court house.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mockenhaupt
of Falls City were here yesterday to
spend the day with Mr. and Mrs.
Chris Mockenhaupt, as Mr. Chris
Mockenhaupt has been in poor health
and Henry came up to visit the bro
ther. Mr. and Mrs. John Gilmore and
daughter of Cozad were here Sunday
as guests of Sheriff and Mrs. Bert
Reed and family, motoring through
this city while returning home from
Iowa where they have been on a short
Bert Clough of Wintoon, Nebraska,
and James Wilhey of Orchard, Ne
braska, were here Sunday to visit
with their old friend, Deputy Sheriff
W. R. Young, who was a schoolmate
of the two gentlemen in northern Nebraska.
Farm for
371 acres known as the Falter
farm. located about 6 miles
northwest of Plattsmouth. Fair
improvements and a good stock
and dairy farm. Full informa
tion furnished on application!
Price, $25,000
Good Terms
For Sale 10 fine purebred Chester
White sows. Will farrow in early
l-t2sw Union, Neb.
From Tuesday's Daily
O. A. Davis of Murray was a visitor
in the city today where he was called
to look after some matters of busi
ness. Dr. G. H. Gilmore of Murray and
son. John were in the city today for a
few hours. Dr. Gilmore being called
here as a witness at an insanity hear
Mrs. W. H. Rainey and daughter,
Clara and son, Donald, departed thin
morning for Omaha to spend the day
there visiting with friends and enjoy
ing a short outing.
William R. Kriskey, who has been
serving in the U. S. Navy since last
November, i3 home again, having
been discharged from the navy on
account of disability due to his feet
and which made necessary his dis
charge. Mr. Kriskey was in service
on the New Mexico when he was com
pelled to go to the hospital and from
where he was discharged. He came
down from Omaha yesterday for a
visit here with the old friends.
stay while looking after some legal
matters at the court house.
Dr. G. H. Gilmore and Ed S. Tutt
were here today to attjpnd the insan
ity hearing which was the big fea
ture at the court house today.
Mrs. Fred Spangler and daughter,
Mrs. George Mumm, were in Omaha
today where they were called to
spenl a few hours looking after some
business matters.
Michael Slatinsky, who has been
enjoying a visit here with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slatinsky.
returned yesterday afternoon to Chi
cago where he is employed at a large
greenhouse in that city.
Mrs. Pearl Batterson. who is now
engaged at the I. O. O. F. state home
at York, is home for a visit at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. D. Wheeler, and with the old
friends at the Nebraska Masonic
All the news in the Journal.
From Wednesday's Daily
Louis Leiner, well known restaur
ant man of Louisville, was here '. -day
for a few hours looking aft .
some matters of business.
Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping
Water was here today for a few hours
From Wednesday s Dally
M. J. Rummel of Beaver City,
former resident of this county and
brother of William and Edward Rum
mel of this county and son of Mrs.
Christina Rummel, one of the pioneer
residents of this city, arrived here
yesterday to make a short visit with
the mother and other relatives In
this section of Cass county. Mr. Rum
mel came with his son, Fred, who
stopped in Omaha to attend the state
druggist convention and the father
came on to visit here in the old home.
Mr. Rummel had been away from
this county for the past twenty-four
years and is enjoying to the utmost
the opportunity of being here again
and meeting the friends of his boy
hood days.
Everyboay reads the Journal Want
Ads and your message placed there
will get results.
arranged to have the remains brought
to Union where they will rest in the I Section 4. 10 hydrants: 1 6" Valve
Dye lot, awaiting for the resurrection. I and box, 6 4" Valves and boxes
i rv. all fmnlnvpii tn tha TTavHnn ttr,ro A more complete account of the death Sect ion 5. 1 8" Tuhular well. 125'
at the time Mr. Porter was employed iand funeral will be given at another deep. 12' strainer,
mere, were visiting at tne Home oil -" i"i-c.
ines iirocery
Union, Nebraska
Mr. and Mrs. Porter for the day last
Ellis LaRue. who has been em
ployed at Kimball, in the western
portion of the state in a barber shop, j
Enjoyed Trip to Missouri.
Tony Sudduth and family of Union
and Virgil Sudduth and family of
Murray, who have been visiting at
has returned to Omaha and Mrs. La-j tne ol(1 home at Fair Play, Mo., for
Rue has been visiting at the home ' tIie past week, arrived home on last
of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. LaRup for a i bunelay evening after having enloy-
few days. j ed a very fine seven days' stay in
J. A. Eaton was a visitor in Ne-I tne state or tneir nativity. They tell
braska City on Tuesday morning of of god crons and a happy and con-
tins week and reported that a truck
load of hogs from near Weeping
Water had overturned with the re
sult that three of the load of his hogs
had been killed.
John Edgar Grimes and family of
Vera, Florida, who have been visit-
The Quality and
Service Store
We have been up for trial some
time. . . . Have tried to give you
service, together with Quality
Merchandise. . . . Now, it is
up to you to judge.
pjm jsl rfg&w?SFmK?
Phone No. 29
Union, Neb.
tented people at the old home town.
who have expressed their apprecia
tion of these two families visit by
making it most pleasant for them
Alt. A 110 Tubular Well, 125'
deep, 12' strainer.
Section 6. 1 80 GPM single stroke
Alt. A 1 100 GPM double stroke
Section 7. 1 15 IIP, 3 phase, 220 V.
120 REV. 60 cycle automatic
start motor.
Section 8. Pipe line labor 1,680'
6" pipe laid; 5,076' 4" pipe laid;
1,300' 2" pipe laid; 10 Hydrants
set; 1 6" Valve set; 6 4" Valves
Section 9. Installing pump and
while there. On their return they Section 10. Pump house and der-
were accompanied by the mother of
the boys, Mrs. Florence Sudduth and
Lump sum bids are also requested
her son. Otis Sudduth. who will visit on any or all sections
here for a time. I Bids will be received only on type
written forms furnished by the Vil
1 m it.: xi
T1o Uoll A '"SB uuiuii. weorasKa, or ine en
'" uiuu icain tusugfU me learn ln rmnnnv A(R CAiifh 19th Qtroot
. V. ,. TTI 1. . . . . . I .
t..c uiiiui. pd.K, aim iney enjoyea me A11 proposals must be accompanied
afternoon as well as the game. Both ,w Q rHfii ri. .wn
sides tried hard to win and in all and properly certiled upon a respon-
... uun bcoies, uui ine Bible Dank and made payable to the
team from the county seat claimed village Treasurer, Union, Nebraska,
o 1 it, . 1 i- ; iueo in a sum equal to 5 of the pro-
" i"w aa nut uispuieu uy me i posal,
Luiun ieaiu. aim iney are reauy
11 A
auuiner iriai. ru, t, ni.i. mu.
Union, Nebraska. Contractors de
Home From the West. siring a copy of plans and specifica-
Plans and specifications are on file
Listen Folks-" A Chance to Save Money on Your
When the dollars are scarce around your home, and School Sup
plies are needed, it certainly pays to look after the nickels, and
when real bargains are offered you, take advantage of them!
History Note Paper, per ream - - 45c and 65c
Here are two good grades to choose from.
Fine School
Regular 5c sellers that we
are closing out this week
2 for 5c
Pencils for
Good quality Pencils
at varied prices. All
of them bargains, at
2 for 5c 5c each
10c dozen
Regular 10c size Bottles
now being closed out, at
5c each
Spelling Books, Composition Books, Note Books, Shorthand Books, Crayolas,
Crayons, Pencil Boxes, Erasers, Pencil Sharpeners, Rulers and in fact everything
needed for school. We invite your' early inspection. School begins September 6.
Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Moore, with tions for their personal use can se-
the children, who departed some time cure 8ame from the engineers by de-
since for their former home at Lush- Positing $10.00 for same, $5.00 of
...i 1 . . ... ... lililnh rll Va .ni...A .Vin Vil1-
iuu, v lici t lliey Went tO VlSlt Wltn u iuuiucu iu uiu-
the parents, after arriving there ders Providing they return the plans
were accompanied by the parents of and specifications in first class con-
Mr. Moore, the party going to the dItIn within ten days from date ot l
western portion of the state where lettlnS- jr
naiiru a 1. fiui opnngs la DO.
Dak., as Wei as manv other nlanoo nf
interest, arrived home on Thurtwiav section or reject by section and to
yatsa upon me competence ana re- vr
sponsibility of the bidders and the Jk
ai.i-cj.auiiii y ut me security uaerea. x
Clifton B. SMITH. Clerk
mi Sfifiiry SSwg
Comer Fifth and Main Streets Phone 265
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
of last week, well pleased with the
excellent trip.
Harry Graves Improving
Harry Graves, son of Attorney C.
L. Graves, who was injured in an