The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 25, 1927, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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tj&z ex
AU0U3T 35. 1927.
1 w hcm,
piIIHNIilSilliHIIliilia J. U. Will
Sure Does Pay to Do Your Trading at
Hold a National
Meeting Soon
(Kept Fresh in Our Frigid Ice Chest)
Rex Pure Lard
1-lb. Pkg.
Fancy Country
Selects, dozen
(These are both Old Wheat Flour)
Best Granulated
10 lbs.
Large Loaf -
Wept lileiTSS cans,
PCI a 1 Pf Carnation or Wilson fl ' g r P and G "j7
GWS 1 3 brand r Ccn g jj jfl 10 Bars if
"P Liptons Green or A6 It o large Size
1 E.ack-.2.,t. P. fo Igif Sip Br,t ills
Sunshine Krispies
2V2-h. Caddy
Dairy Maid
Finest Qnalitv
Per Lb.
Cream of Nut Oleo, lb. . 23c
Hills Bros.'
Per Lb.
J. II. COFFEE la glass Qt. Jars 44c
ZJ ti u Mi U i' w. vL7
Large Fancy Clean Ne-1
34. t
fciT'-TI ! !j
braska Cobblers
GINGER ALE Pale sparkling, ice cold, extra dry . .
KELLOGG'S Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit-Per pkg.
5 for $1
. 10c
7 lil'sk
Thus did a frugal lady shopper express herself as she paused at the Cashier's desk
while her purchases were being checked. And so will you find this to be true.
SEE Nebraska Will Have Fine Representa
ai tion at the Great National
Meet at Minneapolis.
jj Chain buying connections, the saving of delivery costs and no credit losses enable
fj us to save you money on every purchase. "Look after the pennies and the dollars
H will take care of themselves' is a very old saying, but never more true than right
11 ... ,,,r fnMre -are nrnno fr rnnJflpr ?;rr:n!l cavinct not worth while. You sJ
1 HUT, VTIItll llaijr v w o i
can save enough to take care of all your recreation expenses trading here. Try it! jjH
From Wednesday s Dally
The fifty-third annual convention
of the Women's Christian Temper
ance Union will be held at Minnea
polis, Aug. 25, to Sept. 1. This is. the
third time in the more than half a
century of the organization, that the
twin rtties of the northwest have
served as hostesses. The last time
was the autumn following the death
of Frances Willard in 1S9S. At this
convention was instituted the me
morial fund which has been the
means of establishing the union and
its principles in the difficult places
of the land. j
Xebraska delegates who are plan
ning to leave early this week for
the convention include Mrs. Clara C.
Clayton, state president; Mrs. Exia
E. Maxey. state secretary; Mrs.
Prank A. Robev. state director S. T.
ggg I.; Mrs. Mary Lee Seibert. rtate cor
srs: responding secretary. Chapman; Mrs.
Ei II. M. Nichols. David City; Mrs. Vary
Hicks, Table Rock; Mrs. Genevieve
Hayes. Plattsmouth: Mrs. Anna Rod
erick, Blue Springs: Mrs. M. E. Dunn
Fremont; Mrs. S. D. Marsh, Junita;
Mrs. J. B. Turner. Orand Island; Mrs.
W. W. Andruss. North Platte; Mrs.
C. IT. Thompson. Mrs. W. F. Poff
Omaha: Mrs. J. N. Stillinger. Albion;
Mrs. Ella Trammer. Lyons; Mis?
Meta Martin. O Neill; Rev.- Marie
Wilcox. Red Cloud; Mrs. Minnie Per
kins, North Plntte; Mrs. Emley Ar
derson, Gothenburg; Mrs. EfF.e Mis
'jrei. Ponca: Rev. Iva M. Innis. stat"
srivice president-at-large. Wilcox.
S5 Various phases of government
Sjsi dealing with the eighteenth amend
r: merit and its enforcement act will b?
rjj discussed by prominent W. C. T. U.
LJj workers at the meeting. Dr. Ella A. ,
Boole, for a score of years at tliei
head of the temperance forces in t b e i -TwjT.....
state of New York will give an au-j.
dress on Thursday evening on the'.J.
present day situation.
Dr. W . w. Peck, general secretary ( .J.
of the Ontarion Prohibition Ini.miJ.
The Latest
fT" C
I o O N
The one big word in Hatdom. If you have been trying to worry
along with a cheaper hat, just make up your mind, now, to treat
yourself to the luxury and economy of a Stetson. The new Fall
blocks await you.
Prices, $8, $9 and $10 and worth it
d7d Yo 'Monkey Business
Copy for this Deparrmeut
furnlstied by County Agent
will give an interpretation of the
condition in Canada under govern
ment control. Dr. Daniel A. Poling
president of the United Society of
Christian Endeavor and former Sen
ator Robert L. Owen of Oklahoma
will be among the speakers. Mrs.
David Ltim, former prepidnt r.f the
W. C. T. U. in India and Mlrs Nardy
nia K. Norville. World W. C. T. U.
organizer in South America, will
bring messages from the?e distant j
Darts. Governor Chri.-ter.sen win
give the greeting fcr hte
wealth on the opening riiglit.
Poultry Club Acliievement Day
Mrs. Ray Norris will have her
achievement day of both poultry
clubs, the Good Luck and the Go Get
'Em, at the home of Ray Smith on
August 26th, beginning at 1:30.
There will be a prograi.i given by
Mrs. Norris and her club members
and a demonstration team which. will
ommon I represent Cass county at the Nebras
ka State Fair will give their demon-
project. They intend to straighten
the 4 mile creek which crosses their i
farms. Hie Wiles have already
straightened this creek, Mr. Pollock,
will have about 125 rods straighten-!
ed by using government explosive.
Mr. Tschhren will take a large grad-j
er and make one-half mile of ditch.
After locking over these projects we
believe each is doing right and will I
make the best ditch at the smallest !
cost, one using explosive and the
other a grader. Again we want to j
, mention the cooperation of these i
i farmers with one another and hope
it will be continued.
i stration. Also the Judging team
! which will go to the State Fair will
be there. Refreshments will be serv- ;
Let the Men Do It.
The first of a series of new com
munity program circulars is now
ready for distribution. It outlines a
t Beauty Parlor t
! Permanent Waving Done J
. by Experienced Operator
Fully equipped shoppe. Open
J. evenings. Call phone No. 200 -
From Wednesday's Daily
Yesterday afternoon the funeral
services of the late Mrs. Elizabeth
Harber was held at 2 o'clock from
the home of her granddaughter, Mrs.
ed and everybody is invited
From VV:l'lsnn v s Daily
Practically all of Tuesday was
ffiVon nn in the district court with
v, ty, rt Atra Grnpo1 i nas. uamson OI L iiion, we oe
Walker Johnson vs Herbert Ward.jluve. has the right idea when you
involving the matter of the conduct : think of terracing fields. He has 40
oi rne I arm oi jm. Jm.uu, '''-,. 'V"" "',, iV., f VL" ;..-iV ! irrani in wbioh thev take the nart of
snow a rew smau aiicnes on uie jiiu- -
program that might be given entire- i Hallie B. Perry on Granite street. A
ly by men ot a neignuornooa ana
Terracing: Fields.
east cf Weeping Water and on which
side. He is now building terraces
The plaintiff alleged that the de
fendant had allowed stock to run in
the orchard and hay land and also
. , . r-r-T n 4 . ,1 V lnnm .1 i l TMifllintTO in1
lit ft It v 1 1 u iiiv- lanu auu uuuuuib uv . - - - - -J - --------- - -- - .
aHnn-efl w.oHa tn irrnw nn on the ed so easily. Also these small ditches
number of the old friends were pres-
gives suggestions that will help them ent at the services and to pay their
last tributes of respect.
The members of the Women's Re
lief Corps were present at the service
to pay their respects to the departed
lady whose husband had been a vet-
. eran of the civil war.
, The services were conducted by
the Rev. H. E. Sortor, pastor of the
First Methodist church and who paid
I a short tribute to the memory of the
The theme underlying all the new departed and her contribution and
in putting on a ladies style show and
several ether stunts. Details are
complete enough so any group of
men can get their entire program
from the circular. Since women al
ways have the last say anyhow, the
nest circular is to be a woman's pro-
on this land and seeding it to alfalfa. ;
fnifn i hrnken nn Hh-p tormres will Programs to be issued by the agricUl- . service to the state in whic h she had
be firmly established and not wash- j al extension service this year will been a pioneer resident
tliat Xebraska folks will learn more loved hymns, "Asleep in Jesus," and
place and generally conducted tne wni oe sioppeu uy me terraces uuu . ; u't an,i tnnwin, ! -The Swpt and Kvp." were civen
a! 1U'. 1.0 I 1'VJ U V. I Jl V kJVUt.. - - - J-
farm in a manner that did not meet . lined up when the held is ready
with the approval of the plaintiff aritl , be tilled again. '
for which she desired a restraining.
order to stop tne manner oi tne ne- Drainnp-e
Plattsmouth's New Economy Center g
l-'iom Monday's Iaiy
Sunday a reunion of a number of
the members of the Holmes and
Swain families was held at the home
of William Holmes, southwest of
Union in Otoe county and which was
attended by a number of the rela
tives from various parts of the state
and including a group of the Cass
county relatives. The two families
came to Nebraska in the fifties and
have made their home in this local
ity for the greater part of the time
'since, being numbered among the
' leaders in the business and social
; lift of the community. The day was
spent in the enjoyment of the fine
.picnic dinner of fried chicken and
(other dainties that make the Nebras
: ka farm home famous and the rela-j
tives spent the hour3 most delisrht-i
fully in visiting and renewing their
From Wednesday's Daily
This morning at 7 o'clock the resi
dence on the V. A. Besack farm,
three miles west of Louisville and
occupied by Mrs. John Myers and
three sons, was completely destroyed
by fire, the origin of which seems to
have been from an overheated stove.
The three sons of Mrs. Myers had
to the stone quarries where
! ties of relationship. Among those who; they are employed and the mother
enjoyed the hospitality of the Holmes : "L L"?5 Mill
: hnmp worp Afrc rirtr T),.!- c , wic ui uic Buiura, ouu.u, a'
t - tj. v j - v.a, kjl . i
ferdant in running the farm
, . VaZ V, ,V" -a , Myron and Glen Wiles, T. H
r;-. , V A i land Fred Tschirren in their drainage
ed that instances of the cattle be-
ing out, that they had broken out
and he had placed them up as soon
as possible and that the lawn had
not been cut because of the lack of a
mower and also that part of the con
dition, of the grass was caused by the
crowd at the Johnson farm sale.
After several witnesses had been
examined in the case and the matter
submitted in argument to the court,
the decision was handed down grant
ing a restraining order against the
defendant Ward as regards allowing
of the stock and hogs to run at large
over the farm and in the sections
where the house, lawn and orchards
are located.
more will aDareciate the whole state by Mrs. Edward Roman.
'as they do their own neighborhoods, j At the close of the service the body
I Disci'ssion cf each program will be vras borne to Oak Hill cemetery
I broadcast as one feature of the farm where it was consigned
We like the cooperation shown by , program of the University of Ne- Icng rest.
Pollock ! braska this fall and winter. The first i
discussion will be given on Septem
ber 12.
to the last
Mr. and Mrs. George Brock, Jr., of
Ravenna, Nebraska. Mrs. Lena
j Brooks and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brooks
cf Missouri, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Rawl3
and J. W
wards going to the house and where
The local tourist park on Wash
ington avenue is a more popular
place than many of our people real
ize and the strangers coming here
are well pleased with the neat man
ner that the park is maintained and
also the clean condition, despite the ! 11 j -fact
that it lacks the facilities of I Jr all ri&t-
for Your New
Cass County
I have listed for sale
several good bargains her? yu nd bi& line at
t j ti -i I the right price. Everything that you
111 Improved Farms 10- will need for the school year will be
cated near Plattsmouth.
she found the kitchen ablaze and. some or tne larger camps, i ne pari:
powerless to check the fire, and with-j is a favorite place for picnic parties
out'aid, she was compelled to watch and on Sunday there were fifty-four
the destruction nf the home and was persons, most or tnem irom umana
llOlmeS or this CltV and v-i ,u. i l. l .1 l-it tho nrlr tn anhv tha rlv .it ninnix
. . ! r Jinn Airs W R Smith rf AT nri-.f i I . mi. - . At i 1
; euects.
Also, I have a buyer for a
good 40-acre tract near
T. H. PoUock
Plattsmouth, Nebr.
The house was valued at $2,000
I and was insured in the Farmers' Mu
tual Insurance Co., of Lincoln, while
Buy your school supplies at the l gooas were 3 iai lot5S
This is the third time that the
Myers family has suffered the loss
of their home by fire, they burning
out while living In Iowa and three
years ago at Louisville their nom,e
Bates Book and Stationery Store,
dinners. The upkeep of the park i
not great and the park board of the
city have made it a very pleasing
place for the strangers who may be
driving through the city.
found here.. We have placed in anlrbu be?
exceptionally large line this year and! heavy loss. The community feels very ' JfiC "J retued home
tt- .i.- j. I. idPPnlv fnr thp nfflictert famllv and Minneso1'-. reiurneu nome
anything that you may want
we atp m n -nnsi'tirtTi fn 1oqC .- deeply for the afflicted family and
2' w-v-VA W k "J S I VU Ail I , , - - - ,
. . I txt n r r ron noran n rum a 1 aaa rw t h A
fire and will require some time to get
a new place where they may make
their home, owing to the congested
condition of living places In Louis
ville. I
What the president has really
done Is to open up the next Repub
lican national convention to all
comers. That is about the meaning
of what he is reported to have said,
that he will not run for president In
From Monday's Dally
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Starkjohn and
enjoying a
after a most delightful outing. They
made the trip by auto and had the
opportunity of seeing a great deal of,
the country. They report the small
grain and bax crops as being the best j
in years and also the corn In Min-'
nesota and Iowa, which is showing.
signs of maturing Into a fine crop.
Fred Uhlik was among the visi- While the Starkjohn family was in
tors in Omaha today where he was Minnesota they enjoyed much excel-,
called to look after some matters of lent fishing in the many lakes in that
business. " I section of Minnesota.
For Five Dollars we offer you
the most hat you ever had on
your head for the money.
Style is perfect, shades are in
tune with the times. They
will not fade and do hold
their shape.
What More Do You Want for
From Wednesday's lailv
This morning Elemenel March was
j brought before Judge A. II. Duxbury
iin the county court to answer to a
ic.mipkunt filed, charging the young
l man, together with Raymond Grauf
I with having taken and sold a number
i of articles of household furniture,
j the property of Dick March, older
j brother of the defendant. The of
i fense was committed several days
1 ago while the mother of the defend-
'ai'd was in Missouri at the hospital!
'and the brother was ill at the home!
, of his sister. The defendant stated
that lie and Grauf had taken the
furniture to a second hand store and
sold them for the sum of $12, the
articles including a dining room
table, two rockers, six chairs, one bed
and one heating stove. The defend
ant Grauf was not to be located by
Sheriff Reed.
After hearing the statement of the
young man Judge Duxbury in view
ow his youth and in the hope that
the case might be a lesson to him.
gave him a sentence of thirty days in
the custody of Sheriff Reed.
! To all parties interested in the
j Horning cemetery There will be a
meeting of all interested lot owners
j held at the Horning school house on
Monday, Sept. 5th, at two o'clock p.
; m. General business and provisions
to be made for care of the cemetery.
George Nickels, the well known
Murray lumber dealer, was in the
city today for a few hours attending
to some matters of business and visit
ing with friends.
What Is The
From Vanesiay'a Da'.ly
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin
Lohnes, ten miles west of the city
is one of the happiest places in the
county as the result of the visitation
there of the stork and who has left
in their care a fine little daughter,
who is the pride and joy of the
after a Building Burns?
Was It
We wish to thank the friends for
their beautiful floral offerings at the
funeral of our beloved mother and
grandmother, and particularly the
Women's Relief Corps for their ser
vies and acts of kindness at the time
of our bereavement The Family of
Mrs. Elizabeth Harber.
Blank books at the Journal office.
Don't Take a Chance
Sear! S. Davis
Farm Loans Investments
Insurance Red Estate