The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 28, 1927, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1927.
obc plattsmouth lournal
tr at PoatuClc. PUttmouth. Nb m coad-claaa ma.ll matter
R. A. BATES , Publisher
Lions can be trained to appear un
tamable. -:o:-
Fair maidens don't despair, there
is gallantry left in the land.
Fully 1,700,000 tons of coal are
awaiting shipment in the Ruhr.
Some men talk of their superiority
every time they resist temptation.
:o: .
There might be less trouble brew
ing if there were less home brew.
Scientists have not yet learned why
storms occur at the time of equi
noxes. :o:
A style expert is a person who gets
women to pay more for fewer
Another case of bad luck is to buy
a two pants suit and then burn a
hole in the coat.
Maybe Cal wanted a little cowboy
experience to help round up the
mavericks next year.
Lowden has come out in favor of
co-operative selling even to the ex
tent of selling out Coolidge.
At a sale in Antwerp recently were
offered 12 6,000 pounds of ivory and
97 pounds of rhinocerous horn.
Russia proclaims a defense week
Has somebody been trying to lend
their country some money again?
Any kind of faulty diction is an
noying to some of us, but the most
provoking kind of all is contradic
tion. While performing at a Madrid
theatre recently an elephant fell
through the stage to the second floor
The automobile and the airplane
have put a terrible crimp in the num--ber
who formerly persisted in rock
ing the boat.
After all nothing makes on feel
60 definitely along in life as trying
on the old olive-drab that fitted so
easily in 1917.
A man in Washington cought a
white robin with pink eyes. If it
had been a pink elephant that would
have been news.
We are approaching the time when
there will be but two classes those
who have ancestors, and those who
will be ancestors.
Nothing in the world is useless, but
that will surprise some folks who!take notice
have certain opinions about some of
our office-holders.
Some seem to think it is hard on
a young lady to marry a man to re
form him. But think how much
harder it is on the young man.
' 1 1 Vi a haflr frk ell A 9(ta irhcn tiro
believe anything permanently after
we have seen one of them smoking
a cigarette and darning socks at the
same time.
:o: '
If your garter tightens, look out
for rain, Is the advice of an Omaha
weather expert. And that's why so
many rollsock young dudes get
caught out in the rain.
:o: J-
A bootlegger who made a million
dollars in three years selling liquor
has settled on back income taxes
with a payment of $20,000. He also j
has served a short term at Atlanta,
The way of the transgressor is cer
tainly tough.
The Barefoot Boy
Good footwear is now demanded, and is also greatly
needed. We are carrying an excellent line of shoes at
very reasonable prices. Every piece of work that passes
through our repair department, has our personal in
spection. We have purchased the store and shop of J.
W. McLean, South 6th St. Give us a call when need
ing anything in our line. We will treat you right!
Vines M. Allen
Musolini arrested many times as
dangerous red.
Suggested slogan for the Legion:
"Paris, we are broke!"
Germany's unemployed is 1,000,-
000 less than a year ago.
. :o:
Cunning is not genius. This is an
abnormal growth of the mind.
The owl's wings are edged with
down so that its flight is silent.
Mounted police in Morrocco are
now riding American motorcycles.
Industry thrives whether the sun
shines or not. But sunshine cheers.
Maybe the president is trying to
worm his way into the heart of the
The girls used to apply irons to
shirt fronts,
the links.
Now they use them on
The government spends money to
catch its criminals because it has
plenty of it
An ounce of keeping-your-mouth-shut
is worth a pound of trying-to-square
Many an ardent" swain's love for
his lady has been rudely shattered by j
a concrete bridge.
Mosquitoes and young widows
seem to have a special grudge
against old bachelors.
So far, of all the flying machines
Lingbergh's has shown the greatest J
r-;ni.-i en it-: - V . t
' :a:
... v..e, f an tnose ins wnicn piague uic ti u
disease has ruined the banana crop ; isll infuence fr0m the Yellow Sea j
over many Hundreds or acres.
Like an officer in the. army, Mr.
Dempsey finds he has gained several
numbers for gaining the fight.
Police drop 2.000 guns in the high
seas but New York can still pack a
good many more in its crime wave.
Because of the lesser world de
mand for diamonds, many gem min
ers in Eritish Guiena are out of
Judge Lindsey has received an
offer to enter the movies. Strange
how talent often is discovered late
in life. j
:o: I
Illinois has decided to substitute
electrocution for hanging. That will j
make the Chicago killers sit up ana
:o: '
A young Kansas farmer
up nearly ?30,000 playing the grain
market the other day. Agriculture
certainly pays.
Friend Lowden says democracy is
on the downgrade. It seems that
democracy and farm prices usually
So the same way
There is to be a rope walk at Wau
pun, but not the kind used at some
state prisons. This rope walk is to
be a state industry.
Disarmament is the process by
which a country which has several
obsolete battleships displaces th:oa;
for nice new shiny cruisers.
Reformers have failed to block t"ie
annual bathing beauty contest at
lantic City, which they held to
immodest. However, their effo.ts
have called attention to the bathi:
beauty contest again.
Ocotal, in the mountains of Nic
aragua, and Amritsar, in the Indian
Punjab, are physically separated by
the Pacific Ocean. In their political
significance they may not be so far
apart as that.
In 1920, when the people of the
Punjab were aroused by two irksome
sedition laws imposed upon them by
the government, British Troops sta
tioned at Amritsar fired upon the na
tives, with terrible consequences,
some 1,000 men, women and children
being killed. Gen. Dyer, who was in
command, reported that the mob,
seeking to secure release of two of
their number under arrest, attacked
the troops, who thereupon opened
fire, though the mob was in part
made up of women and children, even
mothers with babes in their arms.
It approximated what American
Marines stationed at Ocotal did a
week ago last Sunday. When the rev
olutionary army fired upon the
American position part of the towns
people went out and joined in the at
tack, a sufficient commentary, sure
ly, upon the popularity of our occu
pation. Fighting with such crude
firearms as they could rustle, as we
ourselves did at Bunker Hill, the
wretched inhabitants, crazed by love
of country and resentment c.f its '
desecration by a foreign foe. exposed
themselves to the crack armament of '
the most powerful country in the
world, which, with machine guns, '
quick-firing cannon and bomb-drop-i
ping planes, quickly snuffed out the
lives of COO Nicaraguans and redue-
I ed their sublime sacrifice to the hol
. low mockery of folly.
I Great Britain has never recovered
. in the Orient from Amritsar. There
I is not a man. woman or child m
India who does not know about it.
The least Chinaman in the fastnesses
of the celestial mountains, or the
humblest peasant in Tibet, knows j
that at Amritsar the Europeans, with j
their great guns, massacred the de
fenseless Orientals, making no excep
tion of women, children or infants in
arms. That massacre has cost Brit
ain more prestige in Asia than all
the cruelties of Lord Clive or the in-
credible bumptiousness of the opium
Tt x j . . .1 , i : 1 . , , i .. i -. .,.-,1
of Britain's rupture with Russia and
to the Mediterranean. In a long cal
endar of folly, of blunder piled upon
blunder, the arch blunderer, Britain,
never excelled that.
Is this what Ocotal is to be to us?
It is very likely. We may be sure
that every Latin American willj
know about it. We may safely as- J
sume that every tiny hamlet in the
Cordilleras or the Andes, every ;
' thatched-top village in the Amazon j
wilderness, will know that on one
j side was conquest, with its wealth j
jand its arms, and on the other only j
the defenseless native. This is thei
sort of thing that needs no radio and i
no press. It is the sort of thing that j
will do to our prestige in Latin !
America what Amritsar has done for'
British prestige in the Orient. j
jf there is a greater folly the'
T - njtf.d States could commit the Post-
j Dispatch dees not know what it is.
St T.nni Post-TMsnatch.
Once upon a time there wfre two
neighboring families who went under
the well known names of Smith and
Jones They had been young folks to
gether, and were distantly related.
They had had a few family feuds,
but they got along well together on
the whole, and had prospered.
When automobiles came in, each
family had its automobile. When it
became stylish to have two automo
biles, the Smiths were not far be
hind the Joneses. One day the
Sm5ths took a notion into thpir hrjd
that they should have more auto- j
mobiles than the Jones. They bought
. ... i!u i 1
a car ior eacn oi me cnuuieu, auuj-'
one for their servants.
The Joneses said that this was the
t)lv j? Thf4!No. 13 berths on sleeping cars of an
.two families had been equally lead- j
ers in the community for years, and ;
j the Joneses could not afford to fall j
11 .D . Will . u . U . i
nenina. &o tney. too,
for all this servants.
This pretty little allegory of every
day life has its parallel in interna
tional nonsense. Call the
England and tne Joneses America,
use the word cruiser In place of the
word automobile, and you have the
whole story of the disarmament con
ference impasse and deadlock.
Reduced to simplest terms, it
comes an absurdity.
! :o:
"Will vou please give us a guess
" . , .7 t r.-jo,.-'?"
on the vote of the first primarj ?
asked a subscriber. Sure. Our guess
is as good as anybody's and your
guess is as good as ours.
.n. j
Imagination is responsible for half
; ,
of our troubles and our actions are
' responsible for the other half-
We want everyone in Cass
county to know definitely that
TAXGOLENS lubricants excel
in every way. We know that a
continue. us-use test is the only
way tl:at this tan be accomp
lished. Consequently, for a lim
ited time, we will supply u0
and 50 gallon full drums of
TANGOLKNE oils. together
with the drum, all-metai pump
arul metal quart measure at
special low bulk-oil prices.
This is not only an ideal op
portunity for you to save many
dollars on oil, but you obtain
full possession of a complete
set of exceptionally fine dispens
ing equipment, including na
tionally advertised Bennett
quality built pump so well
buiit that it dispenses kerosene,
alcohol, gasoline, etc., as well
as lube oils.
Needless to say, hundreds of
thrifty folk will hasten to take
advantage of this offer. The
offer remains in force until we
have exhausted our present
supply of equipment. Therefore
Motor Co.
Authorized Ford Dealers
" while Sharkey chopped, hook
ed and swung with sweeping blows
that more often missed than connect
ed." That seems to have been the secret
of the outcome of the fight. Sharkey
proved lacking in that fine co-ordination
of sight and muscular sense
that makes the first rate boxer.
Dempsey is easy to hit and Sharkey
couldn't hit him- But he was often
hit himself.
Dempsey has come back a long
way since his fight with Tunney. But
against further substantial price ae-
I:.. . I. ; !.. o CI, -1,
ilu """" a
IV e-reat fjehter.
Because of the prevailing super
stition regarding the number 13, all
English railroad be numbered 14-A.
Thc stflte of Nebraska Cas3 coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Wil-
1!aul uuiman, ueicnatu.
Tn the rrorlitor'S of satrt cstntp'
You are herebv notified that I
will sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth, in said county, on the :
:19th day of August, A. D. 1927,
and on the 21st day of November. A.
D at ttn nVlork n m of pach
day. to receive and examine all claims
'against said estate, with a view to
their adjustment and allowance. The!
nme limitea ior me presentation or
claims against said estate is three
monthg fom tfae mh day Qf AugusU
A D 1927, and the time limited for
payment of debts is one year from ,
said 19th day of August, 1927. i
Witness my hand and the seal of
sTai,d c"niy Court this 23rd day r
July, 1927
County Judge.
,(Seal) j25-4w
Cal to George:
Et tu, Moses?
It is a relief to stop worrying
about how Thomas A. Edison gets
enough sleep. His son informs the
press that the inventor has the fac
ulty of sleeping in a chair, or on a
table, or on his feet, perhaps, at any
time he chooses. So suppose 'we all
sssume that Mr. Edison gets all the
sleep he needs, and go back to our
own routing for a spell.
on Petition for Appointment of
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate
Herman Tiekotter, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition
of Louis W. Tiekotter praying that
administration of said estate may be
granted to Herman Tiekotter , as
Ordered, that August 19th, A. D.
1927, at 10 o'clock a. m., is assigned
for hearing said iietition, when all
persons interested in said matter may
appear at a County Court to be held
in and for said county, and show
cause why the prayer of petitioner
should not be granted; and that no
tice of the pendency of said petition
and the hearing thereof be given to
all persons interested in said matter
by publishing a copy of this order
in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi
weekly newspaper, printed in said
county, for three successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing.
Dated July 20th, 1927.
County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska.
William J. Hartwick,
William Ferguson, Olive
Ferguson, Fractional Lot
No. 175 in the East Half
of Section IS, Township
12. Range 14, in Cass y NOTICE
county, Nebraska, and all
persons having or claim
ing any interest in said
Fractional Lot No. 175,
their heirs and devisees,
real names unknown,
The above named defendants are
hereby notified that on the Sth day
of July, 1927, the plaintiff filed suit
in the District Court of Cass county,
Nebraska, the object and purpose of
which is to quiet and confirm the
plaintiff's title in and to Fractional
Lot No. 175 with the accretions
thereto on the east side thereof to
the channel of the Missouri river in
the East half of Section 18, Town
ship 12, Range 1-1 in Cass county,
Nebraska, and to permanently enjoin
each and all of the defendants and
all defendants having or claiming to
have any right, title or interest in
and to said real estate, or any part
thereof, and forever quieting the
title to the same in the plaintiff.
This notice is given pursuant to an
order of said court.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 29th day
of August, 1927, or default will be
entered thereon and a decree entered
quieting title to said land in plain
Dated this Sth day of July, A. D.
His Attorney.
In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska
August G. Bach.
William Ferguson, Olive
Ferguson, Fractional Lots
Nos. 174 and 176 in the
East Half of Section IS,
Township 12, Range 14, NOTICE
in Cass county, Nebraska,
and all persons having or
claiming any interest in
said Fractional Lots Nos.
174 and 176, their heirs
and devisees, real names
unknown, (
The above named defendants are
hereby notified that on the 11th day
of July. 1927. the plaintiff filed suit
in the District Court of Cass county,
Nebraska, the object and purpose of
which is to quiet and confirm the
plaintiff's title in and to Fractional
Lots Nos. 174 and 176 with the ac
cretions thereto, on the east side
thereof to the channel of the Mis
souri river in the East half of Section
18, Township 12, Range 14, in Cass
county, Nebraska, and to permanent
ly enjoin each and all of the defend
ants and all defendants having or
claiming to have any right, title or
Interest In and to said real estate, or
any part thereof, and forever quiet
ing the title to the same In the plain
tiff. This notice is given pursuant
to an order of said court.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 5th day of
September, 1927, or default will be
entered thereon and a decree entered
quieting title to said land in plain
tiff. Dated this 14th day of July, A. D.
jl8-4w. His Attorney.
on Petition for Appointment of
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun-
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Charles Landis, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition
of Wash Landis praying that admin-
istration of said estate may be grant-
ed to Frank A. Cloidt, as Adminis-
Ordered, that August 19th, A. D.
1927, at ten o'clock a. m., is assign-
ed for hearing said petition, when
all persons interested in said mat-
ter may appear at a County Court to
be held in and for said county, and
show cause why the prayer of peti-
tioner should not be granted: and
that notice of the pendency of said
petition and the hearing thereof be
given to all persons interested in
said matter by publishing a copy of
this order in the Plattsmouth Jour-
nal, a semi-weekly newspaper print-
ed in said county, for three success
ive weeks prior to said day of hear
ing. Dated July ISth, 1927.
County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska.
Lillian Adair,
Ray H. Adair,
estate, with a view to their adjust
Ray H. Adair will take notice that m?nt am, anowance. The time limit
on the 5th day of March, 1927, Lil- vd for the rrosentation of claims
lian Adair, plaintiff herein, filed her apainf;t fiaId 0fitate is thre(1 months
petition in the District Court of Cass frf)7n the 19th (ay of Aupust A n.
county, Nebraska, against you. the 1927 am, the tirrip jimjtP(i for pav
object and prayer of which is to se- ment of drbts is one year from
cure an absolute divorce from you. jpth dav of August,. 1927.
the said Ray H. Adair, on the ground) y.'itness mv hand'ancfthe seal of
of willful desertion, without just pai(1 Couty court this 15th day of
cause, for more than two years last juv 1927. since February 19th,
It is further prayed that she may
be awarded the care, custody and
control of the three minor children
born of said marriage and for gen
eral equitable relief.
lou ieyu,,eu i, Arthur I. Bird. Plaintiff, vs. War
pet.tion on or before the loth day of'rcn w JJir1 a, Defendants.
August, 192 or the allegations, Notice Is hereby Riven that under
therein made will be taken as true ' , .
and confessed.
Dated July the 2nd, 1927.
j4-4w Plaintiff's Attorney.
and Notice on Petition for Set
tlement of Account.
In the County Court of Cass coun -
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss.
To all persons interested in the es-;be confirmed bv the Court, the fol
tate of Rebecca A. Murray, deceas-; lowing described real estate, to-wit:
On reading the petition of W. G.
Kieck, Administrator, praying a
final settlement and allowance of
his account filed in this Court on the
ISth day of July, 1927, and for final
settlement of said estate and foV dis
charge of said Administrator;
It is hereby ordered that you and
all persons interested in said matter
may, and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said
county, on the Sth day of August, A.
D. 1927, at ten o'clock a. m., to show Saj(1 saIe win be hel(1 opf,n for one
cause, if any there be, why the llour- An abstract showing market
prayer of the petitioner should not ahe tjtje wm be furnished,
be granted, and that notice of thei Dated this 25th day of June, A.
pendency of said petition and the rj. 1927.
hearing thereof be given to all per- ' A. L. TTDD,
sons interested in said matter by ' Sole Referee,
publishing a copy of this order in CARL D. GANZ
the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi- j27-30dsw Attorney,
weekly newspaper printed in said
county for one week prior to said
day of hearing.
In witness whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and the Seal of
said Court, this ISth day of July, A.
D. 1927.
(Seal) County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
TO all persons interested In the
estate of Frank Kolacek, deceased: Mrs Harry Spence. first and real
On reading the petition of Joe rame unkn0wn, widow of Harry
Lahoda praying that the instrument Spei.oe deceased, son of Charles W.
filed in thi3 court on the 6th day of gpence deceased
July, 1927. and purporting to be thei You'and each 'of you are hereby
last will and testament of the said J notifie( tnat the above named plain
deceased, may be proved and allow- jtjff a petition am- ..ommenced
ed and recorded as the last will andlan action ,n the DistrIct Court of
testament of Frank Kolacek. deceas-jCaag (.ounty, Nebraska, on the 21st
ed; that said instrument be admitted day of Junef 1927 agalnst you and
to probate and the administration of eafn of u and 0(her3 the object
said estate be granted to Frank A'd prayer of whlch Is to obtaln a
Cloidt. as Executor; I decree of court foreclosing all equity
It is hereby ordered that you. and or other intcre8t you and each of you
all persons interested in said matter, mv havfi in anfl 1n tll KnihWpSt.
may. and do, appear at the County quarter of the northwest quarter of
Court to be held in and for saIdSeftion 20. Township 12 North.
C.0Uty', the th d1y ,f August' Range 12 East of the 6th P. M.. Cass
A. D. 1927, at ten o clock a. m., to , (.OUnty, Nebraska, by reason of a
show cause If any there be, why the tertain mortgaRe dated July 31,
prayer of the petitioner should not be, 1924, in the sum of $150.00 and
granted, and that notice of the pen-'taxes and other Bumg by paJn.
dency of said petition and that the tlff in thia action to protect its mort
heanng thereof be Riven to all per- gage lien( aggregating in all the sum
sons interested in said matter by pub- o $3S3.i6 exclusive of interest, and
lishing a copy of this Order in the for eqUitable relief, Including costs
Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly Df PUlt
newspaper printed in said county, You 'and each of you are required
for three successive weeks prior to to an8weP said petition on or before
said day of hearing. Monday, the Sth day of September,
itness my hand and the seal of 1927f or the anegations of plaintiff's
n iqC7 7 Y' A', Petition will be taken as true and a
D 197- nnvni'Dv decree of foreclosure entered In
,r. , o DLXBLRY, favor of plaintiff and against you
(Seal) Jll-3w County Judge. and each of yoUj according to the
T7T Prayer of said petition.
We see by the paper that the Dated thi3 16th day of Juy A
Horace E. Dodges, who weren't to D. 1927.
get a divorce, Mr. Dodge denying it '.
to the extent of having a fight with
some reported over the rumor, got
their decree yesterday.
The State of Nebraska, Cas coun-
ty, ss.
- In the County Court,
j In the matter of the estate of Mary
Louise Spies, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I
will sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth, in said county, on
August II). 1927, and November 21,
192 7. at 10 o'clock a. in., each day,
to receive and examine all claims
against said estate, with a view to
their adjustment and allowance. The
time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate is three
months from the 19th day of August,
A. D. 1927, and the time limited for
payment of debts is one year from
said 19th day of August, 1I-27.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court this 15th day of
July, 1927.
(Seal) jlS-4w County Judge,
The State of Nebraska, Case coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of John
W. Haynie, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified that I will
sit at the County Court room in
I Plattsmouth in said c ounty, on the
1 19th day of August. A. D. 1927 and
Ion the 21st clay of November, A. D.
1 1927, at the hour of ten o'clock in
the forenoon of each day to receive
and examine all claims against said
County Judge.
(Seal) jlS-4w
In the District Court of Cass coun-
T Arrot:lo
nil vi u 1 11 luc cx uri hc m nil- j i .t
trict Court of Cass county, Nebraska,
entered in the above entitled cause
on the ISth day of June, 1927, and
an order of sale entered by said
Court on the ISth day of June, 1927,
the undersigned sole referee will, on
the 30th day of July, 1927. at 2
o'clock p. m., at the east front door
of the Farmers & Merchants Bank,
in the Village of Alvo, Cass county.
Nebraska, sell at public auction to
jthe highest bidder for cash, that Is
.tQ Bav on p0r ent on the day of
!eaie and balance when said sale shall
West half (WVi) of the
northwest quarter (NWU) of
Section nineteen (19), Town
ship eleven (11), N. Range ten
(10), East of the Cth I. M.,
East half (EV2) of the north
east quarter (NE'i ) of Section
twenty-four (24), Township
eleven (11), N. Range nine (9),
East of the Cth P. M., air of said
lands being in Cass county, Ne
In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska
Conservative Mortgage
Emma L. Spence,
Widow, et al.
To the defendants, Fannie Cun-
rinchnm William Snpncf fiiiv A.
' Rnn,p Pathprin Snonro minor and
Its Attorney,