JIONDAY. JTTFE 27, 1927. PAGE FIVE MURDOCK PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. jet 7?Z 5r to7 mi Inn ) d i iffn i U. S. Fisk & Gcodyear Tires of the parents of Mr. Gillespie, Mr and Mrs. V. O. GillesDie. John Aragwert will in a short time begin the painting of the news resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Rush. Mr. Rush, with the assistance of his brother, W. II. Rush, and Henry Keinemann, have just completed a new roof on the structure. .T. Johanaon Durchased the old ! house on the Gust Ruge place just north of Murdock, where Horace A. party who came on last Sunday from Lincoln to visit this excellent gentle man. There were in the party, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Detwater and Mr. and Mrs. Con Super and daughter, one of the party a daughter of Mr. Shatto. They all went to Meadow, wrere Mr. Shatto has a boat, and en joyed the day most pleasantly. lleets with Accident While doing the work about the of Commerce, being quoted as fol lows Business is getting Letter ; Better every day! And it will continue to better ; The better we learn to say ; That business is getting better, Better every day! And it will continue to better The better we learn to say That business is getting better, Better every day! P. S. Understand he was still chant- Reeves formerly resided, and will home. Mrs. Leslie Rush had the mis- Imove it across the road on his own . fortune to sHd. faliinsr entirely down ing this "Coueism" after all the rest jlots and rebuild the same, making the cellar steps and landing at the j had been chanted to sleep. Perhaps are most eccriomica all standard a hrst class resiuence propyl It. of bottom with many a bump as she was optimism is so much a part of his going down. Mrs. Rush was very pepp makeup, he chants it in his Miss Viola Everett, who has been!fc,a(uy bruised in the fall. She was : sleep. rcnomica!. We carry; visiting with her father at Elliott, j fortunate in that she did not su: d makts See us for Iov a for tne rast two A,veeks re" tain any broken bones. Near the same ! turned to Murdock and again tookig jIr nu?h was unfortunate in up her work at the Murdock Mer-jtjiat -while - . i i i ii i imc ; i esreraay aiternoon nan a caneu in from Superior, Nebraska Mr. Prank . , . . ... .1 i i( i ii -, I (it nevi nn r-rtt i n inii f-nnnflra Tiro jcantile company store and reports a! thimble he slipped, also cutting one! creamery game, and had a long talk .very enjoyable visit with her parent j Cf hi hands very severely, and which about the creamery proposition in while away. jwill prevent its use for some time. jthe state. Mr. Dowd said. "Platts- Three parties purchased De Laval' mouth offers an ideal location for a cream separators the last month! wr.TVT.TTn. TJT 'AT? T nTTTRVTTT.P. I farmers" co-operative creamery II. 11. Lawton is very busy paper-' froni the local agent, W. T. Weddell, j plenty of cream, and no dose com- your needs. A. H. WARD, Murdock, Nebraska in- it finishing : the home of 1,. xeitzei. i Martin Zaar and Irvin Iltirs. More j 0n gJujay mornin'" ?s the Rev. pctitors. The creamery frame is past .T. Johanson is kept pretty busy , attention is being given to cream and Theodore Hartman pastor of the the experimental stage, and no rea truvking stock to tlu live stock mar-: illlttprfat nroduetiou as this is as ..;.-i i ,i,J.... "v,,. !,,. on v;hv ore at Plattsmouth would - . , - - . 1 ii tri d 11 ii 11 1 v. ii j . - 1 Ii nn" Tl-i-, l.'n -1 - rn ' . - ... n , . 4 V, - . t . . . . . 1 i . . 1 . a paying I'1 "I'oai imu as m- wrst of Louisville elo-;e'l his r-" cular not re a success. il wum si imum i ket at Omaha, taking two loads on 1 cood lai Wednesday. ;farm affords. The front of the store of A. J. Tool- The Callahan Sunday school had morning worship hour, he was called tho dairy business and be a source of 5 upon to orficiats at the marriage of stendy profit and in-'-ome to the share- bus been marie tne better looking by. their children's day program last Vis d-iii-btT M' Lull H'en to Dr. holders." He further stated: "You a coat of paint with which it has , pt;nday evening. The church was Walter J. Bpmmsrartner of Murdock. have here something thst seems to be bttn embellished. beautifully decorated and the little! This t' tho. fourth ii.inihtcr nf the natural to vour vicinitv sweet clov- pftifitioi L mm IK is r rs. t. II. trorder. of eeping i folks p.cquittefi thmse-ves m a nr:- jrtman familv tn be mfirrled at this tr the greatest asset Water, was a visitor at th? home ofj:ar.nrr. Collections for general mis-'prftty and attractive church and in innie possible." Mrs. Ada Tool, for a short time dur- J rinary treasury amounted to sixty-, h " ca;;e the father has had the Ing the pas"t week. j three Ioliars. 'privilege of reading the mrringe Let's do some optimi Mrs. V. McGinnis was a visitor; Mr. and J!r-. Court r . Op'ets. wlio :i::r? for the ceremony. Participating ourselves; AnythfT'g I with friends in Scuth Bend for a are at this time making their home in the ceremonies as organist h.?s been 'glcoin-huggcr' he's Bhnrt tiTT l!st vpp'- whprp she WaS'in Ok nhima. SrriVC-d in MurdOCll Trrf ntrn Hartman rf IrliP!-! i:i the dairy ' ic chanting de.pise is a a dried up :on. nxummv trving to flirt v.;;h life, and a ir-iest of friends and relatives. land are visiting at the home of the: brother of the brides and on Sunday tan-t c-e a thing. Joe Maxwell, of Glenwood. Iowa. I parents of Mrs. Opiets. Mr. and Mrs. Jas the bridal party reached the church ; w. g. DAVIS. was a visitor m .Muraoc-K last wees-A. A. Kikli. anu otner f:en:;s ana j r.e sounfu the nridul chorus irom; cn Wednesday, having some business j relatives here. "Lohengrin" and as the recessional; matters to transact with A. J. Tool, j On last Tuesday evening. E. V.j played the popular ?nd well loved-p :: f Gasemeif r, who Knows just . Thimcan hauled two inacs o: nogs ni.'iciKi,i;.-nnn marcn. .cretary. O. Sc'iewe The bride wore a frock of cr.broid- i tr S.- Forirrt to say that yesterday's o was due t: tl-e kind:i.-s-s of our wrat ii :s to op prepare" i. is gemug uroar.a, iney reiug ior . i .lewe- j a uuu. . ci..m i-a- . .. t)V Dj.n, ,n irio-vr yrr j ,tjjr h's threshing machine ready for the land Paul Schewe. the two trips being jc red rose tan fiat crepe and with hat : ;'',' ",.ic "..p,'A:-',-,' Tn'Tin. ''vr ' made during the night when the '. to mate h. and carrying the bpautiful ; ' .i., ,w,i .itino- -vaiOnheiia roses. She was attended as' Nick Schrumra was a visitor in 'stock there in time for the opening i bridesmaid by Miss i'numgarmer, sister oi first job after the harvest has been fairiv begun ITildegnrde' r. Irs. Aanha M ynn was among the the groom. visiiors in Omaha today whore she tf-oi:' with bis truck a" 'load of horsl Homer Lawton has been painting' wore a very charming gown of was called by the illness to her aunt that he has been feeding during the land otherwise decorating the home of j orrhid crepe with hat to mo tea and;m that city. Ffrine months. L. Neitzel and will when the work J"" viu 'V: zlt 1 G. Bauer was pk-a-d with a visit has bceli completed, paiut the pest- 1'" f brJrte was the best his brother. Chris P.auer. of office building, which is owned by E. j ''i'i"T' , ' - - . . , , . i - , -1 ..iUll l; Ii. II ' 11. ill I'l 111- i ii e v v.iii - . LEGAL NOTICE COMPLETE and RELIABLE SERVICE is assured FARMERS Mrhen you ship to the INTER-STATE LIVE STOCK COMMISSION COMPANY at Omaha either by RAIL or TRUCK. On account of so much live stock being brought to market by TRUCK, we take this opportunity to tell you that the INTER-STATE have spent a lot of money in order that we maj' and do at thi3 time render REAL SERVICE in the TRUCK DIVISION. We have secured the services cf A-l snappy men to promptly and properly handle and deliver all sheep and cattle that arrive at the unloading dock to our selling pens so therefore, you can rest assured that when your LIVE STOCK IS CONSIGNED TO US, there will not be a MINUTE'S DE LAY. The INTER-STATE are more than anxious to get your business to show vou what a swell job we C3n do. We will give you the same SERVICE in handling ONE head as wz will a FULL CAR LOAD. MR. HARRY FRANCIS and MR. JOE TOMES sell the hogs and MR. AR MOND TIEEET5 has charge of the feeding, filling, weighing, etc. with the sales man right on the job helping him. Our ofrice is cpen night and day (Sixth floor, twenty feel to the right of the elevator) with fine long benches equipped with sofa cushions for your use. Come to our office night or day and ma!;e j-ourself at horns as well as ccinfortable. Ve are happy to tell you that our TRUCK business is on the increase simpiy because we are giving the SER.VICE. We have telephone in Truck division and special attention is paid to Lhis erzd of the business. Our resources are AMPLE Our experience RIPE Our cphit PROGRES SIVE and we extend to all farmers the b-nef:t5 of a STRONG. ADEQUATE, EFFICIENT, COURTEOUS and WILLING SERVICE. SEND YOUR CATTLE, HOGS and SHEEP to us. CHAS. F. COX, Manager JIM DONAHUE, Ccw Salesman WALTER DEARTH, Sheep Salesman JOE TOMES, Hor: Salssmn CHAS. IVTC-HR, Hog Yards EARL DROWN, Feeder Buyer 'LLIE REYNOLDS, Steer Salesman OTTO HACHTEN, Calf Salesman HARRY FRANCIS, Hog Salesman ARMOND TIBBETS, Hog Yards FRANK ECKTERMEiER, Cattle Yards ii from Enterprise To Gcortre 11. Linville. .1. Wesley . .M' , ' WV" groom was the flower girl and cnrr'ed ! Barnes. Luke ralmer, the Virs. devi- wem to nmna ior a visit wun to narmon.ze ana mane in., ,mru,: "Ma basket of pink re5. ?be. was dre?s-' .sees. leratr-es. Ors-on. and with him-M. Shatto and when done Eisters who reside there. tne mam street iook muca tne net ter.fling summer sc'iool at I'eru. was Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Guthmann (d in a pink embroidered voile with pink streamers. After the wedding ceremony a din persona! represents-I tive-j and all other perron interested in the estate of Margaret Johnson.! dec-rised. real nams unknown, the' J. J. DONAGHUE, Office E. M. Jardin of the Jardine Motor omT.anv and Georire Gustafson sales- i f - 1 1- e.r -r. i t n. n r 1 r-. Tr 1 n rr i 1 : . . . 1 '. ' l ill" v '.ill' , . : v n. " i i ;i . . . i. iremained for a longer v iiiir ii:it- ij ii-i iit.- ::.ulu'I3 in uui- ot!, deceased, real names unknown. land all persons having or claiming an over Sunday visitor at the home;dmi lne tu"uu" Blre "1L1"f' . u ner wps served in the purlors of theheir5 devisees l?rpter. personal rep of her aunt. Mrs! W. O. Gillespie, Tlattsmouth on last Monday evening j chur(.h which were arranged in a re-rr 'ntive and r.-l othe- persons in over the week end last week. iand had intended to return home. vrrv prrtty coior pCt!e;m, flf pjnk and f u-t -e.-ted in the estate of Jclm John- out on acrouni vi me raiii it- v.bite. One of th features of t!:e mainei. returning home Tuesday af- LV( ,7.ling hmcheoii was the large ternoon. i-. it. iiutnmann. no ever, i l,r;fif.-o hafl i)(,pn nrnarPH i ; , . . ?Vi Ve - - ;ai' inifMJM in i:ic vv nt ii 1 1 2 f nsit wnn nis hy the mother of the bride. Only the .1, r.tWuct ort, (vwi: 1 dock on la.t Wednesday afternoon. w tn ,itM J l. P"mfu 1 UT. Hi the north half (N I n Pnc'- rl- v.- th liia n.iTCP- wna -..ii - i , . .. . . . I SOI, t .i. e..l OU.nter t ....... . v... , - - son were viuing ior a uumuer ui ; inncr.con. l r. luncneon was rervea cutting the weeds and grass in the'-io-.c tv,c rar u-oft at tho home ofitii- four f ti-o i-r,,,,, - ,-f un ( clnxta rif AfllT.-InrV last WoToc1af '. . . . . . r - , .... '. "... .. : t V."( ! V .iv ... ..v .,vUi.v.-, :,r ann -irs. j. n. .ur. i cuiircn ronsresration. .iiss' s i'auiin" and getting the streets looking nice Strickland will be remembered as ! and Hilda Vosrier. and Amanda and with the weeds cut. making the ap- M5ss xaoini Coglizer. who for somejLelia Stohlma-m. pearance very neat. time was employed in the Murdock The bride has been one of the effi- J.-hn TV. Kruger. Floyd Hite and ; Mercantile company and who at that ! cier.t teacher ii th- Loiiisville of the sooth vest ouarter (F'V4 of Sec tion thirty-one in Township C 12 . North of Ranee four teen (1!L Eat of the Cth PriCcipal (Meridian, in Cass coanty. Nebraska, real ncms unknown, defendants: i You ard each of vou are hereby Ii x interstate Live iqzk iommis n 1,0. J jama -t-fti1 her home in V.'eering ' s-hoo!. aisd very popular with a John Amgwcrt and son I'.urton were time had V!?itinc in Lir.-o'n List Sunday and -Water. large circ-le of friends in her home 1 , . .. . . .. I . . .v -r . 11 - . .-1 . ; . I T 1 . . . - v e;im -nil -i i f v Th.i - 1 ri ; 1 1 i - . , i--, ri n .. t . . d 1 - intci.ui.. cut- nan .iniii m UlUtrl tr fr. cl 1.11 u.f iin- u . ........ ...... - - - ' - . . . . . -. . . I .... 1 . .1 . 1 i i . ' - i . ... . . . . tnf T 1 . . T'tii'--f r -In- , X' I. . ; ! . r. ' ' f ' v as siaufn mere an;i iiai n;e urivi- : route. Larcv .Mcuonam nas na'i :a- 11 1 ui.cion. vi .tuiamj m 1.1-- lrra nf eppinn- a flmihlp hp.Tllpr ! Ltllml r.n liic t-nr- a tv'intrcto" nn- FChC'(l ( T- c r f ,, , n.-c. --rr-S't n-nfl 'or.-ii1i- rinr -vvhir-h hp finrls; is savinc him i -'r- aIu nf fiVnaha. lor stirrer Samrda v ' much on his fuel bill. The v ork lu ar. burdock. ........ , r. T V.-if-t.! Vi,-.-n,. ri,. -vvt.irh Afr Mf tlnralrl i5 floirff. which o f. yr v.,r; ..',nn,B Km tho Mtno n mount of :OUI.g people Will df-Clde Oil their fu notified that on the 2rd day of June, 1027. Henry K. Maxwell, as executor of the last will and testament of Sam- axwell. deceased, as plaintiff. )f dentistry and is a son otmi'il h5s Tuition in the District Court Mrs. Conrad Baumcartner of iof c&t"s 'nty, Nebrr.sKa. against you :rdock and each of you. as ('efendants. the After a honeymoon in the west the on-wt ail,; r-rajer ci .-a.n petui.-n oe .i ,.vcr Doily Jane, started for 'work each day, will afford him an their su.umer vacation, which will excellent opportunity to know just; run into August. iho.v much this addition to the car Mearle Gillespie, who has been save- making l:i-? hme in Chicao-o, arrived! ' in Murdoc h last week and was ac- Bull Calf for Sale eorr.panied by his friend. Miss Fran- I have for sale an excellent pure cis Keene, they visiting at the home blood Short Horn bull calf Gust Gakemeier, Murdock, Nebraska. ; tare home. :ng it) q:.!iei iiiii1 "i ine 'liuinii.i f I Exe-.-vior. as a foresail, in and to the i Enjoys Furniture - Undertaking! Card of Thanks We desire to extend our thanks and or . . , np:jreeiate for the manv kindnesses, 3j years experience. 1-iozt carefal M.bk.h Phov,a to our daughter, service given. Your patronage sc-lic-j during her illness, and at the time ited. Phone No. 65, Elnnrood. Nebr. her death, and for the floral tok- B. I. Clements rine Trip tc City of W TtT 'record the f t t eeom Water lir tti Secretary of Chejnber of Co-mmerce Enjoys Visit to Our Neigh boring City Yesterday. Yesterday vis'ted Cass county's fair city "Weeping Water. Had a splen did visit with the various merchants. Mr. Seely, editor of the Republican. binding i wine i farmers Union Elevator Murdock Nebraska ens of love and respect, as well as to j those who so kindiy sang at the fun eral, for their expressions of sym- : .taught r and sister! Miss Olive BJowed me the ncw linotype machine .Lone, we thank vou most sincerely.! '"stahed m his up-to-date rrmt t "if , T 'shop. . . . Found our Missouri river Abraham Long and wife and CI.,' , . . . . !l on- a'-.d wife bridge booster, Troy Davis, m a pair ' "s " " ' Jr-f overalls, helping to install a fine - . , , , new window or store front in one of . Effrigerator for Sate. th- business blocks. ... Had real , I have an excellent oi hundred-: gosh-to-goodness crispy-crust refrigerator for-salc. in PxcM-ima(1o ch0rry pie and ice cream and , ."Ti, condition. We hare just instal-1 tc.l;n ,? ini at the Cozy cafe. . . . Mr. Seely and a of Weening Water citizens j were planning on coming over to hear Holly's band last night. It look- I -i' Ti-" x- " k'wi',"i- 4,it;s .. eo progressive to fee their band-stand . , ,. r,,,,. wno nas rcsiaea on 1!if main strt.ct. with a big sign nrar Murdoc-K for the past three or pn it ..pand concerts e-erv Thursday tour year and who during tho past; evening" and. upon inquiry they Jfpw wceVs has been very poorly, died;Ftatpcl (hat WpaTlt lip Into alI. . . . ,at their late home a few miles north- r:illod on holh i,anks. and noticed a i ..iuiuikk. ua oaiuraay, jn-.w,,,, i th- vohr-al- st.m nni- lth. following an illness of several foliov:": ''To a good citi weeks. Mrs. Minnie Kimberly was,,,n fo rn ,!. nr . . -1 , lllll i. 1.1 1- . ' . I. V it 1 ..... , u.J i ' . ld a Fridigairc niaciiine at the home nd lo not need the refrigerator. 1 Mrs. IT. A. Guthmann. i . Hrs. Wm. JTelson Dies united town." We might add that a good r- r... "'"c-!tit zens "rustles his bustle to make rfH0nV-.Th e i re ma , a or town a good one while not ad- V.ti v - n h", ' raitting to any cue his town could be i eath. Mrs. Neison was well past the meridian of life and following! . r her demise, the body was taken to w,r,,i Tilue Spring'., where sue formerly re- L- ..v-l-h rrv l-:,;t -r tit. n r ' fj.,, "('Nebraska, the superb" or "Nebra3- Eh eciric FLOYD HITE at the LanaiioM barae Phone 41-Murdock ika, glorious and supreme!' FOR SALE The wneat fields only lacked the A Milwaukee hinder, 7-foot cut, spTay and foam to t,e tossing oceans with traveling trucks and tongue 'of water. The corn is coming along trucks. In good running order in in booming shape so "Go drv those. very way. G. V. Tickwell, 1U tears and calm that lone and beat" miles west of Murdock, Xebr. ing heart" and boost, yourself, un- j6-4M J til you are black in the face. Enjoy ail Outing Frcm a squib in the World Herald E. M. Shatto -atert.ind at tfc ' t his fc-retocn we not Cltrl? G Po?r lak at Meadow with his toat, the ell, commissioner Omaha Chamber wet half of the northwest quarter ana the north half oi the southwest quarter of Section 31. Township 12. Xcrth of Range 14. Last of the Cth P. M., in Cas county, Nebraska, and to exrlude yo;i and eaeh of you from any interest therein and to cancel of several mrtsages appar- ting said r?al estate, set forth in said petition, and to remove the c!ot:d on plaintiff's title to said real estate, caused by the apparent lien of said several mortgages. You and each of you are required to answer said petition on or before the Sth day of August, 1S27. HEXRY E. MAXWELL, as Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Samuel Maxwell, Deceased. By MORSMAX & MAXWELL, His Attorneys. mm KEWS ITEMS cated there. Mrs. Alice Jo'aes ac companied them and will visit for some time in Xorfolk. Clyde Jenk ins has a position as manager of a variety store in Xorfolk. is able to care fur ten batteries at one time. l-iGjAIRfAEj; H I i ' 'il--.------- I Our Repair Garag is kept constantly busy because mo torists recognize it as the best and most reliable repair shop for every kind of damage a car can possibly sustain. And. being practical men of long and varied experience, all onr repair work is excellently and thor oughly done, without unnecessary de lay and at reasonable charge. Frady's Garage Phone 58 Edward Kelicy was a visitor for a i short time in Plattsmouth last Wed-; nesday. driving over for the occasion. Oscar Xailor was a visitor in Man ley lat week from his home in Mur- rcy and was looking for a location ; tor business. i G rover Rhoden recently purchased i tor himself and the family a Univer sal touring cr.r, which will hold tho ; entire family and is a dandy. Robert Connors and the family were visiting for the day and look ing after some business matters at j Plattsmouth on last Monday. J Anton Auerswald purchased an auto of the Manloy service station , last week, which he will use in his work when called to the country. Henry Peters and wife, of Talmage, j were visitors in Manley for the day: Iact Sunday, and were guests at tbe , home of Mr. and Mrs. Theo Harms. Frank Hunter was a visitor in j Manley last Wednesday, coming down on h:s motorcycle for the purpose of; visiting with his friend, Anton Auers wald. Russell Harkenberg and the good wife were visiting for a time on last : S'trday eveninsr at the, home of Fred Fiaisthman. and all enjoyed the oc-! ansion very much. j A letter from Herbert Steinkamp j from Tennessee tells of his liking th j tour. try there and of his progressing! with the work. Say. Mister, but he' savs it is hot down there. i Rollin Coon has accepted the agency of the Cankers Life of Dcs Moines, which concern operates radio station WHO. and is working very industriously at the insurance game. , J. C. Rauth and daughter. Miss' Anna were visiting at Murray and al so attending the Cook family reunion,; which was held at the home of Wal-' ter T. Vallery on last Sunday after-' noon. i G rover C. Rhoden and the family and Fred Falischman and family were enjoying a picnic on last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frame Rhoden, near South Bend, where all spent the day most pleasantly. 1 Rudolph Bergman and the good wife were looking after some business matters in Omaha on last Wednesday, they making the trip on the train and while they were away, Joseph Wol pert was looking after the business at the store and postoffice. j Mrs. Charles Jenkins and her two: daughters, who have been visiting in this vicinity for the past more than a week as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pearson and Mrs. Alice Jenk-; ins, departed for Xorfolk. where' they w-ill visit for some time with 1 T .s 1- i r. vA familff -nrV A le 1a 1 UC UCUJL111S QUU 4CIJXL11T, 1, i-J lis lu- j Fiesh Milk Cow for Sale I have an excellent Short Horn milk cow for sale, also with the calf by her t-ide.-Xebr. -David Tighe, Wabash. j27-lsw Will Charge Batteries Elmer Pearson has purchased the ten capacity battery charger which was owned by Herbert Ward, and has installed same in his office and will in the future charge batteries for all who care for such work. The charger SO'AE BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS Fmrn Wednesdays ia;ty The Journal today received a very ha r.dsomo bouquet of fine Red Ramb ler rcs-s that crtair.l lias added to the cttract tveness of the business of fice of the print'tig plant. I'sualiy the atmosphere of th.- print f'.iop i- f.Iii d with dust, gas. "h'if air." and sun 'ry and dive: rthcr tryir.g af flictions an i tbe reception of a beauti ful lx;uiu t is sch that we (anno: but remaik on th--m as tncy lent their charm and beauty t.. the news paper ofT" . We i re indebted t Mrs. Oolda Xohle Real, clerk of th dis trict court for tho h:i!ids m" .lowers. Battery Charging? I have just installed a 10-capacity Battery Charger and am prepared to care for all your needs in either Radio or Car Batteries. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Manley, Nebraska. Save Your Grain! There is no better binder made than the "Minnesota." It will stand any competitive test for quality, work manship or performance in the field. If sold at the same price &s other makes, it would be giving the farmer at least as much, if not more for his monsy. But it is sold for less money that is why so many farmers are replacing old binders by MINNESOTAS. Delivered Anywhere in Cass County $200.00 HS&E&AN DALL, Asrnnt Manley, Nebr.