The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 20, 1927, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1927
Alvo Department
&!na Motor Oils!
The highest in quality. We have a special oil for the
Ford car, and this requires an oil of highest quality. We
have this oil and guarantee it for the Ford automobile.
Mcna Motor Oil is Best for All Cars
We do the best repairing and use
only the best repair parts.
Trie mvo oarage
Art Dinges, Proprietor Alvo, Nebraska
James M. Manners was putting up
his first cutting of hay on Wednesday
last, having pot ton over his corn the
first time and which is looking fine
and growing nicely.
Thomas Stout has been making
some repairs at the home oast of town
and is putting the windows and doors
in condition for the summer to pro
tost the home from flies.
During the past week K. M. Coat
man has sold throe hinders for the
harvest which is so rapidly approach
ing:, they going: to L. V. Clites, Den
Swanson and Chris Nehen.
Little Catherine Edwards, who has
boon suffering' from the whooping
cough is reported as getting along
nicely and fools that she is about
over the malady at this time.
Last Wednesday Emil Bornemeier,
in order to give the young pigs a bet
ter place to thrive, moved a hog house
to an alfalfa field and now the pig can
have a fine place for their summer va
cation. The Vacation Bible school which
his been conducted here for the past
two weeks terminated last week with
a very worth while program by the
scholars of the school who were in
John Skinner was a visitor in Oma
ha Tuosdav of last week with a load
of stock for some of the farmers about
Alvo and on his return brought home j
with him a load of binders for thej
Coatman Hardware company. j
Mr. George Yager had a new roof:
placed on his hotel which ha.4 not j
had any work of this kind for some '
time it having been constructed many
in Kansas for some time when the
husband died several years ago. Mrs.
Pruitt came to Alvo some seven years
ago to make her home with her
daughter, Mrs. M. J. Kahler. The
funeral was held at the Methodist
church in Alvo on Wednesday after
noon. Juno 15th. and conducted by
the Ilev. R. H. Chenoweth, pastor of
that church of which the deceased was
a member. The remains were taken
to Cherryvale, Kansas, for interment,
where they will sleep by those of the
husband who proceeded thew ife to
the other world. Many of the friends
here were gathered to pay their last
tribute of honor and respect to this
excellent woman.
Dr. Heineman, Dentist, Hotel Main !
JBldg., Phone 527.
From Thursday's Dally j
Elmer J. Wheeler, well known jV
here to look after some matters or,
business. V
Edward Kelly of Manley, one of.
the well known residents of that city, i
was here today for a few hours at-;j
tending to domo matters of Inisinos?
and visiting with his many friends j
i Mr. and Mrs. Adolpli Hhode, who
have been visiting at the home of ;
Mr. Rhode's mother, Mrs. Helen!
Rhode for the past few days, depart
ed last evening for their home in
! Omaha.
! Rev. William Harder and Mrs.
'Harder of Johnson and Rev. F. C.
Schmidt, of Hastings, who were here
to attend the Lutheran Sunday
school convention at the Eight Mile
Grove church, returned this morning
to their homes.
on Many Matters 1
Main Hotel Bid
Under New Management
Formerly the Rose Beauty
Parlor operated by Mrs.
Luther Pickett
Everything in the Beauty
Line, including Permanent
Waving. All work done by
experienced operators.
Fully Equipped Shoppe
' Phone 200
Secretary Davis Urges More Eggs for
I the Hungry and Suggestions
11 on Community Work.
1 !
Canadians and Americans have
formed an organization for "an in
crease of amity between the two
countries." We understand quite a
Lit of it has already been coming
this way. Weeping Water Republi
can. Seme clever shot! If you take
too much of this "amity" coming our
way, you'll get "half shot."
in the famous
It does one good to see the fine
progress on the new community s
building. Stool work is being set to- ?
day and the brick walls are rapidly K,
Beauty Shoppe
Sustains Ssvere Injury.
Mrs. Thomas Stout, who is a great
ibody to work, notwithstanding her
vears, was doing some work at her
home and while endeavoring to step
on a chair while descending to the
floor from some work which she was day from Detroit where he has boon
at in a pantry missed the chair and for some time aud where he was fiual-
From Fr id ay's Pally i i
F. W. Kiersey of Louisville was;
here today for a few hours attending
to some matters of business and visit-
ing with friends. T
Arthur Mullen, well known Omaha j V
attorney, was here today lor a lew
hours to attend to some matters in
the court as attorney for the estate of
the late Monsignor M. A. Shine.
Mrs. J. A. Churchill of Silver
Creek, Nebraska, who has been visit-
inar hero at the home of Mrs. Lydia
uauoii aim .ui. um.i i-y, meet on Wednesday afternoon with
parted this morning for her home. !?,,rs Hl11 A large attendance is
Ben Windham of Kansas City ar-, lesireil.
rived here last evening to enjoy a
visit here for a short time with the -
relatives and friends, motoring over;
from Lincoln where he has boon visit- i
in sr.
William Puhlmann. son of the de- j
ceased William Puhlmann, arrived to- :
Y moving forward. Refore we know it.
j the Happy Hundred can pull off its
f first banquet of the 1927-28 season
i" in the large assmbly room, only the
J number can be made two hundred,
j with the increased facilities to be
I .oorasKa larmers are umuuuudie
T .... V in having no farm paper. Mr. Mt-
V ,r."rrrmhrrTTi' V Kolvie runs a so-called farm paper
'at Lincoln, but he is president of the
(Lincoln Chamber of Commerce, is in
! no wise a farmer, and never was.
! His sympathies are entirely aloof
i Trom agriculture." (Extract from
the Louisville Courier, taken from
I the Fairbury Journal).
Social Workers' Flower Club will
falling struck her side on the top of
a stool which was standing near and
fractured a number of ribs, which
has caused this excellent lady much
suffering. She, however, while still
very sore from the injury, is getting
along as nice as could be well expected.
Sunshine 4-H Club
Mrs. Lloyd Eidenmiller, assistant
leader, met with the Sunshine 4-H
club of Alvo in regular session at the
M- E. church basement Thursday
years ago. Mr. Roy Coalman and Ar- V " -
thur Dinges also had their homes excins two present.
Owing to the non-arrival of the
wii o lie una jusi l ii-Lti 1 1 trvi. , , , .
Arthur has a very fine brand for Ford !co"!!1 ne Pred
cars, which requires oil with much
nf ihu,i m Bild. .as tbeir guest of honor
!y located with the message
father's death and burial.
of his
From Saturday's Dally
Attorney C. D. Ganz cf Alvo, was
here today to attend to some matters !
in the district court for a few hours- i
Mrs. Kirk Metzen of Omaha, is j
here as a guest at the John Bajeck j
and Lmmond Ptak homes for the day.
W. H. Lohnes- and brother, George
Lohnes, came in this morning from
their home at Cedar Creek to look
after some matters of business for a
few hours. j
Art Bird of near Alvo. was in the :
city today to look after some matters!
Moye Pays Cash
. fcr
Lutheran Pastor
Guilty of Heresy
See the new ad of Arthur Dinges. 4" Nebraska a the court house, it
Ming of the merits of the Mona- er ;y S5ce the re?5S? dctSS visil of Mr- Cird h
ter Oil which he has Just installed. 1 program
I i ne gins naa invited tneir torm
! cr leader, Mrs. Roy Leaver, nee Golda
In a
Poultry, Eggs, Cream
and Hides
it will work for your car.
Mrs. J. F. Puck of Pocatella, Idaho,
who has been at a hospital in Omaha
for some time where she underwent
an operation and has
treatment nar so tar imp
she was able to come to Alvo where
she is staying for a time at the home
of her sister, JIi?. J. W. Banning, and
is making some fine improvement in
her health.
James M. Manners, who was one of
the hustling fighters in the Spanish
American war, was in attendance at
the convention of the members of the
j few well chosen words, Edith Robert-
json, on behalf of the club, presented
Mrs. Leaver with a 7-piece amber
glass water set as a
been recoivin- osteom and wel1 wJshes- Mrs- LeaT
.,-; i ,o7t thanked her youthful friends and
improved that.,. . .. A ,, .. . ... ..
token of their
the delight cf all of us told us she
would reside in Alvo for several weeks
and would act as our leader.
Francesan Edwards and Edith
Robertson are the first clubbers to
report any actual canning done. Fran
cesan made and canned strawberry
jam last Wednesday. Edith picked
and canned two Jars of cherries. Both
firta liooH rrotn in v 4 i c cr S tnn Vfci- V r
Spanish war association, which was Extension Service Wept, of Lincoln to
neid m Lincoln a short ti me since. t i -i tt Ti.r. r i . c , . .-. i : , tt i . . v.
, , ' l"C "icmuil a Ul l lie o una 11 1 lit t-Il CI LIU
ar.d where h? enjoyed the meetiner a aw-
sociatod during the troublous time
is-i The next meeting will have to bej0Ounty as sales representative for the
or a called meeting so watch these col-!above feed, and I expect to make a
of the people with whom he was as-1
1 o o o a c
io. ,v y ry nne program was had mns for announcements. News Re
and much good work done at the porter, Edith Robertson,
gathering. The state commander
oiectod mr the present term was J.
M. Morris, while the head of tho An-r- i
iliary is Mrs. O E. Meier. There was I ,, , ,
about one thousand in attendance at1. Ho,Iywood. Jne 177. Mary Pick-
the convention. , f?d apparently had forgotten tonight
jtuat Flic had been cast in a new kid-
being the first
here in the la.t
Mrs. Fred Spangkr was a visitor! We bell Uyster bneil, LUlCk eeds
in Omaha today where she was. called land Salt Your Patronage Solicited!
is feeling very much improved in the
course of treatment that she has re
ceived from the specialists in that
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Stewart of
Davenport, Iowa, are here visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Born
and family, coming down from Coun
cil Bluffs where they have been in at
tendance at the grand lodge of the
Iowa A. F. & A. M. that has just
closed its sessions at Council Bluffs-
Moye Produce Co.
Telephone 391
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Moorman's Mineral Feed
I wish to announce to the farmers
and feeders of Cass county that I
have taken over eastern half of this
ged I.Jdr Pz.SSC-S Away. 'nor anv other kind of mm wns in ovi.
On la?t Monday afternoon at two rience about the studio where the ac
o'clock Mrs. Mary Pruitt, mother of tress worked late today. This was
-wrs. .Mary j. Kahler. who has boon taken to indicate that studio officials
making her home in Alvo with her . thought the danger to the little star,
(laughter passed av.av :iftor n lrvno- if anv had
i i : ..: .1 i-1 -. . .
v iniMUfiauie excitement was caus-
lllness, in which she had hecn care
fully nursed and cared for by the
daughter. Mrs. Pruitt was born in
Iowa and lived in that state many
years, but had been making her home
ootnbvs Lat
Alvo, Nebr.
Get a cool refreshing drink or
an ice cream. Prices are right.
David L Boothby
oil last night and guards thrown
around Miss Pickford and her hus
band, Douglas Fairbanks, in Beverly
HiHs, when it was reported that she
was the intended victim of a kidnap
ing plot. Two men are now serving
sentences in the state penitentiary fol
lowing unearthing of a similar plot
two years ago.
From Saturday's Dally
Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Schneider
and daughter, Miss Catherine, motor
ed to Meadow Grove, Nebraska, to
day where they will attend the wed
ding of Miss Delores Bosse, former
teacher in the local schools whose
marriage to Mr. E. E. Henkle occurs
this evening. Miss Catherine Schnei
der is to be one of the members of the
bridal party.
Journal Want Ads bring results.
Qoods for the Spring!
Oil Stoves the housewife will appreciate, Cream Separators for
mere cream, Lawn Mowers to beautify the home surroundings,
'Big Ben Alarm Clocks for early risers, Paints, Varnishes and
all seasonalle spring goods. Farm Implements. Garden Tnnls.
Fann and Garden Seeds. Everything else in Hardware line.
See Us for Your Needs
Coalman Hardware Go,
thorough canvas of my territory in
the interests of the above product.
If you are in need of any of our goods
or service, such as worming pigs or
chickens, address me direct by mail,
a many farmers already know what
Moorman's feed is. Carl J. Thomsen
is no longer connected with our com
j20-2sw LaPlatte, Neb.
I We are at a loss to see why or
wherein the fact that former Gover
' nor McKelvie is a president of the
Chamber of Commerce enters into
jthis cl all. It is certainly a false and
misleading statement to give the in
ference that a man could not be
"president" of a Chamber of Com
merce and vitally interested in the
welfare of the agricultural interests.
This is demonstrated by the great
mutual co-operation being built up
at Hastings, Nebraska, and in many
other communities, between the busi
ness men and their farmers. If the
various Chambers scattered over the
state and in other states are not co
operating with the farmers for their;
good, it is because the farmers will
not give them the opportunity to do ;
so. It is not the Chamber officials
and members who hold "aloof" from ,
the Chambers, refusing to grasp the Action Taken by Plttsourgh, Fa.,
hand of friendly disinterested co-1 Synod, First Case cf Kind in
poeration extended him by the Cham-j HistDVV of the Church
jber of Commerce. It is our hope
thct our good friend Mayhem will !
not leave this assertion made by: Rochester, Pa June 16 Found,
r. ,. c t-... :i guilty of heresy for his liberal re-1
challen-ed ligious views, the Rev. Dr. Frank Ed-
" ' win Smith was deposed from the min-
. , , ,, . .. ' istry of the Evangelical Lutheran
The other day in Omaha saw a Pittsburgh synod of
large yellow street car being dm en ; thp churcV today. It w as the first
from the street with a small radio case of Ug k,nd n the hist of the
set. Is it possible the use of radio , JjUthcran churcll in the United States,
to move a street car foretells the day , Doct0r Smith was not present when
when all our great highpower elec-1 seRtrnce was passed. He recently an
tric lines and billion dollar plants n0unced his resignation as pastor of
will be discarded for "juice" direct ( j,uther Memorial church. Pittsburgh,
from the air? I after a controversy had been precip-
" litated by his teachings. Several days
Louisville is in for a boom the : iatf-r he announced he had acrpnteH a
on your way to
Yellowstone Park
Glacier Park
or the
Pacific Coast
The Bnrlington offers you this delight
ful addition to your western vacation
a chance to stop off for a day cr two at
small additional cost in the enchanting
Black Hills of South Dakota.
Eanly arranged. Through Pullmans. New
and convenient service through the heart
cf The Kills connecting with modern
motor coaches that take yen comfortably
to points cf chief attraction over newly
opened highvays.
See these queer hills of midnight blue
twined by Nature in a thousand awe
eouic shapes; The Needles, beautiful
Sylvan lake; the Komestake Gold Mine,
Ike State Park surrounding the famous
State Game Lodge.
Bargain summer rates, effective now,
rcske the cost of a- western vacation sur
prisingly low. Include a cm or two day
tour of the Black Hills, or spend a full
vacation there.
Ticket Agent
prising the ministerium, 185 to 0.
be excused from voting.
Seven ministers, however, asked to
While deploring the necessity for
i action against Doctor Smith, the Rev.
Dr. F. H. Knubel of New York, presi
dent of the United Lutheran church
of America, who attended the trial,
lauded the synod for its action in
"upholding the faith of the church."
Doctor Smith was cited by a synod
committee for assailing the virgin
birth, the miracles, blood atonement
and the bodily resurrection of Christ.
Courier advises to keep on your shirt
and sit tight. One thing you have
to give it to the Louisville Courier,
and that it, it maintains one of the
call as associate pastor of the First
Unitarian church, Pittsburgh.
The verdict of guilty passed by a
vote of 233 to 0, and the sentence
best and most interesting editorial j wa3 decided upon by a 231 to 0 vote.
page?? of any paper in tne state or rnor to tne trial itself, prosecuted
Dublin, Ireland, June 1G. The free
state government, with William T.
Cosgrave at its head, will return to
power after the general election
which has reduced the governing ma
jority in the daileireann- In the
house numbering 153 seats, the gov
ernment holds forty-six seats, exclu
sive of the speaker. TThe republican
followers of De Valera hold forty
four, but they have declared thru
Mr. De Valera that they will not take
the oath of allegiance. There is
therefore no alternative to the pres
ent government carrying on, especial
ly as it can count in most emergencies
o the idependent ad farmer vote, num-
Even though
and cried. "Have mercy on us; we ve j
eaten more eggs now than enough to!
last us the next six months," the fol
lowing recipe is just too tempting to
1320 Ford Touring I $ 75, overlook and if you eat eggs it en- j
1921 Ford TouriEjr io0'coura"es tne neus lo worK earner,
r. T . fa 17(-jthe producers get more money to buy
JJOraSOn iractor l'tnf vmi so von mav eat more eersrs to
1923 Ford Touring 100. bring more money to the producer to
before the full membership of the
synod. Doctor Smith had been found I bering fourteen and eleven respective
one friena came m guuty oy tne clerical delegates com- ly.
Mexico City, June 12. Explain
ing the recent decree issued by Presi
dent Calles forbidding governmental
departments to make purchases in the
United States, the newspaper Excel
sior prints a statement from a high
official, whose name is withheld.
He says the measure was taken be
cause the American authorities un
duly seized merchandise bought and
paid for by Mexico in the United
States and also because machine guns
shipped by way of New York were
ordered seized upon their arrival at
New York.
At the present time Mexico is buy
ing from European firms, but it is
announced, the decree will be cancell
ed when the American government
changes its policy.
1920 Ford Tourinpr 85
1923 Tord Touring 125
1919 Ford Touring 75
1919 Ford Touring 75
1920 Ford Touring 80
1922 Ford Touring 50
192G Ford Touring 250
1910 Ford Touring 50
1921 Ford Truck 150
1G23 Ford Roadster 125
1921 Overland 85
buy more stuff from you etc, etc.
Here it is: Eggs in bacon rinds (also
sells more bacon). 6 long slices of
bacon, 6 eggs, salt, pepper, parsley
and toast-points. Partially cook the
bacon and curl around the inside of
a muffin tin, or small ramekin.,'
Break an egg inside each bacon rind, '
place the cup on a baking sheet or a
shallow pan, and cook in the oven
until the egg is set but not hard.
Remove them from the cup care-'
fullv, so that each egg remains in
1020 Ford Tourinir 50 ! the. 5ins of. hM?1'.- V,lac thc "J1 a
v i ni:n ipt ii n i ri; v m in ri imi ihi i
tered toast between the eggs, gar
nish with parsley. You can eat the,
parsley if you wish I always throw j
it away. I
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.-
In the matter of the estate
Michael A. Shine, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that T
Hvill sit at the County Court room in
j Plattsmouth In said county, on t he
25th day of July, 1927, and on the
26th day of October, 1927, at the
Jiour of ten o'clock a. m., of each day
respectively, to receive and examine
''all claims against said estate, with a
view to their adjustment and allow-
- rr 1 1!MA IS n . 1 r j ,
ante. i ume umiieu ior me pre-iinrn t- -i . -n
sentation of claims against said es-!190 for9 during 50
1920 Ford Tudor 100
Fordson Tractor 295
1920 Ford Touring 60
1923 Durant Touring 85
1921 Ford Sedan 100
1322 Ford Touring 85
1923 Ford Coupe 125
1922 Ford Roadster 85
1925 Fordson 300
1921 Ford Roadster 50
1524 Ford Touring 175
1824 Fori Roadster 100
1920 Buick Touring 125
1922 Ford Roadster 50
1921 Esses Touring 125
1923 Ford Coupe 150
iii&d xuiu uuu r 1 . i - -
1Q94 vnrA va.I" " inn down Main street to see the improve-
Wi" ment the past few months. What are
lo xuxu wouye A:you groaning about?
lyzu .tora coupe izo
Have an opening for a married
man on a farm. If you have furnish
ed apartments or rooms for light
housekeeping, drop in and list them
with us. Also, if you need help.
son $ ere
Money Back Guarantee!
Mebr. Gity Tire & Vulc. Go.
Nebraska City
Let's shout for joy! The former
Geise soft drink parlor is being re
ncwed on the interior, being cleaned,
painted and new flooring put in.
Now, when the owners put in a mod
ern up-to-date window front there,
as they have stated they would do
later, another corner in Plattsmouth
has been made attractive and a great
advertisement for our city. All of the
old stores and empty buildings should
be put in tip-top shape for the better
times coming and slowly, but surely
our vacant fronts are coming into
life. All you have to do is to walk
tate is three months from the 25th
day of July, A. D. 1927, and the time
limited for payment cf debts is one
year from said 25th day of July,
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 20th day of
June, 1927.
(Seal) j20-4w County Judge.
1917 Ford Sedan 75
j 1921 Ford St. Truck 90
1925 Ford Ccupe 300
1823 Ford Truck 450
1925 Ford Roadster 125 male or female, we have several ap
1923 Studebaker Touring 425 j Plants looking for work.
Ae ennn qo vmi rp.i ri this, rirnn
1925 Ford Tudor Sedan 300 that check in the mail to square up
Terms if You Wish
latoeufh iofor!
your dues please.
Pasture for ninety head of cittle.
Srrini water. Call phone aifio.
1 A A m .
for Preserving Eggs
The strength is such that it may be diluted with eleven parts
cf water, according to Dept. of Agriculture, U. S. Government.
Pints .15c
Quarts 25c
(Your Container)
Quart Cans 35c
The above prices have been in effect for the past five years!
eyrich & Hadraba
Plattsmouth, Nebf.