The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 06, 1927, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1927.
Greenwood Departments
Prepared in the Interest ofjhe PeopSe of Greenwood and Surrounding Vicinity
A COMPLETE line of Farm. Machinery and Repairs such as John
Deere and International Harvester lines. No matter what ma
chine you have, we can get you repairs.
A COMPLETE line of United States Auto and Truck Tires and Tufces
and our prices and service are an attraction to anyone.
A COMPLETE stock of Genuine Ford Parts and Accessories, making
our garage service complete in every respect.
A COMPLETE line of Standard Products. Yours for good service
and reasonable prices.
Thomas Leaver was gtu-st at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bouch
er for the day and dinner on las!
Ralph Coir-man. Will Coleman ann
the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cal
fee for the day on last Sunday.
)r. Talcott has been having: th
home reiinished on the interior and
lias the home not more pleasant and
Alvo Herman and mother were all in keeping with, their ideas, as they
visiting i;i Omaha for the day last j ever keep a most pleasant home.
Sunday. O. I'. Peters has been kept to his
Mrs. Frank Lappan of ilyjnncs was i bed from Friday of last week with
an attack of something like the grippe
or flu. He was reported as being some
better about the middle of las week.
Mrs. R. A. Owens of Memphis,
mother of Mrs. K. F. Smith accom
j,;:i:ied by another daughter wa:
spending last Sunday and Memoiial
':ty at the home of :icr daughter
in Greenwood.
Urban Uu.Hiio received a letter
t'vom his friend Phillip Reese whe
is at Savannah, Mo., where he is be
ing trea'ed for a growth cn his lip
who writes he i; getting aliiog nice
ly with the treatment.
John C. Lomeyer who ever endeavor.-,
to remain neutral has bern quite
il! for the past wrk i-nd was net
able to-be arov.nd a portion of the
inie, he however is imported to be
seme bettor at this time.
Nelson Kmc-hi ml a nil his friend'
were out en last Monday fishing air'
f.-n-.r.'l the fishing quite good but a--I:e
w:-s very generous in disposition
i ho did not bring any of the fish
home as he gave th?m all away.
C. K. S-hulke am! R. K. Srhu'.kc
were looking after son.c ;'.isiness mat
ters in Plattsmouth on Wednesday of
last week, they driving over to tlir
county seat to look after f;orri" busi
ness matters at the court
. Henry Wilkin was a visitor in Elm
vo'mI for the past week and during
the timo Mrs. Wilkin was looking
atter the barber shop. Henry was
assisting in the painting of his fath
ers. William Wilkin's homo in Elm
wood. J. F. Calfee and wife of Lined c
were visiting for a few days at the
home of hi.i son. C. E. Calfee, of
Greenwood, and on Inst Wednesday
was takn home by Mrs. Calfee and
daughter, who also visited in Lincoln
for a t-hort time.
Miss Anna Failing who has been
;. member of the musical class of
one of the very best of musical stud
ios of Lincoln was selected H3 one
who was to assist in the giving of
the recital which marked the clos?
of the c -rrse l?st week.
Taking a trip to Omaha an ": riding
on a truck la-. t week, Mr. 1'. A. San
born developed an fttack of the
grippe and he was only able to look
after the business for a number of
following -n account of the 111
ress. lie i ;, however, some improved
at this lime.
Mr. i.u i ?!r:-. E. M. Jar
over to Omaha on Wednesc
pu.-t week, v. hcio they we
after some business matter
visiting with friends in Greenwoot'
dining the past week for a number
of days.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy wen
blessed on last Sunday by a baby
girl arrived at their heme. All con
ceviu 1 are doing well.
Rex Peters and wife ac-omp jnic1
by Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Chilcott of
Li r coin were visiting in Omah.i on
Tue;-itay afternoon or Irt wee;;.
L. C. Marvin the genial mail car
rier has been beiutifyir.g his home
by the ruction of i. trellis for
his climbing roses and other vines.
A. E. Railing was a visitor at
Rrookfuld. North Dakota, for a few
days during the past week where hi
had some business matters to look
J. I. Carpenter ar.d the family wr-rc
visiting for Sunday and Memorial cay
at Ellis where the pare nts re.-d.le and
where they lived he fere coming to
The Sanborn Service station has in
stalled a new pump for the serving
Ethyl gas and this can nerve the
Eytiil or the White Rose gis as one
may desire.
M. E. Peterson wns called to Lin
coln on last Wednesday to sev.ii
parts for some work which the- firm
was doing and which they did no.
have in stock.
Messrs. White and Buckncll and
the families were spending Memorial
day at Stirling, where Mr. W. A.
While and family resided before com
ing to Greenwood.
Charles Rell has secured a two row
lister and a two row cultivator for
the proper caring of his corn crop
getting the same from the Sanborn
Implement company.
J. A. Rurnett and wife with their
daughter. Freda, and Thomas Bur
nett, all of Lincoln were guests at
Leghorn Baby Chicks
8c Each
W H. Leesley
I to their auto line here, and on thei
, return brought home with them two
of the celebrated Whippet coupes o
which they are selling many at thi
A. R.. Birdsall and the wife who
duct the North side cafe have had
a Frigldaire plant installed at their
place of business for the caring for
the refrigeration of the goodj whic!
they carry. This will place them in
excellent shape for the caring for all
the goods which are served in the
summer season.
L. V. Schepler was looking after
some business matters in Omaha last
Wednesday, driving over in his car
for the occasion. The wheat in this
portion of the county is reported from
that which is fully headed out, to
some which is shooting and other
which does not show any signs of
heading as yet. The wheat is fair and
should make a good crop.
While out rounding up a drove of
horses last week, Leonard Stradley
had a peculiar and painful accident.
which put this gentlemen on the
hummer for a time. He was driving
the horses through the timer and
was riding one horse which ran along
by a tree and very close so much so
in fact that Leonard was dragged off
the horse and bruised quite badly.
Last Friday while driving along
the highway near the farm of Arthur
Reese, Mrs. George Bucknell, who has,
two children and Mrs. Thomas Beth
el with her, the steering gear of the
car went wrong and the ear, as cars
do, took for the ditch by the road
side, and would not stop until it
had been precipitated by the road.
All were more or less bruised by the
accident but are all getting along
nicely now.
Robert Matthews has had in hand
the organization of a band for the
city of Greenwood and has interest
ed a large number of the musocianr
in the proposition, and will probably
in a short timo be able to realize a
first class band for Greenwood. This
would lie a means of advertising the
city, and is a move mat snouia en
list the work of the business men and
others in putting the matter success
fully across. Get behind this matte-
all who want to s?e a better and
livelier Greenwood.
In charge of the American Legion
Memorial day was celebrated at
C-reenwood, with an address at the
Methodist church and a very patriotic
program. The subject of the oration
which was delivered by a member or
the factulty of the state university
was on "Preparedness." Following
this the graves of tTie soldier dead
were decorated with flowers and an
American flag, and taps given and
salute fired over the last resting place
of those who paid in full their de
votion to their country and to home.
me were
y of tho
t to loop
. relative
k U H I 8
Ifiti-m tires
at their present very low price
30x3!2 Fabric $ 6.85
30x3V2 Cord 7.35
29x4-40 Balloon 8.40
31x5.25 Balloon 15.35
eicdi if
Greenwood, Nebraska
C. !V
e.Hi C ra 1 1 k H K
Receiving Much Corn.
During the past two weeks since
the prie of corn has been advancing
there has been much delivered of
this cereal, and between the two ele
delivered or to be delivered soon
about fifty thousand bushels of the
last year's corn, this making for the
crop nearly 175,000 which makes e
pretty good representation with r
short crop last year.
You nay make a race track out
of the streets hereabouts turn around
in tho middle of a block, go through
tho lights, ignore the stop rigns and
get away wun it tut Keep away
from Plattsmout h.
A friend cf Morris Jacobs rclatcH
that a ttw evenings ago this younr
man was traveling from Omaha tc
Nebraska City via Plat :sm :uth. and
because he didn't a stop sign
and it was after 2 in tho morning
he just kept going. That is he kept
going until a man with a shield call
ed "stop!" Morris stopped, and when
the man got up close he saw it wasn't
a shield but a badge.
"Where do you think you are, in
Omaha?" said the man. "Can't you
read that sign?"
"Xo sir. Yes sir, I didn't see it
sir have four or five of Mr. Da
vidson's cigars, sir."
Morris finally convinced the badger
that he was meek and mild, and as
full of guile as a 5-year-old child
so the badger let him go!
Julius, aged 4, "But papa what
was Morris doing down there in
Plattsmouth at 2 in the morning?"
Father: "He was just returning
a 'Maiden Nebraska City' product
from a 'Made in Omaha function.
From Friday's Daily
This morning when the Platts
mouth residents awoke to face leaden
skies and a drizzling rain it was sure
a grand and glorious feeling. The
early spring rains left a large amount
of moisture in the soil but this haF
been soaked dee'p into the earth and
left the surface decidedly dry and
very hard for the farmers and gar
deners to carry on their work. In the
past week need of moisture was much
marked and the farmers 'had begun
to see the need soon of rain if 'there
was to be any corn crop or gardens
in this section.
The average person has the habit
of complaining about the weather,
when it rains they want dry weather
ard when it Is dry they want rain
and there you are. However the
weather man generally sees that this
DOrtion of Whraslf.1 Jhaa ahnul the
J right kind of weather to produce a
Igood crop and help feed the world.
masssssssaob 1 Journal Want Ads bring re&uKs.
Buick is in a
Value Class.
Its position of
leadership is
founded on
value. Its
constant aim is
to build each
Buick better
than the last.
And today,
despite that
leadership well
won and firmly
held, Buick
is constantly
striving still
further to
increase the
value on which
its leadership
is based.
Anderson Bros.
auto co.
Main Street, directly opposite Court
House, in old M. E. Smith Building.
Look for the Buick Sign
New Trains to
Start on the Bur
lington Sunday
No. 1, Westbound and No. 10, East-
bound Will Be Restored to Ser
vice Starting Sunday.
T"rorr Saturday's Dally
ine liuriington is announcing a
change in their train service through
this territory that will be effective
on Sunday, June 5th.
The restoration of westbound train
N"o. 1 and eastbound train No. 10 i
made effective in the new time card
announced. Train No. 1 from Chi
cago will stop here at 6:15 a. m. for
passengers from points east of Paci
fic Junction and otherwise will be
sent on through this city. Train No
10 will pass through here at 3 a. m
but will not make this, city a stop un
der the present schedule.
The only time change that will af
fect this city is that of No. 4, east
bound train which now leaves here
at 10:15 and under the new schedule
will leave at 10:23 for the east.
of the Roads in
Western Cass
Vicinity of Eagle to Have Secondary (
Roads fixed Up in the Rest
of Shape.
Last Friday afternoon County Com
missioner Fred Gorder came down
from Weeping Water and in com
pany with a party, including the
editor of The Beacon, made a trip
over the rural roads in the vicinity
of Eagle for the purpose of locating
the most needed work. The object
of the inspection at this time is to
have the work done early in the sea
son so it will be well packed before
next winter. For many years the
policy has been to do road work dur
ing the farmers dull season late in
the fall, with the result that the
roads are left in a miserable condi
tion just when needed most. Mr.
Gorder was heartily in favor of our
plan to work tmt a program for early
improvement especially of the mail
and school routes and readily agreed
to lend every assistance possible. It
is expected that some of the farmers
even at personal expense in ousy
times, will assist in pulling their
neighborhood out of the mud by
placing teams and men on the work.
All the really needed work cannot
be done this year, but Mr. Gorder,
after viewing the situation, will know-
how to handle it to the best advan
tage. There are several places where
small steel bridges will be substituted
for prsent drains, and these drains i
placed elsewhere. Some grading will
be done in the worst places, and the
drainage looked after so the water
will not stand in the road. He in
formed us that he would have a crew
at work on these places by the loth
of June, and that this program of
more substantial work properly dis
tributed, and with the co-operation
of adjacent farmers, would in a few
years place our roads in fine condi
tion. Eagle Beacon.
Michigan Resorts
Niagara Falls
Thousand Islands
Great 'Lake
Atlantic City
White Mountains
Lake Chaplain
Atlantic Coast
Seaside Resorts
Maine Woods
Ticket Agent
Xew York, June 3. Armando Bor-
ghi said to be a member of the Borghi
family of Italy, which has been prom
inent in radical anti-government ac
tivities for many years, was arrested
for the immigration authorities, tonight.
Good Health Depends Upon Good
RETENTION of bodily waste in
the blood is called a "toxic con
dition." This often gives rise to a
dull, languid feeling and, sometimes;
toxic backaches and headaches. That
the kidneys are not functioning prop
erly is often shown by burning or
scanty passage of secretions. Thou
sands have learned to assist their
kidneys by drinking plenty of pure
water and the occasional use of a
stimulant diuretic. 50,000 users give
Doan'a signed endorsement. Ask
your neighbor t
The owners of Beautiful Arcade
Rest, which has been established in
this city at the former Walker resi
dence property in the north portion
of the city, are planning a number
of improvements and changes that
will make it a place where the sick
and ailiug may be cared for with
all of the comforts of home and the
most restful of surroundings. Mrs
Gertrude Epperson, the matron states
The management of Beautiful Ar
cade Rest plan, if the response to the
efforts they are making is sufficient
to have an annex erected at the
grounds on North 4th street that will
permit the handling of a larger num
ber of patients. The equipment of
the Arcade will include electric.
steam, sun and massage baths, as
well as the electric vibration treat
ments for the patients who may be
n need of them.
The pleasant surroundings of the
Rest and the careful treatment that
will be given the patients should
make this place one of the most popu
lar resorts in this section of the
In addition to the treatments af
forded here the Arcade Rest will also
have in connection, a large farm
where nervous patients can be cared
for and under the most skillful treat
ment and rest be lured back to health
the farm srivine ample room for
th recreation of the patients and
assuring the quiet and rest needed
This is a fine opportunity for the
residents here to encourage the mana
gement of Arcade Rest who are get
ting their institution established and
which will fill a long felt want in
this locality.
From Saturday's Pally
Some time during the night Tues
day. $25.00 was stolen from the
Willis Cash Grocery. Mr. Willis had
$48.00 in bills and placed the mon
ey in a drawer among other papers
during the day. Forgetting about
the money, he locked up the store
that evening and the next morning
the money was gone.
Whoever took the money evidently
knew where it was put and was fa
miliar with the store. Entrance was
gained to the store by breaking the
lock on the cellar door and entering
the store from the basement. As
only $25.00 of the $48.00 was taken,
it is thought that the job was tne
work of some youngster who did not
have use for so much money.
rivdc Duckworth sleeps above the
store and it is thought the money
was taken after Mr. Willis closed up
for the evening and before Clyde re
tired for the night. Nehawka En
Governor AdamMcMullen issued r
proclamation Friday setting aside
June 14, as Flag day. The proclama
tion follows:
The flag, our star spangled banner
was born into the family of nations
June 14, 1777, by act of the con
tinental congress. The colonies, fight
ing for independence from the moth
er country, could hardly be called r
nation in the technical sense, but by
final success this embryo nation dates
from the great declaration, almost a
year before the adoption of a flag.
What a transformation in that
brief span in the life of a nation. The
4,000,000 have grown to 115,000,000.
From being among the weakest it has
grown to be one of the strongest na
tions. Its preeminence rests on the
fact that the power or the gcverr
ment is in its citizens. The flag p;
claims the divine right of liberty 5
man. rower unuer tne nag cannot. l.
inherited. It must be the free-choice
of a free people. The flag stands for
the inalienable right of the pepole tc
be their own rulers. The flag is the
symbol of soverignty, the sign of au
thority, the guarantee of liberty and
justice. It has ever been imagination
to the poet, wisdom and eloquence
to the statesman, ambition to the stu
dent, inspiration to the scholar, hope
and happiness to all who labor for
home and country. It is dedicated to
the peace of righteousness.
Now, therefore, I, Adam McMullen.
governor of Nebraska, call upon all
the people of the state to do honor
to the flag on its one hundred and
fiftieth birthday. Let it be displayed
in all public buildings, on the streets
of our cities and at the homo of our
citizens. Children should be told its
history and taught to love the flag
as the emblem of cur liberties.
Done at Lincoln, tne capital, this
3d day of June, 1927.
blates fleet.
Washington, June 3. President
Coolidge left Washington today on
board the Mayflower for Hampton
Roads, where tomorrow he will re-
for the first time the United
98 vessels strong.
Moving in single and double col
umns down Thimble Shoals channel,
the combined scouting and battle
fleet will pass the Mayflower, turn
Capo Henry and steam out to sea,
the battle fleet returning to the Pac
ific coast via the Panama canal and
the scouting fleet going to Naragan
sett bay for the summer.
All local news is tn the Journal.
Gas Speed from an Oil Stove!
' Stimulant Diuretic to th Kidneys
Fotter-MUbura C., Mtft. C htm-, Buffalo, N. Y.
Atlanta r.a.. June 3. An investi
gation has been ordered by Governor
Clifford Walker of charges reported
to have been made by a negro that
he was held in peonage for nearly
a vmf nnrt a half on a farm in Ogle
thorpe county. Georgia, owned by a
"Doctor King." and that many other
negroes are held on the plantation
d cuards. it was
announced today at the governors' of-
t -oo further charged by the ne
gro, according to reports reaching
the executive, that five negro labor
ers on the farm were slain while he
was there. Th Ngro, Jams Felton
who said he only recently escaped
frmo the farm, was said to have told
his story to the' police at Danville
Va. Fifty other negroes, according to
his purported account, were being
held forcibly, and worked in the fields
under the supervision of twenty-five
armed guards. j
All local news i in tne Journal.
The Red Star burns oil without a wick. It gives gas
speed for cooking and baking. Anything that can
be done on the fastest gas range ycu have ever seen
can also be done on the beautiful Red Star with
equal speed.
We are making a special offer for the next two
weeks on Red Star Stoves. ' With each Red Star
sold we will give
One Non-Burn plate valve, $1.00
One Aluminum Vegetable Cooker and Steamer
value $3.75.
Stoves on display and in operation daily. We invite
you to come in look them over any time.
estor & Swafcefc