FA3E TTTO PIATT SMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOUT.NAL MONDAY, MAY 30, 1927. Alvo Department J. L. Demmitt of Greenwood waa a visitor in Alvo looking after seme business matters and meeting his many friends in this vicinity. John McKay of near Weeping Wa ter and M. R. Smith cf Omaha were in Alvo looking after some business raatter3 on Wednesday of last week. James Pilkington and the family moved to Lincoln on last Thursday where they will reside at 3125 "C" utreet. Mr. Pilkington has profitable employment there. The girl3 reserve served ico cream on the iawn of the Methodist church one evening last week and met witli much success in the vending of their home made be cream. Mrs. Eva Rouse of Nelson arrived in Alvo early last week, and was visiting with her sisters. Mrs. J. P. House and Mrs. J. II. Weichal, and her brother P. J. Linch. j Jud Weaver and Eula Lackey of Pouth Bend were in Alvo on last Monday evening, where they were visiting at the home of Mrs. CIo O. Schaeffor who is their cousin. Dan Williams and -family of near Ceresco were spending hist Wednes day afternoon in Alvo. they coming over to attend the celebration of the closing of tho school which was a very pleasant affair. Wm. Coatman and wife of Weep ing Water and W. W. Coatman and the family of Elm wood were in Alvo last Thursday attending the com mencement exercises of the schools here and alo visiting with friends. The construction crew of the light ing plane who have been rebuilding the plant at Eagle have also gotten the high line from that town to Alvo complete and made the connections with the service line in town on last Thursday. Pen Hwanson has been beautifying the pla'-e where he lives, and which is adding much to the appearance of the place as well as making it the better for painting is i:i the nature of an insurance policy a:i when we save the surface we rave all. We were more than pleased as we drove along by the farm of E. M. Stone, at the especially fine appear ance of the garden, which he has put much work upon, and indeed the garden which Is an extensive one I? one of the finest we have seen. Sure Mr. Stone knows the art of garden ing. Tho Baccalaureate sermon for the graduates of the Alvo high school was delivered by the Itev. R. II. Chenoweth. and was attended by v. largr number of people who listened to his words of wise counsel to the class who wer jus: completing school and entering into the real activities of every day lire. S. C. Poyles is preparing to save the hay feel for tho stock which he feeds, as he Tec-Is a lot during the year, h?s purehnsed from R. M. Cent- man a hay stacker which was being set up that It migiit be ready for use. which will be soon for the first cut ting of alfalfa is ready and some have begun the hay harvest. The closing of the school for the present year at Alvo was marked with much merry making. A picnic din ner was served in the Royles trove, and with the many races, and ball games for the boys interspersed by tho clanging of the horse shoes of the games, adder! to the entertainment and all in all, a very enjoyable time was had. Many were shelling corn in Alvo and delivering the same to the Reh meyers elevator, where they were re ceiving very good prices and are en abled to get the hauling out of the way for the corn plowing which is just at hand. Last week A. V. Mof-k-e-nhaupt. John Sutton. Mrs. T'enn Lee Stewart. L. 15. Applernan shelled and delivered their corn. We have ;i.p testimony of frmf very reputable citizens of western Cass couniy that Roy I'onnr-tt. is first flass atrricuKiifaTi.--t when i conies to tn:k gardening, and lh?t h. will su'-i-'ci in growing v. crop t h i year whether it rains or not. !I" had experience in carrying water for an elephant when h" was n lad ani can now carry water for the garden if it does not rain. ITotice School Meetir.g. The annual school meeting or Dis trict No. 101 Ciss. county. Nebras ka, will be held at the high school auditorium on Monday, June irsth J!27 at eight oYb-k jr th" evening for the- ii::pos of transacting my letral bu-ine-s arid to appropriate J 17. nOi! for general school purposes which is in excess of the levy. H. L. BORNEMEIEK. Secretary. Dies at Gretna. Anton Kii.g and wife received the r:nl announcement of the death, fol lowing the birth of a little girl bahn of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weaver, who formerly lived near Alvo. Mr:;. Weaver i3 mother of Mrs. King, the Oil Stoves the housewife will appreciate, Cream Separators fcr more cream, Lawn Mowers to beautify the home surroundings, 'Big Ben' Alarm Clocks for early risers, Paints, Varnishes and all seasonable spring goods. Farm Implements, Garden Tools, Farm and Garden Seeds. Everything else in Hardware line. See Us for Your Needs Coatman Hardware Co., ALVO :-: :-: :-: NEBRASKA latter having been at Gretna where the Weavers ma:;e their home to as sist in the care of the infant and the mother, which died Monday and was buried on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. King were over to Gretna to attend the funeral. While on the road the car which Mr. King was driving be came disables and he had to continue on foot to the funeral. Will Visit in Denmark. Mrs. Simon Rehmeyer on last Sat urday departed for Europe, going to New York, from where she sailed to Copenhagen, where she has some re latives and later to go to Ilammel where her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Hendriehscn reside. Mrs. Rehmeyer goes at this time on account of the continued ill health of her father who has been in poor health for some time and with the advancing years has been quite feeble. Mrs Rehmeyer will remain during the summer and assist in the care of the father. She will also visit with her many relatives while there. Shower Held for Mrs. Rehmeyer On last Sunday there was held a shower for Mrs. Simon Rehmeyers known as a handkerchief shower and was in the nature of a farewell re ception in honor of Mrs. Simon Reh mover who is shortly to depart for Denmark. The shower was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tred Reh meyer of Weeping Water. There were present for the pleasant occasion Frank Taylor and family. Mrs. Neb Sogaard. C. Rehmeyer and family, C W. Rasmusseu and Can Kasmussc-n and their famies from Weeping Wa ter and Simon Rehmeyer and family of Alvo. Alvo Town Board Organized. At tho meeting last week of the town board of Alvo the business of the session was first looked after when the new board was orgarized with the following officers elected for the coming year: Art Dir.ges, Mayor C. D. Ganz, City Clerk; S. C. Eoyles treasurer and Simon Rehmeyer street commissioner. Alvo to Have Gravel. The city of Alvo will have it Etreets put to grade and the entire town wiil be graveled, this placing the city streets In position that they may be used with ease at any time of the year. This is a very progres sive move and will be well worth th? expense and trouble the work will cost. Observed Memorial Service. The American Lrgicn wnicn is one of the real vital forces of the country are responsible for the prop er observance of the day set aside fcr the decorating of graves of those who so grandiy sacrificed their lives for the liberties and safety of this country, prepared a program fcr the observance cf M,rmoriHl day. and a; the church had an adrlressby Colonel Price of Lincoln, the services be ing in the forenoon. The graves of the colcjiers dead were marked ar.d strewn with pretty flowers, mark ing all the ones who sacrificed their lives for their country, whether ir. the !ato war or other times. After tho service at the Alvo cemetery v.ni. concluded the committee went to the cemetery of the Brethren church, where also some of the boys sleep and gave honor to them also. Died at Syracuse. Mrs. U. II. Davis of Syracuse, sis ter of P. J. Linch. and Mosdames J. P. Rouse. Eva Rouse and J. II. Wych el.. died at her home or. last Satur day after a long illnes-. and was buried on last Monday. Thre were from here to attend the funeral. John Wcychel and family, J. P. Linch Mrs. J. P. Rouse and Martin Nickel and family. Mrs. Davis was well advanc ed in years ar.d was hrn MtcIi 28 IS 10. Miss Catherine Nickel was united in marriage with W. II. Davis on August 17th, lSfiO. and last sum mer celebrated their F.7th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Davis leaves be sides the aged husband and brothers and sisters, her children. Stephen Davis. Syracuse; Fred Davis, of Sheri dan. Wyo., Mr:;. Etta Cupenhaver and Orlrado Davis of Syracuse. Mrs. Davis was devoutly christian and had been a member of the Methodist church since her girlhood. FOR SALE Grass mower. Ellington, Tele. good as 1 15-J. new. J. C. m30-2tw Miss Esther Delzell, teacher of his tory and debating in the local high school for the past two years, and who is completing her work here, de parted this afternoon for her home at Peru and will spend the summer there with her family. the Spring! 17 POWDER Same Price for over SSJears 25 ounces jorS cents Why Py War Prices ? Our (government used millions of pounds Kk. ' BT WIT ll l TT in 111 LOCAL NEWS -n TT Tl i-Z4- tr.l TC xr. jxcuKmitii, jjtuust, xiuici iuaui Bldg., Phone 527. From Thursday s Daily Thomas W Giemi 01 Hamburg Iowa, arrived' here this morning to spend a short time here visiting v.itl: the old tim" friends and looking af ter some business matters. Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Gar.semev west cf Murray were here jester for a short time being en route from Omaha where they spent sevcra' iir.urs visiting with friends. Rev. L. M. Kuhns and Frank Wil-: cox, memoirs 01 tue ooaru 01 cuauui of the Nebraska Masonic Home, and also members of Capitol lodge No. 1 of Omaha, were hero yesterday visit ing at the Masonic Home. l-m Friday's Daily Mrs. Nora Manes and son. Dean of Meadow, Nebraska, came in In: evening, being called here bv the ni nes.! and death of W. H. Rainey brother of Mrs. Mapes. F. M. and Joseph Parrlrtt came up yesterday afternccn from Peru I'pini' f.n'lrwl lipro liv tho f-itril 11'- rrsi of W TT RniiiPV thev beinr brothers of Mrs Rainey ,, r i rs. Mary Ingham of southern Texas, arrives! here last pverime. b--I ing called here by the fatal illnes.-, el her brother, W. II. Rainey and v.il! remain over for the funeral services. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hell and Miss Louise Rummel departed this morn- ing by auto for Reaver City, Ncbras-, ha, where they will be the guests a) the Harry Hall home for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Coiner and children of Bladen. Nebraska, drove in yesterday afternoon for a visit here ith tho relatives and friend.1 and to njoy the motor trip through the tt ate. II. A. Schneider of the Plattsmouth State bank departed today for Peat rice, where he will attend a group meeting of the bankers there ond will then go on to Minatare. to spend Decoration day with his son, Carl. Henry Madsen of Red Lodge, Mon tana, arrived hro yesterday after noon, having m'de the trip by auto from his home and hoping to reach here in time to tee his father alive: but was disappointed after drivinc continuously from the time he left Montana. From Saturday's Dally Attorney J. C. Bryant of Ashland, was here today for a few hours at tending to some matters of business. jiGjAjgjAjGjEj Our Repair Garace is kept constantly busy because mo torists recognize it as the best and most reliable repair shop for every Iw2 kind of damage a car can possibly ,other Persons interested in the estate uiKtfliYi AtiiI h,r,rr TM-oninol v,a fof William I. Mastin, deceased; and sustain. And, being practical men of. the He,rs Devisees. Legatees, Per- iong and varied experience, all our sonal Representatives and all other repair work is excellently and thor-J persons interested in the estate of oughly done, without unnecessary de-iLurton r- Polk, deceased; and nil lay and at reasonable charge. Frady s Garage Phone 58 Merle Rainey arrived this morning frrmi Vow Vnrlr- .Hv fnllPrl here DV the death of his father, the late WT. II. Range 9, East, thene-e east 2G rods, Rainey. i thence north 80 rods, thence west; George M. Hall, and wife of Good- 26 rods, thence south 80 rods to the land. Kansas, arrived this evening for place of beginning, real names un-, a visit at the home of Mr. Hall's par- icnov,-n: ' enta and later at Falls City with rela- you and each of you are hereby tives. notified that on the 27th day of W. J. Vallery and wife of Havelock, Aprji, 1927, Elmer C. Coleman and were here last evening for the grad- mia 'Coleman as plaintiffs filed their uation exercises where their niece, petition ln the District Court of Cass Mrs. Florence K. Duda. was among county Nebraska, naming you as de t he members- of the graduation class fendantSf the object and prayer of Mrs. J. E Hanna and two little petition is to quiet the title in children of Omaha arrived here last plaQtlfs to eveiiiui, lor u isu over iue weeu.-cnu 'with the parents of Mrs. Hanna, Mr. I and Mrs. A. B. Smith and the old j friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wiles and Mr. I jand Mrs. L. L. Wiles were at Lin-! j coin today to attend the class play ;at Wesleyan university and in which j-Miss Marguerite Wiles was one of the J j participants. j j Mrs- J. W. Gamble r.nd son, Joe! 1 Eaton, of Omaha, where here last! evening to attend the graduation ex 'ercises of the locnl bieh school. Ro- land Thomas, grandson of Mrs. Gam- 1 b'e. heiner anion? tt-,e graduates. Henry Koukal, one of the members J of the graduating class of the local j schcol, departed this morning for j O 'lalia and from there goes to Chi- : cago to spend a short time iu that I city visiting with friends and enjoy- ting an outing from his school work. CONSTRUCT FLOOD EEFTJGE j Raton Rouge, La., May 2G. A five t. .1 f . I ii!ius;iini acre reiuge lor noou vie- 1 1027. j tims below tho level of the eneir-. J cling voters will be constructed in j i Pointe Coupee parish, if engineering! science can win a victory over the i j relentless onrush of the tiood. Plan:-' ; for the "sunken island" were an- !m9-? ; nounced here today by William Coat- 1 os. New Orleans engineer, who will have chargo of the enterprise. j The tract of land Is located at the northern edge of the parish. On the i east it is bounded bv the levees of ... ... . 1 jr.o ississippi ; on tne norm oy t!ie i levees of the Old river, and e n the ! soutn ny a rev.- railroad cmnanKment huilt by the Louisiana Railway and ; Nftvigatfon company. The plans call j l erection or a uiKe aiong me west- -n s 01 art'a- 1 e t r ! rh't will bo protected on all sides :vrm tho encroaching Hood water. Speed is necessary, for the flood is Mr. Coafes said. However, he thought i he would have the barrier reatly be ' fere the water arrived. ORDER OF HEARING on Petition for Appointment of Administrator. The State of Nebraska, Cass coun- -7' ss- i In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Jo reph Vetesnik. deceased. On reading and filing the petition cf John J. Vetesnik praying that ad ministration of said estate may be granted to him as Administrator; Ordered, that June 24th, A. D at 0 o'clock a. m., is spigned for hearing saJd Petition, when all Jprsor.s interested in said matter , mnr nT o. o o,. r- k . ..... . . . held in and for said countv. and show cause why the prayer of petitioner' should not be granted; and that no tice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter hy bushing a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Dated May 25th, 1927. A. II. DUX BURY, (Seal) m30-3w. County Judge. ORDER OF HEARING AND NO TICE OF PRORATE OF WILL In the County Court of Cass coun ty. Nebraska. Slate of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. To all persons interested in the es tate of Mary C. Murphy, deceased: On reading the petition of Mae E. Murphy and Josephine M. Wild pray ing that the instrument filed in this court on the 20th day of May, 1927, and purporting to be the last will and testament of the said deceased, may he proved and allowed and recordeei as the last will and testament of Mary C. Murphy, deceased; that said instrument be admitted to probate, and the administration of said estate be granted to Thomas L. Murphy, as Administrator c. . a.; It is hereby ordered that you, and all persons interested in said matter, may, and do, appear at the County Court, to be held in and for said coun ty, on the 14th day of June, A. D. 1927, at 10:30 o'clock n. m., to show cause, if any there be, why the pray er of the petitioners should not be granted and that notice of the pen - dency of said petition and that thejCasa county Nebraska, on May 14th, hearing thereof be given to all per- 1927 a airst and eacll of you sons interested in said matter by pub- and oth the object and pUrpose I.shing a copy of this Order in tho ;of whi(.n ,a to partition lj0t 9 in , . .-ili..wuwi juuiiiai, u bwi.i-fMy ... ......... t.....w day of hearing. Witness my hand, and seal of said court, this 23rd day of May, A. d., 1927. A. II. DUXBURY, (Seal) m23-3w County Judge. LEGAL NOTICE " ' " ' In the District mnrt of Cass coun-l ty, Nebraska. To the Heirs, Devisees, Legatees, Personal Representatives and all ?ther Per3 having or claiming to SWU of the NWU of Section thirty two (32). To wash in twelve (12), 'North of Range nine (0), East of the ;6th P. M.. in Cass countv. Nebraska, described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of the S'2 of Roptinn 3 9. TnwtiRhln 12. TOrtIl rt e owl'. nf x nut pat . w i iiiv j -j NW'i of Section thirty-two (32), Township twelve (12), North of Range nine (9), East of the Gth P. M., in Cass county, Nebraska, described a3 follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of the SV2 of Section 32, Township 12. North of Range 9, East, thence east 2C rods, thence north 80 rods, thence west 26 rods, thence south SO rods to the . place of beginning - and to remove the cloud upon the plaintiff's title as set forth in said petition, and to bar and exclude and enjoin you and each of you from any right, title, interest, claim or demand in or to the said property, or any part thereof. ; You and each of you are further J notified that you are required to an- iswer said petition tn or before the 120th dav of June. 1927. j Dated this day of May, A i D. ELMKR C. COLEMAN and LULA COLEMAN, By Plaintiffs. GEORGE YEAGLR, Their Attorney. NOTICE OF REFEREE'S SALE In the District Court of the County of Cass, Nebraska. Blandina Kuepper. Plaintiff. vs. Anna Ertz, widow; Samp son E. Ertz and wife, Ma tilda 13. Ertz; John Joseph Ertz. single; Joseph Fran cis Ertz and wife. Theresa L. Ertz; Thomas William Ertz, single; Francis Ber nard Ertz and wife, Mary J. Ertz; Anna Ertz lloenig and husband. Thomas NOTICE Hoenig; William Henry Ertz and wife, Helen Ma rie Ertz; Maggie Ertz, widow; Margaret Ertz Conell and husband, John Couell; S. Roy Ertz, sin gle; S. Frank Ertz, sin gle; M. Frederick R. Ertz and wife, Helen Ertz; Mary Ertz, widow, and Amelia Fitzpatrick, wid ow, Defendants. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a decree of the Dis trict Court of Cass county, Nebraska, i catered in the above entitled cause on tr.e oiun nay ot April, ivzt, anu an Order of Sale entered by said Court on the 17th day of May, 1927, the undersigned, sole referee, on the - '111 a" ot Jrie. at iu o cioch. a. m., at tne soutn ironc uoor 01 me court house in the City of Piatts rceuth, Cass county, Nebraska, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash. lots 3 and 4, in Block 94, in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass county. Nebraska; ten per cent cash of the amount of the bid to be paid at the time of said sale and the balance upon completion thereof. Abstract of title in the hands of the referee and will be furnished to pur chaser. Possession to be given upon confirmation. Said sale will remain open for one hour. Dated this 19th day of May, A. D. 1927. W. G. KIECK, Referee. W. A. ROBERTSON. Attorney for Plaintiff. m23-5w NOTICE OF SUIT IN PARTITION In the District Court of the County of Cass, Nebraska. Charlotte Archer, widow, Plaintiff vs. John Archer et al. Defendants NOTICE To the Defendants: John Archer; Maud Archer; Luella Jewell; Mar garet Gillun; Robert Gillan; Polly Redman; John Redman; Leland Bachelor and Mrs. Leland Bachelor, fust real name unknown, non-resident defendants: You and each of you are hereby notified that Charlotte Archer, plain- an uction in the District Court of mock 43 in the citv of Plattsmouth,' Cass County, Nebraska, or in case the same cannot be divided that said property be sold and the proceeds divided. You and each of you are further notified that you are required to an swer said petition on or before Mon day, the 4th day of July, 1927, or the allegations therein contained will be 1 taken as true and a decree entered . . .1 ! ...... .rr.r- nftnlil T"l 1 . B lu "1C i'""-1 I tion. I Dated this 21st day of May, A. D. 1927. CHARLOTTE ARCHER. Plaintiff. W. A. ROBERTSON. Attorney for Plaintiff. APHII OUTPUT DECLINES Washington, May 26. Industrial output declined in April reflectin.3 re duced activity both in factories and mines, Fays tho monthly busines-s re view of the federal reserve board. mada public today. Distribution of I UJUU OI.t; Psnnsyto&na, The Best Tires tliat Money Can Buy at i:aght Prices Fully Guaranteed Tire and Guaranteed Prices PENNSYLVANIA VACUUM CORDS 30x3 Fabrics, $5.85 Each Jear.nette 303y2 Cords $ 7.00 32x4 CS Cords 11.05 29x4.40 Ballcon 8.15 30x4.75 Balloon 10.75 34xiy2 05 Vacuum Cnp Cords g S; DUNLOP TIRES COxS1 Clipper Cord 5 3 25 30x312 Buffalo Cord 700 32x4 Dunlop Cords 12 20 29x4.40 EulTalo Balloon llllll 8.15 23x4.49 Bunlop Balloon 10.15 ALL TISES CARRY MANITFACTUEEH'3 GUARANTEE Bunlop Tires so good one sold every 2V4 Seconds Other Sizes Priced Accordingly. LEE TIRES GOxSio Lee Ccrd $7.15 GOxSVg Heavy Baty Be Luxe 10.85 30x3i2 Puncture Proof 21.50 30x5 Truck Keavy Buty Be Luxe 31.25 30x5 Puncture Proof 44.25 29x4.40 BALLOONS - C0RBS 29x4.40 Leeland 8.00 23x4.40 Lee Balloons 10.75 29x4.40 Shoulderbilt II. B. 6-ply 13.00 23x4.40 Funoturs Proof 21.25 TEE BEST TIRES THAT T.101JEY CAN BUY Other Sizes Priced Accordingly. Cord and Balloon Tires that cannot puncture the greatest achieve ment in tire making history, adding: absolute safety to comfort and offering- the motorist no punctures, no muscle exertion from steering, no shimmying at any speed and three times mileage of ordinary tires. a Eighth Street and Washington Avenue Plattsmouth, Nebraska co7n;:iodities by railroads and riie re tail trade increased however, and tne level of prices showed further slight declines. Deci eased output of industry was due .diicfly to the bituminous mine strike, the review sa3's, but reduc tions also were re-ported in the iron and steel and textile industries as well as in meat packing and in the production of building materials. "The decline in building between March and April reflected reduced Farmers Mutual .Insurance -COMPANY-of Cass County, Nebraska was organized by Cass County Farmers in 1894. During the Company's existence our members have saved money on insurance premiums, and we have paid our losses promptly. If you are looking for good insurance at a reasonable rate we invite you to become a member of our Cass county Institution. For full particulars write Mi 3 Plattsmouth, Nebraska s&rsska Osf? Tire TELEPHONE Nebra&ka City 13 Exclusive Bunhn Ex. OS VC Ccrds $ 8.25 Large OS Cords $ 9.25 13.95 9.50 activity in the construction of com mercial, industrial, and educational buildings, while contracts for resi dential and public buildings increas ed," the review adds. A suitable present for a June bride would be a window weight and a coil cf picture wire. They will aid ma terially in getting rid of an undesir able husband. Eieaclquartere FOR OaSiaon Tiro Rspairing Money Back Guarantee! . J2r Vulo. Go. SERVICE CAR Dealer TP! 9 Seorsfary