MONDAY, APRIL 2$, 1927. FAOT TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI . WEEKLY JOURNAL Alvo Department How is the Tractor? Is it working most economically? Bring it in or call me if you need to have it worked over before beginning the season's work. Your cars serve you best when putting cut the most uniform power. We are at your service at all times. Do you need Tires, Tubes, Chains, Oils or Gas? If so see us, for we can sure fit you out! A. Dinges, Owner ALVO NEBRASKA Perry Cook, of Lincoln, was a busi ness visitor in Alvo and at the farm east of here. John B. Skinner was a visitor in Omaha on last Wednesday with a load of stock for Mrs. Ellen Smith, which were sold on the mariet that day. Clarence Curyea, of Lincoln, was a visitor in Alvo on last Tuesday, driv ing1 down in his car to visit with the folks and also to lock after some business. Homer H. Shrader, of Plattsmouth. was a visitor in Alvo and Elmwood on last Wednesday, where he was looking after some business matters for the day. Harley Wolfe and wife, of Omaha, were visiting for the day last Tues day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Or ville Prouty, where all enjoyed a very pleasant day. The Junior-Senior banquet of the Alvo schools was held during the late the class of work which he put out, we are in hopes that the public will be well pleased with the excellent work' which will be done by Mr. Rosenow, for he is an excellent work man and we are sure he will make good. "Am I Intruding?" with the Alvo or chestra playing between acts. A more complete account - appears elsewhere in the Alvo news. The following children have been absent in Miss Reed's room: Dale and Ruth Ann Ganz and Margurite Jean Stromer, who have the chicken pox, and Grace Muenchau, who is down with the whooping cough. All the grade rooms have been dec-, orating for P. T. A., which has been postponed. I The Fifth and Sixth grades have' finished their bird booklets. Each teacher from the rooms gave their pupils an Easter treat. ) La Verne Sutton was absent a day and a half on account of sickness. ; Clara Rueter was absent one day x on account of sickness. j The following have neither been absent nor tardy during the month ! of April: Lawrence Eidemiller, Ruby, Garcia, Edward Muenchau, Raymond Pilkington. Maurice Robertson, Eleta ' Swanson, PearJ Swanson, Irene Rue-j ter, Clarence Christensen, Clarence Dain, Prances Edwards, Maxine Eide-' miller, Mirian Garcia, Doris Kinney,' Edith Robertson, Harold Sutton and Alice Fairfield. The Intermediate and Grammar rooms played a game of baseball on ' Friday afternoon. The score was S to 11 in favor of the Intermediates. ; Pi i 1 II' Goes to Sanitarium The health of Mr. Soren Peterson, who has been farming the place of Perry Cook for the past few years, has been gradually failing on account of tuberculosis, which he has had for seme time, and on account of failing health he has had to forego farming this season, although he has some thirty-five acres of wheat already in. He sold his interest in the farming to George Eidermiller, who will con duct the farm the coming season. Mr. Peterson, through arrangements with the American Legion at Nebraska City, of which he is a member, has portion of last week and at which a arranged for him to go to White Pine, most delightful time was had by all i South Dakota, where he will receive those participating. Mrs. Joe Armstrong was called to South Bend on account of her son, Glen, who has been quite ill with gathered tonsils, which since they have been lanced are much better. Wm. Stewart was installing the rew gasoline pumps at the Coatman hardware store during the past week and getting them in order for the vending of the different kinds of gas which he is dispensing at that popu lar emporium. W. L. Copple was shipping some of his fine porkers to the South Omaha market on last Monday, they being delivered by the Skinner-Coatman trucks, in charge of the careful driv prevalence of chicken pox, which has er, John B. Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Banning were visiting for the week end at "..-o home' Of'the folks of Mrs. Ban ning, Henry O'Donnell and sister, at Union. Mr. and Mrs. Banning drove over for the day in their car and en joyed the visit very much. R. M. Coatman and family, of Alvo. and W. W. Coatman and family, of Elmwcod, where Mr. "Will Coat man is in business, were guests at the home of Mr. Coatman and wife, the parents of the boys, and where they all enjoyed the Easter Sunday most pleasantly. There is some concern among the people of Alvo on account of -the prevalence of chicken pox, which was quite well developed when the teach ers of the schools set a number of scholars home who had begun break ing out vith the disease. Every step is being taken to prevent the spread of the malady. Recently the Alvo garage has been made a sub-agency of the Ford Mo tor company, of Detroit. Michigan. Now, when you are needing a new Universal car. call and see Art Din ges and he will fix you out with any thing which you may desire. You know you are dealing with a most excellent man when you deal with him. besides. Mrs. J. A. Schaeffer was a visitor at South Bend last Sunday, at the home of her uncle, Fred Weaver and family. She was muchj pleased also to be able to visit with State Repre sentative Daniel L. Ough, of Benkel man, a cousin of Mr3. Schaeffer, whom he has known since they made their homes near Benkleman, in Dundee county, in 1885. Mrs. Joseph Armstrong was at Wa hoo for some time, where she was as sisting in the care of a little grand daughter, Dorothy Armstrong, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Armstrong, who has been very sick with measles treatment for the malady with the hope of effecting a permanent cure. The many friends of this excellent gentleman are hoping that he may soon be able to return with his health fully restored. Mrs. Peterson has moved to the property formerly occu pied by Mr. Eidenmiller, while they have moved to the farm. They Eat and Talk The Parent-Teachers' association enjoyed a banquet one day last week, which was a most enjoyable affair. The program consisted of a debate on the question of the bill which is be fore the legislature relative to the teachers and on which they were soma very pertinent questions brought out by both sides. They also enjoyed a most delicious banquet, which was served Ln connection with the debate. A good attendance was present. "Azn I Intruding?" The Senior clans of the Alvo High school on last Friday night at the Jordan hall, gave their class play en titled as p.bove, "Am I Intruding?" The play was witnessed by a large crowd of interested listeners and was a production above the average of school plays. The fine manner in which it was prepared and rendered, entitled the actors and sponsors alike to equal shares of praise. The follow ing is the cast of characters and the synopsis: CAST Mrs. Hastings Muriel Vickers (Housekeeper) Blair Hoover Robert Garcia (Villain) Ernest Rathburn Edgar Kleinme (Adventurer) Marjorie Vare Marjorie Manners (Elder Daughter) Dickie Waldron Ralph Snavely (Romanticist) Mona Dorothy Peterson (Maid) Horace Vare Sterling Coatman (Father) Violet Vare Anastasia Barry (Younger Daughter) Peter Sherrell Fifer (Devoted to Vi) Dora Lulu Peterson (A Friend of Vi's) Gerald Mays Lee Coatman (Jerry from Sage Creek) Jane Haribson Irma Sutton (Vare's Niece) PLACE Tho entire action of the play occurs in the living rooms of the Vare home on Long Island. Tinie is the present. SYNOPSIS Aft l A spring morning. Jerry KEEP your wall3 cleanly. Wash away finger print3 and disfig urements as they appear. roina rcatieY&H Paint permits easy washing to take the place of redeco rating gives walls beau tiful soft tones that har monize with furnishings and show no laps or- brush marks. Stop in at the store for color card. II. E. Easter Service. I Easter was a notable day for the! Alvo M. E. church. At the morning' service the great day was fittingly, observed with decorations and ser-j vice such as made the day moi noteworthy. Eleven children v. presented by their parents for bap- . tism. Later twenty-three your people and adults presented them-' selves for administration of the samo sacrament. At the close of the morn- j ing service thirty-eight people re sponded to the call for those who wished to unite with the church in full membership, nine of these com- ing by transfer from the Evangclil ' churches. In the evening the cantata "Zion" was well rendered to an a:- ; preciative audience which filled the j church. Three people were receive: i by transfer of church membership at ! the evening service making a total i of forty-one to unite with the church fjesis Blanchard Born and Reared in :cr the day. Official Pro ceedings of the County Board j (Continued from Tage 1) ROAD FUND : II. XV. Tool Lumber Co., for I material. RD No. 7 $ 18.80 ,Wm. Long, road work in RD No. 15 1.25 jc. W. Geyer, same, RD 5 4.80 : Clifford Shafer, same, RD 1. 9.00 iGoodridge & Coatman, wire, RD No. 15 1.82 Louis Schmidt, road work in RD No. 7 88.30 I Louis Schmidt, same, RD 7 12.75 jJoe Owens, same, RD 1 9.00 'Frank Rouse, same, RD 5 9.00 jKroehler Bros., Mdse., RD 1 5.55 jKroehler Bros., mdse., ""RD 2 .35 ! Green Piggott, road work in RD No. 10 16.50 'Frank Pace, same, RD 1 3.00 ' Green Piggott. same. RD 10 4G.70 j DRAG FUND iW. O. Burbee, mdse., labor, j RD No. 11 $ 6.50 A. W. Eaton, salary. RDs 11, ! 12 and 13 30.75 Sinclair Refining Co., gaso- 1 line. RD No. 1 8.44 Albert Kraft, dragging roads i in RD No. S 6.75 ! Harold Schliefert. same, RD S 21.20 W. H. Mendenhall, same, RD 9.60 8.12 7.87 1p- Knicrer Paint Store's? Plattsmouth, Neb. Former Eagle Resident Dies m Colorado Pretty Home Wedding, A verv nreitv home wedding' was solemnized at three o'clock cn Wed-j nesday afternoon, April 20, at home of Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Dole; Dernier, four miles west of Alvo. The occasion was the marriage of: their daughter, Margaret V.. to Mr. Harry E. Snoke of Elmwood. The J were West Part of County Brought Home to Fest. No. 15 17.2 r Boyles. same, RD 15 36.00 Herbert Umlaud. same. RD 16 4.88 IChas. Vcightman. same, RD 8 14.40 ! Christie Stohlmr.n, same, RD I No. 7 11.20 ;Wm. Kitzel. same, RD C jouis Schmidt, same, RD 7 jlvan Althouse, same, RD 6 Robert Stock, same, RD 6' i Wheeling Corrugated Co., cul- vert. RD No. G 'Wheeling Corrugated Co., cul I verts, RD 7 Edward McCartney, dragging road.. RD No. 6 R. M. Coatman, same, RDs 6, 15 and 10 S. K. Johnson, same, RD 6 Ernest Graham, same, RD 14 Ralph Keckler, same, RD 14 Herman F. Bose, same, RD 14 This community was surorlsed and .Henry Schaefer, same, RD 14 i . . - . i . i .1 i. i "FMrwrl Pnla oo m T?H 11 tho1 pained -Monaay 10 learn 01 me ufitui; of Cosie Blanchard, a former Eagie(J. runim, H;iie, hl x bov. known to all the older residents. . Chas. C. Barnard, same, RD 1 His death occurred at Denver, Colo..Edw. F. Marler, same, RD 10 Saturday night, resulting from an op- i Frank Hemke, same, RD 7 c ration for appendicitis. Mr. Blanch-! Walter Stroy. same, RD 7 i ard was born in Eagle and grew to Kd Backemeyer, same, RD 7 i n .. . ,i.i ,i : ,,,,.- i .v. manhood and was married here, but Arthur E. Jeffery, same, RD 5 white bower where the ceremony was ! parJ? hs 1 at ,5' i8' n ? nn'T?" read bv R. II. Chenoweth pastor of Colo The remains were brought to Clifford Doran, same, RD 1G ho au- r r- r.hnrTi I Eagle and the funeral service held in H. G. Todd, same, RD 10 1 JC- 4,J the Methodist church Wednesday 'Albert Murray, same, RD 1 Rev. W. B. Zimmerman. The remains ; G. 11. Meisinger, same, RD 10 Kenneth Ferris, same, RD 10 The following obituary was pre- Fred W. Tritsch, aame. RD 1 pax-ed and read at the funeral by the c. W. Stoehr, same. RD 1 psstor: M. R. Hill, same, RD 10 Cosie Blanchard was born at Eagle, Fred G. Ahrens, same RD 10 Nebraska. December 28th, 187S. and Ed Fitzgerald, same, RD 10 departed this life April ICth 1927. c. C. Koke, same. RD 1 home on a farm four miles south nnc m.- .u 5 fni were laid to rest in Eagle cemeter nny. vsuij i ur luuucuiuic lamina i of both young people were present at the ceremony. ATCEIS0N-M00RE The marriage of Mrs. Gladys- Age 48 years, 3 months and 20 days. Roy Campbell, same. RD 27 Atchison to William J. Moore was . Hp grew to manhood at Eagle, went Raymond Lohnes, same. RD 2 and pneumonia. It wan thought nh ! intrudes was some better when the grand-! Act 2 Fat the next day. Jerry mother came home, but word receiv- ta&es a hand. ed since was to the effect that she ' Act 3 The following morning, was still quite poorly. ! Jerry untangles the thread. Kakes Change in Easiness George Eidenmiller, who has been Alvo School Notes The Alvo school has been improv- tbe village tonsorlalist in Alvo for Ing the place for the trucks to park some time, has disposed of his place by putting cinters there, of business to Carl Rosenow, who Is The Alvo High baseball team -met now conducting the shop. While Mr. the Murdock team In a spirited game Eidenmiller was an excellent barber last Friday. and gave splendid satisfaction, with . The Senior class gave their play, solemninzed at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Dowler, at 3:30 o'clock Easter Sun day, April 17, 1927. Rev. G. R. Birch of the Congregational church officiated, using the impressive dou ble ring ceremony. The bridal cou ple stood beneath a beautiful whitr archway, covered with smilax and pink roses. The bride was charming ly costumed in a gown of oi l rcso and silver, and carried an arm bou quet of roses and sweet peas. The groom was attired in the con ventional black. Preceding the wed ding march, which was taken froir the "Midsummer Night's Dream." Mrs. Jessie Jones sang two selec tions, "At Dawning," and "I Love You Truly," very sweetly. The bridal party consisted of the minis ter and the bridal couple, followed by Clayton and Richard Dowler, each carrying a ring in the heart of r large pink rose, and Wayne and Ar line Dowler carrying a basket oi flowers. Only the immediate family and a few friends were present. Aft- 11.2 51.20 18.75 20.25 17.00 113.85 11.70 5C.40 7.50 14.95 20.90 9.75 14.95 39.00 18.20 15.20 1C.87 11.25 11.05 12.00 7.15 10.88 12.00 9.75 8.45 5.62 12.35 24.75 7.80 7.80 22.10 10.07 27.00 14.62 15.60 12.80 3.57 through the public schools here, ana g. L. Rhoden, same, RD 10 rt the age of twelve was converted Lincoln Road Equip. Co., pt. and oecame a member ot tno i.ucmo- pay for tractor. RD 1 1500.00 tlist churcli. BRIDGE FUND On April 23, 1902, he was united Charles C. Barnard, bridge in marriage with Myrtle Anna Ket-J Work $ telhut to which union was born, two Tn,,5o 5-hmifU same children, Geneva Joe, 17, and Juniata Q E Sayles, 4 loads rock"Z March, toll man 95.00 H. J. Thiele. same, RD 12 Joe Woo3ter, same 95.00 Wm. Jorgensen, same, RD 12 F. W. Elliott, same 95.00 Jim Edwards, same. RD 12 Wm. McCreary, salary flag John Bauer Co., material and man 50.00 labor, RD No. 1 41.10 L. L. McCarty, gasoline 1.16 C. H. Dvsart. dranging roads l'lattsmouth Motor Co., gaso- in RD No. 11 line 5.63 G. W. Comer, same, RD 10 The Board adjourned to meet on Ed Morley. same. RD 13 Wednesday, April 6, 1927. GEO. R. SAYLES, County Clerk. iWra. C. Neuman, same, RD 3 J. C. Spangler, same, RD 3 J. W. Kintner, same, RD 13 G. L. Heneger, same, RD 13 Harold Otte, same, RD 8 Geo. H. Sell, Bame, RD 8 Jol.u Mockenhaupt, same, RD No. 8 Bernard Heeney, same, RD 9 4.22 12.35 10.40 9.38 11.25 7.80 26.60 4.00 Off Ur- ot (oiXTV commisnio.i:ks of Oimm County .Plattsmouth. Nebr., ADril 6th. 1P27. The Board met as per adjourn- - Lewis, same, RD 11 ment. Present: C. F. Harris, C. D. r'eo- f-pp, same, RD 12 Spangler and FredvH. Gorder. Coun-.Ray Chriswisser, Fame, RD 9 ty Commissioners; Geo. R. Sayles, ' Nebr.-Iowa Steel . Tank Co., County Clerk. ' 1 culvert, RD 1C 33.66 Tho following business was trans-1 Ralph Meisinger, dragging in 1 acted in regular form: 31.20 9.75 .50 4.87 59.00 RD No. 2. Jacob Witt, same, RD 5 ROAD FUND Henry Pears ley, road work in RD No. 11 l Official bond of Jess N. Elliott, superintendent of the county farm, approved by the Board. Claims Allowed Claims as listed on the various E- I5- Chapman, same, RD 11 funds were allowed bv the Board: Fre'! I-orcnsen, same. RD S GENERAL FUND n- 1'ctelhut. same. RD 12 J. C. Brittain. material and urane, uirea r.iuriey, ma painting 3104.11 Cass County Treasurer, per sonal tax, Brittain 25.39 Chas. Grt'dov'lle. help janitor" 9.00 K-ii Printing Co., supplies 325.21 14.25 60.10 Lorraine. 14. 5.00 14.8 6.00 ' M. L. Evans, building bridge. ro.i4 Sec. 31, RD No. 7 L. Evans, building bridge, Sec. 14, RD No. 15 92.57 2.50 November 19. 1908, they moved to a homestead 27 miles southwest of Wray, where they resided until 1908, at which time they moved to Wray (J Rhoden, bridge"work where Mr. Blanchard went into busi- 04 ,, ' "Tie was a devoted husband and'J: nBn"i"; ulTy:", loving father, and leaves to mourn his , nfof 0VeMd dr-parture. his wife and children, his ne D"t,-e mother. Mrs. Ida O. Blanchard of Lin- 1 " A- L,nke; lumber l iiiuiiii luiiioer to., iiimner. M. L. Evans, driving bridge piling Blanch- coin, one brother. Dr. G. L. ard cf Los Angeles, and a host of, friends both at Wray and Eagle. Eagle Beacon. CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our thankful- er the deluge of congratulations an.'i", to those, our friends, who so lir-ct -ihf .1 flpli?Vitfi:1 limclipor iniini ai Hie iimu ui untiu was served and the happy couple de- COMMISSIONER'S FUND 1st District C. D. Spangler, freight, dray, phone calls $ l.J Lincoln Road Equip. Co., part pay on tractor 3000.00 Bud Nickels, road work. engine man 21.50 parted on a short motor trip to Oma ha and other points. Weeping Wa ter Republican. DOINGS IN DISTRICT COURT Spring n:.flEie jusrnjpS How are your Farming Implements? Need any repairs or nevf machines? Is tho harness all oiled and ready for the Spring work? ; Hardware; of All Hinds - Call Our Tniclx fcr Jl K From Saturday's Dally This morning a petition was Hied in the elistrict court entitled Marie Lalloda vs. Claude Lalloda, in which the plaintiff asks a decree of divorce from the defendant, alleging cruelty as the cause of action. The partic: were married at Council Bluffs. Iowa, November 24, 192S, and the petition states that they have since been resi dents of Cass county. The parties in the case were refused a lirenr,e here in the county court by Judge A. H. Duxbury on statutory grounds but later secured the license in the Iowa city. A suit in partition hes- been filed in the district court entitled Harvey 11. Rasp vs. Ardis Rasp, et al in which the division of property un der an estate 13 asked. SUFFERING FROM MUMPS From Saturday's Dally Russell Wasley, who is attending and reasonable charges. and during the last illness of our be-.Al Bartlett, road work, grad- loved sister. Mrs. Alice Collins, andi or man 16.50 to those who expressed their love and COMMISSIONER'S FUND honor by thrir floral tokens, to those' 2nd District who sang at the funeral, and for all C. P. Harris, phone calls $ 2.40 expressions of kindly sympathy. C. Omaha Road Equip. Co., for S. Jean and Family. tractor repairs 149.74 i Lincoln Road Equip. Co., for Sufo Engine Repairing j tractor repairs 25.30 jmrA -f Chas. Dfetrich Co., gasoline- 31.54 COMMISSIONER'S FUND 3rd District , Harry Schaefer, grader man, HG No. 4 11.00 CO. HIGHWAY FUND A. W. Eaton, salary 50.00 Louis Schmidt, road work 10.50 Storz Western Supply Co., for two pair chains 22.40 Oscar E. Dowler, labor dn roads 90.50 Alemite Lubricator Co., one pump hose Fred Rueter. labor on road Wm. II. Puis, tractor repairs Omaha Baum Iron Store, two log chains Sanborn Service Co., labor and supplies 10.00 1.75 2.25 15.33 4.65 7.02 Ofe Oil Co., gasoline to farm L. B. Egenberger, mdse. to farm Mrs. D. Fleischman, care of blind brother Anna E. Leach, salary Alpha C. Feterson, salary, mileage, ox rent H. Sievers, salary, laundry K-H Printing Co., supplies Strte Journal Co., supplies J. C. Brittain (assigned), ma terial and painting I. J. Fuller, prov. to poor L. R. Snipes, Farm Bureau expense Brooks Oil Co., 10 gallon boiler mixture Imm. Deaconess Hosp., care of Mrs. Helm Bates Book Store, supplies--A. W. Adams, provisions to poor A. H. Duxbury, County Court fees E. P. Stewart, fees. State Highway vs. Stull Bert Reed, State vs. Haney Cas3 County Treasurer, office expense John Bauer Co., mdse., labor University Pub. Co., 4th Qr. Exam, questionnaires Kroehler Bros., mdse. to the county farm Mrs. M. E. Allen, meals and room. Paul Depree A. O. Ault, prov. to poor Kroehler Bros., mdse. to the court house Platts. Steam Laundry, laun dry for jail Plattsmouth Water Co., water rent C. H. Gibson, prov. to poor F. P. Sheldon, prov. to poor Farmers State Bank, provis ion orders Walton Cafe, meals for jury men Nebr. Stat'e Hospital, care of Ora Cowles . Chas. E. Martin, defending Carl Lang Jess F. Warga, mdse. to jail and court house W. F. Diers, prov. to poor Royal Cafe, meals to Chas. Bates D. Saxton, prov. to poor Clara M. Wickman, salary W. G. Kieck, cash to Harmish 4.56 30.00 terial. RD No. 3 A. J. Schaefer, road work in RD No. 9 G. L. Heneger, same, RD 13 J. K. Lancaster, same, RD 27 White & Bucknell, mdse. to RD No. 5 Ed Morrison, road work, RD No. 15 S. S. Peterson, mdse., RD 5 16.50 13.50 r, 4.80 18.75 6.50, 20.10 3.13 4.50 1.75 55 0O 'Geore Frisbe, road work in 1S3.50 105.50 36.37 100.35 i 35.00 5.00 13.50 51.80 11.50 12.05 7.43 1.90 7.75 28.98 45.20 4.S0 10.60 S.OO 25.00 24.00 S.10 9.35 35.00 3.15 10.00 12.05 9.00 32.50 4.58 81.30 745.25 0.15 59.05 90.00 36.40 46.44 10.40 1.45 17.25 22.00 41.04 52.20 '9.00 11.47 127.60 7.30 41.12 7.32- 81.65 is ti J A. H. Duxbury, salary 1S3.33 '1.25 4 O 2.18 2.00 2.2S 1.54 2.12 71.50 12.10 10.00 34.27 19.40 n.oo 32.00 2.40 12.00 Chris .1 V.'le'nnril. inrlse In selecting a shop for your repair ;c. C. Baldwin, salary, dray work keep in mind the necessity) age and storage 85.50 for efficient work, prompt service ,G- H- Dennis, work on main- In II . . . , , , . -r l VjUIC 1WUIUI lU.. VIUI& me eiaie leatiier a cuutge m rciu, cnoOSing Our place yOU are SUre. maintainer SSSSS ofthesereqitsbeca has been of the severest type and con- automobile experts, we aretrol No. 1 -r"Tr- fining the young man to his home as equipped for all kinds of repair John Iverson, merchandise ,- --,-n ..-, tha ,i,-t-L- ,-.... :u nmmntixr and labor college and will spend the next few anJ we are moJerate in our days here until the annoying malady charees. Trv us c.ooe ana c- iiu mi - a iiitu ituiu ing to his school work. Business stationer-, programs and all kinds of job printing: &e Jour nal offiee Frady's Garage Phone 58 Kroehler Bros., mdse. to Pa trol No. 1 International Harvester Co., repairs C. D. Spangler, freight, dray age, phone calls CASS-SARPY BRIDGE FUND Albert Cotner, salary for Bert Reed, meals to prisoners 100.99 C. II. Lewis, haul's rubbish. Mrs. Leota Sharp, reading ex- 310.341 animation papers '4.S0Anna Leach, reading exami- 13. SO I nation papers Marie E. Kaufmann, reading 31.301 examination papers Nettie Hawksworth, reading examination papers Jessie Whalen, reading exam ination papers State Journal Co., supplies Julius A. Pitz, coal to farm. Sam Giventer, prov. to poor- Omaha Prtg. Co.. one deed record Tidball Lumber Co., matl. to county farm J. V. Hatt, prov. to poor Cloid. Lmbr. Co., coal, poor- Herman Tiekotter, carpenter work E. Sturzenegger, provisions to poor DRAG FUND v Henry J. Thiele, dragging, RD No. 9 . $ 8.25 Henry Eikerman, same, RD 6 5.20" John Minderman, same, RD No. 15 3.25 Simon Brakhage, same, RD 7 20.80 August Johnson, same, RD 6 11.05 Standard Oil Co., supplies. RDs 11, 12 and 13 90.00 Guy F. Heil, dragging, RD 2 41.60 Philip Albert, same. RD 2 25.13 Leroy Meisinger, same, RD 2 - 18.00 Ralph Meisinger, same. RD 2 30. S5 J. E. ancaster, same, RD 27 31.20 J. E. Lancaster, same, RD 10 22.4 5 John lleil, same, RD 3 12.35 XV. II. Mendenhall, same, RD No. 15 24.75 XV. A., Umland, same, RD 16 28.50 Neb. Culv. Mfg. Co., 1 blade, RD No. 11 14.00 II. A. Swartz, dragging roads, RD No. 12 Floyd Gauer, same, RD1 2 Carl Irons, same, RD 15 A. V. Kazmark, same, RD 15 Harry Stock, same, RD 7 Albert Thiel, same, RD 7 John Bornemaier, same, RD 7 A. J. Neitzel, same, RD 7 H. M. Weichel, same, RD 7 Louie Timm, same, RD 7 . Wm. Richards, same, RD 4 A. J. Ross, same, RD 12 Rudolph Meisinger, same, RD No. 2 GJenn Meisinger, same. RD- 2-Howard-Lohnesj same RD 2 R. Ketelhut, s?.me, RD 12 RD No. 15 Wm. Harley, same. RD 15 Nebr.-Iowa Steel Tank Co., culverts, RD No. 7 Ralph Meisinger, road work iu RD No. 2 : A. A. Schoeman, same, RD 3- J. C. Niday, same, RD 11 Wm. Richards, same, RD 4 288 94 Jacob Witt same, RD 5 j BRIDGE FUND 19.00 . Avora Lumber Co., matl $ Union Lumber Co., lumber 15.00 Corubclt Lumber Co., lumber 23.65 1 Wm. Richards, bridge work- 'Jacob Witt, bridge work g0()'A- F- Sturm, lumber iFrans Bros., lumber " 14.75 j Stander & Stander, labor and material 610 tR. Ketelhut, bridge work 17.10 I eo. hi. iMckles, material COMMISSIONER'S FUND 1st District Ofe Oil Co., gasoline 6.39 Standard Oil Co., supplies 4.97 Plattsmouth Motor Co., sup plies 22.80 COMMISSIONER'S FUND 2nd District ... . Eli Keckler, salary, March $ 59.00 Omaha Road Equip. Co.,. for tractor repairs Neb. Culvert Mfg. Co., blades Standard: Oil Co., &upplies Ernest Mann, salary, expense Lincoln Road Equip. Co., one tractor and one grader.35bo.00 COMMISSIONER'S FUND 3rd District Lincoln Road Equip. Co., one second hand tractor ; $265.00 Fred Rueter, road work and freight CO. HIGHWAY FUND Orn. & Lincoln Ry. & Licrht Co., service at Manley S Ofe Oil Co., gas and kerosene Crane, Curyea & Murtey, for bolts to Patrol No. 3 Neb. Culvert Mfg. Co., blades H. W. Blood good, labor and material Standard Oil Co., supplies Standard Oil Co., supplies Standard Oil Co., supplies State of Nebr. D. P. W., bal. on Proj. 153 B-C 1155.57 Sanborn Service Co.. labor'. storage, repairs Standard Oil Co.. supplies Standard Oil Co., supplies White & Bucknell, mdse S. S. Peterson, material and labor Standard Oil Co., supplies Frank E. Coleman, salary and expense Standard Oil Co., supplies Jacob Witt, road work F. A.: Burch, gasoline C. XV. Geyer, road work Elmer J. Rumnael,-. load cobs and .labor , Farmers Union Co-Op. Co., re pairs, oil, storage: : Mathews & Peterson, mer chandise and labor . Plattsmouth Motor -C..' for supplies 36.92 The Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, May 3rd, 192 77 GEO. R. SAYES, County Clerk.' 11.20 4.60 12.19 .70 20.50 12.25 37.09 7.6S 27.90 56.12 5.50 38.50 3.01 9.65 11.70 83.00 36.50 4.75 172.45 7.20 COO 58.65 4.50 2.00 3.90 80.00 13.00 10.10 3.95 2.67 1.95 10.30 7.80 10.50 9.00 5.25 23.25 9.00 8.25 7.50 88.40 9.75 16.40 HATCHING EGrGS Select White Wyandotte egg3 for hatching. Flock consists of standard bred birds, containing some of the heaviest laying blood lines in Amer ica Fishels, Egg-a-Day and Mar tin's Dorcas. Replace all Infertile eggs once free. I shall appreciate your patron age all other days except Sundav. please. Price $1 per setting, or seven cut tings for $6. LOLA OLDHAM. Rt. 1. Mvnarii. KK ' a21-4t sw SHOWING IMPE0VEMENT From Friday' Daily Mrs. Harry Leo3is: - Whn . has the past several weeks been at the home of her parents at Perry, Iowa, and taking treatment of a specialist at that place. some- improvement and gives hopes that she may be able to recover from her very severe illness without the necessity of an operation. Mra Leosis has her eyesight improving and has not suffered from the effects' of her dizziness which m. -... 'oJ:.w f ,d6al f sufferingr. It is s.oo hoped that she may soon be able' to 20.00 return home to this-city. - : . -?1".?'0