The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 17, 1927, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    THURSDAY. MARCH 17, 1927.
Murray Department
i Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Reader
Dream Time ss Over!
Ey planting we begin to make
dreams come true. As we
plant so shall we reap. Takes
money more money than is
readily available, sometimes,
and that is where we can
f ..l
HUY- usciui.
We stand solidlv behind those
who are constantly trying j
with both our resources andj
our personal efforts.
Ask for Therri
There is No Substitute
for Safety
Murray State Banking
Murray, Nebraska
James II. Browne and
Omaha were visiting in
the wife of
Murray fjr
the day on last Suniiay.
Charles Mutz is building a stable
for the use of Will Minford who lives
north of the tiling station.
Ceo'-ge Lloyd shelled and deliver
ed his corn to the Murray elevator
on Wednesday of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Gust Tiruoacher were
sper.dii: !a.-t Sunday at the home of
the rarents of Mrs. Brubacher at
- George Weyers and mother of near
Elmwood were visitintr for a shor.'
time in Murray cn last Tuesday af
ternoon. Anton Rys cf Plattsmouth war
vh-itinc- wi-h fr'eiuis in Murray or.
last Tuesday and h.oking afu-r some
i.usinr-s-i n:ttt:s as we.l.
In C. Rhoden. who lias Vt n kp
to his home ff.r several wet !:s is re
jt'Tted as Peir.g muih improved arc
ii heping ::oon to b.' out again.
Everett Spanglcr and "if( v.i:l
their little son were visitins ii:
j Our Low
J. M. Kraut, Nr. 3 size, 7 cans for $1.00
Otoe Pork and Beans, No. 3, 7 cans for 1.00
Country Gentleman Corn, 7 cans for 1.00
Sun Rise Green Beans, 7 cans for 1.00
Matches (genuine Ohio blue tips) 6 boxes 25
Peaches, Pears, Pineapple, 3 cans 95
2-Ib. pkg. Blue Ribbon Peaches for 45
Crystal White Soap, 1 bar free withe 8 bars 38
P and G White Naptha Soap, 10 bars 43
Dry Goods Department
Ladiss', Misses, Children's Spring Hat, $1.25 to. .$5.00
Rayon, plain colors, per yard 49
Prints, per yard . 2Sc and .45
Percales, per yard 19
Men's fancy colored Silk Hose, per pair . . 50c and .50
Men's Dress Shirts $1.50, $1.75 and 2.25
Ladies' full fashion Silk Hose, colors. .$1.50 and 1.75
Misses' Silk Hcse, all colors, per pair 49
Shoe Department
Men's Dress Oxfords, tan or black. . . .$3.75 to $4.75
Boys' tan Dress Oxfords 3.50
Men's Work Shoes $2.25, $3.25, $3.50 and 4.50
Fresh Fruits - Vegetables
Oranges - Apples - Lemons - Bananas
Grape Fruit - Head Lettuce
Sveet Potatoes
Celery - Onions - Cabbage
Fancy Eating Potatoes
Garden Seeds and Seed Potatoes
i uit
Phone No. 12
Tuesday afternoon of this week.
Walter Raymond Robb of Nebras
ka City was a visitor in Murray on
(Tuesday of this week where ho was
'selling candy to the merchants.
J Mrs. Henry Johnson of Mynard
was a visitor with friends in Murray
j on Tuesday of last week, coming
Iriown on the train for a short visit.
Jack Philpot was a visitor in Mur
ray on Tuesday of last week, driv
ing over from his home near Weep
ing Water to look after some busi
ness. Louis Rheinackle she:ie: anG de
livered his cor on Tuesday ot tni?
!week, and has ti out cf the way now
!for the spring work which will soon
oe Here.
George Ray was over in the citr
on last Tuesday morning and was
assisting George E. Nickles in trim
ming the gripes of which Mr. Nkk-
les bus many. j
Frank Mrasek with his big truck j
took a truck load of very fine hogs i
to Nebraska City on Tuesday for
Ernest I'iutner. where they brought
a very fair price. I
Edward Murphey of near Manley:
was a visitor in Murray on Tuesday
of this week, coming over to loci:
Jr.fter some business matters
as ;o consult his physician.
as well
During the time when Phil Lam-1
Gel Your Discs
in vcur Discs and have them
sharpened and out of the way when
the busy season of Spring work ar
rives. We guarantee all our work.
Murray, Nebraska
Here is the Place
1 1 am located in Murray just cp
'pesiie the Garage, I pay cash for
J and EGGS
iAIsc sell all kinds of Poultry ard
Hog Feed. Call and see
R. C. Wright
! Murray, Nebr.
Plattsmouth for a short time
cHl Brubacher
Murray, Nebr.
Up-to-Date Painter and Decorator
bert has been in Omaha on account
of the illness of Mrs. Lambert, Jess
Chambers has been looking after
things at the Lambert home.
Little Earl Cline of Plattsmouth,
wa3 visiting with his little friends,
Chester Albin at the home of Carter
Albin last Sunday, where the little
folks enjoyed the visit very much.
Mrasek and Richter were loading
for shipment as well as hauling
them from the country, two cars of
walnut logs which are being sent to
Omaha for the manufacture of fur-
j niture.
j Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Tutt and Mrs
j 0. A. Davis were visiting aud look
i ing after some business matters ir
Omaha cn Wednesday of last week
they driving over to the big city In
tneir car.
H. L. Tompkins of Plattsmouth
who is operating a filling station ;ust
:! the edge of Plattsmouth was lcok
iaq after some business matters ir.
Murray for a short time on last Tues
day afternoon.
Mr. D. C. Rhoden received a car
of hay the first of the week which
was distributed among the farmer?
wanting hay. and was gladly received
by them as the feed of this character
is rather scarce.
G. M. Minford shelled corn and de
livered it to the elevators in Mur
ray on last Mouday. he has started
shelling on Friday of last week, buf
the rain compelled him to stop, and
the job was completed on Monday.
Raiph Kennedy, the carpenter and
builder, is making some important
changes in the house on the farm of
Ceorge Brinklow east of Murray
where Mr. Brinklow and Mr. Allen
Vernon and wife will reside this
Joseph Mrasek of Piattsmouth was
a visitor in Murray on last Tuesday
and sold one of the excellent trac
tors which he handles. Mr. Otto Pul?
receiving the new machine which he
will use for the heavy work on the
Lee Nickles and A. D. Crunk were'
rutting hedge along the highway or
last Monday and Tuesday getting th'
work done and out of the way for
the spring tasks which will soor; be
demanding the attention of all of the
Messrs. Ilarve Gregg and J. A.
Scotten. the two rustling contractors j
are at tins time constructing a oarr.
cn the farm whTe Mr. Earl Lan
caster has been living to replace th
barn which was shortly since des
troyed by fire.
Fred Woolsey and Jvhn McCarthey
of south of Union were visiting and
looking after business matters in
Murray on last Monday, and was
making a purchase of lumber for the
construction of some buildings on
their respective farms near the Otoe
county line.
J. P. Kelsry and wife of Shenan
doah. Iowa, and Mrs. Kelsey a sister
of Mrs. Henry C. Long, where the
'attcr has leer visiting for a num
ber of wo'ks with her sister, camf
over to Murray and was accompan
ied by Mrs. Long. They visited for
the day, returning to ther home in
Iowa in the evening.
Mrs. Albert Snell. who is a daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Philpot
underwent an operation at her home
in Weeping Water last week for the
removal of a cyst, from her side
which has ben giving this lady much
pain for some time and with the- re
moval it is hoped she will soon be
enjoying better health.
The Woman's Christian Trmpe'--ante
Union of Plattsmouth have ex
tended an invitation to the Woman's
Missionary Society of Murray to en
joy the next meeting of the W. C.
T." U. which fill be held Monday af
Used Cars
Parts for all makes of cars. The
best of Repair work on all cars.
Reliable supplies and accessor
ies. Everything at right prices.
Ethyl Gas
Murray Garage
"We do good work in
automobile repair."
Estimates Cheerfully Furnished
Phcne 45
A. Sootfeii-
It any cf the readers Of the
Jouanal tcnoir of Key social
ev&6oritiB of interest in
thta vicinity, and "will maU
meto this office. It -mill ap
pear under tbls lieadUiK. We
want-all Bewsftexna Echob
ternoon, March 21st, at Plattsmouth.
The Woman's Missionary Society
have signified their intention of at
tending. Last Tuesday occurred the sale of
Wayne Lewis and Bud Nickles, which
had been set for a couple of dates
but rained both times. Bud acted as
the clerk and Wayne and Lloyd Lew
is as the auctloneerrs, they taking
turns selling. We were very agree
ably pleased with the very handy
manner in which Wayne and Lloyd
took hold of the selling end of the
C. E. Carroll was a visitor at Gret
na on last week bringing home 8
team of horses which he had there.
-vir. carroii win iarm tnis summer
and has rented a portion of the farm
which Glen Perry formerly farmed
which belongs to Edward Spangler.
Mr. Carroll says that things are
about like here at Gretna and that
his son Ern, is .getting along nicely
at this time. Ern has not sold his
corn as yet, thinking that later the
prices will be better.
Fortv Acres for Sale.
Three miles east of Murray, six
miles south of Plattsmouth. on Mur
ray mail route. Cash or terms. Or
will rent if not sold by April first.
John Campbell, Murray, Nebraska.
will Visit Plattsmouth Sunday.
The Bible school of the Murray
Christian church will convene at an
earlier hour the coming Lord's Day
and will hold their Piblo school a
9:30 a. m., and will in a body g
to Plattsmouth where the Rev. F. E
Blanchard will conduct services a
the Christian church of that place
and where all will attend. The serv
ice being at Plattsmouth at 11 o'clock
and all members are requested to be
in attendance and also those who
can furnish a car for transportation
of the crowd are requested to do so
and report to Dr. J. F. P.rendel or at
the barber shop.
Underwent Operation.
Mrs. Phillip Lambert who has been
in poor health for some time and
who has been visiting with relatives
in Council Bluffs was taken to ar
hospital recently, underwetn an oper
ation at the Mercy hospital, on Mon
day of this week, and when the op
eration was performed it was found
thflt this lady had been suffering
from a complication of diseases.
However, she stood the ordeal very
nicely, but Is considered as being
very seriously ill and zil care is be
taken of the patient, and hopes aru
entertained that she may h? able1 tc
show improvement in the near fu
ture. Town Full of Essex Cars.
That is the situation in Murray
now, and many Hudsons in the rust
ling city as well. On Tuesday an
other load of these excellent cars ar
rived for the Murray Iludson-Esser
ccrrnany, and which were immed
iately unloaded. Most of the cars
which arrived were already sold, two
of them going to Xehawka, one to
J. W. Magney and one to James
There is a great demand at thi
time for the better cars and this
company is supplying the demand a?
fast as they can be shipptd from the
factory. See the ad of this company
in another column, with the prices.
They will be pleased to remonstrate
these excellent cars anytime.
Hears Uncle Is Dep.d.
Gust Hollenberg received a mes
sage on Tuesday morning telling of
the death of an uncle who has been
making his home in Illinois, and of
whose illness Mr. Hollenberg did not
know. Gust immediately arranged tc
depart for Illinois to assist in the
care, which work comes with the
death of one the head of the home
and will attend the funeral, and as
sist in arranging matters for the
folks there.
Kurray Christian Church.
Next Lord's day, March 20. 1027.
in the evening a dramatic sermon
will Vin riinn Thu t ' 1 1 1 ' 'O rw r i yi
Closed Doors." to be eiven bv thei:" . .." "V ..' ?. I
young men of the Christian church
It has two scenes which will be con
tinued for two Sundays beginning
next Sunday night.
i.i :n i ; ,i v uie aiscouragea, nut nave iaitn, ior
rMJU Lai I in IJT turn di itir l.iluiLlii . , , . . . , . . ...
on the evening of Friday. March 23. h;itnout f.aith 11 ,s "nPsible to
All young people of the Loyal Circle ple . . . . . ..
class are invited to attend and other . The ?Iaster ad taught the dis-
young people that are interested in i
the Loyal Circle class of the Mur-
f-T,,;c;o m.i.
vuiioitau v iiui v ii. awi a. i . li. iiu
jf naay nignt. ah come, ior a good
. . j manner of diseases, and especially the
United Presbyterian Notes. curing of leprosy and even the re
W. F. Graham, Pastor. storing of life after it had left the
Sabbath school at 10 a. m. ibody.
Preaching at 11 a. m. and S p. m. j When Christ, with the disciples.
Young People's meeting at 7:30 was in Perea word was sent to bim
P- m. by the sisters, Martha and Mary, that
Mid-week prayer meeting, Wednes-,"He who thou lovest is sick," this be
day at 7:30 p. m. ing a S-O-S call, and asking for help.
There will be a congregational When the message came, Christ, to
meeting March 20th. strengthen the faith of the disciples,
Last Sabbath Dr. Ross preached said, "This sickness is not unto death,
very acceptably both morning and but for the glory of God that the Son
evening. We had an enjoyable com- of God might be glorified thereby."
munion service in the morning. .Therefore, with the disciples, He re
There will be a piano recital given mained for two days and then leis
at the church by Miss Clow's pupils urely retraced their steps towards
on Saturday night. March 19. Jerusalem, where they arrived four
The Tarkio college Mens Glee days after the time the message had
club will give an entertainment at come to them. When they arrived in
the church oc Saturday night, Mlar. Jerusalem, they were told of the
charge, but an offering.
Sunday, March 20th.
By AL S. Brlccs
Golden Text: "In my Father's
house are many mansions; if it were
cot so, I would have told you. For
I go to prepare a place for you."
John 14:2.
The Promise of the Master
That was a great experience in
your life when Uncle Reuben and the
family departed for Oregon, where .
they expected to make their home in
the future. You will remember that
was many years ago when traveling
for any great distance was much of
a job. Only a few years before there
had been much excitement when gold
was discovered in California, and
many had gone to that country to
get rich. Some had and others had
failed and were broke in the far
west. Then came the report of how
rich the country was in Oregon with
fine farms for all, but withal a long
and very tiresome journey with noth
ing to make the trip with except a
few yoke of oxen and not much to
pay expenses on the way, and the
farming implements to carry along
a3 well. It was not so hard with the
oxen, for they could pasture by the
way, while horses would have to have
had grain or they could not make the
trip. . !
You remember, doubtless, how
they prepared for the trip for days
and weeks before, and on the last
night before they started, all the
folks and neighbors were together
and talked about the trip, and how
Uncle Reuben and family should
write after they had gotten there and
tell us what they thought of the
country, for we were wanting to go
too. j
Friendships which had been culti-;
vated for years made us wish they
were not going or that we were going
too. The parting made us sad. How ;
like the night before the crucifiction, '
when the Master and the disciples
were gathered in the room for the last
time and the Savior has told them of ,
how he was to be crucified and how
one of the disciples was to betray
him, and how all were to deny him,
and especially Peter.
When they had been together for
the past three years and had just
Degun lo really kiiow wl-u uiuw , u
Weld tl LU VTZ v i x.
the very serious things which should
happen. The spirits of the disciples
were greatly depressed, and all felt
sad, and with many forebodings, tbey.
who had in a' way looked for the
kingdom of Israel to be again estab
lished, they not being able to get the
matter out of their minds that the
new kinedom was to be a literal one I
ine spirits OI IU lime Uduu wa wjic
at iQr,
. t i
guage or tne uoiaen text, in my
Father's house are many mansions;
if it were not so, I would have told
For I go to prepare a place for
In its entirety the passage
reads as follows:
Let not your
heart be troubles, '
believe in God, believe also in me. In
my Father's house are many man
sions; if it were not so, I would
have told you. And if I go and pre
pare a place for you, I will return
that where I am there you may be,1"? "Snify that there woud be any ,
lUcrinlAS ia tfcol- wpre PTfAPfi inplv
down pressed, this declaration was
one of wonderful moment. Christ first
saia, not your neart ue trou-
bled, this to encourage ttiem ana in-
H carl -o o i r m m an1 t ri o t "wo c Vi i M 1 ri
.oct Bi vrir Hrtiiht a n A mattor nf lin.
belief away, and not doubt but that !
Christ by the instruction and power
given by tne tatner would solve an
our trials and troubles, when we in
-ri:. j -t v..iirt- i r,
m t T rioro q n o-h f rrti t r holi'ovA
fo(i,. o,. r,r on
. . , ' . T ?. e . . . tpartmg is illuminated with the glory
things that is, and I his son. joint i .a, , . , , ,
heir. w-ith the Holy Spirit, who were reflected from that home above and
with God from the very beginning, radiated by the love of the Father,
and with him created the heavens and :e ?ne. fan a glimpe of the
the earth and all things that are con-'Fath?" l?v' whtn,1!e s" loved the
, " . . .. ;world that he gave his only begotten
tained therein. Now at this time, . . . , " ... , .
. . . . f,,,ia son that whosoever believeth on him
when things look dark and troublous . . . . . . . . . ,
,,,, , . ;(. fnitu ; rA might not perish but have everlast
clouds arise, have faith, faith in God . i- .,
and faith in me. Then to assure ins 1 e"
them he adds, "In my Father's house ! Sometimes the clouds hover lower
are raanv mansions: if it were not in-v an(1 things do not look good to
so T would have told vnu. for I came the mortal eye; we are diuscouraged,
:to bring you the truth, which means
an inheritance into eternal life and
this life might be more abundantly,
to all who believe, this is an
?D"n?ant me. ana supio inem
!JU5l UO itUUUUdUL a 111B 11113 lit IU
be. He says, "If it were not so. I
, would have told you." Now do not
cipies auring me tnree years tney
Lua" "e " l n. ' L . V
have faith and had illustrated the
1 1 liL A. 1 A. A. 1 A.
; power which the Father had placed
in his hands by restoring the sight
of the blind and the healing of all
death of Lazarus. Then Jesus, -with
some of the disciples, went towards
At Yoyir Pnc
$75.00 Dexter Washing Machine
Highest bidder gets this machine (illustrated below) at
exactly 3:00 o'clock Saturday, March 19. Be here to
bid or have your bid in before that time. Double Tub
Power Washer for use with gasoline engine. See the
machine in our window. Somebody gets it Saturday!
Come, see this washer
the home of the sisters to comfort
them. Martha, who was ever alert,
hearing of the coming of the Master,
Vioct rttifid olnntr Vwi war t r rr.oor Him
she had pQne but a short dis.
tance, she met the Savior, and after
the exchange of greetings, said unto
jhim, '"Lord, if thou hadst been here,
my brother had not died. But I know,
even now, whatsoever thou shalt ask
of God, he will give it unto thee."
Christ replied, "Thy brother shall!
Irise again."
Martha said, "I know he shall rise
at the resurrection at the last
ua. iiiru v a lix ii;c ucv.iai anuu i
. - , , , - e- v, '
hich should be a comfort and hope
to all Christians. "I am the resur-
.rection and the life; he that believ-
eth on me. though he were dead, yet
shall he live and he that liveth and
believeth on me shall never die," at
ithe same time asking of her, "Bellev
eth thou this?" Martha replied, "Yea
rd- It,bel'eAve fthat. th?u , ar' th
iChrist the Son of God. which should
come into the world.'
When Christ said, "In my Father's
house are many mansions, and I g
to prepare a place for you," he did
a lack of tne Glory of tiou in thct
I home
above, but that there should
jbe plenty for all who might come.
;No one can look into the eternal
(heavens on a clear, starry night and
. ,. , . - . . ,
, . . ,
! lliC ill II 1 L UU t UL Lilt? iuv e UL Liie
auier 1:13 POWe
and his creation.
and in a way get a partial view of the
wondrous world of light and joy
which the Christ promised the disci
pies when he said he would go to
i wru c utra n uilu lvh iai ur 'Jim
mortal language to
iconvey where the
face of the de-
and so when there comes a rift in the
&ray clouds and a bit of sunshine
.creeps through, we are cheerful and
ile A
Do you realize 88 feet in perfect safety in one second?
The greatest car of the age. You will know it when we
give you a demonstration. Come and let us show you
what a vonderful car this new Essex Super-Six is!
Coups $735.00
Coach 73S.00
Sedan 7S5.00
Coach $1,285.00
4-door Sedan 1,385.00
Brougham 1,575.00
Above Prices F. 0. B. Factory
Murray Hudson-Essex Sales Co,
Murray, Nebraska
and bring your bid!
take renewed courage for the journey
ahead and the accomplishment of the
mission Christ places on uh. Ed
ward Clarence Steadman has spoken
the very feelings which come to us.
and just the vision we see, as well as
the rapture which encourages us,
when he wrote:
Could we but know
The land that ends our dark,
uncertain travel.
Where lie those happier hills
and meadows low
Ah. if beyond the spirit's In
most cavil.
Aught of. that country could
we surely know.
Who would not go?
Might we but hear
The hovering angels' high
imagined chorus.
Or catch betimes with wake
ful eyes and clear.
One radient vista of the realm
before us
With one rapt moment given
to us to see and hear,
Ah, who would fear?
Pure bred Buff Orpington eggs for
hatching, from certified flock. $5.00
per 100; 75c for set of 15.
m!4-3w Murray, Nebr.
Dover. O.. March 14. Dover to
day acclaimed 11 "bandana waving"'
heroes. rationing themselves in
front of a 23-ton bouIdr which had
dropped from an overhanging cltfT
to the track of the Cleveland &
Pittsburgh railroad, a mile north of
here, Donald Mason and his troop oT
10 Poy R'-outs flagged down a speed
ing C & P. pa.engcr train waving
11 flaming red neckpieces fn time to
prevent it crashing into the nvk.
Western grown alfalfa noed for
sale, priced according to test. Fan-pies
at W. H. Pu!s store. Plattsmouth
and Murray State P.Mik. Murraq
Jack Philpot, Weeping Water.