The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 17, 1927, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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fHtJKanT, mussss 17, 1927.
Cbc plattsmoutb lournal
Atr4 at Poatoffic. PlatUmouta, Neb., u Mcoad-eiaaa mall matMr
R. A. BATES, Publisher
SUBSCMPTIOH PRICE $2.00 per yeah ih advakcj
One of the oddest of the many odd
paradoxes in modern democracy is
What the country lost in import
ant legislation by the disastrous sen-
the presisting toleration of inefficient ate filibuster, Vice-President Dawes
teaching methods even in so-called gained in political reputation and
"'higher institution of learning."
Democracy, insisting on govern-
An extra session
fee necesaiy.
March is bait gone,
weather, to speak of.
of congress may
and no bad
Why doesn't some enterprising at
torney write a book of unwritten law?
One-half the world is busy trying
to separate the other half from its
If you can get everybody to think
you Are somebody, you don't have to
be anybody.
Watch out when a woman can read
you like a book; her next move may
"be to put you on the shelf.
Remember Bargain Day Wednes
day. Come in while goods are on the
Bargain counters at cost prices.
Many of the splendid abodes of the
aristocracy are being dismantled:
owing to heavy expenses of upkeep.
A Chicago man played a piano con
tinuously for forty-eight hours. And,
sad to relate, he lives to tell about
Don't give up in doing right.
Plenty of
moisture for the wheat
strength. The demonstration of thei
helplessness of the senate under
ment of the people by the people, lor present rules to combat a filibuster
the people, necessarily postulates as which interrupts its work and de-
fundamental in the education of the stroys the opportunity to pass needed
young training for keen, vigorous legislation revived and vitalized the
and independent thinking. A people vice-president's aparently lost cam
who do not think for themselves,1 paign for a modification of the rules,
think vigorously and keenly, will of; Mr. Dawes damaged his cause by an
necessity become incapable, soon or ill-timed, violent and injudicious at
late, or governing themselves. ; tack on the rules on his first appear-
Yet an outstanding fact in the ance in the senate as presiding officer,
j whole educational system of today is He earned nothing (but ridicule and
I the neglect of stimulation to keen,' scorn from the senators, although
We should all help in booming for vigorous, and independent thinking, many of them favored a reasonable
The emphasis is not on thinking, modification of the rules and the sen
'but on the gaining of knowledge. As timent in the country generally favors
is evinced by the dominance of the it. Since then,, while persisting in his
lecture method in the classrooms of campaign his efforts have been feeble,
modern democracy. j The stars, however, fought for him.
Students assemble to listen and When the rotten filibuster, designed-
down. Now 20
Eggs are coming
cents a dozen.
But it isn't quite warm enough yet
for good fishing.
:o: i
Japan wants France and Italy to
join "Arms Parley." But will they?
to block another investigation of;
fraud and corruption in the Pennsyl
vania senatorial elections, blocked
Buy your goods in your home town
and you will always be happy for
so doing.
Everyone has faith,
noetic believes that he
The test of charm
ail legislation at the close of the
lame-duck session. Mr. Dawes' cause
gained new life and vitality. His fight
take notes. Knowledge is poured in
to them and later they are examined
aS to their retention of the knowledge
that has been poured. If they have
retained a certain percent of it they
are accounted educated.
Yet to know and to think are plain- has been justified.
I ly different matters. True education, Senator Walsh of Massachusetts,
Even the ag- especially in a democracy, requires whose political judgment is excellent,
doesn't know appreciation of this. True education declares that the filibuster has elevat
; requires that teachers should adopt a ed Vice President Dawes to a high
method akin to that devised far back place in the republican leadership.
is the ability jn tne eighteenth century by the tx- He thinks it will make him one of the
to leave the hat-check girl tipless ceneilt Joseph Priestley. As recorded leading candidates for the republican
and smiling. Dv one Df Priestley's pupils: presidential nomination. If Mr. Cool-
f j ' J
)3 " -X
Let's try a woman for mayor next
time. And put two or three in the
council next time, also.
Hollywood is a place where a man
who wields a hammer on a movie
"At the conclusion of his lecture,
he always encouraged his students
of it and to urge any objections to
idge should decide not to buck the
third-term tradition. Senator Walsh
says that Mr. Dawes is in a fine posi-
what he had delivered, without re- tion to be struck by presidential
serve. lightning. His lightning rod has been
"It pleased him whenever anyone lengthened and strengthened,
commenced such a conversation. His There is no doubt that the filibus-
object was to engage the students to ter, with its far-reaching consequenc-
Speeders are being brought to time examine and decide for themselves, es. lias made tne revision or tne sen
in all the big cities. There is no call uninfluenced by the sentiments of aay ate rules a definite and important
nv , , for sneedine on the streets, anyway, otner person
lliUaC llJ DtXJ kUUb 1X17 sluu; - - w - -
When we need rain again just
put the flushing outfit on the streets is known as a, "master artisan."
a t cktxr Hor Vvofnrn onH xtra will en rplv ' . O .
get It.
classical language Is a waste of time,
should read some of the dandruff advertisements.
issue. The cause has been tremend-
q ; 1 i Ufic iiie I iiesilfjs 111 lilt; ui;u- rutrugiiicucu in tuv sunitr auu
If an officer is elected to enforce tional world of twentieth century throughout the country. The lead
laws, why don't he do it? The police democracy. But there are few of ership of Mr. Dawes in that issue can
get no encouragement in doing their them, exceedingly few. not be questioned.
This modern age
puts Camels first
THIS age tried Camels and placed them first. And it was
no half-way verdict. Never in the history of smoking was
a cigarette given a leadership like Camel has today.
To find why Camels are the favorite, just try them
You will find the perfect fragrance and taste of choice
tobaccos, rarely blended. You will experience a mellow
mildness that gives endless cigarette enjoyment!
For the choice of the modern age "Hare a Camel!"
Stick by your home town, and its
people will stick by you. Patronize
your home merchants and help build)
up Lome interests.
An Episcopal bishop declares re
ligion is the cheapest thing in the
world. He evidently doesn't believe in
brightening the corner where you
A Parts fashion note Bays that the
well-dressed bridegroom 6hould wear
a lace-trimmed hat. Why not a nose
ring, a bustle, and a pair of teddies,
A Mississippi congressman intro
duced a bill to prevent distribution
ot questionable literature. We trust
i a Villi rfovntoa a aorHnn t rv court '
. :o:
A new town in Oklahoma has been
named Bowlegs. It seems that the
Charleston hasn't found its way down
there yet. '
:o: I
A mile below the surface of the
ocean bed is well lighted by the lum
inous organs of the fish living there,'
says a scientist.
(111 1 1 XL PiUtlfl IIKI 1S 24 L I.r 1 1 1 If L 1 lit T - a. . - 1 A. A. a. x
r tr o -- j LX ti u aiiuuaL rtpui i iu me dij
pay off a 3, million-dollar debt by. nealtn officer, one reads the astonish-
writing. Are we to
"Abie's Irish Rose?"
And this is the grim tragedy of
what we are pleased to call progress.1
We have rebelled. and rightly
against governance by one or by a
few. But we have blindly adhered
to the old teaching method that
makes the many passively receptive
instead of creatively, constructively,'
and soundly thoughtful.
1927. B. J. Reynoldt Tobacco
Company, WiaMoa-Salem, N. C
77 J4 w7"V'
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch hits a
home run and deserves loud, contin
uous applause when it says: "Wash
ington now has both the Speakers
Tris and Nick."
have another ing. statement that there are 870 nor-
Automobiles received in New Zea-'
land In a recent month comprised 1,-
763 from the United States. 545 from
Canada and 169 from the United
The new army appropriation bill
Now since a fancier in Olympia,
Washington, has developed the "bark
less dogs," the fancier should see
what he can do about parrots.
After many hikes over snow and
ice and across the front page. Miss
i Rosalie Jones has finally marched in-
' to the arms of a United States sen
1 ator.
; mal pupils found in the total of 61C6
j examined by physicians in the pub
. lie schools during the past year,
j What Is evidently intended is that
there are 870 abnormally healthy and
perfect physical specimens in the
group, and tne narmal, common, or
dinary, rgular, typical, usual, gar
den variety of children have some
thing or other the matter with them,
i So stated, the report becomes intel
ligible and reasonable, but to broad
cast an intimation that sixsevenths
contains a more adequate appropria
tion for sustenance. It's a sure sign
of war when the soldiers go to eat
ing again.
"Too many laws.
the District Court of
County, Nebraska.
John P. Sat tier. '
t Plaintiff
Sam'l H. Moer, if living if
deceased his unknown
heirs devisees, legatees per
sonal representatives and
all other persons interested
in his estate real names
'unknown, et al.
To Sam'l H. Moer if living, if de
ceased his unknown heirs devisees
legatees personal representatives and
all other persons interested in his
estate, real names unknown, Mrs.
Sam'l H. Moer. first real name un
known, wife of Sam'l H. Moer; Rosen
baum Brothers, a firm composed of
M. Rosenbaum first real name un
known, and J. Rosenbaum. first real
name unknown; M. Rosenbaum first
real name unknown, if living if de-
his unknown heirs devisees
"Edison believes supreme intelli
gence pervades universe." Excepting of our children are "abnormal" is,
a few hundred million DeoDle. this upon its face, a ridiculous contradic- ceased
mav be true of the rest of the uni- tion in terms, and a doubtful adver- legatees personal representatives and
The "Red movement, in America It is time someone came to the de- wife of M. Rosenbaum; J. Rosenbaum
not enonch pti-'s practically disappeared, it is re- fense of this much abused word "nor- "rsi real name unKnown. h living
. tisement of our schools and metropo- ?" UU1"11'I1S mi- iu m -J
t tate, real names unknown; Mrs. M.
..". u I'll liiii ( ii i cii i v t.1 1 1.1 m v uuiuv i u
foreement " comnlaina n. Puhlic Mind Ported. The only "Reds"
writer. Well, of course, then we'll in Secretary Kellogg's personal
have to have a lot of new enforce-1 'action
ment laws.
Christian, what we can't understand today, the
is why the sidewalks are not clean-' increasing
ed off more generally when it 6nows
deoeased, his unknown heirs devisees
In the County Court of Cas3 coun
ty, Nebraska.
I State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
To all persons interested in the
estate of Petrolina Chaloupka, de
ceased: On reading the petition of Sophia
Chaloupka praying that the instru
ment filed in this court on the 25th
day of February, 1927, and purport
ing to be the last will and testament
of the said deceased, may be proved
'and allowed, and recorded as the last
will and testament of Petrolina Cha
loupka, deceased: that said instru
ment be admitted to probate, and the
administration of said estate be
granted to Chas. Vitousek, as execu
tor; It is hereby ordered that you, and
all persons interested In said matter,
may, and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said coun
ty, on the 21st day of March, A. D.,
1927, at ten o'clock a. m., to show
cause, if any there be, why the pray
er of the petitioner should not be
granted, and that notice of the pen
dency of said petition and that the
hearing thereof be given to all per
sons interested in said matter by pub
lishing a copy of this Order in the
Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly
newspaper printed in said county, for
three successive weeks prior to said
day of hearing.
Witness my hand, and seal of said
court, this 25th day of February, A.
D., 1927.
(Seal) f28-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
To all persons interested in the es
tate of Alfred B. Hass, deceased:
On reading the petition of Daisy I Smith et al. defendants, to satisiy a
Agnes Hass praying that the instru- judgment of said Court, recovered
ment filed in this court on the 8th by Loui3 Keil, Guardian of Ray W.
day of March, 1927, and purporting I Lambert, a minor, plaintiff against
to be the last will and testament of ' said defendants. .....
the Village of Rock Bluff, in
Cass county, Nebraska, as sur
veyed and platted and recorded;
also Lots 1, 2. 9 and 10 in Block
I North and S West of the public
square, in Rock Bluffs, Cass
county, Nf-Lraska
the same being levied upon and
taken as the property of John L.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, March 3rd,
A. D. 1927.
Sheriff Cass County,
i.r. a mal " onx'hnix- I f hoc oimororl mtirh
U.PTtPfH noponra ronrpsPTttatfvea ann
col- at the hands of the psychoolgists. It all other persons interested in his
ought to be clear to a moron that if estate, real names unknown;
most of us are morons, morons are Mrs. J. Rosenbaum, first real name
Although the number of clergymen normal and it is abnormal to be high- ""KI1,ow'
it, as xne religious questionnaire j in me tnurcn 01 n.ngiand nas arop-io mtemseui.. a. uimirr ui isii, ed is unknown heirs devisees lega
revealed, this country is 81 per cent-ped from 21,000 in 1914, to 16,000 we begin to suspect that the last tees personal representatives and all
income OI tne CnUrCU IS v win-1 uiuii ia l uim i. uiut-i iri s-ua inu:i ' - l yj. in 1110 t
I Physicallv and mentallv, we aver- tate- real names unknown; Helen M.
-:o: 1 age up pretty normal and the mil- . , . , , , .
' . . . The unknown heirs devisees legatees
inaiana nas raised the speed limit lenium, wnen tne woria win De peo- personal representatives and all oth-!D., 1927, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said
Wilbur Vollva, Zion City's funda- on it3 state highways to forty mi'es pled exclusively by Samsons and er persons interested in the estate of , day, at the south front door of the
montnMct nvprsppr. mnfp3Pi in nn an hnnr TnHiana cc.cmQ rminnri Khakpsnearps. i? vet sotiip distnncp John Bons. deceased, real names un-icourt House, in tne City 01 i'latts-
M " Vfvvvfvvv m J . . . - -" ' " . J VA Idl UUtT. II IL uaD .U - - - j ... . . . .
Aii persons naviug ui iiaiuiiu
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
By virtue of an Order of Sale is
sued by Golda Noble Beal, Clerk of
the District Court within and for Cass
county, Nebraska, and to me directed,
I will on the 16th day of April, A.
the said deceased, may be proved and
allowed and recorded as the last will
and testament of Alfred B. Hass, de
ceased; that said instrument be ad
mitted to probate, and the adminis
tration of said estate be granted to
E. C. Boehmer, as Executor;
It is hereby ordered that you, and
all persons interested in said matter,
may, and do, appear at the County I
Court to be held in and for said
county, on the Sth day of April, A.
D. 1927. at 10 o'clock a. m.. to show
cause, if anv there be. whv the Dray- To all persons interested in
er of the petitioner should not be Restate of Paul Bajeck, deceased:
granted, and that notice of the pen-j On reading the petition of John
dency of said petition and that the Bajeck praying that the instrument
hearing thereof be given to all per-filed in this court on the 12th day of
sons interested in said matter by pub-(March, 1927, and purporting to be
lishing a copy of this order in the the last will and testament of said
Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly deceased, may be proved and allow
newspaper printed in said county, led and recorded as the last will and
for three successive weeks prior to! testament of Paul Bajeck, deceased;
said day of hearing. Uhat said instrument be admitted to
Witness my hand, and seal of said probate, and the administration of
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
this Sth day of March, A
(Seal) ml4-3w
County Judge.
a year. He to make its motorist obey, if it has to
earns it by believing that the earth raise the limit to seventy-five. i
is flat, and It soon will be, if he keeps :o: j
pn. Henry Ford is in bad with the Na-'
:o: tionalist University, of Dublin, fir
It Is an ill filibuster that does no- failing to answer its invitation to em
body good. The deficiency bill which cept its honorary degree of doctor of
perished in the senate contained the laws. Of course. Ford should have a
flrst payment of $6,000,000 on the swered, as a matter of courtesy, but
Cape Ood Canal. Maybe by the time is it not rather silly for any univtr-
a uy
intpmst in or titlf tn T.nts KPVPn I 71
) TO OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES and eight (S) in Block seventeen
1 (17) in the City of Plattsmouth Cass
To Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, county Nebraska, real names un
just commencing his eighty-seventh known;
year, many felicitations! He is in You and each of j-ou are hereby
0-0 v, , 0 notified that on the 19th day of Feb-
years the oldest man on the Supreme ir.n- .v 1 j t
ruarv 192 1 the plaintiff in the fore
bench, but in viewpoint the youngest going action filed his petition in the
and most liberal! With Justice Bri;n- District Court of Cass County, Ne-
mouth, Nebraska, in said county, sell
at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash the following real es
tate, to-wit:
Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, Block 33;
Lots 5, 6, Block 63, in the Origi
nal City of Plattsmouth; Lots
7. 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Block 6,
Duke's Addition to the City of
Plattsmouth, as surveyed, plat
ted and recorded, all in Cass
county, Nebraska
,1T, . " ., . 4, , itv tnnnnrcLr "jdeis. Holmes has fought steadfastly braska. wherein you and each of youlThe same being levied upon and
we get around to it again the canal sity to confer such a degree on a man ... ... " arp mnrip n.nrtiP ripfendant. fnr th,ltakpn as the nronertv of William T.
will begin to pay and the government ' who could not pass the entrance ex
wlll not have to buy it. Jamination?
Famous 8x10 Brooder Houses
Made in sections and can be set up and taken down at
pleasure. Sell for $50 each. We also have the individual
Type "A" Hog Houses complete, selling for $16.50 and
$18.50. Let us show you the value of these buildings.
H. W. Tool Lumber Company
Murdock, Nebraska
against the ever-hardening conserva- aie u ijui ut-uuaui, iu. ;iu Z A rT V
.. , . purpose of obtaining a decree fromtCraig, Ida M. Craig, George O. Dovey,
tism of the Supreme Court. Neither sai(1 Courti quieting the title in the' Becky Moreland. Moreland,
his mind nor his body yields to arter- plaintiff to the following described first and real name unknown, hus-io-scierosis.
Holmes' dissenting opin- real estate to-wit: Lots seven and band of Becky Moreland; Clarence
in r0p0nt i'o-t-c fnrm a rihrir eigni in tsioeK sevenieeu in me uiy . arers; ravers, huu icai
or Fiattsmoutn, Cass uounty iseDras
ka, as against you and each of you
in the
years form a
Supreme Court's an-
name unKnown, wire or uiarence
Fa vers: Mrs. William Marsh, widow;
nals. Couched in an English st5'le of nnri iir snrh rifr-rpp tn -ahnlly pxrlndp Mrs Marion Chaneelor. widow: Wil-
grace and elegance, they are a mel- you and each of you from all estate, 11am Hinner, Hinner, first
low and luminious exposition of riht, title claim or interest therein, and real name unknown, wife of Wil-
ArT10T.,0Q . . . , , .. and to have the title to said real es-iliam Hinner; The First National
American principles. Long may the forever freed from the apparent , Bank of Plattsmouth. Nebraska, and
Justice wave! claims of you and each of you, and Fred Buerstetta, receiver of The First
:o: quieted in plaintiff and for equitable National Bank, of Plattsmouth, Ne-
Congress put up such a long fight relief. j braska, intervenors, are defendants.
I Vnii a-nA o!iii nf vnil nro rermirpfl in satisfy n Inricment Of said COUrt
to answer said petition on or before recovered by The Standard Savings
tho "SitVi ft a v nt ATril 1Q!7 nr vmir anH Tjian Association of Omaha. Ne-
enough congressmen who thought it default will'be entered in said cause braska, plaintiff against said defend-
1 ortill . . . ... . ' . . . . . . .
unnecessary ror Deonie to rer ann rtpcrpp cranrea as nravea ror in ants.
said estate be granted to John Bajeck,
as executor;
It is hereby ordered that you, and
all persons interested in said matter,
may, and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said coun-
Ity, on the Sth day of April, A. D.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun- 1927. at 10 o'clock a. m., to show
tJ.f gs 'cause, if any there be, why the prayer
In the County Court. of the Petitioner should not be grant-
In the matter of the estate of John ed amI that notice of the pendency
Lohnes, deceased. ,ot EaiJ Petition and that the hearing
To the creditors of said estate: 'thereof be given to all persons in
You are herebv notified that I will , terested in said matter by publishing
ci ot tho riintv Pnurt mnm in a copy of this order in The Platts-
Plattsmouth in said county, on the
4th day of April, A. D., 1927. and on
the 6th day of July, A. D., 1927, at
ten o'clock a. m., of each day, to re
ceive and examine all claims against
said estate, with a view to their ad
justment and allowance. The time
limited for the presentation of claims
against said estate is three months
from the 4th day of April, A. D.
1927, and the time limited for pay
ment of debts is one year from said
4th day of April. 1927.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 4th day of
March, 1927.
(Seal) m7-4w County Judge.
mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news
paper printed in said county, for
three successive weeks prior to said
day of hearing.
Witness my hand, and seal of said
court, this 12th day of March, A. D.
(Seal) ml4-3w County Judge.
Journal Want Ads bring results.
:over the medical liquor bill that you
I would actually think there were
their liquor from a doctor.
i said
Legal blanks of all kinds for s&le
4at the Journal office. jf24-4w-sw
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, March 11,
A. D. 1927.
Sheriff Cass County,
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
By virtue of an Order of Sale issued
by Golda Noble Beal, Clerk of the
District Court, within and for Cass
county, Nebraska, and to me direct
ed, I will on the 9th day of April,
A. D. 1927, at 10 o'clock a. m. of
said day, at the south front door of
the court house in the city of Platts
mouth, Nebraska, in said county, sell
at public auction to the highest bid
der for cash the following real estate,
Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, in Block I,
North and Eight West; and all
of Block 7 West; and all of Block
8 West; and all of Block I North, ,
7 West, which lies west of the
North branch of Rock Creek;
and all of Block I South and 8
West of the public square of
Hay - Hay - Hay!
Alfalfa and Prairie
Get your prices before buying. Ship
ped direct from our large Alfalfa
Fields. Bay direct and save money!
Overton, Nebraska
Dr. John A. Griffin f
. Office Houn: 9-12; 1-6.
Sundays and evening
by appointment only.
, PHONE 229
Soennichscn Building