The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 21, 1927, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Greenwood Departments
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Greenwood and Surrounding Vicinity
Leo Peters and wife were callec7
to Lincoln on last Monday, they driv
Ine over in the car.
See and pet a sack of O Shell O the
Btuff which makes the hens lay, for
sale at the Peters Elevator.
Ray Roupe was a visitor in Omaha
en last Wednesday, taking with him
a load o fcattle for Charles Card.
The youne people of Greenwood
enjoyed a Valentine Dance at the
Greenwood Party house on last Mon
day. The Peters Grain company dispos
ed of a car loid of salt during the
past week, which they are expecting
to arrive soon.
Mrs. Stella Dourks was a visitoi
ia Ashland one day during the past
ffk where she was having some
dental work done.
Phil L. Hall was called to Platts
things in readiness for the summer's
Frank Hart and the family were
spending the last week end at the
home of Mrs. Hart's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Scheel, sr., of Murdock,
where they enjoyed the day very
C. D. Fulmer dressed his summer't
supply of meat on last Saturday and
has been busy for a number of days
since getting the other work done in
the line of making sausages, and ren
dering the lard.
Vernon Stewart and the good wife
were blessed on last Sunday with the
gift of a very fine son who declares
he has found one of the best homes
in Nebraska. All concerned are do
ing nicely and all are happy.
1. A. Sanborn reports the sale of
farming machinery picking up and s
Eiouth on Friday of last week where good deal of the needed machinery
is now moving. With the cessasion
of the farm sales the demand for
machinery will be increased.
Jacob Will is raising and placing
a new foundation under his house,
and in other ways making repairs
and placing the home in excellent
trict and a most wonderful meeting
was had. The representatives from
the Greenwood church gave a report
of the first day's session of the con
vention on last Sunday and also will
report the second day's work at
Kearney the coming Sunday.
. On last Thursday occurred the cele
bration of the fourteenth wedding an
niversary of Mr. and Mrs. W. P.
Willis, a large number of their friends
appeared at their home at seven-thirty
with well filled baskets and gave this
excellent couple a most pleasant eve
ning. Among the other plans of
amusement was a number of progre;
sive card table and the prizes won
were, the first by Lytta Bauers and
partner and the consolation prize
went to Vera Anderson and partner
At the proper hour a sumptious sup
per was served and at the time of de
parture of their friends the wish was
tstended for many more happy years
for Mr. and Mrs. Willis.
Celebrate 30th Anniversary.
On last Monday at their home in
Greenwood was celebrated fcv their
friends and relatives the passing of
he was looking after some business
matters for a time.
15. V. Stoffer of Gordon was a
visitor at the heme of Mr. and Mrs
A. It. Hirdsall for a number of dayr
during the past week.
l.-..l I-r Ii r..p- utin wn Knendins: a
we-k at the home of his aunt. Mrs. condition, ine worn is ueing cione me tnirtietn wedding anniversary
S F McElwain at Plattsmouth re- j h' a contractor from Waverly. of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wright, who
turned home on Wednesday of last j Robert Mathews and wife enter-j have made tliis portion of Nebraska
itained at their home on last Sunday their residence for many years. The
v m Tallin wa, a business vii-'and na1 for their K"ests for the oc- wedding was solemnized by the Rev.
. c ,,th nfmi nn wXlv nfl,asion the members of the families of Cyrus Alton for many years the pas
tor at South Rend on Wednesday of Marr.;n anri p v Smith where mr f rvic. ,,.i.
lat week where he was looking at- r ' " :V"' 1 J" i " . ,
. i nttor-v v- a chnrt uie ,,a was mosi pieaiaiui peui. iwoon, ana wno was on tne occasion
ter smne business matters for a short Loujs Wr,ght and T.ife preparea ,jelavcrl Ly very ba( rca(s in Rettinfi
l" , n ., , . i a celebration for the birthday anni- to the wedding which was deferred
.iir. . iau auu nju, '-.versary for their sons. Marion who an hour. All attending the wedding?;.i u -wis. iu. .wi-yw. is tnree anrt Wayne, who is eight, both the first and the celebration of
were visiting in Lincoln and also There were there for the occasion the event after thirty years enjoyed
looking after some business matters the faniiiy of A. M Wright and Miss the occasion very much.
as well. I Catherine Coleman. Morkenhaupi and wife of sophas Peterson, the blaci .nith. Celebrate 39th Anniversary,
rear Manley were visiting at thejand sure he is a smith and worker At hftmo f ATr .,., '
Dr. Heineman, Dentist, Hotel Main
Bids., Phone 527.
From Thursday's Dally
Earl Hassler of Grand Island Is
here to enjoy a visit with the par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Hassler
Mont Robb of Union was a visitor
in the city yesterday for a few hours,
looking after some matters of busi
ness and visiting with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn DeLong of Ne
braska City, were here for a few
days to visit at the home of Dr. and
Mrs. R. P. West over. Mrs. DeLong
was formerly Miss Irene Davis,
teacher in the local schools.
Albian Nelson, who has charge of
the Starkjohn farm near Gothenberg.
Nebraska, came to Omaha with a load
of stock last evening and came down
to visit here with William Stark
john, an old friend and owner of the
farm that he is managing. Mr. Nel
son departed this morning for his
From Friday's Daily
Martin Stava of Rushvilie, Ne
braska, is here to visit at the home
f his uncle, Martin Stava for a few
Attorney W. A. Robertson and
County Attorney W. G. Kieck werej
C. of C. Sec'y
Visits Omaha
Chamber Friday
Meets With te Live Wires Who Assist
in Guiding the Chamber of
Commerce There.
From Saturday's Dally
Luke and His Uke:
"I crept upstairs, shoes In hand,
Just as the night took wing.
When I saw my wife right straight
Doing the same dern'd thing!"
V! When vou've been away fer the day
does vou wife also ask. "Well, and
what did you llave to eat?"
Yesterday, Clarke G. Powell re-;
quested us to dine with the member
ship committee, senior, of the Omaha
Chamber of Commerce. We declined
just enuff to make it look right yet
manage to hang onto the invitation.
F. T. B. Martin, chairman of that
committee, of Martin Brothers & Co.,!.
"Dependable Insurance since 1S69",
(evidently long before the present
Every item in our stock of Men's, Women's
and Children's Furnishings and Shoes is
priced way below cost.
We Must Se!! Out and Get Out
Come Early! Get First Choice! Our Prices
are as Low as before the War!
vzr U U E a Ei V
122 N. 6th Street
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Mr. Martin arrived on the scene) sat.V
at my left, and when I made the usual
at Lincoln today where they appeared entrcIy satisfactory to me. Had a.J.
Mycs'-s National Bank of Ulysses;
v. ith capital of $25,000 granted a
: hnrt'-r.
in the hearing before the federal court
to oppose the motion for the transfer i
of the case of Mia U. Gering vs. The
First National Bank, et al., covering
the amount of county funds in the
closed bank.
'nice tender piece of rib roast; a baked
potato with its poor sides slashed
fearfully; delicious brown gravy;
pineapple salad; two cups of coffee;
?,r'" -;trs- ,r fl lZr ."VS -Pt nu ,p.5 W1"e lTes;Hartsoofc. was celebrated on Monday
Mr and .Irs. Martin Mahar for the (for the farming work is now coming ;even, thp . Qf the
wr,k ea,!" , j in very generous quantities and reo-;di anEiverSary of this excellent
Mr?. H. G. Wright was called to ! pie are sure cf getting it done right irour,1o A larc nurar,er of their
Lin'oln on Tuesdav of last week when hopha. wtikis the hammer
whre she was visiting with friends Athens wrs noted for her learn
and relatives and also looking after jing. and well might she be for many
tome shopping. I great men were making their home?
T- or,,! a tv n,wieon T,,rT-. 1 1 here. No more was Athens famous
ed during the past week to the IIer-than is Greenwood.
man Boiler property and which will)
make this excellent couple a very I
tne r!ace to reside.
but the fame
Kdward Bell shipped a car load o'.
very fine Herford cattle to the South
Omaha market one day last week
whh were in excellent condition
and sh.v:ild have topped the market..
Mrs. P. A. Sanborn who is stay-) wood church.
which has come to Greenwood is on
account of her great checker players.
W. A. Armstrong trnd John Mefford,
G reen
week. Mies Mefford accompanied their
as far as Bethany, where she visited !
at the home of the Rev. and Mrs.!
J. L. Kennedy, pastor of the Green
S friends and relatives were present to
assist in the proper observance of the
occasion. A most enjoyable supper
was had and all joined in extending
the wish for a long and happy life,
j knowing well that the life will be
;of service to all who know them as
the past thirty-nine years of the life
! tiiJ A, ct,n ,rrh i they have 'i1 together has made
rented the Christian church ol ,, ' . . , ... .
A,' . , r,,i-..i. rf them people whih will serve their
wood, at Lincoln Tuesday of last t" .
A V I1U All 1A lilU UiJoli
j '. Spring ?. carloads of cattle
hii,i,l fro.'i this town recently.
With most local tnrrs at record-
urn ivuiL. i'. ii n n tici.; l in n i it : j
and raspberry sherbet that reminded , ious 6tates are nassiiii: additional'
me of Arkansas, all 'cept the chiggers, thousands cf bills which immediate! v
j Arnold Oj.f ratiom under way in
i new Inland & Al.-n Hatchery.
it was so true to the raspberry in
taste and color.
Gothenburg New American La
Kearney $250,000 junior high!
From Saturday's Ijnlly
Mis Catherine Hill of Fremont will
""" .lu,s Ktifinuuii iu ii you know it's swell to meet those .. M.nt7v
over the week-end of Miss syivia' , .,, 4, , c"-""l1 w.. ... . ...j.
. ... , . . ... .. t w 1 1 1 ii ii iinii idtiv. jurwt, ti : i i-i acini i .
Beatrice uincdn Telephone com
nanv to snend SCfi.000 imnroving its
a wonueriui visit, went inio ine prop
add to the already top-heavy tax load, i f ra nr'(' fire truck Purchased for this
The Owl Club Meet.
On Monday of last week the Owl
Club mot with Mr. and Mrs. K. F.
ing in Omaha for the winter was a. Dr. Lawrence Lee, and wife of Smith where they were royally en-
vi.-itor for over the week end at the Omaha, were compelled to spend some tertained, and where every one pres-
home of Mr. James Snnburn, her son time in the hospital at Omaha on Pt surly enjoyed the occasion, and
and the husband of Mrs. P. A. San- account of some illness which has where the games were played with
born. 'been troubling them for some time, zest and pleasure. Refreshments-
Emmitt A. Landon was out to the They are now able to be out of the
farm on last Tuesday and was as- institution and ar getting
tiFting Wayne in the doing of the nicely at this time.
were served and all voted Mr. and
along Mrs. Smith the best of entertainers.
Mrs. A. . Hudson was the winner
winters butchering and getting
Hatching Eggs
The Greenwood high school glee of the first prize, this being the ?ec-
club girls gave a very entertaining
program at the Methodist church on
last Sunday and again in the eve- j
ning the same at the Christian church
and at both places a good crowd ;
end time for this reason. The con
solation prize went to Walter Holt
loses in Fire Tuesday.
Mr. W. E. Emelun.d was unfortu-
are ia position to furnish you two greeted them and all were well pleas- rate in that he was the loser of quite
lvi vim tin: tuiiioi.ini' in. an amount or property wnen tne nre
;ir. Liarence A. lathl.? celebrated which'? did so much damage at Val-
on last Sunday the passing cf the paraiso on last Tuesday de.stroved the
''id anniversary or his birth and is building in which he had a bank, and
feeling fine thank you. His many also some property in a hotel which
menus in ttreenwooa nave been con- was also burned The bnrber shon
gratulating this excellent gentleman in Tiich he owned the furniture was
on his health and thereturninsr of savorf
the day of his birth, wishing, that ,
he may enjoy the seeing of many. Injured His Hand.
'- ' ! hiln U rn r lr Tin H.n rrnioi v o r
R c t. i j n a. - a t. -i- .1 ' nnv. a i una itai i iuv uiai iiiuii'
church. Messrs. George Lambert. O. l" :L. 1 "M "V'1;1
popular strains of White Leghorns.
English White Leghorn Eggs
Price per 100 Eggs
American White Leghorn Eggs
Trice per 100 Eggs
White Leghorn Baby Chicks
W. H. Leesley
Noble and who will entertain this eve
ning at a C o'clock dinner in honor of
.Miss 1 1 1 1 1.
Mrs. Lee Grauf and children of
Newcastle, Wyoming, who have been
here Siting with her relatives and
friends departed this morning for
Omaha where they will leave from
that place for their home in the west.
Mis Ruth accompanied by
Misses Ruth and Vida Shilfer, Avcre
passengers this morning on the early
nurilngton train for Omaha where
they will spend the, day in hat city
looking after :;ome matters of business.
Mnj. W. H. Rainey departed this
morning for Omaha where she will
spend a few hours at the hospital
with Mr. Rainey who is now showing
marked improvement and who is ex
pected to be aLIe to leave the hos
pital in a short time and return
Mrs. T. J. Todd if Kearney and
Miss Margaret Mauzy of San Fran
iseo. who have 1 een visiting at Chi
ngo with their siter, Mrs. Verdon
Vroman and family, came in thi
morning to enjoy a visit here with
their parent?, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Mauzy before departing for their
to feel just like our own Plattsmouth !
Chamber officials and committees. Had
osition of plans used in other Cham
bers for financing and membership.
Mr. Powell has a way of making a fel
low feel so at home, it is no wonder
his success with the Omaha Chamber
has been so phenomenal.
plant here.
Found our friend Ballard Dunn of
the Bee knee-deep in work (not
June!). He sent his regards to hi3
many Plattsmouth friends. Called in
A. K. Donevan, the new state editor
and we discussed more publicity for
Plattsnouth in the Bee. Received
many promises of co-operation and
good-will in this and as we never yet
knew a man by the name of "Done
van" who failed to make good his
word, believe the "usual" hot air of
the past will mean something tangible
in the future.
Ogallala New butter or cheese fac
tory may be established in this town.
Tyron Oil test wc-1 being drilled
in this vicinity.
Spencer Improvements being
mnde to lines cf Northern Nebraska
Power company.
Beaver Crossing $05,0 00 bond
issue approved tor erecting new
Spencer Tri-States company build
ing electric substation here to house
big tn'tisfcrmcTs.
Emerson Several dairy farmers in
this vicinity organize Prosperity Cow
Spencer Work started on con
duction of north pier of new bridge.
The Social Workers Flower club
will meet Wednesday. February 2:id
it the home of Mrs. C. R. Hutchison
with Mrs. A. N. Sullivan assistant
hostess. All members are invited to
be present. f21-ldlw
F. Peters and Leo Peters drove to
Kearney, where they attended the
two day session of the men's coun
cil of the Methodist church, which
was held there. There were three
hundred in attendance from this dis-
A COMPLETE line of Farm Machinery and Repairs such as John
Teere and International Harvester lines. No matter what machine
you have, can get you repairs.
A COMPLETE line of United States Auto and Truck Tires and Tubes
and onr prices and service are an attraction to anyone in need
of anything in these lines.
A COMPLETE stock of Genuine Ford Parts and Accessories, making
cur garage service complete in every respect.
A COMPLETE line of Standard Products, Mobile and Polarine Oils
for winter driving. We solicit a chance to figure on your future
needs. Yours for GOOD SERVICE.
a fire, and was placing a piece of
kindling in the stove the end caught
on the stove, piercing his hand with
a piece of wood and which later in
fected from a piece of wood in his
hand, making a very b?d hand and
had to be worked on by the surgeon,
a number of time before the wound
would neai. I he bits or wood fre
now all removed and the hand is
getting along nicely at this time.
Give Erothcrs P.eception.
The Masonic lodge of Greenwood
which is a very active organization,
on Friday evening of last week, at
their hall in Greenwood gave a fare
well reception to their departing
brothers, Messrs. A. C. Loofe and
Charles Kephart. both of whom have
been making their homes near Wav
erly, and who are now removing
from the vicinity in which they
have lived for the past few years.
A very worthwhile program was
given and a banquet served follow
ing the other exercises. They will
make their home near Raymond for
the present.
Know file Absolute Facts!
You Want the Best Motor Car
Value Your Money will Buy
But you cannot know true Motor Car Worth without
an Exhaustive Demonstration. We are here to show
you the superior quality of the
New and Better Buick
Call on us at any time for a thorough demonstration.
No charge or obligation to buy. . See Bert Reed, of
Weeping Water, or J. B. Livingston, of Plattsmouth I
Greenwood, Nebraska
The Fourteenth Line.
Just what it is we do not know but
those who do nay it is something
about an advanced course of check
ers. The boys who play checkers
refer one to A. R. IMrdsall when it
comes to checker etiquette.
Chicago, 111., Feb. 18. Plans of
the W. C. T. U. to make drinking un
fashionable are to bo matured with
the aid of society leaders such as Mrs,
Mcdill McGormick of Chicago, Mrs.
Ella E. Boole, national president of
tne organization, said today
The undersigned will sell at Pub
lic Auction on the place known as
the A. O. Ault farm 8 miles west and
3J,j. miles north of Plattsmouth and
3 miles east and one mile north of
Cedar Creek, Nebraska, on
Wednesday, March 2
commencing at 10:00 o'clock sharp,
with lunch served at noon, the fol
lowing described property, to-wit:
Horses and Mules
One pair sorrel mares, 6 years old
white mane and tails, weight 3,100
pounds (an extra fine span and one
that should get some top-notch bids
as you'll admit yourself after you see
them in the sale ring); one span of
black mules, 8-9 years old, weight
2,900 pounds: one Shetland pony
24 Head of Cattle
One pure bred Shorthorn bull, com
ing 2 years old, weight 1,300; two
young bulls, one white face and one
Durham; nine head milk cows, every
one a good one, ages range from 3
to 7 years; twelve head stock cattle,
heifers and steers.
Hogs and Chickens
Ten head of good brood sows
100 Single Comb Drown Leghorn
Farm Machinery, Etc.
une boo sled; four wagons; one
hay rack; one side delivery hay rake;
one over-shot stacker: two sweeps;
one goou Mccormick mower: one
gang plow; one walking plow; one
riding cultivator; one walking culti
vator; one disc; one feed grinder;
one saddle; one 3-section harrow;
one lifting jack; two sets of work
harness; one No. 3 Primrose cream
separator; one Estate range; one
Howard heating stove; one 3-burner
oil stove with, oven; one dresser; one
buffet; one steel cot; dining room
chairs; rocking chairs; one full-size
bed, complete with mattress; two 10
gallon and three 5-gallon cream cans.
Also dishes, fruit jars, stone jars and
many other articles too numerous to
Terms of Sale
All sums of $10.00 and under, cash.
On sums over $10.00 a credit. of eight
Mr. Dunn is a big, jovial, cordial
fellow that rather grips a fellow right
in the heartv with his big vigorous
handshake, and is as approachable as
the most humble clerk, no blonded
flapper to pass to get in to see him
or sending in a card. However, the
editorial room was Just full of swell
dames which we just causually
noticed off-handed! and unintentionally!
In talking with the Mr. Watson of
the World-Herald learned that Hilt
Wescott had been there the day before
and had already put in some swift
strokes for the interests of the Platts
mouth news in that paper. Between
both the Bee and the Herald, we
"orter" get at leart as much publicity
as Bellevue and LaPlatte Mr. Watson
gave us liia assurances of closer co
operation, and said their state editor
had been informed of the disappoint
ment of our people over'the lack of
Plattsmouth news in the, Herald, and
felt sure he could assure us of better
co-operation in the future. Mr. Wat
son is a most charming, and exclusive
gentleman, and our visit with him
was most pleasant and encouraging
Hartington Work nears comple-
tion on Western states Public Util-J There will be a sale of farm prop
ities company's new plant here. jcrty and stock held at the George W.
Ifnytlcr farm, five miles southwest of
Fairmont 512,000 new building tc ; Platfrmouth ami one and a quarter
be erected here by Lincoln Telephone ! miles west of Mynard on
Neligh Work progressing on
bridge over Elkhorn between
ligh and Clearwater.
Lakeside Potash highway bciv. oen . Tered for sale:
Tuesday, March 1st
"rmmencing at 10:00 o'clock sharp,
vith lunch served at noon by the
" -nard Golden Hod Study club.
The following property will be of-
Lalcepido and Ellsworth to be improv
oniphan Farmers' Elevator
pany organized in this town.
19 Horses and Mules
One team black geldings, 6 and 7
t ' r . -t . . T . ' n 1 lilt . Anvv.
COm- V V. . 1 1 TT I VU ill ia
jand black geldings, smooth mouth,
' v.t. 3,300; one team gray geldings,
Ncligh Western States Public 5 an(1 r 3'fars old, wt. 2,750; one
Utilities company planning to erect team blacks, gelding and mare, 8
generating plant and distribution years old, wt. 2,700; one gray horse,
system in this place. . j4 years old. wt. 1,300; one black
j mare, smooth, mouth, wt. 1,4 50; one
Omaha Omaha Industrial corpora- sorrel horse, smooth mouth, wt.
tion chartered with capitalization of j 1,300; one bay horse, 8 years old,
$1,000,000. Wt. 1,200; one bay saddle horse, 8
i years old, wt. 1,100; one sorrel mare,
Gibbon Farmer Home Telephone smooth mouth, wt. 900; one brown
company lebuilding telephone lines mare, S years old, wt. 1,000; one bay
in Gibbon. mare, 7 years old, wt. 1,100; one bay
imare, smooth mouth, wt. 1,100; one
Hildrcth $50,000 new school-; 3-earling jack mule; one yearling
house to be erected in this city. mare colt.
26 Spotted Poland Chinas
Sixteen Spotted Poland China
Eloomington Seed potatoes being
shipped from this section.
Gering Union Pacific
will build new railroad station here
But you have to pass the keen-eyed-searching-look
of a female sentinel
to get to Mr. Watson's sanctorium
Anyhow she was dan'd good look-!
ing, and had a smile that made a fel
low almost not care whether he got
any further that is so I've been
brood sows; nine Spotted Toland
Railroad China shoats; one Spotted Poland
China male.
Farm Machinery
Edholm Farmers in this vicinity TwQ j T Casp thresllin rig3 oom.
snreuaing corn. iplete, including two 20-40 engines
and two 32-54 separators.
One Heider tractor, 10-20 with a
tractor plow.
Butte MixeeKcarload of hogs and,
cattle shipped from this place recently.
Hay Springs New pumping equip
ment purchased for waterworks.
We did, learn that the problems of
the Omaha Chamber of Commerce are
identical with our own only every
thing of a larger scale. Mr. Powell!
stated the Chamber of Commerce in
Plattsmouth, with its office always
open, was the most important steo for
ward Plattsmouth had taken, and that
thirl city would more and more appre-
cite this fact, as the years passed;
that this place is large enough to
mnlntnin si Phnmhor onl wr V, n-l tl-in
good-will and co-operation of the of telephone company
One Dempster gas engine, 10 h. p.;
one Sandwich engine, 2-h. p.
One clover recleaner; three Schut
tler wagons, complete; two iron
Hav bpnnprs vork progressing on , i
construction of Rye meat market .w?ort Jv'he.el w???-' on5 ,!'?. 8l;
building. " ' .uc-in,
jiMiougnioii manure spruauer; one
Shelton-Farmers Home Telephone V?!? I."' T
company expended $20,000 during " . ", . l' n ..Vi..
past IS months for rebuilding lines. l 'V s '
Clearwater New bridge being con-: mower; one peering mower; one
tructcd across Elkhorn river east of . Iystn.e. hay, foade: .ne K't?ne
Clearwater. : " ....j -. ....s
nay raKe; iwo joun ueere a-row ma-
Neligh -Central exchange building chines; two New Departure cultiva-
Omaha body, at all times.
We have a book of season tickets
to the Elk's Indoor Carnival, Feb.
6th and 2Sth and March 1st and
2nd. The Elks in a big fraternal way
are always doing things to push
Plattsmouth. Drop in and get youi
ticket, and let's make this carnival a
great big time of fun, and a financial
success from start to finish. Yours
for more fraternity and aggressive
New Century cultivator; one 4-sec-tion
harrow: one 3-section harrow;
Riverton Work started on con- one land roller; one tandem disc, 20
struction of highway between here niscs; one uisc, io-iu; one Avery
and Webster county line.
Copenhagen Carload of
shipped from here recently.
Mr. Brown. Commissioner of In
dustries of the Omaha Chamber re
ceived us into his private office and
the matter of locating industries was
discussed pro and con.
North Platte Sugar beets produc
ed on North Platte irrigation project
during 1926 season totaled 612,386
Holdrege Nebraska Electric Pow
er company purchased by Stone &
Webster, Inc
The rnmmltfpB mViner the run to
T.inenln Mnmlav will have to be la Orleans Western utilities com
Lincoln bv 3 n. m. Considering the pany purcnases electric ngni piani
earnest work put in by Judge Begley, of this town
out resident, and the bridge commit-1
too ir ia nniv fair thnt larirft deleera- Dorchester $76,000 new school
All t irnnnl. V. - . . i
to mVke vlninMnn Vf v ,7 a , to t,e removed from the premises
to niHKe violation of the Volstead law n
! stalk cutter; one John Deere gang
plow; one Case 16-inch sulky; one
cattle walking plow, 14-inch; one John
1 Deere corn planter with 80 rods of
How- wire twn 1-hnrsp enrn rlrilla-
Alliance 50 carloads of Nebraska 'one corn shredder; one Smalley feed
seed potatoes shipped from Alliance chopper; one Sheldon barrel concrete
during January. mixer; one new came waterer with
i:eater; one extension ladder, 44-ft.
in length, extended.
Three sets 1-inch double har
ness; three sets l-inch double har
ness; horse collars; two saddles.
Motors, Etc.
One 10-h. p. electric motor.
Two 2-h. p. electric motors.
Many other articles too numerous
to list In this ad.
Terms of Sale
All sums of $10 and under, cash.
On sums over $10, a credit of sir
months will be given on approved
ti,n ik Vf n ? . ?ot pply months will be given, purchaser, to tion should make this trip to uphold planned for construction here,
tno jon, ..irs. uoole Indicated. Hv KaniruMo hrinr int fho wn-ir nf nir nsiripv nnd the com-
' a - ... l . . 1" u 1 I. VI
: per an- mittee don't fail us. Other cities are Fremont uas compaty reauces raiee notes bearing interest at the rate of
property planning on large delegations let's! in this town. 8 per cent per annum from date of
make em sit up ana taKe notice or ine i (sale. No property to be removed
.til settled for
Anna Snyder,
bad form.
"Gin drinking at tables, for in
stance, i3 ss bad as eating peas with.
S. H. Ar rants,
fact Plattsmouth ia thru being luke- Omaha Dunn, Asher & Johnston !from premises before settled for
warm her interests are at state insurance company wuu uuynui ui
and we are alive and keen to the sit- $25,000 incorporated.
a knife. It's bad form
'vn'jf flaunts the constitution."
beeusa it Rex Younjr. Auctioneer.
A. O. Ault, Clerk.
Owner, uation. Atta boy!
Pleasant ViwwJ.cja bftog kMTOSCf Rex Young, Auctioneer
led in this vicinity.
(Platts State Bank. Clerk.