The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 10, 1927, BARGAIN Wednesday EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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February I6II1, 1927
we will sell
RSen's Fancy Press Shir's
(All bran new goods.)
Collar attached, full size, fast colors,
14 to 17, at
k 1
Not over 4 to a customer!
dndfo Monkey Business
Urges Writing
to Solons on the
Bridge Bill
Lincoln People Getting in Support of j
the Bridge at Platts-mouth.
The cornborer, with his wife;
children, nephews, nieces, uncles,
aunts, and cousins, has now taken
up residence in Illinois. This corn
borer is a serious menace like the
boll weevil they just "set 'round" and
let it come "ahaid!" In one of the
books of the Bible some prophet
used to eternally be shouting "The
Kingdom of Heaven Is at Hand" of
course he was some off on his dates,
but the persistency of enthusiasm of
that is needed today to wake men out
of their lethargy. Well, if the corn
borer arrives in Nebraska, and put:
his cold clammy death grip on our
great corn fields, what are we going
to do about it?
argain W ednesday
Cotton Blankets at a Bargain
6Cx74 in. double size bed blankete, Wednesday. .$1.0S
64x80 in. double blankets, pair 1.48
6Sx76 in. double blankets, pair 1.98
72x20 in. heme made comforts, each 2.98
Exceptionally Grocery Values
Large pkgs. Quaker Quick or regular oats, each . . $ .22
Shredded Wheat, special, 2 pkgs. for 25
Gloss starch, l-!b. pkgs., 2 for 15
Corn, Peas, Tomatoes, Kidney Beans, Hominy
all standard pack. Choice, per can 10
Don't get the mistaken idea the
small town or small city merchant ir
scairt of mail order business, or of
radio retailing but from some of the
punk bargains some of us are are
receiving by "radio." it would be
fine to come in and have a heart-to-heart
talk with that old reliable
friend of yours your local mer
chant! It isn't that we object to any
sort of competition, but it is dis
heartening, and rotton friendship,
and petty tactics, to not even give
your local friend the opportunity tc
meet outside compefition.
How many pounds of butter and
dozen eggs will your radio broad
caster buy of you and how'll you
deliver 'em? Do you get any 30 days
net on purchases by radio?
At 8 o'clock Bargain Wednesday morning, February 16th, 1927, we
will put on sale 108 '8 O'Clock Dressettes' which for value and quality
exceed anything of the kind ever offered to the ladies of Plattsmouth!
36 to 46
We may be like the old maid who
said in all her life she'd never seen
a man make an improper advance to
her, but Lordy, can't you imagine
the hasty retreats.
C A. George of Lincoln writes us
the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce
is handling by telegraph with Wash
ington, D. C, urging the bridge pro
gram at Plattsmouth. Now a post
card costs one cent to mail a letter
two cents isn't it worth two cents
apiece to help get that bridge. Write
Howell, Norris. and Morehead and
tell 'em just why we need a bridge
so much, and how we are depending
on them to get that permit without
too much horse-play! j
I Rented the last furnished apart
ment have listed Saturday; if you
have anything open, telephone us
No 11.
I ' ' 1
! Wallace Thorton. secretary of the
Kearney Chamber of Commerce sjnds
us a copy of the resolutions adopted
jby their directors regarding the re-'
tail selling by radio. I
and Federal Judge George A. Carpen-j
ter denied a defense motion for a; Considering only certain designat
! directed verdict of not guilty. Presen-jed ones can have a broadcasting sta
Chicago. Feb. 7. The government ' tation of defense evidence will be tion, it is unfair to permit these gov
tody closed its care against seventy-4 started tomorrow,
riue furniture manufacturing con-,
ct rns and sixty-six individuals charg-j
d with violating the anti-trust lasv,;
f Slglf IgTp O'CLOCK
f i
vy 'ynir y y
3 1
IT. i "1
Toile du Norde
Printed Pongette
Clean bright colors, delicate pastels,
checks, plaids, novelty woven checks.
Trimmed with self material and
white pique.
Shop Early for Best Selections
Buy Your Season's Supply
This sale was planned weeks in advance. We made arrangements
with the Manufacturer of 8 o'Clock Dressettes to use a quality
of materials that will make you marvel at the remarkably low
price quoted on them.
Toile du Nord, one of the finest cotton fabrics made
in this country, not usually found in garments selling
for less than $1.98.
Confined patterns of Amoskeag Gingham, exclu
sive designs and', colorings woven at the mill for
these particular garments. These designs will not be
duplicated elsewhere either in the yard goods or in
other garments this season.
Printed Pongette in patterns and colorings that re
flect the very newest ideas for Spring.
Such styles and materials have never before been offered at a price so alluring. These
very attractive dressettes, revealing excellent workmanship in every detail, will stand
tubbing perfectly and retain their freshness and smart lines in a most surprising manner. ,
Journal Want Ads bring results.
ernment appointed few to use it for
retailing, as it would be to designate
that some farmers must haul their
j produce by team and wagon while
No Mail Orders
No Phone Orders
No Sales to Children
FUafl3iT.y.ifE and
Ladies Toggery
"The Shop of Personal Service!'
All Sales Final
No Refunds
No Returns
"mar v- t " " "
others may use an auto. Are you
party to such unfairness?
Iloggishness may be a cardinal
virtue with some people, but the
lawyer pleading his case for a farmer
in a law suit to secure damages for
hogs killed on a railroad right of
way, shouted. "Yes my friends,
twenty-four hogs! Twenty-four hogs,
I repeat twice the number in the
jury box!"
Come rain or shine. Everything sold inside of heated
building. Many articles offered here are just like new.
Read the Following List of Goods
One 8-piece oak dining room suite, 54-inch table, with buffet and chairs to match;
one walnut table and chairs; three oak tables; buffets and chairs; four good library
tables; three duofolds; one large davenport; three room size rugs; six Congoleum
rugs; five large pieces of Congoleum and linoleum; two china cabinets; three good
buffets; two wardrobes; one book case; one 3-piece library set; three dozen dining
room chairs; one dozen kitchen chairs; six rockers; two sewing machines; two
phonographs; three refrigerators; two writing desks and many other articles too
numerous to mention. Everything will positively be sold to the highest bidder!
"We are elated to learn that our
good city council, or the members of
the street committee are considering
the paving of several blocks here this
spring. There is nothing as yet de
finite in this matter, but we assume
it will cover the volcanic-lava-mud
flows into our business section. We
hope the councilmen from th third
ward will not overlook Ninth street
in this program, to give that much;
neglected section of the city an;
avenue of safety for the fire truck, j
to say nothing of the comfort of its
citizens. Some of our citizens can j
drive to Omaha or Nebraska City, J
and when they return to Plattsmouth j
within two or three blocks of home, j
have to get out and put on skid-;
chains to get into their own front
yards! Hot dog!
Judge. It is "Say it with brakes,
and save on the flowers."
Secretary. .
P. S, Have you written Washing
ton yet? It's so little to do, and
might help so much let's pull to
gether or we'll pull in two!
Phone us the news.
My 6-room, all modern dwelling
for sale. Pried low if taken by March
211 No. 7th Sti
Lose anything? Advertise for it!
The senate has passed a bill pro
viding for three new battle cruisers,
despite the opposition of President
Coolidge. Sooner or later it is going
to dawn on Cal's mind that they do
not hold his opinions In very high
regard in that body.
Q - -- -. ," . ..j-... mi
Purchases of 50 and Over Delivered Free
REX YOUNG, Auctioneer. '
1 Saturday Councilman Kunsmann
assured us we would see the water
hose playing on our muddy streets
today if it did not freeze. If it isn't
done pretty soon people will think
we have dirt roads thru the city!
Ain't that a hot-un?
1 Anyhow, it isn't ofen our streets
get so dirty i-our city council as a
whole is and has been very keen and
alert to keep Plattsmouth's streets in
good shape, and this is one of the
most noticeable things about a city,
, to the stranger.
Burning words: (Local golfers
please note!) "Husband is very frank
and plain spoken he always calls a
spade a spade. So does mine! But
I can't tell you. what he sometimes
calls his golf clubs!"
As. to the speedy driving on Main
Street nhnnf witv f Vi s Tnnrnal wnn
Bargain Wednesday at
Fetzer Shoe Company
Blacks and
Tans and
. Values to 37
Low Heels - High Heels
Medium Heels
Buy several pairs of these exceptional
values. All sizes, but not in every style.
$3 -
One lot of 60 pairs Children's Pumps and Shoes. Sizes
run from 3 to 124. Another big Bargain day value at .
3 j speaking, we have a good slogan from