rf PAGE EIGHT P1ATTSM0UTH SEMI - WEEKLY J0UBHA1 THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1926. e1 I. ! r fjmim'n S "VTiiZ o V'i 1 IV i ml 4' mm im mill ! I I at Our Store! We have joined some half dozen merchants in promoting a big Dollar Day sale, and every one of the stores is vying with each other in a contest of who can offer the biggest Bargains for Friday-Saturday, Jan. 28-29 We feel that we have succeeded in giving you Bargains. We know we are offering you merchants z!t very lew prices and snail Household Supplies in quantities at a Big Saving. DRY GOODS VALUES Handkerchiefs. Ladies' Pure linen, 12 for $1 Gowns. Crepe. Hand Embroidered, each $1 onion Suits. Ladies' cr Ken's. Good qual ity, medium weight. Each $1 Gowns, Eoys' or Girls', 8. 10. 12 years, 2 for$l Pillow Tubing, 38. 40, 42 or 45-in. 3 yds.$l Ccmfort Eatts. pure white, long fibre stit ched. C or 4-lb. batts, each $1 Overalls, 220 Denim, high back, pair $1 Jacket;, 220 Denim, to match overalls $1 Iludin, Hore. excellent quality, 7 yds. for $1 L:udir, Kainrook finish, med. quality, 10 yds.$l Citing Flannel, blue, pink, stripes. 7 yds $1 Outing Flannel, heavy blue or pink, 6 yds. $1 Cating Flcnntl, GG-inch, 5 yds. for $1 Eaj Eugs, dark, floral borders. 13x36, 2 for$l Ilainsock, light tint3, checked, 4 yds $1 Tending, part linen, unbleached, 9 ydj $1 Toweling, part linen, white with red bor der, 8 yards ior $1 Percales, lights and darks, 33-inch, 6 yds $1 Crepes, fancy flowered, 5 yds. for $1 Lingette. genuine, 2 yards for $1 Hose. Ladies' Mercerized, Hem top, 3 pair $1 Thread. Coate's, any size, 24 'spools $1 Silk Hose, Ladies', 2 pair for $1 Eloomers, Silk, per pair $1 Turkish Towels, extra large, 4 for $1 Indian Head, fast colors, 3 yards for $1 Shirt, Hen's "Bread-Long." Best quality. Also 1 pair Automatic Socks, both for $1 Overalls, Eoys', all sizes, per pair $1 GROCERY BARGAINS Black Baspberries, best quality, 3 cans for $1 Campbell's Soups, any variety, 9 cans for $1 Standard Corn, 10 cans for $1 Fancy Country Gentleman Corn, 8 cans $1 Tomatoes, Standard, No. 2, 10 cans for $1 Tomatoes, Fancy, Whole, No. 2, 8 cans for $1 Tomatoes, Fancy, Whole, No. 3, 6 cans for $1 ?ea3, small size, 8 cans for $1 Peas, Fancy, small size, 5 cans for $1 Bccns, Green or Wax, fine quality, 6 cans $1 Green Beans, standard stringless, 8 cans for $1 Kidney Beans, Otoe pack, 10 cans for $1 Hominy, Fancy Otoe, large, 11 cans for $1 Del Ilonte Fruit; Large size cans Pears, Apricots and Melba Halves, the 3 for $1 Pineapple, large Fancy, 3 cans for $1 Pineapple, No. 2 size, fancy, 4 cans for $1 Fmit Special Large cans, all in heavy syrup. Peaches, Pears or Plums, 4 cans $1 Coffee, Paxton Gas Boast, 2 1-lb. cans $1 O'Cedar Cil or Liquid Veneer, 12-oz., 2 for $1 Karo Syrup (light-dark) three iz-gal. pails$l Mazola Oil, 1 quart and.l pint can, both $1 Haisins, Not-a-Seed, you know this quality. 8 packages for $1 Cocca, Herschey's half pounds, 5 for $1 P & G White Naptha Soap, 25 bars for $1 Ketches, Ohio Blue Tips, best made, 18 boxes$l Pancake Flour, Royal All Wheat, 3 4-lb pkg.$l Pancake Flour, Gooch's Best, 3 4-lb. sacks $1 Toilet Paper, 1,000 sheet Tissue, 11 for $1 Toilet Paper, 7-oz. Crepe, 18 for $1 lbs $L WU Corner 6th and Main St. -u.,. r.i ...... it Plattsmouth, Nebraska till mmmm I l.n I X i n Tlie Federal ILaatd BanU oS Omaha has again lowered the interest jrateonf arin Joans: iThird reduction in'ratein four-years.N postto borrower is now less than 5.l Get your loan from? this great co-operative Federal Land Bank.You will save money now and will benefit from further reduction in costT LTH!NKOCBA8 Co-operative .. Loans at Co CZnvrmnV 51 1 I1 vlmtft Dividend to BotTpwaV yNo Renewal CoromiaafoM Owned by Borrowera - ' n i bower intcresi nan -Never Cornea Qie ' - Optional " Inveatigate Write or Call on D. C. West, Nehavka, Neb. LOCALNEWS Dr. Heineman, Dentist, Hotel Main Bldg., Phone 527. From Monday's Dally O. A., Davis of Murray was here to day for a few hours attending to some matters of business. Charles F. Reichart of Louisville FARM BUREAU NOTES Copy for this Department 4 furnished by County Agent 4 fm alTaaTTMal.l m. fr i i 4 V 4 Community Meeting at Manley. The people of Manley and sur- waa in the city today for a few hours rounding community had a most suc ttfnriiner to snm matters of business cessful meeting last week. There and visiting with friends. i were almost 300 men, women, and Henry R. Gering of Omaha was children gathered at the hall in Man here over Sunday visiting with rela- lev and, the, splendid program given tives and friends and looking after was enjoyed by all The following some matters of business. are some of the PePle wno fPPeared on me program: ine vogier gins sang two songs, also the Reister girls Sheriff Bert Reed and County At torney W. G. Kieck were called to and one of the Reister girls gave a p.ui, iuua j splendid reading; the Stohlman bro- fhatlace " aQ 3S reSldeDt 0f.tners sang several songs which were p ' (appreciated very much. Mrs. Snipee W. H. Mark of Union was among gave two readings, and the Farmer? the visitors in the city today where Band comp0sed of 25 pieces gave a he was called to attend to some mat-lVery pieasant concert. They organ ters of business and visiting with his l2ed about a years ago and are now s- V. friends in the county seat Norris Schrader of Lincoln, ad vance representative of the Wesleyan Glee club was here today for a few hours and was accompanied back to .'Lincoln by E. H. Wescott. Attorney C. E. Tefft and Frank J. 1 Domingo, banker of Weeping Water, were in the city today for a few hours looking after some matters of busi ness and visiting with friends. giving splendid concerts. Any neigh borhood would be proud " of such a gathering as came together at ManT ley. 3 Individual Hog Houses. On February 3rd Mr. Posson of the Animal Husbandry Department and Mr. Wood of the Ariculturing department will assist in a meeting to be held at the home of Merritt Miss Margaret Turner of Alliance, Pollard on O street near Nehawka. vMias Christine Rasmussen of Omaha On February 4th they will hold an and R. Thorpe of York, were here other meeting at the home of Ben over Sunday visiting as guests of W. iffler three miles east of Weeping ;D. McMahan at, the home of Mr. and Water. These meetings will begin at ' at -NEWTON- The Highest Quality Brooder that Can be Built. Used by successful fanners and poultrymen in every state and in 13 foreign countries. We use them exclusively and will be glad to show them to you in operation. 3 Popular Sizes W. F. NOLTE Mynard, Nebr. Mrs. Frank A. Cloidt. the time in Omaha and where the! deceased was employed up to the time of his last illness. Mr. Hick son has made his home in Nebraska for fifty-four years, coming with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lind say when a very young boy. Mr. Lindsay is survived by the wife and a family of eleven children, five sons, James, Thomas, George, Robert and Carl Lindsay; six (laugh ters, Mrs. Emil K. Ohm, Mrs. Gladys Warren. Mrs. Clarence Fritz, Mrs. George Yost, Misses Mildred and Ida Lindsay. There are also surviving him six grandchildren, all the fam ily residing in South Omaha.- The funeral services will be held :15 Friday afternoon at the 9 From Tuesday's lally Edward Kelly of Manley was in ithe city today attending to some mat ters of business and visiting with friends. i D. C. West of Nehawka was here I today for a few hours attending to 'some matters of business and visit jing with friends.. j John A. Gauer of Cedar Creek was j in the city today for a few hours at tending to securing his auto licenser jand also for his hunting license. District Judge James T. Begley and Court Reporter L. L. Turpin are in Nebraska City today to hold a short session of the district court, i Mrs. E. J. Hightower of Emily, Texas, who has been here visiting at the home of Mrs. E. A. Bronson, de- 1 T - ; f x. I 1:30 and an A-shaped hog house Brewer chapel and the body will be J will be constructed. If you are inter-. brought to Plattsmouth for burial ested in any kind of a hog house or the raising of hogs, you should at tend one of these meetings. George Lindsay, Former Resident. Dies at Omaha Passed Away Yesterday Afternoon at St. Joseph Hospital After a Year's Illness. From Wednesday's Pally The death of George C. Lindsay. parted this morning for Omaha to; former resident of Plattsmouth for a spend the day. Boyd C.Edvards of Seward, rep resenting the Rock Island Plow Co., of Omaha was here last evening for great many years, occurred yesterday at 1:15 at the St. Joseph hospital in Omaha following an illness that has covered the past year and which ia visit at the home of his aunt, Mrs. , has offered but little hopes to; the i W. II. Rainey 'and family." return-' members of-' the family for the re !ing this morning to Omaha. j covery of the husband and father. I County Superintendent Miss Alpha Mr. Lindsay was sixty-four years Peterson departed this morning for of age at the. time of his death and Lincoln where' she will attend a con-"was for many years a wellknown ference of thq county superintendents fgu re in Plattsmouth where his fam- ;that is being held there at the Corn- ily had long resided and where he busker hotel arid where they will was married to a daughter of the meet State Superintendent Taylor, late Mr. and Mrs. James Hickson. (Who has just taken over the state de- For the past twenty years the family Jpartment of education. .have resided for the greater part of there being a short service at the grave at Oak Hill cemetery at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon for the old time friends of the family in this city who may wish to attend. In their sorrow the members of the Lindsay family will have the deep est sympathy of the host of old time friends in this city and vicinity. CALLED ON INVESTIGATION From Wednesday's Daiiy Yesterday Sheriff Bert Reed and Deputy Sheriff W. C. Schaus were out at South Bend to investigate some matters relative to the taking of a part of the moving picture machine from the Murray town hall a" few days ago and which it had been thought had been taken by a travel ing picture show outfit and which had stopped at South Bend. The sheriff and deputy made a search for the missing parts of the picture ma chine but without success. The mat ter was not reported until some time after the parts had been missing and which makes the task of locatin them very difficult. Business stationery, programs and all kinds of job printing- at the Jour nal office. 7-: 7 Charles A. Patterson, well known banker of Arapahoe and vice-presi dent of the Farmers State bank of this city was here today visiting with the relatives and many old friends. "Why don't you blov your horn?' "Who do you think I am, Little Boy Bluer You can't always avoid accidents by blowing your horn . . . ncr by exercis ing care in driving your car . . . you have always to reckon with the care lessness of others. That's why you need com. plete automobile insurance written by this agency of the Hartford Fire Insur ance Company. -SEE- Searl S. Davis Farm Loans Insurance Investments Real Estate ESE3353Z5 7SZ the last 2 days of our 10 day Specials are to be notable Dollar Days! You have to decide what you are going to do with your Dollar. Bring it here next Friday and Saturday, where it will do double duty. Read these items. Remember this is clean, new, high-class merchandise at a price that means worth-while savings to you! Combination 1 Offers $1 Boys' Rompers and 25c in other goods for. Boys' Union Suits and (f1 25c in other goods for vl Boys' Stockings, 2 pair d1 and 30c in other goods for v L Boys' 4-inHand Ties and 55c in trade for Men's Latest Style-Dress Caps In new, light, colors. J' Fancy lined. Each J)1 Boys Extra Quality Fast Color Blue Bib Overalls Flap pockets, all sizes v-1 Boys' Fine Percale Dress Shirts Light color, with collar attached. Only Child's Novelty Suits Jersey, corduroy wool mix. Peter Pan and Oliver Twist. Just d1 think of it, only J 1 $1 Child's Wash Suits Fast color. Neatly trimmed. Less than you can make them for, you will admit. Only $1 $1 New Style Coat Hangers with curved shoulder. Packed dl in neat box, 5 for v X Painters' White Overalls With bib, high back style. Sizes to 42, pa 8::.....$1 Boys' Fancy Sox, 2 pair Men's Kromer style Work Caps with slide band, soft bill, fancy plaid. Each. Men's heaviest Rockford Socks Blue and brown mix, rib top, white heel and toe. fl FIVE pair for J)1 Boys' Knicker Pants Made of asstd. mixtures in tan, fl brown, blue. All sizes V Boys' Winter Caps Made latest style with good, warm inbands. Only of $1 and 50c in other goods for $1 1 and 50c in other goods forPX $1 Boys' Garters and 75c in other goods for Boys' All-Leather Mitts Men's Leather Aviator Caps All leather. Fasten un der chin. Only Men's fine Dress Sox in all colors. Guaranteed 4 months. FOUR pair for $1 $1 Men's extra quality Blue Denim 220 wgt. Fast Color High Back Bib Overalls -Bar tacked. Has seven pockets. Regu lar sizes, per pair $1 Boys' Kiki Shirts and 25c in other goods for 4 Boy Scout 'Kerchiefs and 50c in other goods for. Boys' Leather Belts and P1 $1 55c in other goods for 5 pair Men's Dress Sox and 25c in other goods for Boys' Fey. Check Lumber Jacks Powder blue and burnt wood colors. Elastic bottom. rf 2 pockets. Only j. J) X Boys' Longies Tan, kiki and gray. Belt loops n everything. Small sizes only, and a mighty small price too vl Boys' Jersey Lumber Jacks Of tan and brown jersey, knit bot tom and cuffs. Good pockets. Price only vA Men's 2-thread Egyptian Bal briggan Rib Winter Union Suits Spring needle cuffs. ' Pearl buttons. . Sizes to 46J)A Men's Black or . Brown Fine Gauge Dress Sox Close fitting rib top, big full shape foot. Sizes to 12. SEVEN pair for Men's 2-Oxen Cloth, tight woven round thread Work Shirts Extra heavy triple sewed, coat style. Full cut. Sizes dj-l to 17. Special price vl $1 Child's pure All Wool Pullover Sweaters Pastel colors. Big warm collar. Each vA Boys' woven stripe Madras cloth Work Shirts Full cut. curved armholes, 2 pockets. Welt sew ed. Sizes up to 14. TWO for V 1 Boys' heavy Wool Faced Coat Sweaters with big warm collar. Asstd. colors. Extra good f1 quality. Sizes to 34, each J) 1 Men's high grade figured Dress Shirts Fast colors, new pat terns, coat style. Col- (J lar off or on. Price vl Boys' Flannel Shirts or Waists Brown twill. Made up In ex cellent manner. Dandy for school. Only Men's Heavy Wool Sox Seam less make, big, long, rib top. Gray and brown mix- ture. FOUR pair for THE BEST YET Men's heavi est Cotton Flannel Gloves Sewed with back seams. Stiff gauntlets. 4 pair. Men's Fancy Rayon Silk Plaid Sox A very fine sock for dress wear. New goods. frl THREE pair for Pl Men's heavy wool process Union Siiits Very soft to the body and very warm. All d- regular sizes at, per suit J) X Men's Army One-Finger Mitt. leather faced strap wrist very serviceable. Special, FIVE pair for ; $1 "'...$ 1 0 $1 Come in and meet $20 "Bill" Ft? escot And No Monkey Business It will pay to come miles for this event! V