THURSDAY; JANUARY 27. 1926. PLATTSMOUTH- SEMI - WEEKLY JOXTEITAX PAGE ITVE GOING TO TEXAS From Wednesday's Dally J. C. York, of Omaha, an old time resident of this city was here yes terday for a few hours visiting the old time friends and arranging for his departure on Thursday for Har rington, Texas, where he will make an extended visit with his son, Don C. York and family, who have been making their home here for the past few years. Mr. York is anticipating a fine time in viewing the country along the Rio Grande and with the relatives whom he has not seen for a long time. Mr. York reports that L. V. Copenhaver, a brother-in-law of Don York, has been very poorly for some time and which will bring a erreat regret from the many old time friends in this city where Mr Copenhaver resided for some twenty three years. Joseph F. Hadraba, the druggist, accompanied by Mrs. Hadraba, were among those going to Omaha this morning where they will spend the day in that city attending to Borne matters of business. 1 am m m i r 6 C I fl ffl Pi fl friasy ann saiuraay 91. uu usys AT THE- Ladies Togg ery! TAyf- few . LADIES'. HATS $4 and $5 values, 2 doz. to go at FLANNEL GOWNS $1.50 and $2 values. 2 doz., at $1 $1 $1 LADIES PURE SILK HOSIERY Silk from toe to hem. An 1 extraordinary special at, pair PLAID SPORT HOSE Children's and Hisses'. 65c values. 2 pairs f cr only CHILDREN'S HOSE Richelieu rib bed, reg. 25c pair seller. d1! 5 pair Dollar Days for P LADIES' APRON Percale and gingham. Each And many other articles that will be placed cn sale these two days at $1. si El fence in his reply to a wire from this to cough "ferninst" me hand and organization you can help us, the pray for the minister. farmer, and put a buzzer in N orris head by a red-hot wire. The Good Roads committee held a meeting last night in this office, and1 a most enthusiastic one. The Omaha Bee, with the aid of Chambers is endeavoring to throw a monkey wrench into the Bridge Pro- Has anyone heard an appeal from gram on the use of part of the road Fosdick of the Rockefeller church taxes to put over this program. If j urging America to lay hands off Mex- i a bridge isn't a part of a road, I'll eatjico, and to keep out of war? . frXrs. Philathea Class Holds Election of Officers Farmers' Show at the Parmele on February 8th Secretary of Chamber of Commerce Has Some Plain Words on the Bridge Program. In yesterday item regarding the en tertainment for the farmers at the! have said Joe Mrasek instead of -led; 7," ?tJane ate Cake' Frank. Frank's a good scout too, but jJane ate eU matter" 1 - -1 X A. J -A. . I . A A. t nrVenr nlans h nT there wi The Omaha Bee wants lots of o-' frans hospital. Let's flood those boys age of the church where they were be a good comedy movie included in scriptions from Plattsmouth yet they pasture near La Platte w ning. was reported still unconscious at the Fort Cr:;ck pu-t l.fpitr.! r.t midnight Tuesday. Jl-pitiil -jiUu-i-nnts reported that 1' i.- tu r:.-l . . ditiou was weaker Tuesday t :. ii. :. Cummin's new derby: Just try to cross the Missouri with a good road at each side, and no bridge. Of course. L il tT 1M3UC Ul Viiumuiio Id uaocu w - v ' technicalities, but the motive is deep The divine right of kings, and the magic circle of the church are only and easily understood. .Don't be "We want very member of the Le- William L. Heinrich Again Selected to Head the Class of Methodist Ladies. From "Wednesday's Daily ' The members of the Thilathea gion to take up with our represen- class of the First Methodist church tative explaining why Plattsmouth is of this city held a very interesting the beft site in Nebraska for the Vet- meeting last evening at rhe parson- up there. Strut your stuff! W. G. DAVIS, Sec'y, C- of C. NOTICE AUTO OWNERS this program. Of course, while this is are willing to support a program tnat an advertising stunt, yet the bigger will hinder ana emoarrass 'iatts idea is to offer our farmer friends mouth in securing her bridge. something for nothing, just to show "Wouldn't be a bad idea to drop Bal- em there is more to Plattsmouth lara uunn a nice nine letter ana ten than a hard scramble after the ever- him what we think of the position of lastin'-gosh-a-mity-dollars. "Work is muddying the water taken by the Bee. out of the way the show starts at 1 T III lot'c V.aT.n o Kin -ill. nrnn'fl o: 4 1 r,Y,n 1, 1 . A A nrt I OwlnfT tn tlP fact tllilt tho 1 Q f " - iti o xi ci . a. yj i j vm i iiu " u r-i i j ; l lltt L utimua LUUltil urtiuru c- - - vumv . and mix a little closer. Mixed drinks tha world is growing worse, "worser" , auto licenses were not available un are bad business but to mix friendship "worsest" we had better pass a law, til after the first of the year the time is the best "sorter" business in the ordering the world to grow better and to secure these licenses has been in world, (everything will be all right. That is creased to March 1st. All auto own- the present day program, from booze ers are urged to see that they have One thing this city certainlj needs, 1 to cigarettes, and f.apper boots tc their licenses by March 1st as after is for some live wire to fix up a few skirts! jUst pass a law, continue to that day the use of the 1926 license more good modern apartments, and look pious and presto we all turn numbers will be subject to punish- furnish them. There is hardly a week into be-harped singing angels. passes but what we have inquiries for, modern apartments and furnished 1 Irs fine only the darn-d tnin& won.t Looks like some of these old big W0T homes could set aside two or three " rooms and divert them into niftv fur-1 . nished apartments. This is a crying' The Kansas City Star stops to in need in this city and the man who quire how long this policy of enact ris to thP t-,-.0 win h rtn,r,rr ctv,0 mS three laws, because one wouldn't ment according to law. BERT REED. Sheriff, Cass Co. entertained by Mrs. H. E. Sortor Mrs. A. H. Bushnell. Mrs. W. L. Heinrich as the hostesses and the occasion was one of the most pleas ant that this class ha enjoyed for some time. One of the chief matters to come before the business session of the class was the election of the officers and the following were named. President Mrs. W. L. Heinrich. I Vice President Mrs. Bert Cole man. Secretary Mrs. Lawrence Sprech i er. Treasurer Mrs. A. F. Moore. Class Reporter Miss Gertrude Morgan. The ladies also enjoyed a number of games and contests, the hymn c-on- v im r a t i!v The undersigned will offer f.r fcutc at Public Auction at his h'.nic one half mile ea-st and one-fourth n:i north of Union, on the gravel high way on Thursday, Febr. 3rd commencing at 10:00 o'ekx k v.. tn., lunch Eerved on grounds, the follow ing described property: Eight Head Horses and Mules One team of black horses, 8 and 9 years old, weight 2.750; One brown mare, smooth mouth, weiKht, 1.JM0; One bay mare, smooth mouth, w ip!)t. 1,100; One pair coming 2-ycar-nM mules, extra good, weight 1.SO0; One pair coming yearling mules. Five Head of Cattle Three milk cows and two calves. These cows are extra good; two Ju.-t fresh and the other will be fresh by sale day. 23 Head of Hogs All pure-bred Chester White. 15 fall pigs, six bred gilts, one bred now ! test in whic h the members were call- and one bear. ARBTRATI0N IS APPROVED thing fine for his community. Senators G. "W. Xorris and R. B. work, will last? Washington, Jan. 22. The .Robin son resolution proposing arbitration of the oil and land controversy with Mexico was approved Friday by the senate foreign relations committee by a 13 to 3 vote. This was the main development of The Detroit News shouts, "Why Howell. "Washington, are the names complain if the canl our marines nf tho t -r fontlomon vnn cni vnll arc CuardinC in XiCara TU n is not Vet I, 4 V, .nn;tnl ;n V. TVTox-l intended to write or telegraph today built? The blue prints MUST be pro-, Can-Nicaraguan situation, although LadVn thf C1,ty wj10tls not4 attf-ntl11'" at the White House, it was reiterated . B"u,t ed upon to identify twenty hymns of the church selections of which were played by Miss Lindsay, the two highest being Mrs. J. A. Capwell anc' Mrs. A. S. Ghrist. Other games also served to pass the time mnst pleas antly for the closing part of the eve ning. The ladies discussed at some length the plans for the year and which included a committee to visit every to support the farm relief bill unless tected!" you have already done so. Sometimes these senators forget just what we! Whenever I listen want back home here, unless we re-, $200 fur coats. $100 mind them. Do your bit! Senator Norris rather straddled the besparkled, tneir enrollment in the class and a well discussing the plans for the croii lintoT-ni creating of a room at the church that issues, in his opinion, have confused where mothers with small children that Persident Coolidge believes the to a choir with American peopl do not understand the "gaowns," and question at issue. bejeweled fingers. I Farm Machinery, Etc. One 7-foot Moline binder, like new; One John Deere hay rake, al most new; One P and O. litter com bined; One John Deere gang plow; One wide tire wagon with b.x: One hay rack; Two Badger cultiva tors, one 4 and one G-shovel ; One f foot McCormick mower; One Moline 2-row; One Hummer 1-row; One 14 inch walking plow; One bob t-led; One 8-inch fed grinder, crow foot bur and 5-h. p. Sattley gasoline en gine; One 10-16 Bud Lons f!ic; One ; 1 -horse wheat drill; One 3-h. p. Bock j Island gasoline eucine; One 2-tub washing machine; One l-h- p. gan- dazzle your eyes as they turn the the public mind and obsecured th could have them cared for during the j.r enpjnp. Gr'e butchering outfit. "Holy, Holy, Koly," anthems, I want greater one. BZlf W .i? ? , complete; One Ford touring ear; One 1 3 if" 1 1 . m i jwi.i l imi. mi .1 .W' ... Full Fashioned Silk Hose (Pure Thread Silk) SI Colors include black, darker tones of tan and the lighter shades in both service and chiffon weights. Not imperfects, but $1.45 and 51.95 first quality hose taken from our stock. Part Linen Crash Toweling 10 Yards for Only . $1 Bleached or Unbleached Choice Percale Dress Patterns Two of 3i2 Yds. Each $1 This is regular 19c percale, good standard fast color quality. Choice of two patterns of 3 V2 yards each. Fancy Brassiere and Girdle (Combination Garment) $1 Sizes 32 to 40. Pink silk striped coutil. A big value at this price. Soisette Dress Prints 3 Yards for Only $1 Guaranteed Fast Colors. Seventeen Big Super- Values FOR DOLLAR DAYS U3 irooav aim January 28-29 -AT- &H.M.SoeiFiichsGji Cb. New Spring Fabric Gloves ("Kayser" Quality) $1 Sizes to S'2. Rayon Novelty Dress Goods 3i2-Yd. Dress Pattern $1 ery rretty colors and patterns. The kind of material advertised over the radio. 3 patterns for $5. We sell you 3 patterns for $3. Fine Quality Pure Muslin Bleached 9 Yards for $1 Suitable for all kinds of uses where a good, long-wearing fabric is de sired. Our regular 18c quality. Gigantic Values in House Dresses H Each SIZES FROM 16 TO 52 ALL FULL CUT The biggest values youVe ever seen. Full cut and well made dresses, consisting of good quality Ginghams, Prints that are fast color and dark colors in Percales. Styles similar to the ones illustrated above. Don't miss this bargain and regret it. Men's 220 Wt. Denim Overalls Sizes 32 to 42 Pair $1 A good quality Blue Overall with bar tacked seams. Better buy a tew extra pairs for future at $1. Jackets to Match Overalls Sizes 36 to 44 Each $1 Made of the same good quality blue denim. Ordinary $1.35 value. Men's 2-Pocket Work Shirts 14V-J to 17 Two for $1 Plain blue and gray Chambray. Two pockets, front and sleeves faced. Good buttons. A real value. Men's and Boys' Sweaters (Wool Mixed Yams) $1 Both coat and slip-on styles. A lot of sweater weather ahead of us io take advantage of this value. New Stripe Sport Hose Three Pair for $1 Brand new patterns, just in. Silk and' fibre stripes. 3 pair for $1. Three Fine Felt Base Rugs Two 18x36 - One 24x54 $1 New patterns that will brighten your home at a very Email cost. Warm Heavy Wool Sox Part Wool 3 Pair $1 If you wear the heavy kind, here is a real opportunity to stock up. Holeproof Hose for Men Plain Colors 3 Pair $1 Come In brown, Dlack and gTay. Very fine kjnit yarns, double heels and toe. Nationally known brand. 1 1 I to the pleasure of the ladles whe ! might wish to attend church or Sun day school and were prevented by the children from being present. During the evening Miss Lindsay, new music supervisor and Miss Vy ral Fossler gave several delightful musical numbers. At the close of the evening dainty and delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses that added very much to the pleasures of the occasion. VICTIM STILL UNCONSCIOUS From "Wednesday s Daiis- R. A. Walker of Strassburg, X. D.. who was found brutally beaten and with hands and feet tied lying in a I wire corn crib, new; Thre 'sets of ' good work harness; 20 o bushels of oats; Some alfalfa hay; One ralvaniz I ed grain bin, 200 bushel.-; Many : other articles too numerous to men tion. Terms of Sale All sums of f 10.00 and uix'r, cash. On sums over $10.00 a credit nf six months will be given, purchiistr to give bankable note bearing interes! at rate of eight per cent per ui.num from date of sale. No property to be removed from the premises until set tled for. Sherman Austin, Owner. REX YOUNG. Auctioneer. BANK OF UNION, Clerk. tj. 5r '0 8 Friday and Saturdy JANUARY 28-29 Combination No. 1 Swans Down Cake Flonr$ .40 Kcmford Eak. Powder .25 Vanilla .20 Corn Starch .10 Baker's Chocolate .25 TOTAL VALUE $ 1.20 Combination No. 2 6 lbs. Beans $ .50 10 lbs. Corn Meal .30 2 lbs. Bice .25 1 Minute Tapioca .15 TOTAL VALUE $ 1.20 Combination No. 3 6 Boxes Matches $ .25 4-lb. pkg. Eaisins .50 3 pkgs. Advo Jell .25 2 pkgs. Macaroni .20 TOTAL VALUE $ 1.20 Combination No. 4 4-lb. pkg. Pancake Flonr$ 1 gallon Syrup 1 large pkg. Oatmeal .40 .CO TOTAL VALUE $ 1-25 Combination No. 5 1 can Apricots $ .30 2cans Peaches -GO 1 can Pineapple .23 TOTAL VALUE $1.20 Packed in syrup. Combination No. 6 1 can Pears $ .4.5 1 can Apricots .Zl 1 can Peaches .35 TOTAL VALUE $ 1.15 Packed in heavy sjTup. -Handy Way Grocery- C. H. Martin, Prop. 116 So. 6th Street Telephone 35