The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 03, 1927, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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"MONDAY," 7ANlTAilY-3,: 1927i -
i4i;o Department
Oil Your Harness
Now, before the rush of Spring work over
takes you, and while you have time, let us
oil your harness. Remember our stock of
Hardware is replete with excellent goods in
all lines. Call our truck for stock hauling.
Coalman Hardware Co.
Alvo, Nebraska.
was albe to return home and is re
ported as feeling much better. She re
turned home on Friday of last week,
after she had been" away for several
Louis Lauritzen and wife, who
make their home at Aurora, where
they are in business, were visiting
and spending Christmas and the fol
lowing Sunday at the home of F. E.
Dickerson, where the time was most
pleasantly spent. Mr. and Mrs. M. C.
away after but a. short "lime there.
The parents-are receiving the sym
pathy of the many friends in Alvo.
Watched the Year go.
The Ladies of the Methodist church
made the evening memorable on last
Friday evening when they served
pancakes and waffles to the gentle,
men of the church and the town, of
course for the purpose of making them
hannv and at tTif K.-imo ere t. tine some
K.eerer ana iamny, wno are maKingi or the needful money for the conduct-
While the national debt is decreas
ing, that of political subdivisions has
increased until it will surpass the na
tional total, unless drastic action is
Hay Springs Nebraska Light &
their home at Glenwood, Iowa, were il1, nf thfi church nnrl aeain for the
spending the Christmas and Sunday purpOSe of keeping everybody happy Power company asks for franchise to
with friends at Alvo, driving over in while the old year was, slipping away do business within corporate limits
Asociation sending out cards adver
tising city, .
Omaha Missouri Pacific Railroad
company to build new - viaduct over
its tracks at 42th and Hamilton sts.
Alma Plans under way for pur
chase of municipal lighting system by
private corporation.
their car. for the occasion.
i and the New Year was coming. When of village.
Mr, and Mrs. A. IS. btromer wno thpv haA fm,nrt h(t vminsr vear thev
were visiting in the western portion discontinued their feeding of the men I Nebraska employs 31,267 people in
of the state for over Christmas and an(1 all Kantr a snntr nf erreetine to! its manufacturing: establishments, at
Golda Bird was a visitor with
friends at Springfield where she was
visiting for the day.
During the time which Rev. Chen
owcth was visiting in Omaha, there
were no sf-rvices at the church.
Frf-d Hoffman had two loads of
hogs on the Omaha market on last
Tuesday, taking them in his own
Kmil Ileier was shelling and deliv
ering his corn at the Rfhmeyer ele
vator in Alvo on last Wednesday and
ver at South Bend on Christmas day,
where they all enjoyed the occasion
very much.
Charles Meyers shelled and deliv
ered hi3 this years crop of corn at
the Alvo elevators during the early
portion of last week, thus getting it
out of the way for the other work
which is coming later.
On Thursday of the past week. W.
W. Coatman shelled and delivered. his
corn to the Alvo elevator, that he
might get the work cut of the way for
the New Year when he takes over the
Sundav also staving for over Monday, i
" ' -' - - . itiu lien j. i u tT tut uvuiv
arrived home Tuesday, having had an; '
excellent time, while they were away. Ta "PVt, Vptv "RtTw
During the time they were away It. mIV ? Mr Arthnr
M. Coatman was looking after the car- .. Mayor of Alvo, Mr Arthur
o,-i ti,!w. lalH- Dinges. when you have gotten away
iV waunlta .rthe home of Mr anS om the fact that he is the chief ex-
annual wages of $31,760,000.
Syracuse to ry sick and had been Portion of last week he greeted,
troubled with rhemuatism, which was the people of Greenwood, where he
so severe that she was not able to 13 intending to make his home for.
. k.Aip ioc Woinnc- koine- lime.
tdlC 1U1 llVIm, U lilt UU V V-l 1 i J
This young man
A. H. Weyfhel shipped cattle and hardware store which he recently
hogs to the South Omaha stock yards , purchased at that place.. , :
on Ia.t Tuesday the stock being taken Elmer Klyver in order to have the
by that artist of transportation John; best cooking done at his home,Uis
B. Skinner. wife being an excellent cook, purchas-
Phillip Coatman. who has been; ed and had installed a new perfection
Finding the holidays at home, re- oil cook stove which does the cooking
turned to his studies at Wesleyan uni-: right, the stove, being purchased from
versity, where he is a student. He the Coatman hardware company,
returned to Lincoln on last Sunday. Miss Alta Linch, who has been
Rev. R. II. Chenoweth and family, ' teaching at Sioux City, la., for this far
who wVre spending their Christmas la the school year and who came home
ii rr- . 1 j xx- l t I . V. i
in umana, returned nome on mtsudj uunug uie eany pui uuu ui iui- i - -rr--,y Tj;T,fnl C5rTraTi
i- l-ct oftp VinviTisr mnst tilpns- dnrs rtfnrtrt nn Thnrsdav of last ' ' ' xaiUUUl DCrVdUL
-t-.tJ-c imori tht-ir visit in thp hie ' awls fnrf Phnpniv. wherp shp will re- For twenty-seven years the family Grandfather Wm
"J - - - - " 1 . . . Ii-i 1 TTW. 1- r- f . n. . . ... . - .
?tv I main for some time for ner health. " wvi&v dim riau. uun. v.c.c grandson, tar u m. l.. uemmiti uck-
Frenk D.nugherty, living northeast! Mrs. Marv Skinner and her son.ed by the faithful family horse, who ie(j njm under the chin and said
Mm installed a new lighting sys- John ""Tti Skinner, f entertained for took the children to school for two pretty grandpa.
tern at his home during the past Christmas. day, tin dinner, and had generations and when serving in his L
. i- of th frnsniinp Tirps- for thpir " iriiPsts for thp occasion, twenty-eighth years, carrying Alice .,cr
Mrs. H. C Brown.
Now there are a number of very4
good fellows in and about Alvo, for
when the necessity arises they gen
erally meet it. These same gentlemen
love the chase and dearly like to hunt
and have often asked C. D. Ganz to
accompany them because he is a good
talker and he always put them off be
cause he said he had no gun. But
this situation was relieved when on
Christmas day he found a gun in one
of his stockings. Then he could not
go because he has not ammunition.
This probably .will be solved on New
Years' day, for some of the boys were
talking of corks and beans.
Clearwater- "Record" increases
capital stock from $8,000 to $20,000.
Omaha- New viaduct may be built
over 15th street, from Leavenworth
priiHvt nf thft Rtirrinp- ritv nf Alvo.
is one of the commonest of men, and 'street south, and on Martha street,
a 'real feller' at that, but withal one from l'4tn street west.
of the hardest working of mortals, v
and he generally has the work to keep Lincoln Annual State Corn show
him busy at that. Last Wednesday all to be held here, January 4-6.
day he kept thinking he would get
tliP wnrk raiie-ht nn iinl hp nhip tn en Nebraska has 6,439.54 miles of
to the country to fix the light plant! steam railway tracks in operation
rf . fVin t-1pc T-"V1 iq rHa tint tha flffpr.
noon slipped away and the day waned
and the sun sunk below the horizon,
and he had not found time yet. So he
went out at night and fixed the plant
Ainswftrth New
ing erected here.
water tower be-
Lincoln Lincoln Co-operative Egg
so it would work perfectly. This is j Association has established 40 egg
stations, in small towns near Liiucoiu.
the kind
of a man who is worth
Hears of Sickness of Sister.
- Mrs. J. P. Rouse and Mrs. John II.
that 'their sister Mrs. B. H. DavYs ot whjm he was born during the latter
Sir William' Lincoln Deinmitt.
Yes, that is' his name and he and
his mother who were at Lincoln
Dunning Snow fences being in
stalled on Dunning-Brewster road.
Louisville Ash Grove Cement Co.
to erect $3,000,000 cement plant.
Aurora Burlington railroad in
stalling automatic block signal on
line between Aurora and T.-.-:,
and between Harvard and Hastings.
Hastings First National Bank
purchases assets and business of Ex
change National bank.
Cambridge New high school, cost
ing $100,000, dedicated here.
Bqaver City Flow of gas struck
in Edwards test well here recently.
Lyman Great Western Sugar com
pany building new sugar plant here.
Wausa Several streets of town to
be improved! and paved.
Grand Island Annex being added
to Walnut Junior Hight School.
Edison Burlington railroad widen
ing grade east of here, to extent of
8 feet on each side of track.
Tekamah Standard Oil company
to open new filling station here.
Clearwater Continental Telegraph
company recently purchased line
north of Clearwater. Repairing line.
Neligh New
erected here.
high school to be
He Weds Child
hood Sweetheart
After 60 Years
Girl's Parents Parted Them in Youth
Now She Is 75 and He Has
Eeacher 81.
Nemaha Banner corn croo.renort-' weaver tity unarter grantea uu
pH in tiiia sdctinn I breath Petrol
, ' company to drill
Loup City Nebraska Electric i ti,uvu.
Charter granted GU- J ,anned the weddin
eum and Development ..D k
ill for oil, with capital . J
Birmingham, Ala.' After waiting
sixty years. Gable Parker Garden has
married his childhood sweetheart, ,
Hanna Moore Worthy.
After a quiet ceremony here.the(,
two left on their long-deferred
honeymoon for Carden's plantation at
Milner, Ga.
"We are going to spend the sun
set of our lives together," said Mrs.
Carden. "We are going to live over
our childhood days and they were
very happy days"' - .
The two were fweethearts in their .
'teens, and planned to get married.
But the parents of the bride-to-be
interfered, thinking her too young to
marry, and forbade her to see him
Each married someone else. And
for sixty years they lived not more
than five miles apart, neither know
ing where the other was. But neither
one had forgotjten.
Two years ago Carden became 'a
widower. At about the same time a
friend told Cadon his old-time sweet
heart was living near. him. .
. Recalled Childhood.
"When I saw him it recalled my
childhood days," said the bride. ."He
told me how lonely ho was and asked
me if I would not spend the rest of
my life with him I said 'Yes,' and we
one of the first
. liinifso xicr ojatu tin; am'i we wi'it
day Mrs. Rouse departed for the home bor, P00!11 last w.ettk I1 "w j Power company installing new 360-1 V.M . , . . ,. ' asked if I had forgotten how to'cook
of her sister and will stay with the akinS his home with his father, lip. engine in its plant here. Gordon Nebraska Electric Power singrhTead ,ike we UBed to c on
Oltll UeHlIIHll. Willie III UlUtOlll IU CICll UaiiauiIDMUU ""l I i,-Q i-oni-o on ro nrrn T IH
Odell Armstrong brothers shipped' connecting Gordon and Clinton. j j . . .
out car of mixed stock recently. . t f 'That's fine he said. 'I have a
sister for some time.
invited his grandfather to come over
i to the capitol city to see him. You
i would be surprised how it tickled
Mickel when the
st:re kind and which gives excellent, Sherman Wolfe and family. Miss Lelia ,anji Yestley Cook to and from school WILL ROGERS HAS
U"ht I Shelton. E. D. Friend and laralljr "tpppu ' a utcp rui anu uiue uue ui.
With the beginning of the new year Eddie Craig and wife of Lincoln and fhia legs and as it was not possible ?
the merchants will close their places Mr. Lloyd Fiefer. ' ."trtL. " " " f..1, " ' Santa onica. Cal.. Dec. 28
I -mr 1 -a r f i A i. in , 1 T I
I . a. , i lot of the smokehouse, and
Fremont Courthouse , here being Company building addition "s i mi kill" some hoes soon "
poultry dressing and packing depart
Chappell Auto supply station to;
be located here, by Leslie Brothers
Nelson $40,000. new water filtra-
. j tion plant completed"here.
The bridegroom is now 81; his
bride is 75. Both are very happy.
"We've been separated a long time,
but it's all over now," he said as they
can jity.
v.,. n'oinrv tv-sth ihi: Tmliv tlio tclinnl nf iIia p tv nf A m' me miUT uatt O Be hllira. AHtr uuc t- i . J
cx-rption of Wednesday and Saturday and Its consolidated district opened. l of service and friendship, it f ' , resi(iential huh . Jl!tffrF"m. Jll7 . .
niht when they will remain open again and the students are back' to wa witn many regrets tnat tne am-, - colony, is now a full- "aiive creamery Awocianon jo
longer. their work and the teachers again I mal was killed. ! fledged nZbeV of the Prince of; branch creamery in this city.
. , . . j i-' . i i . 1 11 i ' v i ci l. v j 1 V7 11 1 lll'V'll.
- r.i-irr r -t . , 4l, . .
ic i c: guuig iu outrun iac irsi in
but lives living" over our childhood
days:" -" r :
Joseph Vickers had two loads of i have the matter of the education of
hfcp on the South Omaha market I the children in hand and are plunging
la?t Wednesday getting a very fair; into the work after their.short vaca
,prico for them. The market broke! tlon with a Mm which marks for sue-
badly in a
Mrs. Clo Schaeffer,
few days following hisi cess,
Mrs. Archie Miller who has been at
the postmis- the. hospital at Lincoln for.sonw time hospital at Omaha, where it received Nevertheless, Rogers' outfit de
tress, and Robert L. Parmenter and! and where 'she underwent an opera-, treatment, but with all that was or feated the MidWick aggregation
family were the guests of Fred Wea- tion for the restoration of her health, j could be done the little one passed to 5. .; -.-i: i : - .
Crcrli'ntr PiipHtiffffin roilrnol In-
.1 stalls new signals, at city hall cross-
I Walps psnnpstrian rhih. i Fremont Plans under way for
Baby Dies at Hospital. J While playing polo Sunday at a Leigh New fire truck purchased , epnversion of northwest wing of ad-
Tha . little.; child of Mr. and Mrs. club near here, the hard-riding movie j for fire department. ....... j ministration building, at Midland Col
John Coleman, vhich has not been lariat tosser described an arc over his ; , - I lege into men's dormitory, at cost of
at all -Weir -sittteMts birth some eigh- pony's head and landed in a heap- He Leigh New schoolhouse in Rabelei, $10,00n.'-
teen months since, was taken to the was unhurt.
district, northwest of Leigh, dedicat-j
Jed. - ' -
j . Bridgeport Bridgeport
Anton Hula was a visitor in Oma
ha today "where he. was called to look
Realtors after, some matters, of business. : r
Robert and Kenneth Huneke of
Burlington, Iowa, came in this morn
ing to spend the week end here visit
ing with their old time school friends
and enjoying a short outing before
starting in again on their school
When .entertaining, .use XJennison
goods. Bates. Book and.' Gift . Shon
carries thentire Dennison line .and
.rp(r rials. , , ,-.
"i A- -v-t-
fll 1 111 IT I Mtl'ti,
ii jl rm m
We find that we are overstocked and must realize cash.v Therefore, we have cut prices on every item in our immense stock. We always sell for less and when we ,
put on a sale, you are assured of a real saving. Bring in this ad and get exactly as advertised. v
$1.59 bu.
7c pkg.
Canned Fruit Special
All Syrup 1 can Pears, 1 can Apri
cots, 1 can Freestone Peaches, 1 can
Plums, 1 can Yellow Cling
Peaches. All FIVE cans for $1
SUGAR -10 Lbs.
Electric Spark, 10 bars
P and G, 10 bars for - 1
RYZONSOc value at
per can, only -
CALUMET Large size
35c cans for only - - -
K. C. BRAND 25-oz. Size
ct, per can -
17c bottle
Beech Nut Chili Sauce - ,15c bottle
Corn, ex. good, can. . . ..9c.
Tomatoes, per can . .9c
Peas, per can. . . .... 122C
Gallon Fruits
Sweet Pickles Qt. Jar
Queen Olives-Qt. Jar
Smoked Salt 10-lb. can
' 79c
Iodized Salt Pkg".
Peaches, only. ... .50c gallon
Bartlett Pears ... . . . . .59c gallon
Gooseberries .... . 50c gallon
Blackberries .......... 65c gallon
Loganberries . . . 65c gallon
Pineapple, Cr. or Sliced. .85c gallon
In Mustard or Tomato Sauce
Special -Per Can
Fancy Yellow Ones While
They Last Bushel
Tall Cans -Each
Kraut, large can for. . . 11c
Pumpkin, large can . . .11c
Hominy, large can. . . : .9c
Ten pounds for
Ten pounds for
Ten pounds for-
Ten pounds for
Soft Shell Walnuts
29c lb.
Mixed Candies 2 Lbs.
25c tjji !. I'lir'T1 L"J ""
Ginger Snaps Lb.
Fig Bars 2 lbs. for
dli ell JjEl1
Telephone No. 239 We Deliver
Highest Market Prices Paid for Produce
r- "
- '1 -