The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 30, 1926, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    istsspay. DEcrarBER 30, 192s.
Murray Department
I - Wred in the Intern cf the People of Murray and Hurroundin Vicinity EepeclaU, for the Jonul Reader.
It nj ot tb it iiulan of the
Journal knv ot any social
vent or ttm of Uiterent in
thU vicinity, rjod will mall
tame-to this ofllce. It will tip
pew under thii heading:. W
want all sewit iMM Eoitob
I , ,
Looking Ahead!
Ever Onward should be our watchword. Do not look
back, as did Lot's wife, and become a pillar of salt We
are wishing all a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Come and let us work in unison to make it the best yet.
The Murray State Bank
Murray, Nebraska
Miles Altman is vis't'.og friend? in
ar.! around Murray.
Mrs. Tony Klimm is in the hos
pital at Omaha for teeth and tonsil
Uncle Ben Beckman has not been
feeling quite as well as common dur
ing the past week.
Miss Lorene Hatchett who is at
tending school at Havelock is home
spending the midwinter vacation.
James E. Hatchett was assisting
in the loading of a car of wheat at
the Wilson Elevator on last Tuesday.
Robert Good and family were visit
ing and looking after some Christ
mas shopping in Plattsmouth on last
Earl Lancaster and the entire fam
ily were having a siege with very
bad colds during the early portion
of this week.
Chris Murray and Harry Speck of
near Manley were visiting in Murray
General Black
smithing Wagon "Work, Auto Axles Straighten
ed, Anto Springs Welded, Farm Ma
chinery Ileapired, Discs Sharpened,
and any other work in this line.
Plow Work Our
Murray, Nebraska
on last Tuesday and also attending
the Coolman sale.
Mrs. Roseoe Harshman of near
Avoca was visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shumaker for
the past few days.
Harry Mason and the family of
Calloway were visiting during the
past week with their friends. Dr. and
Mrs. G. H. Gilmore.
John Robbins was spending the
Chiistmas day in Louisville where
the family are living that the child
ren may attend school.
Dr. G. H. Gilmore reports the ar
rival of a very fine little girl at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maj
ors southwest of Murray early last
week. j
Messrs. Earl and Walter Jenkins
of Chicago have been visiting in Mur
ray as well as looking after some
matters in riattsmouth for the past
Miss Helene Perry was the guest
at the home of her grandmother. Mrs.
D. J. Pitman for Christmas and Sun
day, where both enjoyed the visit
very much.
D. C. Rhoden was having a car
load of hay unloaded, which was be
ing taken by the farmers, many of
them receiving a portion of it for
their stock.
John L. Chilton who has been
spending some time in the old home
in Missouri arrived in Murray for a
6hort visit one day during the early
portion of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Tutt were the
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Julius Pits of Plattsmouth for the
Christmas day as well as visiting with
friends there Sunday as well.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Brubacher were
guests at the home of the parents
of Mrs. Brubacher for the Christmas
time at their home In Auburn, they
making the trip with their car.
Henry Shepherd of Union was a
visitor in Murray last Tuesday after
noon, coming for medicine for his
mother. Mrs. C. S. Stottler, who is
quite ill at their home near union
also invoicing the stock on hand dur
ing the time when the business is
quite slow following the holidays.
Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Gilmore and
their son, John Gilmore, were spend
ing the Christmas day at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Frans of Union,
where all sure did nejoy the occa
sion. Dr. J. F. Brendel and wife with
their son Richard, were enjoying the
day with their friends Mt. and Mrs.
Everett Spangler for a six o'clock
dinner on Thursday night of last
The Hudson-Essex Sales company
of Murray disposed of a Durant car
one day last week to Ray Campbell,
which they had taken in on a sale
of one of the Essex cars a short time
J. E. Hatchett and wife with their
daughter. Miss Laurene, were the
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
George S. Ray for the day on Christ
mas, where all enjoyed the day most
Golden Text: "And He said unto
him, ""Follow Me.' And he arose and
followed Him." Mark 2:14.
the same. Thus saving much of the
expense and trouble of having the
shelling done at the home. '
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Nickles
at their home in Murray entertained
for the Christmas day, and had as
their guests Mr. Lee Nickles, Miss
Etta Nickles, brother and sister of
Mr. Nickles, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Shrader of Omaha, Mrs. Shrader be
ing a sister of Mrs. Nickles, and also
Mrs. Henry C. Lcng, mother of Mrs.
Shrader and Mrs. Nickles. A most
enjoyable time was had by all pres
ent. There were mt-ny of the people of
Murray at the two sales, one held
by Mr. Coolman. and the other by
Mr. Robert Wright. The leaving of
thefce two gentlemen from the farm,
is an indication that they are not
satisfied with the returns which the
vocation affords. However there are
others who are willing to try the
game, and thus the farming keeps up
with the usual amount of products
raised, and therefore no chance of
Dr. Ray Palmer
and Dental Surgeon
Wishes to announce that he
will practice in Murray every
Saturday, beginning Novem
ber 13th.
Gilts for Sale.
A few gilts for sale, bred or open.
A. A. Young, Murray, Nebr.
Entertained for Christmas.
Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Brendel assist
ed by their son. Richard, entertain
ed for the day and for dinner at their
home on Christmas day, and where
all present enjoyed the occasion very
much. There were there for the oc
casion. Mr. T. J. Jamison and daugh
ter. Grace of Lincoln, Wm. Hobson
and wife and son of Weeping Water
Thomas Boone and wife of Lincoln
John Bates and wife and daughter,
Miss Mary, cf Rising City and Mr.
and Mrs. W. L. Seybolt of Murray.
With the unloading of a car of :deed a pleasure.
Louis Hallas and the family were the trains bein? more for the labor
visiting wltn the folks at Plattsmouth bestowed
on Christmas and were joined by a
brother of Mr. Hallas who is making
his home in Omaha, wheer all en
joyed the occasion very much.
Ora Sanders who is employed at
the farm of Robert Troop with the aid
of Master George Troop was hauling
hay to the stock which Mr. Troop
is feeding, getting a portion of the
car which Mr. Rhoden received.
Fred Clark is reported as not feel
ing very well for the past week, he
having in some way gotten poisoned,
but has been having the very best of
medical care with the hopes that he
may be out again in a short time.
James Atkinson of near Union
where he has been farming since
the death of his father, Mr. Charles
Atkinson, a short time since was
looking after some business matters
in Murray on last Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Mary Troop, an aunt of Mrs.
D. C. Rhoden was spending a short j
time at the Rhoden home on last Sat-j
urday, Christmas day. Miss Mary
Troop is at this time working in one
of the state institutions at Beatrice.
I'ari Toung shipped to the Omaha
live slock market two very finely fin
ished car loads of Herford cattle,
which should bring somewhere near
the top of the market, the cattle go
ing to the market on Monday of this
Oscar Nailor who has been serving
lurches at the sales was over to the
sale of Mr. Coolman on Tuesday af
ternoon of this week and also sup
plied the people with something to
eat at the Robert Wright sale on
J TLt Murray schools will open on
he ccming Monday and with the
week and more vacation the students
fciioulu be in prime condition to re
sume their work and with the teach
ers rested the studying should be in-
lumber at the yard Mr. Nicklea is
Good Used
Two 1926 Ford Coupes both
in good condition.
Fada Radios and
Radio Parts
Murray Garage
"We do good work in
automobile repair."
They Hare Moved.
With the leaving of Mr. G. W
MrCracken fsr Omaha, this left the
house in which he had lived vacant
and Gussie Brubacher moved into
the place, nnd Harry Nelson who
has been looking after a better place
than what he has had moved into
the place where Mr. Brubacher va
cated, and in turn Mr. Gleeson, the
operator at ibe Mo. Pac. station mov
ed into the place where Mr. Nelson
h8S been residing.
Sunday, January 2nd
Br H & Brln
H-K-I-K-l-H-I-1 M-I-I-I-
$gtM lone Tiroot
Will Be Offered the Dancing Public on
Saturday Evening, January I sf
Ture br?d Duroc boars..
Young, Murray, Neb.
A. A.
A Happy and Prosperous New Year
Is Our Wish for You All Our
Customers and Friends
We will have something very good for you all in the
near future. Again Happy New Year! Health, Happi
ness and Success to each and every one in 1927.
Tutt & Brubacher
Murray, Nebraska
Must Settle These Accounts
All persons knowing themselves indebted to the firm of
H. M. Soennichsen & Co., late of Murray, Nebraska,
are asked to call and settle their accounts at once, as
the books are to be closed the first of the year. Unless
these accounts are settled immediately, they wil 1 be
placed in the hands of a collector.
H- M. Soennichsen & Co.
Joseph Macena of Manley was
visiting for over the Christmas and
! the week end at the home of his
'daughter, Mrs. Herman Gansemer.
and was also visting for a short time
in Murray on last Tuesday with
friends in Murray.
To make all the work count as
much as possible, the firm of Tutt &
Brubacher have been taking stock
during the past week and will be
prepared to offer some very startling
values in a short time after having
l completed the inventory.
I John Robbins was shelling and de
. livering corn to the farm of W. O.
! Troop on Tuesday of this week, thus
getting the corn off while the getting
was good at trie same time suppiy
ing the hustling feeder with corn for
the many cattle which he is feeding.
Dr. G. L. Taylor was called to the!
home of Mr. Q. K. Parmele west ofj
Plattsmouth on last Monday where
tw of the horses of Mr. Parmele were
smitten with the cornstalk disease.
One of the animals it was feared by
the doctor was too far along but the
other he thought he could pull
Miss Nellie Tucker, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Tucker of Callo
way, is visiting at the home ot her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dill
near Murray, and also with her many
friends here, she with the parentr
having resided here for many years.
Miss Tucker is enjoying her visit very
Henry Rice was shelling corn at
the home of Orville Todd on last
Tuesday and Wednesday, and was as
sisted on Wednesday by C. M. Read,
who was called to Plattsmouth on
Tuesday afternoon to have the den
tist look after a refractory tooth
which had been making life look not
so beautiful for some time.
One day last week Mrs. Mildred
Hathaway, of Niobrara, a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Barrows, arrived
in Murray and has been visiting here
for some time and her visit is en
joyed greatly by the parents as well
as by this lady. Mrs. Hathaway has I
been spending the holiday at the
home, and also visiting with her
uany friends here.
Uncle C. H. Boedeker was the
guest at the home of his son, W. G.
Boedeker for Christmas where he al
so enjoyed the fellowship of his
grandson, Charles Boedeker, who is
attending the Shattuck school at
Faribault, Minn., and who is here for
the holidays. Charles is liking the
school very well, and will return fol
lowing the holiday.
John T. Porter wai hauling corn
to the cribs of the Farmer's elevator
on last Monday and Tuesday, which
was partly his a portion of the rent
corn of the farm which he occupies.
Mr. Porter thought as be and son had
plenty of time It wculi be better to
houl the corn in the ear than to shell
Enjoyed the Christmas Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan De Les Dernier
living south of Murray, entertained
at their home on last Saturday,
Christmas day. and had for their
guests all the relatives, who enjoyed
the day tbere, and the excellent din
ner whicb was provided by Mrs.
De Les Dernier, who is one of the
very best of cooks.
There were there for the occasion
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Berger of Mur
ray, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Browne of
Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Topliff
and the kiddies of near Murray.
, Sells Ford Roadster.
Raymond Berger, the rustling
salesman for the Plattsmouth Motor
Co., Bold a new model 1927 Ford
roadster to Granville HeeLner on last
Monday, while he was at Nehawka.
and will have the car delivered and
in use in a few days.
We Appreciate the Friends.
Not far the present, which marks
the friendliness alone but for the
true friendship behind the gift, and
the givers who were wanting to ex
press thpir thankfullness for the com
ing of the writer to Murray to act
as a teacher of the Christian Bible
living the Life I
Why are you a democrat? Why
are you a republican, or a socialist.!
Why are you an American? The mere
living here does not make one an
American you must be imbued with
the ideals of Americanism with the
idea of a government in which every
citizen is a portion and working to
make that government the very best
in the world. I
There are nominal or passive
members of all societies as well as of
all churches, but to be a real member
of any real government you must be
active in the promulgation of the
very essence and true principles of
that particular thing.
People are republicans because
they believe in a representative form
of government, and they transmit
their right and duty to a representa
tive to use for the best of all. A
democrat is as near the people as
possible. In the matter of the demo
crat and the republican, they are es
sentially the same, and what makes
them the more so is because they are
true Americans and are believers and
workers for the countrv which they i
call their native land and their home, j
Christians are ionowers oi cnnsi, ov-
lievers and practitioners of His teach
ings and believers that He is indeed
the son of the living God, and as such
a God himself, with power given Him
by the Father to save the people from
their sins and right here arises a
phase of salvation which it is worth
while to thoroughly understand. j
Salvation what is it and for what j
purpose? There has been waste and
destruction since the world began,
but only in one way the peculiar j
formation or organization is destroy-j
ed, while the primary elements still
exist and cannot be destroyed though
the formation or organization may be :
changed and seemingly arise anew
from the smouldering ruins. The self
same principles that have existed for j
ages continue to ne tne guiding iorces
that impel men's actions and achieve
In the beginning when God created
this old world of ours, he formed it
for the habitation of mankind, made
a home for him and gave him charge
over the elements to a degree that is
indeed surprising to the unthinking
person, for the Great Jehovah, mas
ter of heaven and earth said unto
man, "Here is the earth, the sea, the!
sky, the ground, the racks, the soil,
the animals; make them all subserv
ant unto you." And Tor what pur
pose was this, but for the glorifying
of God himself, who had created them
God made man the highest of all
the creations, equal to the angels of
heaven and gave unto him the privi
lege of doing as he might choose. God
set right and wrong, good and evil
before man and told him that as long
as he should obey His commands and
choose the right, he should be happy
and would be provided for and that
God would make him His partner.
God, when He had created all things,
saw that they were very good. But
the devil came along and by much
the same wiles he practices upon the
human race today, tempted man and
caused him to fall. Then for years
man was a sinner, excluded from the
garden that had been his to enjoy, be
coming both ungrateful and disobed
ient and it became necessary for God
to destroy man, as he had forfeited
his right to live. So God saved but
eight out of all the countless thous
ands who then populated the earth.
Then with the eight Noah and his
wife and their three sons and wives
God entered into a covenant that he
would never again destroy the world
in this manner, spanning the heavens
with his bow of promise, that he
again and again places in the sky so
eu YQQr's Mi)
at the
Music by the
GradoviiEe Orchestra
Come and Dance to this Red Hot Music and Have
a Good Time Like You Had Last Saturday.
Special Gent's Prize of $2.50
Usual Admission
that man could be a partner with I for crossing the streams and taxed
God the Father and his son, Jesus one for passing over the roads or
the Christ, in extending His kingdom jstopping in the towns. These made
and attaching our friends to this, the traveling expensive as well as
large and ever growing throng which making the cost of merchandise high
shall people high heaven. In other ier. This class was more despised
words, man is saved because he is than the others. To this class be-
' 1.-.-. 1 iiri fo a oot the fn I
worth saving and even the very poor
est is well worth the saving, and
when one has been saved, he is a
lect taxes of those who came in and
vent out. He it was that Christ call-
very poor bit of seed if he is not will- ed, and he rose up from his business,
ing to pass the saving process along j from his tax books and his station
that the world might be saved. It and never returned to his former
was for the purpose of you and me position.
that Christ came from the bosom of
the Father and that he spent His
life among us, accepting the lowliest
place, that He might know the situa-
In these five men Christ had se
lected people with many divergent
characteristics, but who were to help
make up the sum total of w hat is re-
tinn nf th verv nnorest and it was . quired for a Christian. Learn from
his great love for us that prompted J the choosing of these men that Christ
Him in thus leaving high heaven, ! was no respector of persons. He se
the glory of glories, to come here for ; lected men who would be the better
as. one3 for the purpose for which they
' Christ is not asking more of us were chosen. The course which the
than he did, not even as much, for Master gave these men was during
He has given us eternal life and if His earthly ministry and it was not
we are worthy of it we must be in- until His death and resurrection that
terested in the welfare of the fellow they fully understood the true sense
next to us. Te be a Christian, one cf His mission on earth. Then they
must be like the Christ and be : were fitted for the real work which
willing to do the things which He ;Hq had selected for them, that of be-
did and to make for real Christian
When Christ selected His little
ing in deed and in truth Christians,
or true followers in the sense of do
ing the things which He came to
band of disciples who were in the lat-j preach, by precept and example, that
ter times to promulgate His doctrine, ; is making true men who really be-
He selected men of character. Not in ineved in the Great Jehovah, the cre-
all cases highly educated men, al
though there were a number of this
class, too, but men of high ideals and
true as steel, with the single excep
tion of Judas Iscariot, who betrayed
the Master for thirty pieces of silver.
The first to be called were Andrew
and Peter, two brothers, they being
peculiarly endowed with characteris
tics which would in their peculiar
way be of the best service to the
work in the Kingdom of God. Andrew
was not a shining light as a preach
er, but he was always finding some
one to bring to the Master. Peter,
imbued with an impulsive nature,
blurted out just what he thought,
though brave and stern, was a waver
ing wave, unstable in most of his
ator of heavfn and earth and all
things therein and in Jesus Christ,
the son of the Savior of the World.
Yon can fittingly extend the New
Years wish with a greeting card, so
secure your selection of the large line
at the Bates Book & Gift shop.
school, we do appreciate the gilt oi j J
the purse, following the closing of Again the people sinned and were
the Bible school session last Lord's ; unworthy of his grace, and it became
day. We enjoyed the coming to Mur-! necessary for God to send to earth
ray wtere we have so many friends I his son, Jesus, who had been with
and attempting to teach the Bible j Him since before the existence of this
class, not wishing the gift, but we old world of ours. Only recently we
are very thankful for the gift and jhave studied of how this Christ Child
also for the friendliness which wc .was born of the Virgin Mary in a
most highly appreciate. M. S. lowly manger in Bethlehem and how
Briggs. (the wise men of the East came and
, worshiped at his feet. Now, we are
Social Circle Club stU(Jy what it is and how much it
Mrs. Will Cook'and Mrs. Eart means to be a true follower and dis
Wolf entertained the Social Circle ,c,Ple of thls Son of God
club last Wednesday, the work of re- J We all tacidly believe that Jesus
decorating furniture was very inter- Christ is the son of God, but how
esting and aside from the regular many of us believe that He is the
work a program of music and a re- savior of the world, and that he gave
citation by little Miss Edith Wolf his life to rescue mankind from his
was very pleasing. The arrangement fallen condition, by doing the things
of a Christmas party was perfected ; that He did, or, believing, how many
and will be at Mrs. Smith's on Wed
nesday the 29th
Breeding geese for sale Mrs.
Young, Murray, Neb.
are willing to accept the sacrifice and
partake of the salvation that is so
freely offered?
Referring to the matter of salvation
again, we inquire, why does the farm
er with great care select his seed
corn? It is for the very purpose that
he desires it to grow and to produce
more corn. Why does the stock
raiser or the poultry fancier get the
best strains of thoroughbred stock
for his herd of flock, but for the pur
pose of producing the best results?
From Tuesday's D&jiy
The reports from the St. oJseph
hospital in Omaha state that Miss
Marie Hiber of this city who was in
jured here yesterday by falling and
causing a fracture of her right ankle,
is now imnrovine and restinc os
ways until he was converted, when easilv as possible considering the ser
he became the most obedient of the jous nature of her accident. Miss
band, and ranked next highest of all Hiber has had the injured member
the apostles. These two men were , dressed and cared for and will have
fishermen as were also the two next to spend some little time at the hos
chosen, James and John, James to be-' pital until she is able to regain the
come the bishop of the first church nsc of the ankle,
at Jerusalem, while John became the)
beloved disciple and the bishop of! MYNARD U. B. CHURCH
the church at Ephesus. and it was he
who was commissioned to write and Sund school at 10 a. m.
set in order the revelations cf the, Serm0 X1 a. m. FubJect. "192S
Son of God and His messages to the;at thp judt Bar"
churches and the world. This lesson j The Todies' Aid will meet in the
comprised the calling of five of the home of Mrg. w. T. Richardson.
disciples, all with different and Pe- Thursdav. January th. All are most
euiiariy msunguisning cnaracieris- rnrdiallv invited
tics. The fifth was a man who was
eminently hated and despised by the
Jews, Levi, the tax gatherer, and
later becoming Matthew, the writer
of the first gospel and one narrating
the history of the Jews, bringing
down the genealogy from the Father
to the Son, the Christ.
There were two kinds of tax gath
erers, one who collected the taxes on
lands and property from the people
as citizens, much as we do in this day
and age. These were called Gabbai,
and were despised greatly by the Jews
who had to pay their taxes to a for
eign government. Then there was an
other set of tax gatherers who col
lected parking taxes, for a traveling
caravan, and also took, bridge taxes
Baltimore. Md.. Dee. 28. Violet
La France, dancer in George White's
Scandals and formerly of the Green
wich Village Follies, filed suit for
divorce from Harry La France
of New York in circuit court here
Monday. The couple eloped from New
York to Richmond, Va., on February
16, 1912, and separated in April of
the same year, it was stated in her
petition. The dancer described her
husband's father as F. W. La France,
a retired capitalist of Pennsylvania."
Enjoy Family Gathering.
An enjpyaDle family gathering was
held at the T. E. Jennings home at
Murray on Christmas. Those to en
joy the occasion were Mr. and Mrs.
ira. ureen ana tiarnei oi Kandolpn. c it 4c in h mntfer nf nlvaHrn
A.Tf'" J',anc Ml?; Earl Cook of God saves people because He loves
Albion, Nebraska; Mr and Mrs. B. jthem and wants them as partners in
!,aDa p 1 P,la"smouth; 'the general redemption of mankind.
ElliiHydeof Glen wood; Mr. and Mrs. God ha8 ever entered into partner
Frtd Hanni and Maxine of Union; 8h!p with mankind, for He has fur
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jennings and nished the lands on which we live,
daughter of Lincoln; Melvin Jen- supplied the genial showers, given us
rungs of Lincoln; Lula Wilson of tne balmy winds and the Bunehine to
Lincoln; Mx . and Mrs. Jennings and;make our crops grow, and otherwise
De!,?rL Murray- ' made the habitation of man on this
All those present gathered at the i0ld earth the very best possible,
home of Mr. and Mr. B. C. Hyde r . , TT , , .
at Plattsmouth the following dr nW bm tL'b
(Sun ) for dinner itn return, out that he be a Stewart
; and enjoy the blessings which He has
. provided to the very utmost. So like.
Phone ns the newt. wise has He given salvation to man,
We are prepared to take care of orders
for about March 1st delivery. Seed to
be scarified before shipping.
Orders taken now at $8.65 per bushel.