: THURSDAY, DECEMBER - 30, 1926. PLATTSMQUTH SEMI -WEEKLY JOURNAL FAGS TWO i i Nehawka V: Department! Prepared ia the Interest of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers. W O Troop was looking after some home near Norden in the northern! which this day and dinner afforded. m-tter3 of business in Omaha on last portion of the state, was spending Mrs. Dedella Stander of Loui3ville Monday and also was attending the! the Christmas holidays at the home of was a visitor at the home of her sis horse and mule s.i!e which was held! his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. ter, Mrs. Louis Ross for the Christ there that date I Todd, northest cf Nehawka. I mas, and it was the intention to have W O TrooD and family were guests! Edward Murray was over to the all the Anderson family there for the at the noire of Robert Troop and wife 1 sale of Frank H. Johnson, who is mov- day but owing to the sudden sicken of l'latt-nouth on last Sunday, driv-j ing to Lincoln soon, and while there ing of two of the young sons and the un for the day and enjoying the purchased a team of excellent mules hired man at the Ross home the SSt feS mnch which Mr. Johnson thought he could gathering was not held. The little Thoiras E Fulton and wife enter- not do without while he was farming, eons, however, are getting along nicejj taned for Christmas at their home J. S. Rough and wife were enjoy- ly with very severe colds. ! and had for th-ir guests for the oc-!ing a visit with their daughter, Mrs. I W. O. Troop and wife entertained cation Mr and Mrs Harold Kimlon! Martin Ross and husband, at their at their country home on Christmas and their daughter farm homo on Saturday where all day and had for their guests their Frank M Lemon and wife were the! were enjoying the Ch'ristmas day and children and families, which consist . guests at the home of Mrs. B. O.1 dinner which was served, by Mrs. ( of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Troop, living ; Tucker for Christmas day and where Rofs. i west of Mynard, and their. little child, ! all enioved a most pleasant time and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lewis, who Earl Troop and wife, living southwest an excellent dinner. make their home on the Countryman of Murray, Mr. and Mrs. William Gor-i Henry Westell was taking advan- place and which recently was sold, der ot riattsnjouth, and also Ml tape of the slack time following had at their home for dinner on Robert Troop and wife of riatts-j Chris'mas and the presence at home Christmas, all of their children and mouth. A most enjoyable time was of Carl find Velma and had them their families and all enjoyed the had and a most gumptious dinner. j take inventory of the stock at the meeting greatly. Mr.-and Mrs. Nelson Berger were: hardware store ' Julian Peterson of Niobrara, who spending heir Christmas at the home I Albert Anderson and family, John ha3 been working near Nehawkar and of a -sister of Mrs. Berger. who lives Steffens and family were at the home engaged in picking corn for Edward south of Lincoln, near Clatonia, Mrs. of Mr and Mrs- C. Steffens of Lor- Murray, completed the work on last William Dunkers and husband, where ton for Chr'tmas where the family enjoyed a reunion and one of the very T,.t r ,iinN Robert 15'ack of riattsmouth has been visiting in Nehawka and has been visiting at the hore of his sis- ter Mrs E - Kirkpatrick. and en- loved pending Christmas with ner and hre hubar.d. Mrs lbert Wolfe and daughter, Gladvs were visiting and looking after some business matters in Ne- braska City on last Monday afternoon thpv driving over to the city in Otoe countv in their car. Dwyer Todd, who is making his . 1 CASH GROCERY Cream Station 1 ry US With your next bill. us with your next bill. Our motto "Best of Service Bert Willis Sutphen's Old Stand Nehawka, Nebr. For Your Stock Per Ton Per Cwt. Tankage $80.00 $4.00, Shorts . . 35.00 1.75 Bran 28.00 Oil Meal .... Red Dog . . .'. 40.00 Chick Scratch. 1.40 ! 3.50 2.00 Laying iMash.. 2.00 2.50 llized as you want it. We grind ear corn as well as shelled. 15c per 100 pounds. Prlanhattan Oils The Nehawka Mills NEHAWKA, NEBR. WiWi the First of ihs Year we will have something very good to offer our customers. Following the rush of the Christmas season we are ar ranging our stock and getting in readi ness for the coming of Accept our best wishes F5 J a ESTABLISHED 1888 Telephone No. 14 Nehawka, Nebr. Where Customers Feel at Home 41 Fridav and departed ior nis nome m the north to spend the Christmas with his parents. Parr Young and family were spend- ing the Christmas day at Weeping Water, whsre they were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William JamI- eon, the latter neing a ssier in Jir- Young, it is safe to say that all en- joved an excellent time. L. J. Austin is assisting in the Ful- on blachsmith shop, where he is as- sisting in the driving of shoes as there are a good many people at this time having he,ir horses shod. With Mr. Austin to assist Mr. Fulton is ablf to accomplish much more with the work. ! J. G. Wunderlich ?nd wire were have been suspicious tnat ne was aeai guests at Plattsmouth for the Christ- ing in the ardent, and on last Fri mas where they were enjoying the iay he was watched by City Marshal dav and remained over night at tne r. L. aict'onneu, wno noteu mm pass j home of their daughter, Mrs. C. A. ing a bottle to Ivan McReynolds and i Rosencrans and husband where they making a dash for the man with the had a most pleasant visit and delight-, bottle had to chase him a couple of r"V ..it. m , o Unnr.i' ! Klnilrca :. f r bo u-nq nhlo tr, over- ,..mPS Miller and wife and their son, Fred, and their daughter, were j over to the county seat last Christ- mas where they all visited at the home I of William Eastrich and had a spien- did time as well as an excellent din- he pleaded not guilty, the hearing be ner. Mrs. Eastrich is a daughter of ing set for Tuesday of this week, !Mr. and Mrs. James Miller.' Gale Rhoden and family and Glen Rhoden and family of near Murray, ' were spending last Saturday, Christ-! mas, at tne Home or tne parents 01 these gentlement, Mr. and Mrs. Geb.v,aH nroeram ami a Christmas tree W. unoaen or fiattsmourn, wnere aut0n la?t piday . evening, Christmas purely enjoyed the family reunion Always Dependable We also sell the Badiola. Come an ear tnem an us yu A demonstration will convince. Light and Power for Work Kohler of Kohler Electric Plants. Ask ns for information about them. THE LUNDBERG GARAGE Nehawka - mT i IieoraSKa - j SB Ei ft n j for the coming year. iney suny enjujeu wte tih ami time and remained for the day and over night. On Sunday morning the drove to' Omaha where they visitedi for .the day at the home of Mr. and! Mr?. .George Gridge, a sister of Mr. Berger; and where the Berger fam-, ny were gaiuneu, mnn uciuB imir for the occasion, the mother of Mr. Berger. Ray Berger. Fred W. Smith and wife and Rex Young and wife, of plattsmouth, Henry Ost and wife of Ashland and where all enjoyed the gathering very much, James Blake, who makes his home in Union ut formerly lived in Ne- hawka, has been visiting in Nehawka (.for some . time, and the authorities take him and found him still in pos- session of the bottle and securing it, placed Mr. Blake under . arrest - and took him to. Plattsmouth where he was piaceu in Jan. un arraignment. when the matter was aired before the county court. Two Good Programs. .Each of th thurehes of Nehawka eve, wnicn were enjoyea by tne large crowds .which gathered to celebrate the occasion.-' ":--- " - ? Enjoyed Dinner at Dad's On Christmas day the folks were all at the home pf Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Vallery where they enjoyed all be ing at home who were within coming distance, Charles A. Valley and fam ily1 not being near enough. A most enjoyable time was had and there , were there for the occasion, Frank E. Vallery, wife and daughter, Air. and Mrs. Wade Porter of Plattsmouth. Thomas Tilson of Murray, Owen Wil lis and family of near Nehawka. They sure had an excellent time and a good visit with all the relatives. All Were Here. It would seem that Nehawka is a good field for the promulgation of the excellent points of the different motor cars, for on last Monday there were . i : at j . . live auiu taiebiiifii jii ue ciiy ui me same time, they being Louis Keil and Posey Chilton of the Pontiac, Fred W. Smith of the Chevrolet and Otto j Wohlfarth and Raymond Berger ot the Universal, otherwise known as the Ford. They were Interesting many of the people of Nehawka in the ex celence of their respective wagons. ; Entertain for Christmas Mr. and Mrs. B. Wolph, living be tween Nehawka and Avoca, entertain ed at their country home on last Sat- urday, Christmas, when they had for their guests the family, and where all surely enjoyea the aay ana tne din ner very much. There were there for the occasion V. P. Sheldon and fam ily, Frank P. Sheldon and wife and Mr. and Mrs. Marion Tucker from Ne hawka and many from other points, and the gathering turned into a fam ily reunion before the day was end ed and all enioved thp event verv much. Call at the Bates Sook & Gift shop and secure a card for a New Years greeting to your friends. A large line at all prices. SMALL FIRE LAST EVENING From' Wednesday's Dally The residence property occupied by James 1 Ba jock on North 9th street had a very close, call from destruc tion by Are last night and which was only prevented by the prompt action of Mr. Bajeck who was home at the time. The fire seems to have started from an over heated stove, the wood box catching fire, this being Just a short distance from the stove and the flames made their way along the wall and also burned a -part of the flooring quite badly berore the flames could be extinguished. 'The owner of the building feels fortunate, how ever, that the fire was no worse. CHICKENS FOR SALE . A few excellent Barred Plymouth Rock CockreU for sale. Otto Schaf fer, Nehawka, P. O. All kinds of business stationery printed at the Journal office. LOCAVNEWS Dr. Heineman, Dentist, Hotel Main Bldg., Phone 527. ! Dr. 0. C. Hudson, Osteopathic Phy sician and Surgeon. Phones 31 - 477. From Monday's Daily I TM l." r. 1 1 Tr gt fanlav wo a bora Slin day for a few hours, visit with the relatives and friends for the day. - . ; , r, , John Todd and family of Omaha, were here ovre Christmas and Sunday as guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. INioDIe- Evan Noblo, wife and little daugh- ter. Loretta, of Cheyenne, Wyoming, arrived here Christmas to enjoy a holiday visit here with the relatives una menu. , .1 Hon Troy L. Davis and Avife of Weeping Water were here over Christmas visiting with the Searl S. Davis family, returning home Satur day evening. Glen Allen, Arthur Kief and Ray Cavender, who are employed at Have lock came down Friday evening for the Christmas vacation here with the relatives and friends. Fred W. Mann of Graybull. Wyo- ming. is here to spena a snori time looking after some matters of busl- ness in connection with the closing of the First National bank. Mr. and Mrs. George If. Falter of Falls City, were among the Christmas stay at the J. P. Falter home and! with other relatives and friends. George P. Meisinger. Jr.. and wife- were visitors over the holiday season at Pekin. Illinois, with the relatives and friends, returning this mornini: to their home on the early Burlington train. Mrs. E. A. Wurl and son. Robert and daughter. Miss Helen. were among those going to Omaha thi-3 morning where they will visit for the day there with relatives and friends. Mason Wescott, one of the faculty of the Northwestern university at Chicago, arrived home Christmas for a holiday visit here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wescott and the many old time friends. From Tuesday's Dally Mrs. John Ronicky of Omaha, an old school friend of Mrs. W. P. Siti ir.an came down today to spend the day at the Sitzman home. John S. Valle'ry' was a visitor :n Omaha today where he will spend th? day with his wife at the Immanuel hospital where she has been for sorie time. A. B. Fornoff, one of the well, nichsen at the close or tne aay s dusi known residents of Cedar Creek, was ness. "Prices advertised are not for in the city today and while here -was one day but will continue through a pleasant caller at the Journal office out the month of January, and we and renewed his subscription to the -will replace depleted stocks of the Journal for another year. jmore popular lines and continue sell- xfi.a nrcrio white f i.'qoc nit ing them at the advertised price in MUem.ri io ,Crn for a viit of a f aw days-at. -the honie of her mother. el when they come to .buy. Large Mrs. Alice White and other relatives ! warehouse stocks are being transfer and friends and enjoying a vacation) red to our shelves tonight to provide from her duties at the Missouri City. Rev. A. V. Hunter, of Hastings district superintendent of the Hast ings district of the Methodist church, who was in Omaha attending the fun eral of Rev. Clyde Clay Cissell, came down last evening to visit with the old friends, returning to his heme today. Mrs. Claus Ploehn of Scribner, Ne - nrusKKa, is nere xtr enjuy a visit vtnu the relatives and friends over Cass county and is at the present time a guest at the F. J. Hennings home In Eight Mile Grove and returns Thurs day for a visit here Mr. and Mrs. John at the homo of Wickman. Missi Clara Wickman will accompany her home for a short visit over the week end. From Wednesday's Dally Miss Helene Perry was in Omaha today where she was the guest of a number of the Rockford college girls who are making their home in that city. Adam Meisinger, well known Cedar Creek resident, was here today for a few hours attending to home matters of business and visiting with his friends. John H. Rusche of Louisville, S. J. Reams and Ed Marshall of Cedar Creek' were here today attending to some matters at the court house and visiting with friends. Prof. Jennie Parriott of Hugo, Colorado, has been here visiting at the home of his cousin, Mrs. Oliver Harvey and also with Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Rainey and family. George A. Kaffenberger of Lincoln and Mrs. C. A. Spate and daughter, Menota, of Peru are here as guests of the relatives for a few days and enjoying the holiday vacation. Mrs. Fred Spangler and daughter, Mrs. George Mumm, were visitors in Omaha today to spend a short time there looking after some matters of business and visiting with friends. Mrs. Catherine Nolting and son, Henry F. Nolting and the Misses Marie and Elizabeth Nolting, were visitors in Omaha today, where Henry was consulting a specialist in regard to hi3 throat and Miss Marie having her eyes tested. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED OF POPULAR YOUNG PEOPLE The engagement of Mi3s Myrtle Lucille Flelschman, of Louisville and Raymond H. Lohnes, of near Cedar Creek, has been announced arid the young folks arc receiving congratula tions from their many friends. In honor of this approaching mar riage, a miscellaneous shower was i arranged last Friday night by Miss Leda Fleischman, cousin of tho pros pective bride, at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fleischman. The gue6ts were the former nchool mates, friends and. teachers of Miss Fleischman. A supper was served and a very pleasant evening enjoyea to gether, all uniting; in wishing the bride-to-be much happiness in her fu- ture married life. The refreshments were appropriate, "the-ice cream hav ing pink hearts in it and pink heart shaped cakes being served with it. The . following afternoon another shower was arranged at the home of Mr. Lohnes' parents, Mr. and Mrs. AVilliam II. Lohnes, near Cedar Creek, . the prospective groom's sister, Mrs. George Schroeder, having charge of . this. About one hundred friend3 were i-resent and a delightful afternoon en- uuwi... b.. , , " ceived, as upon the evening before included the neighbors where the jride to be had taught and many 'other friends. This year she is teach ing the cullom school and for two' veara before that she taught the Fair-1 7lew Echooi( southeast of here. The rnnm la Ralesman for the Fada radio! . and ig meeting with success in hin business ier. venture. Loui3vil!e Cour- Enthusiastic Buyers at Cash Raising Sale j j i H. M. Soennichsen Store Does Record- Breaking Business on Opening Day of Bargain Event. If anyone doubts the value or au-. vertising there is conclusive proof of the power of printed word 1 in the opening nay of the H. M. Soei anieh sen , stores January Cash-Raising sale on j Wednesday of this week Customers flocked to the store from early morning until late at night to share in the feast of bargains, and as a result a new record in one day's gross business was established. Despite the heavy run on all pop ular lines of merchandise, the store was able to supply customers with all requests for goods, except the shop ping baskets at 9c and the Griswold cast iron skillets at 19c. Five dozen of the former and 100 of the latter were sold out by mid-afternoon, and cannot be replaced at the present time. Some idea of the volume of the opening day's business can be gained from the fact that ten dozen brooms, nearly 500 pounds of lard in 5-pound lors, a ton and a half of sugar, thirty cases of canned milk and equally large quantities of Campbell products were sold. "We are more than satisfied with the response of the public to our ef forts to raise money," said Mr. Soen- order that no one may be disappoint ! tor business tomorrow ana me resi nf tr.f wpck-. ann rusn oraers are being placed for goods in which we anticipate a shortage In addition to the many advertised items, tables are being arranged with grouped price merchandise, including a 9c table loaded with household furnishings and kitchen utensils that ' f r mart it onl1 at 1 n n in TnQTnr in- . no ... QO n 00. HONORED AT WESLEY AN Miss Helen Wiles, of Plattsmouth, .a student at Nebraska Wesleyan Uni- versity, has recently been initiated into the Weslej'an Psychology club. PUBLIC AUCTION The undersigned will sell at Pub lie Auction on the C. L. Jean farm, a half mile east of Mynard, on the K T road, on Tuesday, Jan. 4th commencing at 10:00 o'clock a. m., the following described property: Eight Head Horses and Mules One bay mare, eight years old, wt. 1,650; one bay horse, eight years old, wt. 1,300; one brown mare, eight years old, wt. 1,350; one. sorrel mare, nine year old, wt. 1,500; a black team of horses, 10 and 11 years old, wt. 3,100; a team of mules, four and five years old, wt. 2,300. Cattle and Hogs Nine head of milk cows and heif ers. Extra good milkers. Some fresh, others fresh by sale date. Fifty head of Spotted Poland China hogs and pigs. Sows with pigs by side. Several bred gilts. Some stock hogs. Farm Machinery, Etc. One Tri-Belle riding lister; one walking lister; two Badger cultiva tors; one John Deere riding cultiva tor; two walking cultivators; one P. & O. two-row machine, nearly new; one Case two-row machine; one hay rake: one two-row stalk cutter; one DaIai dtY-tnttl oi wo trnn rn a how q stir ' on truck; two , other wagons; one! walking plow; one 30-foot corn ele vator with power; one 2-h.'p. gas; engine; one Stoughten steel manure! spreader; one Iowa cream separator; j four sets of heavy work harness; one Old Trusty 220-egg Incubator; one' hay fork cable with carrier ropes and j fork and other articles too numerous. to mention. Terms of Sale All sums of S 10.00 and under, cash On sums over $10.00 a credit of six months will be given, purchaser to give bankable note bearing interest at the rate of eight per cent per an num from date of sale. No property to be removed from the premises un til settled for. Nelson Jean, Owner. Res Youn. Auctioneer, Plattsmouth State Bank, Clerk To the Plattsmouth Journal TO YOUR FAMILY OR TO SOME FRIEND The Journal covers the entire county and costs only two dollars per year, delivered to any address twice each week 104 issues. I want to extend my thanks to the numerous friends all over the county for the every courtesy and kindness which I have received from you during the past eight years as I have traveled over the county in an effort to serve this paper, visiting your towns and your-homes. Your many kind acts, the cordial greetings you have: always extended to me and the very friendly aid you have given in the matter of furnishing information is greatly appreciated, and especially the hospitality of your business houses and homes all over the county, which have made it easier for myself and the paper to ' get the work done which we have had to do Please accept the wishes of both the Journal and my self for. success during the coming. year, with abound , ing health and perfect happiness for each and every one ' We also desire to assure you we are ever ready to serve you and your interests in every way possible in 1927. Wishing You All a Happy and - Prosperous New Year ' 1 1 M. S. BBIGGS Field 'Representative-of the v Plattsmouth Journal. Will Appeal from Commission Order Burlington to Fight the Ruling Re lating to Construction of a New Station Building at Wilber. The Burlington railroad will ap peal from the decision of the railway commission that the railroad must build a new depot at Wilber and that it will test the right of the commis sion to issue such an order. ' The case was argued to the com-' mission by Frank Bartos, well known Wilber attorney, and in this demand he was supported by the business in terests of the city. The claim of the railroad Is that the facilities for handling business at Wilber are adequate considering the volume of business which is car ried to and from that station. It is understood that during the year to come two new depots at im portant stations in eastern Colorado are to ba built and that the depots at Exeter and Ord are to be rebuilt. The company makes it a rule to build two or three, new depots a year and re model and repair as many more as necessary. Other depot work may have been planned which is not an nounced. A new depot cost being a charge to capital account, it is held by the railroad that only the interstate com- merce commission has jurisdiction of i such matters, and alone can orderi new stations built. - The commission contends that congress, when it pass ed the transportation act did not in tend to retain in the federal com mission his Dower nnrn PTprcispd bv states. Suqg! '6lourriQQfl! DIRECT FROM THE GROWERS A carload of high quality, scarified, new crop seed to arrive soon after January 1st. - - - ' We examined thousands of acres of this seed crop at harvesting and threshing time last summer, in northeastern- South Dakota and never saw better quality and cleaner seed. 1 In booking your order now, we can supply you direct from car, at very lowest prices. However, a large quantity of this seed will be carried in stock at my farm 4 miles west and 2y2 miles north of Murray, Nebraska, -. You May Book Your Order at Farmer Slate Bank . : . W. F. WOLTE " PlatUmouth Phone 3614 MYNARD, NEBRASKA rf 1 V New Years is but a few'days away. Remember your friends with a card of greeting. , See the large line at the Bates Book & Gift shop. , , ; . E. A. Lorenz was a visitor in the metropolis today where he was called to look after-some matters at the wholesale houses for a short lime and visiting with friends. ' THE INSIDE of the motor is the vital place whence the power originates. For that reason you need skill and experience in re pairing it. Our men know crank shaft alignment, nis ton travel. rin?s. ,-,:,. p., wrist nins etc as thev do ,S,S'Zl J Jl nm7h? the alphabet. . YOU profit from their knowledge when we do the repair Frady's Garage Phone 58 . 1