FX?TSMOTH SEMI -WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 25, 1926 were spent with"? fancy work along' with the regular budget sewing of the Guild workers. Their next regular meeting will b held at the home of Mrs. Ivan Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. ' Ealfour. PAGE SIX Uehm&eh Your Moneys Worth2 " You Can Profit by Our Year-End Clearance-Sale MaTcc the dollar do double duty. We are making some very attractive prices in all lines at the Corner Store ere or which will save you money. Groceries, ; Clothing, Winter Goods, Hardware. Come and C' . ;-.cck ever select what you want and save Home Eurns to Ground. '. i Last Saturday the house where Mr. and Mrs. cv Y". " faA ttA bi? Nebraska badly. He had to keep the wound V W . X V. A. VI. CV.tiU I, a 4- V. S U W V Ah) J- .... . a along nicely now. ,ana Jirs nui Uittinger live, coutn- While II. Liggett was getting ready Wt-&1 "S"1''"1' a,lu for a trip to Lincoln and had his everything was done that was possible car setting on Main street, a car from under the circumstances the house Auburn came along and struck the and contents burned. The farm be car of Mr. Ligget. doing much dam- longed to John James, and was being age. The number of the car which farmed by Mr. Gittinger. who lost all did the damage was secured and they. of his furniture, bedding and clothing will be compelled to make good the WU no insurance on any part of the injury. H. Liggett, who has been making his home east of Union for some time 'past, has concluded to and did move goods which were burned. Home for Thanksgiving. The students in the state university to Lincoln, where he will engage in! from Union, Misses Cara and Vera hatching chickens and will conduct Upton, Harriett Cheney and Hallas a hatchery on a large scale. Joseph Banning, were home for Thanksgiv Lidgett will ocupy the place, having ing, Mr L. R. Upton driving over for moved there now and will farm the the girls in Wednesday afternoon place the coming year. 1 while Mr. Banning returned via the Hay Frans believes is being ready, train. T To Inl-oj tim.i hv t!if fnr-lnr'lr not . . ! Sox by the Box a fine guage lisle black, cordovan, grey, navy come 4 in a box and guaranteed for 4 months. $3 a Box -a good item for early Christmas shoppers! C. E. VtfESCOTT'S SOE3S "One Price and No Monkey Business! " W 11 the fetlock. lie is Kctting the screens' Manr Attend the "Rail name. ready for the first fly which comes Many of the people of Union and! peeping arounu pe.u spuug, ue uaa vicjnjty .vero over to Xdiawka last been, painting the screens and plac- Friday night, where they were in at ing new wire on the frames where tendance at the basketball game necessary and when spring comes he whff.h wna niavid hptween the teams so poorly for some time was taken to! will not have to stop the other work of Xehawka and that of Avoca. G. W. ror this. Cheney and family and the teachers Word received from Longbeach. of the Union schools were present as Cail,. where Mrs. Harriet Wells, we!1 as some twenty-five others. They mother of Mrs. G. W. Cheney, if) enjoyed the game very much and also making her home is to the effect hat, extended an invitation to the people this excellent lady has been quite ill Df Kehawk to come to Union and en- for some time and while she is not yet joy the ball games here. FARM BUREAU NOTES ESTIMATE POTATO CROP ; i ).vi v shirp"'! a car of calves and Mrs. Fred Tigner for the day. i .- ath Omaha market on Tues- Everett Armstrong, who has been, v of this veck. A. L. L'teker was a visitor In the hofpital at Lincoln for treatment .:if mouth oa last Monday morning after his case became more serious. 4ied there to look after some busi-' Jce Banning, seeing the handwrit ;esd matters. ling on the wall of the sky, or some- Philip F. Rhin and wife were visit-, where else, was getting busy on last ing last Sunday with relatives near ."Monday afternoon putting up the Mvnard. they being guests of Mr. and. storm windows at his home. Mrs. Grant Kackenberg. Clarence Dukes and family were in her usual health she is much im- Lee Farris and Joe Bauer were' visiting for over the "week:end with proved and is making advancement spending the week in Plattsmoutn' relatives and friends in and near, toward health with each week. Her wnere iney were caiitu iu ecivc umou. vteiu gucsia ui iuc "an; i iuu mcus ucic " l"1"""-", v,i vnm. tn- onmo timo with an at. Jurors in the district court. M. Frans and-B. P. Dukes families. to know of her improvement. ck o? rheumaulm. il renorted as Charles Green was a visitor at Claude Porter, who works with j A very interesting shooting match'? Cedar Creek on laft Sunday wher Elevator, was neld in WiLS lou&iug alter suiue uusiucss u. ineeys guuuius iccu nucu sj Tti, auu nunc ovixi? . malaHv -t. ,..tT Copy for this Department furnished by County Agent -1-I-I-I"I"M T Scottsbluff, Neb., Nov. 19. T. t Kennedy, local potato broker, today estimated the production of potatoes in the North I'latte valley at about two thousand carloads, with an aver age of six hundred bushel to the car. Of this amount there are about seven hundred carloads still on hand ?: Filibuster Fear Causes Concern in G.O.P. Ranks The Farm Bureau annu'al meeting' Fro1" 1 . u 2J ?er ,celIit,of l,he op Effort Is Made to Get the Supply will be held in the Mogensen and . - 7"'? " Bllls Kea(ly to Be Eush- Hart hall at Weeping Water on Wed-- . . . . , . 1ft nar - Mcnt Bobb Better. Mont Robb. who has been kept to; held, and the subject of T chickens will be discussed. His many friends would be pleased to know that he was on the way to recovery and also that he would soon be out and down town well as visiting with friends. nothing else to occupy his attention secure some pretty birds for Thanks- Pat Roddy and a number of his. and always has a sufficient amount giving, others shot In vain. There will friends were over to Nehawka on ahead. ! be another one during this week con- last Friday evening where they were1 Fred Tigner and George Hasting-ducted by Henry Becker which will: njr!T, attending the basketball game. j have been constructing a cab on the allow the others to get a turkey or ' Mrs. Dora Kastle of Plattsmoutn maintalner which is being used on two, or if not a goose or duck. Ray ! . .T,t,Mt.TtM-.T-MTT..TTTTTi T. last Sun- the state aid road worK so tnat it wm-uiamDiet sure got enougn ior tne ; . day where she was the guest of Mr. not be so cold for the onewho drives feast of Thanksgiving day, for he has T "i iho maintainor ' thre fppsp and twn rturka 11" F. H. McCarthy and family were spending last Sunday In Plattsmouth, fceing guests at the home of the par ents of Mrs. McCarthy, Mr. and Mrs. three geese and two ducks. Special Tire Sale While They Last Fathers and Sons Meet. Last Friday at the Union Public uloS,i. , T' n .Z-i Library were gathered the fathers Edward Svoboda. where all enjoyed' . nf irn,nn tn ha nr fifty-eight, where they 'feasted and a most pleasant visit. nd "u 1 were pals for the evening. There wnen u comes xo picKing com ana in addresses made by VS. B. Ban- fact most all work, has his corn all n,ngf Rey w A Tay,or find Vance iVt ri "'U6j Harris of Union, and by the Rev. I the gathering of the crop of his . nf ntna rnnfv . ' t , BOX SOCIALS HWH'WWI' friend, a. W. Cheney. ant time was had and all present , tt . "a, eAJ T'.r l uiiuiub o enjoyed the occasion. This is the in- I am Offering hrea at prices that fence around the three hudred acres. ce ,on of thg m0vement which will will surprise yon all of them lax brands. See these prices! Usco Cords, 30x3$ $ 7.60 Royal Cords, 30x3 8.95 J nA finfffv t I Job. having but a short distance to yVt,M w.uu. (build the first of this week. We have Nutrena Laying Mash, and chicken feed mixed in any style that you want it, ground to suit you. Usco Balloons, 29x4.40 wi furnhh it-c. a McCirthr. Boyal Ball 00 ns, 29x4.40 11.65; james Fitzpatrick and wife of " v.v.....j t--- " n martp nn n nniia 1 nfTnir it la a fl13 "!"LnlAht Clet "L'sood move for it gets the fathers and sons together and working In unison. Women Meet With. Mrs. Banning. Altho not a member, Mrs. W. B. Banning was hostess to the Wyom ing Guild, and a few of her Union friends at a 1 o'clock luncheon Fri- Chas. Atteberry Union, Nebr. dav. Weeping Water were spending last The rooms were beautifully de Sunday in Union where they were corated in autumn leaves and crysan- X. mother Mrs. Frank Boggs and with her brother Orville Hathaway. George Stltes received a car of cat- I tie from Cmaha which he took to crj-stal baskets filled with sprays of I his home for feeding. Two of them.red berries. The afternoon hours made their escape and while thy had; been lroked for pretty closely, thcyj inve not ecn found at tne ldst re-, 'p-rt. Ilcv. Swindle, minister of the :To-hd:t church t Nehawka anc!j :.::- II:-!en W-vcott Plattsmouth! v.-err rn t!ie program on the closing! risiht of the week's campaign of "Win of the Epworth League r-t T' i r c...- nor.- arriving is 60-62 J: i ;ii'i;rnr.cc point a crack- . ivl weather. GEORGE themums. The three course luncheon was served at one large and two small tables, which were centered with WE HAVE utrena Laying Friday, Nov. 26th. A box, pie and bon-bon social will be held lHmile west and 1 mile south of Union, Nebraska, at the Factoryvllle school. November 26. A snappy program will be furnished by the school. Everybody invited. DOROTHY LEWIS, Teacher. AUCTION OF LAND bit Accessories , -iy i ;mm, ; ItiSt. wee k. ' Ben Albin and wife have added to their home a new radio which they and Chicken Feed mixed in any style purchid and had installed by F. H you want it to suit you; who has been placing many of these Come, tell ns what you want, and exctneni rauias in ine nomes oi me people of Union and vicinity. Word is received in Union of the doting out sale of Mr. W. A. Hard ing, who is engaged in business at Elmwood. and where he is endeavor in c to d it-pose of the stock of goods, i an! th business like that of many i T? lilC! Vnn nut Vi tn foil Two hundred acres of choice Cass county land to be sold at auction at 1 p. m., Wednesday, December 1st, 1926. No. 1. Forty acres, SW of SE, section 18, township 11, range 13, three miles west of Mur ray on the highway. No. 2. One hundred sixty acres SE4 of section 9, township 11, range 13. One miles west and one n mile north of Murray. To be sold at 3 p. " m. on Wednesday, December 1st, 1926. These farms are known as the Dr. T. V. Davis farms. Terms ten per cent of purchase price cash on day of sale. Balance, March 1. 1927, less one-half of pur chase price which will -be carried back five years at 5 per cent. These lands to b sold cn premises. MRS. J. A. MCALLISTER. Owner. COL. B. D. BRYSOX, ltd . Auctioneer. nesday, December 1, beginning at 1:30. A report on this year's work will be given, election of officers B. in Tri-Connty Poultry Show. President O. E. Henning, Mead, to gether with his committee selected from three counties are working early and late completing arrange ments for the big tri-county poultry show scheduled to be held at the Huxman auditorium, Ashland, De cember 7, S, 9 and 10. This is to be the first showing of the tri-county poultry association, a new organization which absorbs the old Saunders association of past years, and in addition includes the counties of Cass and Sarpy. This show has every indication of be- of the shipments left from Morill, -Mitchell and Alliance and distribu tion was general over the country, with Tennessee and Georgia getting the largest volume. Big Furniture Sale Here Starts November 27th Ghrist & Ghrist will Offer One of the Greatest Buying Opportunities Covering a Week's Time There will open on Saturday morn- i intr Knvpmhpr 57th at th flhrlct Z. coming one of the biggest district Ghrist furniture store heref one shows in the state because of thejthe biggest sales and price slashing very great importance of the poultry offerg tnat thig cK hag seen ,n m industry in the three counties in-ycara and one that everyone should volyed. where nearly half a million take advanlage Df in securing some birds are being raised on the farms ' reaj bargains annually. As a starter, superintend-! The hig ga',e wl CQVer a weekg. ent Levi Mays expects six to eight i duration and H place before the buying public one of the greatest opportunities that they have had for hundred fowls on exhibition, and will have room for more if they come, in the big auditorium. The premium list is now on the press and will be ready in a few days. It contains classes for all known practical varieties of poultry and pet stock, with a special corner for Junior poultry raisers. Liberal cash and special premiums are pro vided with a view of encouraging the many months of securing real mer chandise in the furniture line at the very lowest prices and which have back of them the guarantee of Mr. Ghrist for the excellence of his stock. The large display ad of the sale will be found in this Issue of the Journal and is well worth looking amateur as well as the experienced , over as it means a reai money sav showman to bring something in and lnr onnortunitv to the man or wom- help to make this a real show in this territory. A feature of the pre miums will be a fifty dollar silver ! of somc of the hig money savers awaraeu as a sweepsiaKe prjzt;. an who takes advantage of it. Look up the ad and make your selection CHRISTIAN ENDEAV0SS MEET places has been very quiet this fall .."i 10 tly Olir; E. M. rollard of Xehawka. with the r .., "1rl'l TT7"no ' oofl v 'fe. ontf-rtainod for dinner and il OUia VV ed,- the day Thankpqivinrr. and had as ? tr Special Gasoline! i her RUvFt,s Vhe "c,caio" ,R- CV PoI-S j lard and family and G. . Cheney ami family of near Union. A most pleasant gathering was had by the three friends. Oiiion inning Station Union ----- Nebr. John Lidgett, while hastening to attend to an engine which was about to stop, and which he was using for his work, struck a pump handle with his head, bruising the temple quite LDatmCi of U on Boon Vo Solicit Your Duoinoso! If you are interested in a Farm Loan, Fire or Life Insurance see us first If you are not doing businers with ui we both lose. "The Bonk pff 3 ff we will furnish it at right prices. C. C. McCarthy Union, Nebraska Stke's Grocery Very Best of Service Highest Grade Goods Selling at money-saving prices to our customers. IT PAYS US TO SERVE YOU THE BEST Stine's Grocery Union -:- Nebraska From Wednesday's Dally Last evening Miss Marjorie Shopp was hostess to the members of the Christian Endeavor society of the First Presbyterian church at her pleasant home on Pearl street. There was a very large number of the young people in attendance and the greatest of interest was shown in the j entertainment that had been arrang ed for the evening. In the guessing contest Miss Edith Bulin was awarded the prize for her skill and other games and contest: served to pass the hours most pleas ing to all of the members of the party. At the close of the evening the memoers or tne jolly crowd war treated to the dainty and delicious refreshments prepared for the event and which completed a most delight ful time for all of the members of the party. THE LAST WORD IN Better Radios CROSLEY We save you money on radios and radio equipment. Enjoy a demonstra tion at the elevator any time. F. H. McCarthy Union, Nebr. . PHILATHEA CLASS MEETS From 'WedneBday's Dally Last evening the Philathea class of the First Methodist church was very pleasantly entertained at the home of their teacher, C. C. Wescott and Mrs. Wescott and with a very large number of the members in at tendance at the meeting. The event was in the nature of a social gathering and the time pass ed very pleasantly in games and con tents of all kinds that made the occa sion one that all will remember with the greatest of pleasure. At a suitable hour dainty and de licious refresments were served that added to the completion of the eve ning of the rarest pleasure to all of the members of the class. PIANO FOB SALE cup awarded as a presented by the business men of Memphis. Business men of Ashland and other towns of the district are donating generously to cash and oth er special premiums. The annual poultry banquet. ':nown as the "Scratch Feed" in dated for Thursday evening of the rhow and is being arranged by Messrs. George Martin and Levi Mays. Premium lists will be available from the office of Secretary Elmtr Zlegenbein, Memphis, or at the Cass County Farm Bureau office at Weep ing Water, and all entries should be made with the secretary not later than Saturday, December 4th. ' A business meeting of thi3 tri county poultry association will be held Friday, the last day of the show at 10 o'clock. Everyone is urged to attend. L. It. SXIPES, Co. Exten. Agent. NAME McKELVIE SCOUT HEAD St. Joseph. Mo., Nov. 23. S. R. McKelvie of Lincoln, Neb., was elect ed chairman of the executive coun cil of Region No. S. at the annual ; contention of Boy Scout executive--here today. Other members of the committi r j are: Walter W. Head. Omaha; Fran-: Simmons, Scottsbluffs, Neb.; Fred' H. Wilbur,. Marshalltown. Ia.; John P. Wallace, Des Moines and Burdick Richardson, Davenport, Ia. ed Through. Washington, Nov. 20. Republi can leaders in congress are at work early to get appropriation bills well on their way before the Christmas holidays, the object being to fore stall insurgents who attempt to fili buster for an extra session. President Coolidge opposes an ex tra session after March 4. The only way one Is likely to come about will be through obstructive tactivs against appropriation bills. If these are not passed by March 4, congress would have to be called bock to pa.ss the measures, so that the big gov ernment departments would have founds to operate with during the fiscal year beginning July 1. Filibuster Improbable. These bills all originate in the house. Chairman Madden of the house appropriations committee has his committee preparing the bills for prompt" presentation after con gress assembles in December. He ex pects to have them all passed in the house before February 1. The sen ate would have a month left in which to finish them. Some insurgents desire a special session. Brookhart of Iowa has urged that one be called to dispose of farm relief. Others oppose it. Borah is indifferent. Hiram Johnson is cool. Democratic leaders have not been won over. Unless the situation changes, therefore, there may not be suffi cient support to organize a fili buster. . - , . . . : ! ' Most appropriation bills now go through with little debate. Scrutiny is only casual. May Pass McNary Bill. Pressure for farm relief legislation is becoming more insistent. The St. Louis declaration of principles has increased it. Some senators hostile to the McNary farm bill now feel that politics will force it through, despite President C'olidge's opposition. LOAN BEING ARRANGED FOR CITY OF YOKOHAMA Save time and worry at your pic nic party by securing a suply of the Dennison picnic goods. Bates Book and Gift Shop has the full line. bazaar a:;d lufper The Cedar Cre 1; Indies aid society v.iil give a bazaar nr, supper at the town hall in Cedar Crook on Friday, D' comber 3rd. The public is cordially invited to be present. n25-2tw Those who have ordered copies of the Delineator and Designer at the Bates Book and Gift Shop are urged to call for same promptly. nrrar Now York, Nov. 19. A J200.0C0 loan for the city of Yokohama has been arranged by American bankers and will probably be placed on the market next week. J. P. Morgan & Co. are expected to head the offer ing syndicate. The sale of the bonds will provide funds for reconstruction purposes which were authorized soon after the 1923 earthquake. A $150,- 000.000 Japanese government loan; however, made unnecessary any bor rowing by the individual cities until this time. New Engraved Christmas Cards The remembrance of refinement and good taste for the friends that wish to carry a yuletide message. The Bates Book & Gift Shop has a very large and beautiful line of these cards in many handsome and artistic designs and which are now awaiting our inspection. Those who wish to have their names engraved on the cards are For sale Late Model, practically nred to lace orA&TH ,ow that new uulbransen upright piano. Bona , ' . Steel Plate Brush Pin holes, lates .'he cards may be prepared in time style spring brass flange action, gold- for the Christmas season, en oak case. A-l condition, price InSpecti0n of the fine line of 195. Easy terms or big discount for . p, Lrtam j- ... cash. Ghrist & Ghrist. 118-22 So.' Ctnstmas CM" is convincing, this 6th st. Plattsmouth, Neb. Phone 64. is the largest and best line at the most reasonable of prices that has Journal Want Ads bins repotts. ibeen offered,, in this city. READ THIS LIST OF REAL BARGAINS One practically new $90 laundry Queen electric washer, $45.00; one $300 3-piece parlor suite, used but in good condition, $60.00; two sectional bookcases in oak, $17.50 each; one oak typewriter desk, $8.00; three oak library tables, $5.00, $8.00 and $12.00; one 8-piece oak dining room suite, $65.00; three kitchen ranges, $25.00, $35.00 and $45.00; one glass door cupboard, $10.00; two kitchen cabinets, $15.00 and $25.00; five heating stoves, $5.00 to $25.00; four wood heaters, $5.00 to $8.50; three gas ranges, $12.50 to $35.00; three oil stoves, 3 and 4 burner, $7.50 to $15.00; three Edison phonographs with a number of good records, $35.00, $75.00 and $95.00; five other phonographs just like new, $35.00 to $75.00 each (easy terms on phonographs) ; 20 Simmons beds in full size and three-quarter, $3.00 to $5.00 each;! ten dresstrs, $7.50 to $15.00; three chiffonniers, $10.00 and $12.00 each; one hand power washing machine, $7.50. Many Other Articles Too Numerous to Mention Free Delivery for Sixty Miles 52 WEEKS TO PAY Ghrist & Ghrist 118-122 So. 6th Street Telephone No. 645 Plattsmouth, Nebraska y v