The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 25, 1926, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Cbg plattsmouth lournal
Ctra at Potoir. Plttrmouth.
A hero is a man who once forgot
that he was a coward.
King Albert is now telling Marshal
Foch who won the war.
The complexion of the next senate
will be still somewhat spotly, but
vastly improved.
Did you ever hear the famous story
that begins with, "Well, after I had
gone to four doctors?"
In too many cases a college soph
omore is one who has survived the
bad booze of the freshman and junior.
We are glad to reveal today that,
owing to the advent of the bob, the
old gray hair ain't what it used to be.
All men are born free and equal;
then their equality takes a vacation
until the undertaker gets busy with
A Chicago gangster has been sen-,
fenced to 50 years imprisonment.
Which disposes of him for at least
six months.
A book reviewer says he always
turns first to the appendix. The pro
fession has lost a consistent and con
ventional surgeon.
An exposition in Java has been
closed because of lack of interest and
attendance. Flowers and sympathy
from Philadelphia.
Canada is abolishing all her bill
boards along the highways, and now.
the tourists won't have anything to
look at but Canada.
ni a i a v
c c w -
Harvard any more. The football 1
KriTlf'HI 1111 U III 1111 11 II Ill.LV Vk ILil
wasn't so bad, but the words, you
should have read them!
Things on this mundane sphere
never will be perfect. Only 300 spec
tators can get in to listen to the de
tails of the ins-Hall case.
. . :o: .
The fact having been established;
that only long haired girls can be
the head that wears the crown.
General Motors expect an export
trade of $125,000,000 in 1927. One '
foresees that 1927 will not be the
year which the foreign debts to Amer
ica will be retired.
Mus:-oli::i is a preat leader, but he
is not expected to set a fashion for
the world that will prescribe the
shirt of mail as a necessary incident
of costume for a gentleman in official
Th inflnenre of thp llohenzollerns
is certain to revive on new lines.
-,. , t,j
ineir er-esiaonsnmeni as noiuers ui
large estates makes them eligible to
rank among the world's greatest real
In spite of all that Las been done
for their moral improvement and en
tertainment, prisoners continue to
Jewel thieves in New York every
rrTX7 on1 tntn oll a 1 1 t i . n n.
" " .v in-ii vaii aiiciiviuu iu iiia-fe
uiuttuvra "iiitu were notmiariv un-
v l, r i. i ,
known. Their operations however.'
represent a form of social publicity
too expensive to be enjoyed
A Dr. Fischer, of Vienna, an
nounces a reducing agency by which
he can "remake the entire human
form quickly and without injury."
Wonder how long before the trirla will
be boasting of bodies by Fischer? -
Mr. Mellon says there can be a 15-
per cent reuutuuu in mcume taxes
. , ,
next year. He does not think the pol-
iticai situation is uau euuugu to re-
bate us anything we have already
paid in. which gives Mr. Coolidge an
excellent cnance to kp cooi witn
Mr. Mellon.
Dr. John A. Griffin t
Office Honrs: 9-12; 1-5.
Sundays and erenlngs
by appointment only.
Soennicliseii Building
.J. Mill I I II II "I 1 !' b
break out of penitentiaries. There are achieve in a few years unlet, the ac. - is'ch their stock FlaT. figured reVaiof $7 00 to fix 'SimiSlSSSi Nrm Bv BaUmrt'
persons who simply cannot appreciate, tivities of those responsible for J"'1 m " nfJ IT tTL Plattsmouth accomplished the tor 7much caXl and in-iTb3:ra May BamKa4r'' Veda Baum-
- .wm,-,. - , rtic,.' holders, they often do good to the . Kn .,.,,. ica11 r?.r to rnucn capital ana m lgSLTt minors under the age of four-
a goou nome. i v-ii "n, ..v.. ..,-, .-... i jr icn-L-j terest.
M fcot-clmaa mill r.trer
, Publisher
New York is to have a college for(f J-J HOMAN, Mgr.
Their arithmetic needs at-
Americanism: Waving at the Queen
with one hand and holding a hot dog.
iQ the otner
President Coolidge's influence In
Massachusetts seems to be like the old
negro's catfish.
It is shrunk up.
:c: -
Add to the Fall-Doheny black
satchel that newly famous receptacle,
the Klan's black box in Indiana.
The way they're picking on Marie
it lrvrL-e aa tlinnfh ih( niippn
- ---' " - -
came to America to look at some cats,
:o: :
IT 4 V.-. T" ? -.2 n cIa i
uriu, me ..... xcxnJUli
tator, has arrived in New York, and
ii-1 1 1 lAiilittoca cm hnma full rtf tipw
i.o. t,v " ......
, , . t, ,
it is announced
ler interests have purchased five city
blocks Jn New York cit For
? j must ue u picny ueicm '""i
S a lonsj jpany.
Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler says' Now 5"ou may say that tnis COm:
he would greatly deplore the loss of Pany owns a lot of ;,ropTical WOOd,
-n-hSili it, trrlnor tn coll It VinnnPTlS
Is there no one who can give
it to him?
:o. j
The difference between talcum
powder and gun powder is one blows
off the face and the other blows
tQe face off
A prisoner in Nebraska has gain-
ed three Dounds on a bread and water
diet. You know how
prison bread is.
heavy that
If men worried as much about pol-
itics as they do about changing oil
1 At A VM ... . . 1 1 V A
in ineir auiumuuues we wuuiu iac
Kf vnnni i
iUC mui ukxu. wU
mayor or Huntington, va., wno nau
the Boy Scouts keep order in the
town on Hallowe'en.
Despite the gang war, business in
Herrin is said to be normal. Human
nature it would appear, can become
accU3tomed to anything. I
A Missouri woman sent $2 as pay
ment and interest for eggs stolen
twpTitv vpara sen. Mavhp she made
sornettn on them in the recent
market rie.
An ri:toirl51e Fale?m?.n sr.ys
T-o:r.rn select automobiles as they do
j;ov.-u3 fo. i.eauly and color of line.
It is possible, however, that the sale
13 somewhat influenced by the sales
man's line.
-p i t . onto,
Two eleph2nts have been entered
in a popularity contest of pets of
would imacine. however, that New
- - Mff ' ta n thp
ork voiced its sentiments on the
popularity of elephants in tne recent
A new Chinese encyclopedia con
tntns 100 000.000 words: something
I. .'
less tnan
our American oues win
n -i 1 nln n V TTn4
lilt? pHJtUUIUfiJ ai tlic yJ ,
vpreitv or Aiinnesota is teacniiiK
.. --. . . r
wnrm nd mfnp to turn to the rizht.'
if it succeeds in teaching traffic .ob-
servance to these higher forms of life,
the class hopes next to experiment on
A big movie company employs a
comma rtptpr.tlvp" to niard aeainst
'. . . . .. . .
mispiacea punctuation in tne suj-
0 . ,., ,,.
I o. uuc. J " f--
around to hiring someone to replace
the plot if any when u opg
. h-.
of the action.
Cr,o-- T--1--- .1
j jm .uun.uii. ea;9 ui me ioiiu
fight: "Anybody who thinks this bat-
tle can be by whistling -Yankee
Doodle. needs the attention of
. ,,,.,. . . .
pesycopathis specialist." from which
we may gain some notion wny tne
senator is hard to hpat in MmnaiP-n
-or ' .
TA j - , .
Penelopes record for suitors has
been tied, according to a Chicago hus-
band, who carges that he had fifteen
rivals for his wifes affection. Pene-
lops found herself unable to choose
among such ambarrassment of loveS(
and for that reason if no other re-
mained faithful to Odysseus. We
'couraged. w"u,e VUIIU "u l"ai 11 IuaJ ue A1"- moutn nrst
, trust that in this modern case, too.'
T;thp-o tl'9q afptw i- ---,-
there waa safety In numbers,
Saturday Night
li WPPDin? Water, lieur.
-Tr T T m m I
.... . s r - - . r - i
Good Music Come Have
a Good Time.
Yale University issues a periodic
publication entitled "TrPical,
UVno " AiA Vvir tVio fnrpnifiRt nil -
- '
OTity on that subject, Prof. Samuel
J. Kecora.- lo anyone interested m contended, would be a difficult un
woods this publication is extremely dertakinr It is argued, further that.
important, t-resiueut nuuseiL ...i-
ed out that more wood is used, in
f?Pte ci tne growtn oi tne steei m-
! dustry, than ever before in the his-
tory of the world. And as our own
cunnlv nf lnmhpr is l.TFETplv shot tO
r j - - - 11
pieces by foolish waste, it is wise to
'interest ourselves in tropical woods.
. . . .
Tms nowever, is not an anicie on
woods. The last page of this pub-
. - . - i Yi....rt:.. Ko--
ucatiou ui -aie tuivcionji
these words.
"This nnhliration of this lournal
s made possible witn fund3 from tne
.t,, , or,,r I
J " "71' , '
fc -
jtnat tnis is not me case, lue
pany is principally interested in hei.
nS oananas. mit u it sere tne case,
jt is rather fine to see a corporation
ma.e me gfMuie ui Kpms
tine publication.
It suggests an interesting line of
thought. Many big corporations en-
courage and develop research and in-
vestigation and experiments that
have no direct and, at times, no in-
oirect Dearing on tneir pronts. like
. i " Tit
private individuals, they often re-
snond to an appeal to help along
l i ? 1 a. 1 U v
unes which siriKe inem us utius
i -
Corporations could not do this un-
Ies3 tney were Dlg ana naa tremen-.
doug nnancai resources
Aiany Dig corporations iook aner
the health of their employes. Many
corporations maintain libraries with,
librarians to look after them in order
to provide reading, either for mental
improvement or for recreation, to
their employes, to say nothing of
gymnasiums, rest rooms, restaurants
with low-priced meals, etc.
Then, there are many big corpora-
tions wh5ch help alon?: the work f
astronomer.", of physicians, of wel
fare workers. .One of the Standard
Oil companies was accused of help-
ing along the work of the Anti-Saloon
Of course, in all these activities
thero is a way of fiauring out that
the corporation will benefit by its
.philanthropy in the long run. But in
many cases it is an exceedingly long
J '
. .1
edge and to improve conditions of
life, adds to the prosperity of man-
J ' p jr ,
prosperous, it has more money to
j give to corporations. And a good
. time is had by all.
It may be worth while to consider,
" ",,wc l"
therefore, that corporations are not
- .... .
wnoie worm ana mat it may be lair-
j cr to study them and learn what they
are doing than to hate them Just be-
, uac luct il' iilu.
And- after a11- the United States is
merely a Dig corporation.
1 -
laire one of the Greatest of
a I I E
, dyed his hair green.
all poets
Tartin? hia npt lobstpr bv a strinff
. . . . it
ana paraaing in ironi ot tne opera
.0-,0-. .a
aa -" .i-:CUutuW '""" " -
in, was the favorite sport or ueraia
Nerval, another celebrity of Baude-
. , , I
laire a time.
. I
, -J ..V.1! Jl
utiai, loicijr .(iiiroicu in yuuni.
Vested of his flamboyant rose-colored
TkM -mp. f-nm Tp-iri
. .
and another age may not stir the cas-
ual reader witn rnucn emotion.
i ehnniH ho tr
- e -,- npcti- ,h. lmn,nt
i " v '
. . . .
of the race with age to reflect that
our great men today do not drag
pet lobsters by a string, dye their
hair green, or wear vermilion waist-!
coats, to get renown.
It is the struggling, aspiring, im-
mature one who carries a monkeyi
down Fifth Avenue, wears rose suits,!
or goes barelegged to attract atten-'
cr to stuay tnem ana learn wnat tney I
There is to be a reduction of in
come taxes, but just how it will be
done is a question that is agitating
Washington. The administration
i through
the president's official
spokesman, is in favor of rebating to
taxpayers some 10 or 12 per cent of
their 1926 payments. The democrats
I . ! : .
are strong lor revising me present
i rpfptii
refenue law downward. They would
write a new act, says the St. Louis
Objections are offered to both
plans. The rebate suggested by the
president would be an expensive-
-V . It A. M -
process anu, according to a democratic
critic, Senator Simmons, would in
vite partiality and is, besides, repel-
lant to American tradition and cus
B . t prepare and pass a rev.
enue act in the short session of con-
l ... . j
i gross, wnicn convenes next montn ana
( automatically expireS March 4. it is
while the returns from the present
T3ite3 haye exceeded expectation and,
produced a big surplus there is no
assurance the prosperity of the past
., wm continue indefinitely, and
i . j i . I
men nign in me auuiimsKitiiuu, m-
ciudjng secretary Mellon, are reluc-
I tant to reduce the rates lest an un-
looked for industrial depression
shou,d presently compel legislation'
...p;,, n? tates I
CT )
whichever plan of reduction is de-!
- j . ii '
HUfU upuu we way i casuuauij
recent e,ection
. ....
tne retUrnS were suu coming 1U,
chairman Madden's remarks were
hardly in print before the president'
conveyed the same glad tidings.
The point does not have to be
. . , . .
laDoreu. ine administration got a
wallop last Tuesday. It was not a
knockout) to be guref but it was
quite a jo!t at that The electorate is'
not Dearly so pieased with things as
the party in power, nursing a swollen
jaw thought it was. It is high time"3'
to cuitivate the public's good will.
Tne administration wants to recover
its nODUiaritv. And tax reduction is.
as piorian Slappey would put it.
something the public is fondest of
Wherefore, the administration bestirs
jtcpif Hpretnfnrp it ha been icilv
e,ipnt nt ionst ih T,it ttoiirp has
-- v v w -
-to the democratic demands for a
new revenue law. But when Mary-
iand Oklahoma, Missouri, New York,'
Kentucky and "et tu Brute" ' Massa-
chusetts replace republican senators
with democrats, a sop to Cerberus is
in order.
The m0ral: Political rebellion
wbether by rebate or revision, pays.
Chamber of
Commerce Notes
by Secretary
Number of Suggestions on Matters
Pertaining to the Civic Wel
fare and Progress,
Did you ever make a mistake?
We did.
In checking up the list of sub-
scribers printed, against our cards,!
find th fnlo,Tine to h addpd. i
William Baird
Fetzer Shoe Company
Sam Giventer
Gobleman Paint Company.
B. Golding
H. L. Kruger
McMaken Transfer Company.
Robb Candy Company.
"J P f AtK
waik in Detroit. Mich Tfpnnli- shnna
Z"-V' I' "f,' .V ,T"'
"c""'-. v""a"a
m0uth first!
Wonder sometimes if churches In'ment arrived from Winner, So. DatiX iJhmbv -riven that under
adn? responsibility to their city. A terrible trip in the snow! Hart- 0"Ce. iffiVf"?
.. . . ..
civic or-ranization. ever ston to fnn-
sider the great courtesy extended
tnem Dy me city oniciais, oakeries,;
and restaurants, in the matter ot
j bake sales, and dinners served for a
cnarge ana pront.
. 6- iluy ""u-
that Community Christmas Tree?
An join hands and circle to the
left!" Who is
the committee
rhnrco nipnso?
"Honor and shame from no condition
Act well' thy part, there all the honor
11 , .,
So cries the poet!
Men ever blame
the mvstical "conditions" for failure
, . , ..
10 accompiisn, insteaa oi tnemseives.
A splendid Plattsmouth lady a few.
days ago "left this morning for a few
nours on Dusineas in umana - as tney
say in the jOUrnal) but this lady
! tL-oi- tn "winflnw-shnn Rh -pi-n.l
ed emntv-handed. and said "T lust
felt all the time I should trade In
r -v, j. tt. Ai
riaiiauiuuiu auu cue uiu. ct3Li7i;iai
lv ahnA thl h- tril( v011ofnr.,
riaiiauiuuiu auu cue uiu. jDpiJici.i- x
fishings. Your local dealer if
able to equip you from his stock,'
, . . m. . . . '
slanas r?a,ay to get Ior you anything
Ijuu Ilttu II uiu tarsci uifts, LU W1UUUW
shades; rugs to drapes; curtains to
- a ,'qciiti" mnrlilnp anil 'pot rmi
a washing machine and
Dd Tu eve!i 6tP to, thank your
Movie House for showing pictures
here for twenty-five cents, that cost
you imi iy-nve
and fifty cents in
i iNnw iei h nil biiuul rauw auuui a
. , .11.. 1 1 T A IITT . - V a . . 1 M
pipe organ in our splendid local
theatre?" If would be a fine way to
show their confidence in Plattsmouth,
and appreciation of the citizens who
n in nite of the "calione "
Heard "La Paloma" so many times.
caught myself talking "Mexican"
after erettlns: out on the street!
aftfli. o-attinP' niu rn thA ct rt AtA
Omar shows men do what they pre-
fer; virtue is a matter of preference:
Before the Dhantom of False Morn-
ing died,
Methought a voice within the Tavern
"When all the Temple Is prepared
Why nods the drozy worshipper out-
And as the cock crew, those who stood
The Tavern shouted "Open the door,
lYou known how little while we have
And once departed may return no hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of' filing o' h??V, an I derrfe as
more " said day, at the south front door of .nment and distribution of said es-
-the Court House in the City of Platts- tatft and the discharge of said admin
There is nothing impossible, incon- mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, the !istratrix:
Titt- n0rc,vr, wo win opii th It is hereby ordered that you and
(mouth having a swimming pool this
an auditorium; a hospital; a
(Missouri bridge; our mudslides into
'Main street paved. It s just whether
we want them hard enough to get
them. There is nothing impractical
nor unreasonable, in asking our gro -
cers to support our bakeries, and
calling on our good housewives to
insist on Plattsmouth products. Just
common-sense old as titernity,
spelled this way C-O-O-P-E-R-A-T-I-O-N.
The Legion carnival 13 over! Such
splendid co-operation within its or -
ganization made it possible. Hard un -
eolflicli wnrlr lipvnttnn to ft nnlpndid
Anyway, hope we are done
: 7.7 . .1 t
, witn nog ur .uuiuw ,.v
Whew! let's hope tne Doys win moa-
-..kit- t-
Xd t ,- tlm tofurnish cand at
rvholesale Drices for bazaars, etc. Has
cf c.
in iiunnru luu. lu ouunLiiuni lu Liir: -l i
Young Cummins, our local photo-
apher. is up and coming. His
ration tothprhnmwnf Pommprrp
grapner, is up ana coming, his bud -
sCrlption to the Chamber of Commerce
eh0ws he is actively and earnestly in -
ncH-olv po--oQtlT7 In -
initerested in the develonment of Platts-
mouth. Same with C. C. Cotner both
young men full of pep and hope and
we sav Rless 'em." flreat rltlpq are
builded on such stuff as that.
Sec'y C. of C.
Ir'Are you a member of
,- - n
lUC vuaiuuci Ul WUUUCIW!
-1 ue wnoie COlUi
The whole community rejoiced on
awnaay, wnen it was learnea mat
Henry Vogler one of the highly re-
si-prrpfi ana wen iiKen iarmers ot
this vicinity had returned home from
un-4the Immanuel hospital in Omaha,
where he had been under treatment
m . . 1 - 1 Jl 1 .
ior more tuau mne weea. ana wuere
11c aiau uuuci n cut a, ocuuug u(fcias
tion which proved very successful.
TTlo l-irrt hpr fTpnrfp Vrif-lpi q n rl
wife, drove up after him and he stood
j the trip fine. Wnen they reached
Louisville, he was able to .get out of
the car and stop in several of the
business houses and shake hands
Red Crown gives a quick start and
steady power on the coldest days
f'A Nebraska Institution"
with his many friends. He is look
ing and feeling fine and is much
pleased to be at home again, where
he received a royal welcome. We
trust Mr. Vogler will continue to im
prove in strength rapidly and by
spring feel ready to tackle his farm
problems in earnest. Louisville
Pursuant to an order of the Dis
trict Court of Cass county, Nebraska,
made and entered on this 18th day
of November, 1926, in an action
pending therein, in which Henry
Cline, a widower; Albert Cline and
wife and Sadie Cline are plaintiffs,
andAnnah May Baird and husband
and Thomas J. Eaird are defendants.
ordering and directing the under- j
tilgueu reitree iu saiu lause iu ecu,
as upon execution, Lots 272, 273 and
:274, in the Village of Greenwood,
Cass county, Nebraska, also Lots
284. 2S5, 286 and 287, in the Village
:or Greenwood, Cass county, Nebras-
Notice is hereby given that on the
9Sth rtav of nprpmhpr. 1H2fi. at the i
above described real estate at public
sale, to the highest bidder for cash
Said sale to be held open for one
Dated this 22nd day of November,
- Referee,
j. c. BR1ANT,
Plaintiff's Attorney.
In the District Court of the Coun-
y of Cass, Nebraska.
! oia Mlnota Spacht, Charles A.
c 1. a tt -n it...V.i.a. .-.
Kaffenberger, Mina E. Cortright,
"""euucisei, '-"'""S"'-
Carl j. cortright, Gladys E. Kaffen
v,---.-- QT1 niH v irafronhpr-pr
teen years; Ed Baumgart, widower,
'and George A. Kaffenberger, widow-
Pis.tric! Court of .the County of Cass.
. ' " ., . ... V .
imea cause on tne aay ot
August, 1926, and an order of sale
entered by said Court, on the 10th
f November. 1926 the under-
sub-!8l"ed' so'e rer,ece' ,n 7tr" ,daJ
of December, 1926. at 10:00 o clock
ia -
ia - l "uuiu uuui uuur ul iuc
court nouse ln tne c"y r 1 latt.8:
mouth. Cass county, Nebraska, will
sel1 at P"blic auction to the highest
-.t44- -ir n V V i- ol1on w -l .
u'uuc' .-.-". wuu-ius uc-
scribed property, to-wlt:
The north half of the north
west quarter (N NW ) of
Section twenty-four (24), and
the southwest quarter of the
southwest quarter (SW SWi)
of Section thirteen (13), all in
Township twelve (12), Range
twelve (12), east of the 6th P.
M., in the County of Cass, Ne
braska, excepting one acre out
of the southwest corner of the
southwest quarter of the south
west quarter of said Section 13,
reserved as schoolhouse site.
10 cash of the amount of the ac
cepted bid payable at the time of
said sale and balance upon confirma
tion. Said sale will be held open
one hour.
Dated this 10th day of November,
A. D. 1926.
Sole Referee.
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
Only a few choice Rhode Island
Red cockerels left at $1.25 each if
taken at once, W. E. Mackey. section
foreman at Murray. Box 523.
A number of Duroc boars for sale.
Nehawka, Neb.
Phone us the news.
and Notice on Petition for Set
tlement of Account.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska. Cass county, ss.
To all persons' Interested "in the
estate of Henry C. Long, deceased:
On reading the petition of Ella
Long, Administratrix, praying a final
settlement and allowance of her ac
count filed in this Court on the ISth
day of November, 1926, and for a
a11 persons interested In said matter
may, and do. appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said
County, on the 29th day of Novem
ber, A. D. 1926, at 9 o'clock a. m., to
show cause, if any there te, why the
prayer of the petitioner should not
be granted, and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and the
hearing thereof be given to all per
sons interested in said matter, by
publishing a copy of this order in the
Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly
newspaper printed in said county,
for one week prior to said day of
In witness whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and the seal of
said Court, this 18th day of Novem
ber, A. D. 1926.
(Seal) n22-lw County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
Walter A. Johnson, Plaintiff vs.
Charles F. Morton et al. Defendants.
Notice Is hereby given that un'Ier
authority of an order of pale duly
issued in the above entitled cause
November 15, 1926, commanding me
the undersigned Sheriff of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, to sell the real estate
hereinafter described in satisfaction
of the liens determined thereon by
the decree entered In said cause Feb
ruary 6, 1926, as follows:
Plaintiff's first lien, J6.32S.
4 4; the second lien of defendant
Robert Willis. f2.111.87; the
third lien of defendant Bank of
Union for f5.222.50, and the
fourth lien of the defendant Joe
Banning in the sum of f 7.087.
89, with Interest on said sums
and the costs herein
as In said decree provided, I win, on
the 18th day of December, 1926, at
10 o'clock a. m. at the south front
door of the court house in Platts
mouth, in Cass county, Nebraska, of
fer for sale at public vendue the fol
lowing described real estate situated
in Cass county, Nebraska, to-wit:
The east half of the northeast
quarter (E NEVi ) of Section
nineteen (19), in Township ten
(10), Range fourteen (14).
and will sell the same to the highest
Dated November 15, 1926.
Sheriff of Cass County,