The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 01, 1926, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    1105-041. SOvXMBIB 1, 1926.
Che plattsmoiitb journal
BitirW At PoaioClc. PlAttamoutb. Nab. m aa-oad-eh-M mail matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Heroes have to wade through a lot
to trouble to get a reputation.
. :o:
Miss Mia Gering for County Treas
urer. You know she has made a good
one, and all others know that, too.
Apropos of the visit of royalty, and
pokerishly speaking. Uncle Sam is
now playing the game with a Queen
in the hole.
A nephew of the late Nat Goodwin
has just married for the eighth time.
He i6 evidently trying to get all the
gals that his uncle missed.
Florida is rebuilding and is already
prepared to launch a Greater Florida
boom. Where genuine enterprise ex
ists a misfortune becomes an asset.
: o :
Senator Underwood finds nothing
inflamable in Europe's hatred of
America, so wc presume the hatred is
not matched in this side of the At
lantic. :o:
Turkish women have asserted polit
ical freedom, but have as yet demon
strated no great capacity for terror-
The Indiana probe to go on.
Now is the time to pull for your
A blanket mortgage will not keep
the house warm next winter.
Some men live in advance of their
age by reading only next month's
One point in favor of short skirts
is the wind cannot blow them above
the wearers knees.
Senator Underwood, on the eve of
his retirement from public life, has a
message for the American people. It
is this: The high rates of the Ford-ney-McCumber
tariff must be reduced.
If they are not" reduced the world
faces financial disaster. Those are not
the words of an alarmist, but the care
1 fnllv cnnsirlprpd thought of an able
and conservative man, richly exper
ienced in the subject which he dis
cusses. He is the author of the Un
derwood tariff bill of 1913, which
abrogated the wretched Payne-Aldrich
law, upon which the Taft adminis
tration floundered. He is not a free
trader, but the advocate of a scientific
tariff system which produces revenue
and which does not disturb the secur
ity of the American industry.
Senator Underwood speaks as a
statesman when he reviews the chang
ed conditions of international trade
since the war, the transformation of
I this country from a debtor nation to
a creditor nation, and the necessity
of establishing some kind of balance
between this country and Europe.
Drvine out of the wet planks prob-i
ably is one big cause of so much " "ai ---"
warping in the party platforms. in main outline, though it proceeds
rrom an entirely ainerent viewpoint,
with the points made in the manifesto
of bankers and industrialists of the
United States and 14 European na
tions which was given out last week.
It supplements other testimony which
If the signing of the declaration
of independence had been delayed 150
years there would doubtless have been
a minority report.
A treat everybody enjoys.
Ifs'good for young and old.
Cl7 A
working of economic laws will force
a financial catastrophe whose effects
These ariplane sleepers built for. the Post-Dispatch has gathered from will react against us.
the flight between Berlin and London leading business men of the United Senator Underwood's message is
may be all right, but most persons states, namely, Benjamin Winchell, pregnant with meaning. St. Louis
would prefer lower berths. president Remington Typewriter Cor-j Post-Dispatch.
:o: Iporation; Jackson Johnson, chairman
ine democrats nave nign nopes 01 of thp board of the International Aeri-
izing Kemal Pasha into a chivalrous; , cultural corporation; Mwaru . im
proves co De irue me poei s assemon ene president William Filene's Sons
that "Hope crushed to earth, will rise pn Tin.....
Senator Norris' invasion of Penn
sylvania in support of William B.
Wilson has Jolted the Vare camp, we
are informed. Then something can
Jolt them, eh?
Senator Bayard of Deleware, 6ays
President Coolidge is out for a third
term. We don't doubt it. At his age
Cal, you know, would have a hard
time earning a living.
The frigate Constitution is to be
memorialized by having her picture
printed on a new issue of two-cent
stamps. This will be the first time
she was ever licked.
Husbands versus careers is a sub
ject which has been under discus
sion ever since women began to ac
quire the latter. Opinion is sharply
divided as to whether a woman may
have both or must choose between the
two. One of America's best known
and most successful women novelists
has contended that it is perfectly pos
sible to have both, not consecutively
but coincidentally. Being the mother
of several grown sons and still hap
pily married to her first and only hus
band, she should speak with author-j
ity. But here comes a favorite of
fllmdom with the statement that hus
bands and careers don't mix. -Having
tried to mix husband with one career
she also should know whereof she.
There is no doubt that mixing a j
husband with a career is a delicate
art, requiring a high degree of mental
and spiritual dexterity. It is barely i
possible that the quality of the hus-J
band concerned may also have a little;
something to do with the feasibility!
of the proposition. Patience, unself-l
ishness, pride in each other and a
nice sense of relative values would
seem indispensable to a successful re
sult. These are qualities which not
all husbands and wives, even if the
latter are genuses, possess. On the
whole, the miscibility of husbands
and careers evidently depends on who
does the missing.
Judge by Results
The only real test for any
baking powder is in the
oven. For best results use
Guaranteed Pure
Same IMce
for over
25 ounces for 25
More than a pound and a half for a quarter
Millions of pounds used
by our Government
McPherson investigation av
Senate rule up to the west. The G.
O. P. depends on regions where re
publicans are irregular. They cer
tainly should be irregular this year
if ever.
Miss Gering is one of the most pop
ular officials that ever was in the
court house. She has made herself so
by efficiencv and promptness and ' can come to this country on a reason
pleasant qualities.
The whole burden of this testim
onv is that the present tariff law is
unsuond and uneconomic.
viewed from within or from without.
Business men say they do not need it,
while statesmen and financiers say
that it is a barrier to the restoration
of the world's economic health. Sena
tor Underwood points out that unless
It is an unusual thing for 50 per
cent of the electorate to go to the polls j g
in national, state, county or mun- The
icipal elections, even when voting fol-j Los Angeles is at last getting down
According to an Associated Press iows campaigns that mount to fever to brass tacks. A press dispatch says
disDatch from Chicago, Prohibition heat And when nre-election davs are that "Mrs. McPherson walks with a
Administrator Yellowly has extended
the espionage system of the enforce
devoid of excitement, bitterness or the limp from an infection of the leg,
expenditure of vast amounts of caused, she believes, by a tack on her
whether' ment service by employing private in-jmoney "to get out the vote," ballot- chair in court.
formers at $5 a day, giving them no jng frequently is so light as to reduce
credentials, however, and, for thej tne exercise of the franchise to a; The prevailing political sentiment
preservation of secrecy, forbidding- farce. This lack of sufficient number in Europe seems to concentrate on the
them to appear at headquarters. Al-J0f men and women to express them- idea that the United States of America
ready, it is pridefully announced that'Belves through their ballots lies at the has entirely too much money. All
by this method captures of illicit ' bottom of much that is wrong with right, come over and get it away from
1 ; x, . 1 . 1 or AAA -.- ' . . v
! we lower the rates so European goods' "quur lu lut! vaiUC U1 present; aay government, ii
Deen maae. pet into omce. oDviousiy tne
The people of these United States
consume ninety dishes of ice cream
I able basis, we can have no sound
hope for a payment of Europe's debts
! to us.
! The United States has cornered the
crooks us f you can.
It seems inconceivable to any self-j citizens who take no interest in select
respecting man tnat such a practice ing foolish laws, those otherwise good
could have the sanction of the United j citizens who take no interest in select
States government. Whatever the zeal; ing members of their legislatures
of the enforcement service may be, it; must be largely to blame. So long as
Dr. John A. Griffin 1
Office Hours: 9-12; 1-5.
Sundays and evenings
by appointment only.
Soeimichsen Buildirg 5
per capita per annum. When we get world's gold reserve; it has gathered rfectly obvioU8 that an undis- such men and women fail to exercise Perry, deceased
. . i at T nnrn --nn inn unnn "W ri f Fl ' m J 1 x
The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Glenn
In epite of the many "Suns" in
China things continue to look rather
dark over there.
Rhode Island Reds, cockrels and
pullets, cheap if taken soon. W. E.
lackey, Section Foreman, Murray,
Neb. o28-4tw
it worked up to 365 per annum
all have about enough.
we'll European securities, upon which
Europe must pay interest; it has lenti
I ciplined, wholly uncontrolled spying, the franchise, they ought to feel a,
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that
State of Nebraska. County of Cass,
By virtue of an order of sale issued
by Golda Noble Beal, clerk of the
District Court within and far Cass
County, Nebraska, and to me direct
ed, I will on the 20th day of Novem
ber A. D., 1926. at 10 o'clock a. m.
of said day at the South front door of
the Court House, in the City of Platts
mouth, Cass County. Nebraska in
said county, sell at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash the fol-
Some new poems have been discov
ered which are attributed to Omar, veloped its shipping;
Khayyam. Since Fitzgerald is dead, immigration
however, tney won t De mucn use io bpire iu preveui ,uiu.. nuui bm : of private vencance. and in stiring up
j suspicion and hatred, even, it may
be. within the familv circle, than can
People need to make fun of "Main money unless it can pay us in goods j TOBgible ve outwelBned by the capture
personnel must be recruited from theiSens6 of responsibility and shame for wm Bit at the COUnty Court Room in lowing described real estate, to-wit
Lot nine (9) in the Northeast
quarter (NEi) of the south
west quarter (SWVi) of section
sixteen (16). township twelve
(12), North of Range Nine (9).
i 1 nn ji 1 n o r v.n .htv. r
Deie.u w-u uu j--o, me , iowest and meanest characters, actu-jevery shortcoming of their govern- piattsmouth in said county, on No-
5dO.000.000.000 to Europe; it Has ae- . . motives. d' -t cnH for rv .T,nni nnrt. vember 15. 1926. and February 16,
it has cut off. - . VBt- doM mfinitelv ,,-, 11927, at 10 o'clock a. m., each day,
All, of these things con- . . " -,- I ' to receive and examine all claims
& more harm in abettine the satisfaction n 1 . ., -
- - i n ' v in hi nh i r.MMir. v l ill a. i tt w
us whether genuine or not.
on its feet and reduce that continent
to the necessity of begging more
street." The realtors have changed and services. The tariff law forestalls
all this. Every "Main street" is now this way out. Thus, in Senator Un
an example of modern enterprise and derwood's opinion, it is only a ques
hiehlv capitalized imDrovement. I tion of time before the inexorable
East of the 6th P. M.. in Cas
County, Nebraska, containing
( 10 ) acres more or less.
The same being levied upon and
their adjustment and allowance. The
time limited for the presentation of
Secretary Mellon, of the treasury claims against said estate is three
, . . , . montns irom ine loin aay oi :uycui-
aepanmeni, wno quits mmsmg auuui 1Q, . . . limited tnVen ns the mnn.rtv of F. H. Van
of illicit liquor. 1 world finance but one in a while ana for payment of debts is one year from Doren. real name unknown. Charles
The vicious nature of the practice; applies his grey matter to the prohi- said 15th day of November, 1926. ,M. Baldwin, and Mrs. Charles
" , i l .m - . t n : . .. - - .
is further emphasized in the fact that bition question has issued an order Witness my nana ana ine u M. iaiuiu. r.ui u..a .u iu
a commissioned oficial is forbidden to providing that liquor prescriptions
October, 1926.
Liberal Credit Plan
uy and Oygs all
Ask about our new plan that allows a whole year to pay. The new
Fall stocks are now here and Winter Goods are arriving daily!
20 used beds in good condition, $2.50 to $5.00 each; 20 used bed springs, $ltto $4.50 each; five
sanitary cots, $2.50 to $4.50 each ; used dressers at $4.50 to $14.50 ; two good used trunks, $3.50
each; four 9x12 rugs, $7.50, $9, $15 and $18; two Edison phonographs, $65 and $95 each; six other
phonographs, $45 to $65; $400 used piano in first class condition, $175, terms; six cook stoves, $10
to $45 each; 12 oil stoves, $4.50 to $12.50; six dining room tables, $7.50 to $25; three dozen good
chairs at 75c to $2.50 each; three buffets, $12.50, $19.50 and $37.50; commodes, gate-leg and drop
leaf tables; also many articles which we have no space to mention in this ad. We are anxious to
dispose of these goods to make room for incoming merchandise and have slashe the price to do it.
x We Take Old Furniture as Part Payment on New!
Telephone No. 645 Piattsmouth, Nebr.
use evidence in a criminal case which hereafter will be good at any drug
he himself has obtained by fraud or store in the country. j (Seal)ol8-4w
deceit, in lieu of a search warrant.) inat is to say, a former oraer is,
i ..i .1 - - ; .. ...... 1, 1 it t finn . . 1 imiTitnH n ti r vcif lflna tiro Tin'
uut t. lut iiLr ia uzxi-uicr ii 11 -luua -. , ..... . - .
way into his hands from another,; longer required to write down thej The state of Nebraska, Cass Coun
even tnougn tnat otner committed name 01 me arug store wuere lue.iy, ss
burglary to obtain it. In an organiza-; prescription is to be filled.
tion which has tooned to the nraetiees To the friends and devotees of'
l l ll 111 itfl l. urtcaacu.
of the Prohibition Enforcement Serv-;John Barleycorn this may sound pass-. To tne creditors of said estate
ice. it is not at all unlikelv that Dri- ing good, but we fail to see wherein'
vate informers would be used in this it is going to help the situation In'"" ft the County Court . Room in
I . , i ,! kt.k-.i-o I Piattsmouth in said county, on the
; manner to defeat the constitutional Nebraska. 22nd day of November, 1926, and on
rights of citizens. Out here the drug stores uniformly , tne 23rd day of February. 1927, at
j personal representatives and all other
A. H. DUXBURY, I persons interested in the respective
County Judge. ! estates of F. H. VanDoren. deceased.
real name unknown. Mrs. F. H. van
Doren, deceased, real name unknown,
Charles M. Baldwin, deceased, real
name unknown, and John Doe. real
name unknown, defendants, to satisfy
a Judgment of said Court recovered
by Byron Golding, plaintiff, against
said defendants.
Piattsmouth. Nebraska. October
16th A. D. 1926.
Sheriff, Cass County,
By W. C. Schaus, Deputy.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Henry
You are hereby notified, That I will
Quite aside from constitutional! refuse to fill liquor prescriptions of ( ten o'clock a. m., of each day, to re
questions, however, thep ractice is es-'any kind or character. It is one of .ceive and examine all claims against
... i . , , . . , said estate, with a view to their ad
sentially despicable, and is calculated, the things that simply isn t done. i,..,,-.., and aiiowance. The time
only to bring the prohibition law and
the government itself into greater
' :o:
In the matter of the application of
Wm. Hunter, administrator of the
From California comes the state-
I lustment and allowance
If it was the purpose of Mr. Mellon limited for the presentation of claims
to make it easier for the folks who against said estate is three months estate of Cecilia D. Jahrig, deceased,
love that stuff that cheers, and some- from the 22nd day of November A. for license to sell real estate to pay
jj. i.zb, ana ine ume nmn.u u. debts.
times inebriates, he has signally fail
ed. Nothing short of an arbitrary or- saii 22nd day of November 1926
Jjayment of debts is one year from! xow Cn this 23rd day of October.
1926, comes Wm. Hunter, adminls-
der to Nebraska druggists to fill all,.
liquor prescriptions, regardless of our Paid county court, this 25th day of
Witness my hand and the seal of trator of the estate of Cecilia D. Jab-
ment that prohibition enforcement; own state law6 will bring joy to the; ciooer x.o.
officers there have announced that a ijmor hounds in this cnmmi.Tiw.lth
number of bakeries have received per-j :o: .
mits to use brandy, rum and other; Johnson, the democratic candidate
liquors because mincemeat, puddings for sheriff is young, powerful, cour
and similar foods are classed as ageous and willing to do. He is just
"food products." If this is so, such the man for sheriff if you want one
an interpretation of the law cannot that will do his duty under all cir
be confined to the Pacific Coast. The cumstances.
East will be equally entitled to a!
restoration of the oldtime snappiness
in mince pies and plum puddings. In
view of the approach of Thanksgiving
and Christmas the matter Is one that
seems deserving of an official pro-
Keep Fit!
Qood HeolthRequiresQood Elimination
nouncement from Washington. But
where will the brandy and rum come
from, even if they can be legitimately
ii (sort
The time is almost here when it
"behooves every Democrat and inde
pendent voter to go to the polls and
vote for Charles W. Bryan for gov
ernor. It is a wel known fact that
he made one of the best executives we
ever possessed, ever on the elert to
save the taxpayers money in every
way he possibly eouldl
:o: .
Dancing as a prerequisite to eportf
is being taught at the University of
Wisconsin. Now the more serious
minded students can work after hours
without being called grinda J
TO be well, you must keep the
blood stream free from impur
ities. If the kidneys lag, allowing
body poisons to accumulate, a toxic
condition is created. One is apt to
fed dull, languid, tired and achy.
and dizzy spells. That the kidneys
are not functioning properly is often
shown by burning or scanty passage
of secretions. If you have reason to
suspect improper kidney function
ing, try Doan'a Pillaa tested
stimulant diuretic Users praise them
throughout the United States. Ask
your Timi&hbac!
Stimulamt ZXarmttc to thm Kidney
Foater-Milburn Co,. Mfg. Omso.. Buffalo. K.V.
County Judge.
on Petition of Guardian for
Final Settlement.
In the County Court of Cass County
In the matter of the guardianship
of Henry Lambert, mentally incompetent.
rig, deceased, and presents his peti
tion for license to sell the rtal estate
of the deceased, to pay the claims
filed and allowed against paid estate;
it appearing from said petition that
there is an insufficient amount of
personal property in the hands of the
administrator to pay the claims pre
sented and allowed by the County
Court, the expense of administration
and that it is necessary to sell the
whole of Eaid real estate of said de
ceased for the payment of claims and
costs of administration
It is therefore, considered, ordered
To all persons interested in thei
guardianship and estate of Henry and adjudged that all persons inter
Lambert, mentally incompetent, and ested in the estate of Cecilia D. Jah
now deceased: rig, deceased, appear before me, James
You and each of you are hereby T. Begley, Judee of the District
notified that on the 23rd day of Oc- Court, at the office of the Clerk of
tober 1926, George L. Farley as guard- the District Court at the Court House
ian of Henry Lambert, mentally in- in the City of Piattsmouth, Cass
competent, filed his petition in the County, Nebraska, on the 13th day of
County Court of Cass County, Ne- j December, 1926, at the hour of ten
braska, praying that his final account, o'clock in the forenoon to show cause,
filed in said guardianship matter on if any there be, why such license
the 20th day of September. 1926. be should not be eranted to Wm. Hunter.
A nagging backache is sometimes a allowed, and that he as such guardian administrator of said estate, to sell
symptom, with drowsy headaches j be discharged from further duty and all of said real estate of said de-
liability on account of such guardian- ceased so as to pay claims presented
ship, upon the payment of the balance and allowed with the costs of ad
in his hands to the duly appointed ministration and the costs of this
administrator of said Henry Lambert,! proceedings
now deceased It is therefore further considered.
You are further notified that a ordered and adjudged that notice be
hearing will be had on said petition; given to all persons interested by
on the 6th day of November A. D.
1926 at 10:00 'clock in the forenoon
of said day. and if no objections there
to are made said report will be ap
proved and allowed, and the prayer
of said petition granted.
By the Oourt.
County Judge.'
publication of this Order to Show
Cause for four successive weeks in
The Piattsmouth Journal, a legal
newspaper published and of general
circulation in said County of Cass,
By the Court,
District Judge.