The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 25, 1926, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    MOITDAY, OCTOBER 25, 192G.
Ho Mr
Maud TsiR Was Chsunitses. Me is SbI.
Your Democratic County
Eva la
Election Tuesday, November 2, 1926
"One Good Term Deserves Another"
Ordination Ser
vice Held at St.
Luke's Church
Mr. Walter C. Middleton, Bector of
the Church liaised to Dia
conate at Services.
Hi 1
From Tuesday's Dally
Sunday morning a party of Platts
mouth gentlemen vere seen speeding
wesward on the detour road appar
ently headed for Omaha and bearing
with them in their car bags of clubs
of various, sizes and makes that bcrt
a close resemblance in a hurried
glance to the weapons that. are used
in the canny Scot game of golf. The
residents along" the detour road re
port that late In the afternoon the
same party returned home and three
of the members of the auto parti
seemed rather downcast while one
of the qnnrtet was smiling and
seemingly exalted over some event.
Just what was the reason for the
triumphal return of the one mem
ber of the party and the downcast
appearance of the othet -members of
the party has not Veen given -out
but the party had evidently' been
doing battle on one of -the' Oftaha
golf courses.
From Monday's Dalty
With the very beautiful and. im
pressive service of the Episcopal
church, Mr. Walter C. Middleton:
who . has been the rector at the St.
Luke's church in this city for the
past month was ordained to the
I diaconate of the church before a very
j large congregation and a large party
j of visiting, clergymen of the diocese
j of Nebraska of the Episcopal church
I The . handsome interior of the
church made a most beautiful setting
for the ceremony that was -marked
I with the ritualistic service of this
great church. The altar was arrang
ed with the fall flowers, and foliage
and with the glowing candles made
a. very impressive and striking part
of the church service. , ,
. The "ceremonies' was in charge of
Father Wilbur S. Leete, former rec-
I tor of St. Luke's and now of the
Mission of Transfiguration of Ever
green, Colorado, as- master of. cere
monies. The Rti Rev. Ernest Vincent Shay
ler. bishop of Nebraska, was the or
daining representative of the church
and in the services was assisted by a
number "of - the clergymen of Dmahaf
thurches who had accompanied the
bishop here for the ordination."
The sermon thftservice ra-delivered
by Father Smith, rector of
St. Barnabas church of Omaha who
spoke very eloquently of the duties
of the church, of the priesthood and
of the lay membership of the church
and at the close gave the duties and
responsibilities of the diaconate to
which Mr. Middleton was being
raised by the laws of the church.
At the close of the sermon Father
W.- S. Leete presented to the bishop,
the candidate, Mr. Middleton and
who was charged in his new duties
as a leader of the church life ,by
Bishop Shayler.
During the services the choir of
the church assisted by the visiting
clergymen, gace the musical settings
of the most impressive ceremony.
The members of the visiting clergy
included Bishop Shayler, Father
Smith of St. Barnabas, Father Casady
of All Saints, Father Jones of St.
Paul's, Father Gallagher of St. An
drews, Father John Albert Williams
of St. Philip's, Father Seeker of St.
John's church, all of Omaha and Mr.
Woon of Central City, who is to be
ordained in the next few weeks.
At the conclusion of the service
at the church the priests and mem
bers of the St. Luke's parish were
entertained at luncheon at the Hotel
Perkins where a .delightfully prepar
ed repast arranged by "Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Brantner was 6erved. The ladies
of . the church' assisted Iri the serving
and arranging of the luncheon and
in the preparing of the handsome
ly arranged tables-with their decora,
tions of the fall flowers. - , ,
At the dinner. .brief remarks were
made by Bishop Shayler, R. W.
Clement, senior warden of the St.
Luke's church oa-iahalf of the par
ish. Father John Albert Williams
thedean ot, th'pmdha clergy",". .Mr.
"Middleton!' the youngest " member of
the clergy In the 'state all -of tHeso
beingr iuspi ratio nlo the lasee. num-t-ber
who were in attendance at the
From Friday's Dally
November, from all indications,
promises to be a month of thrills
election, American Legion carnival
Thanksgiving, football games and
other events of Interest. Probably
one of the outstanding events of its
kind during November will be "A
Race for a Million," a three act
cometdy, presented by the Central
Building P. T. A., for the benefit of
the playground found, at the high
school auditorium, the exact date to
be announced within the next few
Mr. L. D. Iliatt, who has alway3
set such a high standard of excel
lence to his plays, has been engaged
to direct the play and this fact alone
will be a guaranty of what, the pub
lic may expect on this play. :
"A Race for a. Million," is a splen
did comedy; full' of humorous situ-ations.-and
a play which has always
pleased its audiences, wherever pre
sented.' It has stood the test of years
and is found' to be an offering that
satisfies every time.
Rehearsals are already under way
and Mr. Hiatt is attacking the var
ious problems and situations of - "A
Race for a Million" in a thoroughly
professional way. ' Tickets will be
placed in the hands of the members
of the P. T. A. within a short time
and the exact date will he: published
within the next' few days...
Mrs. George F. Dovey of Chicago,
is here to enjoy a visit at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Rosencrans and the other relatives
and j friends.- Mr- Dover is at-..- Des
Moines for a few days looking" after
some business matters. -
Advertise yonrw1113 1 t"e want
Ad column for quick results.
Cass County, Nebraska
George W. Marsh . . . Congressman, 1st Dist. '
Wi W. Metz. ... .State Senator, 2nd Dist. '
Troy L. Davis. ..... .State Representative
George R. Sayles. . .-....'. .... .County Clerk
Jessie M. Robertson . . Co. Register of Deeds ,
John E. Turner County Treasurer
Bert Reed . . County Sheriff
W. G. Kieck. .......... .County Attorney
C.:F. Harris.-.'. . . .Commissioner, 2nd Dist.
John McKay ..v.- Commissioner, 3rd Dist.
Gold Noble Beal .....I. Clerk Dist. Court -
Election November 2nd
retire" 300",000 bale's 'of 'South41 Caro
lina cotton' from the market until it
v ColumbiarS..VOct2Iimi4i?tabiIized ,wiU ba taken JiaUer J?fiO-
ae steps to organize a .million, dollar
corporation to finance a. mqvemen to
lutions adopted today at a state wide
cotton conference here.
W. B. Banning
Candidate for Re-election for State Senator
from the Second District
TflTR. BANNING comes before the voters of Otoe,
" Cass ami Sarpy counties, not as a stranger, but
a 'man of high standing who is well known in his
community. lie has served as State Senator for
four terms, namely 1909, 191 1, 1922 and 1924. His .
record as Senator is above reproach, he being on
some of the very important committees, such as
Finance, Agriculture and Insurance. , , He has also
served Cass county as Commissioner for one term
from 1902 to 1905. He is at present a member of
the State Board of Agriculture on. which, he has
served fifteen vears; has been treasurer of same for
five years. Mr. Banning is also president of the
Nebraska State Horticultural Society. He is a resi
dent of Union, Nebraska, in which town he is in
the banking business at the present time. Mr. Ban
ning, if elected again, will serve the people of the
Second District to the best interests of all concerned.
You cannot make a msitake bv voting for him.
Democratic County
Earl Towle
Candidate for Representative from
the Sixth District
PARL TOWLE is our Representative a t the
present time and is asking for re-election. He
is a native of Cass county and has lived in and near
Weeping Water his entire life. He has served the
people of Weeping Water and Cass county in var
ious offices and is well acquainted "in this county.
He has been Secretary and Treasurer of the Cass
County Fair Association for four years and is a
great booster for better livestock and agriculture.
He has served on the City Council of Weeping
Water and at present holds the office of Police
Judge. He is also a member of the Board of Edu
cation at Weeping Water, and holds the presidency
of this board now. Mr. Towle in the next session,
if elected, will be better qualified to serve the people
of Cass count' than before, as he will be better
acquainted with conditions. You cannot make a
mistake by voting for Mr. Towle as Representative
from Cass county. , . . . . 5 .. , , ,
Mia U. Gering
Candidate for Re-election for County
Treasurer of Cass County
IT IS doubtful if there are very many voters in
Cass county who are not more or less acquaint
ed with .our present County Treasurer. She is a1
lady of great ability,; has taken care of the office in
a business-like manner, being . accommodating to
each and every one, regardless of who it might be.
In the last few years, the County Treasurer's office
has had considerable additional new work, such as
the registration of automobiles, of which there are
over four thousand in the county, but even at that,
she has not asked for additional help, and has run
her office without neglecting any of her duties.
Miss Gering has lived in Plattsmouth for a number
of years' and during that time has filled many im
portant positions. .She has served one term and
asks the voters of the county for re-election, which
she certainly deserves. .
Andrew Schliefert
v. Candidate for County Commissioner
from the Second District
jyiR. SCHLIEFERT is not a -stranger to the
.7 voters. He. was born 53 years ago on a farm
between! Manley and Murdock and at the present
time resides there. He is a man of high standards,
good business judgment and has been Road Over
seer for six years in Center precinct, so he is not a
stranger to the office to which he is aspiring. The
voters of Cass county can conscientiously cast their
vote for Mr. Schliefert as he is conservative and at
the same time is ready to fulfill the wants of the
people of Cass county. He is a good road enthusiast
and if elected he will do what he can to better the
.conditions of roads in this county. Vote for him. 1
Minnie Klinger
Candidate for the Office of Regis
ter of Deeds
1TE ARE presenting to you as a candidate for
" the office of Register of Deeds, Miss Minnie
Klinger, who wras born and reared in Cass county,
received her education in the: public schools of
Plattsmouth and graduated from .High school in
1922. Since then she has held position of clerk and
stenographer in this city; has been employed in the
County Attorney's office, and also:-as bookkeeper
and stenographer for the McMaken Truck and
Transfer company for three years. She has had
some experience in the Register of Deeds office
during the present administration; is no v holding
the position of City Clerk of Plattsmouth. She
has excellent qualities and is capable of holding the
office to which she is aspiring. Give her your vote
on election day and you will never regret itr :
Fred Gorder '
Candidate for County Commissioner
from the Third District
MR. GORDER is before you for re-elCction,
having served in that capacity for five years.
He is at present a resident of ; Weeping Water, .,
where he has lived for a number of years. Fred
is practically a native of Cass county being but two
years old when his parents immigrated from Wis
consin to Nebraska, which was sixty years ago.
Fred is well known over the entire county, not only
as Commissioner, but in the Implement business,
as he has been for so many years, he became ac
quainted with most everyone. He is of a conserva
tive type and the tax payers can rest assured that
"'their money is not squandered and their interests
are fully taken care of. A vote for Fred Gorder
is. a step in the right direction. .
Arnold R. Johnson
The' Democratic Candidate for Sheriff
of Cass County . ' ; ; .
N THE coming campaign,' we want to present to
you a . candidate for the office of Sheriff who
might come to some of vou as a stranger. Mr,
v Johnson is well known in Plattsmouth and more so
in the eastern part of the county and we hope before
- this campaign is . over that you will get acquainted -with
hiiii and. findjiis good qualities. . He, is at
present serving as Chief of Police for the city of '
Plattsmouth. "He has also been employed by the
.BurJington shops here and has been a farmer and ,
.held, other different, positipns in .town, .He is a
member7 of the I. O. O. F. and Eagles lodge and
a member of the Young Men's Bible class of the
Methodist church of this city. Mr. Johnson is the
right age (being thirty-two years old) to make a
good sheriff. -He : weighs 199 pounds and is 5 feet,
10 inches tall. He asks the people of Cass" county
to elect him to. this office. ,He is a man of moderate
means and we are satisfied he will make a .splendid
officer. 'A vote for. him will be in the right direction.
' " " s 1 ' ,
", v- V - v
Capt. Harrison L. Gayer
Candidate for Office of
, . . County CJerk , v .
MR: GAYER "is "a 'man of high quality and well
educated. He has lived in Cass county for
eight years and. is at present farming in Rock Bluffs
precinct. .He? received his education at the Univer
sity of Nebraska, being a student in the law school
of the university at the outbreak of the World war
in 1917, He went overseas with the. 28th Infantry,
First American Division, as Captain of the Infantry.
He is a. member of the Plattsmouth. posCAmerican :
Legion, and also a member of the Disabled Veterans'
Association. When he returned he was not physical
ly fit to complete his law studies and was advised by
his physician to move onto a farm, which he did.
Capt. Gayer i fully qualified to hold the position
of County Clerk and is certainly worthy of recog
nition from the voters of Cass county for his brav
ery during the World war. Don't forget to vote
for Capt. Gayer for County Clerk on the 2nd day
of No'ember;Tor he deserves it. : - . ,', .. .