The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 01, 1926, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, JULY 1, 192G.
To All My Old
plattsmouth loumal
Ktard at Postofflcc Flatt mouth.
R .
How oft is the candle of the wicked
put out! and how oft cometh their
hstiuctlon upon them' Gd distribut-
ith sorrows in his anger.- Job 21:17. i
. ;o:
A man with a lake or creek does
not need a bathtub these davs.
About the easiest way to live long'
is to una out some plan tor keeping
Latest popular auto hit in the son
line is I m Wearing JNIy tires out,
for You." I
Iirt.- Coolidgc- really wa-.'. tc bclpj
know him.
F.j his wt-rk w.
This is the month when the print
shops advertise engraved wedding a;;-
This is the season of the year when
the ice cream socials are claiming at-
tent'on and patronage.
Charles W. Uryan h.T?
hOS'3 f
fiioiu'.- in Cass ounty, a'.!
a l.trj
number of the"i ire repub'.: ii's
Of all the noises to worry a fellow
trying to sleep at night it's the one-
lung flivver being driven by the milk-
-:o: :
Catherine Lovell, Lritish authoress, i
writing about American wild life must
have secured her data from New York
Dank robbery in St. Louis the othci
dr,v in which the bandits kindly loft
the bank building, the furniture and
t lie fixtures. . !
After shoveling out about ten tons.
of coal in a British freighter, pro-,
hibition officers found nothing but
blistered hands.
Over 20,000 votes were missing in
the Pennsylvania primary, dispatches j
announce. Only trouble
wrong fellow got them.
Roads leading into town should be
kept in first-class condition, says a
Missouri paper. Not much interested
in the roads leading out of town.
Now a Boston minister says thel
skirts worn nowadays are the height!
of immodesty. The girls, however.!
claim that they are the height of .
wiuuiDaw is a uaseuuu uucner 110 ,
throws the ball with his left hand, al-'
though no one would ever know it
from the name the sport writers have
given him.
a few days the Kar.i City Fiat
be f-old. It j.-s one of tr. greatest
r.ew.-r.pcrs in t"e west and has done;
r.d -s for !!ie upbuildii of ihe
coming great city of the vcst. j
:o: 1
Government officer faces a court-
martial for intoxication, having used
government liquor for the purpose.1
T... V - 1- f . i t- 0
iu ijue ne j;gureu mai nquur ui
ar.V Kind IS Of no USe UnleSS It iS he- I
ing imbibed.
Kansas cm; Ma
flvcrc the HospitA-lilij
of Die old South,
meets Uxe cjeiievositij
of the ncuAVcst u
tlieeart of cAmerica
$34KAND vr
Dr. John A. Griffin
f Dentist ?
OfTlce Hours: 9-12; 1-5.
Sundays and evenings
by appointment only.
4 !
j PHONE 229
Soennichsen Building
Ned., u ecoad-claiaa mall matter
BATES, Publisher
Ltisiuess is looking up s inicwhat iu
Vncmiitoi's do not lnvo to hunt the
open .-paces in the hosiery nowadays.
T - . . 1 . - - 1 T
f rum a rauio siuuuiuimi 1 u-
davs worst hookun a voile one at
I ?4.'S."
the cop
will now .render
that touching ballad entitled, Lome
With Me.
There is at leat one organization
mere is at ica.t on organization
for every purpose
except restnrin
Funny how
kids nlavinir baseball
will pick out the weakest and meekest
to act as umpire. !
: :o: I
A week from today and then comes
the fire-works. He her';
take in the whole business
We have no more "over the hills to
the poor house." Thc-y are all "over
i the hills to the garage" nowadays. ;
No summer Sunday is complete un
til tl! Irnrl.nk nrint f! ri chuckled
. ..
over at 5 o'clock Monday afternoon.
Hero at tins season ot year is tne
fellow who can knock a home run
with three men on bases and the score
There are but two parties in this
country and that is all there should
be. in order for people to know where
they are at.
Will Hayes' job as movie czar has
been extended ten years, so we can't
hop? for anv impure movies
fcr at
least that long.
An Ohio paper is "agin war." It
says "We'll tell the world we stand
flat-footed for 'peas'." Mighty fine
vegetable to sit down to.
The democratic partv has the op-!
port unity of its Lfe, if it only
th:- staminy to accept it.
ivj'iy "will do thf busines-
' :o:
Af.d ha!
Spending a little matter of nearly a
quarter of a million dollars for cam-
paign expenses does not seem to
bother some Pennsylvania candidates. '
:o: ;
Girl who slapped a preacher's face,
in Kentucky recently far calling her
a "puintcd flapper," has been set free,
Some day she may slap a prize fighter
and spend a few days in the hospital.
:o: '
oucakinu 01 airuiane anu aiuuiuu-
bile rides, but how would you like
to ride an iron beam from the ground
up to the twentieth story of a sky-
Iscrsrer, with nothing between you
and the earth tut a slender cable?
1 and the earth tut a slender cable?
Thomas Jefferson's one-horse
to being exhibited at the Philadelphia
rermicentennial. It is nrobable that
Jefferson's gig is more popular in that
to tnan his Poetical doctrines
wouId be in one of its primary elec-
.. . ..... . .
Things must be bad in tne cnicago
o - o n cr n-or uhrn rne wnrnnn Mrs 1
ang war, wnen one woman,
Frank Camera, is widowed twice in
one month by gangsters. Chicago
i would no doubt be pleased to vc-,
cept any plan for ridding the city of.
A man out in the desert in Wyo-
ming who was in a dying conditio n, ,
; wrote a will on his shirt, giving his
partner a ....m . P.
;When the partner returned to S :n
Francisco his wife sent the shirt to
the laundry and the will was washed
out. "Cleanliness before riches" is a
' woman's motto.
! :o:
1 Ih a man of the political status of in public about other democrats whom The State of Nebraska, Cas3 coun
1 Brookhart, a good representative for they do not like as candidates. This y ss-
j any state? A man of this day and age ' is not the proper caper. He may get Clfr C0?rtihe estate of
should either be a democrat or a re- the nomination, and if he does, you Valentine TomazewskI, deceased,
publican, for people to have confidence may have to support him at the gen- To the creditors of said estate:
iin. A man who doesn't know on which eral election, or consider yourself as' You are hereby notified that I will
side his bread is buttered, can't rep-
resent the people rightfully. A wishy-
washy politician is no good at all.
Charges of embezzlement of an
automobile and fast and reckless driv-
ing against Tony Tommy, beminoie
chief, who was married recently to a
copper-houed Seminole belle, were
t, .
dropped in Miami the other day. Tony
lornmy left tne court witn nis oriae,;
and will take a long canoe ride for
his honeymoon, which is no doubt
, . ... .
much safer than the white man a
gas wagon. j
There was a time, and that not
long ago, when old-world philosophers
admonished the American people as
' a people to beware of overw ork and
insufficient recreation. Herbert Spen-
cer on his visit to this country select-
ed that theme for his only address to
! Conditions have ch
nged. The peo-
ites have been
pie of the United Sta
and ceitainly the motor car has revo-
; Unionized the habits of millions. Dos-
,..,. i
. line me auioniouiii', iiunevci, 11 uui
partly because of it, other forms of
j healthful recreation are increasingly
lesorieu 10 uy Americans 01 an sons
ana 311 u's-
1 According to the latest report of
4 1. A T 1 . .1 . . I . . .' a .
i lajsiuuuu aim lit'iit'auun assu-
ciation, last year was notable for addi-
Hons to the recreational facilities and
j for an increase in amateur athletic
clubs. The tot:il number of such
ciubs rose from 5,000 to 6,000. Very
many new golf courses were con-
structed. as well as hundreds of new
tcnais courtS- Several hundred play-
grounds for children'were opened dur -
ing the year. No community, it is in-
tere.sting to note, spent last year more
for public recreation than did Chicago
. . '
which is now credited with 221 play
1 ne American people are learning
V anu 1 anu iu pia lmii i l uovii 3. iiit, ukis iiia nuiacu 111 111c iuiuic.
j complaint of some that tno much time Control rain and over weather cer
' is spent in moving picture theatres tainly is not to be placed beyond
and too little in the fresh air is not as
well founded as it is lightly assumed
by these critics.
Perhaps the greatest
with nature will cause due attention
. ;.i . v. .,is
lvj ir jtaut iu llic" tuunaiiuu Ul 1 1 rt a
anii grass within cities that, like Chi -
cago, have permitted hemselves
lapse into indifference toward
ftructive forestry.
enn .
Amid the sheer disgust approaching
nausea over Pennsylvania's political
extravagance and corruption of the
public is entitled to one prolonged
hearty burst cf merriment. No more
effective excitant of the national risi-
bilities can be imagined than the'
spectable of Secretary of the Treasury
Mellon, one of the world's richest men
and the so-called brains of the recent
Pepper campaign, and other heads of
the Pepper machine lamenting and
shedding bitter tears because the ad -
, . .
vent of the primary system for the
selection of party candidates is serv-j
- a 1 n 4 V. n wn -1i
,L1B 4JU.1 I J LUC JfUUl ilia 11 111!
political aspirations. It will not be t'onsn it witn a nne emery paper.
. , ..1 4. If the binder attachment is not
; denied that the primary system as it;t,med properly it certainly will not
; Is operated in Pennsylvania is a poht-. work. Some binders are timed in as
ical bar to any but the ultra-rich. The1
politician who is poor but honest will'
hardly lunge into a contest where
campaign language is couched in mil-
lions. It is already on record that
the Tepper-Yare-Pinchot primary for'
the senatorial nomination cost more
than $2,000,000. Of that sum more
than half was spent by Mr. Pepper. '
Never in this nation's history has
there been such lavish expenditure for
,, , i, at,
""'V , Z I
, ....v.. .v " . v . ..
vestigation. Secretary Mellon and
senator Reed seek to justify the ex-
penditure on the ground that it was,
j t. i. 1
necessary, and that the slush funds
' were expended as rightly and as prop-,
orlv oa 4f fhov Ti a rt hoin fnr Vi ltonofit
of a church-an(1 under cnurchly BUj
pervision. It is difficult to believe
(llo tll
jng the WQrst SQrt Qf tWaddIe. But
thpv Knhmi, tn lntprvW nnf1 rlrB ft.
statements in all seriousness, and
thpr In th on t rinrl ween srpat pnnw
' o- c -j
rs because the poor man has no
..... '
has Cf)me QUt of Pcnnsylvania.s politi
caJ cesPp00i
The irrespressible Jerry Howard
has announced as a candidate for
I member of the house of representa-
tives. Jerry has been there several
times as a democratic member, and!
"filled the bill." He can be elected'
it he w... , a.ed to M,
own affairs, and not be so explicit
in condemning other democrats, whom '
i,e doe3 not particularly admire. I
The trouble with some democrats
is. they are entirely too free to talk
a "bolter,
Let us have no bolters this' tfl thf C?unt CoUT room n
Plattsmouth, In said county, on the
Il2th day of July, 1926, and on the
When Jed Hoskin's mule ran away
while he was carrying the returns
from Frog Hollow to the county court
house, tne Daiiot box was lost and
Jed had to go back and ask the four
voters how they voted in order to get
. . . . .
things straightened out.
:o: '
"He that hath hands, let him use
them," is an old Chinese proverb. But
. , . . .u ' J , ,
in those days the Chinese had no pick-
pockets or prize ngnters.
Paul Painleve, former premier of
France, and a scientist of note, offers'
a possible explanation of the rainy (
weather which Europe is experiencing
this summer. Experiments
shown, he points out, that the intro
duction of radio-telephonic emis-
sions into a tightly inclosed room
causes drops of water to be formed,'
or as he puts it, the "invisible fog
found even in every home" to be turn
ed into water. From this it may be'
reasonably deducted that the heavy" -n, -
, .,4.
luauiiig Ji iiie iiLut-i uuisiue wuui
radio waves has the same effect, and
transforms a traditionally beautiful
june in I'ans miu a mucin oi rain.
I ..... . . .
I Should tnis liypotnesis be suostan-,
tiated control of the weather would bej
j 1 . . . . T ... . .. f
me uexi siup. r ui jt-uia mhuus ui
one kind and another have been put
forth "to make it rain," but without
much success. In fact scientists have
nrnrticallv ."jrreed that the forces
which produce precipitation are be
yond the control of man, and have
belittled all attempts in that direction.
Weather control, after the scientific
i accomplishments of the past century,
would be no less wonderful than much
that has been done already. In a
, thousand ways civilization ha
the forces of nature to meet its will
(and no good reason can be offered for
not oencving mat even greater won-
the learn of scientific possibilities.
Copy for this Department
furnished by County Agent
Pet Stock Association Formed
A Tri-County Poultry and Pet
srnrk' 45Rnri3Tinn wns inrnipn ;uwi
a si10w will be held the first part of
December in Ashland. Mrs. Norris of
keeping Water, and atson Howard
of Greenwood were elected to the
executive board to renresent Cass
! county. Two poultry raisers from
other counties were elected, making
an executive noaru oi six person
Watch for the premium list.
Ten Binder Hints.
the machine travels witn
1. If
jerky motion, main drive chain is loo
-loose or it may be dry, try a little oil
!0111 - M x, , .
! 2. If the slats rip off the canvas
tJ elt.vators are not saUare.
3. if the knotter hook is rusty and
- lirrK it xi- ill tint uTtrlr nrnncrlv
ivur,u w t. iu lit n. ivv ij .
many es five places.
o. If the knotter hook does not turn
far enough to close the fingers on the
twine, no knot will be tied. Look at
tt,e fcnotter pinion. It should not be
6- If the twine slips thru the cord
nold(,r tne twine will be pulled out
conholder spring. if should" take
40 nounds to Mill the twine from tho
7- If the needle is ben or out of
s-nape mere win ue a, loose euu uaiiu.
i . 1 . ii 1 1 .... . 1
J11?1? and may
ue iiammereu uacK n; snaye.
9. If the twine i.i pulled from the
hok before the knot is tied try the
knift, it may be dull.
'. 0. Tf von wish to rlianep the size
cf bun(iles do it with th o bundle sizer
spring, not the tension or compress
The refusal cf the New York box
ing commission to let Dempsey fight
Wills Just now because he is not in
condition, will cause a widespread de
mand for Dempsey to fight somebody
right away, before he has time to
get pink.
One of the best rules for conversa
tion is to use only word3 you know
you can pronounce correctly. When
in doubt, select other words to
vey your meaning. The English
friiajre t the mmt elnhornta on
the globe.
p.S,,? jE&r!
See or write
Omaha, Nebr.
zzu tiowara street.
novtcf! to cnF.mTrms
13th day of October, 192C, at ten
o'clock in the forenoon each day, to
receive and examine all claims
against said estate, with a view to)(SE4), of section twelve (12),
tneir adjustment and allowance. The
time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate is three
: ?"th" fm the12ii1 da,y f iy'
!A. D. 1926, and the time limited for
Ipayment of debts Is one year from
said 12th day of July, 1926.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this. 11th day of
June, 1926. ,
J(Seal) jl4-4w County Judge.W. A. Robertson, AU'y.
i am buck at xne oici siann taiung
. A i 1 . 1 A J A 1
orders for Nursery Stock, and will
appreciate any order you may hold
for me until I call on you
Yours for
a square deal.
ANDKL.W bloiiLMArs.
J" '
, A 3 x
goods the year 'round.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun-
tr c o
"j Countv Court
Jn the matt"er of he
. .
estate of
Cecilia Jahrig, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I
will sit at the County Court room
jin Plattsmouth in said county, on
the 19th day of July, A. D. lyze, and
onthe 20th day of October, A. u.
1926, at ten o'clock a. m., of each
day. to receive and examine all claims
'.against said estate, witn a view to
tcS, ,iic,mnf aiinivan ThP
time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate is three
months from the 19th day of July,
A. D. 1926, and the time limited for
pavment of debts is one year from
said 19th day of July, 1926.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 26th day of
June, 1926.
(Seal) j28-4w County Judge.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned will on the 16th day of
July, 1926, at 11 o'clock a. m., at
the O. K. Garage, Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, sell to the highest bidder for
One 1926 Ford Coupe, Motor
No. 12,864,331 Engine Model
covered by a chattel mortgage signed
by Ed Cotner in favor of the Platts
mouth Motor Company and assigned
Edson & Company for a valuable
consideration, said chattel mortgage
being dated the 18th day of Decem
ber, 1925, and having been filed of
record in the office of the County
Clerk of Cass county, Nebraska; that
no action at law has been commenc
ed to collect either the whole or a
part thereof: said sale will be held
for the purpose of foreclosing said
chattel mortgage and satisfying the
amount due thereon, to-wit: $226.64,
together with all costs accruing by
virtue of this foreclosure.
j28-3w Mortgagee.
and Notice on Petition for Set
tlement of Account.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss.
To all persons interested In the
estate of Barbara A. Taylor, deceas
ed :
On reading the petition of Calvin
II. Taylor, administrator, praying a
final settlement and allowance of his
account filed in this Court on the
26th day of June, 1926, and for final
settlement of said estate and for his
discharge as said administrator;
It is hereby ordered that you and
all nersons interested in said matter
may, and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said
county, on the 8th day of July, A.
D. 1926, at ten o'clock a. m., to show
cause, if any there be, why the pray
er of the petitioner should not be
granted, and that notice of the pen
dency of said petition and the hear
ing thereof be given to all persons
interested in said matter by publish
ing a copy of this order in the
Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly
newspaper printed in said county,
for one week prior to said day of
In witness whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and the seal of
said Court, this 26th day of June,
A. D. 1926.
(Seal) j28-lw County Judge.
Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of a chattel mortgage
con-'given by Willie Meierdlerks to Platts
lan-inioutn btate isanK, aatea iway z,
n1924. tO secure the SUm Ot ?1,743.UU,
payame uecemoer a, wiiu m
terest at 8 per annum from date
to December 1, 1924, thereafter at
10. on which the mim of $1,075.07
ia now past due and unpaid; which
said mortelaee was duly filed for
record in the office of the County
Clerk of Cass County, Nebraska, May
28. 1924. at 9:40 o'clock a. m.; the
undersigned. Plattsmouth State Bank
will sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash, the following
chattel property covered by said
mortgage, to-wit:
Two wagons; one planter; one
disc; one cultivator; one mower;
one gang plow; one rake; one
Ford truck 1919 model; one
grey stallion; two bay horses;
one bay mare and colt; ten head
hogs; six Bhoats, six suckling
pigs; seven milk cows; five
heifers; three steers; seven
Said sale will be held on the west
'half (W) of the southeast quarter
township twelve (12), range eleven
(11). Cass County, Nebraska, known !
as the John Wolff farm, about one
and lree T,, 7, ml.ue , t,V.
one and one-half miles north of Louis-
ville, and about three miles south-
west of Cedar Creek, Nebraska, on
Monday. July 12, 1926, at 10 o'clockj
a. m. Dated June 21. 1926.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
in the county court.
In the matter of the Estate of
Rachael M. Worley, Deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
ou are nereby notitied that l will
sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth in said county, on the
, ltn ciay or juiy, a. u. iw:t, at-tne
nour or ten o clock in the rorenoon
of said day and on the 13th day of
October, A. D. 1926, at the hour of
ien o ciock a. m., to receive anu ex-
lamine all claims against said estate-.
,wnn a view to tneir adjustment ana
allowance. The time limited for the
presentation of claims against said
estate is three months from the 12th
tiay oi juiy , a. ij. izb, anu tne lime
limited for payment of debts is one
year from said 12th day of July,
Witness my hand and the seal of
saiu county court, mis izm uay oi
June, laz'j.
(Seal) jl4-4w County Judge
on Petition for Appointment of
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Mary
J. Taylor, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition
of C. E. Taylor praying that adminis
tration of said estate may be granted
to Evelyn Stamp, as Administrat
rix; Ordered, that July 22nd, A. D.
1926, at ten o'clock a. m., is assign
ed for hearing said petition, when
all persons interested in said matter
may appear at a County Court to be
held in and for said county, and
show cause why the prayer of peti
tioner should not be granted; and
that notice of the pendency of said
petition and the hearing thereof be
given to all persons interested in said
matter by publishing a copy of this
order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a
semi-weekly newspaper printed in
said county, for three successive
weeks, prior to said day of hearing.
Dated June 18, 1926.
(Seal) j21-3w County Judge.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
By virtue of an Order of Sale issued
by Golda Noble Beal. Clerk of the
District Court within and for Cass
county, Nebraska, and to me direct
ed, I will ob the 10th day of July,
A. D. 1926, at 10 o'clock a. m., of
said day, at the south front door of
the court house, in Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, in said county, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash
the following real estate, to-wit:
Lots 5 and 6, Block 171, in
the City of Plattsmouth, as sur
veyed, platted and recorded, Cass
county, Nebraska
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Clifford C.
Burbridge, Minnie Alice Burbridge
and Wolf Manufacturing Company, a
corporation, Defendants, to satisfy
a judgment of said Court recovered
by The Standard Savings and Loan
Association, Plaintiff against said De
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, June 5th
A. D. 1926.
Sheriff Cass County
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Sealed bids will be received at the
office of the Department of Public
Works at Lincoln, Nebraska, on
July 1st, 1926, until 9:00 o'clock a
m., and at that time publicly opened
and read for GRADING. GRAVEL
RAIL and incidental work on the
Plattsmouth-Omaha Project No. 138
D. Federal Aid Road.
The proposed work consists of con
structing 3.4 miles of EARTH AND
GRAVEL road.
The approximate quantities are:
63,000 cubic yards common
50,000 cubic yards stations
43,500 square yards 3" sand
gravel surfacing.
500 cubic yards common exca
vation for culverts.
172 cubic yards concrete,
Class "A."
40 lineal feet 24" culvert
66 lineal feet 30 culvert
126 lineal feet 36" culvert
74 lineal feet 48 culvert
2,464 lineal feet guard rail.
32 anchors for guard rail.
4 extra posts for guard rail.
Plans and specifications for the
work may be seen and information
secured at the office of the County
Clerk at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, or
at the office of the Department of
Public Works at Lincoln, Nebraska.
The successful bidder will be
required to furnish bond in an
amount equal to 100 of his con
Certified checks made payable to
the Department of Public Works for
not less than five per cent (5) of
the amount of the bid will be re
This work must be started previous
to August 1st, 1926, and be com-
p he right is reserved to waive all
technicalities and reject any or all
County Clerk, Cass
State Engineer.
Legal blanks of all kinds for sale
at the Journal office.
State of Nebraska, County of Cas9,
By virtue of an Order of Sale is-
sued by colda Noble Heal. Clerk of
the District Court within and for
'Cass COUnty, Nebraska, and to me di
' re(.te(j j Wjjj on tne 3r,i (jay &f
juiy A. D. 1926. at 10:00 o'clock
a m cf sajd (ay at the south front
door of tne court house in Platts-
mouth, in said county, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for
jcasn tne following real estate, to-
Lot 12. Block 30, in the City
of Plattsmouth, as surveyed,
platted 'and recorded, in Cass
county, Nebraska
.The same being levied upon and
takpn as thp nronertv of Peter F.
(;oos an,i Louise floos, Defendants,
to satipfv a judgment of said Court
I recovered by The Standard Loan &
Savings Association, Plaintiff again.-t
K.,i(, Defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, May 27th,
A. D. 1926.
Sheriff Cass County,
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
John Oakemeier, Plaintiff, vs.
James D. Walters et al, Def nclants.
To the defendants James D. Walt
ers and Mrs. James D. Walters, real
name unknown; Ann E. Walters and
Walters, real name unknown,
husband of Ann E. Vaters: the heirw,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all other persons inter
ested in the estates of James D. Wal
ters, Mrs. James D. Walters, real
name unknown; Ann E. Walters and
Walters, real name unknown,
husband of Ann E. Walters and all
other persons having or claiming any
interest in the north half of the
northeast quarter of Section 31, in
Township 12, North, Range 11, Ea.t
of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in
Cass county, Nebraska, real names
You and each of you are hereby
notified that John Gakemeier as
plaintiff, filed a petition and com
menced an action in the District
Court of Cass county, Nebraska, on
the 5th day of June. A. D. 1926.
against you and each of you. the ob
ject, purpose and prayer of which i
to obtain a decree of Court, quieting
the title to all of the north half of
the northwest quarter of Section 31,
in Township 12, North. Range 11,
East of the Sixth Principal Meridian,
in Cass county, Nebraska, as against
you and each of you and for such
other relief as may be just and equit
able. You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to an
swer aid petition on or before Mon
day, the 19th day of July. A. D. 1926,
or the allegations therein contained
will be taken as true and a decree
will be rendered In favor of plain
tiff and against you and each of you
according to the prayer of said peti
ion. Dated this 5th day of June, A. D.
j7-4w Att'y for Plaintiff.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
In the matter of the Guardianship
of James Howard Shepherd, Hazel
Shepherd, Lawrence Shepherd and
Dorothy Shepherd, Minors.
Now, on this 31st day of May, A.
D. 1926, this cause came on to be
heard at Chambers, upon the petition
of Clara May Wiltse, the guardian
of the person and estate of James
Howard Shepherd, Hazel Shepherd,
Lawrence Shepherd and Dorothy
Shepherd, Minors, praying for a li
cense to sell real estate, and the
Court finds that there is 110 moneys
or personal property of any kind or
description in the hands of the guar
dian with which to pay for the sup
port, maintenance and education of
said minors.
The Court further finds that the
County Judge of Cass county, Nebras
ka, has made an allowance of $5.00
per week for each of said minors for
their maintenance, support and edu
cation, and there is no moneys or
personal property in the hands of said
guardian with which to pay said
The Court further finds that each
of said minors has an undivided one-
seventh interest in the following de
scribed property, subject to the life
estate of said Clara May Wiltse, to-
wit :
East half of the northwest
quarter (E NWU) of Section
nine (9), Township seven (7),
Range twelve (12), Otoe coun
ty, Nebraska
and that it will be necessary to sell
the interest of said minors in said
property for the purpose of paying
for the support, maintenance and
education of said minors.
It is therefore ordered that all
persons Interested in the estate of
said minors and afl those who are
next of kin and heirs apparent or
presumptive appear before me in the
District Court room of the Cass coun
ty court house In Plattsmouth, Cass
county, Nebraska, on the 3rd day of
July, 1926, at ten o'clock a. m., to
show cause why a license should not
be granted to said guardian to sell
the above described real estate.
It Is further ordered that this
Order to Show Cause be published in
the Plattsmouth Journal, a legal
newspaper published in said county,
four successive weeks prior to July
3, 1926.
Judge of the District
Your ad in the Journal will be read
by 75 per cent of the buying public.