The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 17, 1926, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1926.
Che plattsmouth journal
liUr4 t Postofflcc. Plattsmouth. Neb.. & acoad-cU.a mu matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Blessings are upon the head of the
just but violence covereth the mouth
of the wicked. Proverbs, 10:6.
It's been years since
girl's eyebrows met.
a modern
Nothing seems to matter very much
when you are sleepy.
People just can't understand why
people can't understand.
Most women feel perfectly safe in
calling their husbands liars.
. :o:
It's an inspiration to meet people
who can have a good time sober.
We always have summer Just
soon as the weather is warm enough, i
:o: j
There is none so smart as the chap
who has already paid dearly for his
The carnival company that is com
ing here is said to be first-class in
every respect.
The difference between luxury and; 000 for highways. But when will the
necessity is a strawberry shortcake: work be commenced?
and turnip greens. :o:
:o: J It's rather silly to criticize an office
Lightning destroyed a church clock holder. He's bound to be smarter than
in Easton, Pa. It was an antique.
Quite and old timer.
McNary bill is up in the senate
still, and it seems to be up hill and
that will not go down.
A kind word often does more good
than a dollar, but most of us would
rather have the dollar.
Isn't it time to send relief ex
peditions for the relief expeditions
for the arctic explorers?
:o: .
Some people will sit around home
without saying a word and then, go
to the movies and start talking.
If we want the marriage laws;
changed let's let four marry instead
of two so they can play bridge.
One of the greatest arts in life and :
one of the most neglected is that of
finding happiness in little things.
The Prince of Wales has started , harty of Omaha for congress? There
carrying an umbrella, indicating he'$s where he ought to be, in congress.
is trying to pose as a married man.
If horses could run as far and as
fast as shown in the movies, when
the cavalry starts on a dead run to
the rescue of the immigrant train 50 j
miles away, the horse would never
have been replaced by the automibile.
licre the Hospitaltttj
c the old SoutK
meets the generosity
of the neuAVest in
tWHeavt of cmerica
$3-00 AMD UP
Percheron Horse
will make the season of 1926
at my home, on the old Os
car Gapen farm, 4 miles
south of Plattsmouth.
Dr. John A. Griffin ;
Office Hours: 9-12; 1-5.
Sundays and evening
by appointment only.
Soennichsen Building
-I-M I 1 11
All thrones are too uncomfortable
for sitting purposes.
Utopia is the place where all tennis
courts are unoccupied.
The fellow who wants but little
here below has it in his head.
The muscle about Iluscle Shoals
seems to be mostly jaw muscle.
Yes, Plattsmouth will celebrate,
and a big time they will have, too.
There are more self-made men in
campaign years than at any other
The man who is willing to become
a tool finds plenty of persons ready
to use hirii.
It's all right to toe the mark your
self, but someone else is always toe
ing the easy mark.
Few people would know of your
troubles if you knew enough to keep
them under cover.
The senate O. Ks. the $165,000.-
those who elected him.
Show us the man that said we were
not going to have any summer. June
is as hot as it ever was.
Talk about having a hot time, a
man jn Menominee, Mich., is charged
-with burning an entire village.
Small children are a nuisance to
the neighbors. But then,, neighbors
are a nuisance to small children.
Looking to see if you have a flat
tire is dangerous. If you really have
Something must be done about it
When an irresistible force meets an
immovable object Derhaps it's the1.,
iandlord trying to collect his rent.
A bill in congress would bar fire-
arms from the mail, perhaps because
they might gooff when the mail does.
What's the matter with Harry Fle-
The Washington Irving, a million
dollar boat, sank in the North River,
Maybe a headless horseman chased
Perhaps the talking movie idea;
could be useful. Why not limit it to'
talking sub-titles? Would save read-
ing aloud.
You don't see any of the younger.
generation wearing veils. They arejOctober, A. D. 1926, at the hour of
too dangerous after a few shots of;
bad liquor.
Here's the news from Hollywood:
"No lipstick, No rouge. No Henna."
But that's
home girl.
too conspicuous for the
The next big wet and dry argument
' that comes up we are going to use
a fine wise-crack about one side meet
ing its Waterloo.
What will they do with Pepper.
Vare and Governor Pinchot? Th y
ought to send them for five years eac.'i
r Atlanta Potiitentiarv
. , In the County Court of Cass eoun-
o . ty Nebraska
Now we are going to have anoth. r. 'State Qf Nebraska Cass countVf ss
tent show for a full week. Platts- To all persons interested in the es
mouth is certainly going to have her tate of Mary E. Thompson, deceas-
share of amusements for the ne:.t.ed
. On reading the petition of Frank
cew weeks. j a. Cloidt, Administrator, praying a
:o: final settlement and allowance of his
Dr. Wiliam Hornaday, for thirty j account filed in this Court, on the
years director of the New York zoo, 12th day of June, 1925, and for de
has announced his retirement, and termination of the administration
manv think that the animals will now Proceedings in said estate and for
man think that tne animals wm now discharge as such administratr:
go to the dogs. It 3 hereby ordered that you and
:o: 'all persons Interested in said matter
Psychologists say they can tell may, and do, appear at the County
wnether a man is thriftless Dy tne.uun iu ue uem m auu i
way he wads up currency and sticks J?""1?' " e 2.2nd dajr of J
, x . D- 1926, at ten o'clock a. m.,
it in his pocket. Still, if it's the man's ca ,f there b
whether a man is thriftless by the
own currency and there's enough of
It, where does the thriftlessness come
In speaking of the marvelous en-
durance shown by his troops in the;
recent operations in Poland, Marshal newspaper printed in said county,
r,.j , t tJ , r I for one week prior to said day of
Pilsudski said one calvalry reSJmentt'nearing
which covered 120 kilometers In aj Jn witness whereof, I have here
day, refused to rest on arrival at the unto set my hand and the seal of
scene of hostilities. It does not ,how- said Court, this 12th day of June, A.
ever, appear that the horses were D' 1926- mn.DTTDV
w j . A. H. DUXBURY,
consulted on the matter. (Seal) jl4-lw County Judge.
Same Trice
for over 35yeai$
I WhuPatt
July 4th, this year, will have an
added interest, principally in Ken
tucky, where they are going to cele
brate, around his statue and the place
where he wrote "My Old Kentucky
Home." the birthday of Stephen Col
lins Foster, the best-known sentimen
tal song writer of America. He was
born July 4, 1926, at Lawrenceville,
Pa., as a band was playing patriotic
songs outside the home of his par
ents. Along with the well-loved Kentucky
song, who has not been cheered or
amused by Foster's "Swanee River,"
"Old Black Joe," "Nellie Gray,"
"Massa's in the Cold, Cold Ground,"
and others of his 175 published songs.
They have held their own and will
survive against the competition of,
we might say, millions of songs that
have won a few months' popularity
since his day and been forgotten.
For they belong to humanity, re
gardless of place or race, Americans,
for example, sing or listen to "My
Old Kentucky Home" with pleasure,
though they have never been in Ken
tucky or expect to go there. It is their
song as well as Kentucky's.
Foster died in poverty, though
some of his songs had enormous sales.
He was no self-advertiser, just a
simple singer. But his fame is secure.
Despite the report of the engineers
that the White House is structurally
Americans ready to go to live in it
if called upon to face danger.
Owynhee county, Idaho, has the
most thriving bachelor population in
the U. S. A., reports Boise. Only two
marriage licenses have been issued in
the last four years.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
Tn tho PniinK CAn rf
. In the matter of the Estate of
To the cre(litors of sai(1 estate:
You are hereby notified that I will
sit at tne county court room in
Kiausmoutn in saiu county, on tne
12th day of July, A. D. 1926, at the
hour nf ton n'rlnolr in fho fnronnnn
of said d and on the 13th d -
ten o clock a. m., to receive and ex
amine an claims against said estate,
with a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The time limited for the
presentation of claims against said
estate is three months from the 12th
day of July, A. D. 1926, and the time
limited for payment of debts is one
year from said 12th day of July,
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 12th day of
June, 1926.
(Seal) jl4-4w County Judge
and Notice on Petition for Set
tlement of Account.
Court to be held in and for said
June, A.
to show
why the
prayer of the petitioner should not
be granted, and that notice -of the
pendency of said petition and the
hearing thereof be given to all per
sons interested in said matter by pub
lishing a copy of this order in the
Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly
The revolt against prohition has
now reached the point where it de
cides elections in great populous
states. There is no reason to doubt
that this revulsion of feelinjr will.
rmu- fnr vrv av .-id.Ts npw vi-
, : . ' ., .
uence 01 me gigaunc uim 01 l
hibition and devastating corruption.
The Anti-Salloon League has exhaust-, braska, in said county, sell at public
,i ,-t ammunition and used i,n all itslauction to the highest bidder for cash
reserves. It can hope only to delay,
but not to prevent the modification of
the Volstead act. There are no new
converts to prohibition in sight. All
the converts from now on are bound
to be away from prohibition.
If the sincere prohibitionists were
statesmanlike, and if they could free
themselves from the fanatical poli
ticians of the Anti-Saloon League,
they would begin now to study plans
for modification of the Volstead act
They might well hope to obtain agree
ment to try a modified prohibition in
which beer and wines were legalized
under careful regulation. Under some
such plan they might attain not only
more real prohibition of hard liquor
than there is today, but also save their
cause from the smashing discredit to
ward which it i3 now drifting. To the
prohibitionist who can read the signs
of the times it must be plain that on
the issue of strict enforcement of the
Volstead act he can look forward only
to certain defeat.
Now that modification has become
the dominant political issue in the
United States, political candidates
can no longer be allowed to dodge it
It is not enough for them to say that
they favor enforcement of the law and
.that the people can change the law
It is not enough for them to leave it
to a referendum, useful as it is to have
a referendum. They must say where
they personally stand on the question
and how they personally, as repre
sentatives will vote on it. Nor is that
all. The time has come when the
parties as parties must face their re
sponsibility and declare that they are
for maintainance of the Volstead act
or for modification.
The Dovey section. Will sell in one
piece Or will divide to suit purchaser,
See or write
Omaha, Nbr.
2220 Howard Street.
Blank books at the Journal office.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Valentine TomazewskI, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified that I will
sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth, in said county, on the
12th day of July, 1926. and on the
13th day of October. 192C, at ten
o'clock in the forenoon each day, to
receive and examine all claims
against said estate, with a view to
their adjustment and allowance. The
time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate is three
months from the 12th day of July,
A. D. 1926. and the time limited for
payment of debts is one year from
said 12th day of July. 1926.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 11th day of
June, 1926.
(Seal) jl4-4w County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
John Gakemeier, Plaintiff, vs.
James D. Walters et al, Defendants.
To the defendants James D. Walt
ers and Mrs. James D. Walters, real
name unknown; Ann E. Walters and
Walters, real name unknown.
husband of Ann E. Waters; the heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all other persons inter
ested in the estates of James D. Wal
ters, Mrs. James D. Walters, real
name unknown; Ann E. Walters and
Walters, real name unknown,
husband of Ann E. Walters and all
other persons having or claiming any
interest in the north half of the
northeast quarter of Section 31, in
Township 12, North. Range 11, East
of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in
Cass county, Nebraska, real names
You and each of you are hereby
notified that John Gakemeier as
plaintiff, filed a petition and com
menced an action in the District
Court of Cass county, Nebraska, on
the 5th day of June, A. D. 1926,
against you and each of you, the ob
ject, purpose and prayer of which is
to obtain a decree of Court, quieting
the title to all of the north half of
the northwest quarter of Section 31,
in Township 12, North, Range 11,
East of the Sixth Principal Meridian,
in Cass county, Nebraska, as against
you and each of you and for such
other relief as may be just and equit
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
day, the 19th day of July, A. D. 1926,
or the allegations therein contained
will be taken as true and a decree
will be rendered In favor of plain
tiff and against you and each of you
according to the prayer of said peti
ion. Dated this 5th day of June, A. D.
Att'y for Plaintiff. 1
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
I By virtue of an Order of Sale issued
by Golda Noble Beal, Clerk of the
District Court within and for Cass
county, Nebraska, and to me direct
?d. I will oh the 10th day of July
!A. D. 1926, at 10 o'clock a. m
- ,said da at the south front door o
the court house, in Plattsmouth, Ne
me ioiiowing rem esiaie, io-wii.
Lots 5 and 6, Block 171, in
the City of Plattsmouth, as sur
veyed, platted and recorded, Cass
county, Nebraska
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Clifford C
Burbridge, Minnie Alice Burbridge
and Wolf Manufacturing Company,
corporation. Defendants, to satisfy
a judgment oi saiu touri retuvcrfu
by The Standard Savings and Loan
Association, Plaintiff against said De
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, June 5th
A. D. 1926.
Sheriff Cass County,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Sealed bids will be received at the
office of the Department of Publi
Works at Lincoln. Nebraska, on
July 1st, 1926, until 9:00 o'clock a
m., and at that time publicly opened
and read for GRADING. GRAVEL
RAIL and incidental work on the
Plattsmouth-Omaha Project No. 13S
D. Federal Aid Road.
The proposed work consists of con
structing 3.4 miles of EARTH AND
GRAVEL road.
The approximate quantities are:
63,000 cubic yards common
50,000 cubic yards
43,500 square yards
gravel surfacing.
500 cubic yards common exca
vation for culverts.
172 cubic yards concrete,
Class "A."
lineal' feet
lineal feet 48" culvert
2,464 lineal feet guard rail.
32 anchors for guard rail.
4 extra posts for guard rail.
Plans and specifications for the
work may be seen and information
secured at the office of the County
Clerk at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, or
at the office of the Department of
Public Works at Lincoln, Nebraska
The successful bidder will be
required to furnish bond in an
amount equal to 100 of his con
Certified checks made payable to
the Department of Public Works for
not less than five per cent (5) of
the amount of the bid will be re
This work must be started previous
to August 1st, 1926, and be com
pleted by December 1st, 1926.
The right is reserved to waive al
technicalities and reject any or all
County Clerk, Cass
State Engineer.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
William Ballance, Plaintiff, vs
John J. Worley et al. Defendants.
To the Defendants John J. Worley,
Mrs. John J. Worley, his wife, real
name unknown; L. Pierce, real name
unknown; Mrs. L. Pierce, his wife,
real name unknown; W. Pierce, real
name unknown; Mrs. W. Pierce, his
wife, real name unknown; L. & W.
Pierce, real names unknown; Alice
Shepherd, Shepherd, her hus
band, real name unknown; George
H. Warren and the heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested In the
respective estates of John J. Worley,
Mrs. John J. Worley, L. Pierce, Mrs
L. Pierce. W. Pierce, Mrs. W. Pierce,
Alice Shepherd, Shepherd,
George H. Warren, Wheatley Mickel
wait, Illisiania Mickelwalt, Fred H
Mickelwait, Mrs. Fred H. Mickelwalt,
each deceased, real names unknown.
and all persons having or claiming
any interest in Lot 9 in Bloek 62,
in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, real names unknown:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 21st day of May,
1926, plaintiff filed his suit in the
District Court of Cass county, Ne
braska. the oblect and purpose of
which is to establish and quiet and
confirm plaintiff's title in and to the
above described lands and to enjoin
each and all of you from having or
claiming to have any right, title, es
tate, lien or interest, either legal or
equitable in or to said real estate or
any part thereof and to enjoin you
and each of you from in any. manner
interfering with plaintiff's possession
or enjoyment of said premises, and
for equitable relief.
This notice is given- pursuant to
an order of the Court. You are here
by required to answer said petition
on or before Monday, the 5th day of
July, 1926. In failing so to do, your
default will be entered therein and
judgment taken upon plaintiff's peti
By A. L. TIDD,
His Attorney.
Those having Designers and De-I
lineators at the Bates Book and Gift I
.Shop are requested to call for them I
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
By virtue of an Order of Sale is-
sued by Golda Noble Deal, Clerk of
me District uourt wunin anu ior,
Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di-
rected, I will on the 3rd day of Henry G. Long, Deceased.
July, A. D. 1926, at 10:00 o'clock On reading and filing the petition
a. m. of said day, at the south front of Bertha Shrader. Gertrude Nicklea
door of the court house in Platts- and Ella Long, praying that adjfcn
mouth, in said county, sell at public Istration of said estate may be grant
auction to the highest bidder for ed to Ella Long, as Administratrix;
cash the following real estate, to-1 Ordered, that July 5th, A. D. 1926,
wit: ,at ten o'clock a. m., is assigned for
Lot 12, Block 30, in the City
of Plattsmouth, as surveyed,
platted and recorded, in Cass
county, Nebraska
The same being levied upon and cause why the prayer of the petition
taken as the property of Peter F. ers should not be granted; and that
Goos and Louise Goos, Defendants, notice of the pendency of aid p ti
to satisfy a judgment of said Court tion and the hearing thereof be given
recovered by The Standard Loan & to all persons interested In said mat
Savings Association, Plaintiff against ter by publishing a copy of this order
said Defendants. in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, May 27th, weekly newspaper printed in said
A. D. 1926. county, for three successive weeks
E. P. STEWART, prior to said day of hearing.
Sheriff Cass County,,
Notice is hereby given to the quali
fied voters of School District No. 36iNewell;
of the County of Cass, State of Ne-
braska, that by the consent of two-' nice Newell Fuller and husband Roy
thirds of the District Board of said.J. Fuller, and W. A. Robertson, Trus-
district, an election has been called
and will be held at Calfee's Harness
Shop in the Village of Greenwood in
said school district on Tuesday, the
15th day of June, 1926, the polls be-
ing open from 8:00 o'clock a. m. to and by virtue of a decree of the Dis
8:00 o'clock p. m., at which time I trict Court of Cass county, Nebraska,
there will be submitted to the quali- jentered in the above entitled cause
fied voters of said district the follow- on the 22nd day of May. 1926, and
ing proposition:
"Shall the Disrtict Officers of
School District No. 36 of the
County of Cass, State of Nebras
ka, issue the bonds of said School
District in the amount of Thirty
Five Thousand Dollars ($35,
000.00), bearing interest at the
rate of Four and Three-Fourths
Per Centum (4) per annum,
payable semi-annually, maturing
in not to exceed thirty (30)
years, to be dated July 1, 1926,
"Shall the District Officers of
said School District cause to be
levied annually a tax sufficient
for the payment of the interest
and principal of said bonds when
the same become due, the pro
ceeds of said bonds to be used
for the purpose of erecting an
addition to the present High
school building."
For said bonds and tax
Against said bonds and tax
Voters desiring to vote in favor of
said proposition will indicate the
same by marking an "X in tne
square following the words "For said
bonds and tax." Voters desiring to
vote against said proposition will in
dicate th,e same by marking an "X"
in the square following the words
Against said bonds and tax. '
m20-4w Director.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
In the matter of the Guardianship
of James Howard Shepherd, Hazel
Shepherd, Lawrence Shepherd and
Dorothy Shepherd, Minors.
Now, on this 31st day of May, A.
D. 1926, this cause came on to be
heard at Chambers, upon the petition
of Clara May Wiltse, the guardian
of the person and estate of James
Howard Shepherd, Hazel Shepherd,
Lawrence Shepherd and Dorothy
Shepherd, Minors, .praying for a li
cense to sell real estate, and the
Court finds that there is no moneys
or personal property of any kind or
description In the hands of the guar
dian with which to pay for the sup
port, maintenance and education of
said minors.
The Court further finds that the
County Judge of Cass county, Nebras
ka, has made an allowance of $5.00
per week for each of said minors for
their maintenance, support and edu
cation, and there is no moneys or
personal property in the hands of said
guardian with which to pay said
The Court further finds that each
of said minors has an undivided one-
seventh interest in the following de
scribed property, subject to the life
estate of said Clara May Wiltse, to-
East half of the northwest
quarter (E NW) of Section
nine (9), Township seven (7),
Range twelve (12), Otoe coun
ty, Nebraska
and that it will be necessary to sell
the interest of said minors in said
property for the purpose of paying
for the support, maintenance and
education of said minors.
It is therefore ordered that all
persons interested In the estate of
said minors and all those who are
next of kin and heirs apparent or
presumptive appear before me in the
District Court room of the Cass coun
ty court house in Plattsmouth, Cas3
county, Nebraska, on the 3rd day of
July, 1926, at ten o clock a. m., to
show cause why a license should notltate, lien or Interest, either legal or
be granted to said guardian to sell
the above described real estate
It is further ordered that this
Order to Show Cause be published in
the Plattsmouth Journal, a legal
newspaper published in said county,
four successive weeks prior to July
Judge of the District
We have a few of the Cass county
maps showing every man's farm, and
will close them out at 50c each. Call
jat Journal office and get one now.
on Petition for Appointment of
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun-
ty, ss.
m the county court.
In the matter of the
estate of
hearing said petition, when all per
sons interested in said matter may
appear at a County Court to be held
in and for said county, and show
Dated May 24th, 1926.
(Seal) m31-3w
County Judge.
In the District Court of the Coun
ty of Cass, Nebraska.
James W. Newell and wife, I lal lie
Ella Newell Stewart and
husband William
M. Stewart; Ber-
tee for Helen Roberts Hunter and
' Newell Roberts, and Robert Newell,
' Plaintiffs, vs. Bertha Shopp and hus-
j band Frank B. Shopp, Defendants.
Notice is hereby given that under
an order of sale entered by said
Court on the 22nd day of May, 1926,
the undersigned Sole Referee, will
sell at public auction on the 26th day
of June, 1926, at 10 o'clock a. m., at
the south front door of the court
house in the City of Plattsmouth,
Cass county, Nebraska, to highest
bidder for cash the following de
scribed real estate, to-wit:
The east half (E1) of the
northwest quarter (NW'i) of
Section twenty-nine (29) Town
ship twelve (12), Range twelve
(12), Range twelve (12), east
, of the 6th P. M., in the County
of Cass, Nebraska
subject to two certain mortgages
thereon; one of $6,000.00 given to
Annis & Rohling Company and as
signed to John Hancock Mutual Life
Insurance Company and one of $292.
50 given to Annis & Rohling Com
pany upon which there is an unpaid
balance of $180.00.
Said sale will be held open for one
hour. Ten per cent of bid cash at
time of sale and balance on confirma
tion. Dated this 22nd day of May, A.
D. 1926.
m24-5w Attorney.
In the District Court of Cass coun-
Glenn Vallery, Plaintiff, vs. Lillie
M. Anderson et al. Defendants.
To the Defendants Lillie M. Ander
son; Lydia Wright and Wright,
her husband, real name unknown;
John Wright and wife, Mary Wright;
William F. Hatch and wife. Mary
Hatch; the heirs, devisees, legatees
and personal representatives and all
other persons interested In the re
spective estates of Lillie M. Ander
son, Lydia Wright and Wright,
her husband, real name unknown;
John Wright and wife, Mary Wright;
William F. Hatch and wife, Mary
Hatch, each deceased, real names un
known; and all persons having or
claiming any interest in, right or
title to, or lien upon the following
described real estate, to-wit: Com
mencing at the southwest corner of
the NEV4 of the NWU of Sec. 35,
Twp. 12 North of Rge. 13, east of
the 6th P. M., in Cass county, Ne
braska, running thence east 9 4 feet,
thence in a northeasterly direction
along the right-of-way of the Mis
souri Pacific railway 618.8 feet,
thence west 242.8 feet, thence south
618.8 feet to the place of beginning,
containing 2.4 acres more or less,
and known as Lot 28; also the fol
lowing tract of land, to-wit: Com
mencing at the southeast corner of
the NW4 of the NWU of Sec. 35,
Twp. 12 North of Rge. 13, east o?
the 6th P. M., and running thence
north 627 feet to the south line of
Mynard, thence west along said south
line 150 feet to the southwest corner
of said lots, thence south 627 feet to
the south line of said NW'U of the
NWU of said Section 35, thence
east 150 feet to the place of begin
ning, containing 2 acres, more or
less, all in Cass county, Nebraska,
real names unknown:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 15th day of May,
1926. the plaintiff filed his suit in
the District Court of Cass county,
Nebraska, the object and purpose of
which is to establish and quiet and
confirm plaintiff's title in and to the
above described lands, and to enjoin
each and all of you from having or
claiming to have any right, title, ea-
equitable In or to said real estate, or
any part thereof, and to enjoin you
and each of you from in any manner
interfering with plaintiff's possession
or enjoyment of-said premises, and
for equitable relief.
This notice is given pursuant to an
order of the Court. You are hereby
required to answer said petition on
or before Monday, the 5th day of
July, A. D. 1926. In failing so to do,
your default will be entered therein
and judgment taken upon plaintiff's
By A. L. TIDD,
m24-4w His Attorney.