FACE TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY, MAY 31, 1926. Alvo Department Joe Parm-11 In having i well mink ill III patllie I WO llllh'H holltll "f Alvo, tho pant lire being used hy W. W. Coal matt. A Kami- of hall huh played In Alvo laal Sunday ill which I lie Lincoln AililtiM won over the Alvo team by u neon of :$ to 2. The game wax well enjoyed it ml hum a Hpirlted one. Tin- Franklin Ice Cnnm company baseball ti-uni win- playing IIm1 Alvo team yi-nlcrday (Sunday) but we did not ln-ar of the icmiIim. ult hough wo ar- certain tluy bad an cxci Ib-nt Kum. Tbi- fascinating game or pitching horse li"M Is holding '' attention of tin: young people at Alvo nt thla time, and many good Hoorcs are be ing made by thorn who art; devotees of this popular rport. It. A. Coalman and Minn Giislafson, t In l)om hlif Science teacher, were nvi r to Uin oln to look after tlie purchasing of home furniture for tin h.mMtr Science of lli" Alvo public reboots I.IHt Week. T. M. Patterson, I lie K-ilnt agent of tin- Rankers Life Insurance com pany of Lincoln huh a visitor in Alvo lt Wednesday and bad tin- misfor tune to Miiflir a break of hi ear, which be bad to htop to have re paired. . . ii..., leeiini,; t'nch I. J. J.lneh is not very good at this I lm. being coiisid ii ably erippleil with rheumatism, but be refuses to be outdone by tho malady und gets about as much as the i oinl it Ion of bis uilment und the Weather will permit. The trial which was bad for the hiriiinl time on la.il Saturday was ht ttb il by dt nying the plaintiff her prayer and hanging the co.sts on the defendant, which with attorney fees m.nle tbe amount much In excess of the Mini ill controversy. , W illi. itu Nickel, living northeast of Alvo. Is having a hotl-.e con:.t l lli ted tor an elect rlc lik-li 1 1 n;v plant w hich be i:i hit hi t; Installed at tbe lai'lit. iind li building tbe plate for the plant and machinery mi that it will be will taken care of. He will in a lilo Ili-'hliiiK plant. In the jury trial which was held in Aim la.-.t week, the Jury was se lected with a view to not allowing t belli to become deadlocked oil U Vt'l' ilit t as there Were only three called, they bt inn I'- 1' Mullen. Sain Jor dan ami Janus II. Foreman, all ex cellent null ot good judglllt-tlt. Mr. and Mrs. John W. lS.innlni; entertained .il their home In Alvo on l.irt Sunday .Miss Alice Cress, who Is a student at the .state university, ami who is a fi iell. 1 tif tbe It. innings, they baviiiK known this excellent yolint; I.idy at Stewart, where tluy Were lorinerly In the lumber business. A. I:, st romer and Art Hinges wilt' h.ivliiir some time about the getting of the slipper on last Wcd lit sday night, while their wives were away, t at h being willing for tlie other to do the cooking and leave the tIKhcs tor the other to wash, and ou all know who had to do tbe dishes tbe next day. liillie Warner believes hi being ready and having things in shape, and so was testing out his engine to be sure it will not retjuire any work when the time comes for threshing to begin. I'.illie is a worker and has Ihe 1 1 Il t idea about v. el tills; tiling in rhai'o for doing tin' best of work before the rush season begins. J. V. Panning and wife were visit -In in I'uiou, where tluy were ciesls of relatives and were at tend lilt; the Memorial services which were held t lit re. They were dcsirlous of at t ti.l i n the services at the Wyoming church, but found that the services were all to bt held at I'llloll. where a union service had been planned. Win. Coalman. Sr.. of Weeping Water, was in Alvo last week and ar ranged for the phiciug of a founda tion at the place just south of Alvo for the erection of a new crib for corn, as the cribbage room on the place has hreli rather limited in tl ,, . ,,,'l'ast year; Assistant st as we! build h,,.,,,,., f wahoe, one. and he ilVmu.nv wU, . past and he thinks Ju a t:ood crib as it poor bavins; a tine storage place for the corn erected. George S. Uay and little grandson. George Themp-.on. with Mrs. Kay. and Mr. s-.nd Mrs M. Lynde. were over from I'nion on last Wednesday and were looking after some business with Mrs "M. Coleman, having in view the purchasing of the corner just north of the Coat man hardware store. I the evening John Col an also wev.t to I'nion to st t abvo.il tbe trade. something Me ame A. D. St miner an.! II L. Koi ut meter were visiting and looking alter some buiuess matters in Lincoln last Wednesday, driving over in their car and rciuminc earlv in t:;e atteruoon. following which :!cs 'a;: Strotuer and Arthur Hinges !i !'irli'il tor s rxi-iKK ii I...... v.Mtvd with the i.aret .r i.w Dtuics iiu;ii; ttu evening and re-! Journal when you can have it deliv turued home the same night. . ered to your door for 15c a week. Give the Wife a Chance! Say, do you know it is pretty hot over an old cook stove? We can furnish you an oil stove that will not roast the cook. See us for garden hose, lawn mowers, 2-row ma chines and cultivators and all kinds of farm machinery. Price and Quality are Right Coatman Hardware Co. ALVO NEBRASKA The Catnpflrc Girls are to put on a play tho 4th of June, which is Frl ilav of this week, the title of which Is "The Wise You hi; (Jcneratloti. The charKi-H are very rcuMonable, be- lnr 20 and 35 cents. They will ue uHhlst-d by four of the youiiK men of the city. Enjoy Outing at Park Last Sunday a number of the fami lies about Alvo drove over to Ante lope park at Lincoln where they upent the day. taking their dinner with them and picnicking in the park during the day. Among those who went to the park for the outing were Simon Kebmeyer and tbe family. A. 11. Kt miner und family. Frank I,. Kd wards and family, Andrew Hrobst and family anil Mr. and Mrs. Herman J-. I!orn meier and the children. Much Corn Moving There were many shelling and de livering corn to the elevators in Alvo during the past week and the flow continues very liberal. In fact the elevator men and especially Simon Kebmeyer, are being worked pretty bard in looking after the receiving and shipping out of the grain. Dur ing the past week Simon has receiv ed and shipped corn from the follow- i"g persons: Carl Lewis. Frank M. ,,..,.,,,.,,, i'i,rlj Neben. Win. J. Alt bouse. W. K. Fair liebl and many others, ami the stream still keeps coming. Gave Excellent Moving Picture At the Methodist church basement on last Sunday evening was given a moving picture entitled "The Stream of Life." which was ween by a large house, the capacity of the room be ing taxed to its greatest r.pace. The picture was a veritable picture of life with its pleasant utrctches of water. Its turbulent places, its fords, it;; whirl pools and its sand beaches with the pleasant lands along the side and finally emptying into that blistful sea of peace and contentment at the end, just at sundown. Will Visit Atbor Lodge The Woman's Heading club is ar ranging to hold its next meeting at Arbor l.otlge. at Nebraska City, which is a state park now. They will go on Thursday. June 3rd. which is a most opportune time ami an excellent place for holding their meeting as a store of Nebraska history can bo obtained from the guides who con duct visitors through the building and grounds and give a very vivid description of the early days of Ne braska in their lectures. All the News Subscribers to the Journal do not have to depend on any other paper to get all tht Cass county news. The publication of regular departments representing Alvo. Murdock Mauley. iSrecuwood. Murray. 1'nioti and Ne hawka. as well as the more important bapeulpns;s at Cedar Creek. Avoca. Klmwood. Fagle and Weeping Water, makes the Journal cover Cuss county like the dew. Yet the subscription price of the Semi-Weekly Journal is no more than any small town weekly paper in the county. All the county scat news, plus are happenings of your own community are available at only $2 per year. If you are not now a subscriber. Join the growing list of readers by banding your $2 to the Journal's field representative. M. S. Mriggs. Teachers for Coming Year The teachers for the Alvo consoli dated and high school have been duly elected and secured for the coming year, and are as follows: Superin tendent, l'rof. Snengreit. who conies well recommended from Lincoln: Principal. Miss Jessie Krandt. who is well known to the parents and schol ars, having been here during the past year; Assistant Principal. Miss Miss Flizabeth director and in structor in music, while Miss Cus tafson will have charge of the do mestic science depart meut. coming from Omaha. The grades will be in charge of Misses Yerla Kossnogle. Dhuiche Sexton. Knda Wood and Fern Sams, who comprise the balance of an excellent coterie of instructors. Koy Clarke will look after the build ing heitiir retained in the canacltv of janitor. TOR SALE The Sophia Senator farm, four miles west aud five miles north of Murray. See F. O. Fgeuberger riattsmouth. No need to borrow your ueiirhbjr's Notice of School Meeting The annual meeting of tbe legal voters of School District No. 102 of Cass county, Nebraska, will be held at the hih school auditorium at Alvo on Wednesday, June 14, 1926, at 8 o'clock p. n., for the purpose of voting an appropriation of $10,500 for Hchool purponeH, which is in ex cess of the levy, and for the trans rwilon of toifh other business as mav it i i In vefnll v enine before them. II. I.. UOUNKMKIKK, nil 7-3 1 Alvo Secretary. LOCAL Dr: Heineman, Dentist, Hotel Main Bldg., Phone 527. Dr. H. C. Leopold, Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon, Phone 203. From Thursday's Dully . Marriage license was issued yes terday at the otlice of County Judge A. 11. Duxbury to V. C. Newman. Jr.. and Miss Lydia. Slohlmann, both of Ijouisvillc. Mrs. M. V. Nicholson and tson. Victor, of Valentine, Nebraska, who have been here visting at the home of Mrs. I. J. Flynii and family for a short time, departed this morning for their home in the northwest part j of the state. John McKay, assessor of Weeping Water precinct anil Henry Knell, assessor of Weeping Water city were here today making their returns to the county assessor and while in the city Mr. McKay called at the Jour nal and advanced his subscription to the semi-weekly edition of the paper. From Frblay'M Daily Henry Knabe and son, Kdward, of! near Nehawka. were lure today at--tending to some mattcru of business. Dr. J. F. llrendel of Murray was" here today for a few hours attend-1 ing to some matters of business audi visiting with friends. Kli Smith, well known resident of nori beast of Union, was lu re yester day for a few hours attending to some matters of business and visiting with his aciiuaint;uices in the county peat. Mrs. Catherine Nolting and daugh ter. Miss Klizabeth. were among those going to Omaha this morning where they will spend a few hour. visiting with Mrs. Adam Kaflenbcr ger at tht Unmanned hospital. From Saturday's 1'aily Mrs. Will Stoll and nn. Elmer, of mar Nehawka, were here last evening to enjoy the graduation exercises at the high school. Henry Shoemaker and son, Fred, of near Nehawka w;it lure today for u few luurs attendiug to some matters of business at the court house. Henry Slander of near South liend was here today for a few hours at tending to some matters of business at the court house and visiting with friends. Adam Meisinger ami wife and Mrs. Charles Olson and children Warren and llelg.i. were here today for a few hours attending to some matters of business. Mrs. licit ie l'.eckner and Mrs. Wil liam Patterson of Murr.iy. were here last evening to attend th. graduation exercises of t'.ie high school, their nck-e. Miss Mildred Fleming, being among the graduatis. J. M. Hoover, the assessor of Louis ville precinct and C rover C. ltoheck. assessor of Nehawka precinct were here today for ii few hours attend ing to some matters at the otlito of County Assessor W. 11. Puis. C. F.. Hochnor and wife and sen. (Iran villi, of Nehawka. were beiv last evening to attend the gradua tion exercises of the Plattsmouth city schools, their neice and cousin. Miss Mildreil Fleming being among the graduates. William Fbinger. who is attend ing the Creighton university at Oma ha came down last evening for a short visit and this afternoon in com pany with Stuart Chase departed lor IMainvlew. the home of Mr. Kbinger for a visit there. POLITICAL AN NOUNCEMENTS P. L. HALL IViuocratti candidate ftr State Treas urer. Stands for a progressive and economic administration in support of farmer and producer. For County Treasurer I hereby announce my candidacy for uom'natlon for the office of Coun ty Treasurer, subject to the vote of the republican party at the pritnarv election August 10. 1 2 1 . 1 am a graduate of the Kim wood hii;h school, a student of tho state university, but did not complete course, as 1 stonoJ to serve in the World war. Since re turning. 1 have been manager for the ! Farmers Klevator Co.. at KlmwooJ. i I shall appreciate your considera tion ot my camltdaov for this place. JOHN K. TTKXKK. Khnwood. Ncbr. Tor County Sheriff ! hereby ar !'o::-.v. myst If ;s s jcautwe..uo i r iio.ninauou tor County Sheriff, subject to the voters of tio j ' republic n party at the primaries on t August ll. li'.C. i ..... ... .i Minuiu i oe seieciett jer it'.is p.s- iitou, i suau eiuieavor to eiLrce the c law without fear or partiality. li t ;this suit you. will be ploael tori ,your support. Muuld you not waur iao laws entorce.t. tetter u ;tor u.e. 1 fcv 1U i-a x vet c. hi i;iy fine 1 was 14 t ars ei m I SKK'r REED. NEWS Leading Lady Four Years; Here Thursday Night "The Gocse Hangs High" to Ee Pre sented at Parmele Theatre Next Thursday, June 3. Charming Miss Agnes McDermott completes her fourth year with tin jCreigiiton university drama! ic club players as hading lady of the club in tin li n a 1 piodiction of "Tbe (ioose Hangs High which will lie present ed in l'ialtsmoiith Thursday night June 3. at S p. m. at the I'armt v theatre. Hy her sweet and wtdl modulated voice and her powers of expression. Miss McDermott has held her position as leading lady for four years, a unliiue record in dramatic Miss Agnes McDermott. circles. She has shown her versatil I ity in tbe following plays: "What Happened to Jones." "Stop Thief '"The Fortune Hunter." "Turn to the might." "Dulty." "The Copperhead." jam! "The (loose H.ings High." ) Put Miss McDormott's talents art not limited to the legitimate stag.7 alcue. She holds the enviable record in the dub of being the one most frenuently mentioned in the con gratulatory letters received from radio fans after the broadcasting o? one ot the c!ut s ramous plays over radio. In fact, one lonely soul was .;o charmed by her marvelous per formance of "Pulcy" that he wrote in saying he would bo one of nature's happiest sons it" he could but hear Miss McPorniett's voice each morn ing at the opposite end of the break fast table. It is not with her voice alone that Miss McHcrnno; t harms. Her heart breaking smile and pi t tty. soft brow n hair captioning a slim, dainty little figure aid her i:i no small way in the captivating of her audiences. She is all re:i;-.t nu nt a:.d grace w hen refinement and grace are needed to M , tht character she is pugnacious she is s playing or peact ul as the situation demands: power to make her or try just as she she has the audience lau;-.h wills it. Above all Miss McHerinett is a lady of true characttr and training. She is as charming and phasing a little lady as well oT the stage as on it. She will appear supported by the follow irg cast of well seasoned players: Cast of Characters. Pern. ltd in.ils Clifford Kyeberg Kunice Herby Louise Patttn Noel Derby Thomas Clonn Jul'.. Murdoik Mildred baffle ('tunny Helen Foley Hug'a lnga'.s John J. Cii!. Jr. llonuld Murdock William McCarthy Lois Instils Agues MtHerniott Pradley lngals tluy tladbols Hagmar Carroll Fthcl Oliverius Klliott K i m be r ! y , K .i y :r. o .nl C. i b bo n s Seats will be on sale ouch evening at the theatre t'rvn. t:S0 to i'too. Kntire ;U wn stairs T.'c. balcony 50c gallery, unrese: veil i..C. VOLCANO SMOKING rr.uriio: FEAXED Tokio. M;:y new ,-p:.pt r N k aid a :i s i he erupted Mo:,, life. s'.lU w as A tapatch ta the , ct V fro Hok-I Vv ;.t v . no Tokacht. which iiu heaw Io-js or ! . : . : Cireate it'.;; t anesa.iv.i U h OCv :! o dents ta -.dons of smoke fear it-ore erup re: i.ts Ue-vu w , 'sr rk w is tlii'uuit ei win; to detv - t d fail uve of eUcttic li. it- .;:.! e-or ;. -..tious. I Ti e los-s of hf.- is t;-,tim.it.d u::ob j fu-UUy a: tK but this may be n! xag.rauou. I l fc i , ", S .- t vb f ! w ! I -" i y , ' r 3 ' t I ' . , , i ' .V'V.-ni . , v.-.' .;,."... 1 , 1. h ts; V v t.t k J s , if F"v - 3 ss kiT ) jr t ' 9. vi -.Na.N fc : . i .. 4 ; -. , . I " - ,V I ' t Vk - . t - v. , k .. : . . ; . .-.. " ... . $ . s. -. . VISITS SCOUT CAMP From Saturdays Dally i Miss Marie Kaufmann, one of the members of the local high school faculty and who was formerly a resi- ; dent of Cedar Creek, yesterday after noon enjoyed a trip out to the old i time home aud while in that local ! ity visited the Hoy Scout tamp at the edge of the town and located near the two lakes that are so popu lar in the summer season with the tourists. 1 Tho Scouts are having one of the times of their lives Miss Kaufmann states and have a real camp and en joying to the limit the days spent out in the open with their exer cises, hikes, tishing and bat h ing and other or the sports that makes the great outdoors one of the strongest , appeal to the youth of the land. j While at the camp Miss Kaufmann ( enjoyed a dinner with the Scouts tRat they had prepared themselves and reports the menu of beefsteak, eggs and other substantial food as being prepared in fine shape by the boys and ferved in real camp style on the mess kits of the boys. Miss Kaufmann took a number of moving pictures of the camp and the activities of the boys that will make a permanent record of the happy camp days and which Miss Kaufmann will show later as a part.; of the school iilms that she has ar-! ranged. GOLDEN WEDDING . j f ii 1 1 for the school work here. Fiity years ago. on May 23rd oc-, , poRer Js f hpr enrrcMl the marriage of Mary- htta homp at Mlor(, for a few wt.eks and Myers to John Llton Kron er at the.,,, h California for a short (ft tlie Lydia Myers, at Avon. 111. On Sunday last they celebrated their golden wedding, which day was also Mrs. Krcider's 72nd birthday. Five of their seven children were present to assist in the celebration, two sons, Paul of Oregon, and Alon zo, of Havelock, being unable to at tend. A bountiful luncheon was served cafeteria style, the bride's cake, beautiful in gold and white, being baked by her granddaughter, Mabel Priutz. Snowballs, being their wedding flower, there were a great many love ly bouquets. (lathering around the piano, the children and grandchildren sang the favorite songs of the parents. It was a happy family gathering. although the absent sons were great ly misstd. Those present were: Ernest and son. of Nebraska City; Ray and fam ily, of Omaha: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Priutz and family, and Mr. and Mrs Art liotfman and family and Miss Luella. Tbe many frit nds of the Kreider family join in wishing the old people many returns of this anniversary Weeping Water lit publican. LIEHAUY liOTES As the of books change i: seasons change so the class usid by the reading public '.ho. The books people like for summt r reading seem quite differ- "i:t than the on.s used in the fall and winter. The over increasing number or books made neee.-sary tho purchase of a new catalog case, which has been received :jm1 installed. Urea tor need is arising all the time for books on local work. We find it iiiH.vsi'ili to purchase- r..l that is wanted. In one instance the librarian borrowed books on upholstering from the Omaha public librarv to supply a ne .1 for that work. iwo new books on electrical en gineering and one medical dictionary have boon supplied by the gift of the Woman's club. The medical diction ary is a nook given a prominent place in many libraries raid fills a long felt need here. Countess do Aulr.avs fairv tales for the first time presented to En iith readers in their integrity, in this edition is another of the new books on the shelves. lie Sesquicentennial rgarding wiu.ii tin' Journal had an article m recent issue tiding of Sept. 1 as Ne braska day is making much of library work ami everv effort is be- .g made to shew the wonderful rowth and oiluienevy of the modern public library. Instead of the Travel club which tb.e younger readers found so interest ing last summer, the librarian is or- tuizing a poetry club, and all who loin will find a great fascination in tit'iig.its of reading roetrv in a duo. Now tliMt the school work at the library is over for this term. the librarian an I the librarv board, have decided, tlx time has come to reno vate nnd redecorate the library. It lias been 10 years since the library was moved inti this building in all tin time nothing of the kind has been done. For sanitary reasons as well as appearances it is necessary at this tinu. Hids were submitted .-ad a contract let for the work. In order to do this it will be necessary to ch'so the library for IU days starling June 7. Further notice will be given of this closing -al to allow extra books to be for use during this time. -o the plan taken out BABIES JOINED TOGETHER South Lend. lnd.. M.:y 27.- -Gaining a pound in weight since their birr, a Saturday. Lucy and Hossie Medich. joined together at the ab do'uen with their heads at cither end and tlieir backbone- continuous from one to the other, seemed as healthy today as infants of their age can be. uysiciaus wei more cenvinced taan )v,'r te twins are likely to en- e- tho horror of living, alt ho they ... 1 1 . . . . . ...... w ' ine 10 spo'i't taeir ej.iu e lying on their mutual and contin uous back. er both lie face down.trd. PhvKi;UtS exidai'ie.t that the spinal coUimn of the infants had a curvature of ubout Sv) degivs so that f they siv beut upward they would flkV cach ether. - lose athia? Aivertioe fcr it! School Folks Off on Vacation for the Summer Many Will Enjoy Visits at Home and Others Take Up Special Train ing During; the Summer From Saturday's Dally The close of school has Jjrought with it the vacation period for the school pupils and a few of t .e mem bers of the teaching force of the city schools, but the larger portion will spend their time in taking up spec ial courses of study and preparing for the coming year's work. While a large number of the teachers have not made permanent plans, there are several who are already starting out on their summer rest period. I Lcroy S. Fager, music supervisor of the schoola, is now entowr with the members of the Wesleyan Glee; club, and will later in the summer j take a short trip to the w est coast to I visit with friends. J. W. l'oynter, principal of the' high school, will enjoy a short travel period, but the greater part of the! time will be spent in tin's city. i I Fritz Hothert, athletic coach, and' W. I). McM-'han, commercial teach-) i'r, will attend the Peru summer I school in working on special studies for a degree and will return in the of the '1111. IU till, UJt. "Ili3 fall term of school. I A number of the teachers are en Joying the summer at their homes in j resting. Miss Delores IJosse, is at Meadow drove: Miss Isabel Welch, Kearney; Miss Esther Delzell, Peru; Irving Wiltse, Falls City; Miss Cor delia Fields. Nebraska City; Miss Mary Eastwood, Auburn; Miss Pearl Ciiiilliott, Auburn; Misses Marion and Mildred Walker, Mason City; Miss Nettie Hawksworth. JJurlington, la.; Miss Alice Waters. Lincoln, and tb.e Misses Florence Frahn and Lucy (loll. P.lue Hill. Nebraska. . C Woodward, physical train it g teacher, will be at the summer sc hool of the University of Wiscon-1 sin. taking special work in physical training. Misses Marie Svohoda and Anna Uys and R. U. Felton will be at the University of Nebraska summer school tt) take up special work. The other teachers of the school who reside here will enjoy a short rest from the ardor of the winter term of school and a large number of these will probably later take spec ial summer school work at the Uni versity of Nebraska and the Univer sity of Omaha. Miss Ethelyn Wiles, who has been the secretary of the school will spend the summer in Idaho with relatives ami friends. The close of the year ha3 also seen the departure of the out-of-town stu dents, many of whom have been mak ing their homes with relatives or friends in Plattsmouth during the past nine months. SUFFERS AUTO ACCIDENT From Saturday's Paily Last evening a number of Platts mouth young men were out enjoying an auto trip to Louisville and on their return one of the party, Ed ward Patterson was the victim of a very painful and annoying accident that will make it necessary for him getting around by the way of crutches fn the next few days. The Plattsmouth party were rid ing in the Ford coupe of Gerald Smith and as the car was loaded to its capacity. Edward Patterson decided to ride on the running board of the car on the return trip from Louis ville and thereby hangs the story of the accident. The Plattsmouth boys were coming home and on the highway several miles west of the1 city Gerald noticed a car approch- ing from the direction of Plattsmouth and he states that he turned over to the right of the road as far as possible to pass the car as Patter son was on the Ion side running board. The approaching car how ever came on and crowuea me car of Smith, grazing the side of the tenders of the Ford and catching the foot of Edward and lacerating it tiuite badly. The car. which tae local boys state resembled a Dodge touring did not slacken its speed and continued on its way the driver ap parently net realizing that he had an accident or not caring. The party drove on to this city and medical aid was secured for Edward who was found to be suffering from a very severe gash on the right ankle that required some fifteen stitches to close up and the result of the accident will be that Edward will have to propell himself around with the aid of crutches. CANDIDATE FOR TREASURER The state papers are announcing the candidacy of J. L. Barton of 2S20 K strevt, LineoIn. for the oflice of the state treasurer on the repuo- lican ticket at the primary election on Tuesday, August 10th. Mr. Bar ton is well known in Cass county where he served as county treasurer from ISDH to 104 and was a resi- dent of Greenwood when he was .ie-ti ro the countv office. After; the completion of his term of office here Mr. Barton and family removeu to Lincoln where they have since made their home and where Mr. Bar ton has been engaged in the real estate business since that time. The msnv old time friends here will be very" much interested in learning of t,i,n,ti,t.11-v. ! unto , Business stationery, programs aaa all kinds of job printing at the Jour nal efTice. ! Poultry Wanted! Wednesday, June 2nd Plattsmouth, Nebraska A car load of live poultry wanted to be delivered at poultry car near the Purlington freight house, Platts mouth. WEDNESDAY, June 2, one day only for which we will pay the following Cash Prices Hens, per lb 22c Broilers, per lb 28c Old Cox, per lb 9c Ducks, per lb 15c Leghorn Poultry, 5 lb. less Farmers, Notice The fact that we ship in carload lots direct to the New York market enables us to pay the very top price for your poultry. We have been coming to Platts mouth a long time, and you know cur reputation for fair dealing. V. E. KEENEY The Old Eeliable Buyer THEATER CHAIN FORMED TOR PICTURE PREMIERS New York. A corporation to I build and operate special moving picture theaters in 20 of the largest cities in the United States, which will be reserved for the premiers of feature pictures produced by several of the principal companies has been organized under the laws of Mary land. Representatives of some of the largest interests in "the industry signed the incorporation application, according to an announcement made here by Joesph M. Schenck, a pro ducer, and one of the organizers. The proposed capitalization of tiie chain was said by Mr. Schenck to be ?64.000,000. Associated with him. he announced, are Lee Shubert, Douglas Fairbanks, Mary Pickford and Sid ney Grauman. The title will be the United Artists Theater Circuit, Inc., and Mr. Grauman, who is the owner of a large theater in Los Angeles. will be president, according to Mr. Schenck. ATTENDS FUNERAL HERE Saturday afternoon Addison Boe deker. of near Nehawka. and son, E. J. Boedeker and the family were in Plattsmouth. coming to attend tho funeral of the late Mrs. A. F. I'loetz. and were accompanied by Frank Boedeker. i who is in ch?rg of the bank at Craig, which is in the hands of the receivers, and which Mr. Uoj deker is again getting on its f ct again. Mr. Boedeker with the fam ily had driven down from Craig to Nehawka to spend Decoration dav. as the bank was observing tlie holiday. FILES SUIT IN COURT From Saturday s Dally This morning an action was filed in the office of the clerk of the dis trict court entitled the Ashland Lum ber Co.. vs. Charles E. Stroy, et ul. The action is to recover the sum of $1,125.10 alleged to be due the plain tiff for material furnished the de fendants for the erection of a house. MYNARD AID SOCIETY The Mynard Aid society will meet on Thursday afternoon. June 3rd, at the home of Mrs. Myron Wiles, with Mcsdames B. W. Livingston, John Vallery and John Livingston as as sistant hostesses. The leader of tlu meeting will be Mrs. .'Joy Cote. ORDER OF HEARING Notice on Petition for Set tlement of Account. and In the County Court of Cass coun tv. Nebraska. " State of Nebraska. Cass county, ss. To all persons interested in tin tiid nr iiPiirietti N. Halmes. de ceased : On reading the petition of Chris Moikenhaupt praying a final settle ment and allowance of his account tiled in this Court on the 2Jtli day of Mav. lf'2'5. and far the discharge of himself as Administrator; It is hereby ordered that you and all person.; interested in said matter msy. at d do. appear at the County Court to be held in and for sail county, on the Sth day of June, A. D. 1 9 2 1. at 10 o'clock a. m.. to show cau-?e. if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner shouia not be granted, and that notice of the nendencv of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all per sons interested in said matter, by publishing a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county, for one week prior to said day of hearing. hearing lD w itness whereof, I have here hand and the seal of set my said Court, this 29th day of May, A. D 1&26. A. 11. nt'XBlTRY. County Jud . (Seal) m31-lw