The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 17, 1926, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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MONDAY, MAT 17, 192G.
"Che plattemoutb lournal
stared at PostoClca. Flattamoutb. Neb. a tcoad-cla mail matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Noivote on farm bills before Sat
urday. :o:
Remember Bargain Day, Wednes
day, the 26th.
Every baseball player is either a
hero or a villian.
bill amendments
Senate approves rail
measure 69 to 13.
It is a familiar circumstance of
politics that a president's difficulties
usually reach their climax near the
middle of his second term. Though
Mr. Coolidge has been elected but
once, he served so large a part of the
Harding term that, politically speak
ing, he is much the same as one who,
having been twice chosen to office, ap
proaches the closing biennium of an
eight-year rule. Evidence of his
waning influence among party lead
ers at Washington are reported from
voted the capita-
j The conspicuous fact is that neither
at Washington nor back home has the
labor peace slogan, "Stand by the President!" any
' further potency. For a republican to
be known as a friend and supporter
human nature does the crazy ones.
You have to pay a lot of taxes,
but there are more you don't have to
he finds out where
traveling ends.
lie submits himself
through a microscope
himself to be caught in a fit of pas- lose in a three-cornered fight.
Every rain is a wet victory in this
part of the country. .
Another little need of the times is
to get the bonds of matrimony back
to par.
Government hauls flour into Lon
don under guard. Troops escort Lor
ries from docks.
One of the hardest things to dis
cover, is a hole in a pair of those
flesh colored hose.
America is proud that it was one
of her sons who got the first Byrd's
eye view of the North Pole.
Strike's legality is questioned by
British officials there ought not to
be any legality on any strike that is
done to injure.
"Byrd flew without fear" Head-
linge. Yes, and he is a Byrd to be
really proud of, and the United States' An officer who is elected by the peo
is proud of him. j pie to serve the people honorably and
:o: j sufficiently and does not do it, should
The new dry agent in this district be renioved without ceremonv.
The hottest summer in history is of the president has become a doubt
always the one just ahead. f ul asset.
:o: I If any republican in congress is
Nature performs queer tricks, but entitled to be called a Ccolidge man
Senator William B. McKinley of Ill
inois is; yet in the primary a short
time ago he was refused a renomina
tion. Indiana nominates Senators
I Watson and Robinson who seek to
make a virture of their rebellion
the path he is a&ainst the Coolidge leadership on
tne world court issue. The Pennsyl
vania primary follows the Indiana
to be seen vote ana mere senator Pepper, aj
who suffers Coolidge adherent, appears likely to
We Guarantee This Stops
Women ia our community -will be de
lighted to hear this. For now their
chicks can all survive the deadly period
of bowel trouble. Half a century of
practical experience with poultry reme
dies made it possible. For Pratts White
Diarrhea Tablets now guarantee life
to chicks. Just put in the drinking
water from the first drink. We guaran
tee them or your money returned.
ft$? White
To Our Customers: 7T stand behind Pram
H kite Iiiarrkea Tablets unconauionaijy. H e
guarantee ttiat they prevent Uti duecue r your
money u returneJ.
Sold and Guaranteed by
On the whole the British Gazette, j
t rin o-nrorn motif G pnu-cnanor mipht
be more valuable as a source of in
' formation about the strike if it has
fewer 4-minute speeches by Lord Ox
ford and Asquith. '
! :o:
i Work is now being slowly resumed
, throughout England, but still many
differences to be adjusted before in
dustry can be in full swing again.
'j Helen Maloney speaks her mind.
Though nominally republican by;
large majorities in bothe branches, ! The Brooklyn eirl thinks the young
Some people desire to loaf all day congress cannot be depended on to i.v, flr1 not frpttintr i c,ia rfpal
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, S3.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Alida A. Blair, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I
will sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth in said county, on the
1st day of June, 1926, and on the 1st
day of September, 1926, at ten o'clock
a. m.. of each day, to receive and
examine all claims against said es
tate, with a view to their adjustmen
and allowance. The time limited for
the presentation of claims
said estate is three months from the
1st day of June. A. D. 1926, and th
time limited for payment of debts is
one year from, said 1st day of June
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 7th day
May, 1926.
(Seal) ml0-4w County Judge
of Remaining Assets of Bank of Cass
County, riattsmouth, Nebr.
In the District Court in and for
I the County of Cass, State of Ntbras-
In the District Court of Cass coun-jka.
ty, Nebraska. To the defendants: Louden Mullin;
State of Nebraska, ex rel, Clarence Barbara E. Mullin; John Dempster;
A. Davis, Attorney General, Plaintiff,' Dempster, real name un-
vs. Bank of Cass County, Platts- known, wife of John Dempster; An
mouth, Nebraska, Defendant. selmo B. Smith; Smith, real
Notice i3 hereby given by virtue name unknown, wife of Anselmo 11.
of an Order of Sale duly made and Smith; Chicago, Burlington & Quincy
entered in the above entitled cause Railroad Company, a corporation;
by the Honorable James T. Begley, jthe heirs, devisees, legatees, personal
Judge of the District Court of the j representative and all other persona
Second Judicial District of Nebraska 'interested in the estates of the fol
held within and for Cass county, on! lowing named deceased persons: Lou-
the 24th day of April, 1926, the
undersigned receiver will sell at the
den Mullin, Barbara E
John Dempster,
unknown, wife
on Petition for Appointment of
Saturday, but Lave to work till noon.! carry out any major Coolidge policy from the government. So she address-',. "
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
inats an rigm nan a loai is uener at tne present time. Midwest insur-
than none at all. j gency has forced the administration
:o: I to the espousal of farm measures to
A geologist says Mauna Loa is a which the president was definitely op
comparatively young volcano. Per- posed at the beginnIng of the session. i
haps when it becomes of age it will The administration rail program is in
enate the doldrums. The interstate com-
es a letter to I'resicient caivin looi
idge that reads like this:
"I represent girls with a grievance.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate
Valentine Tomazewski, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition
run for the
is an expert mathematician and there-'
We are dissatisfied with the way the ;0f Frances Tomazewski, praying that
government treast girls. "We think administration of said estate may be
girls are just as important to this granted to John Tomazewski, as Ad
i , ministrator;
cuumr us urns uiiu uift snuuiu it- , , !, A n
A . ! i uiunru. mat. iuaj, . f
mimnee w me woaic, ceive tne ramo opportunities from the'ls26. at ten o'clock a. m., is assign
against tne wisnes or the nite government that boys do. ed for hearing said petition, when
House, votes to take radio control out, "But they don't get them the way all persons interested in said matter
of the hands of Secretary Hoover. hi,c tv,. r-rt mav appear at a county Lourt to oe
t things are now. The government
On the other hand, congress turns takes and trains thousands of boys
The pretender to the throne of
a deaf ear to Mr. Coolidge's recom-
held in and for said county, and
show cause why the prayer of peti
every summer at citizens training ,tioner should not be granted; and
rrnnM frnm th. Pnn3nnrt lino is mendation that the Shipping Board be rnmn? f,r, Anv hnv ran rn thprp and !that notice of the pendency of said
rrnr?ini7Pri n sor nnc t iniip-tit i , ..... j neimon aim mtr iifaiuiK uiriciu ut
1 J .-v . . - - . - n'l Pn lit I, IL-n I' 1 T I 1 T 1 L 11 1 "11 'I II II h.llf-111
given his plan for reorganizing the
fore highly qualified to determine
:o: dead. At that, he isn't much worse
May heaven help the linotype oper- off than the monarchs he has left be
ators if Wales and China ever get in hind
a war together. We almost favor a
league of nations to prevent this war. A scientist says that a New York appears to be no chance whatever
:o: j subway is no noisier than the street that his proposal for a universal draft
It is estimated that the strawberry level, but that fear makes it seem will emerge in legislation. There are
.'executive department which he h3s
(repeatedly urged on congress. There
"What does the government do for 1V rmhlishinjr a rnnv of this
'order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a
crop in the Ozark region will be worth noisier. But what is it that the sub-' only
$20,000,000. The first shipment of way crowds are afraid of?
12 cars was made Tuesdaj from Van) :o:-
Buren. - . ..
a few of the important items
"Besides, these bovs at college are semi-weekly newspaper printed in
said county, tor tnree successive
weeks, prior to said day of hearing.
Dated May 5th. 1926.
(Seal) ml0-3w County Judge
kicking at something they get for
nothing, while girls in the same uni
versities go out and practice ri3e
shooting on their own time and ex-
I which Mr. Coolidge has brought to pense without any encouragement or
I the attention cf congress only to be
The Missouri State department ofi ignored or rejected,
labor at Jefferson City has estimated; For a moment at least the Cool-
that 75.000 pickers will be needed idge leadership has disappeared. Re
from the government
, "Still, it seems girls are not worth
bothering about. After showinsr their
. ty. ss.
on Petition for Appointment of
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
. ss.
In the County Court.
tions." We
told him there was no
The whole world's birthrate Is de
clining but it's nothing to be alarmed
at when we consider that an increas
ing number of those who are born
live to grow old.
' titude of neutrality toward the fight
A fellow asked us the other day to
.... .. . .. : ii. - n o . . - . -
( . n ii . m . . , frnPAn i-n-i ttv it.AjiTi "ma i iti ;i ill in I mi i tilt iszn s i I ii w - mm Qnc in rtn irract: n i t-i ini. ri , . . . .. . . .
mi 1 11 ii i m i t iii m i n r n , a n.unj . ii v , 1 1. iiu n: nil mil i i (i cs i rp to develop iiimseives inevj
... ... .. . . . . . 'l., Z n ,1, i f -i li'L . t t rr- i i . i I
tiai relations - ana "mariiai reia-.i., vi. m ai.. ;iue i.ue nuuse. 1 ne presiueni s at- fin,i that oniv the wonderful voune in tho mior of thP Pstate
men are given the chance to go to Howell R. Knowles, Deceased.
On reading and filing the petition
end. maybe they'd reach from the' ,f . mem lo f n ctQT1,1 , " ' " , ' '.... .....'of Robert G. Knowles praying that
Administration of said estate may be
riicrc tUc TiospitalUij
o tlxc old South,
meets the generosity
of tKe nevoWest in
the'Kcart of onierica
T 11 A. 1 a1 12J J
n an tue maicues vere laiu eua to in thp Illinojs primary indicated that c f T tht. cm
maybe they'd reach from the' vpn if n,. nf ,.,,, ..,,,; " ' ' .
parth to trip moon And. if thpv did. t i. ..... .
it, k0 " e It was just like r, White House sec- Vranted to P. L. Hall, Jr., as Admin-
ii v. ii. .,1.1 iu. on the administration standing by him retary. opening the main, to observe istrator:
ever naa witn any otner planet. when the storm clouds gather. If th? frn, rrt r,i i Ordered, that June 1st. A. D. 1926
:o: 1 n,r.c;,i0nt ,,-;n ii, i, ... . . st 10 o clock a. m.. is assigned for
A week from today is the great
Legion convention. Let us all put on
jour bib and tucker and look as nice
and dean as we possible can, for it
will be a great day for Plattsmouth.
Five f-ets of twins in a negro -family
residing near Clinton, Mo., is a
piece of news calculated to cause the
shade of Theodore Roosevelt to rise
from the grave and give a lusty shout.
: o .
women already have shown remark-
president will not look out for the
regulars, ine regulars must iook out ai,e proficiency in shooting.
for themselves. j :o:
All of which is familiar enough in' "csunr Tm? ctt
ill, llfc A W -lb lUlfclll
, mid-term politics, though perhaps it;
is emphasized in the present case a -I he Dovey section. Will sell in one
M I V A " 111 Ul 1U, L yj fillil UllllULIi
partisan. Wilson finished his term
See or write
v.ith a hostile congress, after making,
the monumental blunder of his career;
in asking the country for a friendly ! 2220 Howard
one. Taft lost the house in the middle j
of his one term. Cleveland lost both '
Omaha, Nebr.
A mistrial results if the trial judge
i i crops to slppn on the hpneh. nernnlmp
Writers are hesitating to estimate uou:?es- !
. , .i. .-l. i What thi mv nrpesiPo fnr romih to a recent German ruling. Love may
in dollars oy pounds the millions that vvnat mis may pressage tor repuo-
are being lost in the British strike,-lican senators and representatives yet Dut Justice mun t.
but nobody seems to be in the least to engaged in primary fights in doubt
doubt as to who will have to pay for,ful states and districts would be diffi
cult to say. Obviously, no one can
count on a renomination and re-elec-
hearing said petition, when all per
sons interested in said matter may
appear at a County Court to be held
in and for said county, and show
cause why the prayer of petitioner
should not be granted; and that no
tice of the pendency of said petition
and the hearing thereof be given to
all persons interested in said matter
by publishing a copy of this order
in the riattsmouth Journal, a semi-
weekly newgpaper printed in said
county, for three successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing.
Dated May 7th. 1926.
(Seal) ml0-3w County Judge
Dr. John A. Griffin t
Office Hours: 9-12; 1-5.
Sundays and evenings
by appointment only.
Soenaichsen Building
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty. ss.
Mussolini is sounding the empire tion on the strength of his having up-! In the County Court.
(cin ht ho hri hpttc -nrxtr-u thp held the leader of his party. He must In the matter of the estate of i
l 1 11 UUl 11V 11MU WVVIV1 IUli.l HIV, - - 4lrtTT'C, 1 1
cret some strnnwr talking nnint thnn rt'"ea nriSiii, ut-it-d&t-u
antitoxin. Mussolini says destiny
pushing him along. Destiny gave a
man named Napoleon a poke in the
Every now and then you read of;
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska
In the matter of the estate of
Mary E. Thompson, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that in pur
suance of an order- of Hon. James
T. Begley, Judge of the District
I Court of said Cass county, Nebraska,
day of April,
- i
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that
will sit at the County Court room in 'made on the 24th
riattsmouth m said county, on June; 1926, for the sale of the real estate
7, 1926, and September 8, 1926, at hereinafter described, there will be
10 o'clock a. m.. each dav. tr rpppivp'snld at the south front door of the
unknown to iame, iiugn Jiunter an( examine all claims against said ' courthouse in Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
some lawyer being disbarred. And lay down in his farmhouse near Fer- estate, with a view to their adjust-Ion the 1st day of June, 1"26, at ten
vou never quite feel sorrv for hirj, gus Falls, Minn., and died at the mel- ment and allowance. The time lim- (o'clock a. m.. at public vendue to the
for he is paving the penalty of ui- low age of 79. Hunter became blind l'f l?.e Presentation of claims highest bidder for cash the follow
1 v - 6 v 3 . ,J1 , , against said estate is three months ing described real estate, to-wit: Lots
tan, ui uuiJiuicMiuiiai iuuum.1. x.. ... v,. i. .. nanu irom tne 4tn oay ot June, a. d. 1926, four (4), nve (5) ana six .), in
is an outstanding good thing abr-.t a farm, doing all the heavy drudgery and the time limited for payment of Block twenty-five (25), of South
the bar the disbarment proceeding that implies. With the eyes of his debts is one year from said 7th day . Park Addition to the City of Platts-
01 june, izb. moutn, reDrasKa.
Witnpss mv hand and tho opal rf riatod fhia 94th dav nf Anril. A
a he plowed, hoed, felled trees, grobbed sajd County Court, this 3rd day of D. 1926. '
II. DUXBURY. a26-4w Administrator.
Onnl mtn 4 ... , . t i
nliod f all hi.dnoosMt and the e-rowth of all lii-ino- thir . "'t m-iv-i w uuuiy juuge
is a protection both to the profession wife and children to guide his hands
and the" general public. Isn't It
shame there isn't some manner in stumps. He could not witness the May, 1926
which the same treatment can be a;- perennial miracle of bursting buds
auu t lie giuniu an living iuiuijs. '
He knew only the odors of the warm I
! soil ana the touch of the land. Yet.
in the darkness in which he moved The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
Hudson and
United States Tires!
Phone 58. Plattsmouth, Neb.
so bravely must have been conjured yT ss:.
. . TT j In the County Court.
up many iiuyp.y images, rie neeaea i
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
In the matter of the estate of . Michael J. Rys. deceased.
them to endure a life made up of daily Elizabeth Katherine Hild, deceased. To the creditors of said estate:
heroism. Hunter's story is a noble i To tne creditors of said estate: . j You are hereby notified, that I
sweeping saga within the limits of' .?i0" are hereby notified, that sit at the County Court room in
. . . , . will sit at the County Court room in Plattsmouth, in said county, on the
those small acres which so intimately Piattsmomh. in said county, on May 24th day of May. A. D. 1926 and on
belonged to him. 24th. 192C. and on August 25, 1926, 'the 25th day of August A. D. 1926,
:o: 'at 10 o'clock a. m., each day, to re- at 10 o'clock a. m. of each day, to
The wife of the mayor of New York ceve anc gamine all claims against receive and examine all claims
fit j uiu toia ic, nil u a lit n iiicii oaiuo v oai u coiaic. n itu j -
laij omciany Kisseu Dy me Durgo- justment and allowance. The time their adjustment and allowance. The
J master of Mons, Belgium. In fact, he limited for the presentation of claims time limited for the presentation of
: kissed her twice, and whether the against said estate is three months claims against said estate is t hree
I second kiss was official or not is ODen from the 24th day of May A- D- months from the 24th day of May,
I ' r 109C inH V,a. fmo limits fry, noir. i T 1Q9C o nl Idn ttrrya llmOarl f i-iT-
i . i . , aav, aim luc i. . xj i iiiuicw lui jia;" x.. j . u, iiuu t.uc t 1 1 1 - ii. uvu w
'ment of debts if one year from said payment of debts is one j-ear from
:o: 24th day of May, 1926. said 24th day of May, 1926. I
Daugherty is the man who is going: Witness my hand and the seal of' Witness my hand and the seal of
south door of the Court House in the 1 ster. real name
City of Plattsmouth, in the County 'of John Dempster, Anselmo B. Smith,
of Cass, Nebraska, at 3 o'clock p. m., Smith, real name unknown
on the 24th day of May, 1926, the; wife of Anselmo B. Smith; all per
following described property, being 'sons having or claiming any interest
the entire remaining assets of said j in the following described real es-
bank (save and except the liability J tate in Cass county, Nebraska, to-
of stockholders after assets
hausted) to-wit:
are ex-
24. SO
Being Notes Against Var
ious Persons.
J. P. Falter (Note secured
by real estate mortgage
on land in Polk county
on which foreclosure is
pending) $
Harvey, O. M. and C. A.
Parkening, W. E
Porter, W. B
Queen, E. R
Richardson, Floyd N
Richardson, C. F.
Sans. Walter
Snyder, George W
Interest in a note given by
Geo. W. Snyder for $3,-
500.00 held by Anna M.
R. J. Hall
The following judgments in Dis
trict Court of Cass county, as fol
lows, to-wit:
Mar. 16, 1922, Gus R. Olson,
Mar. 16. 1922, Ralph J. Hay
nie, $1,396.35.
Apr. 26, 1922, Chas. C. Par
niele. $10,409.75.
Mav 22. 1922, Nellie Parmele,
June 2S, 1922, W. R. Egen
berger, $1,677.25.
Nov. 20, 1919, F. II. Wynn,
$556. C9.
Feb. 27, 1924, W. B. Porter,
May 22, 1922. Leonard F.
Terryberry. $4,063.36.
Judgments in the Circuit Court of
Jackson county, Missouri:
September 27, 1922, Reitz,
Judgments in the County Court of
Cass county, Nebraska:
Apr. 12, 1922, R. Shrader,
June 26, 1922, Wash Young,
Febr. 17, 1922, W. B. Rishel,
Apr. 12, 1922, W. Parker,
Febr. 17, 1922. Percy Field,
June 19, 1922, W. F. Davis,
Tax Receipts on the W SWU and
the NE'i SWi,-i and the NWU
SEU of 26-16-1, Polk county Ne
braska $259.34
Balance due on Reese Hastain con
tract in settlement of Mrs. C. H. Par
mele judgment $300.00
The above assets will be offered
separately and also as a whole. A
full list of notes and other assets
will be found in the office of the
Clerk of the District Court of said
Said sale to be for cash, or as by
law provided, should the Guarantee
Fund Commission see fit to submit
bid or bids.
Dated this 3rd day of May, A. D
Receiver of Bank of Cass
County, Plattsmouth,
His Attorney.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
W. A. C. Johnson, Plaintiff, vs.
William H. McCord et al. Defendants.
To the Defendants: William H. Mc
Cord, and wife, M. J. McCord, real
name unknown; the heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the
respective estates of William II. Mc
Cord. deceased, and M. J. McCord,
deceased (real name unknown),
real names unknown; and all per
sons having or claiming any interest
in the SEU of the NE'i of Sec. 1.
Twp. 11 North of Range 13 East of
the 6th P. M., in Cass county, Ne
braska, real names unknown:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 8th day of May,
926, the Plaintiff filed his suit in
the District Court of Cass county, j
Nebraska, the object and purpose of j
which is to establish and quiet and the defendants and each nf them l.e
confirm plaintiff s title in and to the decreed to have no estate, title, right,
above described lands and to enjoin ciaim or interest of any kind in or
each and all of you from having or to anjr of 6ajd reaJ estate, or any
laiming to nave any rigni, tine, es- Dart thereof, and that the defendants
tate, lien or interest, either legal or and each of them and all persons
equitable in or to said real estate, or daiminc bv. through or under them.
any part thereof, and to enjoin you, be perpetually enjoined from claim
and each of you from in any man- ine or a8sertine anv lien unon. or
ner interfering with plaintiffs pos- anv rieht or title to. or Interest in
session or enjoyment of said prem-" Baid reai property, or any part there-
lses ana ior equuaoie renei. of. and for such other and further
This notice is given pursuant to relief as mav be iust and eauitahle.
an order of the Court. You are here- You and each of von nrp fnrthpr
by required to answer said petition notified that you are required to an
on or before Monday, the 21st day of Bwer said petition on or before the
June, 1926. In failing so to do, your 2Sth dav of June. A. n 1926
wit: Government Lot four (4) and
the southeast quarter (SE',4) of Sec
tion thirty-four (34), Township thir
teen (13), North of Range thirteen
(13), East of the 6th P. M.. and
Government Lot five (5) in said Sec
tion thirty-four (34), EXCEPTING,
however from the land above describ
ed the following described tracts of
hind, to-wit: FIRST All that part
of said Government Lot five (5) lying
northerly from a line beginning one
hundred twenty-six feet east of the
quarter section corner between Sec
tions thirty-four (34) and thirty-five
(35), Township thirteen (13), North
of Range thirteen (13), East of the
6th P. M., and running north twenty
four degrees and twenty-three min
utes (24 23") west to tho southerly
bank of the Platte river; SECOND
A strip of land one hundred fifty
(150) feet in width, it being seventy
five (75) fept wide on each side of
the center line of a dike as now built
on said land and upon which a rail
road may herealter be buiH; THIRD
All that part of the southeast quar
ter (SEU) of said Section thirty
four (34) lying between a line drawn
fifty feet distent and parallel with
and northerly from the center lino
of the present "Y" track of the Chi
cago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad
Company, and a line drawn seventy
five feet distant and parallel with
and northerly from the center line
of the main track of the said Chicago,
Burlington & Quincy Railroad Com
pany's Oreapolis and Ashland line;
FOURTH All that part of said land
hereinbefore described and conveyed
as lies south of the right-of-way of
the main track of the railroad of the
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Rail
road Company on its Oreapolis and
Ashland line, in the State of Nebras
ka; real names unknown:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 1st day of May.
A. D. 1926, Lyman Richey Sand and
Gravel Company, a corporation, filed
its petition in the District Court of
Cass county, Nebraska, as shown in
Appearance Docket , page ,
naming you and each of you as de
fendants, the object and prayer of
which said petition is to quiet the
title in the plaintiff to the following
described real property, to-wit:
Government Lot four (4) and
the southeast quarter (SEU) of
Section thirty-four (34), Town
ship thirteen (13), North of
Range thirteen (13), east of the
6th P. M., and Government Lot
five (5) in said Section thirty
four (34), EXCEPTING, how
ever, from the land above de
scribed the following described
tracts of land, to-wit FIRST
A 11 that part of said
Government Lot five (5) lying
northerly from a line beginning
one hundred twenty-six (126)
feet east of the quarter section
corner between Sections thirty
four (34) and thirty-five (35).
Township thirteen (13), North
of Range thirteen (13). East of
the 6th P. M., and running north
twenty-four degrees and twenty
three minutes (24 23") west to
the southerly bank of the Platte
river: SECOND A strip of land
one hundred fifty (150) feet in
width, it being seventy-five (75)
feet wide on each side of the
center line of a dike as now
built on said land and upon
which a railroad may hereafter
be built; THIRD All that part
of the southeast quarter (SEU )
of said Section thirty-four (34)
lying between a line drawn fifty
feet distant and parallel with
and northerly from the center
line of the present "Y" track
of the Chicago, Burlington &
Quincy Railroad Company, and
a line drawn seventy-five feet
distant and parallel with and
northerly from the center line
of the main track of the said
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy
Railroad Company's Oreapolis
and Ashland line; FOURTH
All that part of said land here
inbefore described and convey
ed as lies south of the right-of-of
the main track oC the railroad
way of the main track of the rail
road of the Chicago, Burlington
& Quincy Railroad Company on
Said petition further prays that
default will be entered therein and
judgment taken upon plaintiff's peti
tion. W. A. C. JOHNSON,
By A. L. TTDD,
' to " J - 11U lO jJ 1 kA . V t,V.ktk7 J UUUU V DU. J WW t,v0? V fcWV V , - 4 TIT T T 13 A fOTT1PV
to get it in the neck this time and he said County Court, this 24th day of said County Court, this 24th day of .mAU"4W- Attorney.
is from Ohio, too! And so are
,but we never stole anything.
April, 1926.
(Seal) a26-4w
County Judge.
.April, 1926.
(Seal) a26-4w
County Judge. J aal for results.
Advertise your want in the Jour
A Corporation,
Advertise your want in the Jour
nal for results.