THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1926. PAGE FTVT. Murray Department Prepared in the Interest of the People at Murray and nrrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers V 1 -I"I-M"K-I--H"H"M "I-I-I-I' - IT 1 I If any of the readers of the Journal knov' of any social event or item of. Interest In this vicinity, and will mall Itme to this oflice. It wlU ap pear under this beadicjr. We want all news Items ditob If you pay as you go you can travel anywhere! . SI 1 ! f !! II ffM oof 2) Mesdames T. J. Brendal, W. L. Sey bolt and J. F. Brendel were enjoying the afternoon last Tuesday-at the home of Mrs. A. A. Young. Thomas Tilson, living northwest of Murray was in town last Tues day afternoon purchasing some lum ber for some repairs at the farm. County Commissioner C. D. Spang ler was a visitor in Plattsmouth last coming from the golden wedding of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Young, which occured on March 22nd. Mrs. A. A. Young had at her home for the occasion on Tuesday of this week many of the friends of Mrs. Lyman, who greeted her and extend ed wishes for her health and happi ness. A delightful luncheon was served and which was greatly enjoy- What Would a Hi-Jatker Want With Your Check Bock? lien Dill was shelling and deliv ering corn at the Wilson elevator on last Tuesday the work of shell- . ,e ing being done by C. M. Read, which He couldn t use it so if you keep insures that the work was done your money in a checking ac- right. count, all the thief or robber! Uncle B. A. Root was attending could cet would be a book of the meeting of the precinct assess ii t L i , ors which were meeting with the nianK cnccKiu j county assessor V. II. Puis at the Yet they represent ready money "ourt .ho?e in PIattsmouth on Tues" 7 .day ot this week, to OU. Wayne Lewis will soon begin the Could anything be safer-or any Painting of the home of Mr. and Mrs. ' . . 7 .Henry C. Long in the near future, more convenient. ,i y. i. dull n lie lino 1'iuv nui'vii; decorated it will present a most beautiful appearance. Hanker George O. Dovey was look ing after some business matters in Murray on Tuesday afternoon of this week, and was a caller on W. O. Boedeker who was confined to his home with the grippe. W. G. Boedeker the genial banker was compelled to stay away from the bank for a short time during the Wayne Lewis was a visitor .first portion of the week on account home of relatives at Union t an atiacK or grippe, lie noweer, ome better at this time. Tuesday where he was looking after jed by all. some business matters for the county, j A number of the people of Mur The community sale which was j ray have been receiving flower seeds held at Murray a short time since : from th Henry Field seed house, in was well attended and all the goods j response to the telegrams which were which were listed were sold and at 1 snt at the time of the birthday cele very satisfactory prices. j bration of th establishment of the Grandmother Hendricks has been j broadcasting station. One gentleman very sick for many days past and is who did not receive the automobile, being cared for by her daugher, Mrs. returned the flowers with a very C. C. Carroll. Her many friends are j caustic communication in which he hoping she may soon be well again. I criticized Mr. Field's methods, and Mrs. G. W. McChaken and daugh-! dared the popular announcer to read ter, Elizabeth, were enjoying a visit at one of the broadcasting hours, with friends in Plattsmouth on last j While everybondy has been listen Tuesday where they were visiting as . ing for the reading of the message well as looking after some shopping. none have ehard it, and it look like Murray State Bank Murray, Nebraska There is No Substitute for Safety the seedman has been "buffaloed. Celebrate Birthday. The friends to the number of some thirty properly celebrated the pass ing of the birthday anniversary of Albert Johnson, at the Johnson home last Monday near Nehawka where the friends of this excellent man were present to aid in the celebration. The celebration was in the shape of a surprise, and all took well filled bas kets of good things to eat and how they all did eat too. B. H. Nelson and family and Conrad Johnson of near Murray were enjoying the occasion. :30 United Presbyterian Notes. W. F. Graham pastor. Sabbath school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Y. P. C. U. at 7 p. m. Mid-week prayer meeting Wednes day at 7:30 p. m. Omaha Presbytery will meet in the Murray church April 7 and 8. The sacrament of the Ladies Sup per will be observed April 11th at 11 . m. The Y. P. Q. U. held elcetion March 2Sth. The ofneiers are: President Julia Troop. Vice President Charles Boedeker. Secretary Mary Graham. Treasurer John Gilmore. Pianist Beth McCrackein. $ 5- Golden Text: "Because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed. Blessed are they who have not seen and yet have believed." John 20:29. 1 1 J $-H-H BIBLE SCHOOL LESSON Sunday, April 4th By M- a Brlggro MARCELLING Marcelling after April 1. One dol lar. Retrace 50 cents. Mrs. T. J. Brendel. Mrs. at the for a number of day during the fore part of the week. William Minford had his name appended to our subscription list and Will and the good wife will receive the paper in the future. k a m . T"1 Oscar Nailor Attention, rarmers! int;ns ?f ;has also const I have instituted at my Cafe a Labor Bureau. When you need help or any one needs work, let me know. I will try and supply you. Leave your wants at the Farmers Bureau Cafe (Oscar's- Place) Oscar Nailor Murray -:- -:- Nebr. True Service Is always giving Best Service and Best Goods. We carry only the Best Supplies and Best Accessories. LET US SERVE YOU Also Ask for Demonstration of Essex-Hudson Cars The Murray Garage A. D. Bakke, Owner Murray, Nebr. is getting Fred Baker who has been suffering from the effects of poison oak for some time and was not able to work for a numbe rof days is at this time getting along nicely and will be able to resume his work now, for which he is very much pleased. Phillip Lambert has been assisting Oscar Nailor in the decorating and the store room. Oscar ructed a partition across the room shutting off the kitchen from the principal room and this making a place to cook and prepare the meals. Since the excellent work done in the decoration of the store of Blanche Scottcn, by Wayne Lewis the de corator, the store is looking most beautiful and is a very attractive place, due partly to the fact of the deft work done by the decorator, and also by the arrangement of the in terior by Miss Blanche. All the contributors to the excel lent program at the Henry Field Sttd company who rendered the excellent program at the time of the second birthday anniversary of the estab lishing of the KFXF broadcasting station were given a silver spoon. Those from Murray receiving the presents surely appreciated them. Oscar. Nailor who is embarking in the restraurant business in Murray is going to do something which is going to be of benefit to the farm ing community and also to the per son lookiDg for employment as well. He is naming his place the Farmers Bureau Cafe, and he will conduct the place in the most approved style, making it a good place for all to come and a center of community interest. The farmers should make this place their own when it comes to making inquiries for help which Mr. Nailor will keep in touch with. Mrs. A. A. Young entertained at her home southeast of Murray on last Tuesday afternoon in honor of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Louis Lyman who is visiting here from North Dakota Celebrates Birthday. Henry W. Vallery who recently moved from Murray to Mynard cele brated his 75th birthday anniver sary most appropriately when on last Thursday the time when he passed his mile post, he had for his guests many of his relatives and friends. and to which the writer was invited to attend, but owing to a press of business was unable to attend. The eats were delicious and the time that was enjoyed was great. Those pres ent for the occasion were, T. W. Vallery and wife. Thomas Tilson and family. Glen Vallery and wife of Plattsmouth. and daughters, Marie Helen and Gertrude, Frank Vallery and wife and niece. George Snyder and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Smith, Hugo Brown, C. A. Vallery and wife their daughter and Wade Porter and wife. In departing all extended to Uncle Henry the wishes for a long and happy life with many more happy birthdays. Senate to Probe Attempt to Lease Land m Mexico Borah Announces Meeting- to Con sider Means of Blocking Foot hold Near the Border. Will Conduct Meeting. The Rev. Nelson Gardner, father of the pastor of the Christian church it Murray began a revival meeting at the church in Murray on Wednes day of this week. He will have the assisatnee of sis son. Rev. Frank Gardner and also will have a special singer from Lincoln. All are cord ially invited to attend these meet ings and assist in the singing and all ether ones possible. Ladies Aid Will Meet. The Ladies Aid of the Christian church will meet at the church on April 6th. when they will be en tertained by Mesdames Phillip F. Rhin, Fred L. Hild and Addie Bart lett. who are the hostesses. The leader in the entertainment will be Mrs. James E. Gruber, who has pre pared a most worth while program for the occasion. All members are requested to be in attendance. THE VETERAN Service Store If You Haven't Died You Can Dye for EASTER! Get a Package of Paas Egg Dye, 10c a Package. WHEN YOU SAY Town, say Murray Groceries, say Soennichsen Co. Quality, say Soennichsen Co. Service, say Soennichsen Co. The H. M. Soennichsen Company Telephone No. 12 - . Murray, Nebraska He MiriiiiK to Ike rescue iu hte AN lieu tlentli ami destruction were iionri we think nc run ia)'( For tlione jenrx thrown wr AVith our few hundred dollurn m year? II Stinll we cringe while a few wealthy men Kxpremi the extrnvnenut fear That we'll rue the dark day AVheu the veteran' pay In increased a few dollar a jearf III We pay for the wwivel eluilr. And for eriinlual.H abed the moiMt tear; Hut O, how it paluN To contribute our fcnln To the veteran pittance per year. IV O ye, there are l rid Ken to build. And contract for bridge .are dear; !omewhere we muat nave. With one foot in the grave The soldier needs little per year. V ot Ioiik shall he hurdeu na now; He known that the grave Is quite near- He i four score mid Ave, And may yet keep alive On his miserly pittance per yea W. b tilt A II AM, Murray, el. Washington, March 31. Means of blocking the attempt of a Japanese syndicate to gain a foothold in lower California by leasing an immense tract of land over Magdalena bay will be considered at the meeting of the senate foreign relations com mittee Wednesday, SenatoT Borah of Idaho, chairman, announced Tues day night. Definite action regarding the situ ation, however,, probably will await a full report on the transaction by the State department, Borah said. Thus far the State department has no official information concerning the negotiations between the Japanese syndicate agents and Col. A. It. Vas quez, who has obtained a concession of 2.000,000 acres of land from the Mexican government. Dispatches from Mexico City stat ing that Luis Leon, minister of ag reculture, denied reports that the Mexican government Jiad sold the Japanese syndicate a- concession in lower California, did not serve to allay the concern in official circles here. It was indicated that Senator Bor ah intends to gather full information on the subject and press the appro priate action by the senate, in view of the government's policy laid down in the Lodge resolution which pass ed the senate at the time of the Mag dalena bay incident in 1912 Resurrection from the Dead The disciple Saint John has car ried us through the entire life of Christ during the past quarter, and has given an inspiration to a better and a nobler life, by his translation of his vision of the Christ which he has furnished us. With the closing lesson of the quarter he carried the narrative to the crucifiction and spoke of the resurrection of the Mas ter of heaven, earth and the skies, as well as of life and death itself. In His resurrection we see that He has mastered death and the grave and triumphantly arose from the grave where the body had rested for three days. He had told that He would arise, and had declared to Martha that he was indeed the resurrection and the life and that whosoever should be lieve on Him, though they should dien,jet should they live, and who soever should live and believe on Him, should never die, asking at the same time, "Martha, believest thou this?" It was a sad day indeed when the prince of life was crucified and laid away in a tomb with a seal set upon it and a group of soldiers from the Roman army placed on guard. After all which had been told them of His resurrection, the disciples did not understand, and were not there at the time of his advent from the grave. After the wonderful experi ence of Lazarus being raised from the dead, it would seem they should have had faith and believed all the Master had told them. The women who went to embalm the body was very close to the resurrection, as they appeared at the sepulchar just after the resurrection itself. As they were coming they were talking about who they would get to roll the stone away from the sepulchar that they might embalm the body. Imagine their joy when they arrived and dis covered that the stone had been rolled away and the grave was empty with the grave clothes lying in the sepulchar. They ran to tell the dis ciples and found Peter and John, who nta-rted for the grave Peter leading, but only for an instant, for he was coupled up with a much younger man who outran him and arrived at the grave first, and looking in await ed the coming up of Peter, who im mediately entered, and was follow ed by John. When they made an examination they departed. Mary, re maining at the tomb, asked one whom she thought was the gardner, where the body had been placed, and was addressed by the Master himself. As he t ailed her by name, she inimedi atelv recognized him. and alter a few minutes' conversation, he van ished from her sight. That evening as two of the dis ciples were walking in the country. they were joined by the risen Lord, who walked with them and talked with them, and as they were going to cat with him, they discovered it Senators made no effort to conceal was he. and he immediately vanished their concern over dispatches from San Diego indicating that Colonel Vaskuez will insist upon "exercising his right" to close the deal with the Japanese syndicate, unless some American concern makes a higher bid for the land. If only individuals are concerned in the transaction, it was pointed out that greater difficulties in deal ing with the problem will be en countered than if corporations only are involved. RADIO TOR THE FARMERS Chicago, March 2S. Importance of radio to the farmers is illustrated by a survey just completed, the na tional farm radio council reported to day. Particularly in this fact notice able in connection with markets, the council said. A digest of from their sight. The disciples made haste back to Jerusalem, where they told the others of their number, who were gathered in an upper chamber, of having seen the risen Lord. Again when all the disciples but Judas, who had killed himself following his betrayal of Christ, and Thomas who was un able to be present, were gathered in an upper chamber, the doors leading to which were securely closed. The Master appeared in the room, saying, "All hail, peace be unto you," and spoke words of peace and comfort un to the company. They told Thomas of the incident, but he would not be lieve. A few days later when they were gathered together again in the same place, the Lord appeared as be for and called Thomas, saying to him, "Come, place your fingers in the prints of the nails in my hand not the replies received iaml bf falthfuI' and believing thrust e , . , , , , u u i iiaiiu lit in v onu; aiiu uriicc it. from thirty-two states showed that f . ThoraaBaid ..My Lord and more than 46 per cent of them gave ! "Because specific examples of cash savings y h peen h h be,iev. iv Ui l""'ed: Blessed are they who have reception of market reports, and, and t nave believert. pracucauy ai M me returns mu.- Thpn ,at whfn 60me wepks had rated the value to the farmer of Petep ld unto the other dis. having market reports from twen-'c,ol -Let's go fishing," for they ty-four to forty-eight hours earlier e aH nshermen and were all gath than heretofore. ered together on this occasion. They The survey showed that 9o per fished all nigllt long and had caught cent of the farmer radio-owners con-!nothing a very "unusual occurrence, sider their receivers a utility as well and as the day was breaking, they as an amusement device. The figures Uvere still at their task, weary and placed the maximum farm audience ' orn It was tnen tnat the Lord ap as listening between 8 to 8:30 p. m.,!peared unt0 them on the shore. When with a sharp decline in its size after the fishermen saw the Master, they 8:30 p. m. A little more than 60 j failed to recognize him, and even per cent of these listeners go to make wnen iie called to them asking them up the noon audience, with very few.jr they had any fish they still did farm folk tuning in before 12 o'clocl: There is no afternoon audience. not know him. So Jesus said unto them, "Cast your net on the right side of the boat and you shall find, GILMAN IS RE-ELECTED 'and in abundance." This they did. MAYOR OF SIOUX CITY and instantly theiet was filled, there ibeing 153 fish in it. As they were i.,,r Citr Ta ATarh 91 Mnrnr enaeavoring to lanu ine ulg wnu, Stewart Oilman was re-elected today John observed and by intuition dis- luuaj . t ,j by a majority of about 2,500 votes, ereu n tUe " out of a total of 42 thousand votes, unto Peter, who was naked. Peter at over former Mayor Wallace M. Short, once threw his fisherman 8 coat about it r.i. ;0;.. Tr him and jumped into the water. The, gart, defeated the present commission- uic-ipie uiw t.. u w u . r.'tr VT,rioc v. wii a Rmall and Peter said unto the Master, 'I EIGHT MILE GROVE LUTHERAN CHURCH ies aPPears to have been carried am a sinful man, oh Lord." The Lord PO e and firemen on Increased 'Vt,? V,, .' ? ,SS araK.-CTSssr nr.rlar -s" LUI lilt LLl . 1U1 IMCTjr 1111 Alt the night with the hard work, they . . . were uuue nuuxiy iuu ureu. Good Friday Services and Holy' One Of the pleasing new art WOIK, Then he told Peter the devil wish- Communion in German at 10:30. j is that of fancy lamp designing and ed to sift him, but for him to stand taster services ana Holy Com- wrViinVi ra-n loa-md nollvnw ot fast and that when he should be con- the Bates Book & Gift shop annex verted, he must comfort the disciples. , , , 7 v He also said unto Peter, "Simon, son and free lessons given. Join the f,f John, lovest thou me more than munion in English at 10:30 Sunday tchool begins at 9:30. An offering will be taken both on Good Friday and on Easter. i classes that are working now. these?" (meaning the fishing life). 1 ma 1 Spring Shoes for MEN! That set the pace for style, comfort and quality. They contain more value feature than you will ex pect to find in shoes at higher prices. The Famous Selz Shoes $6 Other Fine Oxfords at $3.95, $4.85 and $5.50 Q&H.M.Soennichseii Go. "The Store of Big Values" Plattsmouth Nebraska Peter answered him, saying, "Yea, Lord, I love thee," when he was told by Christ, "Feed my sheep." This same question was asked of Peter three times, for he had denied the Master three times on the night of the betrayal, and it was intended he should repeat one "I love thee" for each denial, and at the same time be as oft commanded, "Feed my sheep." As the Lord had commanded Mary to tell the disciples on the resurrec tion morn, for them to meet him on a mountain top in Gallilee, this they did after the forty days were fulfill ed, and as he stood there with them, he gave them some final instruction, they being advised to remain in Je rusalem until they should be imbued with the spirit from on high. Then, after he had given the last command ment, he was parted from them and borne unto heaven, vanishing from their sight as he ascended. While they were thus standing gaz ing into space where but a few mo ments before they had seen his form, there appeared unto them a couple of men in shining rainmant, who said unto them, "Men of Israel, why stand you thus gazing into heaven? The same Christ whom ye have seen vanish will come again in like man ner. Go ye into Jerusalem and await until you shall be instructed from on high. This they did, which brought them to Pentecost. Before the Lord had ascended in to heaven, he had commanded them, "Go ye into all the world and teach my gospel to every creature." He was thus making missionaries of them all, and not this alone, but to all of us who read the account, for we are I to help bear the message to a sinful j world, so that unto the entire popu j lace may the story of Salvation be j brought. j How are we treating this command ,that is just as effective and Just as binding on us today as it was to the 'disciples when it was given to them from Christ's own lips just before he j ascended into heaven, there to hit on the right hand of his father through out eternity. "Go ye intd all the world and teach my gospel to every creature." WOMAN WRITER SUES SURGEON New York, March 30. Mrs. Ithea Huston Stephons, a. magazine writer, brought suit for $100,000 Monday against Dr. J. Eastman Shechan, a plastic surgeon. She charges that her face was permanently scarred and her health injured by the "face lifting" opera tion which he performed upon her. She said she was forced to remain ! in the hospital 30 days as a result of the operation. I Dr. Shcehan said he would issue a general denial. For earache, toothache, pain?, burns, scalds, sore throat, try Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil, a splendid rem edy for emergencies. You can save money on school supplies at the Bates Book Store. Servic Our Watchword! When the cash is running low, come sec us; for your money goes farther in the purchase of the very best goods. We are here to serve you to the best. Not alone are we after your wealth, but to give you best service as well. Every article in the store a bargain. Earl Lancaster Store Murray, Nebraska Bring in iSSiel Listers! Sure, we are busy at the Blacksmith shop, but we are here for business, so bring your work along and we will get it cut for you promptly. We are prepared to care for your plow work, discs and listers. Remember, we guarantee all our work to be the best and entirely satisfactory in every way. oy Gerkmg The Blacksmith, Murray, Nebraska m W-KjifcIri mild 8Vtrm of treatment that cu:cs Pi.'ea. 1 istula anJ Recta Diwares in a short time wituout a wvcro uur- ooeration. No rhloroform. -Kthur or other netlatie ted- EXAMINATION tlil l' A guaranteed in every case accepted lor treatment, and no money to be paid until cured. Write fnr f Ktt cUUtv on Kectal LJiaeases, with names and testimonial of thousands of oiominnt peoj:! who have been ncnnanently cuied. nyfrk reter l rust r.n:,.., f a!U Uma:. Ke'cir. 1 im. H. R. TABBY 6ANA.TOKIUM.