The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 15, 1926, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1926.
From Monday's Daily
W. R. Young, the auctioneer, has
just returned from the west part of
the state where he has been holding
salts at Venango and Brule, Ne
braska, and which were largely at
tended and all stocks brouuht a good
prire. While at Brule Mr. Young
conducted a sale for Carl and Earl
Cole, former residents of this com
munity and the sale was one of the
most successful that has been held
in that portion of the state. The
Colo brothers have had a very suc---ssful
year at the farms and are
enjoying life very much in the west
and tluir sale brought the very best
prices as their stock is the very best
in that locality. The boys wish to
be remembered to their many friends
in Cas county.
Dr. Lehnhoff
Gains Recogni
tion in Press
Well Known Lincoln Practitioner
Author of Numerous Articles
Devoted to Study.
The undersigned will offer for sale
at rublie Aiution at his home on the
Ceorge Lohnes farm three and one
half miles southeast of Cedar Creek,
nine miles west of Plattsniouth and
live miles enst of Louisville, corn
n.ensing at lo:30 o'clock sharp, on
Wednesday, Feb. 17
1 7io following described property, to
wit: Horses and Mules
One team black mares, smooth
mouth, weight 2C00 pounds; one
black colt, 3 years old. weight 1100
pounds: one team bay mules, 3 and
4 y.ars oil, weight 2200 pounds;
one sorrel mare, 10 years old, weight
12."" pounds.
Cattle and Hojrs
While visiting in Lincoln
week, a member of the Courier fam
ily luid the pleasure of a short visit
at the Koine of Dr. and Mrs. II. J.
Lehntioff and the many Cass county
friends of the doctor will be pleased
to learn that he is now well on the
road to recovery from his recent ex
tended illness. Tie is tip and around
; the house and is looking forward
soon to ! able to be out and attend
ing to bis business again.
During the conv;;lescenpp . Dr.
Lehnhoff has spent many profitable
hours in reading and study and has
devoted considerable time to writing
and making notes for future use in
hi; lectures. A very interesting
article appeared in a recent issue of
the Lincoln State Journal under the
heading. "Medicine and the Social
Parasite." which indicates clearly
his cemprehen?! ve view of the doc-
i From Wedne?day' D?Uy ?
i The Woman's Benefit Association of
this city at their session last evening
took an active part, in the plans for
the supctssful completion of the
successful completion of rhe Ameri
can Legion community building by
Xs donating the sum of ?25, a check be
,ing placed this morning in the hands
'of the finance- committee to be ap-
j plied on . the erection ' ot the .build
ling. This organization of the ladies
last of the city has the ernest desire to
see the proper kind of a community
building erected here and their splen
did assistance will heln. put this
preposition over. A large number of
th ladies clubs and lodges of the city
have responded very generously to
the call for funds to this building
project and will help make the reali
zation of t lie dream of the Legion and !
the citizens for the proper kind of!
a community building.
Peril Wins An
other Game in
the Conference
By Score of 27 to 13, Bob Cats De
pose Cotner from the.. State ,
College Lead.
Bob. Cats were warm for action, while j
on afree throw by Joe Krejci, Peru j
gained one point. Two field goals by i
Krejci, former Plattsmouth high i
school center and who is now center!
for the normal school, gained tlie
lead lor Peru and which they held
until the close of the game.
"Bitzl." captain of the Peru teani.i
rvas high point man with 13 markers
beating Krejci by two points as
From Weilnescays Daily
The east show window of the
men's department of tin big store
of II. M. Soennichsen Co., has a
window that is one of the most
unique and attractive that has been
seen in this city many years and is
T i arranged in keeping with the spirit
From Friday's I'aily-
who have visited the Mail.
an been wry much iivprits
Mcatcore mineral springs water:
will be delivered in riattsniottth. !
Union and Omaha hereafter every
other week (starting February 12-j
13). Anyone wishing .water write
II. T. Kust, Sycamore Springs, Kan-
::: s or leave orders at I'tak's cigar
store. . fl2-2td-ltw
Have you aaythin
to sell or buy I
the Journal Want Ad column.
I' I. -U ' WJ
one yearling
heifers, fresh
Four good milk cows
heii. r; two 2-year-old
Four brood sows, farrowing in
March; fourteen head fall shoats,
weighing 70 pounds each.
Farm Machinery. Etc. j
One MtCormiek S-foot binder; one
McCormick mower; one Case lister;
On" P & O walking cultivator; one
P !C- O 2 -row cultivator; one stalk
cutter: one Badger riding cultivator; i
One (Jorum seeder; one manure '
spreader; one John Deere disc, good'
as new: one wagon, good as new; ;
one feed grinder; one sulky plow; one
garg plow; one cylinder corn shel
ler; one fanning mill; one 6 h. p.
Fairbanks-Morse gas engine. like
new ; one Fordson tractor; one speed
jack; one hay rack and trucks: one
horse clipper; one John Deere 4
section harrow, good as new; one
St breeder corn elevator; one 30
gallon butchering kettle; one Prim
rose cream separator; one water
tank; one cook stove; one butcher
ing table; pi rods poultry wire; 40
rods -20-inch woven wire; ono 14-i.n.
walking plow and various other ar
ticles. Terms of Sale
ait -rv.s nf SH) ,r,nt under. ra.iiT.
On sums over ?10 a credit oi six
months will be given, purrhaser giv
ing bankable note bearing eight per
(tin interest from date. No property
to be removed from the premises un
til settled for.
H. A. Larson,
RALPH LARSON, Clerk. place in soeuty and Ms duty .jhiai tell tllft world .about it throe
;io nis ieuow man as wen as m inn;,
of the public to the physician. In
his article. Dr. Lehnhoff makes a.
plea for a greater effort to lessen-the '
rumher of dependents upon Focicty.
thereby making t'r.em strongc. in
stead of weakening them. His articles
show diep study -of i'!l social condi
ition and with the s::me skill that
(makes him one of the foremost diag
' nostic ian." of tin- state, he lays his
finger on the weakness of t he social
( system1 and prescribes the remedy.
Fr. ! ibnlMo'i va. our.') on ih-? M
farm home at Coiiege Hill in the
.year 1S71. After iitting himself for
: his hoseii profession, he located in
Lincoln about :'." years ago and he
has enjoyed a very successful and
lucrative practice. In recognition of
From Monday's Dally
I .The basketball on Saturday
.evening at Peru, between the Bob
Cats, of that place and the. hitherto
undefeated team of Cotner .university,
attracted a state-wide attention, as
, it was one of the deciding games in
ithe state conference, and a large
j number from here drove to the Nem
aha college town to witness the oat
He. The occasion was also .riatts-
,' l.onr.r fJ M" tl .ckef, t O t lit
Plattsmouth students. wlio are on tl;e
team. Joe Krejci and Russell Was-
By their clean cut 27 to. 13 vic
tory, Peru displaced Cotner, which
school has been, leading . the .stale
conference, for the leadership and
also rang up .their fo.r.ty'-uintti
straight victory in theconference.
The game opened with Cotner tak
ing the lead. Captain Br.rgaard. Cot
ner" guard, and Tis.Iey,v h' ft forward,
each sinking a field goal, before the
annexed 11 points for his team. On
the floor work Krej. i stirred the
crowd with his speed and aided great
ly in the winning of the contest.
Russell Waslc-y. left guard of Peru,
played a fast and speedy game and
while not in the scoring, .vas a great
factor in preventing the visitors from
adding to their list of scores. After
his rttirtment in the last quarter.
Cotner was able to add three held
goals to their score. Wasley was in
jured in the early part of the second
half of the game, receiving a very
severe blow in the left eye and was
floor, dazing him for
several minutes and the eye was af
fected to 'such an extent that it was
necessary to remove him later from
the game as the injured optic inter
fered with iiis playing to a marked
extent. He pluekily remained in the
coiiteU. however, until his team wa
.ra tr ally assured of vic tory. The
injury i- not dangerous and it is
thought, that the eye will be in good
shape for th3 next game at the end of
'Jie week when the Bob Cats go to
Fremont to play Midland.
of Lincoln's birthday. The winclow
was arranged by Damian Flyn:i and
is a real exposition of the ec and
shoe industry of the years p;. st.
The center pine of the wind-w
is a large portrait of ihe great civil
war president draped will', llag- ai d
in one eornor stands the s-taek.-d
rifles se.c h as were used by the civil
war soldiers.
The remaining ut--or;"i i;s of the
window are boots and shoes that were
in vogue in the sixties unci the early
:-t veru'es, the boy-; copp-'-r to .1 r-hcu .
the red topped bo:ts and the f,vt-
! Tlio
, hotel ;
bv (Je Iave cat which makes
Lome the re and is the obji ct of 'd
i miration from the vi.-itor. there for
h:s size and general beauty. "Toi.i"
lilting and inediataTing in one c
The t hairs there one afitino' !i .-truck
1 1;.- fancv c-f Mrs. Cl.aii- - Mullen .,r
".'r:-:. Cera I'liee
: r kmiwn j:;
; -,c iiv-lingiy this
'? ' );u t. rvi i! ;.s I he ii
v t ;'.'t formed one
r re. i ni iy pul'l! -h
Mullen a.;
it; rary iie-U
f-iiut goiihn
i, a!
: i l . i
a t ! r
; 1 v
is pi rat loll
of l he pee ' ,
d olii;:ie
a '
aele! much
circles of
pt :an wa s a ' e r '.lie brood in:
Splii i
wear that were in
latest and mo.-t fa
One of the novel ex
'hand made siioe that
foot and was a real
t!.o:;e da v .; the
W ijdol;.
ion a oie
iiiijit ions is t!
'.vcjuid fit ithe
comfort to ii:
coutliing cat
woma n
man who
had to grab h
Fancy Dennisoa crepe prre: nap
kins in staple and S2)ccial designs can
be purchased ct t3ie i-itoi Scok zd
Gift Shop. When cr.te:t.'i:;iv.? l-'i:
rhese lines ever for decorations.
i: 1
; woiuan's he;
. hi r. wit u
born of f-.-ar.
b-j'lv if :'ad;
and always
sc !:e nidi
he brood thru weakness
f e.!-Tu-d i i'i mil t able
vcr sui-misive- s- tned
e -he ph'ii'ii d like !u cat
rtuuincss lonr.s of all kinds printed
tlio J
JH.H.WtlfcMll I! . 'UU 11."
errnm Tinii t i Tn rr
his sia':ding It was loi ted president i
of the Nebra-ka State Me-dical A;J- t'.'js
sociation for the vear 192(5. Pre
vious to tiiis time, in 1023. lie was
president of the Misouri Valley
'Medical society.
I llis long illness occasioned his la
illy ana mends considerable uneitsr
t ness and his many friends will rejoice ' fZft
to kiiow mat nis complete recovery
now only a matter of a short time,
j Louisville Courier.
Dr. Lehnhoff is a nephew of
F. I). Lehnhoff of this city and
cousin of Miss Tillie Lehnhoff.
gjJj i - - - - 1
I II I IJ si N1W IMP h H
fey? I ms. i i m mm mi k m i
m m & m-m 1 .m m m mm mm 4w n m m m t:
k m mum . Am m M mm m m i n jto m A U a u
ii i - ...... i - ... i . . i .i - 1 - i .i i i - ... m l
is a
will sold our eighth sa!e-:.of Fnr
Limm tirea bows ana
Gilts, in Heated
Pavilion o
A very plea.-iing celebraUon
! involved three different families
last Sunday at the country,
of ..Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Terry-!
birthday anniversary of Mr. Terry-1 j
berry which occured .on Wbruary ! and the anniversary of Mr. '
Terry berry's
berry, which
Sth. and the
R-igoss, who
father, James Terry--ficcurn
on February
hitter's r.ephew. Klden
anniversary was on
February 7th.
Mr. Terryberry
young, his son,
Eldon Ragoss is
of Mr. and Mrs.
. senior.
19. He
ye a i s
and i
bl Zi r.s tr-A ,1
the so.i
the hos-
I will sell at my farm home 6
miles v.-r.-? and 1 mile south of Mur
ray: ; miles eact and mile south
of Manley; " miles east and 2 '-
miles north of Weeping Water, on
Wednesday, Feb. 17
commencing at 10:00 o'clock, sharp.
Avith lunch on grounds by William I
Partridge, the following described
pre pe rty. to-v. it:
9 Head Horses and Mules
One team o f mare mules, weight
2Simi; one team horse mules, weight
r.o'to; one sorrel saddle mare, weight
12oo: ene black mare, weight 1100;
one black mare, weight 1300; one
brown mare, weight 1500; one buck
skin mare, we ight I.jOo.
Cattle and Hogs
S head Durham cattle, including
some- good miik rows, stock cattle and
1 and 2-year-old heifers.
K.ight head of registered Duroc
br-.rirj sows.
larm implements
C:;e 2-row stalk cutter; one 1 G -1 2
i;ew M Cormii ;.-). ring disc ; one 3-..
see; ion barrow; three ir,-jnch riding).
plows; two new lC-ineh walking! i
plows; one 1 5-in h walking plow;
one J. A. Case, corn planter with 1G0
rods of wire; four Jenny Lind walk
ing cuithators; two new P v. O rid
ing disc cultivators; one John Deere
laanure spreader; four Ikix wagons;
lour hay racks and truck wagons:
on" Western corrugated iron roller;
l;v' sets f)f work harness; one feed
grinder; one 1 -horse corn drill; one
good saddle- ami bridle; one grinel
stone; one oscilating bobsled; twelve
horse collars; one S-foot Deering
binder: two Dcrin.g mowers; ono Mc
Cormick hay rake; one Van Brunt
-wheat drill; one LaCross 1-horse
drill; one spring wagon; one sausage
grinder; one good square churn; one
top buggy; one double
Land cornsheller; one
A fine dinner was served by
toss which was greatly enjoyed and
the honor guests were showered
wit a many congratulations and tie
time passed happily. The hostess be
fore her marriage was one of Cas
county's most popular y"i:i; ladies
and was MKs Lucile dish. They
have one little daughter.
1 liese nre-senr weie .i.iin- inii
bery. sons John and CI
ter. Mis- Florence, Mr
IT. Ragoss and family and Herbert -Worthcn.
The many friends of these1
estimable people join us in extending!
congratulations. Louisville Courier. '
5 !fW 3 c'y
If you want to be there vhen Sale starts, be th
trux n
12 o'clock noon.
3333c3La3E5l31C3ta !rrii'iiaoKci3M-7xrc?.--t3'
,J .1 1 1 1 .- nil i H
en and da ugh - i l
. and Mrs. H. h-j
I r- :
To Hie officers and members of tlu
to exT.fss our a pjireciation of their
r l..wlli'nr unttln.
promr I !1''SS 111 lUlimmi, u:i- .-vi-i..
inent of the policy carried in this
order by our dear departed wife and
mother." J. N. Elliott and Family.
T Ms
one stalk rake; one lister; 30 cords '22
or wood, sawed; one wood saw; one!
hog scalding vat; 1300 bushels slat j
cribbing; one lard press. I
Household Goods
one heating stove; some chairs, beds'
am! other household articles
Terms of Sale
Sums of ?lu and under, cash. Sums
of over $lo, a credit of six months
yill be given on bankable note draw
ing S per cent interest. No property
oc" removed until settled
"Good morning Rex! Still busy I
suppose?" Yes. on the go every day,
I will show you my date book, for
February and a part of March."
February. !
i; (.'has. Owen Grant. j
1 17 M. Uurkey, Grant. j
!1S Karl Fletcher. Wahoo, 250
head of pure bread Spotted sows
and gilts, all bred and 100 stock
hogs. Sold in heated sale pa
vilion at Wahoo, all hogs deliv
ered up to 30 miles, if y.ou buy a
truck load. :
carriage- rme :u ueorga unm, .siiiauu.
garden tdow 20 Vv. R. Supernaw. Otoe.
Bert Jameson,
( OL. WM. DCXN. Auct.
J. II. Ruhman, Union.
Tt 11-. nyiiiEfi
o llil!l aubf 1, ojim-uat.
24 Lee Xickles, Murray.
25 Chas. McCarthy, Nehawka.
2 Sale on the Pollock place.
27 Sam Hackenberg, Plattsmouth
2 Jake Hansen. 15ig Spring, Neb.
3 F. E. Anderson. Brule.
4 M. B. Thompsen, Imperial.
f D. II. Anderson, Venango
6 Warren Wiley, Venango,
11 Elmer Kent. Imperial.
16 Frank Baldwin, Imperial.
17 Will Hanks, Holyoke, Colo.
The last three are all pure
bred sow talcc.
Neb. .; F
In this offering we will sell 140 head of registered Spotted
Poland Chine bred sows and gilts, bred to the best of boars. About
15 head of these gills are hred to Spotright, a direct sen c Wildfire
93C47, one cf themost wonderful boars of the spotted breed, who
was world's grand champion of 1924, also blood lines of Model
Ranger 70411, in the dam side who was world's junior champion in
1922. About 25 gilts are bred to Highspeed 1 123G1, owned by Cook
& Son, Waverly, Nebr. He is by Fountains Giant I, 92305, and he
is by Singleton's Giant 48SS9. The most wonderful breeding, and
we expect to show this boar sale day. About 30 head ore bred to
Pathmaster 108541, bred by R. H. Ingwerson k Sons, Nehawka, Ne
braska. This is an oustanding boar, large and smooth, with lots of
type and quality, the good feeding type. About 20 head of tried
sows and gilts are bred to Peugh's Highball, a plumb good boar whose
sire is a direct son of The Vision 89537, the moot wonderful boar in
the west, owned by A. L. Lindberg, Maxwell, Nebr. This bear was
junior world's champion in 1923. About 45 head are bred to Stanco
Sportsman. This is another outstanding boar owned by tleorge W.
Olscn, Wahoo, Nebraska. Others are bred to registered boars.
This will be an opportunity of a lifetime to get a good foun
dation herd.
We will also seil 25 head cf registered Poland China sows
and gilts, consisting of 5 tried sows and 20 gilts. These are from Mr.
Johnson's herd at Mead, Nebr., and we think you will say they are
as good Poland Chinas as you have seen, and they are bred to as
good a boar as money can buy, and we expect to show him Sale day.
40 pure bred sows bred to registered boars vilhout papers.
3 0
a o
feZ Ok S rffVi
r,yjt,m - "y e
All horrs are vaccinated
Hemorrhagic Septicemia.
175 head of these hogs are catalogued anyone wishing a
cataJcgiie, notify or write Earl Fletcher, Ashland, Nebr.
any t
Certificates of registration will, be furnished sale day; most of this offeringr carries their own guarantee. If
should prove not, safe with pig, 10' or purchase price will be refunded, if notified within 29 days.
Truck loads of hogs will be delivered free "any distance up to 30 miles. Over that distance a charge of 30 cents
per mile will be added. : ',. .':
Free Lunch at 11 O'Clock Bring- Yoisi- Own Drinking
Parties desiring to come day before sale will be entertained at LaGrande Hotel at our expense, and wr; will show
you the largest and finest bunch of resistered sows and gilts that you have seen in one sale in Eastern Nebraska.
Rex Young; Auctioneer Plattsmouth, Nobr.
2 .T-dJ
Geo. F. Frush, Clerk
Phone us the news.
Cholera and most of t'ocm for fc