SI I ? PAGE FOUR PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY. FEBRUARY 15. 1026. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION A A V fj s r 1. :. Greenwood Department! Prepared in the Interest of the People of Greenwood and Surrounding Vicinity Henry Leesley was a visitor in Lincoln looking after some business matters last Wednesday. John A. Stolsbers of the Soarl Chapiu Lumber company was a visit or in Greenwood for a short time last Thursday. Charles Martin shipped a carload of cattle to the South Omaha mar ket last Wednesday which he had fattened on his farm. Clifford Armstrong. tl-'" o ml ware it, oil was a bu.-Iness visitor in Lin coln on last Tuesday making the trip via the motor bu line. S. S. Peterson. W. K. l'ailing and Fred Hil.ree were ia attendance at the I. O. O. F. meeting at Hnvelock tu list Wednesday eeiiing. ! Clyde New kirk has purchased hiuiMlf a new universal touring car which will do douhle duty as a busi ness car and for the family as well. Mi-r-e I von West nnd Anna railing were visiting with friends j mul a!.M looking sifter some shopping which the young ladies had in hand. .Mny of the people of Greenwood and vicinity were in attendance at the sale which was held at the home of It. K. Childs near Ashland last' otk. I Krnie Smith the druggest one day' last week saw a honey bee buzzing about his store door, and so had thc fountain rigged up for business, soj renumber if you get dry. George Iliu knell of Roatricc who is to be the manager of the lumber yaril alter me iir.-i 01 .uuu-m. ' over looking the ground-? over and fiettiig acquainted with the work. Last Thursday Kd Hell lost a valu able (ov: which he but recently pur chased from T. J. Marshall, one of the fine strain of Holstcins which Mr. Marshall recently purchased. Kdwaru P.auer and Ranta Stewart have been hustling in the install? ti n of water service and at this time there are twenty-five patron? ef the Greenwood water company Albert Unison and wife were visit ire and looking after some busi n ss matters in Omaha on last Thurs day afternoon, they driving to the metropolis in their universal coupe. County Commissioner Fred II. G-rder of Weeping Water was v vi-itor in Greenwood li?t Thursday afternoon and was looking after wme business matters for a short time. A large number cf the members .f ill A.-Iiland lodge of the Odd Fel lows were in Greenwood lat Monday, and were enjoying the work of the team of the local lodge that thy were putting on. Frank N'iekles of Fairmont, form- rly of tl:i- vicinity was a visitor in Gr. en wood ar.d at the home of hroth-T. Gorge Nickles last week all-d here by the serious illness of hi? brother. Many of the Odd Fellows of Green wood are expecting to visit the Ash land lodge this Monday evening when the first decree will be put !i an. whbh will be participated in bv the vi-itors. Build a Better City Here at Home The prospects for a better Greenwood are bright. Re member you who build, I move houses, do excavating and general contracting. Frank Rouse Greenwood - - Nebraska Ottawa TT Shelier FOR SALE I Lave an Ottowa "D" Shelier with a good Waterloo Boy. 12-25 tractor, fell in good condition ready to go. Will Sell reasonable. See rr.e and the cutfit at Green wood. E. M. Jardine Greenwood, Nebr. Guessing Now! When one knows the superior merits of Buick and Chevrolet cars, the buyer does not have to guess, he knows they are the best. Call us any where in the county for a dem onstration. Be assured our mechanics will give you service on any car, whatever make. O- F. ANDERSON, Garage and Distributor GREENWOOD -:- -:- NEBRASKA ' The Farmer's Union shipped in a I car of oats as the crop of last year ; was rather short and the farmers are wanting oats for a change of feed for their stock not liking to feed corn all the time. j Otto Erick.son received a carload of yearlings which he is placing on! pasture on light feed and which he expects to keep over the summer for later feeding and let them grow as well as to fatten them. O. F. Anderson the Rnick man was looking after some business in connection with the automobile business at Weeping Water where he was in consultation with Bert representative in the county hub. I Miss Dorothy Birdsall was a pas senger to Lincoln last Thursday af-. ternoon and from ther he went to Valparaiso, where she spent the re mainder of the week at the home of her sister Mrs. John Wetherhogg. At a meeting of the official board of the Christian church of Green wood, it was tlecided that a base ment should be under the church, as additional room is needed, and this would in a manner solve the problem. Linn Stubbs is suffering from a very severe injury which was caused by the kick of a mule with which he was working. The jaw was broken and he i getting along fairly well - gets Many Eggs, but has a very sore face from thej Mrs Herry Leesley set a number impact. of hens last week, the eggs num- The Greenwood State bank ha-? i,orint? r7 dozen as woll -1S the in been making some good farm loan? , (.i,ators. which with the later set for the farming community during. t this k ... k , the past few months thus putting, months position them their in tne farming to persecute enterpr so in trie nest way. Misses Anna Failing and I'von West played a most beautiful duet at the church a few evenings since, and those who heard the excellent music are wishing that they may be favored again by these charming musicians. Waverly cancelled their basket ball game which they were to have played with Greenwood on account of a report of scarlet fever in Green wood and when it was investigated it was found that there was one case and that it was scnrlettina. There was some joy at the horn? f Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Sehulke when -n last Tuesday the stork brought to their home a young American whom with the mother are doing very nicely. The father is expected to recover but his joy is very great. Two very popular gentlemen. Messrs Irvin O. Conn and E. T. Fisher both living southeast of Greenwood, gave a dance at the Greenwood party house en last Friday which was well attended and surely wholly enyojed by the many who participated in the dance. K. L. McDonald the merchant will build a new home during the com ing summer which will be on the went side and a very popular resi dence district of Greenwood. The home will be modern throughout and will make an excellent home for this popular gentleman and his fam ily. Mrs. Ci. W. Holt entertained the Greenwood General Kensington at her heme last Thnr.-day afternoon, when all enjoyed the occasion very much, and also did some excellent work. The afternoon was most pleasantly spent by the lr '.'es and the occasion made the more enjoyable by the delightful refreshment which was served by the hostess. Reports from the west tell of a housewarming at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Rut-knell, who have just betn building a home near Rurlington. Colo. The home was net entirely finished but the enighbor. would not wait and came and sur prised this genial couple and warmed thf house proper, and also wishing the happiness and prosperity. While W. E. Pailing and wife with their daughter. Anna, were on their way to Lincoln in their car, Mr. Pailing was endeavoring to fix something which had gotten under one of the doors of the car. and not noticing the car ran into the ditch and agaist a culvert, giving all a ; very severe shaking up. Mrs. Pailing got the worst of the brusies. They rlid rot make their trip but return ed home. ! Paul Ktrate who is ore of the pro gressive farmers of the vicinity of (Greenwood, has been aggitating the '. proposition of having fewer would . be inspectors who know l?ss about farming than they do about other things come around and inspect the the farm or some position for which they received a fee. Mr. Strate is convinced that there are a super abundance of such people who are making a living at the expense of the farmer. Will Build a Home. Walter Holt, the efficient agent of the Burlington at Greenwood re cently purchased two lots of Mrs. Axmaker of Lincoln and with the opening of spring, will begin the erection of a new and modern home for himself and wife. They will wait until the weather is settled in the spring and will get after the prop osition in order that it can be out of the way before the coming of cold weather again. The location will make it most convenient for this couple as it places them not far from the farm work and in a most pleasant portion of the city. Redecorating Room. Weibke with the assistance A. F. of Watson Howard is painting the i ceiling of his cafe, and papering the walls and otherwise beautifying' the place, and when completed will make a most inviting place, and an excellent place to eat. , , dozen vex of 1.28 1 eggs in all. Uncle George Nickles Very Sick Reports from the bedside of Uncle George Nickles is to the effect that thi.3 gentleman is very ill and while everything in the way of med ical i.'t tent ion and nursing is being given he does not seem to show very much improvement. He was report ed a little better on last Thursday afternoon, which has civen hoDes to his friends that he is on the mend Had a Good Year of Business. The Farmer's Union Elevator com pany of Greenwood which was man aged by Rex Peters a portion of the time and E. A. I.andon the remainder of the year and which was audited last week showed a very satisfactory business, and a good profit for the year. Greenwood is a good grain point, and this institution has shared in the good business which has come to this place. 5 Many Attend Banquet. A large number of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of Greenwood last Thursday night went to Louis ville where they enjoyed the fel lowship of the lodge of that place and where they remained for the banquet which was served by the Louisville lodge following the con clusion of the lodge meeting. Among these going over were S. S. Peter son. W. E. Pailing. Phillip Reese, Fred Ethrige and a number of others. Everything in school day needs at riht price at Bales Book Store. PUBLIC AUCTION Clean-Up Sale The undersigned will offer for sale at his home one at Public Auction and three-quarters two and one-half miles east and miles south of Murray, on i Wednesday, Feb. 24 commencing at 10:00 o'clock .sharp, with lunch served at noon by Oscar Nailor, the following described prop erty, to-wit: ' Six Head Horses and Mules One pair of geldings, smooth mouth, weight 2500; one pair molly mules, R years old, weight 2500; one pair mules, smooth mouth, weight 2300. Cattle and Hogs ! Twenty-one head of stock cattle; two heifers, will be fresh in March; three bull calves, six months old, Shorthorns. Twenty-eight head of shoats; one old sow. J Farm Machinery, Etc. I One John Deere wagon and box; one John Deere wagon, low wheels and rack; two Weber vagons and boxes; one Deering binder. 7-foot; one John Deere mower, 5-foot; one McCormick hay rake, 10-foot; one Radger cultivator; one Jenny Linl cultivator: one two-section harrow; one three-section harrow; one In dependent manure spreader; one Janesville disc; one Campbell 1-horse corn drill; one Hoosier press drill; one Hoosier broadcast seeder, grass attachment; one 16-inch sulky plow; one Moline riding lister; one Rock Island gas engine, 2 h. p.; one Inter national gas engine, iy2-h. p.; three sets of work harness, l-inch; one! saddle and bridle; numerous other! articles. I Terras of Sale All sums of $10 and under, cash. On sums over $10 a credit of six months will be given, purchaser giv- ing bankable note bearing eight per, cent interest from date. No property to be removed from the premises un til settled for. Lee Nickles, Owner. 1 REX YOUNG. Auctioneer W. G. BOEDEKER, Clerk We, the undersigned, hereby asso ciate ourselves together for the pur pose of forming a corporation under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and do adopt the following Articles cf Incorporation: Articles 1 The name by which this corporation shall be known is Greenwood State Bank. Article 2 The principal place of business of this corporation shall be at Greenwood, County of Cass, State of Nebraska. Article 3 The object for which this corporation is formed is to carry on a commercial banking business under the laws of the State of Ne braska. Article 4 The authorized capital stock of this corporation shall be Twenty-Five Thousand (25,000) Dol lars, of which at least Twenty-Five Thousand (25.000) Dollars shall have been paid in at time of commence ment of business,, which shall be issued in shares of the par value of One Hundred (100) Dollars each. No transfer of the stock of this corpora tion shall be operative until entered 'on the books of the corporation. Article 5 The indebtedness of this corporation shall at no time exceed the amount of its paid in capital and surplus, except for deposits. Article 6 This corporation shall begin business on the 1st day of January, 1926. or as soon thereafter ias authorized y tne Mate lianKing Hoard of the State of Nebraska, and shall terminate on the 31st day of t December, 19 65. I Article 7 The affairs of this cor iporation shall be under the control and management of a board of direc tors consisting of not less than three nor more than five shareholders, whoso term of office shall be for a (period of one year, or until their suc cessors are elected and quaiiued, not lts.5 than a majority of whom shall i be residents of the county in which the bank is located or counties iin ; mediately adjacent thereto. It shall jbe the duty of the board of directors J to t !ert from their number a presi- rent and secretary, and select a vice i president and cashier, and they may also select an assistant cashier and such other clerks and assistants as ithe business of the corporation may require. The term of office of the 'officers of this corporation shall be !oi:e year, or until their successors are elected and qualified. The board of mre tors may adopt such bylaws for the regulation and management of the affairs and bxisiness of the tor poration as it may deem proper. Article S The regular annual meeting of the stokholders of this corporation shall be held on the second :.nnuay or January eacn year. at which meeting the board of diree- toio above proided for shall be elect ed. A majority of the shares ef the stock of the corporation at any regu lar or special meeting, shall consti tute a quorum for the transaction of business. Article 9 Until the regular meet ing of the stockholders of the corpora tion, the following named persons shall constitute th" board of direc tors: II. K. Frantz, J. C. De-user, Jr., P. I,. Pall. Jr., E. A. Landon and A. E. T.eesley. Article 10 Each stockholder shall at any regular or special met: ting be entitled to one vote, either in person or by proxy for each share of stock held. Article 11 These articles of in corporation may be amended at any regular or special meeting called for that purpose by a two-thirds vote of all the stock. Witness our hands this 30th day cf December, 1925. H. K. FRANTZ. P. L. HALL. JR.. P. .1. COSC, RAVE, E. A. I.ANDON. II. 15. SCUROEDER. 1U A E. ATKINSON. II. F. ATKINSON. HELENA P.. HALL, O. W. EVERETT. A. E. LEESLEY. J. C. DCUSER. JR. State of Nebraska 1 County of Cass J On this 30th day of December. 1925, before the undersigned, a not ary public in and for said county and state personally appeared H. K. Frantz. P. L. Hall. Jr.. P. J. Cos grave. E. A. Landon. II. I. Schroeder, Ira E. Atkinson. H. F. Atkinson, Helena P. Hall, O. W. Everett. A. E. Leesley and J. C. Denser, Jr., to ni" known to be the identical persons whose names are affixed to the fore going articles of incorporation, and each for himself acknowledged the same to be his voluntary act and deed. In Witness Whereof. I have here- . . . . ..... i. i i i ...... i jumo set in.v nana and noiaiuii st-ai this 30th day of December, 192j, at Greenwood, Nebraska. E. O. MILLER. Notary Public. I. If. K. Frantz, President of the Greenwood State Rank, of Greenwood, Nebraska, do hereby certify that the within and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original articles of incorporation of said bank. Witness my band this 28th day of December, 1925. II. K. FR4NTZ. President. COCKERALS FOR SALE If. C. Rhode Island Red and White Wyandotte cockerals, $1.50 each. Ashland phone 1715. JULIUS REINKE, jll-123w South Rend. Neb. FOR SALE Pure bred Hampshires. gilts, bred for March and row. Ernest Pollard, Nebbraska. sows and April far Nebawka, flo-3tw Have yoa anything to sell or buy! Then tell the world about it through the Journal Want Ad column. MAULEY NEWS ITEitfS Mrs. Enima Andrus was a visitor for a short time with friends in Oma ha during the y:ist week. Mis3 Laura Persinger of Omaha, was a visitor in Manlcy last Thurs day, coming to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. James Tighe. Mrs. Mary Keckler, of Falls City, was a visitor in Manley for a few days i during the part week and was also e busints3. ! looking after so Frank Grauf and wife and Mrs. George Stoli of Piuttsmouth, were in attendance last Thursday at the funeral of Mrs. Jai:s Tighe. .Mr. and Mrs. August Glaubitz of Chappell, are reported as not feeling very well at this time, they both being troubled with the grippe. Fred Fornoff and family and J. C. Hennings were visiting in Manley last Sunday and were attending the funeral of Mrs. James Tighe. Frank Wanamaker and family and Jacob Lohncs and family of Weeping Water were visiting last Sunday at (he home of Mrs Dora Flaischman. Mr.. J. P. Stanib r and .Miss Alice Harms were spending last Saturday and Sunday in Lincoln, Mr. Slander going after them in the car on Sun day. ; Charles Lovell. Sr.. and son.' Charles, Jr., of Chappell, were in attendance at the funeral of the late Mrs. James Tighe which was hel in Manley. John Murphy. Sr. of Omaha, was a vifitor here for a number of days last week, the guest of his sister and was looking after some business matters for the time. Mr. William Rauth and daughter, Mis Teresa, returned to Pilger with he folks who were visiting here and - ttended the funeral of the late Mrs. J.mies Tighe. Mrs. i. J. Room of -Nebraska City, formerly a resident of Manley, was a vi:-iior here last, week and was the guest nt tii'; home of her daughter, Mrs. Clarence Earhardt. Mrs. Walter I IccUenhaupt was a visitor in Omaha for a few days last . (" k and on h-r return was accom panied by h r mother. Mr". Jo!.w Tighe, who visited here for a time. The German Lutheran cMirch cn the county line road gave a program and supper at the church on last Thursday evening to which a num ber of people of Manley were in at te n dance. Joe Miller departed last Wednesday for Grand Island where he went for an operation for the brtter-n.r ;f his h'-alth. He was also accompanied by Mr. Rohrdnnz, who a!o went to un- i go an operation. John Crane r.s a or in ha for the past week, and was an at lendciH at the Retail Lumbermen's ronvention. The lumber yard was "looked r.f'er daring th absence of "Mr. r " ... ,i l... um: i' i -1 '"" conducted by the Rev Father Higgins Ralph Cool, who has been here;pastor cr tne (.,;,. The services j for fo;ne time, d-parted last week for j wa., assisted at th;? cemetery by Rev.! Grano Island, wh-.-rc he i,oes for t lie j Vathf r Thor. oastnr of the Cathode! rcmplctlnn of the uusincsa course which he is taking and which, will require about six weeks of his time. John Fiaischm in of Louisville, was n viFitor in Mrnky and was making .'o.iie repairs on tli house which he owne here and which is now occu pied by Mrs. G rover C. Rhoden. the representative of the Rawleigh Rem edy company. Among those who were at Manley io attend the funeral of the late Mrs. Jam. s Tighe were, Mrs. A. F. Rauth and two children of York. Lillian Tighe, Frank Stander and daughter, Misses Lidian and Lena of Omaha, Jo:,tph. John and Edward Tighe and Rich, the factory y , m .1 iVSr. all day Wednesday. Special prices will be made on assorted Del Monte fruits. Be sure to see this display. Remember THE A. & J. CREAM WHIP One cf the best whips on the market. Weller made jar, smooth finish, white inside with a well con structed double action egg beater. Will whip cream quickly. Special price, each $1 each GRISWOLD CAST IRON SKILLETS A highly polished skillet writh a guarantee. The No. 3 size skillet is specially priced at 35c each "Hi PJ?. I 1 hnrsfisjw Eftgsb bj 5aby Grs!ies!ra An E::tra Good Time Assured. OSCAR NAILOR, Mancger families, and Misses Anna, Margaret and Mary Tighe of Norfolk. Celebrate Birthday. Last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. August Stander was cele brated the sixlj -second birthday of Mis. August Stander and there were present for the occasion, Edward Saiker and family and A. W. Saiker end family of Elmwood to assist in the proper observation of the event. I Mrs. Jas. Tighe Passes Away at St. Marys, Kas, Resident of Near Manley for Great er Part of Lifetime and Well Loved Lady There. Miss Anna Rauth. 'laughter of William Rauth was born near Man ley on February 21st 1893. and dur ing most of the years of her life re sided in the neighborhood of Man ley, the family moving to St. Marys Kansas, where they resided for a number of years to secure privileges returning to near Waba-:h seme five years ago. In the fall of 1921, Miss Anna Rauth was united in marriage with James Tighe they going to live on a farm near Pilger. Here they made their home until death's mes senger called the young lady on last Monday morning. S.mse months ago Mr.-?. Tighe gave birth to a babe which soon died, and ifiiiee she has been very ill only to pass away ft three o'clock on last Monday. The body was shipped to Weeping Water and frem there ta?-:en to the home of the father where it rested in state until Thurs day morning when the funeral was held from Saint Patrick's church. i fimrr h i, Ynrfnit r-v; t-:p i10 a Aortoik. I igne was a mrst amiable young woman and ! loved by all who knew her, a de- vout member of the Catholic church wit hwbich she worshiped. ' She leaves to mourn he death, her. Teresa Rauth and brother. Joseph Rauth besides the sorrowing hus band. Other relatives being J. C. Rauth. uncle, while there were also other uncles and aunts elsewhere, Herman Rauth and wife, of Manley. cousins. A. F. Rauth and family of near York. The Paul bearers were selected from relatives, they being, John, representative, will be Del Monte can not be 41? if dmm re; sirray 5 ioreary Joseph and Edward Tighe, brothers of the husband. Joe and Herman Rauth and J. P. Stander cousins be ing the other pall bearers. A large number of friends were present to pay their respects to the departed and to do honor to her memory. SEED CORN 1 For sale Yellow dent from 192 1 j crop in the ear of the best quality 'one quarter mile south of Murray on the Walker place Ray Gerking. fll-4tw SEED CORN Seed corn picked, sacked and grad ed. Yellow $2.50 per bu-hel, white $2.00 per bushel. Test between "to and 100 per cent. Martin Sjogreen. Louisville, Neb. fll-3sw. FOR SALE Alfalfa bay under cover, also seasoned oak posts. Sam Giimour, Plattsmouth. tfw Job Printing at Journal Office. si m interest was common fifiy years aj;o for Farm Loans. the ow rate is i i i i i with prompt and reliable ser vice if you see Searl S. Davis Farm Loans Investments Insurance Real Estate here beat. THE A. & J. EGG BEATER Endorsed by the Good Housekeeping Institute. Double blade action that works smooth and will give good service. Easy grip handle. A 75c value an3'where. Bargain Wednesday 49c each 0 Q Ha ll r ittrkJMfJffftLtfHffc