MONDAY, rEPRtfARY 8. 1926. PLATTSMOUTH SZMI-WIZELY JOTTfiffAX FAOE TEX51 Che plattsmouth lournal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOTJTH, NEBRASKA Strd m.t Poatofflco. Flttmouth. Nab., aa McoKd-cUu mil matter R . A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE POVERTY AND SHAME Poverty and shame shall be to him that refuseth instruction; but he that rtgardeth reproof shall be honored. Proverbs 13:18. -tot Hurricane grips Pacific coast. . :o: Experience cannot be bought on credit. -tot Women appear natural only when they don't try to. :o: Senator Norris attacks banking firms' tax levy. :o: Mellon Golfers will go to a great deal of exertion to get into a hole. :o: The absent-minded man everything but his troubles. forgets Trainmen of the east demand dol lar a day increase by March 2nd. :o: Gasoline taxes for eight months in Kansas amounted to $3,000,253.17. :o: A public utility is a company which is engaged in digging up the streets. :o: Mount Etna is active, but Musso- nni wui no uouut buppre n at proper time. tot Democrats in congress, confer on campaign. Leaders of both houses meet to fix party policy. :o: If you think women are cowards just blow your auto horn to make one get out of your way. :o: The coal strike is a lockout, says Lewis. Parley breaks up for the third time. Peace ofler voted down. :o: If you are honest, you won't strike a match to look at the ga3 until you have finished paying for the car. :o: Additional charges were made against the Internal Revenue bureau ... . Dy a senate investigating committee. n - I "When you drop a dollar lots of.ings- people will help you look for it, but nobody will help you work for another one. tot There's a lot of psychology in ra dio. If you think you got Paris, you're .about as well off as if you actually did. tot The way they get in and out of cabinets, you'd think the French politicians learned their statesman ship from Houdini. tot President Colidge has raised by $10,000,000 the original appropria tion requested for rivers and harbors, making a, total of $50,000,000. tot This year. 1926, is bound to be un lucky; it began on Friday and will end on Friday. Shill, this is better than not beginning or ending at all. tot President Coolidge regards Ameri can adherance to the World Court. not as a step toward the league of ; cause some other man left $90,000, nations, but, if anything, in the other j 000 to his, which are certainly a9 direction. Aint that funny he looks upon the court and the league as sep arate propositions entirely? JL. Dr. John A. Griffin t Dentist Office HourBt 9-12; 1-5. Sundays and evening by appointment only. PHONE 229 Soennicliseii Building Z I 1111! !I-!-!.4;from it3 Provisions. Hudson and Essex MOTOR CARS! United States TJres! DEPENDABLE REPAIRING! Phone 58. Plattsmouth, Neb. Veterans of Nebraska will renew bonus movement. -tot- Senator Curtis of Kansas, is quite ill at Wastington. :o: Frequently, the epithet is the fore runner of the epitaph. -:o: The groundhog didn't see his shad ow in this neck o' the woods. ' House passes farm bill. Measure carries $127,000,000, of which SS0.- 000.000 is road aid. :o:-- Even when the worm does turn, he isn't much at chasing bulldogs and wild cats and such. :o: The world seems worse because you seldom hear much comment about the bad things that don't happen. -:ot- The only way to abate a nuisance is to abolish it, and this applies with particular force to some officers. :o: Anyway, the flapper discussion is keeping some of the young folks at home ,ong enough to write ietters. :ot- , Elihu Root thinks we ought not to have blocs, but hq will hardly lead e;us in getting rid of the tariff bloc first. -rot- Lots of us raise cain about pro hibititon. It could be a lot worse. What would we do if the country went dry? -tot- Liquor leak arouses ire of the Brit ish. Appeal for aid from America, results in movement to reduce rum smuggling opperaticns. :o: Jumps in price of raw rubber will cause a shortage of all acticles made of rubber, they say. Hope it will re sult in a shortage of rubbernecks. -tot- Be up to date. Some New England pnttnn mills nrp rlnspii hppniisp the . .t. men who own them don t know the . ... . ... . , American girl is wearing silk stock- -tot- J. Bruce Kremer of Montana, i3 being groomed for chairman of the National Democratic committee, to succeed Clem L. Shaver of West Vir ginia. tot The nursery rhyme about Little Bo-Peep, has been spoiled for future generations. A professor in a South Dakota experiment station has de veloped a breed of sheep without tails. tot Let's see this month is when the nation celebrates the birthdays of George Washington, the notorious revolutionary distiller and gambler, and A. Lincoln, the teller of barber shop stories, is it not? to: Big business is founded on dis regard for the Tenth Commandment. None of us are born with the in stinct to work twelve hours a day forty years in order to leave $100, 000,000 to a group of worthless des cendants. We are driven to do so be- worthless as ours, and we want to smash this record. tot The professional Southerner is. Dixie's tragedy. He abounds, we havej been told. In New York. He is ut-j terly devoid of humor, honor ar.d' brains. He stands cn the table eve.yj time Dixie is played, brags on l.'.s , ancestry to any one who will list.-ij and borrows money from every! 3. who is foolish enough to lend. If J.'the nation ever listens to us, and 'passes a law against capital punish-' . . 1 1 V. ! .... ji mem, we enHii nave mm eiirjjivu II 13 U NEW HANDY PACK Fits hand pocket and purse More for your money and the kest Peppermiat Chewing Sweet for any money Look for WnWs P. K. Handy Pack fonycnrDeajer'ountrrG FLORIDA PAPERS PLEASE COPY Florida may boast of its balmy gulf stream, and prolong its real estate riot indefinitely, but California still has its climate and a willingness to teH the world. From Newark, a vil lage in the Golden State, comes word that the hamlet is so healthful that it has no need of doctors, drug stores or undertakers, and an in timation that Ponce De Leon pick ed on the wrong coast in his search for the fountain of perpetual youth. Out where the "Native Sons" are stronger, that's where the west be gins, as the poet almost said, and California insists, and so they may live happily ever after at Newark, Cal., as well as in the fairy stores. At any rate, there Newark stands without benefit of Materia Medica or need of moticians. and Florida, the fair, should go out and get a reputa tion, be-fore setting up as a health resort. But there would be handicaps, even in such a robust region and Newark isn't exactly Utopia Center with the red corpuscles working reg ularly, civilized man might live with out doctors happily and indefinitely ,1 . v. . . ,11 : . l .1 . . 1 - . auu tu us """dlt; in uuui9 D T Simnions secretarv of the by the simple process of sticking TeMS Jersev Catt,e clubi claims that around. If one is feeling fit. he,.he CQW Jg morp valuable than the does't think much of doctors anyhow automobile In cur opinion this an nor hold their skill in high esteem. , dependa up0n circumstances. Suppose And sick or well, it always seems thejyou want (0 'ake a ri(e through the undertakers are too cneeriui, con- sidering their occupation; almost I r i- i i il i -. w . . . C ntn V 1 1 on1 Vi r T" ii ! And it seems to us that an auto is wonderment that Pollvanne didn't' ... . . mobile has more improvements. For . i . i - - . i. 1 r grow up to oe a neare ciriver. .-seiiuer is needed to round out that perfect party. Drug stores, however, are different Thev are. :n fact, so much more than ! ' ... ., . a not h &f' rv "n chrin in thic enmn pat.' ed era. that healthful patrons pre dominate, and it is hard to keep house without them. What does Newark do for a drink (soft of course) or bathing suit quick lunches, cosmetics and razor blades? The answer might! be "without" but that would be no way to compete with Florida, which boasts of having pretty much every thing but John Roach Stratton. tot THOSE WICKED FOUNDERS Rupert Hughes started something! Mrs. Harry Atwood Coleman, in a rpeech at Washington before the Su san B. Anthony Foundation, says, Dolly Madison was a flapper. The charming wife of the fourth presi dent "used rouge, was frivilous, dip-' ped snuff and played cards for high stakes." It looks as though the "Founding Mothers," as well as the "Founding Fathers." were erring,. pei-ctui "nU3 diter an. . rather than gods and goddesses. A ua,"-'uS" 0-wU.wlt, George asnington. A painted, snuff ( dipping frivilous Dolly Madison. Dear,' dear! W hat are our ancestors com ing to! tot- The delicate status of relations be tween the United States and Mexico became plain a few days ago with the disclosure that Ambassador Shef field has filed protest with the Mexi can foreign office against retroactive provisions of the two new Mexican laws known as the petroleum and anti-alien land acts. Estimates of the aggregate value of American invest ments In Mexico jeopardized by these enactments taken at their face value runs as high as $500,000,000. :ot . Vice-President Dawes wants to re form the senate and the anti-tobacco people want to reform him. It gets a fellow in lots of trouble to try to do as he would be done by. HOOVER "HET UP' Secretary Hoover is all steamed up and threatening to get completely be yond control at any minute, just be cause the British decided to change the market quotations on raw rub ber. Mr. Hoover is a patriot. He ougnt to induce ueorge i.onan to siar him in his next Hall Hooray for the U. S. A. It doesn't pain him in the slightest to read that the aluminum trust seems to have failed to comply with cer tain regulations which the federal government was so inconsiderate as to impose on our loyal home monop olies. The papers and the air are full of charges that the aluminum trust i6 no slouch, even if the rub ber trust is a trifle broader. We would like to know what Mr. Hoover thinks about the harsh things they are saying about the aluminum trust. Perhaps he thinks that Andy Mellon, who chums with him in the same cabinet is being persecuted. Perhaps he feels that the Federal Trade Com mission and the Department of Justice are entirely right in believing that all aluminum ought to be treated to a nice coat of whitewash. Mr. Hoover probably has wired his congratulations to the big tire com pany a loyal American industry 1 which has just declared the largest dividend in its history Our motto should be that gouging is all right, just so it is done by the j nonie ,,0's- Personally, we snail j auopi mat mono, n we must suner from profiteers, we'd rather have them as far away as possible. Then, too. we like the frank manly way the British have of dipping into the cus tomer's pocket. They do not deign to dissemble. We told them they must pay us the war debt. They said cheerio, old thing, we'll make it easy and comfortable by easing the price of rubber up a couple of notches, that all who ride may have the sat isfaction of having a hand in it. Then Mr. Hoover, protector of the poor, starts throwing fits all over the premises. He reminds us of the editor of revered memory who was giving a new assistant instructions. "Say nice things about those around you," he counselled. "Commend the town coun cil, congratulate the legislature, ap plaud congress, if it is a Democrat year. There will be times when you will feel a compelling, an irresist able urge to cuss something or some body. On those days write about the Balkins." to: COWS AND CARS country, what good would a cow do you then? j instance, a machine has a self-start er, but you still have to crank a cow inn the nthor harwi n frw ota vorv n, " ' AI Of course some cows are better than m in i iHHfcf i mm n i p 'lothers. Some give a good rich .... . . ture of milk and cream and ethers don't. It all depends upon the mixture of the bovine carburetter. In our opinion the cow's generosity is overrated. We are always hearing 'about how much milk this and that cow gives, but we have never yet seen a cow give any milk. You always have to go and take it. And she won't even let you take any unless you are on the right side of her. to The time will come, says Prof. Dibble of the Carnegie Institute, when it will be possible to broadcast sound waves. Then the weather man will come to something more than a figure head. In winter he will alternate Florida and California climate and In summer he will arrange cooling programs from Alaska and Medicine Hat. tot A farmer tells the recent winter weather has been fine, as well as use rul "its equally good," he says, ..for butchering hogs and for th radj0." -tot- Perhaps owls are considered wise I because they stay in bed all day. Truck and Transfer l -1 - n - E Call Phone 342-W or see me at the Vallery Sales Pavilion, Plattsmouth Wade Porter Iive Stock Hauling a Specialty, 'S'IIim "S"SI!"T' - 'SI ZilS'IT! We beg to advise Theodore and Kermit Roosevelt to shave off those whiskers before they start back home, or Mr. Kellogg may bar them as bol sheviks. tot Several women bandits are in pris- I on at Sioux Falls, S. D., sentenced for tnree years to the penitentiary. A mother and daughter are among those sentenced. NOTICE OF LIQUIDATION The First National Bank, located at Greenwood, in the State of Ne braska, is closing its affairs. All note holders and other creditors of the as sociation are hereby notified to pre- sent the notes and other claims for payment to the Greenwood State Bank of Greenwood, Nebraska, which has assumed all the debts and lia bilities of the First National Bank under an agreement of merger be tween them. Dated December 31. 1925. II. K. FRANTZ, f4-9w. Cashier. ORDER OF HEARING On Petition for Appointment of Administrator. The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Charles H. Sheldon, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of W. M. Sheldon, praying that ad minstration of said eetate may be granted to Frank Cloidt as adminis trator; Ordered. That February 23rd, A. D. 1926, at ten o'clock a. m., is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a county court to be held in and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted; and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. Dated January 30. 1926. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal)J30-3w County Judge. LEGAL NOTICE To George L. Sheldon t You are hereby notified that An drew F. Sturm, on the 8th day of October, 1925, filed a petition in the District Court of Cass county, Ne braska, to recover the sum of Six Thousand Six Hundred and Forty Five Dollars ($6,645.00). approxi mately, with interest from the 11th day of October, 1918, on a note sign ed "George L. Sheldon." and that an Order of- Attachment has been filed on the south part of Lot 4, NEi of NEU of Section 19, Township 10, Range 13: South part of Lot t. XEU of NE4 of Section 19, Town ship 10, Range 13, all In Cass coun ty, Nebraska; also on out lots to Vil lage of Nehawka, Cass county. Ne braska, north part of Lot 4. NEU of NEli Section 19, Township 10, Range 13; also north part Lot 7, NE of XEU of Section 19, Township 10, Range 13; also Lot 8 in Block 5, in Village of Nehawka, in Cass coun ty, Nebraska. You are further notified that you must answer the above petition on or before Monday. March 29, 1926, or judgment will be rendered against you in the sum of $6,645, with m- I terest at the rate of 7 per cent per (annum irom me xiin uaj ui utiuuci, j ana costs ot mis action, ana such other equitable relief as the mix-.court may grant, and that the above ' rifcfrihpl nrnnprtv will be sold to described property will be sold to satisfy said judgment. ANDREW F. STURM. Plaintiff. JOHN O. YEISER. Jr., f4-4w. Atty. for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF SUIT TO QUIET TITLE. In the District Court of the Coun ty of Cass, Nebraska. Leon L. McCarty, Plaintiff, vs. William Street et al. Defendants. To the defendants William Street, Sarah Street, Charles Hendrie, Leona Edgerton, William S. West; the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal represen tatives and all other persons interest ed in the estates of William Street, Sarah Street, Charles Hendrie, Leona Edgerton, William S. West and W. M. Edgerton, real name unknown, each deceased, real names unknown; and all persons having or claiming any interest in and to Lot six (6), in Block one hundred sixty-four (164), in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, except that part thereof taken and occupied by Chi cago avenue, in said city, real names unknown; You and each of you are hereby notified that Leon L. McCarty, plain tiff, filed a petition and commenced an action in the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, on the 27th day of January, 1926, against you and each of you. the object, purpose and prayer of which is to obtain a decree of court quieting the title to sixty-four (164). Tn the City ot) ot the amount of the bid will Plattsmouth, Nebraska, except that j &e required. ... . part thereof taken and occupied by I Th work njust be started prevlou. Chicago avenue, in against you and each of you and for such relief as may be just and equit able. You and each of you are further notified that you are required to an swer said petition on or before Mon day, the 15th day of March, 1926, or the allegations of said petition will be taken as true and a decree rendered in favor of plaintiff and against you and each of you accord ing to the prayer of said petition. Dated this 27th day of January, A. D. 1926. leon l. Mccarty, Plaintiff. W. A. ROBERTSON. fl-4w Atty. for Plaifltlff. ORDER OF HEARING I Appointment of Administrator for e.0f Aam'nstra,irix- t The State of Nebraska, County of ....... Cass, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Robert L. Burr, deceased t On reading and filing the petition of Louisa A. Burr, Fraying that ad - ministration of said estate may be granted to Louisa A. Burr, as ad - ministratrixt Ordered, That February 20th, A. -, n i -. ci . l s . . iio, at iu uciucK a. in. is uf.sit;iifu for hearing said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a county court to be held in and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted; and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. Dated, Januarv 27th. 1926. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal)j28-3w County Judge. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received at the Department of Public Works in the State House at Lincoln, Nebraska on February 24th, 1926, until 9:00 o'clock a. m.. and at that time public ly opened and read for GRAVEL SURFACING and incidental work IN THE TOWN OF GREENWOOD, Pro ject No. 107-E. Federal Aid Road. The proposed work consists of con structing 0.7 miles of GRAVEL road. The approximate quantities are: 10.520 Sq. Yds. 3" Gravel Surfacing. Certified check for five per cent (5) of the amount of the bid will be required. This work must be started previous to April 1st, 1926 and be completed by September 1st, 1926. Plans and specifications for the work may be seen and information secured at the office of the County Clerk at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, or at the office of the State Department of Public Works at Lincoln, Ne braska. The State and County reserve the right to waive all technicalities and reject anv or all bids. GEO. R. SAYLES. County Clerk, Cass County. R. L. COCHRAN. State Engineer. j25-3w NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received at the DeDartment of Public Works in the State House at Lincoln, Nebraska on February 24th. 1926. until 9t00 o'clock a. m., and at that time pub licly opened and read for GRAVEL SURFACING and incidental work WEST OF EAGLE, Project No. 133-C, Federal Aid Road. The proposed work consists of con structing 2.0 miles of GRAVEL road The approximate quantities are: 24.500 Sq. Yds. 3" Gravel Surfacing. Certified check for five per cent (5) of the amount of the bid will be required. This work must be started previous to April 1st, 192C, and be completed by September 1st, 1926. Plans and specifications for the work may be seen and information secured at the office of the County Clerk at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, or at the office of the State Department of Public Works at Lincoln, No braska. The State and County reserve the right to waive all technicalities and reject anv or all bids. GEO. R. SAYLES, County Clerk, Cass County. R. L. COCHRAN, State Engineer. j25-3w NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received at the Department of Public Works in the State House at Lincoln, Nebraska on February 24th, 1926 until 9:00 o'clock a. m., and at that time pub licly opened and read for GRADING, CULVERTS. GUARD RAIL and in cidental work on the UNION-ELM-WOOD Project No. 256-A, Federal Aid Road. The proposed work consists of con structing 5.1 miles of EARTH road. The approximate quantities are: 89,600 Cu. Yds. Earth Exca vation. 500 Cu. Yds. Special Excava tion, Class B Grading. 450 Cu. Yds. Special Excava tion, Class A Culverts. 75 Cu. Yds. Special Excava tion, Class B Culverts. 75,000 Cu. Yds. Station over haul. 218.2 Cu. Yds. Concrete Class B. 628 Lin. ft. 18" Culvert Pipe. 4 6 Lin ft. 24" Culvert Pipe. 28 Lin. ft. 36" Culvert Pipe. 8.568 Lin. ft. Guard Rail. SO Each, Anchors for Guard Rail. 8 Each Extra Posts for Guard Rail. Certified check for five per cent by December 1st, 1926 Plans and specifications for the work may be seen and information secured at the office of the County Clerk at Plattsmouth, Nebraska or at the office of the State Department of Public Works at Lincoln, Ne braska. The State and County reserve the right to waive all technicalities and reject any or all bids. GEO. R. SAYLES, County Clerk, Cass County. It. L. COCHRAN", State Engineer. J25-3w Journal Want-Ads get results! COCKERALS FOR SALE IV. V . . 1 kllL'UV ' Wyandotte cockerals. fl.Gu each. j Ashland pnoEe 1T15. JULIUS REINKE. jll-12sw South Betid, Ntb. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS j Sealed bids will be received at tho Department of Public Works in the ; state House at Lincoln, Nebraska on i Frbruarr 24th. 1926, until U:0) i l euniarj xj-u, un.i D-1 o'clock a. m., and at that time pub letliliclv opened and read for GRAVEL , ljrlv onenc i SURFACING and incidental wcrk on the EAGLE-ELM WOOD Project o. 153-A. Federal Aid Road. The proposed work consists of con structing 6.5 miles of Grav 1 road. The approximate quantities are: 80,400 Sq. Yds. 3" Gravtl Surfacing. Certified check for five pr c-nt (5 I of the amount of tin- bid will be required. This work must be started previous to April 1st, 192ti, mid be completed by S ptembt-r 1st. 1926. Plans and specifications for the work may b" een and information secured at the office of tlw County Clerk at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, or at the office of the State 1 partnient of Public Works at Lincoln. Ne braska. The State and County r rve the right to waive all technicalities and reject anv or all bids. GEO. R. SAYLES. County CUrk. Casa County. R. L. COCHRAN. State Engineer. j25-3w NOTICE OF SALE In the District Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. In the matter of th estate of Frank Hughson, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that In pur suance of an order of Hon. Jani'-s T. Begley. Judge of the District Court of said Cass county, made on the 22nd day of December. U2.".. for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described, there will be sold at the south front door of the court house in the City of Plattsmouth in said county on the 24th day of February, lf26, at ten o'clock a. m.. at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash: ten per cent of the bid to be paid at the time of sab' anil the bal ance on confirmation thereof by the Court, the following described real estate, to-wit: The east half (EH) of the southwest quarter (SW'i ) and the southwest quarter ISW, of the southeast quarter ) of Section eight (S); ilo the northeast quarter (NE1) of the northwest quarter (NW'i I of Section seventeen (17 and that portion of the northeast quarter (NEU ) of Section sev enteen (17) west of the Missouri river; all in Township ten (10). North, Range fourteen (14), in Cass county, Nebraska subject to a 512,000.00 mortgage thereon. Said sale will remain open one hour. Dated at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, January 16, 1926. GUY irUGHSON. Administrator of the Estate of Frank Hujrhson. D"ceased. D. O. DWYER. Atty. for the Estate. jl8-4w NOTICE OF SUIT TO QUIET TITLE. In the District Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. Joseph V. Brandt and Paul Apple gate, Plaintiffs, vs. Hugh Campbell et al. Defendants. To the defendants Hugh Campbell; Mrs. Hugh Campbell, wife of Hugh Campbell, first and real name un known; Mary Campbell, Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Hugh Campbell, deceased; Robert Campbell; the heirs, devisees, ltga tees, personal representatives, and all persons interested in the estates of Hugh Campbell, deceased; Mrs. Hugh Campbell, wife of Hugh Camp bell, deceased, first and real name un known; Mary Campbell. Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Hugh Campbell, deceased, and Rob ert Campbell, each deceased, and their heirs and legatees, whose names and whereabouts are to plaintiffs unknown; and all persons interested m c-itner tne east nan (t.1) or the southwest quarter (SW'U ) of Section twenty-seven (27), or the west half (W1) of the southwest quarter (SWVi) of Section twenty-seven (27), all of Township ten (10). Ranee thirteen (13). East of the Cth M.. Cass county, Nebraska, real names unknown. Defendants: You and each of you are hereby notified that the above named plain tiffs filed a petition and commenced an action in the District court of Cass county, Nebraska, on the 12th day of January, 1926. against you nd each of you. the object and pray er of which is to obtain a decree of court quieting the title, first to the east half (E4) of the southwest quarter (SW ) of Section twenty seven (27), Township ten (10), Range thirteen (13), East of the 6th P. M., Cass county. Nebraska: second, to the west half (W1) of the southwest quarter (SWU ) of Section twenty-seven (27), Township ten (10), Range thirteen (13). East of the 6th P. M.. Cass county. Ne braska, as against you and each of you. and for such other and further relief as may be just and equitable. You and each of you are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 1st day of March. 1926. or the allegation of plaintiffs' peti tion will be taken as true and a de cree will be entered in favor of plain tiffs, respectively, and against you and each of you, according to the prayer of said petition. Dated this 13th day of January, A. D. 1926. JOSEPH V. BRANDT and PAUL APPLEGATE, Plaintiffs. J. A. CAPWELL. ijl4-5w Plaintiffa' Attorney.