The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 31, 1925, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    . DECEMBER 31. 1925.
The plattsmouth journal
hUrtd at Poaioflc. Plattsmouth, Nab mm nootd-clui mall nutur
R. A. BATES, Publisher
There is something amusing in the
Plattsmouth is a city of approx-
No winter comes to Washington
Whereas. Lloyd Mashburn, convict
ed in Cass county, on the 10th day
In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska
attitude taken bv a certain eroiin of imafplv R 000 nnnnlatinn nnri ther n.-ltTirmt an nmhitiona nttemnt bv OI June, 1920, of the crime of
Americas that all military training ought "to be fully 500 names on the congress to overload itself as com- appHtfo to theoard oPardons Fred H. Vincent,
in colleges should be abolished be- Chamber of Commerce membership pletely as possible with other peo- for a parole and the Board of Par. Plaintiff
cause it is contrary to the ideas of roll.
pie's business, especially other people dons, pursuant to law have set the vs-
peace; and that it tends toward mil- That number will be reached if in the executive departments. Glance hour of 10 a. m. on the 12th day Alfred Thompson et al
itarism. each and every citizen recognizes the'at the titles of a few of the bills ' Jnau". "f6- for hfrfing n saidj Defendants
m , . ... ... ... . application. All persons interested are To the Defendants: A'tr
App. Dotk.
Page 30 3
men and women, condemns also mil-j The man who does not recognize' A bill
:ed Tliomp.
I"iis Aniyx:
pear at the State Penitentiary, at Fred Ainyx; Raleigh Auivx; Cora
for the promotion of cer- Lincoln, Nebraska, on said day and Harnett; Cecil Barnett; Myrtle Car-
me statement oi mis same group, oDiigation ne owes to tne city in already introduced in a session iwu nereDy notified that they may ap- son; Joseph McCreary
vnicn includes statesmen, educators, which he lives. weeks old:
Withdraw yourselves from every
brother that walketh disorderly, and
not after the tradition which he re
ceived of us..
II These. 3:6.
JJow foT a Happy New Year.
Deceit is a poor consolation.
Reaction always come to those who
do wrong.
Santa Claus has bid us goodby for
another, year.
Genius produces the inventiones.
while talent applies them.
Christmas is over for this year.
Did Santa bring you what you wanted?
The North wind d&h blow.
And we shall have snow.
And what will the women
Do then, poor things?
The boreal breeze
Will bite their bare knees
The first time the weather
Says when, poor things!
111 gotten gains don't last.
itary training in the high schools, this obligation the man who lives tain officers
Personally, we have never been in here, because of our present splendid army,
j favor of military training in the high prosperity and the bright outlook fori A bill to purchase an oil painting
schools because we have felt that was the future and does not contribute to entitled "Our Glory the Battleship
not the place for it. The majority the support of the Chamber of Com- Oregon."
of the high school boys are but chil- merce is not a good citizen. He is a bill to increase the efficiency of
dren. Also, they have full programs, in the same class with the hobo who army bands.
the United States nour and show cause, if any there ter; John Carter; Plain he stctcn
be, why 6aid application should or son; Bert Stevenson; Mary Ai.n Wat-
Settling up time is nearing.
should not be granted.
Sec't., Board of Pardons,
Chief State Proba. Officer.
We believe it is better not to begin steals a ride on a railroad train,
military training until they are of. There is not, and there cannot be,
college age. a substitute for the Chamber of Corn-
Even then, a young American ia not merce. It is the one effective agency
A bill to authorize the establish
ment of a better fog signal at Nan
tucket Island.
A bill to appoint Harry H. Holt,
son; John A. Horning; Anna I'.iitt;
! the Unknown Heirs. Devices. Lcga-jti-es.
Personal Representatives and
'all oth r Persons interested in tf-
several estates of Jonathan A. lams.
deceased; Mary Ann S. Ilntien. form
erly Mary Ann S. Adams. decta.-d;
j Eveline Swindell, d cca '! ; Susan K
Old winter
is here a good and
This Christmas the gayest for sev
eral years.
on Petition for Appointment of
Administrator. Brookhart. deceased ; Susan E. Sho;.;,
'deceased; Ilul, rt R. :-
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun- -tasi-d: Allied Thompson. d-cca-;. d.
tv. ss. 'and JoK'-t.h McCreary. d -;;:. 1. real
forced to take military training, be- for the promotion of our material of Virginia, as a member of the Board I In tne bounty Court. 'nanus unknown; and all other p-r-
cause if he so desires he can choose' welfare. Experience has shown that of Managers of the National Homej.1 PrrdeceLed6 f j estn 'o to I M s 'l ' ' '! ? ""
a college where such is not included it is the most efficient and most eco- for Disabled Soldiers. j on reading and filing the petition n, 12, 13 and 14. "in Block' in
in the curricula. There is assuredly nomical organization for the upbuild- A bill to legalize a pier into the of Earl V. Barr, Mary Etta Long Thompson's Addition to the City of
no compulsory army training in this ing of our city, for every form of Atlantic ocean. and George M. Barr praying that ad- Plattsmouth. in Cass county, N hras-
a Hnrtmnt ministration oi said estate may re fca, real names unknown:
a department , j t Tt, to- oo a ,it,, ; r, !o ,
'""' l" """" ""t "o ...w..o- YuU unl v.Hh of y()1I art jlfr(?y
tratOrj tlTit nn tin i'!nl i-iv i,f V.-.-
. i -ii . i . . . , . I j . . . r . " ' - '
a Din to proviue ior tne appoint
Wonder if these women wearing
fur coats ever wonder what the poor
animals are wearing
Grade crashes
Christmas day.
killed many on
country. ; industrial, financial and commercial
"It would be a tragedy," says the achievement.
Foreword to the pamphlet compiled Look at the directorate and list of
by this group, "if at the very mome
when such ancient enemies as France
and Germany are outlawing war be- are in the hands of a group of the!
A bill to establish
of economics at West Point.
Ordered, that Monday, January . V(.nin(,r
'J'2'y. the plaii tiff in
nt ' officers and you will find that the ment of a leader in the Armv School; 4th. A. D. 1926. at 10 o'clock a. m., j for,.poj 'liS; Yr'tit It-d eaus.- l U-d m
ce affairs of the Chamber of Commerce! of Music. .is assigned for hearing said : petition '' petition in the District Curt of Ca's
I v. .. j .. ...... l : .. 1 .1
What is pniiCTPHa dmtip' Annnint-' .... .. . . ... . tount. Nebraska, vluniii o-i
maiifi iiihj aiauuuivLUUH r,fher mo r.:,rfi. ,U,U.- , , ,.t
tween each other the military spirit foremost businessmen of Platts-( jng leaders of the army school of to be held in and for said county. fr the purpose of obtairnng a decree
should assert Itself in the United mouth men who have made out-, music and filling places on boards of and, show cause why the prayer of from (ourtt QUietini the record
States." standing success in the mana
The statement apears to us as mel- of their own affairs, and are gi
gement managers, and establishing depart- Py?"8 ould, nl be fanted; title in plaintiff' to the following
. , and that notice of the pendency of rui ..ctato tMixit-
giving, menta of economics.? Are the?e lee-' SJ a .v.' . SfriDed real estate, to-wit.
Following In dad's footsteps would j i3 the happiest mortal now
be all right if a young fellow could
afford to lose so much 6leep.
A man in Nashville, Tenn., was prpr
sentenced to 33 years, so he won't
have to worry about the coal bills.
Some of us are naturally foolish
and the others act that way be
cause they haven't any better sense.
Every free trial will mean a new
booster for this appliance.
:o: lodramatic. e think there is no unselfishly of this time and effort to . isiative matters or are they adminis-,of be given to all persons interested
The proper time to buy coal ought danger in this country ever becoming public support of every good citizen, j trative matters? Congress, in its' in said matter by publishing a copy
to have been 10 years ago. j militaristic. Americans are simply Plattsmouth is on the threshold of wisdom, regards them as legislative 5 asem? weekl PnewF1aU
:o: Inot of the militaristic type. They are the greatest era of growth in its his-' matters. And it is true that so grimly . panted ' in sa'count for three
luc juuisui wim iuc icu siru f .. tnn internet H In nth or thinp-c tnrv Tho nrnmnl nn nf that ernwth V.oo onno-wnoc. V,,cl n ia i,ni.!li. 1. : : a
-vw - - u v ... . - n - ; i' w...-- . - e wu J v. w li i coo ucm I J 1 i o OUIUUIJIJ . MHITDM VC V trtriva, pi 1UI LKJ Oil I li KiiX
The statement asserts that there in every possible way is the duty of over all manner of nettv adminis-'of hearing.
it nwtwtvJ6110 be a Positive education for the whole citizenship of the commun-' trative affairs that in certain of these! Dated December 10, 1925.
It remains to be seen whether the , , . ,T. . it . v.- -n A. H. DLXBLR,
new congress will be "dryer" than:peaCe- e are peace ,OV,ng" e be lty' and if the whole cltlzenshlP cases nothing can be done without Seal) dl4.3w County Judffe.
ii e 111 Biuuiauuii a iai as sutu gta suiiuiy ucumu iiic iuamuci v congressional autnorization. m cer
can be conducted with honor. We are Commerce there will be no limit to tain other cases congress simply butts
Here's some news from Hollywood.
No it isn't news. It's just about an
other movie star divorce.
Only three more days and we will
not an aggressive people. We have no what can be accomplished.
designs upon any nation's territory.
We hope that never again will the
clouds of war arise over our land.
But until the millennium comes.
An unusual students' bonfire was
in on its own accord. And in both
oc J In the District Court of Cass coun
:ty, Nebraska.
executive departments continually j August G. Bach, Plaintiff, vs.
harassed by congressmen, hungry to Michael Preis and Louisa Preis, De-
interfere with something, and con-: fendants.
ringing in the New Year!" And it would be unwise fof us to overlook held the other night at Southern gress, itself incompetent, for one t. tnf a?tencants Aiicnaei rreis
Pmk IMtlnTl nnrt rn A r aytx Knth t . . . . . ,. . , . tv, nnn.ikii;t.. . - : 1, t ... . ..... . anu l.OUlSa 1 reiS
- uiuumg idii tri i lu iiitr uiu i cai.
five years old. As to their compara
tire receptivity, you must make your
own estimate.
tne possibility mat war might occur. junior College in Tennessee. As the reason because It insists upon at-
Jlt would be utterly foolish for us to reBult of a religious revival, directed tempting personally to supervise a
Lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 0, 7, 11.
12, 13 and 14, in Block two
(2), in Thompson's Addition to
Plattsmouth, in Cass courty,
as against 3"ou and each of you and
others and by such decree to wholly
exclude you and each of you from all
estate, right, title, claim or intere.-t
therein or to any part thtrccf, and
ito have a certain mortgage tovering
I said premises given by t ne Oran S.
(Thompson and wife to the defendant,
'Joseph McCreary. decreed to have
(been paid and satisfied and the rec
ord title to said premises forever
freed from the claims of said defend
ants and forever quieted in Plain
tiff. You are required to answer said
tx-kalsers back at nis wood-saw- remain entirely unprepared. I nartirnlnrlv ae-ainst "vanitv and thmiKnnd and on details which hp-' plaintiff, filed his petition in
i You and each of you are hereby Potion on or before the lMh day
'notified that August G. Bach, the ! ?f January, 1920 or your default will
f,-n r!tS be entered in said cause and a Decree
Sometimes wisdom comes with age.
Age may come alone, however. A
i i c i v. . . l .. j ; . ...... ....
I me agam. jiauB ue uaa leaiuu h quinary training nas a great peace- worldliness,"
is best to say nothing and saw wood, j time value. It has many values, not their "Idols.
the students burned long properly to the business of ad
The boys and girls ministration.
While Henry Ford started Mellie
at all connected with war. Teaching threw Into the fire novels, pictures,
young men to hold themselves erect. o !-. instruments ctnrv
woman, aged 60 was Jailed for forgery Dunham, the Maine fiddler, on the t wnlb. aT,. rfrf1, npnn.r fn onTrv . , , .
to vaik ana arm properly, to carr magazines, cards, rouge, lipsticks and
n tlorrfchiirir Pa rnnd tr richpa it wasn't In a flivver. ... . ....
... . o " - - i npir ciins. is tint insnirin? thpm to i i .ji
t , M f-f - VILIlfl 1UI UlUlitU UI MU1U1 ni LlllCO.
make war. But should there come a
The fight in the senate for Ameri
Pmhnhiv thpv nveriirt th matfpr can adherence to tne world court.
time when their country actually There is usually a relapse from such Pens with a faux pas. The question
Three Frenchmen will try to fly to Even when the football season is
na "Vrirt Vi TVila Unnr fru-Hi TXTh V nT unrns nf tho Htlldonts hane
. . . " . " i . .. . ... t needs them, their college military hih rpsnlv ennnpr or latpr Hrnnnin? before the senate is not the League
not Just go down to the ice . house around the college until summer sets ... ' . nign resone sooner or later, aropping
Liaiiiing Kvuiu (iti ve luem eu. 'some of the enthusiastic sacrifices ' aiiuuB. ii i . .- auouu nuusc
:o: Slower than they were before. But on lutlon brings the court issue to the
A YEAR OF PROSPERITY hn,0 tho ,Mlllt wnc Tirntiahtr floor, should stick to the issue. The
and sit on a cake of ice?
Now to make the story complete A New York actress has her fourth
Red" Grange ought to go back home divorce. She doesn't really marry,
The vear Just drawing to its close
next summer and buy out the ice Just takes the place until something probabiy show the greatert total urge any general holocaust of popu
company for which he worked. better comes along.
the whole, the result was probably
good. And while it isn't necessary to League of Nations question is for
another time, if at all.
It would seem that the Nobel A correspondent wants to know If
prizes were omitted this year for two women are as smart as men. We have
reasons: the candidates were not de- an opinion on that, but we have not
serving, and the money was not on the courage to express it.
hands. "o:
Rabbi Wise se.ys the Jews are com-
profit tor all forms of business of
any peace time year in America's
history, according to Colonel L. P.
Ayres, Cleveland Trust company vice
president and one of the country's
foremost economists.
Further, he adds, 1926 will show a
continuation of that prost.-r;ty. at
lar thing, it would be well if a lot
more of threw some of our favorite
Behind the proposal for America
to join the court stands the best
District Court of Cass county, Ne
braska, on the 25th day of Novem
ber, 1925, against you, the said Mich
ael Preis and Louisa Preis, defend
ants, setting forth therein, that the
plaintiff sold and delivered to said
defendants certain goods, wares and
merchandise, all of which merchan
dise were necessaries of life for the
granted as prayed for in Plaintiff's
Dated: December 2nd. 1925.
Bv I'laintiff.
d3-4v His Attorney.
In the
District Court of Cass
"idols" into the fire and gave our Judgment of the nation. Every poll
minds and souls a real chance to de
velop untrammeled by rubbish.
Too many mere things in this
world today too many possessions
too much clutter not enough chance
of sentiment indicates that too clear
ly to need discussion. Senators op
posed to it are the irreconcilables of
previous days. The United States
can keep out of foreign affairs in
The quitting of Rabbi Wise stirs Jng to accept many or tne teacnings " ---- -u. tn DI,,Qfo t1Q c,,1o t,in that spite of the Isolationists, men who be-
the Jews to resentment. Nathan S. of Jesus. Now if the Csristians can 'east ttiougnout its first part. Then " Jfl " Heve the fact that she is already in
fttrnim rfvea JG50.000 for Palestine be induced to Dractice them all will somen. ir.e oi a ptness e.ump win
In resentment of Rabbit Wise's ut- be well. come, exact nature oi wnicn can-
terances. :o: not e fuI1' foreseen now.
:o: Prohibition enforcement is all Tn13 hqs! indeed teen a prosperous
' -Determine how much of his money right, but when an Alabama officer 5"ea" ' '"- hap hea'd occasionally a
the promoter is putting Into his seized a Christmas fruit cake and ran wai! front the art-cultural district?,
scheme before you decide to-.risk your it through a clothes wringer for evi-i but 'n L1p vvho'.o ih? farmer cp:n
to have ! r.e tty veil. the
business nun - the New Y'; "
exchange'.? repented rturries l rat
Don't take his word for It dence he carried the thing a bit too
make him prove it.
If Senator "Pat" Harrison of Miss.
A man dies in Wisconsin whose tJc buying orgies testify sufficiently
keeps pitching on Vice-President j laj t f . tfa t Lincoln1 1 the generally ctithy c- ti ii: '. i, bile
The unexpected happened when
President Coolidge decided to give
the South representation on the In
terstate Commerce Commission.
The new member of the body, sue-'
ceeding C. C. McChord, is Col. R. V
Taylor, mayor commissioner of Mo-
former vice-president of the
a question now long kicked him out of bed. Many of stocks. All in all, we can look Mobile & Ohio Railway, and a form
er Mississippian.
Dawes it is
the "Hell and Maria" person will be have bpen kicked up8tairs to fame back with satisfaction
able to "stand pat.'
and fortune, but they usually have
something on besides a nightie.
Unless the cabled reports are mis-
,eu,U6' - The luckiest man is the East St
okt is lauity. ISO man can De aictaior-. ... , , ,
s' ' . . :Louis policeman who opened fire with
long without understanding people's
minds and hearts
a riot gun upon a yeggman who had
a bottle of nitroglicerin, a stick of. say
And about this slump that's ahead
Col. Taylor, in addition to the
of us; from all indications there is qualifications named, is a sure-
them and has been for years. They
are a minority in congress; they
speak for a minority in the country
at large.
Senators have enough to do with
out dragging the League of Nations
j into this discussion. No one is propos
ing that we Join the league. Confus
t ing iiic Lnu xwuro mcicri uiaars
I words without progress.
( :o:
Secretary Mellon is quoted as say
ing business signs look good for some
time ahead. All but overhead signs;
they look good ahead at no time.
It is getting to be hazardous to'dynamite and two Percussion caps in
milk a warehouse or rob a bank, but " 10 v. n
it Is still entirely safe to rob the
federal government. If you doubt It,
see Albert B. Fall, Ed Dohney or
Harry Sinclair.
Another great illusion is shattered. mucn as her sister nations wi ta-e
The league of nations has discover- off Provided some sister will do it
ed that the Turk is a bloody, murder- j Drsl-
tne vilHan. unfit for the custorv oft
.M,n. ii c, f A scientist says tital-haired girls
no great cause for alarm.
For it seems to be an American
habit of late years, to take slumps
"in its stride," as a sprinter would
Let industry slide down for a
while and presently we find it rising
higher than before. A business de
pression at the end of next year would
The question of disarmament very probably be merely a Drelude to
among nations is curiously similar iqja new era of glowing prosperity in
feminine fashions. Each nation is; the year following.
ready and willing to take 'off as
enougn uemocrat oi me uiu m.uuui,. Senator Borah has been on earth
and from the viewpoint of ability is long enough to know that Russia la
the best qualified man named ior, tne worst country in the worid to
membership on the Interstate com-. make a prediction about.
have suspected this for 'a long time, i
Cable reports from Berlin say a
big German syndicate has $1,000,000 1
are not of the proper temperament
to drive cars, and really should n3t
be permitted to do so. Which is for
tunate, as we get very few invitations
worth of beer on the way to Amer-l10 ride with titan-haired girls driv-
A ci a.
lean ports. Looks like France's last
last chance to make a friendly set
tlement of that troublesome debt is
due to be dissipated.
Dr. John A. Griffin
Rice Hours: 9-12; 1-5.
Stuiaays and eTeningi
my appointment only.
Soennichsen Enildisg 4"
5 Itfloney
to loan on Farms
Several Good Cass Coun
ty Farms for Sale on Very
Reasonable Terms. See
T. H. Pollock
merce Commission for many years.
There is nothing theoretical about
Col. Taylor's knowledge of the trans
portation system or the unitea
States. It is intensely practical, gain
ed in the hard school of experience,
and President Coolidge deserves to
Given American brains and Amer- be heartily congratulated for the ex-
ican natural resources, industrial
prosperity is the normal condition.
Real "panic years" are things of the
past for us. General good times are
in sight a long way ahead.
If the World Court is all Senator
Swanson says it is, we'll never get
another opportunity to salute La
Fayette. The senator, in speaking on
the court, used not less than 20,000
words. Yet they say the vice-president
of the United States, who had
to listen to it, has an easy job. They
can't tell us that.
You will notice that the salary at
tached to an office never has much
to do with it. There is just as much
kicking on the member of the school
board who gets no pay as there is on
the congressman who draws down
110,000, a year. A winner simply
cannot give satisfaction. j
For earache, toothache, nains.
burns, scalds, sore throat, trv Dr.
Thomas' Eclectic Oil, a splendid rem
edy for emergencies.
cellence of this selection.
Max Hartmann, leading German
biologist, now comes forward with
For Sale
Three male pigs, full blooded Ches
ter Whites, ready for service. 1
miles west of Murdock.
d7-10sw. Murdock, Neb
Live stock and grain, telephone
Most disfiguring skin eruptions,
scrofula, . pimples, rashes, etc., are
the assertion that there is no such . BIUe cleansing blood tonic is
thing as sex in nature. If 60 per wen recommended. 1.25 at all
cent of the cells are male, then the stores.
whole organism is male, and if 60,
per cent are female, then the organ-
ism is female; but as for absolute'
sex, it is a myth quite false and de
void of sense. All sex, literally, is
relative, a relief. The blow has des
cended at last, and we know every
thing is over but the Lucy Stone
League. From now on there will be
neither male names nor female names
and you give your per cent, and that
is all there is to it. Thus: Jones
(M.82, F.18;) Dawes (M.100). This
will be a great improvement and it
will save a number of people from
changing their names so often, bo
we had as well rejoice in it. But
bow about all the movie queens nam
ed Barbara.
Truck and Transfer
l -1 - n - E
Call Phone 342-W
or see me at the Vallery Sales
Pavilion, Plattsmouth
Wade Porter
"fLive Stock Hauling a Specialty.
suDDort and maintenance of said de
fendants and their familv. and there county, Nebraska.
is now due plaintiff from defendants Ida F. Applegate; Jessie A. Potter;
for said merchandise the sum of! Julian E. Appl-ate; Palmer C.
$184.10, and interest thereon at 7 j Applegate and Delia A. Anderson,
per cent per annum from November Plaintiffs, vs. Herman M. Nye; Lliza
7th, 1923, and in order to collect the Barnuni; Thomas G. Barnum; J. F.
same, plaintiff has commenced a suit Hcrtmaii, renl nome ti:iki:w :i : John
in attachment and levied upon your Hull; Anna Maria Jennings; G.-ore
real estate in the Citv of Plattsmouth. ,' Jennings; Otoe County N:.t
Nebraska. (Bank of Nelir.iska City, Ntbraska;
You are hereby notified to appear John II. Bryley; LdwM'd Gooden
and answer said petition on or be-tough; Charles E. B:iley; Jennie F.
fore the 18th day of January, 1926, ! Bayley ; William Horripun; E. W.
according to law and the rules of Barnum, real name unknown; llnry
said court, or judgment will be en-'W. Moore; Milton Tootl-; Ptoedell
tered against you by default, and Stokes; George W. Hunt and Ia Ap
your real estate sold to satisfy the plegate, and all persons having or
same. claiming any interest in the west half
AUGUST G. BACH, of the northwest quarter (NW'i ) of
By Plaintiff. ' section twenty-seven (27 I. townhip
ALLEN J. BEESON, 1(10) north of Range Thirteen (13).
d7-4w His Attorney, east of the Sixtli Principal Meridian
in Cass county, Nebraska, rial names
NOTICE OF SALE j unknown, defendants.
! To the above named defendants:
In the District Court of Cass coun- You and each of you are hereby
ty, Nebraska. notified that on the 21st day of
In the matter of the guardianship December, 195, Ida F. Applegate;
of John Warga, mentally incompetent.
Notice is hereby given that in pur-
Jessie A. Potter; Julian E. Apple
gate; Palmer C. Applecat and ltdia
A. Anderson, plaintiffs herein filed
suance of an order of James T. Beg-.their petition in this action in the
ley, Judge of the District Court of, District Court of Cass county. Nc
Cass county. Nebraska, made on the(braska against the above dtftnd
8th day of December, A. D. 1925, for; ants, the object and prayer or which
the sale of the real estate hereinafter . petition is to quiet title to the fol
described, there will be sold at the lowiner described real eMatc, towit :
south front door of the court house.
in Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebras
ka, on the -4th day of January, A
D. 1926, at ten o'clock in the fore
noon, at public vendue to the high
est bidder for cash, the following de
scribed real estate, to-wit:
Commencing at a point thirty
rods north of the center of Sec
tion thirteen (13), in Township
twelve (12) North, Range thir
teen (13), east of the Sixth
Principal Meridian, in Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, running thence
west along the south line of Lot
thirteen (13) five chains and fif
teen links, thence south three
chains and eighty-seven links,
or to the north line of Pearl
street, thence east along the line
of said street five chains and fif
teen links to the west line of
Maiden Lane, thence north three
chains and ninety links to the
place of beginning, except the
right-of-way of the Missouri Pa
cific Railway Company across
the northwest corner thereof;
also known as Lot one (1), in
the southeast quarter (SEU) of
the northwest quarter (NW'i)
of Section thirteen (13), Town
ship twelve (12), North, Range
thirteen (13). east of the Sixth
Principal Meridian, in Cass
county, Nebraska.
Said sale will remain open ONE
Dated this 14th day of December,
A. D. 1925.
Guardian of John1 Warga,
Mentally Incompetent.
The West Half of the North
west Quarter (NW4 ) of Sec
tion Twenty-Stven (27), Town
ship Ten (10). North Range
Thirteen (13). East .of the Sixth
Principal Meridian in Ca.
county, Nebraska.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the Sth day
of February, 1926.
Dated this 21st day of December,
1925. at Lincoln, Nebraska.
By Frederick J. Patz,
Their Attorney. 5w
We believe in making folks happy,
so if It isn't cold enough, we will
petition the weather man to make
it colder.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In tbe County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Thomas Walling, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I
W'fll Bit at iho Pnnnttr r"-i- mr, In
" - . . - V U J tU.l I ill 1 1 I
Plattsmouth in said county, on Janu
ary 11. 1926, and April 12. 192C. at
10 o'clock a. m., each day, to receive
and examine all claims against said
estate with a view to their adjust
ment and allowance. The time lim
ited for the presentation of claims
against said estate is three months
from the 11th day of January, A. I).
1926. and the time limited for pay
ment of debts is one year from said
11th day of January, 192C.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 7th day of
December, 1925.
.(Seal) dl4-4w County Judge.
School supplies at lowest prices at
Bates Eook and Stationery Store.