THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1925. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE SEVEK . CHRISTMAS 8',' By EMILY BURKS ADA. HE beaiittfnlly dec- m orated house, tne Hjfil sently f allQi? JZk - -Sji V mm V 1 ;-r&1;?l ? J; tea 1 -?iv,lN. i o Our Friends and Patrons We Extend Our Heartiest Greetings For your friendship, co-operation and " patronage during the year now closing, " we are deeply cippreciative. -May the Christmas season and the New Year bring to each of you life's blessings in more and more abundance." Piobb Wholesale Candy Co. Piattsmouth and Nebraska City J 'I'll 1 . i ? r S?-.l,5?y. j&? 5"V ?Ss:.r---Ziv ' I o Ffp .-II the Indians Rose and Wayne llOTK' 5a, sSrmf " . lit? e told me aboutj Ar thcji-ijoktn jilii'oc! :un mortaHy afraifl of Thdians, but of !LSrt?2 aey'' i'""' " -'-J-c - - -'Hii &e the povernmtii -ke4i, tliem 7 -rrf inosttliere.the fur- r41ij tnq.t'xpfct- e yL-lun e?d , ue. ire- i rticft of XJliri6tiva8. r.le rfy htusrliter and LmrkMi sttis 'as Ktirttl Jlrs. I$?arfoot that- her adored tnm and daughter had artve2. "..r'lTfno. mother.' -a 'Mfrry Chrlst iiias r' . shouted '"Tirw rind ' AVayhe. "Tou've'out Edith, inotlier. so, plire she is. I know you'll love her;. Kdith does, and I'm about to. ' Shake Xiirids with mother,' "K'dItK,'r"?otftIhue'a W ayne, esciteilly. ' - r es r.-e , are so, ad; to liaye .y-ou. JUiss-rxtrrow," said Mt. iTaifooU as she shook hands with Edith. "Thank you. I am delighted to be here. Lixd' to know j-ou. What a thrill I.';n having! wild about Oklahoma. ' tad Wayne fldnk they have a Joke'ou me because I thought all those .ilk wells were wiadrpills." "'Yes.' mother," interrupted Wayne, "lidith said, 'Hnw all those windmills lerrHnd one of Holland!"?. ' - rrin, well, I shall be all the wiper hrn I return to Chicapo. I'm anxious to Fee ."II the Indians Rose and Wayne JMIW iany nappy iieturns IMirhV" r.nd she can all t Wjc twinkle In iflfe-r '?ons eyt.i - ""The'J Vidians need .?....'. :.. .: ' -:."- i nui r; liiey are cum-jiij.'. ut? is a ?iod athlete and will see that you are n-vt scalped, at least." . 'MVi!f, I want to climb .to the top-f of those VicdmUlk .'All thp:wllB I :iinv :inythincr about et( downwind l stlir call those'-ta'll ttiinge'-tfihd'- : ;yniiil' I want to seeajtwee, -ind: an in(!ii.n chief, too, before i return home." Edith no- service and HppiiinTm- nts. The drawing room was v 4 " wa" served and y-.i. ts iii lied 'f h(S ;c?rq!iite table s Qi the Day t We have no special "knack " . Of making others giap! K ji 'i . gu: Dpe" thauCrrristmas makes this day The best ycu ever had. " A, b. iiacn stores -; PHONES Main Street, 236 South Park, 118 iTrv MM, st;rVi';s and Edith marveled at the n;ficent furnishings. Tne rus tfffervere"fidi 1 the culture i were 'Oriental; tl,e prctfffervere"flcfne by'-r artists; and the culture of :T..v.:VilJ:.!!l H TO OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS A Merry, Merry Christmas Christmas, the season for the renewal cf c!d fcn'bhips. for the forgetting of differences, for the expression cf good will and kindness is here. May ybnr Christmas be filled v.-ith jcy and happiness, ur marred by sorrow, and may you carry with yea through the coming year the spirit cf the Yule tide. Our wish is that this may be for you and yours a Christ mas day long to be remembered fcr its happiness and cheer. H. L. Kruger Paint Siore NOHTH SIXTH STREET - -r2- jorvT. mm 7 Christmas Joys Galore e.' To ALL Friends Old, New and Prospective WE WISH YOU i -1 ;...r.-.. '4 .... '-.aS "I'll .Count It a Mighty Fine Christ " rr? v mas Present." the li-ui.e was !r. keeping with the ele- aaast..:,...-- mm:.'-. ... Same Ohl Christmas DEAR CUSTOMERS AND FRfEND We would but repeat the' . time-old message here f ; A MERRY, MERRY CHRISTMAS and a Bright and Frosperous - New Year Palace Siiiajng Parlor r . Mm$m- Farmeie Theatre Co appy Old-fashioned Christmas h -M. In a Good Old-fashioned Way." . 4.-: t&&r r-F rn!y a mother and daughter can. .il'ti ; ;t f.;;r iinniis separation. "Oh. ilj-.t'jiyuj YuunJ Jjdlth thinks Jk'ai'.oma is wfld. Ion't you like hf-r? She Is a dear, and Wayne is .jTt;:y altout iWr. I.ihiutf it is mutual, I no.jcver. jier auca oi uiaians bo TnunsrVus." ' ' ' - ' ' " Wayne and Editli were visit injr as if-jlty, too. had benyar:)Jed fiev- VI III i.i.'ulit.. n rn, AJlll III, lllllll iiiiuii you of I' now, and of mother? Phe js-ire niojher.;i teli avou. , ,-"u- need .not U'-.v thp Indtins. Nw; Uiut you've mrt 1 mother " and ' Lave" seen "I'onca. I aren't y.ou ready, to yvp me that an- for2 t I'll, count lt a -mighty fine LJ!irist!iaipiM!4nt.'-. h Wayne, you, must wait until l&ttuv ifie i?oi.ntfiity tree. I want to .see, -yioro, of these .natives. All rootl things 'are worth "'wairtrfg'for?- you fcniife. and -le.siUr. it -i-a't' time -yet to It was Christmas Eve, and Kdit'i -. -1 ::jid .Vayne were talking of the, coni- ri.-VOTi next to divine; hut where were the W-J V.ii- . .. ... . KTSf . f- -""He irttiii who sang that beautiful - fc-Li0V; ". ?.rTAntfte-folo.'was at one time an In ; vJvl-? 'TTrian liief; jrirl, who pave that im-' y.U'.rti pres.sive oration was his pranddanh- ter. The Indians were all around vou, Edith." Edith's eyes opened VOh ! I thouirht all 'Indians wore blankets and gA'-r A Vl-ilith. 'tlio- Indian, -et- today- is, cT ilizeci.' A race that'has'sufl'Ored, .ves; F-fcjit a Irulyl American race";' a' rare' Clint was sent from place to place; a race fhn oirjhx ajt ..iron- Qnlj:-n -small portion of' their Vast vInheritaiide" was ) alloltf d' .'theiiiii tfut dial. portion has waxed rich in oil. I am an Indian. Edith, nor would I conceal it. I am bestowing; upon you the highest honor man can ?ive to woman. Will you Tteeome" niy wife, "EdlTh the" wife"" of n Indian a man who would ;pe for ,nig race and yott?-. If you will promise 5. h in6, Jthis will be the happiest Clirlstma? olfViy lifer ' 1. ?i - H " 'tYes Wayne,. I -jjrorctee. I want to I fe "tfie wTfe of an Indian a Eearfoot 1 dhin-rrif !h a jTOve, .a,thlee as myl r ir rr'"ectrr.vf ; 'Th?.f adiV. wat lined InJ ju4-'kXIei'r,- Chtaattyis to ail."! .was. the ?reer!ns. v ... , ( S). 1 S :5. VTestern. Jwtsr JTuVi Holiday' Happiness 1 -...' 1A jCT.,. TO ALL FRIENDS Thanks for your past good will and patronage, and remember we will be just as glad to serve you in the future with "the best cars made' and hope to merit your further confidence and support. In keeping with the age-old custom, we extend to you our best wishes for. your holiday happiness. Jeliii B. Livingston Duicks and Chcvrolets ft cm -5- -' f -V 't ' . fix I 4 ??J',x; J. V1,-' Zr4?-T-r i