The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 14, 1925, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Greenwood departments
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Greenwood and Surrounding Vicinity
Naomi Owens was a week end
visitor with her eister, Mrs. E. F.
George Stanlaus was delivering
wheat at the Peters elevator during
the past week.
In 14 years no Willys-Knight
motor has yet worn out. Sold by
Greenwood Auto Co.
Armstrong and Armstrong are giv
ing a shooting match at the John
Armstrong lake west of Greenwod on
K:ituriav. December 19th.
Herman Zierot of near Murdock,
was a bueintsss vi&itor in Greenwood
lat Thursday and was visiting with
his friends here as well.
. K. L. McDonald, the merchant, has
nurchai-ed himself a new Ford road-
stir which he has transformed into a
truck Tor delivery purposes.
Mrs. A. F. Weibke was a visitor in
Lincoln last week, where she was
church building in regular session
they were entertained by Mesdames
Lemon and Schraeder, and where
they all enjoyed the occasion very
much and also did much work for
the church and the society. They
were preparing in a way for the com
ing Christmas program and other
matters of interest to the church.
Well there is some joy in Green-
program which will be rendered at
the church building.
Attended District Meeting:.
Judge W. E. Hand and Paul Ren
wanz were in attendance at the dis
trict meeting of the Masonic lodge
which comprises the Ashland
Greenwood, Elmwood, Gretna, Spring
i field and Ceresco lodges. They had
wood as well as other places. ine,an excellent time and conferred the
cause of this particular joy, which Master Mason Degree on three candi
;m-sl of friends and also was
lo king after some shopping.
.toe Johnson, now of Blair but
formerly of Greenwood, was looking
after some business and visiting with
frieiids in Greenwod last week.
Edward Meyers and wife of Oma
ha, were guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. E. F. Smith last Friday
evening v. here all enjoyed the occas
ion very much.
Hruce Bright, who has been farm
ing one of the Wood Brothers' farms
near Greenwood, shelled and deliv
ered corn during the past week at
the peters elevator.
Phil Hall and wife were visiting
last Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest F. Smith, whore all en
joyed the occasion very much, they
all dining together.
o valves to grind no carbon
trouble with the Willys-Knight cars
Sold by Greenwood Auto Co.
Leonard Owens and wife of Mem
phis, were visitins last. Sunday at'
has hit Thomas Welton, was that
tho fctorlc visited the Omaha Mater
nity hoFpital and left a bouncing
baby boy for Mr. and Mrs. Welton.
Mrs. Welton has been in Omaha for
ome time and the young gentleman
and his mother are doing nicely and
the father is expecting them home
The Greenwood Cribbage Club met
last Wednesday at the home of their
member, "Dad" Elwood, and held
their discussion as to the relative
value of the different hands each
member held until it was noon in
China, and then as all were engaged
ro earnestly in the discussion, had
to return to their homes without a
feed, as "Dad" was one of the judges
in the debate, and therefore could
not find time to prepare the daily
dates, and following which a ban
quet was served which was surely
enjoyed by all who .were privileged
to attend
Play Basket Ball.
At Waverly last Friday night
Greenwood boys and girls basketball
teams played the corresponding teams
of Waverly. Two excellent games
were played and the Waverly girls
managed to win by the score of 23
to 13 but the Greenwood boys came
thru triumphantly will the tallies
registering Greenwood 28 to Waver
ly. 8.
Ccrn Deliveries Good. '
Many of the farmers and especial
ly those who wore compelled to store
their corn on the ground for want
of crib room, and they were wanting
to get their corn off the ground while
the weather was good, have shelled
and delivered their corn. There is
considerable wate in the corn anv-
way and they did not care to risk
letting it stay there. Among those
who have been delivering corn the
last week are E. M. Jumper. Iouis
tlif. hnn o f Mr :)ti.l Mrs. Krnest . " ' . r. - ocnuiive. vuanes
Smith, the druggist, where all en-i:,1ks- Leonard Anderson, Mrs. Aug-w-.,!
th ,QC;,, vrv r,,.,r.ii' ' . Schulke, John Kyles. John Gut-
E Lees'ey so'd "a car load of Itaveson. all of whom delivered their
i. t f nnhorfcnn'cfrn to the Peters' elevator while
Seed Co.. of Waterloo. Nebraska.' A- Lesley. YV . A. Miller, Ernest
vi.u.1, Ur. i,a,t ln-wi. H thmnrh Drake. , John Gable and a number of
Farmer's Union Elevator last week. i" ?,,fl thIr corn to the Farmers
Dale Carpei ter was assisting injlnion elevator company.
Fcooping corn at the home of Mr.
Everett Drake on last Thursday, when ; Have Stopped all Leaks.
Mr. Drake was shelling his corn. The ' q-,,, workmen, who have been so
corn was delivered to the Farmers' , :;du3ti iously looking after the leaks
I'nio'i Grain company. (jn the water mains have gotten them
A. L. Leaver has been suffering j all stopped and there is no place in
from an attack of rheumatism which 'ti e mains where there is :mv leak and
has prevented this gentleman from
working as would like to, he, how
ever, has been getting around and do
inc: as much as he possibly cam
Iast Saturday evening the ladies
cf the Methodist church held a vsup
per and bazaar at the basement of
tho church which was attended by a
l;irge number and the ladies di 1 ex
cellently and had a neat little sum
for the work of the church.
Tunison II. Hartsook has; been very
ill for some time, with a severe attack ,
with the stopping of a slight seep in
the tank they will have it all done
and ready to turn over to the city
when the proper inspection is made.
Odd Fellows Enjoy Banquet.
On last Monday the regular meeting
ofthe Odd Fellows of Greenwod was
heald and there was a large crowd at
the meeting and after the regular
ordr was gotten through with and
all the business attended to the lodge
of stoppage of the bowles and which !wa3 cioseu in me mini degree aim
was most painful' for a number of opened in the Initiatory degree As
day. but at this time he is showing
jthey had three candidates in waiting
Fome improvement and it is hoped)" receive me mjstenes oi me oruer,
i,nt i, i ,,.,.n o ,i,,tthey at once proceeded to confer the
I IKI L 11- n ill tJK. I'tll Udlll ill CI CUUil
C. E. Calfee. the harness maker,
made a purchase of greese in a large
quantity and as he expresses the mat
ter he had bought enough to greese
the entire city of Greenwood. We
will say he could by, using it all,
make things pretty smooth for the
little city.
You can count on keeping your
Willys-Knight car two or three years
longer than other cars. Sold by the
Greenwood Auto Co.
Foster and Baker of Lincoln are
establishing an amusement parlor in
Greenwood and will give a dance
degree upon thm. The three candi
dates had their eyes opened in a way
to the wonderful rectitude of a true
oddfellow. Following the comple
tion of explaining the mysteries of
this order all repaired to the ban
quet room where the Daughters of
Hebekah had provided a ba;:iuet fit
for a king and to which all partook
to their hearts content. Sor e were
feeling the effects of eating a little
to much the following day. Still
they got over the big feed.
Death of Well
Known Citizen
of Cass County
John L. Coleman, of Greenwood,
Answers the Last Call at the
Age of 66 Years.
John L. Coleman was born near
the present village of Greenwood over
a Halt century ago. wnen mere was
but very few inhabitants in this por
tion of the country. He was born on
January 18th, 1S59. and passed this
life at his home in Greenwood on De
cember Sth of this year, being near
ly sixty-six years.of age. The funeral
was held at the Christian church,
which he often attended, on Friday
December 11th, and the interment
was made at the beautiful cemetery
near Greenwood. Mr. Coleman was
never married but was one of the
best of men. always being held in
honor and respect by his fellow men
whom he always treated with all due
respect, and was considered a model
His father died a number of years
ago, but the mother still survives.
He also leaves three sisters to mourn
his departure, they being Mrs. Frank
Rouse of Greenwood, Mrs. Kate Zig-
er of Bethany and Mrs. Maggie Verd-
rnan of Ashland. Also three brothers
are living, Wiliam of Greenwood, and
Harvey and Harley, both of South
Omaha. Mesdames Grant Mefford
and Charles Helms, who recently
parsed away, were also sisters of the
Christmas Tree
Nebraska Gas & Electric Co. and
American legion Join Hands
in Arranging Treat.
, 11 . i rrrz m
Two Car Loads of Cars Received
The rustling little city of Green-
dviipir QfiturHiv oi'f.n in t-r ia fvt nnc !
havinir been held last Saturday. This ' d' hic,h .is l"decd ? rustling
wood an oportunity to have a fine
time at home.
Harry Mergrage. a barber of Lin-
eeived two car loads of cars. The
Greenwood Auto company receiving
a car load of Overlands and Willys-
coin, was a visitor in Greenwood last X , VV
Thursday and was looking for a bar- Co,,ow,? iay they Bold two of them.
J,er shop to purchase, but finding the one 01,n to ' Endsmaker who
barbers of Greenwood well satisfied received a two-door sedan, and the
i i .. : 1 . .. .s other one just like it went to a man
with their business and not wanting . . J . . .. .. .. n
.i r i .aknoi,.-,. ',n Omaha. At the same time the O.
to dispose or tlurdr establishments,!., , . . . ,
i, M. ,,.a Vi i& i.- 1 F. Anderson Auto company received
1 n
i hi i.rover I nrton bnuires or .i.;,.h tvii- nri nv
car load of the celebrated
.Eiiian.!. was in ureeriwooa looKing , Jroc n WOOfl Auto COmpany will be
up some business matters and also fIpr, .,.,, to show to any one want
visited with his many friends here. jng a car
lie is the father of George Squires, "
of Plattsmouth and Clifford Squires
of Afhland. both are operators for A committee having in hand the
the Burlington. The hoy3 as well matter of rendering a Christmas pro
as their father are excellent men. Mr. gram for the Christian church of
Squires is now engaged in selling Greenwood, are now working to that
fruit trees. ;cnd and the program will be a worth
The members of the Dorcas society while proposition and will be. when
of the Christian church met at the the time comes a most delightful
o Guessing S3ow!
When one knows the superior merits of
Buick and Chevrolet cars, the buyer does
not have to guess, he knows they are the best.
Call us any where in the county for a dem
onstration. Be assured our mechanics will
give you service on any car, whatever make.
Garage and Distributor
You will find the big line of
Christmas Cards this season at the
Bates Book and Stationery Store,
where you have bought for many
years, and the line is bigger this
year than ever. If you want your
name engraved thereon let us have
your order now, so we will be able
to get them back for you on time.
We have an exceptionally fine line
this year to select from, but please
let us have your order early as possible.
I-I-I-I"!! fr
General Auctioneering
Also Pure Bred Sales
At present I have the follow
ing sales listed and more yet
to come but not ready to be
advertised. Those that do not
have the exact date set, will
be dated later and appear in
ad when dated. Several of
these sales are Pure Bred.
5 Mr. Greennade, Dunbar
6 Chas. Mutz, Murray
27 Claude Overton, Mead.
17 M. Berkey, Grant, Neb.
20 E. T. Sherlock, Wray,
Shafer Bros. Pure Bred Sow
sale, Nehawka; W. R. Su
pernaw, Otoe; John Peter
son, Davey; Delbert Mumm,
Weeping Water; Pete Olson,
Mead; M. B. Chamberlain,
Cedar Creek; Cliff Greer,
Madrid; W. R. Smith. Nebr.
City; Mrs. Mary Shriner,
Nebr. City; Luther Mead,
Union; E. H. Miller, Mur
dock; Frank Blotzer, My
nard; Clyde Fair, Grant; El
mer Kent, Imperial; Chas.
McCartney, Nehawka; Har
ry Abker, Syracuse; M. B.
Thompsen, Imperial; Philip
Born, Plattsmouth; Harry
Nelson, Murray; Lee Nick
les, Murray.
Am selling for some of the
best breeders. Call at my ex
pense. Satisfaction guaran
teed. Telephone No. 314. ,
A real community Christmas tree,
with a treat from old Santa himself
for every boy and girl present is in
store for Plattsmouth this year.
The Nebraska Gas & Electric com
pany and the American Legion have
joined hands to arrange for this event
which will be held on the lawn of
the court house, where a splendid
pine tree is located and which will
be flooded with vari-colored lights,
placed thereon by employes of the
lighting company.
The Legion is raising from among
its own members a fund for the pur
chase of candy, nuts, etc., of which
a generous sized bag will be given to
every boy and girl who comes.
It is planned to have the band out
for a couple of numbers after which
Santa Claus will arrive in his big
closed car and officiate at the distri
bution of the treat to the children.
The affair will start promptly at 7
and be over by 8, in time for every
one to go to their own homes for
further Christmas festivities or at
tend the programs of the various
churches and Sunday schools.
The whole thing will be short and
snappy, but arranged in keeping with
the spirit of the season and no child
who comes will fail to be provided
with a generous treat.
This will doubtless be the only
public appearance of Santa Claus in
the city this season and he has ad
vised the committee arranging this
event that he has a new non-freeze
solution in his radiator as well as a
specially adjusted carburretor on his
ar so that cold weather will not de
lay his arrival.
The beautifully lighted tree and
he spirit of the occasion will be
well worth the time of the older folks
coming to see, so a large crowd is
looked for.
It is planned to make this the fore
runner ot a similar annual event in
he new community building, which
the Legion is planning to erect the
omiug year.
Let everyone get set for the big
event as it is so arranged as not to
nterfere with other observances of
Christmas eve.
Further details will bo given in the
ournal during the coming week.
In addition to this effort, the
American Legion Auxiliary is plan
ing to make a distribution to the
omes of needy ex-service men, not
only of candy, etc., but edibles and
toys, and they will concentrate the
fforts of their meeting next Friday
o working out this plan, which is
entirely separate from the commun-
ty tree and will be carried out dur
ing the later evening by members of
the Auxiliary.
Miss Carry Schafer has been kept
at home on account of an attack of
flu which she is now getting over
to some extent.
Dr. II. O. Munson reports a con
siderable amount of sickness in Man
ley and the neighborhood, which is
being cared for as well as possible.
Rudolph Bergman was a business
caller at Plattsmouth last Monday
where he had some business at the
court house as well as matters to
look after in town.
Wiliam Wendt shelled and deliv
ered some corn, taking it to Louis
ville, which was only a portion of
the crop which he raised during the
past year. His corn crop was very
Dr. H. O. Munson was a visitor in
Murray and Omaha last Tuesday, be
ing called there to look after the pur
chase of some medicines and medical
supplies which he was needing in his
Paul Flemming was a visitor in
Mauley last Wednesday and after
looking after some business matters
which he had in hand here went to
Weeping Water to attend to some
matters there.
Wiliam Lau shelled and delivered
corn to the Kelly and Sheehan ele
vator on last Wednesday, delivering
some two thousand ousneis oi inib
years growing, which he had com
pleted gathering but a short time
Last Sundav Teodore Harms and
wife were visiting at the home of Mrs
Harms parents. Henry Peter'! and
wife of Talmage. they driving over
Sundav morning for the day, and
where all enjoyed the occasion to the
fullest extent.
Mrs. Thomas Keckler of Falls City
where she is making h?r home with
her daughter, has been visiting in
Manley for a number of days during
the past week and while here was
the truest of Mrs. Alice Jenkins
qnd also at the hoi:re of Mr. and
Mrs. Eli Keckler
and all GoodDishcsJ
fpr Ghristmas and thc
Ghrisfmss Cards for $1.0!
11 Boxed snd Heady
for bailing cr Sals!
These cards are taken from our regular high-grade
line and prepared for the mailing to out-of-town cus
tomers and the early buyers
Send in your order now, enclosing your
Check or money order, or cail at the
lies Book end Stationery Store
The Big Gift Shop, where you will find the big
Christmas Line of Gift Goods!
Roilin Coon in the carrying on of y !
is business of selling Florida lands fJCclOi Oi cl
Nebraskan is
From Saturday s Dally
After a residence of tive months at
the Nebraska Masonic Home, I still
wonder sometimes if it is not a
happy dream and that I may not
awake to find there is no such place
anywhere. It somehow reminds me
of the small boy who took his father
to the circus.
After observing the giraffe eating
the leaves on the tops of the trees,
he gave his father's hand a jerk and
exclaimed, "There aint no such ani
mal, is there, pa?"
The old folks forget their age and
are as happy as kids. The other
evening we were geing entertained
by music on the Victrola. A good old
waltz record was put on when all at
once Brother Wolf dropped his cane,
doffed sixty years from his four score
and eight, grabbed a nurse who hap
pened to be passing and tripped the
light fantastic toe till he stubbed it
and fell down.
"When You and I Were Young,
finds it necers.n-y to travel consider
able and has secured a new Ford car
with which to make his rounds. The
car is of the latest patter and will
make this young gentleman a good
serviceable vehicle.
The Kellv and Sheehan elevator
lias been equipped with an electrical
device for dumping ami also for
power for the running of tho eieva
tor which will nuike the work of
handling: the grain much easier to
take care of in rush time as hetvto-
for it ha--, bet n at times very ton
gtrfed around the dump.
Ralph Coon, who has been making
his home at Grand Island for some
time, where he is studying and do
ing some work also, arrived in Man
lev last week and is vhiting at the
home of his parent?. Mr. and Mrs.
George Coon, and will remain until
after the holidays. Ralph is making
excellent progress with his studies.
Herman Da 11 at his electrical shop
in Manley is kept pretty busy at
this time in charging battened, he
bavins: two chargers which he is
using and is finding plenty to do in
this: line as the radio season is now
just entering into the best r ception
weather. There is also much in the
way of auto battery repairing and
.Ir. and Mrs. Humble were visiting
in Plattsmouth last Wednesday eye
ing, thev driving over in their car
to look after some bu-iness matters insurance
inrl filer tr rlr tAinp KlinnniriP" it lie-I ra CleTS
Cause of Suit
Mrs. Fred Race Sues City of Los
Angeles for $28,500 For
Deuth of Her Husband.
The city of Los Angeles. Cali
fornia, has been made the defend
ant in a damage suit for S2b,;jOU
filed by Mrs. Elizabeth Race, form
erly of Weeping Water, in which
the sum is asked as damages for the
death of her husband, Fred Race, a
few weeks ago.
Wile the announcement of the
death of Mr. Race was received by
the old friends here some weeks ago
the particulars was not learned
until the filing of the law suit on
the west coast.
The death of Mr. Race occured on
November 21st he having been
struck by a falling tree a short time
Rate was walking in a city park
when the tree, which was rotted
at the base, fell and broke his leg.
The next day the leg , was am
putated, and Race failed to recover
from the operation. He carried an
policy in the Western
Ycu will find the big line
Christmas Cards this season at t
Eates Ecck and Stationery Sto
where you have bought for ma
years, and the line is bigger tl
year than ever. If you want yo
rame engraved thereon let us ha
your order now, so we wiU be ab
to get them back for you on tim
We have an exceptionally fine lii
this year to select from, but plea;
let us have your order early as po
The newest and niftiest Christm;
cards ever shown have just arrive
at Bates Eook and Stationery Store
Accident association of
;nrr harin Wf.itnes.lnv at that thriv- omana, wnicn recently moveu us
ing cemmercial center. They found I neauquariers to inai piacc
the roads very fair with an excep-l
tion of two or three places where 30,000 TONS OF ENGLISH
the -now had drifted. COAL ON WAY TO BOSTON
Hugo Heier, formerly making his
home near Manley, but having re- Boston, Dee. 11. Upward of 50.-
moved to the northern portion of the loot) tons of Welsh and Scotch coal
sate where he is located on a ranch is now on the wav to Boston and
near Survey, has been in rather del-1 other cargoes are being loaded, it
icate health for some time, an 1 found Kas learned Thursday. British firms
it necessary to come to Lincoln tor with headquarters in London and
treatment and has been there tor Cardiff and continuing to offer an
some time, and called Theodore thracite for censumntion in this
Maggie" was broadcast from Cincin- Harms over the phone to come and market. They assert they can sup
natti and we all joined in the chorus, see him. Mr. Harms was expecting piy all demands made upon them,
One of the old ladies complimented
another one by saying, "Why, you
sing quite well for an old woman
What part do you sing?" "Oh, the
air," she replied. After a moment's
reflection the first lady aisked, "Well,
that's soprano, isn't it?"
It is strange how some people can
see old age in others, but do not
realize it in thpmselves. I went to
the city last week. At the depot
was introduced to an old lady whose
hair was gray and her face wrinkled
The name sounded familiar, and by
closer observation I discovered she
was a woman I had tried to "spark"
some fifty odd years ago. But what
had become of those sparkling eyes,
rosy cheeks and smooth clear skin?
She had probably lost her beauty box
in the train.
I had to make haste and secure
my ticket. I squared my shoulders,
threw up my head and with nimble
step approached the ticket window.
I observed an old man with white
hair and wrinkled face slowly ap
proach from the other side, but he
made no move to get my ticket. I
repeated my request for a ticket
when oh, horror of horrors, I realized
that ugly old wretch J was looking
at was my own reflection in the mir
ror beside the ticket window. I turn
ed quickly to see If anyone had ob
served my blunder, when I observed
the old lady exclaim to her grand
daughter, "My goodness! Do I look
as old as Doc?"
n cm inct Sinn av inir vn rirf'VPTiiP .!. ,1 ,,i ; n
t-.v ...-.. .-- - - -ivhia "vinti i ii u. itruuuuuiu lime
by otner pressing engagemciiis. ins and that the price, allowing for
many friends here will wish mat ne freight, will be slightly below that
may foon oe over nis mauniy aim re 0t the domestic product
able to return to nis nome
r J i t 'yr-.
There will-be' a program and . sup
per given at the 'Rock Creek school,
district , No. . 6 on Friday evening,
December .18th. Everybody is invit
ed and a good time assured.
Mr. Breckeniidge Very Sick.
Mr. J. L. Breckenridgc, who has
been so ill at his home for some
time following the operation which
he underwent some weeks since, con
tinues very weak with bad heart
action. Everything is being done for
this excellent citizen that is possible
but still he remains in a very serious
condition with practically no im
provement in his condition.
Have 3'ou anything to sell cr buv!
Then tell the world about it through
the Journal Want Ad column.
Would You Go U
in a Balloon
Without a Parachute?
Then don't leave your pi
perty uninsured.
Searl S. Davis
Insurance Every Known Ki
Friday, December ISth
There will be a program and lunch
held at the Eight Mile Grove school
on Friday evening, December 18th,
in district No. 25.
The public is cordially invited.
drw Teacher.
Friday, December 18th.
A box social will be held at the I
Woodbine school in district no. 29
on Friday evening, December 18th.
Win a Christmas goose. Ladies please
bring boxes.
d&w Teacher.
ier 2,000,000 in Use!
We have just unloaded two car loads of Coupes
and Sedans on our floor fur inspection. Come see
them. We will be pleased to give you a demonstra
tion any old time.
Also a number of used cars-some good barcains
in 1924 and 1925 Fords. bargains
New stock of Christmas cards at
Those who are contemplating
sending engraved Christmas cards
this season should get their orders
for plates in as soon as possible.
The Bates Book and Gift shop can
Opposite Court House,
Plattsmouth. Neb,
4 4 Bat Book and Stationery Store.
handle your orders.