The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 14, 1925, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1925.
Alvo Department
Wayne Swarts was shelling and de
livering corn to the Rehmeyer Ele
vator one day last week.
Art Skinner was shelling corn at
the home of John Nickel and J. V.
Kylcs during the past week.
V. A. Mockenhaupt was hauling
wheat to the Rehmeyer elevator dur
ing the past week, which is some of
the la?t year's raising as well as some
of this.
William Atchison. S. K. Johnson
and Frank L.. Edwards were shelling
and delivering corn at the Rhemeyer
elevator on last Wednesday and
W. H. Warner has been busy dur
ing the past week assisting in the
delivering of corn to the Alvo ele
vator and was hauling for John
Nickel on last Wednesday.
Le Snavely. who has been having
several men assisting him in the
gathering of his corn crop, which was '
quite good, completed the harvest of (
this grain and found that his returns .
v,t fully up to his expectations. !
Herman Rornemeier completed the'
picking of his corn one day last week !
ami was doing no kicking either as;
to tiie yield or because he did not
have any more corn to pick. He.
rtoiningly was well satisfied over the
results of the season's work. I
Judire W. E. Hand and James Greer
and sister. Miss Maggie Greer, were!
in Plattsinouth on Monday of this
week, looking after some business in
recard to receiving their naturaliza
tion papt-rs and the making of them
full citizens of the United States of
On Friday of this week the mem
Ivrs cf the Knights of Pythias. Dec.
IStli. will give a dance which will
le for the order alone, they not giv
ing it for the public. The members
and their wives and sweethearts will
have the floor to themselves for the
It looks like Christmas in front
of the market, as the row of green
trees, wh'ch are planted there make
one think of the places the trees
crow, and where things are green and
r.i.e. which makes things look like
there was to be Christmas in the
near future.
John W. Panning and the good
wife wt re enjoying the Ten Com
mandments which were being shown
at the city of Eagle one day last
week, they driving over in the eve
ning to see the picture, which they
considered as being one of the best
t hat they had ever had the privilege
of looking at.
Mr. F. E. Dickerson. the proprietor
cf the general store of Alvo. was a
visitor in Lincoln last Wednesday and
and Omaha on the day following,
where he was looking after some mat
ters of business for the store here.
While he was away Mrs. Dickerson
and Miss Ielia Shelton were looking
after the business at the store.
Mrs. Ralph Wells and three chil
dren, friends of Mrs. R. H. Cheno
weth. having their home at Scotts
Iddff, were visiting for a number of
days at the home of Rev. and Mrs.
R. H. Chenoweth last week. Mrs.
Wells drove in her car from her home
in the western portion of the state
with the three small children, they
all enjoying the journey and also the
visit with their friends here.
Word was received in Alvo to the
effect that Mrs. Ray Ackley, who has
been in Omaha now for some time, is
r.ot showing as much improvement
in her health as was desired and that
she was to go to the hospital again
the first of this week, and the chil
dren would come to Alvo to remain
with their grandmother while the
mother was at the hospital. Her
many friends in Alvo will be pleas
ed when they can hear of the restora
tion of the health of Mrs. Ackley.
Mrs. Bert Kitzel entertained the
I-:; dies Aid society of the Methodist
church at her beautiful home north
of Alvo last Tuesday, when there
were many interesting subjects dis
cussed, and provision for the com
pletion of the arrangements for the!
Christmas entertainment and the
work of the winter for the church.
A nrn?r.ini w hich was most interest
ing and which was followed by dainty
refreshments served by the genial ana
efficient hostess, who is a past mis
tress at entertaining completed the
afternoon of pleasure.
Visited at Madison Recently,
inward Parr and wife were visit
ing about a week since at Madison,
iIipv iiriviner over there for a few
rlavR where thev were guests
friends and returned last Sunday
after a very nice stay. Mr. Carr says
that the roads were mostly goou ex
cept where they had been recentl:
graveled, which made the travelinj
vprr had. Mr. Carr and son. Marvin
were in Alvo last Wednesday looking
after some business matters for
short time.
Were Over to See Santa.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman L. Borne-
meier and the little ones were over
to Lincoln last Wednesday where they
went to look after some business mat
ters for the school, they also going
to see about the visit of Santa Claus
who had a date at Alvo and vicinity,
and as thev were on the committee
having in hand an interview with
his- Majesty, they were to assist in
arranging for his reception at his
coming. Mr. Bornenieier, who is a
member of the Board of Education of
the Alvo schools, was looking after
the purchase of a new . typewriter
and the getting of a number repaired
and put in first class condition which
thev have for use in the schools.
Will Hold Christmas Program.
Arrangements have been practical
ly completed, for the holding of a
Christmas program at the church on
the evening of December 20th, next
Sunday, when a very worth while
time is promised. In the morning
of this day the Rev. Chenoweth will
conduct the services and will deliver
a very able discourse which should
be heard by all members of the
church as well as all who are not
members. A cordial invitation is
extended to all to come and worship
with the church on this morning for
the spirit of the services will be that
of the Christmas time, and will be
beneficial to all.
Entertained the Reading Club.
Mrs. August Johnson, northwest of
Alvo, entertained the Alvo Womans's
Reading club last Thursday at her
beautiful country home and at which
time there was a very nice attendance
and one of the most worth while
programs that has been held in some
time. Mrs. Johnson entertained the
members of the club in -a way which
was most pleasing and she also serv
ed light refreshments at the conclu
fcion of the meeting. All in their
departure in the evening comple
mented her for the very nice time
which she had made for them.
Will Operate Hill Elevator.
Lee Hill, of Lincoln, the proprietor
of the east elevator, was a business
visitor in Alvo last Wednesday and
while here secured Oris Foreman to
conduct the elevator and he is hop
ing to be able to handle a large
amount of corn as there is a very
generous yield in this vicinity.
Entertain Friends at Dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Godbey en
tertained last Sunday at their home
in Alvo for their friends, Mr. and
Mrs. S. O. Weese and their daughter.
Helen, and her friends, from Lincoln
they driving over from the capital
ciyt for the visit for the day. Mr,
and Mr3. F. E. Dickerson of Alvo
were al3o guests at the Godbey home,
and all enjoyed dinner at this hospit
able home.
Will have another car hard coal
on track about Monday. See us at
once. Cloidt Lbr. & Coal Co.
The Last Word
The Day-Fan Series
All there is in Radio. You always find them on the
dot. Speaker De Luxe. More than a year ahead of
the schedule. Priced a little higher but more than
worth it. On demonstration at
Alvo Caarags
Art Dinges
All colors for interior of the house decoration, as
well as automobiles.
This paint dries in 30 minutes and will not crack,
check or peel off. Always looks nice.
See us for corn picking supplies of all kinds. Do
you need a corn elevator?
Coalman Hardware Co.
Death of Well
Known Lady of
Near Union
Mrs. Delia Austin, Lifetime Resident
of Near . Union Goes to Her
Last Reward.
Poultry Wanted!
From Saturday's Dally
Death last evening at 9 o'clock rob
bed the community near Union of
one of the best known and highly es
teemed ladies of that locality, when
JMrs. Delia Austin passed away.
Death came arter an eigm weens m
ness due to pneumonia and in the
last few days of her illness her con
dition has been critical and given
but little hopes of her recovery, the
family realizing that the recovery
of the mother was hard to expect.
The deceased lady was born May
2. 1870 in Cass county and the span
of her lifetime has been spent in and
near Union where she was universal
ly loved and esteemed by a very large
circle of friends. She was a daughter
of the late John Chilcott and wife,
pioneer residents of Liberty precinct
and where she family have long been
prominent. In 18S8 at Nebraska
City she was united in marriage to
En gen a Austin and the family have
made their home on the farm near
Union since that time. Mrs. Austin
was a devout member of the Metho
dist church, joining that church many
years ago.
She is survived by the husband and
tho following children: Roy Austin.
Ixis Angeles, Cal.; Sherman Austin,
I'nion; Mrs. Octa Welch. Miss Adie
Austin. Omaha and Mrs. Mary Apple-
gate. Hood River, Wash. One sister,
Mrs. Dora Albin of Union and three
brothers also survive. .
or hogs. C. 'M. Parker, phone 4 42,
Plattsmouth. dl4-tfw. I
Program and plate supper at Cedar,
Creek school on December 18, 1925.'
and Notice on Petition for Set
tlement of Account.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska. Cass county, ss.
To all persons interested in the es
tate of Kenny Goodman, deceased:
Oil reading the petition of "George
W. Goodman, Administrator, praying
a final settlement and allowance of
his account filed in this Court on the
14th day of December, 1925, and for
his discharge as such administrator;
It is hereby ordered that you antf
all persons interested in said matter
may. and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said
county, on the 29th day of Decem
ber. A. D. 1925, at 9 o'clock a. m., to
show cause, if any there be, why the
prayer of the petitioner should not
be granted, and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and the
hearing thereof be given to all per
sons interested in said matter by pub
lishing a copy of this order in the
Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly
newspaper printed in said county,
for one week prior to said day of
In witness whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and the seal of
said Court, this 14th day of Decem
ber, A. D. 1925.
(Seal) dl4-lw County Judge.
Wednesday, Dec. 16th
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
A car load of live noultry wanted
to be delivered at poultry car near
the Burlington freight house, Platts
mouth WEDNESDAY, Dec. ICth, one
day only for which we will pay the
Cash Prices
Hens, per lb 21c
Springs, per lb 21c
Old Cox. ner lb 9c
Ducks, per lb 18c
Geese, per lb 16c
Fat Turkeys, per lb 25c
Guineas, per dozen $4.00
Leghorn Poultry, 5 lb. less
Farmers, Notice
The fact that we ship in carload
lots direct to the New York market
enables us to pay the very top price
for your poultry.
We have been coming to Platts
mouth a long time, and you know
our reputation for fair dealing.
The Old Reliable Buyer
Dr. H. C. Leopold, Osteopathic
physician and surgeon, phone 208.
J. C. Lewis of Parkersburg. West'
Virginia, arrived here this morning
for a visit here with his cousin, II. '
T. Batton and other relatives and
friends. j
Fred T. Ramge and wife departed ;
this morning for Omaha where they ,
will spend a short time there visit-J
ing at the home of their daughter, .
Mrs. J. Leonard Meisinger and fam-
ily, remaining over the week end.
Dr. and Mrs. E. II. Worthnan are
in receipt of word from their rela
tives. Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Brown, of
Scottsbluf?, in which they state that
although their loss was heavy in the
recent big fire in their town, they are
now opened up for business in tem
porary quarters until the old building
is put into good repair.
The building that Mr. Brown rent
ed for his large drug store was own
ed by Mrs. S. W. Davis, now of Oma
ha. The damage to her building was
over $5,000. The upper floors were
used by physicians, surgeons and den
tists, all of whom were heavy losers,
although all carried insurance.
The loss to Mr. Brown in stock
and fixtures was something in the
neighborhood of $40,000. mostly cov
ered by insurance. Mr. Brown also
conducted a storo at the neighboring
town of Gering and as soon rs possible
he moved his Gering stock over to
temporary quartt-rs ami opened up
for business. As he already had most
of his fine holiday stock in, the los
was greater than it would otherwise
have been. The fire started in the
basement from unknown causes.
Mr. Brown owned a drug store in
Louisville prior to his moving to
Scottsbluff. His business increased
largely out there and he has prospered
greatly. His many friends here will
!be sorry to learn of his loss. Louis
ville Courier.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Thomas Walling, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I
will sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth in said county, on Janu
ary 11. 1926, and April 12, 1926, at
10 o'clock a. m.. each day, to receive
and examine all claims against said
estate with a view to their adjust
ment and allowance. The time lim
ited for the presentation of claims
against said estate is three months
from the 11th day of January, A. D.
1926, and the time limited for pay
ment of debts is one year from said
11th day of January, 1926.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 7th day of
December, 1925.
(Seal) dl4-4w County Judge.
Dr. Heineman, Dentist, Hotel
Main Bldg., Phone 527.
Fr-m Thursday's Daily
W. G. Boedecker of the Murray
State bank, was here yesterday for a
few hours attending to some matters
of business and visiting with his
friends in the tounty seat.
Mrs Elizabeth Travis of Denver
who has been visiting friends in Oma
ha for the past two weeks, has re
turned to this city to visit with the
,old ' friends and will return in the
holiday season to Denver.
Henry Leacock departed this morn
ing for Lincoln, where he goes to
consult a specialist, as his health has
been very poorly for the past few
weeks and he has failed to show the
improvement that had been hoped
Frank E. Schlater, of Bayard, Ne
braska. who has been here lor a
short time visiting with friends and
looking after some matters of busi
ness, returned this morning to the
west. Mr. Schlater -reports that his
daughters. Mary and Alice, who were
students here in the grade schools
are now attending the high school
at Alliance.
Scemc Route
Main Line
Many Plattsmouth Folks Have Found
the Way to Do It.
Is a dull, nerve-racking backache
wearing you out? Do you feel older
and slower than you should? Are
you tired, weak and nervous; find it j
impossible to be happy, or enjoy the,
good times around you? Then there's;
something wrong and likely it's your
kidneys. Why not get at the cause?
Use Doan's Pills a stimulant di
uretic to the kidneys. Your neighbors
recommend Doan's. Read what this
Plattsmouth resident says:
C. E. Hitt, carpenter. South 10th
street, says: "I suffered with back
ache and I couldn't stoop over to
pick up anything. Knife-like pains
stabbed through my back with al
most every breath and my back be
f.ii'e sore from the constant pains.
My kidneys acted too often both day
and night and the secretions con
tained sediment. After using two
boxes of Doan's Pills 1 was cured."
Mr. Hitt is only one of many
Plattsmouth people who have grate
fully endorsed Doan's Pills. If your
hack aches if your kidneys bother
you, don't simply ask for a kidney
remedy ask distinctly for DOAN'S
PILLS, ti e that Mr. Hitt had
the remedy backed by home testi
mony. 00 cents at all dealers. Foster
Milburn Co.. Mfrs., Buffalo. N. Y.
"When Your Back is Lame; Remem
ber tho Name."
Those who are planning to have
Christmas cards printed to send to
their friends should make their
orders at once so that the work can
be handled in ample time.
Will have another car hard coal
on track about Monday. See us at
once. Cloidt Lbr. & Coal Co.
Head the Journal for all the news.
Chicago, Dec. 9. The Chicago
board of education today passed aj
resolution whereby all Chicago '
school teac hers with twenty years' I
service and who are seventy years
old, are to be put on a retired pen-'
sion list. Teachers so retired will;
from $1,500 to $2,300
a i
'Kk "fw.wn,;
h tf MlTa am mVirli
Inrsr&tf i
V 5
to loan on Farms
Several Gcod Cass Coun
ty Farms for Sale cn Very
Reasonable Terms. See
T. H. Pollock
Legal Blanks at Journal Office!
I l.l.tJi.-lh..K:.- -; J
on Petition for Appointment of
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Christina Barr, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition
of Earl V. Barr, Mary Etta Long
and George M. Barr praying that ad
ministration of said estate may be
granted to John Long as Adminis
Ordered, that Monday, January
4th. A. D. 1926. at 10 o'clock a. m.,
is assigned for hearing said petition.
when all persons interested in said
matter may appear at a County Court
to be held in and for said county,
and show cause why the prayer of
petitioners should not be granted;
and .that notice of the pendency of
said petition and the hearing there
of be given to all persons interested
n said matter by publishing a copy
of this order in the Plattsmouth
Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper
printed in said county, for three
successive weeks, prior to said day
of - hfcarin g. . - -:
..Dated-Dcembr 10,. 1935.
. : " :-A". H." DUX 6 UR Y .
From Friday's'Daily
Victor Thimgan, one of the, well
known young men of Murdock, was
in the city today for a few hours
, looking after some matters of busi
Vernie Younker of Ogallala. Nebr
aska, and Nelson Eaton of Los
J Angeles, are here in the city and
, will visit here with relatives and
friends for the winter season.
County Judge A. H. Duxbury was
at Nebraska City yesterday where he
was called to consult County Judge
Bishof there as to some matters con
nected with the conduct of the office.
Mrs. Frank Leipert came in this
morning from her home south of
this city and departed on the early
Burlhigton train for Omaha to spend
a few hours in that city visiting
Jwith friends.
Mrs. Carl Kunsmann departed
this morning for Omaha where she
goes to spend the day in that city
with her daughter, Mrs. John Car
mack and family, Mrs. Carmack still
being in the hospital as the result of
her recent accident.
R. V. Hyers, old time resident of
this city, was here today, coming in
to attend the meeting of the Grand
Army of the Republic which 13 to be
held tomorrow afternoon. Mr. Hyers
being the oldest and the only charter
member of the post alive today.
From Saturday's Dally
Miss Laura Meisinger was at Oma
ha today where she was called to
look after some matters of business.
Henry Kettleuut, Jr., from near
Bethany was here today for a few
hours looking after some matters of
business at the court house.
Attorney C. D. Ganz of Alvo, was
here today for a few hours attending
to some matters of business at the
court house and visiting with friends.
Adam Meisinger. well known resi
dent of Cedar Creek, and son, Arthur,
were here today attending to some
matters of business and visiting wun
Mrs. Charles Haney who has been
here vit4tiu with her parents, Mr.'
and Mrs. G. G. Hoffmann, departed
this morning ... for her noma in
'he Early Christmas Shopper
this year, as we have decided to close out
this entire line of our stock at just one-half
price, which means fully 20 per cent below
the first cost of the goods. Our line is prin
cipally the famous Madam Herndern mam
ma doll, the very best on the market, but we
are going to quit handling the doll line this
year, and want to clean them all up. You
will find in our line dolls from
25c to $7.50
partment room that
where our Art department is now located. You
will also find our other toy lines in this room.
Shop Early, Save Money and
Avoid the Rush
Our entire store room is now filled with a
greater line of gift goods than ever before.
Remember we carry the only line of
Christmas Cards, Dennison Seals
and Stickers, Crepe Paper
and Candy Boxes.
all marked in plain figures, and will go at just ONE
HALF of this price. You will find them on display
now at the Bates Book Store Annex, a new gift de-
we have just opened
5 th and -Main Streets
- H
vionerv s
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
i i
I Seal) dl4V3w- : County Judge. .
Omaha. "Jj '
I WWlH Mil III '