The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 20, 1925, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    THURSDAY.. AVCUZ? SO. 1925.
faoz ram
Che piattsmouth lournal
Eatcrcd at Poatofflce. Plttma.outn. Neb., aa ecoad-cla.aa mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Roth riches and lionor coin- of
Thee, and Thou reignest over all;
and in Thine hand is power and
miht. Now therefore, our Ccd. we
thank Thee and praise Thy glorious
name. I Chronicles 29:12-13.
Kain e.njv.tue forest fire light.
The styles next winter won't be a
trifle evolutionary.
It is really easier to waste time
than money, and most people do it.
What a blessing that human be
ings can't repeal the laws of nature.
Unless you are going to do some
thing about it, why talk about the
A patent medicine claims it can
make you feel the same way after
two drinks.
Scientists are hunting a substitute
for gasoline. About the only one
found so far is shoes.
Milk is being made from oats, pea
nuts and water. Oats and peanuts
are the new ingredients.
Window panes last longer if kept
away from baseball grounds, and
light bulbs if kept in the dark.
Yell fire at a movie and half the
flappers will rush out without wait
ing to slip their shoes back on.
There may be nothing new under
the sun, but some mighty strange
things happen under the moon.
There n ay be nothing new under
the sun, but sorr.e mighty strange
things happen under the moon.
Only one president of the United
States has been named George, but
they make fine Pullman porters.
Good news from Russia. Crops
are some better now. So they won't
have to eat the wolf at their cioor.
The world seems worse than it
really is because you never hear
about the bad things that don't hap
pen. :o:
The days are getting shorter at
the rate of over a minute a day. The
speed, however, seems much greater
at 6 a. m.
As long as men high up control
bootleggers and at the same time
hold lucrative positions in the en
forcement of prohibition camp at big
salaries, how can you expect to see
prohibition enforced?
Fifty Cents
Admits You to the
Nebraska State Fair
Your auto, aided by a few gallons
of gas, and the Good Roads takes
: ou to Lincoln at a minimum cost.
Your tent can be pitched ripht on
the grounds without a cent of ex
pense. Every convenience of camp
life is provided without cost.
You are entitled to a vacation.
Why not make State Fair Week
your vacation time? Thousands of
people are doing it every year.
It matters not what line of farm
ing, of stock raising, what business
or profession you follow, you will
find the things that will interest
you among the exhibits of this
great fair. The State Fair is as
suming mammoth proportions.
It's a wonderful educational Ex
position and it cannot te seen in
one clay or two days. Thousands of
Nebraska people have profited
largely by the information they
gain in going through the great ex
position buildings. It's your cheap
est vacation if you desire to make
it so. It's your greatest business
asset If you desire to take advant
age of the great educational oppor
tunities it offers.
If you -want entertainment and
dean" sport, the races, the thrilling
attractions, the spectacular night
performance and the midway will
satisfy ar?d delight you.
The Nebraska State Fair ia one
of the greatest in the United States.
Three Hundred Thousand Feople
will attend this year. A season
ticket to this great Exposition is a
worth while investment
At Lincoln, Sept. 6-11
Joy riders often come to grief.
The hard coal
hard-boiled; too.
miners are a bit
Why doesn't somebody invent a
way to take the ache out of vacation.
You don't need lo cry over epilled
milk when you can get the dairyman
by phone.
And occasionally, you run across
a man who does not practice what
he preaches.
A real dog likes to eat steak, but
he had rather have a good bite out
of a pedigreed.
After a man sows his wild oats he
expect some women to help him
gather and tame them.
Are there any sheets on your beds?
They are dangerous. A Boston man
tied his wife with one.
Every now and then a fountain
pen gets ambitious and acts as if it
really were a mountain.
Bet most of the June husbands
hav learned to wash the glasses be
fore the other dishes by now.
The difference between dreams and
nightmares is often nothing in the
world but a lipstick and rouge.
Preachers have a fairly good job
in summer. None of their flock
wants to go where it is hotter.
Some people never will wake up
and find themselves rich simply be
cause they never will wake up.
Window panes last longer if kept
away from baseball grounds and
light bulbs if kept in the dark.
Chicago burglars know their trade.
They gagged a barber. No busy
burglar wants to stop and talk.
Correct this sentence: "You won't
notice the heat," said he, "if you
won't look at the thermometer."
Some way. poor people are never
very enthusiastically grateful for old
clothes, even though they need them
very badly.
Mrs. Laud, wife of the late Sena
tor Ladd, of North Dakota, will fill
out the senator's unexpired term, so
reports say.
At 7 p. m. Andrew Mellon goes on
making a record as one of the best
secretaries of the treasury this coun
try ever had.
If a modern should invent a better
mouse trap, the beaten path would
be made by people asking him to
make speeches.
The present manner of enforcing
j prohibition is thq greatest fraud that
was ever perpetrated upon the tax
payers of America.
Some contemporary authors would
never be heard of at all by the great
public if their books were not sup
pressed now and then.
Machinery on the farms is lessen
ing the demand for hired hands, but
the supply of hired hands is lessen
ing at a more rapid rate.
Ten thousand United States mrr
ders are under probe. Who slave'.,
who convicted, who sentenced, wI.d
acquitted? the new committee wi.l
Wives are of two kinds; those wl o
think everything their husbands io
is right, and those who think th t
everything their husbands do is
You can better enforce prohibition
in one state than you can in the
whole U. S. Let people have state
rights, in this matter and you will
find a different ending.
The people at large are getting
tired of the way the government has
of trying to enforce prohibition.
More bad whiskey and dope is sold
( today than ever before in the history
fof the country.
j The Iowa farmer who delivered his
own funeral address into a grapho
phone to be played at his own fu
neral, must have been going to all
that trouble just from, the habit ofj
trying to always get in the last word
at home.
Did you ever hear this word "pal
ship"? It defines the relationship
that ought to exist between father
and son and which so often does
not exist.
A man, successful in business in
this community, said to a friend: "I
cannot talk to my boy. I am afraid
to. I think he is afraid of me, too."
Yet he is a good man and a good
citizen. And the boy is a good boy
The father is to blame. It is not
easy for him to warm up to his son,
but it can be done. It stands chief
among the duties of men. lie must
learn to do it if he is going to be a
good father. And a man who is not
a good father cannot be a good citi
A man who cannot bring about
right relationship in his own family
cannot be said to lead a successful
life, no matter what his material
achievements seem to be.
All boys who are normal love com
panionship. They are proud of the
real friendship of their fathers than
they are of the companionship and
friendship of anybody else. They
warm rapidly and respond wonder
ously. Above all, the thing a boy appre
ciates most at any time' from teen
age to manhood is to be treated by
his father as an equal. He does not
like t(J be treated as a little boy. His
ideas may not be greatly developed
but he has ideas. His judgment may
not be 100 per cent, but he has judg
ment. He wants to be taken inio
consideration for all he is worth.
That is as it should be.
The only right relationship that
can exist between father and son is
"palship." If It isn't natural, culti
vate it. If you think you can't bring
it about try it and try your best.
You will be happily surprised at the
"I love children," said Richard
Mansfield. "They do not prattle of
yesterday; their interests are all of
today and the tomorrows. I love
Which suggests that grown-ups
have something to learn through
"pulship" as well as sons.
A man whohas made a success in
life despite many obstacles, tells thi-"
st or j" :
Twenty years ago a blue-eyed boy
came to his home. Like many an
other father he thought this little
bundle of blue in his crib was quite
the most wonderful thing in the
, , . , , , i i,,
world. There had never been a Lo
quite so extraordinary.
One year, two years, three year ;
wpnt bv and the babv crew no less
Rather he grew moi o
When he was three years old bounty, on the 24th day of August,
something happened. The rose fad-jA. D. 1925, at 9 o'clock a. m.. to
ed from the child's cheek. Pallor or cause if any there be why the
, iprayer of the petitioner should not
came instead. His little arms and,lie pranted and that notice of the
legs were thin. He didn't cry at all. jpendency of said petition and the
He lav silentlv hour bv hour, the hearing thereof be given to all per
strength gone out of him. ' 'suns interested in said matter by pub-
'., , . . ... . , lishing a copy of this order in the
The family doctor treated the baby vl&umonth journal, a semi-weekly
as well as he knew how. He chang- I newspaper printed in said county
ed his diet. He tried everything hejfor one week prior to said day of
knew. The babv did not grow -"earing.
In witness whereof, I have here
strong, junto set my hand and the seal of
The father and mother took the ;sai( court, this 13th day of August,
child to a great physician in Balti-
more. The specialist after long ex-j
animation shook his head and sent
them back home.
"I can do nothing," he said, "that
your own doctor has not done. I am
afraid that your baby is not going to
A few months went by. One eve
ning the boy became suddenly ill
The local doctor came to do what he
could. While he was there the bounty, on the fourth day of Sep
baby's eyelids fluttered and the little tember, 1925. and the fifth day of
lad gasped for breath. The doctor December. 1925. at 10 o'clock a. m.,
quicklv graspe'd the tiny wrist, then 'on each of said days, to receive and
. . . . . . . . . . examine all claims against said ts-
put his head against the baby s wUh a yiew to their adjustment
heart. an(j allowance. The time limited for
The pulse was still. The breath-the presentation of claims against
ing of the heart could not be felt. :saii state is three mont"f fm he
m , . , , , fourth day of September, A. D. 192o,
The doctor looked up into the face- d for payment of
of the father.
"Your little boy is dead," he said,
"Quick, bring me a blanket." srid I
the father to the child's mother.
Wrapping the tiny form in the blan-.
ket, he opened his shirt and laid the
bundle against his heart.
For eight hours walking an hour
and sitting an hour he held the
baby boy against his heart.
"Well," said the father, who told
the story, "a miracle happened. That
boy will be a senior in the university:
next year. He's a fine boy and he is
going to make a good man."
There is nothing in life that can !
take the place of the heart. It wins;1925t at 10 o'clock a. m., each day,
more glorious victories than the
head. The good heart keeps us
l. v. -i ..-
ing when the mild says there is no
The great of heart never give up. I months from the 8th day of Septem-
.p. jber, A. D. 1925, and the time limited
T. , , " , for payment of debts is one year from
It looks as though September, id 8th day of September j 925 .
might be quite a lively month, whatj Witness my hand and the seal of
wim a coat 6triKe due, school open-
ing and the meeting of the league 0f
nations assembly.
And Notice on Petition For Set
tlement of Account
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska. ,
State of Nebraska Cass county, ss.
To the heirs and all person? inter
ested in the estate of George W.
Shrader, deceased:
On reading the petition of Ora
Davis, administrator, praying a final
settlement and allowance of his ac
count filed in this court on the 19th
day of August. 1925, and for decree
determining heirship and distribution
of estate.
It is hereby ordered that you and
all persons interested in said matter
may. and do. appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said
county, on the 29th day of August,
A. 1. 1925, at 10 o'clock a. m., to
show cause, if any there be. why the
prayer of the petitioner should not
be granted, and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and the
hearing thereof be given to all per
sons interested in said matter by
publishing a copy of this order in
the Piattsmouth Journal, .a semi-
weekly newspaper printed in said
county, for one week , prior to said
day of hearing.
In witness whereof, I have here
unto set mv hand and the seal of
said court, this 19th day of August,
A. D. 1925.
(Seal) County Judge.
In Justice Court of the County of
Cass. Nebraska, before William Web
er. Justice of the Peace.
Emil A. Wurl, Plaintiff, vs. -Theodore
M. Scarbrough. Defendant.
Notice to defendant, Theodore M.
You are hereby notified that on
the 12th day of August, 1925, the
plaintiff filed his petition in the Jus
tice Court of the County of Cass. Ne
braska, before Y"illiam Weber. Jus
tice of the Peace, against you, the
object, purpose and prayer of whicli
is to recover a judgment for the sum
of $145.31 upon a promissory note
and upon assigned book accounts as
set forth in said petition.
Said cause is set for hearing in
said court on September 1G. 1925, at
lo o'clock a. m., and if you fail to
appear or answer said petition, judg
ment will be entered aufainst you in
favor of plaintiff according to the
praver of said petition.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
and Notice on Petition for Settle
ment of Account.
In the County Court of Cass coun-
ity, Nebraska. '
State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss.
To all persons interested in the es
tate of David J. Pitman, deceased:
On reading the petition of Orin A.
Davis, Executor, praying a final set
tlement and allowance of his account
! filed in this Court, on the 13th day
jof August, 1925, and for assignment
land distribution of said estate as
provlfied . the ,apt wi anJ tepta
Jment of said deceased and for the
'discharge of said executor;
It is hereby ordered that you, and
;" i'"
Imay, and do, appear at the County
icourt to be held in and for said
'a. D. 1925.
j (Sea
County Judge.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Alice Cory, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I will
cit at tVio Pmintv Court room in said
,?Phts is nnp vear from said fourth
day of Se-ptember, 1925.
Witness my hand, and the seal of
id Ctou?Court' thlS 10th day of
August, 192 a.
(Seal) al3-4w County Judge.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Hen-
irv S Pprrv. eleceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I
will sit at the county court room in
Piattsmouth in said county, on Sep
tember 8 1925. and December 8.
to receive and examine all claims
go-!S"iast said estate, with a view to
their adjustment and allowance,
' tim(? JImlted for tne presentation
inf e'Jaims asrainst said estate is three
saia county coun, iuis iu aay ot
'AugUEt' 1925- nm-nrTni- '
County Judge.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Ken
ny Goodman, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I
'will sit at the County Court room in
! Piattsmouth in said county, on Au
gust 29th. 1925, and November 30th,
(1925, at 9 o'clock a. m. of each day,
jto receive and examine all claims
against said estate, with a view to
I their adjustment and allowance. The
I time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate is three
montns trom tne zi)in day ot August.
A. D., 1925, and the time limited for
payment of debts is one year from
said 29th day of August, 1925.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 29th day of
(July, 1925.
County Judge.
(Seal) j30-4w
In the District Court of the Coun
ty of Cass. Nebraska.
" Joseph F. Tubbs, Plaintiff, vs. Un
ion Trust Company of New York, as
Trustee, et al., Defendants.
To the defendants Union Trust
Company of New York, as- Trustee,
and all persons having or claiming
any interest in and to Lots Twelve
(12), Thirteen (13), and Fourteen
(14), in Long's First Addition to ;he
Village of Mynard, and Lot Nine
(9), in Ida A. Long's First Addition
to the Village of Mynard, all in the
County of Cass, Nebraska, real names
You and each of you are hereby
notified that Joseph F. Tubbs, as
plaintiff, filed a petition and com
menced an action in the District
Court of Cass county, Nebraska, on
the 4th day of August, 1925, the ob
ject, purpose and prayer of which
is to obtain a decree of court quiet
ing the title to Lots Twelve (12),
Thirteen (13), and Fourteen (14),
in Long's First Addition to the Vil
lage of Mynard, and Lot Nine (9),
in Ida A. Long's First Addition to
the Village of Mynard, all in the
County of CasS, Nebraska, as against
you and each of you; to have de
creed paid and released a mortgage
given to Union Trust Company of
New York as Trustees, December IS,
1S73, and recorded in Book F of the
mortgage records of said county at
page 241, and for such other and
further relief as may be just and
You and each of you are further
ontified that you are required to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
day, the 21st day of September, 1925,
or the allegations of plaintiff's peti
tion will be taken as true and a de
cree will be rendered in favor of
plaintiff and against you and each of
you according to the prayer of said
Dated this 4th dav of August,
Attorney For Plaintiff.
In the District Court of the Coun
ty of Cass, Nebraska.
Paul Applgate, Plaintiff, vs. Ida
Applegate, Joy Applegate, James Ap
plegate, Mrs. James Applegate, first
real name unknown, Delia Anderson
and Louis Anderson, Palmer Apple
gate, and Mary Applegate, Eugene
Applegate and Mrs. Eugene Arple
gate. first real name unknown, Jes
sie Potter, and Eugene Potter, Lou
ise Dickson, a minor under the age
of fourteen years, Marion Dickson,
and James Franz. Ruth Applegate,
Isaac Newton Applegate. Edna Lau
rene Applegate, Grace E. Deles Der
nier, Norman C. Deles Dernier, and
Grace E. Deles Dernier, guardian,
Hannah E. Applegate, Defendants.
Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of a decree of the dis
trict court of the County of
Cass, Nebraska, entered in
in the above entitled cause on the
5th day of August, 1925, and an or
der of sale entered by said court on
the 5th day of August, 1925, the un
dersigned sole referee, will on the
14th day of September, 1925, at 10
o'clock a. m., at the south front door
of the Court House in the City of
Piattsmouth, Cass county, "Nebraska,
sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, the following de
scribed property, to-wit:
The west half (W ) of the
northwest quarter (NWi) and
all of the southwest quarter
(SWV4) of Section Twenty
seven (27), and all of the
southwest quarter (SW'i) of
Section Twenty-two (22), all in
Township Ten (10), Range
Thirteen (13), east of the 6th
P. M., in the County of Cass,
Said land will be offered for sale
either in whole or in part or parcels
and either for 10 cash of the
amount of the bid to be payable at
the time of said sale, and the bal
ance upon confirmation with posses
sion to the purchaser, and purchaser
to receive the rents for said prem
ises, or for 10 cash of the amount
of the bid to be payable at the time
of said sale and balance upon March
1, 1926. with posession to purchaser
March 1, 1926, and with right for
purchaser to go upon said premises
and plant fall crops; said sale will
be held open one hour. Abstracts of
title to said land will be furnished
the purchaser.
Dated this 10th day of August,
Sole Referee.
Attorney For Plaintiff.
Absolute proof that the Lord send
eth the rain on the just and the un-.D.
just alike was provided by the recent
cloudburst at Detroit: "Three of the'
government's rum-chasing boats
were wrecked and three loaded rum j
smuggling vessels were sunk," says
the news story.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
Grace E. DelesDernier, formerly!
Grace E. Applegate, Plaintiff, vs. unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
Joy R. Applegate, Defendant. 'personal representatives, or other
To Joy R. Applegate, defendant : perons interested in the estate of
You are hereby notified that on the Joseph Moffett. deceased, an.l all oth
4th day of August. A. D. 1925. the er persons having or claiming any
plaintiff in the foregoing entitled interest in the South Half (S'2 ) of
action filed her supplemental peti- the Northwest Quarter (NWi i, ml
tion in the District Court of Cass the Northwest Quarter (NW'4 of
county. Nebraska, wherein you are the Northwest Quarte r (NV '4 t of
made defendant, for the purpose of 'section Seventeen (17). Towii.-l.ip
modifying the decree for alimony Ten (10), North Range Pour'een
heretofore entered on the 1st day of '(14), cast of the Cth p. C:.ks
July, A. D. 1924. in an action pend- , county, Nebraska, real lin
ing in the District Court of Cass known.
county, Nebraska, wherein Grace E. j You and each of you are hereby
Applegate was plaintiff and Joy R. 'notified that on the 31t d.iy of
Applegate was defendant, so that all July. 1925, th plaintiff filed hi.- pe
your right, title and interest in and tition in the District Court of Ca
to the Southwest Quarter, the West county, Nebraska, against you as d -Half
of The Northwest Quarter of fendants, the object and prayer of
Section Twenty-seven (27), and the j which is to obtain a decree of said
Southwest Quarter of Section Twen- court quieting and confirming in the-ty-two
(22) all in Township Ten I plain ti ft' his fee simple ti;!- in and
(10) North. Range Thirteen (13 (Jto the above described real estate
East of the Sixth Principal Merid-'and every part thereof and exelud
ian in Cass county, Nebraska, mayjjng you and each of you from having
be awarded to plaintiff as alimony jor claiming any right, titl to. i ri
for the support of herself and minor,
children, viz.
Ruth Applegate, Is-1
acc Newton Applegate, and Edna
Laurene Applegate, or all your in
terest in the proceeds of the sale of
said land, to be sold at referee's sale
You are required to answer said
supplemental petition on or before
Monday, the 21st day of September,
A. D. 192o, or your default will be
entered in said cause and decree
granted and entered as prayed for in
said supplemental petition.
In the District Court of the Coun
ty of Cass, Nebraska.
" Frank E. Vallery, Plaintiff, vs.
Charles Hendrie et al.. Defendants.
To the defendants Charles Hend
rie, Francis Ewing, Willie Laing,
Robert D. Laing, Frankie D. Dailey,
Robert D. Flood. Lizzie Chamberlain,
L. Brom, first real name unknown;
the heirs, devisees, legatees, person
al representatives and all other per
sons interested in the estates of
Charles Hendrie, Francis Ewing,
Willie Laing, Robert D. Laing,
Frankie D. Dailey, Robert D. Flood,
Lizzie Chamberlain, L. Brom, first
real name unknown, Robert L.
Douglas, William I). Merriam, Mrs.
William D. Merriam, first real name
unknown, Seldon N. Merriam. Lydia
Merriam, each deceased, real names
unknown, and all persons having or
claiming any iriterest in and to Lot
Six (6), in Block Fifty-six (56). in
the City of Piattsmouth, Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, real names unknown.
You and each of you are hereby
notified that Frank E. Vallery as
plaintiff, filed a petition and com
menced an action in the District
Court of Cass county, Nebraska, on
the 4th day of August, 1925, the ob
ject, purpose and prayer of which is
to obtain a decree of court quieting
the title to Lot six (6) in Block Fifty
six (56), in the City- of Piattsmouth,
Cass county, Nebraska, as against
you and each of you; to have decreed,
paid and released, a mortgage given
to Charles Hendrie on said property,
dated June 25, 1SC0, and recorded in
Book A of the mortgage records of
said county at page j23, and to have
released liens by reason of tax sales
and tax deeds to L. Brom, W. D.
Merriam and S. N. Merriam, and for
such other and further relief as may
be just and equitable.
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
day, the 21st day of September,
1925. or the allegations of plaintiff's
petition will be taken as true and a
decree will be rendered in favor
of plaintiff and against you and each
of you. according to the prayer of
said petition.
Dated this 4th day of August,
Attorney For Plaintiff.
In the District Court of the Coun
ty of Cass, Nebraska.
In the matter of the application
of W. G. Boedeker, Administrator cf
the estate of William S. Schwab, de
ceased, for license to sell real estate.
To all persons interested:
Notice is hereby given that pur
suant to license given by the Dis
trict Court of Cass county, Nebraska',
to the undersigned administrator of
the estate of William S. Schwab, de
ceased, entered in said Court on the
18th day of July, 1925, the under
signed will sell at public sale to the
highest bidder for cash, the follow
ing described real estate belonging
to the estate of William S. Schwab,
deceased, to-wit:
The northwest quarter of Sec
tion 33, Township 11, Range
14, east of the 6th P. M.. in
Cass county, Nebraska, subject
to the indebtedness thereon;
Also Lots 1 to 6, inclusive, in
Block 2; Lots 1 to 7, inclusive,
and Lot 12 in Block 3; Lots 1
to 12, inclusive, in Block 4. and
Lots 1 to 12. inclusive, in Block
5, all in O'Neill's Addition to
the City of Piattsmouth, Cass
county, Nebraska, subject to the
mortgages thereon.
Said sale will be he-Id at the south
door of the Cass county court house,
in the City of Piattsmouth, Cass
county, Nebraska, in the county in
which said lands are located, at 10
o'clock a. m., on the 25th day ofj
August. 1925. Said sale will remain
open one hour. I
Dated this 18th day of July, A.I
Administrator of the Estate of
William S. Schwab, Deceased.
' Attorney,
phone us the news!
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
Joseph D. Cox. plaintiff, v. the
te rest in, or lien upon said leal
You and each of you are hereby
required to answer or pU-ael tc said
petition on or before Monday the
14th day of Septe mber. 1925. er the
allegations of said petition will be
taken as true and decree entered ac
Bv Plaintiff.
a3-4w-sw His Attorney.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
Samuel Gullion, Plaintiff, vs. Ger
trude Chandler et al. Defendants.
Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of a decree of the Dis
trict Court of Cass county, Nebras
ka, entered in the above entitleel
canse on the 21st day of February,
1925, and an order of sale- entered
by said Court on the 21st day of
February, 1925, the undersigned sole
referee will, on the 5th day ol Sep
tember, 1925, at 2:00 o'clock p. m..
at the north front door of the First
National Bank of the Village of
j Green wood, Cass county, Nebraska.
sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, that is to Fay, ten
per cent on the day of sale and bal
ance when said sale shall be con
firmed by the Court, the following
described real estate, to-wit:
The west ninety (90) acres
of the northeast quarter (NE'i )
of'Se-ction thirty-four (34 , in
Township twelve (12). North
Range nine (9), east of the C-th
P. M., in Cass county, Nebras
ka. Said sale will be held open for one
hour. An abstract showing market
able title will be furnished.
Dated this 24th day of July, A.
p. J925.
Sole Re feree.
j27-6w Attorney.
In the District Court of the; Coun
ty of Cass. Nebraska.
Celiccia Hiatt. Plaintirr, Ruben
Kearns et al.. Defendants.
To the defendants, Ruben Kearns,
Mrs. Ruben Kearns, first real came
unknown, John Carroll, the heira,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all other person inter
ested in the estates of Ruben Kearns.
Mrs. Ruben Kearns. first re;il name
unknown, John Carroll, each de
ceased, real names unknown; and all
persons having or claiming any in
terest in and to t lie north half
(N1! of the northeast quarter
(.NE'i ) and the southeast quarter
(SEl4) of. the northeast quarter
( NE '4 ) of Section twenty-nine (29 I,
in Township eleven (11). north.
Range fourteen (14), east of the Cth
P. M., in the County of Cass, Ne
braska, real names- unknown.
You and each of you are hereby
notified that Celiccia Hiatt as plain
tiff filed a petition and commenced
an action in the District Court of
Cass county, Nebraska, on the 4th
day of August, 1925, the object, pur
pose and prayer of which is to ob
tain a decree of court quieting Un
title to the north half IN'U) of the
northeast quarter I.NEU I and the
southeast quarter (SEU) of the
northeast quarter (NE'i) of Section
twenty-nine (29), in Township
eleven (11), north. Range fourteen
(14), east of the 6th P. M., in the
County of Cass, Nebraska, as against
you and each of you; to have- decreeei
that the deed to Ruben Kearns con
veying the northwest quarter
(NW'4) of the northeast quarter
(NE'i) of said Section twenty-nine
(29), and recorded in Book II of
the deeel records of said county at
pages 201 and 202, be corrected to
show Rebecca Kearnes, on of the
plaintiff's grantors, as grantee there
in, and to have decreed, paiel and re
leased, a mortgage given to John
Carrell conveying the northwest
quarter of the northeast quarter of
said se-ction 29, and recorded in
Book G at page 401 of the deed rec
ords of said county, and for such
other and further relief as may be
just and equitable.
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
day, the 21st day of September,
1925. or the alegations of plaintiff's
petition will be taken as true, and a
i decree will be rendered in favor of
j plaintiff and against you and each
of you, according to the prayer of
'said petition.
Dated this 4th day of August,
Attorney For Plaintiff.
Crime doesn't seem to be abating
very much throughout the country',
neither do auto accidents and kill-