;,4 ( M ..a PAGE TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOTJENA1 THURSDAY, AUGUST 13. 1025. yP 1 For seven days beginning SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, and continuing to SATURDAY NIGHT, AUGUST 22 this store is making exceptionally low prices on all which we cannot list in the space alloted us. Special low prices on short and discontinued lots of merchandise tnat will pay you to come miles to take advantd cage of. jr. -i''c"i-Vj K-' -.rVM.'?.f Freshly Roasted Coffee Coffee deterioates with age, especially if exposed to the air. We roast all our own bulk coffee. You will find it sweet in the cup and far superior to the ordinary coffee. Ankola Blend, per lb 60c 3 lbs. for $1.75 Royal A, per lb 55c 3 lbs. for $1.60 Master Blend, per lb 50c 3 lbs. for $1.45 Peaberry coffee, per lb 45c 10 lbs. for $4.35 Special Prices on Tea Imperial tea, a very fine tea, per lb $ .65 Crar.ge Pekoe tea, per lb .65 Preserves, Jams and Jellies Advo and Beechnut Jelly ALL 50 CENT JAES NOW 25c each 4 for 95c ...25c SMALL SIZE Formerly 25c; while they last, TWO for i . Green Duck Preserves - 40c 69c 43-oz. jar. Special price, each Nomis Jellies August Clearaance price, THREE jars for. Arcadia Marmalade August Clearaance A price, THREE jars forDC Tea Garden Preserves Assorted 1-lb. Q jars, THREE fdr Catsup - Chili Sauce Monarch catsup, 14-oz. size, each $ .25 Richelieu catsup, 14-oz. size, 3 for .95 Richelieu chili sauce, 16-oz. size .25 10c - Bargain Table - 10c EXTRA SPECIAL Large Drip Pans 10c each The Eiggest Values in Cass County on This . 10c Bargain Counter 10c - for any article - 10c $ .15 . A7V2 222 .23 .15 Specials on Canned Vegetables The predent housewife prepares for emer gencies by having plenty of canned goods on hand at all times. Stock up at these prices. Standard pack corn, No. 2, per can Per dozen cans, $1.75 Extra standard corn, No. 2, per can Per dozen cans, $2.00 Fancy corn, special per can Per dozen cans. $2.50 Monarch Telephone brand peas, per can. . Per dozen cans, $2.50 Yankee Rose peas, per can Per dozen cans, $1.70 Blue Lable peas, No. 1 , per can 23 Per dozen cans, $2.50 White House pumpkin, fo. 2J2,. per can 15 Per dozenrcans, $1.75 Wisconsin kraut, per can 124 Per dozen cans, $1.40 J. M. hominy, per can 15 Per dozen cans, $1.70 Tomatoes, No. 2, 2 cans for 25 Per dozen cans, $1.40 Tomatoes, No. 2j2 per can 23 Per dozen cans, $2.50 Snider's Pork and Beans 1 sized cans, 3 for 25c 2 sized cans, 2 for '. 25c 3 sized cans, 2 fen 45c Buy These by the Dozen All quality canned fruit and at these prices everybody should lay in their fall supply. Del Monte vellow cling peaches, No. 22, 3 for. .$ .35 nnfp YC npaches. sliced. No. 21?. 3 for. . . .95 Del Monte pears, No. 2Vl, 3 for Del Monte Royal Ann cherries, No. 2,2, 3 for. Del Monte assorted fruit for salad, No. 1, each. Del Monte peaches, No. 1 , per can Del Monte pears, No. 1 , per can Del Monte apricots, No. 1, per can. . . Clover Hill peaches (Melba halves) No Vz. 3 for 1.10 1.10 .30 .20 .20 .20 .95 .25 .25 Rose Dale peaches, No. 2Vi, per can Per dozen cans, $2.85 Silver Dale apricots, No. IVz, per can Per dozen cans, ?2. So Oregon loganberries, No. 2, per can 25 Per dozen, cans, $2.75 No. No. No. Here is a Real Buy Richelieu, Del Monte and Monarch assorted fruit (Red respberries, blackberries, strawberries) packed in heavy syrup. August clearance: 3 cans for 95c 8tf SOAP! SOAP! Laundry Soap Toilet Soap Washing Powder Luna soap, 10 bars 39c 100 bar box, $3.75 Sunny Monday, 10 bars 39c 100 bar box, $3.80 Electric Spark, 10 bars 39c P and G soap, 10 bars 42c Lighthouse Cleanser, 4 for25c Chipso soap chips, lg. size23c Star Naptha powder, lg 23c Ivory Soap Guest size, per dozen 50c Medium size, 3 for 23c Large size, 2 for 23c 15-Ib. sack for 100-lb. bag for A. -''a. , i irf.lM,. Portage Shape No. 703 A beautiful pattern and one that will give you good service. Featured during August Clearance. 42-piece set for $14.75 Can also be bought in open stock. Portage Shape No. 813 A blue figure with blue hairline. A very pretty pattern and one that can always be filled in, as we are carrying it in open stock as well as complete sets. Fcr a medium priced set cf dishes this design can not be beat. Specially priced for August sale. 42-piece set for 10.75 SPECIAL VALUES Large stone pitchers, each. .29c i . . ni "7 c oe Choice of several colors. Royal Ann cherries No 2V2 3 for 95 b d 3 Westlake peaches, No. 22,'5 lor 95 surface Wooden spoon sets 45c 5 spoons in each set. Console Sets, per set 93c Four pieces in each set. Pottery Mixing Bowls, set . . 79c Three bowls to set. English Porridge Bowls, set . 69c Three bowls to set. Crystal Glass Berry Sets . . . 98c Six dishes and one large bowl. Knife and Fork Sets 90c Malaca plate ware. r ij,tfc,w.j )M lmu,i I! ft 9r . SI $6.85 CEREALS Post Toasties. Ig. size 15c Jersey Corn Flakes 15c Shredded Wheat, 2 for 25c Kellogg Bran Flakes 10c 0 K Bran Flakes 10c K rumbles, 2 for 25c Oatmeal Quaker oatmeal, large 27c Advo oatmeal, large 25c Farina, 3 lbs. for 25c Toilet Soap Specials 6 bars assort- Of ed Toilet SoapDC 4 lOcbars of Toilet Soap for 25c Special on Gold Band Dinnerware American semi-porcelain. The biggest bar gain we have ever offered. Some of these pieces are slightly imperfect. 50-piece set for only. . .' "57.95 MILK Tall milk, per can 10c Small milk, 5 cans for 25c BIG VALUES Iilustard, quart size, each 25c Baker's cocoanut, per lb. 35c Bulk Cccoa, per lb 10c Krispy crax, 2 -lb. caddy 42c Prunes, nice size, 2 lbs 25c Baisins, seedless, 2 lbs 25c Queen olives, quart jar 49c GRAPE JUICE Quart size, per qt. $ .69 Gallon size, per gallon 1.45 Dinner Ware Close Out Two patterns in English Semi-Porcelain PEE, 42-PLECE SET $11.25 WATER TUMBLERS Good heavy quality water tumblers, set of 6 50c Star cut water tumblers, set of six , 50c 69c - Granite are Specials - 69c J LOT CONSISTS OF Tea Kettles Water Pails Dish Pans Preserving Kettles Etc. 69c each This ware triple coated on heavy steel. Aluminum Tea Kettles PANELED 5-QUAE.T SIZE SI. 19 each Large Aluminum Dish Pan THIS IS THE 14-QUAET SIZE $1.19 each BIG VALUES Mirror serving trays, special, each $lr68 Aluminum combinets, extra special at 1.79 39c - Bargain Table - 39c ON THIS COUNTER Water Pitchers - Vases - Comports Flower Bowls - Other Items Values up to 75c at 39c each 39c - for any article - 39c 1 1 5 if. ii f 4 1 3 . i 6T 1 9 !fM I,1 m. m tn t i 1 ' " MBEM mm U V